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Page 1: Best practices for bulk mailings with CiviCRM



Leyla Alieva
We will be talking about the email infrastructure setup as well as deliverability best practices: CAN-SPAM compliance, SPF, feedback loop management, bounce processing and spam traps.
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Leyla Alieva
Return Channel is for processing of bounces as well as replies, unsubscribes, resubscribes and optouts via email
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Leyla Alieva
To remove from blacklist you will need to go to each blacklist website and find their instructions on how to do that.
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Leyla Alieva
Sending domain in this case is the domain that is configured on your SMTP server.
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Leyla Alieva
Sender Policy Framework.Example for SPF means the only IP address allowed to send is IP in the A record for mail.someorg.org
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Leyla Alieva
DKIM - a way to check that the sending domain is the actual sender of the message and that the message hasn't been tampered with.Recipient/mailbox provider decodes the signature and validates if what's in the signature matches the sending domain and possibly other params in the header. It will query TXT record for subdomain specified in the DKIM-signature and use that as a public key to decrypt the signature and compare it to what's in the received message.
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Leyla Alieva
Check headers to see if mailbox provider indicates any issues like rDNS problems or spf or other DNS issues
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Leyla Alieva
CAN-SPAM - while this governs mostly unsolicited email messages and you will claim that yours are not in that category these same guidelines are followed by all mailbox providers so you should follow them to ensure high deliverability. This will also help when you need to clear your ip from blacklists.
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Leyla Alieva
If you send to large number of invalid email addresses your deliverablity rate will go down.CiviCRM handles soft and hard bounces already, just make sure it works: http://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC42/Bounce+HandlingSPAM-trap: you either get it on your list when the email was not a spam trap yet and later turned into a spam trap and your bounce handling wasn't working to catch that. Or you purchased a list that had it.
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Leyla Alieva
You can match timestamps to your maillog entries to identify spam trap addresses and remove them from the list.
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Leyla Alieva
Typically the recipient email address will be redacted from such messages. However since headers are present and emails from CiviCRM have unsubscribe/optout links present you can use that to determine the contact that complained.
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Leyla Alieva
more here: https://support.google.com/mail/answer/81126?hl=enexamples of creative instructions: http://www.strongmail.com/resources/blogs/maximizing-deliverability/2012/05/a-creative-approach-to-solving-gmail-deliverability-issuesAlso google "gmail deliverability tips"
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Leyla Alieva
- * if your constituent replies then some providers like Yahoo and Gmail will add the from email to contact list and in most cases they won't be marked as spam going forward
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