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: E










Veritas Storage

Foundation™ 5.0

for Windows

Best Practices for

Storage Management

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Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Storage Design Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Disk Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Track Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Allocation Unit Size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Format Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Striping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Mirroring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Dirty Region Logging (DRL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Veritas FastResync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

Dynamic Multi-pathing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Windows Storage Management Best Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Disk Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Track Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

Disk Formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Striping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22

Mirroring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Dirty Region Logging (DRL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23

Veritas FastResync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Veritas Dynamic Multi-pathing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24

Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25

Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

White Paper: Enterprise Solutions

Veritas Storage Foundation 5.0

for Windows

Best Practices for Storage Management

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Veritas Storage Foundation 5.0 for Windows:

Best Practices for Storage Management



This document discusses storage design best practices for Microsoft® Windows® based servers

that utilize the Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows (SFW) solution for storage management.

This paper will explain basic storage design principles for the Windows environment, as well as

recommended storage practices for Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows.


Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows by Symantec dramatically increases the amount of time

that users have access to data by reducing both planned and unplanned downtime. Traditional

disk storage management is labor intensive, often requiring systems to be taken offline for hours

at a time, preventing users’ access to data, and requiring tedious manual intervention by system

administrators. Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows overcomes these obstacles by providing

easy-to-use online disk storage management for mission-critical Windows environments in the

enterprise. Veritas Storage Foundation enables high availability of data, optimizes storage I/O

performance, and protects current storage investments while allowing freedom of choice for

hardware in the future.

Although Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows is easy to install and run, some features

common to enterprise environments require careful consideration. This document discusses

those features and brings best practices to the deployment of the product.

Storage Design Considerations

Disk Basics

An understanding of the physical disk level will help to clarify the design considerations.

Figure 1. Tracks, sectors, and clusters on a hard disk.




Cluster of

4 Sectors

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Veritas Storage Foundation 5.0 for Windows:

Best Practices for Storage Management

A hard disk is divided into areas called tracks, sectors, and cylinders. A track is a circular

ring on one side of a disk. Sections within each track are called sectors. A sector is the smallest

physical unit on a disk, typically holding 512 bytes of data. A track sector is the area of

intersection of a track and sector. A disk sector is a wedge-shape piece of the disk. A cylinder

is a set of all matched tracks at a given radius, on a disk with multiple recording surfaces. A

cluster is a set of track sectors, depending on the formatting scheme in use. One cluster is the

minimum space used by any read or write.

Cluster (or allocation unit) size represents the smallest amount of disk space allocated to

hold a file. All file systems used by Windows organize the hard disk based upon cluster size. Extra

space must be used to hold the file (up to the next multiple of the cluster size) when the file size

does not come out to an even multiple of the cluster size. If no cluster size is specified during

format, the file system picks defaults based upon the size of the partition.

Track Alignment

If basic partition(s) or dynamic volume(s) are created on a disk that is not track aligned, an I/O

operation may cross, or straddle, disk track boundaries. If an I/O operation does straddle a track

boundary, it can consume extra resources or cause additional work in the storage array, leading

to performance loss. Microsoft’s diskpar or diskpart utilities should be used to create track-

aligned basic partition(s) to improve performance. However, these products do not work for

dynamic volumes. Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows includes automated track alignment

capabilities, which will be explained in a later section.

The most important data structure on the disk is the Master Boot Record (MBR), which

resides on the first sector of the disk. MBR contains the boot-loader and partition table. The

partition table maintains starting and ending sector values, which in Windows are only 6 bits in

length. Therefore, their maximum value is 63 due to this limited number of bits and the fact that

sector enumeration begins at 1, not 0. Also, it may be easier to think of a disk as a sequence of

blocks (rather than sectors) starting from address zero and incrementing until the end of the

disk. Note that block enumeration begins at 0, not 1.

Windows creates partitions on cylinder boundaries and, by default, allocates the first 63

sectors as hidden sectors. With a physical disk that maintains 64 sectors per track, Windows

always creates the partition starting at the 64th sector (block address 63), which misaligns it

with the underlying physical disk and results in serious performance degradation. If we use the

Windows default partition location (63), an I/O of 4,096 bytes (8 sectors/blocks) starting at the

beginning of the partition will write one block to the last block of the first track and seven blocks


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Best Practices for Storage Management


to the start of the second track. This means the I/O will straddle the first and second tracks. This

will require the storage array to reserve two cache slots for the data and will also require two

flush I/O operations to the disk, which will impact the performance.

Figure 2. I/O straddling with a misaligned partition.

For illustration purposes, in Figure 2 the partition is broken into 4-KB blocks and arranged in

sequence with two different colors. It clearly shows that one of every 8 blocks would straddle a

track boundary.

Suppose a partition is created along the track boundary of the underlying disk. The partition

layout in the physical disk would be as depicted in Figure 3. In this case, there are no 4-KB blocks

straddling a track boundary.

Figure 3. Avoiding I/O straddling with an aligned partition.

According to performance analysis information, I/O to a misaligned partition in a storage

area network (SAN) with 64 sectors per track would result in the following:

• Any I/O of 32 KB or larger will always cause a boundary crossing.

• Any random I/O of 16 KB will cause a boundary crossing 50 percent of the time.

• Any random I/O of 8 KB will cause a boundary crossing 25 percent of the time.

• Any random I/O of 4 KB will cause a boundary crossing 12.5 percent of the time.

Partition #1

Track 2


Track 1 Track 3

1.................Sectors..............64 1.................Sectors..............641.................Sectors..............64

Partition #1

Track 2


Track 1 Track 3

1.................Sectors..............64 1.................Sectors..............641.................Sectors..............64

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Allocation Unit Size

NTFS uses clusters as its fundamental unit of disk allocation. A cluster consists of a fixed number

of disk sectors. When you use the Format command or Disk Administrator, clusters are known as

the allocation units. In NTFS, the default allocation unit size depends on the volume size. Using

the Format command from the command line to format your NTFS volume (or via SFW Wizard),

a variety of allocation unit sizes for a specific NT disk volume can be set.

Before you set up a RAID array or new standalone disks, you need to determine the size of

the average disk transfer on your disk subsystem and set the allocation unit size to match it as

closely as possible. By matching the allocation unit size with the amount of data that you typically

transfer to and from the disk, you will incur lower disk subsystem overhead and gain better overall

performance. To determine the size of your average disk transfer, use Performance Monitor to

review two counters (Avg. Disk Bytes/Read and Avg. Disk Bytes/Write) under the LogicalDisk

object. The Avg. Disk Bytes/Read counter measures the average number of bytes transferred

from the disk during read operations and the Avg. Disk Bytes/Write counter measures the

average number of bytes transferred to the disk during write operations.

Default Cluster Size

As noted earlier, all file systems used by Windows organize the hard disk based upon cluster (or

allocation unit) size, which represents the smallest amount of disk space that can be allocated to

hold a file. So, when file sizes do not come out to an even multiple of the cluster size, extra space

must be used to hold the file (up to the next multiple of the cluster size). On a typical partition,

this means that (cluster size)/2 X (number of files) worth of space is lost.

If no cluster size is specified during format, NTFS chooses defaults based upon the size of the

partition. These defaults have been selected to reduce the amount of space lost and to reduce the

amount of fragmentation on the partition.

Table 1 illustrates the default values used by Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 when

a volume is formatted to NTFS using the Format command from the command line without

specifying a cluster size, or formatting a volume from Microsoft Internet Explorer® when the

Allocation Unit box in the Format dialog lists Default Allocation Size.

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Best Practices for Storage Management

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Table 1. Default values.

Please see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles for more information:

Windows Server 2003: KB314878 (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/314878/)

Windows 2000: KB140365 (http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/140365/)

Format Type

When a regular format of a volume occurs, files are removed from the volume that you are

formatting and the hard disk is scanned for bad sectors. The scan for bad sectors is responsible

for the majority of the time that it takes to format a volume. The Quick format option removes

files from the partition, but does not scan the disk for bad sectors.

Only use this option if your hard disk has been formatted before and you are sure that

it is not damaged. If the volume has been Quick formatted, chkdsk /r can be used to validate

the volume.


Striping is a method for increasing performance, although care is required. Striping alone does

not produce redundancy; this is the job of parity (RAID1, RAID5, and so on). Disks are normally

protected by hardware parity in the SAN; therefore, it is important to consider the RAID level

within the SAN.

The golden rule in using stripes to increase performance is “never stripe on a stripe.” This

means that if the LUNs in the SAN are being carved from a RAID5 stripe, there is no performance

gain from striping at the level of Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows. The exception is when

each LUN in the SFW RAID0 stripe comes from different RAID5 groups. See Figure 4.

Volume size Default NTFS cluster size

(Windows 2000 and 2003)

7 MB–512 MB 512 bytes

513 MB–1,024 MB 1 KB

1,025 MB–2 GB 2 KB

2 GB–2 TB 4 KB

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Best Practices for Storage Management


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Figure 4. LUN56, LUN112, and LUN168 are used to create a SFW striped 27GB volume.

Striping offers no performance gain if the LUNs come from the same RAID5 group. In fact,

”striping on a stripe” will cause degradation of performance. In this case, using a concatenated

volume in Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows is recommended.

Disk1 Disk2 Disk3




LUN57 LUN58 LUN112 LUN112

LUN113 LUN114 LUN115 LUN168


Disk4 Disk5 Disk6 Disk7 Disk8

Disk9 Disk10 Disk11 Disk12 Disk13 Disk14 Disk15 Disk16




72GB Physical Disks

504GB RAID5 Disk

504GB virtual disk carved into

56 x 9GB LUN’s by SAN software

3 x 9GB LUN’s

Striped RAID0

Producing 27GB

three column stripe







Disk17 Disk18 Disk19 Disk20 Disk21 Disk22 Disk23 Disk24

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Best Practices for Storage Management

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Figure 5. Stripe on Stripe

Performance I/O

I/O intensive applications tend to be limited by how fast a disk can execute I/O requests. For

example, if a disk takes 10 milliseconds to rotate, find, and transfer a request (in the case of

Exchange, 4,096 bytes) we are talking about 100 requests per second per spindle or column.

The subtlety of striped volumes for I/O intensive applications is that striping does not

improve the execution time of any single request. It improves the average response time of a

larger number of concurrent requests by increasing the disk resource utilization, thereby reducing

the average time that a request waits for the previous one to finish executing. Data striping only

improves performance if requests overlap in time. As multiple requests are made for Exchange,

for example, there is an overlap.

Disk1 Disk2 Disk3 Disk4 Disk5 Disk6 Disk7 Disk8






72GB Physical Disks

504GB virtual disk carved into

9GB LUN’s by SAN software

3 x 9GB LUN’s creating a

RAID0 27GB SFW Volume



504GB RAID5 Disk

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The graph in Figure 6 represents typical disk response time versus I/O requests per second.

(This has probably increased somewhat as technology improves.)

Figure 6. Typical disk response time versus I/O requests per second.

As the number of requests to the disk increase, the response time also increases along an

exponential curve. Disk queuing causes this behavior and can only be mitigated, not avoided. Any

disk can service only a limited number of I/Os, and I/O queues accumulate after a disk reaches

that limit. Also, the larger the disk, the slower it can be. For example, it is unrealistic to expect a

50-GB disk to process more than 70 I/O requests per second. Over time, disks might spin faster,

get denser, and hold more data, but they can still only serve I/O at a set rate, and that rate is not

increasing at present.







20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160






e [


Request Rate (I/Os per second)

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Best Practices for Storage Management

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Stripe Unit Size

The data is put on the disk in volume blocks. In the case of Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, this

will be 4,096 bytes (or 8 blocks), and called the stripe or a row. For Microsoft SQL Server 2005,

this is 8,192 bytes (or 16 blocks). The subdisk making up the volume is called a column. The

number of consecutive volume blocks written to the subdisk is called the stripe unit. The stripe

unit size is constant for a striped volume.

The typical striped unit size is between 50 and 200 blocks. The stripe unit size multiplied

by the number of columns (i.e. disks in volume) is the stripe size. With these two figures,

Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows can translate the volume block number into its

physical block location.

The stripe unit size is the number of consecutive volume blocks written to the subdisk (the

subdisk being the physical LUN or column within the volume). This is variable in SFW and can

be optimized, depending on the server application.

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 is I/O intensive, transferring relatively small amounts of

data (4,096 bytes). Therefore, the I/O request time is dominated by disk motion (seek and rotation

latency) rather than data transfer. Such highly intensive I/O applications usually have multiple I/O

requests outstanding simultaneously, so it is preferable that each request in an I/O intensive

application be satisfied completely by one disk, leaving as many other disks as possible free to

serve other requests.

Database applications allocate blocks in volume address space. SFW maps these volume

blocks to disk blocks. The overlay of these two mappings makes it difficult to guarantee that the

request will never be split across two disks, but if the stripe unit size is sufficiently large, the

probability of the split will be small.

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Table 2. Stripe Size Statistics

Note: 512 bytes = 1 sector

The Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 application produces data in 4,096 bytes (8 blocks

on the disk). With a stripe unit size of 128K bytes (256 blocks on the disk), this will mean there

are 256 possible starting blocks for the I/O request. Seven of these possible starting points will

lead to the splitting of the 8-block data request over two disks. Therefore, the percentage of

split is 7/256, or 2.7 percent. This means 97.3 percent of the write operations are serviced by

a single disk.

The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 application produces data in 8,192 bytes (16 blocks on the

disk). With a stripe unit size of 256K bytes (512 blocks on the disk), this will mean there are 512

possible starting blocks for the I/O request. Fifteen of these possible starting points will lead to

the splitting of the 16-block data request over two disks. Therefore, the percentage of split is

15/512, or 2.9 percent. This means 97.1 percent of the write operations are serviced by a

single disk.














I/O split

Probability Probability

128 64 K 4,096 8 7 7/128 = 5.5 94.5

256 128 K 4,096 8 7 7/256 = 2.7 97.3

512 256 K 4,096 8 7 7/512 = 1.4 98.6

1,024 512 K 4,096 8 7 7/1,024 = 0.7 99.3

128 64 K 8,192 16 15 15/128 = 11.7 88.3

256 128 K 8,192 16 15 15/256 = 5.9 94.1

512 256 K 8,192 16 15 15/512 = 2.9 97.1

1,024 512 K 65,536 128 127 127/1,024=12.4 87.6

2,048 1 MB 65,536 128 127 127/2,048=6.2 93.8

4,096 2 MB 65,536 128 127 127/4,096=3 97

8,192 4 MB 65,536 128 127 127/8,192=1.55 98.5

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Best Practices for Storage Management

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The stripe unit size is required to minimize the average response time while maximizing

throughput. A small stripe unit size results in a uniform load distribution among disks in the array

and decreases the variance in response times. It also increases the overhead of disk seeks and

rotational latencies, thereby decreasing throughput. Large stripe unit sizes increase the array

throughput at the expense of increased load imbalance and variance in response times. To

maximize the number of clients that can be serviced simultaneously, the server should select

a stripe unit size that balances these tradeoffs.

A compromise on the stripe unit size for I/O intensive applications is one that results in a

3–5 percent probability of splitting a data request across two disks.

Column Size

Data transfer performance is increased when multiple disks transfer data in parallel to satisfy a

single application request.

Another reason for a greater number of disks is the aggregate rotational latency. The latency

of N non-synchronized disks that are accessed at the same time is N / (N+1) times the revolution

time. Therefore, latency is exponential. The greater the number of disks, the better the

performance. Once past four disks, the rotational latency becomes 80 percent.

Figure 7. Rotational latency increases over a greater number of disks.







1 2922







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The latest version of Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows now allows the stripe column

size to be changed dynamically with the SFW Dynamic Relayout capabilities. When a volume is

increased in size, the minimum number of disks that can be added to that stripe is the same as

the number of columns. For example, if the volume contained sixteen 9-GB LUNs (total volume

144 GB, 16 columns) a minimum of sixteen disks would be needed to increase the volume. In

later versions of SFW, a command line feature will allow the column size to be altered. With

this current limitation in mind, it is important to size the volumes appropriately now to enable

efficient growth in the future.

Failure rating

As stated previously, the more columns in a striped volume, the better for I/O intensive

applications. A greater number of disks means more concurrent requests can be serviced, leading

to shorter I/O queuing times. However, utilizing more disks poses a greater risk of disk failure.

The average life of a disk is 500,000 hours, or 57 years. This is an average—some disks may

last longer, and some only a few months. Because this is a per-disk value, on a 32-way stripe the

average failure rate would be 1.8 years (57 years / 32 = 1.8), 3.5 years with a 16-way stripe, and

7 years with an 8-way stripe.


By default, in a mirrored volume the data is read from each plex in a round-robin fashion. This is

recommended when the plexes are located in the same array—if one of the plexes is on a remote

site, the value must be changed. This will increase performance, even if only slightly. Performance

will increase depending on the distance between plexes.

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To set the volume read policy, use the following steps:

1. Right-click on the volume for which you wish to set the read policy.

2. Select Set Volume Usage on the context menu.

3. The Set Volume Usage dialog appears. Select local plex.

Figure 8. Setting the volume read policy in Windows.

Dirty Region Logging

Dirty Region Logging (DRL) is used to resynchronize all copies of a mirror quickly when a system

is restarted following a crash. If DRL is not used, all copies of the mirror must be synchronized by

copying the full contents of the volume to each plex—an intensive and lengthy operation. A DRL

log can be added during creation of the mirrored volume, or it can be added later. Multiple logs

can be associated with a single mirrored volume for fault tolerance; however, a large number of

logs can have an impact on performance. The following should be noted concerning DRL:

• DRLs track changes to volumes via bits that are dirtied by writes.

• Each bit represents a region in the data volume. A region’s size, measured in KB, is determined

by the overall size of the volume, and is coded to have a maximum value.

• The DRL is composed of two parts, an active part and a recovery part, with each being half the

DRL’s size. For example, for a 1-KB DRL, each part would be about 500 bytes.

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• DRL size varies depending on volume size. If the volume is large enough that all bits have been

allocated and the maximum region size has been reached, the DRL’s size will vary accordingly.

Note: Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows uses a block size of 512 bytes. The DRL will be

at least two blocks in size, one each for the active and recovery parts, and will therefore have

a minimum size of 1 KB (1,024 bytes). Smaller volumes may not utilize the entire DRL.

• Before a write is committed to disk, it updates the corresponding bit(s) in the DRL. If a bit is

already dirty, then the write is committed to disk with no change to the DRL. If the bit is clean,

it is dirtied and then the write is committed.

• After a system crash, the active part’s contents are copied to the recovery part in the DRL.

Mirrors resync to what is in the recovery, while the active part continues to be updated by

changes. That way, even if the system crashes during the resync, it is still protected. During

a resync-after-crash operation, all dirty bits (in the recovery) are used in the resync (except

the last 128 bits, as previously stated).

• A lazy write algorithm is used to clean dirty bits. The lazy write thread wakes up periodically

(e.g., every five minutes; the exact value is specified in the code) and writes to the DRL using a

least recently used (LRU) algorithm to determine which bits are cleaned. The DRL is also coded

to have a maximum (and a minimum) number of dirty bits, which also influences bit cleaning.

• During VM volume transactions (such as format) the whole DRL is cleaned, because

transactions either fail or complete as a whole, hence mirrors would already be in sync if

the transaction completes.

• An overhead of about 5 percent is associated with DRL use.

Veritas FastResync

Veritas FastResync is used to quickly resynchronize mirrored volumes that have been temporarily

split and rejoined. FastResync works by copying only changes to the newly reattached volume

using logging. This process reduces the time required to rejoin a split mirror, and requires less

processing power than full mirror resynchronization without logging.

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FastResync can be used with a standard mirrored volume, or it can be used with Veritas

FlashSnap™. FlashSnap enables the creation of independently addressable multipurpose volumes,

which are mirrors of volumes on a server. Multipurpose volumes can be detached from the local

server and moved to another server for backup or other activities, and can then be reattached to

the original volume on the local server and quickly resynchronized using FastResync. Symantec

recommends that FastResync be used when each plex of the mirror is on a different site.

Data Change Objects (DCO) are used by Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows FastResync

capabilities. DCO and DRL keep track of regions on a volume where the mirrors are not

synchronized; however, they perform different functions. DRL is responsible for determining

whether a write to a mirrored volume has been completed on all mirrors and is used to

resynchronize mirrors following a system crash. DCO retains a record of updates that have been

missed by a detached mirror.

• As part of the FlashSnap process, Veritas FastResync logs are added to mirrored volumes to

track changes to the volumes for resync purposes after a mirror has been broken and then

reassociated with the original.

• The DCO is a bitmap that tracks changes to regions in a volume via dirty bits. Each bit in the

DCO represents a region in the volume. Writes to the volume mark corresponding bits in the

DCO as dirty.

• When a SnapStart command is issued, a mirror is added to the volume and a mirrored DCO

volume is associated with it.

• When a SnapShot command is issued, the mirror is broken and a drive letter assigned to the

resulting new volume. The DCO mirror is also broken, with each data volume (original and

snapshot) having an associated DCO volume.

• When a SnapBack command is issued, the volumes are reassociated and resynched based

on a combination of the dirty bits in each DCO volume.

• Minimum DCO_Volume size = 64 KB

• Maximum DCO_Volume size = 2 MB

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• Default region size = 32 KB. If the volume is grown after the DCO has been added, the region

size grows. The DCO never grows. There is no size limit for regions. Hence, if a volume’s growth

is excessive, it is recommended that the DCO be removed and re-added, after which its size

would be more in tune with the size of the volume (up to its maximum size).

• The DCO contains a 64-byte header.

• Bits are cleaned as part of the resync process.

Dynamic Multi-pathing

Dynamic Multi-pathing software provides the intelligence necessary to manage multiple I/O paths

between a server and a SAN-based storage subsystem. Without multipathing software, the server

operating system presents applications with multiple images of a disk or LUN (one for each I/O

path discovered), which can result in data corruption.

At its most basic, multipathing software has two main modes of operation. When configured

for redundancy, a single path is dedicated to I/O transfer, while other paths are in standby mode.

The software manages failover between the I/O paths, thus eliminating the potential for a single

point of failure. If connectivity along one path to a storage device is interrupted, the multipathing

software dynamically switches I/Os to a surviving path, allowing application access to continue

unimpeded. The other mode of operation allows for all paths to be utilized for I/O transfer. This

can improve performance by leveraging the presence of these multiple paths, increasing the

available bandwidth for I/O traffic.

Figure 9. Dynamic Multi-pathing offers multiple paths from server to storage.

Path A


Path B

Vendor A

Disk Array

Vendor B

Disk Array

Storage Area Network


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Windows Storage Management Best Practices

These recommendations and best practices are for Windows servers running Veritas Storage

Foundation 5.0 for Windows. Although they can be applied to the majority of customer

deployments, there will be circumstances where they do not apply. Symantec recommends

validating all Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows designs by consulting with Symantec

Professional Services or Presales Engineering.

Disk Groups

A Disk Group is a container for administration purposes. Symantec recommends one Disk Group

per application.

Track Alignment

Track aligning basic disks and dynamic volumes can improve disk performance. For basic disks,

Microsoft’s diskpar or diskpart utilities can be utilized. These utilities allow the user to create

track-aligned basic partitions to improve performance.

Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows provides automated track alignments for most

leading array families from EMC, HP, HDS, IBM, and Network Appliance. When Veritas Storage

Foundation for Windows is installed and first configured, track alignment is enabled for specific

array families. Once track alignment is enabled for an array family, a dynamic volume created

using disk resources on that array family will automatically be track aligned. This eliminates the

need to run special commands or processes on new volumes created. The administrator can “set

it and forget it.”

Figure 10. Choose Track Alignment from the Administrator screen.

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Figure 11. Choose the Track Alignment settings.

Figure 12. Harddisk Properties

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Disk Formatting

Symantec recommends any new volume be formatted using Quick format and NTFS, with

allocation sizes as noted in Table 3.

Table 3. Allocation sizes by application.


Striped volume column size

The larger the column size, the better the performance. For example, it’s a good thing for a large

I/O to cross disks so that you can use more disks to complete the request simultaneously. You can

only add to a striped volume with the minimum number of disks equal to the column size.

Therefore, if the stripe size is 4, the minimum number of disks required to extend the volume is 4.

Symantec recommends a column size, if possible, of 8.

Striped volume unit size

Table 4 shows the I/O produced by varying stripe sizes.

Table 4. I/O produced by stripe size.

Typical I/O produced


Stripe size


Stripe size


Probability of I/O

crossing two disks

4,096 256 128 K 2.7%

8,192 512 256 K 2.9%

65,536 4,096 2 MB 3%

Application Allocation size (bytes)

Exchange 4,096

SQL 8,192 (some DBAs prefer 65,536)

Oracle® Varies depending on Oracle I/O configuration

Other 4,096

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Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows is used to mirror LUNs from different arrays to protect

against site and/or array failure. Mirroring for disk redundancy is usually provided at the hardware

level. These recommendations are based on a concatenated mirror between two separate arrays

on different sites.

Initial Mirror Synchronization

How long does it take to mirror a 1-TB volume? This is difficult to estimate, because many factors

play into the variations on the time. There are a few things you can do to increase the

synchronization speed:

• Set the O/S Disk Write Caching, via Device Manager, to “enabled” on all disks being mirrored for

the period of synchronization.

– The write cache should only be enabled if the array has battery backup.

• Ensure the disks are track aligned.

Dirty Region Logging

One Dirty Region Log per mirrored volume is located on the local plex. There is no benefit in

mirroring the DRL. Add the DRL after the mirror has been synchronized. Technically, having the

DRL on a separate volume other than the mirrored plexes gives maximum performance, but the

volume this resides on needs to be highly available. Because the size of the DRL is usually 32 K,

practicality outweighs performance.

The overhead of DRL can be as high as 60 to 70 percent if it resides on the same disk as the

data disk. Mirroring the DRL is useful to protect the DRL itself against disk failure.

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Veritas FastResync

Use one Veritas FastResync DCO per site. Snap volumes will also require a DCO. Figure 13 shows

a typical mirrored volume with a snap volume.

Figure 13. Mirrored volume with a snap volume.

Preferred Read Policy

The Read Policy should be set for the local plex.

Veritas Dynamic Multi-pathing

The Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows Dynamic Multi-pathing Option is the industry’s

leading SAN storage multipathing solution for mission-critical Windows servers. Veritas Dynamic

Multi-pathing is fully compliant with the Microsoft Windows MPIO Framework and is in its third

generation of MPIO integration. Veritas Dynamic Multi-pathing offers MPIO Device Specific

Module (DSM) support for most leading array families from EMC, HP, HDS, IBM, and Network

Appliance, as well as a feature-rich solution unsurpassed in the industry. Whether you are looking

for an array-independent multipathing solution for your Windows SAN builds or a feature-rich

solution to improve SAN storage performance or management, Veritas Dynamic Multi-pathing is

the ideal choice for your Windows servers.

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Symantec recommends that customers implement Veritas Dynamic Multi-pathing using the

included DMP Device Specific Modules (DSMs), which are Microsoft MPIO compliant. These DMP

DSMs should be used with Windows Server 2003 x86, x64, and IA-64 operating systems with

Fibre Channel SAN StorPort Miniport HBA drivers. Additionally, Symantec recommends the use of

SCSI-3 with hardware arrays that support SCSI-3, which allows the use of active/active load

balancing in Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) and Veritas™ Cluster Server environments. For

specific load-balancing recommendations, please see the Veritas Dynamic Multi-pathing Load

Balancing Performance white paper.


The vxclus utility makes it possible to bring an MSCS cluster disk group online on a node with a

minority of the disks in the disk group. The vxclus utility creates an entry in the registry that

enables the cluster resource to be brought online. Once vxclus enable is executed, you can

bring the resource online in Cluster Administrator.

vxclus enable -g<DynamicDiskGroupName> [-p]

This command enables a designated cluster disk group for forced import so that it can be

brought online when a minority of disks in the disk group are available. The vxclus utility creates

an entry in the Windows registry that enables the cluster resource for forced import. Once vxclus

enable is executed, you can bring the resource online with the Cluster Administrator. After the

resource is brought online, the vxclus force import functionality is disabled. However, if -p

is specified, the entry made in the Windows registry is such that the vxclus force import

functionality remains enabled. This allows persistent forced import of the designated cluster disk

group so that this resource can always be brought online with the Cluster Administrator.


If MSCS is being used with mirrored volume(s) for the application, with each plex in different sites,

vxclus needs to be set for the Disk Group to ensure automatic import of the volume.

vxclus enable –g DGNAME -p

Please note that vxclus should be run on all cluster nodes, since the results of the command

are stored in the Windows registry of each cluster node.

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Best Practices for Storage Management

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By using Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows and the storage design best practices discussed

in this document, it is possible to optimize the storage performance of Windows servers. Veritas

Storage Foundation for Windows is a leading storage management application for Windows

servers and overcomes the obstacles of traditional disk management by providing easy-to-use

online disk storage management for mission-critical Windows environments in the enterprise.

Veritas Storage Foundation for Windows enables high availability of data and optimized storage

I/O performance and protects current storage investments while allowing freedom of choice for

hardware in the future.


Thanks to Paul Barrington, Lead Technical Architect, Symantec EMEA Consulting Group, who

contributed to this white paper.

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Best Practices for Storage Management


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