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Best Ways To Get The Most Out Of Customer Video


When you plan video marketing for your business, it's worth considering the use of customer video testimonials. Business owners always expect that people should talk positive about their company. So customer testimonials are incredibly a powerful tool because they are more trustworthy.

Let your customer tell their own story

Your customer should be free to tell their own story instead of giving them a written script, even if their way of talking is off brand. Ask them to send their questions in advance so that when you ask questions in video, your customer will tell their story from beginning to end. And always use questions that focus on sharing good results.

Don’t appear in the customer’s testimonial


When you are making a customer testimonial video, it's always advisable for client not to appear in the video. Let them talk and what was the important thing in terms of results they get by working with your business. A customer testimonial is the right vehicle to share about how your services and products are great.

Identify the best testimonials to use before you approach

the customer

Customer video testimonials need a good thought and planning. Would you like to attract new clients? Are you keen to work with businesses of a certain size? Always choose subjects for the customer testimonials that reflect your business that you are trying to attract. It would become easy for the viewer to see how your business can benefit their business.

Achieve the best production quality possible

It is a fact that an expensive and high quality video could not impress the viewers if the content is wrong. Always go for a best production quality video within your budget. Think carefully how you can use visuals, spoken words and music to engage your audience and create a great response to your testimonial.

Using branding carefully

There’s nothing more off-putting than a customer testimonial that features a logo or product placement in every shot. People are cynical and put off by this kind of overkill. Our advice would be to include your logo, URL and a strong call to action at the end of the video – this is often all you need to communicate your visual brand in a video testimonial.

Help your customer feel prepared

Sending a list of questions in advance to your customer is great as it will work well to send them some information about the video. This list might include what the schedule is, how long the shot will take, where the shot will be taken, what he/she should wear etc. This will make your customer feel comfortable on the day of shooting and speak naturally in front of camera.

Keep it simple

Customer video testimonials should speak for themselves. You should not use complicated techniques and shots to let your customer tell their story. If your customer is passionate to explain what effect your business has made to their business, this will work too.

Feature a decision-maker

If you are using customer video testimonials that feature a business client, it's a always a great idea to feature someone in senior management to give your video more credibility. If people see a decision-maker talking enthusiastically about working with you, this will carry more weight than a junior member of staff.

Make it easy to like and share the video testimonial

Customer video testimonials are a great proof that people prefer to go on word of mouth recommendations because it remove their fear about whether it's good decision or not to buy your services. By making your video testimonial easy to like and share, people will more likely to spread the word to their contacts and increase your viral reach.

Cinimage is a contemporary creative film production studio in Bangalore that creates personalized experiences across the realms of video production and animation.

Website: http://www.cinimage.org/

Contact No. : +91-9849203402

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