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Better QR'ingPodCamp Nashville

Dave Barger@LaLunaBlanca


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1D Barcode

• One dimensional: data limitations

• Data restricted to attached object: non-transferable 

• Can hold a maximum of 20 digits

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2D Barcode

• Market is adopting open standards, rather than proprietary solutions

• Can hold 2,335 alphanumeric characters

• See it on some postage

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Microsoft Tag

• Proprietary (licensed by Microsoft)

• Magazines

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QR Codes

• "Quick Response" code - can be decoded at high speed  

• Can contain up to 7,089 characters of data

• Patent rights not exercised (Denso Wave, 1994) 

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What’s scanning them?

Reference at http://DaveBarger.com

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What’s being scanned?• Books and electronics

are most commonly QR-purchased items

• Grocery and personalcare items are mostcommonly scanneditems 

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Lots of Free Scanners

There a many standalone code scanners and there are many apps that primarily do other things, but that also scan QR

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Data Proportional to Complexity

The more complex, the more precision comes into play which is part of lens clarity, image integrity, image distance, relative speed, and sometimes, reflected light (shiny surface).

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What can you link with QR?•appstore addresses•simple text message•MEcards•Vcards•appstore addresses•simple text message•phone numbers

Note: not all applications are compatible with all platforms. Always test with multiple devices.

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QR Manipulation

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Printed Pieces

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QR Codes bridge the

offline to online gapfaster than a URL.

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QR CodesImprove: the ease of some of my daily doingsand many will argue, the quality of life (a tap at a time).

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QR on the Web• Get data to the phone Phone number Link to AppStore Fun Later reading

• People print (enables sharing)

• Desktop apps for QR Codes

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Megaphones are Coming!

The Guerrilla Marketers can't help it. They will litter the QR landscape.

Tricked and RickRoll'd in a commercial sense

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Why the flip should I scan your QR code?

wiifmwhat's in it for me?

Think Facebook page pleas “like us on facebook!”... Why? Why “like” the page? What will be spewed in my feed?

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SecurityScan a code, get a virus.Get protection.Password protect your devices – now.

QR codes are wireless, they are visual.

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Facebook QR

Social endorsement through “likes”“Scanned” for viruses.

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Inside Out

We're consuming QR. We'll soon also be generating them for

consumption by industry.

Drive Through Starbucks.

Scanned by your webcam to a site.

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Are QR codes “here to stay”?

Are they a “fad”?

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Nothing is here to stay.

Everything is a fad.

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Be Innovative with QR•Examine your own uses•Study how people around you use •Think about the context of the situation•Think of every tap and swipe between QR & your success action.•Track, Track, Track! Analytics

If you're using QR codes, then you're experimenting. You'll need to track various results. No magic bullets.Odds are what works for someone else won't on you.

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7 Triggers of FascinationLust: the anticipation of pleasure, which we crave.Mystique: unanswered questions, which intrigues us and makes us want to solve the puzzle.Alarm: the threat of negative consequences, which demands immediate response.Prestige: symbols of rank and respect, which earn us status and admiration.Power: command over people and things, which draws our focus.Vice: rebellion against rules, which tempts us toward “forbidden fruit.”Trust: certainty and reliability, to which we give our loyalty.

The above is from Sally Hogshead's book of the same title.

As you're hearing more about game mechanics, don't think about “games”. Instead pay attention to how these can help your business.

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QR on the Cheap

Bit.ly and Goo.gl have free QR with their URL shorteners

Have analytics on your landing pages Google Analytics are free!

Print stickers (cards, brochures, collateral, signs, tradeshow booth, etc.)

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Best QR Code Practices:

Don’t just throw it out there.• Keep it simple• URL shorteners (bit.ly, goo.gl)• Codes should link to relevant, mobile optimized content• Use analytics to gauge effectiveness, refine approach and justify further implementation• Share how QR codes work with everybody

Derived at a SocialExpedition Breakfast with Joe Spake, Rachel Smith, and Tim Scoutelas

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QR for $eriousSome sites to check out for more serious implementations.- ScanLife.com- 2DBarcodeStrategy.com- Jagtag.com- BeQRious.com

Nashville: QRHere.Biz Irene Williams

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Thank You!If you don't know Dave Delaney, thank him too. He's a “godfather” in the whole Nashville pod/bar camp thing, just ask him about the monthly Geek Breakfast.

The only way you'll stay abreast is to network and share with your peers.

@LaLunaBlancaDaveBarger.com – LunaWeb.com

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MobileCamp MemphisMark your calendars to make it over to Memphis on Saturday May, 7 and geek out to learning/sharing in the mobile space.


Thanks #PCN11 – it was awesome!

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