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Page 1: Beverage Service - VETRes · The beverage service staff must be aware of the importance of appearance (uniform, personal grooming and deportment), personality and verbal presentation.

SIT07 Tourism and Hospitality Training Package

Learner guide

Version 1




Product Code: 3081

Beverage Service

SITHFAB001B Clean and tidy bars

SITHFAB002B Operate bars

SITHFAB005A Prepare table service

of alcoholic beverages

SITHFAB010B Prepare and serve

non-alcoholic beverages

SITHFAB015A Prepare and serve cocktails


Page 2: Beverage Service - VETRes · The beverage service staff must be aware of the importance of appearance (uniform, personal grooming and deportment), personality and verbal presentation.

Beverage Service V1

Developed by Training & Education Support Industry Skills Unit, Meadowbank

© TAFE NSW 2010


The TAFE NSW Training and Education Support Industry Skills Unit, Meadowbank

would like to acknowledge the support and assistance of the following people in

the production of this learner resource guide:

Project Manager:

Red Edwards

Education Programs Manager

TES Industry Skills Unit Meadowbank

Project Team:

This resource has been updated using material developed by:

Tony Fonti, Alison Trapnell and Steve Winbank

Teachers of Hospitality



Enquiries about this and other publications can be made to:

Training and Education Support Industry Skills Unit, Meadowbank

Meadowbank TAFE

Level 3, Building J,

See Street,


Tel: 02-9942 3200 Fax: 02-9942 3257

ISBN 978-1-74236-137-6

© The State of New South Wales, Department of Education and

Training, TAFE NSW, Training and Education Support Industry Skills

Unit, Meadowbank, 2010.

Copyright of this material is reserved to TAFE NSW Training and Education

Support Industry Skills Unit, Meadowbank. Reproduction or transmittal in

whole or in part, other than for the purposes of private study or research, and

subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act, is prohibited without the written

authority of, TAFE NSW. Training and Education Support Industry Skills Unit,



Page 3: Beverage Service - VETRes · The beverage service staff must be aware of the importance of appearance (uniform, personal grooming and deportment), personality and verbal presentation.

Beverage Service V1

Developed by Training & Education Support Industry Skills Unit, Meadowbank

© TAFE NSW 2010

Table of contents

Introduction .................................................................................. 7

Resource overview ........................................................................ 8

Unit Overview -SITHFAB001B Clean and tidy bar .......................................... 8 Unit Overview –SITHFAB002B Operate a bar .............................................. 10 Unit Overview –SITHFAB005B Prepare table service of alcoholic beverages .... 13 Unit Overview-SITHFAB010B Prepare table service of non alcoholic beverages 16 Unit Overview –SITHFAB015B Prepare and serve cocktails ........................... 18

Professional Bar Attendant .......................................................... 21

Bar Attendant’s Responsibilities .................................................. 22

Customer Service ........................................................................ 22

Selling Skills ................................................................................ 23

Legislation ................................................................................... 27

The Liquor Act 2007 ................................................................................ 27 Liquor Licences ...................................................................................... 29 Food Regulations .................................................................................... 30

Fixed Equipment .......................................................................... 31

Bar Opening & Closing Procedures .............................................. 34

Tray Service ................................................................................ 40

Cash Register .............................................................................. 41

Alcohol and Basic Production Processes ...................................... 47

Beer ............................................................................................. 50

Spirits .......................................................................................... 62

Liqueurs ...................................................................................... 82

Non-Alcoholic Drinks ................................................................... 89

Cocktails ...................................................................................... 91

Wine .......................................................................................... 109

Coffee ........................................................................................ 135


Page 4: Beverage Service - VETRes · The beverage service staff must be aware of the importance of appearance (uniform, personal grooming and deportment), personality and verbal presentation.

Developed by Training & Education Support Industry Skills Unit, Meadowbank

© TAFE NSW 2010

Beverage Service V1

Tea ............................................................................................ 145

Glossary .................................................................................... 149

Useful Reference Books: ............................................................ 151

Resource Evaluation Form ......................................................... 153


Page 5: Beverage Service - VETRes · The beverage service staff must be aware of the importance of appearance (uniform, personal grooming and deportment), personality and verbal presentation.

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Beverage Service V1

Professional Bar Attendant

To be a professional Bar Attendant the correct attitude and approach to the work

situation must be displayed.

Any person undertaking a course involving Beverage Service is expected to

develop this attitude and approach as well as developing the necessary practical

skills to carry out the duties efficiently and to gain the basic knowledge of recipes

and ingredients upon which to build in order to acquire the full knowledge

required of the professional Bar Attendant.

The following industry standards are required:

Uniform This conveys a message to the customer as to the professionalism of the bar

attendant and the standard of the establishment represented. Your College will

have a uniform based on industry or College requirements which you are

expected to wear with pride.

Personal Hygiene The bar attendant must be, and be seen to be, clean and hygienic in personal

appearance and habits.

Personal hygiene includes; daily bathing/showering, use of deodorants, moderate

use of perfumed toilet products.

Grooming Hair, if long, to be styled and kept under control so that it does not fall forward

with the movement of the head. Hands must be clean with neatly trimmed nails,

any cuts or abrasions should be covered with an approved band-aid. (Nail

varnish, if worn must be perfect and not chipped, preferably clear).

Jewellery Only a wrist watch and wedding, engagement or signet ring may be worn. One

pair of ear studs may be worn in pierced ears.

Personal Habits No chewing of gum or other sweets. No smoking, eating or drinking is permissible

behind the bar or in food preparation, handling or serving areas, or in the college

situation within any classroom or class area.

Do not touch the face, hair, nose, abrasions etc., as this is a most prevalent way

of spreading food poisoning bacteria.


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Beverage Service V1

Bar Attendant’s Responsibilities

In today's society, the local bar, be it in the suburban hotel, club, international

hotel, restaurant or night club is a major focal point for many people, and at the

heart of the operation is the bar attendant. One of their major responsibilities is

to dispense drinks to the satisfaction of their customers and the profitability of

the company. For this reason, there is a lot more to being a good bar attendant

than the ability to pull a good beer or to serve a cocktail.

One of the catch phrases used in relation to a good bar attendant is the 'three A's'

which refers to their attitude, ability and appearance.

Attitude: In this industry we are constantly dealing with people and to do

so successfully, a bar attendant has to have a genuine liking for

their customers as well as a genuine desire to be of service to

them. They also need to work well with other people as well as

be loyal to their employer.

Ability: A good bar attendant is able to work quickly and efficiently

within the guidelines set down by management as well as within

the legal boundaries as recorded in the relevant acts.

Appearance: As a member of 'front line staff', it is very important that the

appearance of the bar attendant is in line with the image the

establishment is trying to project. Not only is it a requirement

under the Food Act that bar staff keep their clothes and body

clean, it also gives a positive impression to the customers.

Customer Service

In most establishments the beverage service staff are the first direct customer

contact and it is therefore extremely important that they present an attitude of

courteous welcome. The beverage service staff must be aware of the importance

of appearance (uniform, personal grooming and deportment), personality and

verbal presentation. They should present a positive attitude of wishing to be of

service, amiable and friendly without being familiar or over-bearing.

From a customer‟s point of view they want the service to be quick, efficient,

courteous and hygienic. If you are able to deliver the customer‟s order whilst

satisfying these points, you are well on the way to being a good bar attendant.


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Beverage Service V1

The following points should be taken into account if the Bar Attendant wishes to

have a successful relationship with the customers:

Alertness: be alert to all customer needs

A genuine smile

Courtesy at all times

Friendliness (not familiarity)

A well modulated voice speaks for itself

Professionalism with a positive approach

Communication skills

Handling customer's complaints: when handling complaints be sincere and

diplomatic, never blame the customer and be quick to remedy the fault or

hand it onto your supervisor

Be aware that the well groomed Bar Attendant inspires confidence in the

customers, regarding the hygienic standards imposed by the


Develop and improve oral communication skills in contact with the general

public and members of the industry

During each practical session, you will be practising these customer relations

skills as you develop your practical skills.

Selling Skills

To help maintain the profitability of a bar, the professional bar attendant needs to

develop the ability to sell the products they have at their disposal and be aware of

what is available.

For example, a customer asks for a scotch on the rocks. The bar attendant has

two options; they may serve the pouring brand which retails for $4.50 or suggest

a deluxe blend which retails for $7.50. If the customer selects the deluxe blend,

the hotel profits by adding an extra $3.00 to the till, and the customer benefits by

consuming a superior brand of scotch. This is called “upselling” and is an

important skill to develop.

Many customers in a bar are unsure what they would like to drink and it is at this

stage that the professional bar attendant will be a real benefit to the

establishment. It is much better from a profit point of view to sell a cocktail at

$15.00 than a beer at $4.50 and it is part of the bar attendants' job to help the

customer in their selection. However, to do this effectively, the bar attendant has

to know what is available and be able to ascertain what the customer would like.


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Beverage Service V1

A common question that customers ask is 'what's nice'? A good bar attendant

would respond by asking the customer if they prefer a cocktail which is fruity or

creamy and do they prefer sweet or sour. With the answer to these questions the

bar attendant would be able to suggest a couple of cocktails which the customer

would find acceptable.

The ability of a bar attendant to be a good sales person comes with experience,

confidence and an intimate knowledge of all the products they have for sale.

Ultimately, however, for a bar attendant to be able to sell effectively, they must

have a desire to satisfy the customers wants and desires to the best of their



1. Hygiene:

2. Safety:

3. Procedural Service:

4. Workflow/Problem Solving:

5. Guest Courtesy


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