+ All Categories



[ ThB Dover Printing Company,

post raaciis m PBOBIETOES.

Offloe on Morrii Street near Bliokwell.TERHS O

One Tsar, - - - 42.00Si i Months, - - - 1.00Tares months, - - - - - - - 5 0


19 001 29 SOI 4t 0025 00 87 SO 6E 0041 O0| 6 5 00] ISO 00



J o n * P. STICKLE,

- Counsellor at LawAND



Ooraer of Bkekwell and Snaaox Bt«.


I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor.HotBoa ana C a m u p s ID Let,




p EO. O. CUHMI58, M. D.,








SUSSEX STREET,(botwuen the MANSION HOUaEand Depot,)

DOVER, N. J.The place ban born entirely rclHteil tn a neat





Cor. D l a c h w e l l a o d Sussex S t . .

DOVER. N- J.t. H. NEiannoun. A. C. BHITH.



Ofllco oyor QEO. E IOHAHrs&Co . ' n STORE,

DOYEB, N. J.Special office linan on Saturdays frum 8 A.

I.tmiiu. "•»



PORT ORAM, N. J.T ? 0 B ill thy principal l ine! of BteamshipBJ ? from Kuw Y.irk lo Llvornool.it LOWESTBATES. AJ«a DHAFT8 OH QRUAT BRITAIN


• WM, VOttTMAN, Prop'r.A, well kept hotel with every iieeomH]

t i o a f o r man Bud horse. Tlio huut litjuoraand BCBira a t Urn bar , ami comfort aimedai iti every depar tment . Livery nttuulie"

kept on band aud sold ID largo (quantities.


UNION HALL BUILDING,Blackwel! Strict , Ditver,

Hot Air Furnaces,Of tlio kti'Ht ami niDBt Improved etvl*H, to:-f»niiiiif;|iiili)i(Mi!iil ]iiivutu liui-iUn^H. A Urn

aanorUiwut i>I Htovi-n, ehi-sp fur c&nk.







:.EAr>EItH- nit'1 nil iiiiiiiH f>fJi)tilfi!iB in my linn,"mie in tin bi;»l manner nml :it tin- hburlustoiico. Iliulic-tt pikPB paid for old Iron.

Copper ic-ft-J flinl piwtiir tnkon in oiciiange

'rf!"' l lH' ALEXANDER WIGUTON.Dccera,iefa4tii, IB7Q. Mvr


E n s S Driefl Fruitslo SUPPLY RTOli ra n id i tin- ISEHT

(iOODS ivf tlte


Tins part of W a r m . Cuiinly iFE nuti'il far itw

GOOD BUTTKIl MAKKIIS. 1 immlle nil kinds

of P i l tMKI ta VltODUCE. Ordt-r ly ninil mid

gut your Rtiuilu fresh ami poml the name diiv.



SUSSEX St. GROCER,itill contiuucB to keep a full and freuli quan-

t i ty of

Groceries and Provisions,


reign and domestic, Ilia best grndcB ofinniid Goods, anil all stipplioe of theniBrbrjld in liU line.Onre will always be tuken to secure goodn

it the b<wt qcmlity and equal pains Jo sellbom nt the Lieut refiBouable margins con-latontwith tbe puiclmfi.nR jtrice. BUBROI

street, near the- earner of IMackwell, Dover.October Hth, 187.1.


DtiLlliB IH




uitt:, CEMENT,


Fi iOM' lifllCK,






Bone DIIBI, Gnano. Poiidrrttt,


WOOD sa-wed in stove lengths.OOA.Ii.

STOVE, EGO, CIIE8TMJT.Orders nuy bo ml Ji L-bt.»<l tbicitrhifcrP'**'

Ofll.:e Lock Bas 2H, or left at A. BeoBitr'nofiiM

iu Muck well Kt., near HUWKX, e r a t the ja r t i .

BLACKSMITH'S COAXeonHtantly.ra Imntl,





Joseph YorkiC-tf IIIOItKIKTOWIV. Pi. J

The New Empire1Iot-Ai-«, Gas & Basc-bwrn-

ing (looking Store.




OIQtie orer A. WiRhlon's atave and tin atorc,H*i»- .*: DUoltwelliitroist.


"Counsellor at Law,A M ) MASTER IK CHANCERY,

Office Intte Vitlonal Won I)«nk EnJili»B

L St . , DOVER, N. J.

GHOMANN'jle» a pnil rr'.tn nil bin frifinlH tn bin jilnceCLINTON BTI.EETtWlie.'efortlieiriiniiiBt."


id o well flttcd ami complcta



BUILDERS,D o v e r . M". «T-






Itandara goodi al


I t 4oefW*t pay to e ip fnmentwi l i i flour. Anlyonr grocer for tlie famonB

VIOXiA BRAND,ftnd trie DD other, ft ft alwuyn Rood-can 1"wiled tipnn every time. H iiilcroon on thlrone bund increased MB dour tmtlt* 6H0 reicoot. 29-tr

THE BEST PLACEo l i t s kiwi Tor enjoyment in Hi la w-rtion !B

D. MOLLER'S,fiUSKKX S T . , I s r i r TDTHF, niilKOK,)

UOVKK, N. J.il rrceivtil ami pis en) in poBilion THI tEE


BilliardFool Tables

i tlie celebrated nunufactory of J . M.


Morris Circuit Court.EB ) In

E, I R . J Am

C«tn« O . F O B C E , JKotiM i» hereby R I K D tUit B writ or t t t u b

• tnent i t tlie iQlt of Xipfaoi* Bc8mer«B»fn»t thR

•ud cb«»e!». Iltiiln aad tenement* ol Ojrat. 0.Torce, Jr., • non-reHiaent debtor in tho »tim D-«08 « . i-wnpd onl of tlie Cironll Oonrt or thiC t at Mnrii en tbe third ft; of Ofltobn,

Frank Gies,MASON and BUILDER.

Dovor. SJ. jr.



Sum u l Brick Work, Pliuterinj u iJobbing promptlj al!»nd<«l In. dries leditWm. B, Baher>8itoreWill:»oetf«outfalad pnnapt ftttentiDn.'


A:B» , n iMTf-c AHBOttmiut of uthcr Stylesof Oixiking ytiivcs, Bailee H, 1'arlor

fitflTci, A c ,


Also, a choice Btock of

Hardware, Cutlery,Qlasa, Wooden, Copper, Plain and Japunnoti


Oil OlotliB. Carpets, L i m p s , Palnte and Oilibin! Capee, FeitbotB, Pratt1 a A.itr»l Oil (nonuploiivo.) Alito,

Rooting, Pluuibing and JobWoripromptlrstternied to.


I'nlrbanh's Scales a t Manufac-turer 's prices;

ild Iron, Cornier, Ersnn, Ltm), Rip hUi1rceubackn taken in oicliaDfie for goads.

l l l tUEN A I I O N N E U J . ,

.ho, manufacturers of BTJBNELL'8 BELF-



,il IIMT mid in rerfuct onlcr . Also, t ' ir bestAGEItHBDd other ilriiilii, Mitl the clirricrM• KOAIW. All who fa*Qr HID with a «all will

il Iln'inwlves acrceiiWr cdtirlnitieti sntl:1! treated. QKO. MANN.




KABUKtrniuKi o r





ORCEESTKIONlas nlni just been supplied with new mnnlciml will tlclinht tlicpntrtintt of I lie bunst-mori)Iiancvor, lurawtiius mnmc equal to a tr>Hsand or 50 piuce*.


LAGER BEERihtayfl on draught and tin; brut of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSlwnya provided for tbe patron* nf






TOYS,including evetytbmjc Tor tbe children, go to



. tna prted In ,.ul.m«ollo th.OrS?nV Conrt oT tlie OMBIJ ol Monl.,o»Mood*? Ibo third 3iy ol April mat.



A Natural, Sparkling Mineral

Water, Imported from the

Rhine, Germany,g i m n u i t m l a* a Hiito cun- r.>r DjHpepBla. Ira-|».f]j«l«i;<.»il n i m l l . a l » . j i M o w a nliiclDtrinl. Alhu, thu liuettt

HUNGARIAN WINES,for the tiBOB of tlie flick, nmv UKcd by tlie FroB-irlciil, mid lecuimiii-iidi'ii by nil luadiiiK pUy-ttidnav UB Ijuiny alwoJutfl.v puro S»d Ijealthful.


i ; i Q « AND POMKS'HC

WINES, BRANDIES,end ull kiml* ot !i(itmrs Tor hcniBeliold m,

) : l l i J d f

I. D. SCHWARZ,SUKSEX MTItKET, mil).*.!.' (lie K. J . Cmilral

di-iiiit. DOVEK, 'S. 1.•tl-iy _

Preeman Wood,


(iVKlt ai:O[inEUlCHAHI>liAcu.'n UTORE,!

1M>VBK, TV. J .LeKullyaiitliori7(Ml agent D( lliu Itjllewing flrBl-

clapscciii]>aiiieB—tlie l icat in tlie world:


GLOBE, Capital S2O,0O0,D00.


Capital 810,000,000.


Capitol 110,000,000.


Capital 35,000,000.

HUDSON OOCHT7, lencj City,

Capital «3O0,U0O.

PEOPLE'S. Newark. " 800.000.

DNITED FIREMEN'S INBU1UNCE Cool FliikdolpUa, ASIBU (600.0(10.

The London ABHanmos Corporation olLondon, capital $5,500,000.

Rpnngileia Fire InEutunco tin., Masaaoliu-tte, capital $1,ROO,000.Wealobegter FJre Insaraood Company to

New York, c»|>il«l |101l,ono.GEBMAM AMEBIOAK $1,000,000


ASBBTTB, - - - 13,600,001

• o90,CDI

Freeman Wood,Jafltlo* of tho Peace and Police UigUt ra to .

i § ft # # ft tf ft # ft ft










OPP. D., L. & W. R. R.,

Cor. Warren and Dickerson Sts.,





" Cold ?" Wtll, 11 uo(4 to-you ought to lurefelt.

Tlie stinging reminders old Boreta deilt.Tbe blasts ol tliB breeze as ilioy whit

through Bpaac,Wore Uka lusbot, of wliipi on Iho titndt And

tlie face.

But though tiio wind bluv, tnil tboagU (reelingtlie woitber,

t flire u> BIOUBB to draw osarer together;For that way ol mooting and defying tbe cold,Is BB well knowu ai lore and IB almoit ai old.

Bo I garo tlie Lorso rein and Jaat let him goAa fast a« ho would o'et tlio ciiip, crnnchmg


Anil tho bells u tboy jingled aaj n o ? merrilyBeomod meltlDg Ilio ail with their w»rm melody

Bid I drive 7" Wuy.orcDQrSG-batthftton.?toot

One band, and the boiae know tlio road oTorjnook:

'•The other?" Oh, well, now yon ask wlut Ioia't

for tbe life of mo tell-or, st leant, whit Iali&D't. *

Bnt I know that tbe elolgt wan not over wide,[fanoir tuit I s i t pretty obuBtoUareide,

Anil I linov tbut her Iiaad W&B tulsalDg a glove,\a& that it waa eoft ai tho nook of a (lore.

Oh, the moon novr l( ihono, bow it laughed iutiie ikies,

,:id tho »tsri Lou [her vioked with their mis-chtevous ejei 1

Oli, tho snow how it Sew like a foam all aronndAnd the elclgh bow it (lanced o'er the crjutal

white ground I

We thought not of cold, met no thoaght notor flight,

The more fact of living wag perfeot dotlgbt,

" " 9 VKS lifilit on tlie oaith, thote wag mflBio

ID tho air,

There WIB b v o ill t i c heart , there was Joy

Coffees! Coffees! Coffees!Finest Old Oov. Java only

" " Mocha "29ot3.36 •'

We rail tin: 8]»™i attfi.ti.i.i uf ciiHloincru lo unr now mixi>ilTEA.

Sun. Olior*" GO otas.

Tills 'SEA JK j r imranlml to lie iu f;<milns nuv ymi can Imv in Morris County fot- 80o. No humbug.

SUGARS POSITIVELY SOLD AT COST.We l i t e aim. ncl.lr.1 In unr Hlotli .it Icia, oolfcei, amtan «mf uplooi a ue«r llmi o t

Fruits for the HolidaysLirrinIiiH FINEST IsAISINH-Lfmiloi. LaywH-LOD3E MUBOATELS. VALENTIA. Al

Jlk'f• Cim-nntR, Primt-ri, C H M I I , LCUIOIIH, AL-. WU a m puBitivulj Bulling those goorlBnt <]iiili)ivih( Ni sv Vurli juici'B, Wo only HHII OHO tr ial .


Did IJdBB hetV too roally ombamsi me,frlond,

And I EUCBB that it'i tlms for tbls confiab toend,

11 kissed thit night I'm atroro not to sty,Bui I know that her breith li like blauont

ofMayl W. V . H . J B .

KATE,From the United Jrtthmm.

TOB, that's her pioturo IBbewaB-Bujfortj.Winnlns? Tfoa, ai a girl of twenty.We mot under theibadotr of» paUoe.Pretty? Muro tban pretty, aud all woman.Eyes?' IBD, wblBoVftBOleopatra'BiHha «{d the flw tracldnerer <jifl;Tlmt black e;ei meant listing lore.Humph t Fohe the fire, old 111 au.ITannor and fortnlShewaBJnotiiplondm-Willowy md graceful aa a fiwii.It flan a droiip,Suoli as agents always have.Ian, *o aet Sfialn In our own land.Wae it a quarrel? No;Loving tdore tlian over, she Raid,

Br.ACKWEr.il St., (Opp. Brick Blook, Dover,)

T H E DOVER LUMBER CO.offers to builders tho best opportunities in the purchcao of LUMBERof owrj grntlo r&l deiwriptiau including LOW PIlICES and tlie greatadvfiutnge of having

Liukiber Worked to Order>y machinery at the pliico where it is purchased, greatly lossouing the

cost of building by tlie great saving iti manual labor. Ourstock alu'iij'H iiiL'liiijys

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldingsand LUMBER of every description, and especial paina are t&lien

to give siitiniaction in every particular.


IB i l l IT8 BIlAIlonEB IT





VTO additional clurgn (or oxtraotli.B whereL l nowtcotharel i iBortot l . We are now malt-tig beantifnl seta at tooth for



DoTer.Bopteinber35tb. 187S.


baililmj,', C O M EH B U C H W E L L AND

BERGEN BTB., BIK! InTito tbeimtruiwgenf the public.

Horse Shoeingmndc a ept-cialty gf tlio [lUBincua, I D J a trial

'mnt uwiicrs of lioraon is rcipectfully Bul.citod.



Carpenter and Builder,bap falton lbs nbop on SLnsn fjlrcet, latelyocoapiBdt>rJ»ii.B<»r.i.K,cu first fl0nro[ tliobill Ul ing. Jobbioq and r e p i i n c R prompt If•tttndBd to. A leng experieneo m %hn bosl-

i J I I b H b l t l t i

PIANOS AND ORGANS,Square QL --—(tratalaia in c e r j w»j, For 1279 o i b , anuorgini from IS5 upwards. Old pianoaUkenin put ptfmtBl, OrjJett left at A. Trtlor kbon'B birneiB iloie, Dorer, N. J. H m

E. DUNN & B R dImproved Low Pressure Steam

Heating Apparafiis

me] t i l EHtjoet of priTite •oil pnbHo li




And their oioollont reputation in-Jarodbyworthloau'mittittoim. TbePublic u o oaationod against bny-lng Staators having dmilor noiind-i ^ - n w i e s . ' Boo ihBt tho wordC-A-P-0IJT-E is oorrootly sjmlted.

Benson's CapcinePorous Plasters

Are the only improvemeLt evermade in, flBsteni.

One 1» worth more than adoseaof any other kind.

Will positively <m» where otherremedies vM not men roller™.'

PiiooaEoonts.Bnnre of oiMfSSUtm mult

h lIMBUftYAJONIMOM,. jtolttOrtM CbCTMa,».«tint.

_ JP JbtJCl Hl.wlh Im-.ulle, o.lond.r, Mo. But to

uyiddnM oa receipt of twf) tbtce-oent•UEpa. iHimi O u i a X. Biui, 18 HDeltmra Are., Pbtla. M l

.O/*\TTnPTT I>OD't locMe before teeingnJSi. lUttoaulopwtBe. J. P. MAH0B1,'giu«iooot1BiirrOo.,Ti. » ' -

QEOBOE KlQnlBDy, Pr«»idcnt.

Wat. H. IjAMnERT, yoc'y nud Trena.

I . W. SEAJIINO, Qen'IManagflT.

rpIIE BabBcrlber liafl opent'rt a now yard nearX. tho corner oF ULAtKlVELl- ANDUBtlGEN Hti., cnil In prepare funiiah

itllatltwcrk in )J)S Jinp. Ci'mlcry lotstlcaodwitli grsal io and mirblu pnHttt. With

i r a i io jub lo i>ricen I teulrnaiiojublo i>ricen

ii;oaU for Fairbanks' Scale: andTer-

williger't Safes.




LRricBltnra Implements, fieedi, VeTUHtera,An. PalLlB, Oils, Qlaii. etc.



MorriBtown. Doo. 18tb, 1878,


Sussex St. D0VEB., N J.,

aro tiiorooghr? farnlsliad and prtlofDnllr

oqnlpped tritb three or OBIWITH'S 0ILE-


thni't, miner, Hllniftao. Toledo, Cindo-all. 8t. Lonii, Peter Ooelscr'a end Lion

BrewerjLanori. Tie b«il WIMEB. LmuoMtoi Olgtn i t tbe Hr.




OFFICE tajoltilGg tlie Dover Lumber Core.piD?«mlll. Oonlraotitaken, anciplain,

ipeoifiolloes and materlile or ef err kind for-liahed tor bnlliUw. J o U o i > apoolalt;.


Hlile rurclnbed from tlio tent qmrrioi bj(he im»ll qiuntllr or car load, udTlild, [| do-ilrtd, by «xperl«noed workmon M low nit*.

Wo riroinnKni! Carter 's Iron Pills to cverjTtomnn wiiois \XceU, Nf rrnne, ami DSscemgeJ;particularly tlioao wlio hevo Thin, P*la Llp«,Coll nindi tai Feet, end vlio era withoutGireDfll. Pf AmlilUon. Iliew I'JUs Jjotet tbaNervt*, gtvfl Strength to Ilia Dofjj, IDIJUCO DmIrefhine SlMp, Enricheml ImproT* tho qaslitfof Lh« liiood, etij purify ori llri£litcn tbe Com.ploxion. TlioTcnro PalpitaUaa of ths tlcut,Ncrvonancsa, Trcmtilingi, Ncirotii Ilc»d«bo,Lsncorrlurn, rninK In Ilia Hark, and otlierfonuiOf Femaio ueaknesa Item ember that Iran l iODeodlioMnHifneniBof tIiaBIood,EnJ 1B fksgreet tonic CnrteF' i l ronri l ldreaJwvsla-Eble for men who a n trembled Wlh HcnonsWeakiieas, Klght Sweats, Ac. In malil boj««,UOOcGiir-, SoH tyeJl drogff.Wi.cwMiitlij-


McKinnon Bros.

Axes and Edge Tools,ROCKAWAY, N. J.

It lnvinp been reportea tfant lUliold-CRnho,] anil wollknnwD firm Ins pone out ot

bmiacsat wo f s io tblnmcaita of inforinJijfl tliopublic tLat nocb is not tho caio. N e a r e s t , , 'ta bnnlnoea, IIITC no coiincctlnn irilti aojotl icidrra wlmtGTer, anil shall continue to make om*8l!-Iitiown Roodtt wttli erct(orc»rB than ever.All otir fiiKian n e hsml-mxlo tliroachoat and(rosro toe only Him In I tookamynnkinRia i ihgoods entirely by b i n d . Water Toyer* forforites a ipeoii l ty, E8-I7



Confectionery,T H F CBOICEBT DPAS'DS OF REtUKfl, T H E






i7-3m oovien, m, J,


751 BROAD St. NEWARK, N.i.


tor all kinds or bUldiDgt, and the oonitraolii



That grow amid the fragrance of rareflonerBIn the twilight no parted for a time.As I Pen) down (he ttosly road,SlioBMif{, «Qooflby,SiroBthoart,"Tlie iocg wan balm to me.I thought ft toldiisrlove-bnt Bhemoant It.Oo, (.cimooneolBoUaahur; /e.Will wo moot atraln? Porhapa.In tbe Pcrai&n, £ate moans wayward,Anil In this ebo was» true Persian.DDlbToher? Wbataqaeitlonl .Good nlgltt, old boy—I say. Bob 1 ...... >


[The following interesting article fromth<s Bismarck Tribune, descriptive of tbegreat national pleasure ground inomiog, Idaho and Montana, cannot butprove of iuterest to oor readere. Tbe

desoribed poSBeesaa antiotial iuterest ftotn tie fuct tbut Mr.Lewis D. Gary, of Flanders, acoompiied the pmtj making the tour.—ED.J

Poring tbe coming sauaoo tlie NortiiPaciQo railroad will be extended lopoint so near tbe Yellowstone Nattan;

1 Park that thoudands wilt avail tbetaselveiof an opportunity to vist tbat wonder

md—tbe grandest combiofltioo ornatami aoeaer; ic the world. A abort timisince tlie editor of tbe UinneapoliB Tri-bune made a TUit to that fiectiOD, and

B obserrRtionB, wbioh are of most in-terest to all pleasure tourists, are ghen

conneotion with tlie illnatrition, whicligives but a faint idea of wbit Hayes, theFargo photographer, saw last season.The Nortli Pacific will pass tbe parkiboot flftj? miles nortb, and as Boonthe main line reacbea a point opposite, abranch lice which has already been ooa-tructed, will bo built to the grand acen<iry of tbe upper tellowetoce, Tbe Tri'>une man vUited tbe Park by the way)f Fort Ellis, and B&;B O( Im trip :


was carved out of Montana, Wycuiitud Idaho, at tbe point where these three.

Northwestern territories come together.Aa to size, the Park ia entirely north; oltbe notion that owns i t It is nearly;vioe as large as the state of Delaware—

being liity.flve miles ia length by fifty*five in width. The region embracingYellowstone Park would seem lo ccmsti-tule the Great or crown of tlie continent,lax here within a space ot fifty miles, aresome of l ie Bourses of the Colombia, t ieMissouri, the Yellowstone and the Col-orado, flowing severally into the Pacificocmn.theGnlt o( Mexico and the Gulfsf California, At ous point & singleipriog—known aa tbe Two Ocean Spring—divides its waters, Bending part to tbeAtlantic and part to tlie Pacific,


The first day's ride of tMrty-flr.i milesjrougbt UB up to Bateler'a Banoh, tbeseooai to DeviTs Slide, a woBdecf ill pairif natural WBIIS of SIOUG, extending from

the summit of & mountain to tlie valleybelow—fifty yards apnrt, perfectly pnral*I nl to each other, 200 feet in height, andB regular as though batit by humanlands.

At evening we camped at theMAMHOTU HOT 8PEIN68

if Gardiner's river—tha first marvel ofpark-



O, to be utterly a l te r ,

Quito too reflnBil BD teathote,

S|.eal*ing iu words and phnmen

ff cliBtor Joolared obiole te .

O,' to be robed in a meal Back • <

Stn ig l i t irom toy head to my feot, :

HariDg Its daiilufti aniline ,

Uarredhy avruniB orpleat.' ;

O, to eit nothlDft but roaeieavefl,Hamming birds' wings, and dew,

O,tD prefer oraofee3rohlna, -Battered and hanged, to now.' '

O, to kirobon to admireJ»))tccno fans in a row,

Sontfomjrg biasing abora Item,CU-hMivci dlahes bolow.

O, to learn what ia a dado,Wiwtiiaplaque.aacroll;

Wh.<- 1B a noseleu teapot:

JSoie ttao a brmH new bawl ?

lwonderifreaohttifrafterThe nttarly unkoown too

la utler, IntaosooompleUiaeM?I ccrtiiinly ffiBh I knew,

Detroit Free Press.


L'hcre'B IVIOT a thing thftt tbe maldoon withAs the? Journey along in life,a they take tlielr part In tlia bat; world,And eli&re In Its dares and strife ;

Perhaps thoy »}sti tort ocseyhoosa,IVltli furmlure aplek and ipa&—

But to crown the whole thej cars tho moatFor Ilia JOFO of an ttanost man.

Yet, prolty naldan, where'er yon are,In palace or humble cat,

Wbotbcr your life IB fair ami bright,Or trial and toil your lot,

Whether your aarao laFlcn Msj,Or homely Uary Aq^,

on will bo In lack if jon v i a tha t lore—

Tbe toro o / a n faooest m a n .

O, a maiden may prise her diamond &et.Or aresaoa of Mont i t j lo [

Or Inhabit a homoorco i t ly bntlO,With oarpcU or relvot p i l e ;

I Bnt tho greatest UleiBlng to woman's I t f o -I l e t her fain it vtn\)e new BIIO can —I Frnm her Rolden loohi, to her ailru- liain,

IB the low af an honest man.. .

A Bletliodlat on Jowitih

In nflisconree nnon the "ComingofChrist/' delivered on Snndaj in tbeThirteenth Street Preubyterinn Obdroh,Hew York, Bev. J. P, Newman, V. D.,defendetl the JewiBh race from tbe as-persions often cast npon them by theirtoo willing Iradncers. "Men may naythey are A money-loving &nt] money-golting race," he said, "but all mttatown they, are to be honored andrespected, for more than any other racethey are true to their anceatora, religion,language and traditions. They hatebeen & light in Ihe world and a testi-mony lo tlielr devotion tq religion. Itia a nr'mc, a flaming Bhume, to »ene-ante tbe Jens, Let us BB Americansfeel proail that we pave offered them anGfljlum nlieratboy aro free iromrelfg.iaiiBor governmental persecution. XietnsreraeDihEirt at aa God's oboson peoplethey ore His living monument."—Jtev,Dr. Newman1! Chrtatmas termm.

An Enthusiastic Endorsement,GOBHAM. » . H,, Jnly 14tli, 1B79.

Qmrn—Wlioflver yon are, I doa1

know 1 hut I thank the Lord and feelgrateful to you to know that in thisworld of adulterated medfeineft theft inone compound that proves and does allit advertises lo do, and more. Pouryears ago t b&di 4 alight shook of patsy,which unnerved me to snoh an extentthat the least excitement would mnkeme sbako like tho agae. I^st May Ivsa induced tn try Hop Bitters, I q«<]one bottle, but did not see any ohanoeanother did so ohaufte my corvee thaitiiey are now as steady as they ever wete.I Dfld t take both baods to write, bnt

ood t i h t h d wi t thinow my good tight hand writes this.Now, if jon continue to maqnfaotaTeboneat and good an artiola hs j(yd 'd_.von will accumulate on honest fortuneand confer ilie greatest blessing on ycnilellow-aen that wm ever oonferredoiBfctldnd, T w BOOL

mtoring it by way of the Tel-Approaohiug the springs

across a high platena one sees a enowrUite hill or mountain, from whose anin-

mit T1SB3 a oonatant aloud of vapor.This hill, which is probably four hnn-

ed feet high and half a mile long, hasbeen wholly btrilt up by mineral depositstorn the waters of the spriogs—mainly[me, aiiieia and sulphur, with a moderaie

percentage of soda, aamlna,and iron. Ai the springs baye overflow-ed for afiw the minewta held in solutioninve been eonstahtly deposited in tbe

form of a rising mound, until tbe moundban become a mountain, and the springswhose surfaces have steadily risen witbthe rising hills, yet boit'and blow in t iesnomiU. ThBy are many ID number, ofsurpassing heuaty and BO deep tbat theirwaters are heatsd by snbterranaan fires.Some lira thirty-fife feet in diameler andIbe water in all ia tinted with hues thatdo artist can imitate and no lexlson

me. Their Boalloped borders, present-ing all the colors of the raicbov, ooosiatif tbe most exquisite fretwork, ttppar-ently illcfitrnting every possible formif graceand combination of color.

But the springs themselves are com-monplace compared with tha uptendnrsof theic own handiwork. The overfiowfrom the several fountains JJOBJS over the

o rim of the moantaio, and in de-scending is spread out in a tfain sheet otfilm, covering the'


For a height of perhaps two handrail feetand a horizontal width ol five hundred.

The slope thus perpetually coveredwith a veil of boiling water, instead ofbeing a smooth incline is broken into ftsuccession of steps or terraces, varyingFrom half an inch to ten feet in height)and with a similar variety of length andwidth. The level sntface.of each terrace

i m torn divided, by dainty partitionsinto enps, reservoirs or bathing pools, ofevery imaginable aiie and pattern. Theborders of these are beautifully scallopedanil each scallop. 1B fringed and headedvita the most be&utifai frost work. Arough estimate make the number ot thosepools or basins not less tban 5,000.

Each ot these reservoirs receives a con-stant current of water from the one nextabove, and in turn delivers it to tbe onenext below—tie overflow being perfectlynniforDttoroandtbeentfreniarfiiD of eachbasin. Thus the witter in flawing fromtho bill-top to tbe plain belong alternatelyrests in porcelain pools of gkssy stillness,and falls in tin infinite succession ot caendes as airy aa gossamer and exhibitinggradation of temperatarB from tbe boil-ing point to the coal.

The perpendicular front of eaoli ter-race or groap of reservoirs, orer whichthese filmy cataracts are ever pouring, iinot only painted witb a groundwork ofmarvellauily blended water colors, batover tbfo are frescoes ol creamy whiterepresenting many fnutnttio figures-hieroglyphs, letters of the alphabet, flow-ers, ferns.


So much for Ibis wonderful mountain-side in its details. Now take n position Iat the foot of the slope, on the lower-moat terrace, yonr back. tt> tbe sun jietrising over Mount Kvarts, lift your eyesto tbe mountain tap and bike in thewhole ot a glance, tf there IB elBewboreno tbe faoo of tbe globe sneb a stupen-dous vision of toeing, I bare not heardif its name. Ihtno is not n untl spot intbe entire piolnrc—every Bqaiire foot iapainted with |>erfecUun of skill nnd taste—a wealth and yet a harmony of oolor,that arc the despair of arllsts. Tlie levulrays of tliesuo light np each tinted pool,cascade nnJ terrace, so tbut nothing 13lost in ahndow.

An evening view by tbe light of a fclmoan showed a new and not inferiorph&ieof fab? like beanty. In t, void,the picture combitieatnnah of the vivid-ness and vitiety'of"ttt? tabelbow, ihe met-

Probably ladies and artiste wilt ngreetbat these mammoth springe form tliatnaut superb and eHcbuntiDg feotnrea ofthe: Park scenery.


Moat of tbe spriiigB in the Mammothgroup are permanent, & few are intermit-tent, while still otbers have becomewholly extiuct imtt Dew ones liave brobeunut to supply their placua. Tlie nyiii-metry and the gorgeous coloring of tbe

tF£tm aad pooh oalj OOUMBUC BO \OD%the water flows over thorn, When tbe

aurrttnt ceasea from any cause, the frescossoou dlaapiiears and the terraos blackenand crumble. There ore scores of acrejof these terracea und reservoirs in ruins,

blibg tbe decaying masonry of aformer tace, Aa injury done to any partof the submerged terrene is quickly re-paired by tbat wonderful architect—tha

flier,On the sim mit of the bill and back

'torn tbe main spring, standBTUB DEVIL'S H

~a queer, obhog mound tfxteeo feet inleight, having along its crests » row of

boiling pote ailed with many coloredwaters. These perpetually bubble and,uteam and leap ia the moat Irantic man*ner, but HO far OB we could lenro in theibaence of the oliief cook, Ibe pota bare)&ver dooeboiJing find lite dinner is never

ready, The impression that this is reallykitchen was strengthened, by finding a

Joeen or HO birds, ran«ing from an owlclown to a sparrow, lying dead under theHives. The nntaralist of oar party coa*iluded that tbose hud come lo the localityFar shelter or water, and were overcome>y the fumes of sulphur which fill the

Ocespamm wbioh seemed to betaking bis last gasp, BOOH revived on be-ing carried to purer air, and was able toSy away. Tbe legend that bird* arestruck lifelesa iu attempting to fly overthe Dead Bea, seems to have hata almost

parallel.At tbe kue of tbo kill eh,aide


-a massive column of tbe calca reouskpoalt, already described, tortj tostiigh and ten feet ia diameter. It is the

orator of an extinct geyser-r-a ratio of oneof tlie deputed wooden of this mostwonderful mountain side,

Tbs bathing, of these thermal spring*[a eeitaioly a loxory, whather it be ours*ire or not. the tew ioraljds vbo have;hns far tested the water claim for themimportant medicinal properties, espeoially beneSoiitl to rheumatic patients,

SubBtanoes of any kind placed in tliewaters of tbe springs, or auBpended ba-aeath one of the oascades, are quicklyind beaolifullj iccruflted witb tbe min-eral deposit, resembling snow-whiteQoral. The roagb plunk tubes, placedin the bathing house* which bave alreadybeea built here, were BOOB two inchesthick with this pearly lining.

Leaving the Mammoth Springs of Gar-liner's xhet we reeled briefly from sight-

seeing to spend


in the Yenowstooe at tbe mouth of Eoll-Rooring creek. Here the monntaiue)1OSB down to the river bed and tlie clear,cold waters poor along their narrowedchannel with ao Angry sweep aad swirl.Tbe fisherman clings to t. narrow shelfin the upright wall which forma theriver hank, carefully guards bis footingand his struggling grasshopper bait, and.ogles for tbat noblest ot Beh—the Brejound speckled trout of the upper Yel-owstone.

The third day's ride takes UB put theibnain and cataract of Gtardiner's river—ievs wbioh would elsewhere attract vis-tors from a distance, bat which in thepark ere dwatted by tbe, multitude otgreater things—and brings UB at night

a delightful camping place on TowerCreek, (a tributary or the Yellowstone)lost above.


In tbe stranKe beauty of its form andthe nobility of its aurrouDdbgs I thinkTower Fall unapproaohed aDd unap-proachable among tbe minor cataracts ofthe continent. Tower creek ifl a moan*tain torrent which here swiftly emergesfrom a rocky, pine-filmdowed gorge,flecked with foam, like a horse at theeod of & desperate rucev The cataract isbunked on either Bide by a score ofmany colored eand-ntone towers, whichrise 200 teet above tbe crest ol the fall,and have been worn by the waters aadwinds into ptctareeque turrete, mineralsand epires.

Snob is the breathless speed of thewaters that are projecting into a gracefulcarve far beyond the shelf over whichthey plunga into the dark canyon, whosewalleoro perpendicnlar, nearly BOO feetla height, lined with delicate mosses andihaded by tbo"fora3taprimeval." This

eiqaUite picture, once seen, is foreverpainted cm the memory,

Tea miles beyond Tower Fall we madatlie


This noble peak, riwofi solitary andpre-eminent, is tbe higbe&t elevationwithin the limits of tbe peaks—its Bum-mit being nearly 11,000 feet above the

By taking a zigzag oourse we rodeon horses nearly to tae crest, and oareaching tbe topmost point—where wehad the selfish pleasure of knowing thstfew mortals had gone before—the viewthat baret upon ni was magnificent be-yond language'. In every direction thevision is wholly nnobstrnctea. North,south, east, west, as for as eye aad fieldglass oan reach, in an.atmosphere clearos a crystal, stretches a panorama ofanow-prested mountains, verdent valley,hill, riven, dark forests and Bhing lakes,Btiob as oua may seldom elsewhere see.


While on ttie«amtoiCof&(t.\ra8bbnrawe foood many fragme&ta of rock, ofgreat m'ze, BO poised that a child ooaldtopple then over. Like tme vandahi westarted Borne of these from their foauda-tiom, to Bee them rush, like miniatureavalanches, down the steep mountainside, Ic their loog flight of 8,000 feet,some passed through groves of deadenedpines, ebiveriag into ImgmenU treetrunks large as a man's body. , Othersshattered themselves against jwojeetingdikes, the very m one lain Boeming totremble with tbs shook. .

Twelve miles beyond Aft. Wubbnrn wacamped two days at the falls and the.


Many regard these as toe <$ntr6l Uttrao-lion of. the P^k, and they that Peek

neEj thst is nugnjfleent lather thanpbeoomenaj nny^aUlingerhere. Abov*the: fall tbft rlwt h n a width oi 300 to800 JMI, ftnd » depth ol four to ^ . w i t h* ontnal Uut is 1 torrent. Flowing

low glories of tbe antamnw^B and tbe I betwwo aborea of Biagolar be»oty the

THE IRON ERAThe Dover Printing Company,

Saturday, Feb. 11, I8S2.

Postal nvingt bank* trt now before Oontws for ooniideratioB.

THE ROAD QUESTION.One of the bardvBt question* aow-»-day»

to get rattled to the public aatiafaetioo intlint of t ie working of tbe public roadflOut oitetiiaed Budi'i Lake correspondent It)tUia Utuu m^ite H f«ar lent 4 law shcold

II looks fls >f Onitetui would h« "removed"by nn •' inspiration " of Justice.

It i* aiuerted Ibat tbtt world tube* muregliii-OBo ia ite sugar than it finds in it* beer.

1 bo only way to Beitla Monnonisiu i" tostump it out by tlio strong »rm of the gov-ernment

The tariff into wMcli ttie DfwoeratH harejumped present!) BQ large a field tbat theyar* lost iu it.

Only OUB of tbe five Donioorats on tlioWujflind Menu* Committee voted for tbeTariff Oiimmiw>io» bill.

——— - - — • - • - • -A call hiis been insui'4 for u»«g meetings

to be held ttrough tbe couotry on Wiwhlng.tnn s Birthday to protart aga.DBt tbe Mormoniniquity.

Cannon, tbe Mormon delegate tis ft widower lu part and one-quarter be.

be pustd appoiulioj; road ovars#«r» forM"trii County, i s we naittnUaA to* billDDW bafoie ths Lrf-gisleture it appliei onlyto Randolph township, hut we believe itKould he a good prorisfoo for the entire


uoe of the death of ouereaped iu conspijitof li is four wivrs,

A Mil to make the failure to [my poll taipunishable by imprisonment boa pfuuedthnSouth Carolina ]>Rinlnt.ire. A Eiiuilur billin New Jersey would fill oar prisons.

Gulleau bas been HPtitfnceii to be hangedJure 30>b n« t . Now let tbe authorities cuthim cS from comnaun.ci.tJrg with Bnylvb<) will mlniBter lo Ms tletiruved iippeiltefor notoriety.

The n burine s to be g g alanff

tbcro eeeni* to be a disposition everywbertnot tn luditle pricrtt nous to place us fit themercy of foreign rankers,

Aiucricoii borticnlturistN cannot even ei-port grape y\nen into Canada without p&yinRa heavy duly, atd yet ttwre are nincompoopswho wntit Canadian iron ore imported intothis eouutry cniirely free of duty.

Since the civil war disposed of tbo doc-trine of State rMVereignity, Ibis ia a nation,and Ibe Slate rights dyed in.tlip-wool Bonr-boos, wbo are splltftiiK hnira over Mr. Frelingliuysen'u gnmirnir, cannot undo it.

Our National debt is \wa Ihno fanlf tlEngland or France, considerably I'ss thithftt of eitlter IUUKU, Spaia or I'aly, a lillent tbnn Austria's, and not tnucb Urgcr tbTurkey's. Gernmny'a debt Je triflingamount.

" There will be no public display whenOMI 1B crowned," according to |ho telegraf i e modem mail doea not caro to introhimself upon the attention of his pUe is nfrnid Ibat they will throw k\me am

Oar friend oniniueiiri'u the presentinlnly no the ground thBt it allows

PORT MORRIS. Iiltid brake iE H riabr iiuiincia ftfler

•1), lud M out no soft a jimp an muit folk*ttaink it is. A Ktw York snai jury bta ln-dieted lilml brftkomanSIcliim forniiiaiilaugbturlu ibe fourtli ilesree, vb!l« tliry did nut ss ; awor) abont tba drunken bwmiksr *bn),ul)er)tb» rop*, tint eiopp*d ili« train, wbiob waitb» 0n t CIUM ot tha murdir, or tbi twu Ithink I would rather b«»Nrwyort lawmakertlian bind brflkcmaa on Ibo Hudson Biverrailroad.

ek t ' s t rumor ID railroad circles U tbatabf tuec DIUBI ffrite out, cadi Tor bloiself,

Hie mtmtatlon Qfliis uuudntilor that tbeUK Uttt. ilon« ty U>B bratinm. wlioae' is signed at tlio bottom of It. 11 li snidituniMif thi>biivi Hru practicing anyway,i wuii't <lo tlicm my harm.•B ti.e flpiijti-n Duyvil wiiiiHli-Hp tliero ha?i good ileal »r imtiHuiac! written by Binte

iiews pipers becausean they

(be Snuiraer whtm the work ou their faris no'prating, An9 just here, to our think-ing, comes ia the tp?ate«t fiwlt of tbe wbolanystent. If all tha farmers were ROOII, prac-

road maiers, ta ninny of tbetu ar*,would bedifftrmt, iJutthnre are many vhoire not. We b&ve kuown of farmers in tbewet season uf tbe year, whan (heywork lo Die fields, HO out and work upon tb<roads. Sueij work is worse than mooe;

away, for tbe we! mud ploughed oor ths guitars aud thrown upoa the road

sver aettlns in any ehnpe, and a good toenever made where it is thus done. Tbei•o otlier farmers who will wait till their fat:

work ]g dune ami tlieo %o to work upon tlroada. The roada they make do oat hivtime to floltle before tbe winter cornea andfreezes them up, and when ibe frost ROBS outot the ground they are lite mortar bed*,calling down upon them thoall who travel over (hem. Again, how man;farmers take tbe paina during the winteibawa to go out nod open drains along tbiroids in order tlml tha work done InSummer may not be wanhfd away by tli<

naming over them ? Another faiii that tbe present system is apt to remitpayable ronds where there ftre plentytaxes to be worked out and Inipflwihls roa3»bere the Inad ie poor and Idiot Itgbt.

jticid rond inaki

Tbo income of IIIB Government laBt M<day WRB f l,C5a,02fi.C». More than hiltit coining in under tho operatioiia ol tho iniff. The DemocralH who want noraeilifor "local purnotea" gut harder hits «every returning day.

Twobrotes—DBBBU.IITMI BBII one Ryanplopped. Itlo a ring the other day and hiraertd eech tither1*" faoci for eleven miouhand the newflpapers liare given tiierpubttcity llinn they would have given HOIaero who H d saw! a dnxon Wits.

The North AmericfiB, ono of the oblimuRBzineft Ia this country, says " the poliof tbe Republican ndministratioQ and ofRepublican party in Congressnt tho prestime involves A firm adhesion to tlieproteetive tariff." Mr. Cutler and the Banner tinabout the only ones vho seem ID donfct tbifact. _ _ ^

It is remfttkablo tbit wbiia & net o{ miiii Prance are trying to force tbe Legtalatof tint country to pass d Jaw to malevorce easy and cheap, another set of menNew England ere beginning an energetic awcll coniiidcTcd mo7&mtt!»t which h&ft forpurpose tba reform of tbe exiefing dWoilavs in tbat section of the country, BO airender divorce difficult, costly, and impossi-ble save for very ntrong and cogent reason's.

If we allow tbo free-tmde or tariff-for-rev.enue policy to closo up onr mines and fac-toiica, what are we going to do withworkmen ? Notling would be left for theibut to turn to the government land,*. OT<production must follow, and over-produolio:in this line would be aa fatal to tbe farmtniinterests as o?er produolloa In the mannfaotaring line is to the manufacturers. Ammore s \ for the products of the loom amtbe anvil will keep fora batter market whilthose of (he fann will rot.

If the English newspaper mmsponQein Uifnla are ooneot In their estimates, thitbe snfferJrgi that the Jewish luhabitantethat empire have undergone are rsth<greater, instead ot less, tl»n cqrrent reporthare made them oat to be. There aro abou'i/M.COO 3ewa In Russia, and of these, tbecorrespondents nay, 600,000 hapebeeD drivenfrom their homes, and their losses la prop-erty are placed among the hundreds of mill-ions of dollars. Tbe malignant persecutionof the Jews by the EiiEsian governmentawakening the indignation of alt civilisedcountries.

Some Interviewer having reported Hon.Sam. liacdaU u saying: "I am a free traderPEE er.; but we meet den! with the tariquestion aa one of practical Btatesmcinsbip,'tbe Bictanond Dispatch, ciAiely oomraeots"UoEtfree trader* are of the tuneThose from Louuu'ftDB are practical enoughto vote for a tariff on sugar; those froSouth Oarotisa for a tariS DO rice; thosefrom Virginia for & tariff en tobacco, epeanuts and possibly Iron; tbesa from otherStates for a tariff on whatever their oonalit-uenU desire to have protected. Yes, thereare i> great many free traders in theory whoa n BeosUile enough to be prctectlonklft lapractice."

THE CASE IN A NUTSHELL-The population of Great Britain is nbttit

88,000,000. She ha* capital luvwted and[-killed labor enough to supply the wants or200,000,000; tbitls, aha can produce of man-nTactnredgoodsnve times more than aha canHM, She cannot raise her own bread ormeftt. Hbe {B atdjg all her powerful iaflu-eoce io this country, in toy judgement, toestablish here a polioy by which she cantend the Barplos prodacU of her workshopto us ia eieb&nge for bread and meat and ool-loa. To.do that our workshops mtut beolosed np and oar skilled: labor sent to thicotton and corn fields. That It the consum-mation which the English free, trader* aremoving heaven and earth to bring abont.How does it look to have A foreign people•ending pamphlets to American farmersasking Iheu to support only candidates whowill vot* ia Congress for free tr*d»—uhlchm e a u '.«•*" lo support of tbe English inter-tetta egJD.'ut O*:T »WD—»nd it cannot be deoiedtbat t ^oc jfvmphlets are circalatedthey are berti n o * M the thousand.

It }s wel1 ki noVi, la U»1B fc-meotion, whatargument certain EnfiUah wiplojers nsednoeatlr to Icduos stoiiiog eotUo n/Mvers totttxaa to work at gtamUon wr^es. Thfl«mptoj«B told them, to qnote fnim the £o-

r | l i i h press, that they could not p&j more a tpresent beontuis they hid to pnt their goodi

" t i break op tbe American mannfuetorew;1 ' tt*t' thej hoped won to • aoootnpJJah that,J since tbere v « n good prospect* thit frw• "fade s o n l d l * adoptd fn America, and if' i twta ,wi lh lnaytar (bey would be ablsto

in a township, with supreme authoritywould remedy these defects. Hoh&ve the roads worVed at eeanonablewould distribute (Lo money at his COIUUIRQI

> to hnve uniform good roads throughouttlie township, and would protect them fromthe wiutor thaws by keeping tho dmiiiH wellopened. How the farmer would sufler wiennnot iiwiiiioa, for thia rond overseer woihave to eniploj1 teams auA labor aud woi

>urae gut it right in coinmunltiflS whhe worked, thus giving the fnrraera tho ipftTtttnitT ihej wish for working ovil theiitaxes. Tito only differouce would be thaithe work would be thoroughly nud SJImaticnlly don« wilh tbe wme money amforce now expended in &o many coses iuef

Jug Breaking at Rockaway.There was a goodly atUudanoo ia

Kookatrny M E. Churcfa ou WedneednorenluR to witnesg an innovulion ia tlvconimunilj—6 JUR breakinR. Some tiiprevious about oue hundred jugs Inbeen distributed In which to collinonejs for tho liquidation of the ohmdebt, and these were to be pubUbroken Ibat evening. Mr. 8. M. Muttpresided, and after a wc-ll rendered seleotioiby the ch% tbe pnalor, Rev. E II. Oonklimade an EtMwfis explanatory of tbo objecotthe cvonbg, &nd watt followed b j 3.

wbo made a few remarks. Th<BO auction for tbe privilege of nsing

mmer ntndo for tho oconaiiMr. J. J. Peer in wtioh Mr. H. D. Tattlffiw the highest bidder. The jugs were t tecalled for, collected, broken and their coitents ooankd and announced. The btgheiamount in nny one jug vas $9.05, and iti

g of tbe whole was SOI GO. A ootection was taken whiah, wtih tho contentsof a number of juga yet to be brought En,

believed would swell the total to oviSlflO, thus fully realising tbo antioipntioiof the projectors. The pit^tor coogratohtet <IQ tbe ruiult of tUe undortftti

and annonuaed that at limllar ventureahe mods in the future there would b» aieffort to make the eieroisos oonneDted Witho breaking very interesting ia their ohai

Since theaboro was In type we learn thatthe last count of tbe proceeds of the jugamads the Bum total (100.62. Tho most BU

fd collector was Joseph Mattox, wboa lie first received bin jug, eomo threiHhsagn, emDlfed into it tbe contents

his savings bank.

An Affidavit and Challenge to Beatty.STATK OF New JaESKi,)


I, 'Wimara Gewnl, of the town of Hiwleltetowu, Wartea Ootioty, New Jet«ey, h\tie been obarged by Daniel F. Beatty. <Vashinston, County and State aforesaidIth being Ibe author of a certain libellouii

teleoram lo Ihe New Vort Times, newBpn.per, the sabntanoe of which appeared in thaipaper of Janunry 28th, 1682, tn the elTethat tho said Bestty'n Organ Factory hibeen burned on tha night before, eta. Nobeing duly sworn according to low, m;upon this, ray oath, that I waa not the au-thor of said telegram, and furthermore, that" never «n»plr»d or 'agreed wjth, or mxdeany BOBgeHtlDns io or hadany anderstaniSltigwith any person or peronns to the eBeot thatnny Rnoh telegram ahoald or might ba lent.Fuithemore that I never Ind tVia lea*1]knowledge, intimation,' or idea from an;source or in any way whatever that any suoltelegrnm wai ««nt, oc «aa Ukely to bato the Now York Times, or any other Dawn-pnper by aDy person or persons j neither

1 1 lenat knowledge, iutiraalion or Ideaany such article bad, or WAS likely to

ippear in any oawipnper previons to its appearauee ID the New York Times of the dat<lore mentioned, and its general dirtribon on that day. WIUJAM QKBABD.

Sworn nnd Bub^cribed before me, tbia 9thday of Febrnary, A. D, 1882.

DAVID Binrein OhancPty of New Jersey.

Having made ihenbnve iffitiavlt, Ibereb<•ballenRO Daniel F. Beatty ta make a like•ffldwit, mi In cause the n u t to be pubihed in Ihe Dovra IROH EBA, or in any of

the ncwHpapem published in Warren County,ew Jersey. WILLIAM GKEABD

HnckettRtown, N. J. Feb. Oth, 1832.

The Electric Lights at the Rolling Mills.Dover enjoys the distinction of being the

first town in Hie Northern part of the (Stateintroduce the eleolrio light, the rolling

mills of this pUo& now being lighted np by>m. A satisfactory trittl with tbiea Umpi

was tuade at the mills on Thursday night.Two limps were in tbe large mill, one overbe muck bar train of rolls and another over

merchant train, and tbe third was in th eivet mill. Another lamp will be planed ID]6 large mill, bat its exact position bas rott foen determined. The lamps are or

,000 candle power enoh and require nixnrw powor to opwtte them, They ire

supplied by a dynamo nmoblae mo by Ihonnk ey engine which in the d*ytims oper-

e nhetrs. Aa they have nil the poverbey want at the mill the coit of mainlUniDgthe UghtB after UiB outlay for \U plant Urery small, being only for tha carbon points

.boot one and a half cents per hour.

Revival Effortt-In the Xewnth Conference there las not,ring tho pant 'Winter, been widespread

and sweeping revivals, and yet En manyses there baa beet maoh religions inter-

A oomber ot nboMhes In Newark, Jer-City i»)d Ffttcmm b»f« been favored

rfth from five and twenty to seventy con.ndons. Sacearanna reports sixty conver.-m>, Dover First Church, about thirty j

leoond chnroh, tixfjj Mount Hope, sixty |•ott MotiU, twdvoj Btaabopft, thirty

ekettBtown, thirty; Qaakertown, seventyilillipiibnrg, forty; TranqnlHty, twenty,e- In a number of special places effort*

in now to progrBBB with eneoonging pros-

A Bad Practice

among Bohdri ehijdren, in a frcitfnli of calan-h. The fc*«J plate which« tha toof of t l» aantb &iea fortes t'1*oftbenmtrilB, and l i no tbirker tbait

ip ylertcd Melius could irui'hnr rend n«r write-

t tlio report of Urn prnuei-dinns buforo theimufr'8 Jury » i0 tliot ho wrola Ilia namo to

lite utoieiiu-ut ho sworo to. Tbo fact IK tbeimc thills mictii Ubia toot Vale, or Uai

ta a. %nH-•il, or Princetuti. I be-

•e UdiiiA knww iila iluty Juot mA U«il l>e=n »lnffB>l fnll uf OrocK, Lath. K\-

vehn oud Wtlialtr'iiDirtlnnary.he ivalKliifr nan bnd, bo L

o ho mifilit U called in, m\ lie (Mmt to hat n loo far In tie

aud snow. It wan utimaiilr in bini 1o try toth t i f El) on condtictor Hanford.

miMi-mUiitMiuii sharuofthitiirow tlio blai

11,'bl'Hpfjuxlliilitv liki- aItttlo Nn. au. Iwiln) don'ii Borai irlial, ie Mistbin a train »top» longer 1 Lnn u»ml at a t

Ihtncnn ti(atii>ii8,itUtlieilof l ie Muhictnr ti> see tlml a tUglH HOtit back,

ul It iatlif! ilnty uf ll!P llujjiiwn to go tuck™ fuel, or fifteen UU'KrApli puk&ftum U

d fhi -iii, anil iu fane of stonuy

ioi'fbieil, and ssfidrc them wo »re Rrstefa! Tartboir service* and bopo the/ trill ooatuiBotbeui if it bu necoiury.

iv. l i t . Unuell, otaerman VMky, lectured!tr Ihe luipfceg of ltoxlmry Temperanceanoo. In tho Hotbidlit Oliurcb. Tueidiyiiin«. Ilia leoinre, rWoli * u ou tue ten*

|i«rtnoaqa(ntloB,W4« intsrwiigg, lorolbU tadi,

i Dolsn tonk liia OIDHH sluigli n-iuigTbey wcrti to go to Pigoun Hill,

unii b^ok In D^ver. F.

BUDD'S LAKErhenldKliinfiii guodlu tliii lucalitf, there

be<og about two fret on tlio love1. Tlio nare piled full ol «iioir orer the idountifnsla warm to-dtty-urabil.lv tliu bugitmluii of thiFebruiry thaw we hear nboutno tiiacti e\Winter. lUap? li trill tslio all tlie anov at

tery AsuoHaiion at Mt. Olivr hclil tbelrnniofntur finpper, at A. U. Salmon's. There vua large aiteudntice, tbe ruoeipts wcio(100, aud the wbiile »(Tiir ITH a t. completecnr. All «cro well HUpnMnd n fill ayotors amenjoyed tho mippor withont iloiibt. Tlie pru-cepds ar« lo be u»cd by thiaaaoolalloa ip tbe


The meettojr for Pebrnir; w»« held in tUeCounty Hall, Momstons, on Weduewliy. Allthe membura were present except Mtiwf. Aa-thour, Woire and Uathor.

Tlie minuto* uf tb« hut utttlog <r«re m dd d '


I t was expected th*l the Prauklin rarci

wonlil bereligblei] a^ain this Keek.

Tbe Bipl i i t Olinroh a t Port H u t r t y haigiven B cill to Ber . O. W. O. Njoe, fj

t l

In regard to tbi Miybea note tbe Cltrt re-ported t tat a notion irai made in 1H70 to c»tj-eel the note, vblcli irat lott by a vote of U tol i He had iiuee raaile March fur it, hut hidbeen uusblp loflod it.

A unrulier of bills wt>ipaid, a ti them oue of Poat it McCord, for

Mr.GPof tbe eemete

W. Bteubeu*,!>' urn ii nd

tbo Lake, dl

o fub eti'il>. ii lie inonllcil in so Hintl.u Wl.»viiiH Inin may know I tow lidanfilirail PiHlprnccctl aloivlr to tk* !i«t Blattt>r milll In' Undo out iviial ibu (nml>to la,

Kuiv a men ulm IKHM mtl know B fi'om cif Brattv's orffauH n.ii()ii Itflrn lint aii qnichlut & i-tillo(fu profcBHor, and wak- u muuh U thiguian, and ft Is w pity to discharge n inwho has enini&l tbe rear ot a train far lirta;eor« and nprer allosvtil aiiythhiR lo rim liit.JiiHl btenuso lie had llm inlUuitunotoleft Ijcluiid vihoii clucaUoa wa« tllstcibiit

jinsu Meliui lisdbciinft man of Bploinration, auil lind Dcgliclcd his duty ill tli, would Umt have bein va nTK«i«cnV t lilucatHl bnikemcn Mioulil be (lischarp

fort t wit li ? Slill I b(Jii>vc it to ho every maituty to loam to reail ami write, aud ev<man, noivftdiiyB, mn da it if lio will.

Saturdnj'H smnv sfonn delsycd tlio trawiuowbnt.aiiil tlioj tamo nfyaggMas in beill <l»y Sunday and lar into the nifilit.Hfltitntaj niglit tlio tracbmtin HIIOVUICIJ entu keep tbi) ewHolies eleir, and SuiuUvtyard waa hurled in mow BO that you cunM mtell where tlio tracks wcto ctcayt where tl

irs veto si anility ou tlieiu.John (Holme had John Di»z'» little girl

to liift hottBC ou Sit nvday ami conclwlcdK her boniD Sunday. " I thutiglit I

pnettliat holo in tlio track," ho es iV 'd ib> Uio store, but the ilrat Hihig I liuow [lie

i went ilonn In it and throned mo andgnl both over his head into the suow."

Able waa up hcra tho other day ami putnew black walnut tnbia ID tho operator's rooiQcorgo says ho is going to wear a ping lii

a plccadilly collar every day now, milot going lo luvoany common plugnaronm

the telegraph ofllee any more.Thomas Rcynolilit, brother of our Mr. II

OIC)H or the firm of Allen Brn's k Itcynnlla but tod iu the Cntliolle cemetery s.t Tlo\i Tuesilaj. Ho dfod at his fiber 's hotieo

Mlno Hill, and, I am told, hfv remains welortowed to tlio grove by a laruof nnirrticr i

ild than ever biloro attended a fnnor;from Mine Hill. Be wat a general favoril

0(4 the [mepto there, aud overjliody ll)i(him.

Tlioboyn arnunt] pnrtOratii hnd hotterstcbrowing atonen anil gnnwtialla at tbo eabotti

altaolio:! to coal trains Pflpslrtff ttmro or soil ihem ruayRot Into trouble. One of tinI lire w a snoifbnll IhronRh tho window ptaitaNo. 34 obooBO Taceday nifilit, scntti-m[liucos of all over tbo door. If one of tho tuhid been Bitting by that window itmiRlitha

pnt Ilia eyea out. Pou't do it boys. D. J.

WHIPPANY.It In xafo to say tiat iliuro h u been tue

sleigh riding dona the past week ID Hits »1ithan in any week for several winiwa. Fromearl; iu Uio ovnnlnp; until near morning theJingling of bclla could bo heard nnd tlie roerrj

hoots of the yonDR ToikH whn floemoitMolt <hit it M B ntccBB&Ty to imVe »a wOIHD IR pogniblo in order in nnjoy thcmaoltJansa M. DonBall, Etq., of Morristown

Auditor, aiW Ust Tlinraa*? overytuloj; at tbitwo paper mill*, Ic Inn (tine to Honry toiHie JeaKeo, which tbo KlirriQ had .Gvlod atiniDD tine prcvionsly. Prom ten io twolvi

tenaofpnper was dinposccl ol besida i

mt of pnp«r nuking matoriais. The millare both atamliog till! at present, but a

i3 In them ire In hopes Hint tbev w:not enntitiue no long.

Tlie atorm list Hatnrday WBB rer; seveidecO. Thoite who were forood tn be out

,1 viy U WBB Ibe SBievcsl mi most teutonstbo; had oipcrioiiood for ; e m . Buna,

parto Hnpiiiup;, whllo on bin way home fromMonroe whore he lisii been worktop, waa overcoma with the ool j and full eiliauated

antaloaa In the suoW. His son, wlo wan ilimat Ihe tlmo, cillcd on Jamoa Whltolrho reaiiloil near by, and together Itioy car-

ried him to the Uttor'u bnnxe, bill tbe oldffcnlleman, who in sorentytwo yearaofaEo,

ul a narrofi escape as it wan near morniiifore they succeeded iu rtBtoriog bin tiiDFcionpocas, and It was cut until Honda;

morning that bo waa iblo to return to han\Q n u t Hilsoytown.Tbo wire of JaniPt Fairchiia, of W^pur.lifl

dintl very snildenly at her liomo last ThandiRU, Bhe till hail a cola lor Bome time, butthing Rcrlonawan tlmntrtit ot it. She wai

taken Kith a aevuro fit of conghltip: and diemoiit Instantly. Mr.Pairdilld Ua Ilio «jmLtly of his Bcighbora In hie sad bereavementihciog left witb three amsll children, ftciincrnl nas held In the Mdhodist Obnrob

liera last Sunday altarnoon, bnt owing to theitoriu Inst 8otaril»j many ot tbe friends olinertmily were uoablBtogol from the depotind vere forced to return totholr Iionoi aftertiming to Momstoin. H.F.

And on Utcaa ooadltiom the

j r e r t — J o w Boies,

ice liroHRlit fi*«ly la cnnlract with thissood waaet, JKtd promiwd thin parljtion, th« upper wetlogot wb(ch8 ™ " ^ r i i a MMiti" leowtiuB membrai.B, raid*

, ''y offlne,blo«?Tesi»ts and pervti,r oosjuwlion, ofteo anoceeded by

t Dbfofllf lafUnjinsifatj, kaoi rou« 'a r rh .

MINE HILL.Thomai Reynolds, son of Daniel Itcynoiila,

Wei at his home here at an earl; bonr on hutitorday norning. HewiB ilclt abont a week

witb cuitgeetion or the lnnR» and thoughtli&t lay in t ie power ol three abli

ina WIR done for him, bit hotra wcralreulf uumtiored, Ttie funeral tcolt plieo anTUCIIIAT tnorains from bin late home a long

•lego foHowlr-R tbe rcmtiM to 8t, MWJ'IChurch, where a solemn requiem maw wasoffered Jip for tbe repwi of his son). Afterihe TCOIKIDB BB4 lcc& viewed by the cQHRrBgi.-lion the; were aonvoyed t<f tbp old cemeteryjd Interred in the family plot.Alter the m m Uev. Taher Hioly uocodat

tbe palplt and Rave * leimlfnl diaoonrae oitbe uncertainty of Imtnan lire. The pith o

liconrse is as fallovi: The occasion tbalallfl na together, though eacl, Is one from(bkh wo should learn a most important lesson

ly with the cares and vanities of lire welorn p ipe to think or dualli until it comeibly before oar o;ei and warns m ot a truth

FO so much dread. Lot not tho wtrnlng .nnlifPdad. Jwrnoinbir a>»tb U making

it itiWet. towa.ld« os, how taat fa aftjuotilue, and lot us be prepared for bii com;. Ve ire on tbe ritcr or lime that leadit to ibe cw**n of eternity. Ittn

rtvta are ateidlly beariosr »s nearer and'arcr tlie i n ind at any moment Wfl may be

mt in its immonslty. Let us then Ilrs usaright life ia that wlieo death oomes we mijmt ditad the encounter but with confidencei onr hearts trait w receive tlio dronn wtilhir Redeemer hu promued the jnet; one I

icpo tltat «ill Le Jewel led witb virtue,illb noble examnles and ibinlng with loro

OUI fellow nfm and onr Ood.He then paid » bc&ijUtnUribnta to the m«m-

of tho deceased mil nraiud in gluving.mtbe wUcijfnlneiiB ind tender sollcilmleliia fitUi, Rouaoa, during his Illn oak,


SUCCASUNNA'ilnliten faid very imali andleaoai l u t

landaj.Tbt» village |i fortaoite In hiving • numberTpnbllo spirited cltiiens, who bare kept tbe

iwtlka In a pwaiule condition. K*rlf MOD-morclnn Mr. Wm. Oorwin was cot witbt*am and mow plow ind Sir. Ford Htnlile-

iV'tli ttri'htlp» and tlH1-v l ( 1 0 n h < d tfl*a cjo-rtil rMMA.il"*' li»* U«ib« wits w

tbft II TUTatbsi

vary ludilecly, of heart dlncase, ou the li(net.

Parliee ire aurvtyiug tho Lake for tl<e puipose of BRcortafuing (lie number of ncrcB,order tn wsVe a perfrci map.

This lisa tirrii a gom] winter for our icftatliercTSBiKl tliero Ml!l bo no cause fotacalcity oust) aninuicr.

I umlerHaiid A bill bun pafmod tlie Scnniappointing road comtniNainnerB inthiicouoltd Riincrviito ind n-ork tbo roada, \mi<our present nyntetn, wliioh I iliink Itt 6niMiike. If the eitio* want thin livenoiifili, but not tba town«bl[iH tit largo. Tnxcwe niieadv ]iish enonfili anil this new law wladd a heavier burden upon Hie" famethmtifiliuut tho county. Ourprwent svnte

them a chance to work out their roid I\f\\ Uio ftatnintr, wtieu nut m y buay

farm »urk, nud In a privilege winch ought oolto hn taken from them too liiutily. Tberofo1 liopo tlio ApBtmWy will animi tlint tartthe law mid let the old pynletn bo where it Is,our roacli aro Cur better worked ujw.amlliexpense tufariuorit,

We havu had some very cold iveatlier-elgbdegree* below zero-in this locality niuco I lai

[>u, Tlnre Is no necessity fur settli)any nearer tbo Koith polo tlisti we are on tbimountain, A, B. D

FLANDERS.TliDro van a nun many years apo, an I a

t<ild, who tried IO write poetry, and not kno<IPR tlie Eufiiieh laiifiiiaRe very well, cotnmonct

thnibing (if tliat gentleman, I have bedforced to tb'c cEiicliiaioii Hint cither bo wan iprnphtit of UICBD times or that ha li».a JiIjccn viceitiaU-d. Oan suy ono till wiiy a nishould write lbs very lirat word of hU notarms (for I suppose, lint la wliat ho Itiiendto say) if bo was not ororywlioro mnotiujr wlmen WIIOHOHOIO tboucltt was of ilicao gout)ally useful but then Bbsolutotr nseloa* mem-bers ? Aud, further, what oouli ono eipeota writer under auab elrenmntatiOM exceptreferotiL'O to tho emao of alt tlie trouble—tinlt-vlrns? Tu bo Bum ho called it viriiImt w« imut nuko nil illowancft Tot: the ttrin which 1m lived ami hfa igtmranco or modellaogiia^'. Why tho most orazy p«r.oatbcio times wmi.il not think of ntyltai;vlrumque. And then Itlialun wnrtliy oFnithat tliouo people, altliungl) tlioj veronottonartimca, hml a way of condensing a grcaliloal into a small space. Here in an oiamploAi if il vttt not enough lo upeiik of "arma'and "tlrum," lift adila "cano." In tbatlie given (be purpose of nil who are in oimout of tlicHo virnm irmas. Never dimiu feel more llko caning lonJn ono thaiwlien it (aiidittueann at tbcEe timoj mncble taking ? And as For tlio OI that la tonnioii for anything.

So now ir I lute Interpreted tint wrlteiw * a corrtjet.T, tlto whole .licorj of tlm tol VBCcinniinn is uvcrlbrownand Junnor 11.roimt retire from Ibe fire-ground and MiVirgil Htcp up wilh expressed eympalbT lo;who in tliopo d»yi, BB troll asuow, were obliged

Hut ono or Iho wise men ot this town comein to overthrow my valuable history t>y

Iliat those nonU «eio not Eiigliuli bnlLatin {waptever that mav bo) am! JBJB thaitlioymein, I t-loi; artnit and iboharo.,11 right,! wilt accept, far Uio aa.lw at

feeling (hat tliia may be sn; bnt any one otiaee Iben ho* muottlgainhy ihiBoouooafor tUiH will o»ke Mr, Virgil i M. D,every wtiore to-day we hear this fiatoif aging anna and the litro.

You piss along Ibo elreeta anil jonwitb pbjaiciins at every turn, na thick asBiBhnps la aomfl churched or ag D. D.'e in tho

Proshjttryof Morrli end Orange," and youill rcco^niea thorn by a magnetic inUaonoe

tbatciinBCB yon, Involantnrialiv, to graep yourleft arm while they look ou smiling no

Ut. Editor; You «e« that I do not «ond thiriiolo for be Babe or the nova or IBO day, brin order to git your readers right reapcotluiIbe date cl KucdQition; and X *ouU ilsogest, na an appropriate t'ma tot tho offices oallonr JI. D.'H, "iHKAViHt



The Engineering and Mining Journal of li

Saturday Bay*:Tlitro Uxs ken », tintetoes* to tlio m»rV

during tito past wrok ttiat lia* not been observ-iblo fur wonlh'). In none hranohoB there ha'been gootl inqalrlei and B«no bHBlneBB( whttiin others tl-e inqnlries havo fallen off an1 tlbuBlnei>s has boon email. There is mnob con-lervitlsni observed (n ill direction) at thoireetnt moment. Tbi*, although oheckininsineBs at present, is healthy, anil wilt wornirobibly reaalt in greater lotirlty undorrci.L start as Boon aa capital scei that too aks clear. Tbe consumption it ennrmous la 6lparts or the conntry and stocks very analTbe outlook lor tlio iron industry In eaconrag.

ig, na nittter what view of tho tiUfctiilen.

AnnioAY Pia.~The.fnH.rket fnr thl<of iron Is firm ftKhougb qutel for tonumbers, For tboss there is IEBB Inqntrj tomy, allfaongh no procure tn BPII. Haters area a good pon'tlon, having boohed aheid Itirge

orders, while tho Urge oonatimptlnn that [ieoing en must loon Iring oat further ones

IUI are making in small lots at our quotatiooB. Forgo Is in eetho damand. We heiof»»laor3O(Xltnnaiit (23 at works,butthe

refuse to contract forfiO'daj-i aheadit tha aame fianre. We qoota No, t Fnaidry

Ma. 3 Eooadry,Forge, I23®*241.

Advices rrem Philadelphia, under (lite ofFmmCtr )«t , aro »»tollow* t

The Iron market opens firm, bnt quieter,rmpcr lit ions at tbia and other Atlantic portsire trilling. Couanmptive dotnatiit It Ftrongmil steady. Mill* arercDClving ordi

old orders are exoonted. Tho tendencyIn merchant bar la still toffanU ontaide ratei,ind bniineH continue! to be offerod boyondiipacitj. Storea H»e adrancod to So. Hilly9.BC. to 2 So, Ko fptcutitlftt den»n<] it appar-ent, except oocisionaliy among bpvira, Pig

!u qaittatlotu,booking orders abeid with more confidence

pnean will reqalo Btationary. Da yenwho b«e % IMR« »raoant of «&tk |qcovering with riw material, and thia tonnelend* ID flu prices. Foundry inn mm front

H.W \a HI, md mill irons, f».5O; mncl:on, 147.60; rtolt, fSSfl J naih, 13,40; strno-IMIIron, 132J md t l 2 5 ; plate, SI to 65,

Vom ecmmnn tu fire box. Tlie anxietr amongdlol»«iD«(if congomem. ilipalntert hj Ihe

inl activity ot tlie market durinft Nnvomberind December, his been alUycd, and proJnc-ng intorepti, for the time being it lent, baviu.erted tb«lr abili v to meet il] prwsiqn logit-Iraate reqnlrenonti. Hallway maferlil iaweaker, Throe or Tour Itrsje tnuiictioni irecpottoj «l M5 to |3B, Thpre ira no locliei-

s of any foiling off in IhlB year's reqn.ro-its, Tbe acuoancoaeat of now engage.

;rtain fretti propos'tio

A WinterElfai Wfodwird was returning lo Newton

Frwton dnrlDR iho blinding snow itornin Salnrdiy evening when he found Urn.

fop np tn her WBIBI in tbe suotr dr|ft bo-om! Wn). Ooi'i, trying In vain to right herleijju. Her mDther, Mr*, Hphoonoier, who

gOQC tovardi tfjo haan tot assittinofl,fosnd it the fence nearly boded in thn

EQOV and nncnDMloni from too ooid.' Helaid liar down in bit lUigh and all vent toHum** talter;, where. Lbey foqqil thuli tloit-

ig abonl their headi still witb sleet. Bothnow uUTotlng from frost bUei, hot ate

Slster.h thslr Uve«.—Snites

tbi? pond bridge, Boon ton, t3^99.Tho bill of Qeo. M. Rusting, 13,363, for build-

ing tbe iron bridge on BlarkKell street, UnVer,vtianut m^rndby tliDOomniltfee btcsnaetliebridge huO not bi'ou Huishud *t the time COD-

ctc(lr for which there waa a penalty in theutrucr. Mr. Tluailug oiplainnd to ihu Hoitd

tliBt tbti rentua ol Ibe delay wan io come-of tho overoro*dfd condition of the

iron worbi of (lie country, preventing himfrom gelling his iron as goon as be could de-sire, I t nac rreuivcd tbat n committee oftliree bo tppnfntod to act with tbo Bridge Com-mittee in the matter and report *t tbe next

i f tbu Board, Uoms. Hardia, Tip-pelt and Hopkins wore unpointed.

TUe County Collector1! Itapart was pfe-entetl noil received. It shows the rroi ipti of

tbo quarter to be 6106,17(1.67; expenditures,•70.143.89 ; balance on hand, tS7,33S.82. Thefollowing Bams aro due from townships fortaxes: Ohitbam, «a,212,19; Juffrrton, IM1.11;M h m 79; Eandolpli, $1,112.93; Boi-b.ir-,, Jl.0B2.Btlj Waihhigtoti, (300.70} total,fd.125.07. Tbe report will l>a published in falllext troek.

The Board aJJouroi'd fur dinner.AFIEHWOON IKKHIUN.

The Board ro-assemblcd at 2:80 o'oloflk,Hoveral bill a were acted upon.

Mr. Hai.ihi asked tbe Clerk toread from tbeminutes, ttio resululion Janitcn'a tees.

torcooDBidorabill from tha.8urro-gatn fur Janitor's teen, the resolution of thaH i making provision fur the paymont of

ftios to Iho Sheriff. Tho bill was then

Mr. Britti uved for the eppoinhnsnt ofih P H CCoianiittee to moei witli thci Poor Homo Com-

tnlttco, at the Poor BOUND, md iriTestigato »f-fai.s there.

Thf Dircutor saM thorn bad bsen flomodam-agmg repurta mm clwrges riliuoreJ about drotator}- to tbe cbirarler of the Btowaitliuxo in chargo of tUa poor bonao. It wnsmuto tint Uwt coma tit the notice of Ibe ViHuuso Committee reoeutly and they tieafrovoutilate it folly. He appointed aa tbe Com-mined Mcssn. HopWua, Hopper unii 3mland by request the Director was adiUd. TCliaumnu of tlio Foor Houao Committee cail

iramcetlug of tho Joint commlltce to mancli iiit-CHtigfltioD oiiilohday ooxt.Tlio Director said lie bud received acorn

iim'Citiun inregaid to tho tilling of a pitiom the Di'uvillo Protectory to ibo Poo

IIouuo who was sick irom small pox. In ord.void my siniihroccurrence In tlio fumi

ho auid a cotnmunication aboald be nouttlm protBotory notiryins; lha otBcltt* that BUG

m wits Irregular and will not be perinittiu the future. The phyelcitu b u notifU'd tlPrntcolory tbt.1 llio pftllenl wiU tie mtarnodsoon an he can be moved without ondangorimhU life. Tliopitient did not come rcgulurlctimmitttitl afi a. piupor and tboaoiloufaro tm Illegal.

Ur.HopkitiB movfld that tho sum of 110,000be Irani)furred from olhar unoxpundod tp[>ro-priallons to that for bridgas. Aa auch a mo*tlon rcqnlrod a throe-tnurtliB vote of ill tbtmembers, and tliero not being thaipresent it was withdrawn,

The Direutor said In regard, to the ntiintnance of tho children of the Tone Jlouto byMorris County Oharitbs Aid Anaootatlon (Inth« owtat tor Uielr noppflrt auoal-1 be audttiuy Ihe Poor House Committee bgforo _tu (he Couaty Collector, ta previously twolied. A resolution to tttfe effect was onrrloil,

Mr. Hanlin suid the Sheriff claims thatacmber or tlio intnutoi of the conotf jailfuse to bo vaccinated and ho wutild liketiSTO aatliority to compel them ta submitthe oporatfoti.

The Counsel liarlrJfj given bis opinion,tlmltho Boird liad inthnrlty to ouoTor tiuoli power,it watt rcaolredl Ihut tlio Court Hoase and Ji l

ommil leu bo aatliorzad to havD all inmatesIR jail vaccinated by the Gonnty Physician.Boinl Adjontned. :

Andrew Daober wai imlnntlf killed byflyiog rock Iroro a blait on tbe ft Y-, B. W.B., DearTreflon, fiaisexoouuty,ou tha Sa,

A nix-vear-old diagbter or Henry Millof slauKtield, Warreu comity, Ml oft'a bodbroke her neck and died imUtitl/, a kw dij-ago.

Miny ilioTiiand collarB worth of propelwen dnetroyvd by tbefrenbut in the Dton the 2filb ult. At Eaut-oii, A. D. Cook loi

raft valued at 13,100. Ovt-r 15,000 tornIce ready for liarvontiug wern also swept t\at that place.

James Sinder, livinj near Harmon;1, "asFriday uigbt,20ih,struck on tbe liead witholiairty ft man uamtj Diily.Wn an&Tbe dped ia said to have been dune \

ie or provoottion. A report that Snyderbid ilted. is coutradloloi),

A huuRo at Vienna belonging to indibur, caught mi tire Suudny night about

o*ulnok, from t, defective Hue, nnd altbougitbe folk* were in at tbo time, the flatnKB hmgained Bdoli beadnrav tliat U liutued toground. Loss about HOtfO wllb *AStiiniurauoe.

Mr. James Htowart, or tba woll-kooffu Qnof Corey i Stewart, Newark, N. J., Bpeakiog.Sweet Ssponax, a 25o. moib wauli, tnya IItlio only preparation lia bas aucceoilud liBdadiog Ins children tn use.

Ensilage and Silos.ToTHBEDrroBor Ityt Iflou EBA.:—It wn

withpleagnrelread^nurnotfoa of the Enit-CJongreBs l w U ^ W * York, Jan, 25th Ui

Bclug presnnt tnoit oHBe lime I heard a greaimany intetOBtingfactribrot tho advaiif GtiaHaao,ooni, olovec, talltet, r;<i ftttd sor

gbnm. nverh&y (whfohja onnsMerod the bedry rodder) nnd orer'graM. Mr. Reid, <thntle Ie\anu, twa •fljjnTe* Bhowinft ennoh

lively tha gala ia weffftit o[ thoinfmil, alto Inmilk md bntter prodaoed when fad on enslkgcever dry Teea., Ho tlHO exhibited sample*batter made from (.Milage fed oows, which waiof superior quality.

Mr. Waleolt, or Boston, gave some interoiing b"ts nbout. ths cost of ensilage. Hla corn

of manure, (SO cards (o tba sore) seed amlabor. He avenged ahbnt 111 tons to Ihiwhloli wa8 not a large yield owlug to thdronsht . Hi raisss ttfo crops on tbe aamogi'Duid a year, Ibxt is, rye which be ensilagedttianl the lfitb of Jano , wwl corn ifhlok he oul'attylDBcptember,aniItltosarao ground nowlasryegrowlaseo It.

BnrilftB0 Acting n sncirui, tbo matter of art ois ]n order. Many farmers will bo, and nInubt have been, deterred from going intoeoliUjta becapso of the i Imaginary expenss csilos. It Is true aumo have bnltt BIIOB costlnfrom one thousand to'tiro thousand dollaroath. Olhcm IIBVP bn|tt aiiolcoiting notove

tnndrod dollars. In my opinion fmm wbatcan learn (and I have bean) a great dual on

Ibe sutijeot Irom moat of the prominent tni'holikvotrledil).atilo built of wood,eilbi

above or below ground, provided tho litter iaThere there Is good drtlnsgo, Is just as goodnd in som« respects batter lliau thi*so JyilnbaillafntMoui? for tue purpoae of prn-

vmg ensilage. ThesQMonrysiloiofronrBee more durable, but those bmtt of WDO3 »re

to mnoli cheaper a farmer caa afford to bnild ameeverjtwoorthreeyotrs. Mr.Wtrren,

of WeatcbeBter Co., M. Y-, Maya he boilt a sitoToltem; "Itxe»Tab»daplt M faet long by

12 reet wblo b ; 19 feet deep ttieu buiit a box" Batno dimonslom by Betting four ohratntiposts OD each side and two on eaah end linednp wltti ttroinchhantoakorsprocapla.ni, with

lachoi ot smil amt(wment un th b

id my silo wis flnltshofl.11 He omitted to stateie cost or his silo, bttt I havo ealculatta tbe

«oit ant lo eiectnl SOS/tnd il will bold 58 toniofeniilige. No doabUnch a BRO would lai

years or more. Where ii there a farmerFRD re»di tlioBitA tb»| cannot afford inch a.ilo f Mr. Warren nays f' Ihs first week In Ben-in ber, 1880, [ (Wed tfflr alb with corn planlod16 last week ip Juno, covered the eniilage- withthin liyer ofBtr** io4 then plank and boardslighod with itone i t the r»M orone ton stoneten torn of tDBlliip;e3 on the lOtb of Jan.

1881,1 opnned the ailo fnd found tbe content*the mott perfect aUt« o! ptetecvation, Mj

tock-M bMd~atD it Wlb ivi-lity from theirat tebl to the last tnflket nrbioti wt* fed out

Nuw here Is • l ib holding 63 torn and cost,only iboot & dollar a too to bhlld and will

lint front five In ten venra, which will hold feedsnongtt for 22 be* d of .iloek four, mon lbs or

;h ror IS head nevj-n month*. Of oonriefiruiir woold hare toboy a natter to ant thirn in snitablo lengthi, costing perhaps 9301100, according io me, and • horse power to

Iriro it, although nearly HI thrifty tannerslive a forn.PivB icrea of ci>rn pUBted ID drills three foci'urt, willi four enins to the Toot, will produce«ngh to BU sooli a Bib. 1 hits no doubt itti bo TBtaed ami put Into the *Uo for ooe doL-

ir a tan. O»Q a farmer rajas anything •*i(»p to feed hia stock 7 I think not, and thiaant ot°P UatoMUnijbiolttte certainty, whilei good hay crop is an tutoelatoi? and more ej- '>ei)ilra

The quantity ot eniHb&t for milch cawsshould bit abont» baibfll a day vitb ibonf two(jnirU uf bran or corn met); with tbtt f&ed

will Ihriro better ijian when led on g n uid the iimo amount of grain fwd. T hope

farmors of Uarm Ooantv will nothetiutoivnii tbeasslies or thU method or preserv: rood fur horiBB, oittle and sheep.

J.Vt, Docoun.BrwklTD.N.T.Peb. 41h. 1883.

P, 8, Tba promidinit of Ihe CDilTage con-reu »ill be pqlllibed. py the New Tork Plo*s.al SOceuUacopr. '

Us t week Ihe Stato Hib Oonmi*aioners re-soivcd rro n United BUtos 71ib OommiBsionerBlrd 90,000 eggs ot ftkntie ta'aian, md

,000 eggs of Und locked s»lniDa. The formerto be plaorf in tbe Delaware, and tho I t t '

How t o O B I BIOS.—Expose yonrse]lay aud nigbt, eut too much \iitli<

exercise, viotk too liani without rouldoctor till the time, take all tha vile utruma ai'vertiseil, and tben jou will wito kuDw

How TO G E T WELL,-Wbfi)u is nnswottia tbcBQ words—Tuke Hop Bitters.

Not to be Sneezed at-Tliat pure, eiroet, BBTO and elTectivoAra

can dlstflfatioo of wilnli hnzi)!, Amerleaii pinCfliiadn flr, nmrignlil and clover Lculled Gauhrd'a Radical Cure far Cutnfew doses instantly rolloro tho inont TiuloBiioczlng or bead cold, atop all nuturycliargcs from iho nose and c.vw, enr* hradao.ad uervouanaan. and baniali all daufieiuvur. Octnphto ttcatroont l'«r QUO ttolltw

Tbrro arc miny forms or nervous rlcbilitmen that-viuM to I lie into of Cmur'n IPills. Tlinfloivlio aid iiniili.L'd with IIOIIwealcneB*, uiglit nvcuts, Ac, nhunU trv 1 h

CARRIAGESef every dcBeriplion inada ami mM


Blackwell St., Dover,Ttio*bust raaifirinlH. latest designs In

straction ind tho rain* cotn|iefcnt wortthe Bpoemiibs or Iho cslnblislimnnt.

Geo. McCracken,er.N.J.. April 8ll»,lB«l.

W. S. OOLLARDCarriage Trimmer and Furni-

tute Upholsterer,MOHRIS STREET, DOVER, m, J,

RairUhttraBieBmadeto order and old mitrs*snit romlo oynr. Wins'ow il-adee made ahung, Otdcrs fnr all hinds or upholderneatly and promptlyexcoutad. Carriage trmlng in all Its branchus. PriceB moderate.


"ICY Bvstom rifSmill ProBis «ppreciRi_.M Qdatity nDd Workluansbip or thn lei

My tlianhs for liberal patronsgo in tbo piOrders by telegraph messenger or tolepni

nttonded to.JOHN I0NE9, VBdtrttkn,

«-ly Bookaway, N,

M A R K I E I l .

LUMSDKN-POST-At iho mlnepn . .l>rio"e*H pirchtc. Hibernia, Pttbruiry Bib,Kov. D. 1). BlBbop, B. 0. LommleD, U. D.,m d Annie 1., OanKlilcr of Oibrlcl Po»t,Etq, newton papers pleme copy. ';

EDHWD-30BENCK—At Boctaway, Feb.by Rev. E. H. Oonklln,Tlioint«i Elltnd amtoaisa Sohrnck, both ct Danville.

imLWHjL—JO*B-On tba fllli iosl.n . ' B . Ptraantire, fi* SucManuns, l»j -Rev.l!aaoThrm..B, D.ilpim- Stlllwill, of Hack-ettatowo.aiaclOirtb J , Bows.ot Ut. OlWe.

a6BLE-PJER80N-Febroarv4th,at the »B. Pursnnise in Andover, by Rer. W. IkCain, Atnsi H, Gohle tnd Ihr t ln P'bolli of Spirts.

FBITT8-HU»T-At the home of HIP bride',pirents.Janmrv SBtlubv Bev.D.U.Dard'Sell, DKVM Q. JHlts, .il Prorlrtence, B. I,,and lluth H. Hunt, of Whippmy.

TODKG^D0RNDLAZEn~Peb.2d,u ttc r*fdenoe of Mr. Cyrus A. Wn|rB, ii, Mt. Olitownship, hv Uov, W. M. FORD;, Dmie!1'oDDi;, or Drabotown, and ttm R, AIuarnulawr, of Pftndiso Vallej, MoaroB OPonniylvmta. ,

KnOENnOPER-Iii tbo Ontlitnlral, NYoik, Junnnrj Hth. by llev. FulhBr BnrmHartln E. Bergen, cf N"W tnrk, and MiEatto Roper, formerly ofDovor,

DIBU.•ALMER-AtBlbernfa, February 4th,IshraiPalmer, aged SB yean.

OARILT.-AtTeato.Peb.6th, MiaoABirr.inlant dangbter or Lawrence and Ann Cablll,aged thirteen raombs.

HENDERSON—At areenvllle, Fcbraarr TtbAdeline HeadcTHon, afted 68 yo»ra.

C X I A . T e i i b o U l n e . P o b r u m 8th, 'B2Tnuius, fion nr Miohit.1 and Catherine Harriy, sg-Kl twanty-twa yotrs.

IA0KSON-A. Hewsri, Tobmary 7th, 1SPftUDRHOR, relict of the lito George J*okaor Rockaway, aged about 75 years.

_ . Berkihlre, Februnry Irrotheroe, sued HO years.


man BRIDGE; N. J.


2 SUm Drill Bsnnere.10-4W p i . . ^ i

'OR SALE OR RENT.The Bubsoribor will loll or root ber bonac

odnlilnlng 9 rooam, neirlv an acre or groundIroit trees, etc., sltnalod at Ut. Freoimm, all

good order and upon reasonable tormi


HOUSE TO LET.A good bftBHQ OD Prospect ilrosA, Differ, ol

Igbt rooms, witb well and cwtern Bad otheisafonioncea It for rent from April 1st noit.

Apn'yto, . , . 4 ,M»8. ASNA.UNIKK1

WeitBlaskwellL..,-lWp • Dom.'H.J.

VENDUE._T1ic Btifawribct mil seU »t Pnhlio VOTMIIO at>nlre Owve, N. ]„ on WEDNESDAY, Peh.

ih,t8a2, Ibe lollnninii property, via.: Twor«», 4 oow, I bog, 1 plan, ( m i j nrc wa,goa,

Uorbone BprlDg wajion, light spring WIRDI?peu baRsv. firm wifton, tup wantiD.nlmjrlWood Bled. teVhnmiy duabla htraeia, two BB!

l e r l AIUUA) UJ « I , hurowi, nikes, BiieN,.lotlii,

!to.,md other trttales uat.mmBd.lominoe « U:!0 tfolock P. H.


VENDUE!Tb. totaorttar will ;;11 al PniiUo Sal, at hi.

Feb. 14th,\Xf. til entlr« ponqiul Jtoptrlj, Hi fo\|D»t

'2,WORK HORSES.MM old |-t bevy tteespringwssin,

' " ' o f

Jill . . . . .Hum llUK- ..„awn, Uip plietan, „„ , , ._ ,_„ . „..„IBJ»,n™| lollirjH.loff. birona, . . I] l ahi»*!» haturn, 1 aet> h«.rj l<mhla lurnc.a,uOkla tubfi, now; 1 wind mills, cdrn .beller,Ij r tM, TOHGT, 5 plona, 2 barroVB, clrcnlari» unj Inrac, n a d i u midilne. bar rmlnu,IBM, r.irk. •liimli, nicls. »» bna i faWnlalkB. htv, inl hnaloak lamlMr, plna hnar^n,

- ' ~i ohm, a oows, # nr——8TBEB, 8 Jtara old; 9

'• -4BP ilDflir. i _ ,KITCHEN FUR.

ixInrtN, parlor

iks, tiar, ln hmloak lamnr* pine hwris,white DBI nlinh, 2 COWfl, • HEIPSH8,

ld j STBBE, 2 yean old; 9 venrllng4 barrrlH aider vlnrgar. Also hts

y\\Tf UQOBKITQLD ANHTpTtB, 3 conk alofn i OxDts. pirltov«, burroqia tlo/f, dniro liov*. eiteniiible, mtlinisnT tsble. | bedroom snltt ooItio.« beusleuH spAteAdlnK, » lUndt, o

W n chairs 6 ki b l b a l<Wn chairs, 6 rooking ib, J00 w i l l m»d n g oarp

WUlng> In tl» WMtdMm nf Iho81at». Th . j a » n ] n i l y "ll"°°.r!S.taino'in™m™Tba flali- j now In tbe btlohiiig troDgb it Bloomibnr}, I tiun. Sato to Cfimmenoe at leu o'olotk L

M » « t*iug tahen lomrdt UiWlK . E. Church at Hitauibu'-g. The fltti j fc g y, 1

. y . , mated ooit of tbe btMldia* win be H,aJo, of, Thtre are alaa abaai Su,000 CtliforaU tatiiioa I jf"

' wadjfof di.trfbnUoo. ': \

lock A. W-



ROCKAWAY,are just now offering the larg-est inducements in SLEIGHS ofall kinds of their own manufac-ture, neat in style, of goodmaterials, handsomely finishedand fully guaranteed to beequal to Ihe best. For testimonials we respectfully refertoHon. E.Q. Halsey and otherswho are using our Sleighs.



MISS M. N0IAN,Till: )llI.LIM:it, Mill fur aHlioit timi foiomc iifTer tier OII-tiriiHtockor HATS, IK>NNi;TS,HIHH()L\H,Kt:ATIll<:Uri.ttiMthiiKls of Alilliiinv an<l FancyUUOIIM at giemlj leilimi'il prices,A cull will convince any Iliatliej can get .*!•«•« iul biugninin tlie imrcliase or uny tilingcontained iu my large *tnck.Him IIMCIISI., it wo dotiisfroinUOIIKI oOlunis, «i|ip»sile Pnr-dec &. ClatV's), Dover.

VAC UUULB u r r iu a

In Chancery of New Jersey,To Louisa Tnano, CK-tiicnt 0. Clme, William

E'ltturd WihetB diid Andrew J. WWeta.

BYvirHio »ran rider of Uio Conrt of ChanoerynlNew Jeratiy, mailo mi tlio daV ot

ilie date ttort'iif, in a. «an«a wlioieiu Wiiiinsn1. KIIIR, !B oonipltinant, nu<l you aud otlimare (li!f«uJ:iiii0, y0U aru rcnuirod lo apuoariieau, dtiiiiur.or snuworto tlie oomplaiuHiit'stil., on or ixifoie tlie itiirllelb day uf Maroli«nit,oMiio tulil bill will ba taken aBwnf-—Bgaiuit ym.

'tbt »uM bill in lllud for partition at fourcerttin tracts ot parcels of laml mid premises,

UiKhury, in the Ooan ty of Morrl'a", New Jersey,wid M » «l,cv«oriBwiiiB.tB ia tVe township oByram, ia the Connly of Buaaei, Ni.w Jariey,S?1.? , / e a t r a c l 1 i n B°xb l i ry lownBlilpoontanSO 2710O acres, iticro or lottkj, twelve acres amtweiity-flvo linndraltliB, and 21 50-WO acreroemctively. Haid tract in Bvram towngliliiforciiaiii, lytnlflina ahott elRlityoorEB.mor01* ICIB, of all which wld traoi««n*Hd«cepiHid iraol or 2150-100 aeren,Hanniol Ililla Inleu ttio townsliipornoxlmry, dscrauKl, ncloallyilaii (oiswil, ant! of >Thich and 21 50-100 serettact wHJ Biranjl Hills, deeaaned, died BUIEOII,of mt-qnily, tlio ICKBI llllo whereof vua vcatctn Tliomni L. Kitig, deceased, at tlio time of

Anil jon Loalia Ohsae, William Eiitranl Wi!loin and Andrew J. Willolfl, are made d«f*>ndaotfl, became yon me lunams in common II,•*ld four irecta uf Unil, *B oUtlilreii and betaat-hv._or .Vawirrt Wllhlg, ilnxaiod, theila-iRiitororeflldHimuBl Hllta, t'oociaod; aniljon Clement 0. Ghana, aro marie a defendantuwawtu as husband or Lonina Oliai-e, ynn' a f t tenancy by tlio oiirieHy luitlato it


WARREN St., DOVER, N J .- Piop'r

Oysters in every Style.Canned Goods of all kinds.


E»«rj Burnt will be trnalo.l in the h i t mvot. IB It l«my lotomloii to m,k, tl,l, , „

HOUSE TO BENT.From, the 1st of April next, a

ttvo Mori House milt ten roomsituated on the corner of Moi risBud Chrptiil Sf«., Dover. Aeoodfiltered cistern and a well onthe vrentlsea. The bouse Is

3wlr painted and in good con-dition. For further particularscall on A. J. COB,

^P DoTer, N. 3,

FOR SALE OR RENT.A comenlenl, well arrftnucd IOHBC, In RDOI!

IHB rooms and good well ol wutnr. Apply toOHA8. H. MUN80N,

»t hla res.tatm.ot, Blukvelt St,.t f Dorer, N. J.


The U Lif: brants CompityO P NEW TIIIIK.

P. S.WINaTOS. PreilOeDt.

FOB TH8 IE*n Mama DEOEMnBH 8lBI, JSfil,


COMMERCE FLOUR.Wa ti ill pay t. rfward ol 1500 to an j ponon

tUnvtllprodiioo tuittmontala equal lu tuciie..e have ri'Cdviil iu relation to Die IIIRII atand-ard and uulfurpi qnatilr at at i ; brand <f[ floornutr on the maiket tlia't n n be B»lu Kl M loir

jirlte >B the CO JiMEIt:E ELOlilt.


FSCEBOU), N. J., A JgOBl, 1810,J. J. PtTTIT, &9.I

PEAV Hia—J ant rer; much pleased witb theflour purchased Trom von, hrBDded OOUUIHOIS.It bnuee a flptenuld vblte leat oF bread and Irefind it well adapted for All tbe rBqairementa of° line family flour.

Hos, JOEL P A U K U , Gt-Ouv'r.

iLHISBOIf, QiDDM A Co.:tbsOajiuiviioF. FLJVB, from tha

Oivillo MilliaK Qo., ttlib eQtiru Hnt»hfitfaa.It makL-mi llghui>otiKe,and prodiiRu»a nutri-tiom, m t i i . »lit» brnd. Wewl»li lo me noutlxT iu ijur family. Voam truly.


Latf OffieeB of Tm^oBTH k MiHea, INEWARK, N.J. . ()ot.B, 18B0. I


Wen fiairly touled In niv family, Bud [ can-dully aav thai your claims r.ir UR ttood qnali-ties nra rnlly Buatalnad. ffebave prononncedjmlcmunt III favor ol the OoHllKllcx Igainaany other liranrl. YOBIB truly,

El-i udfio C. S, TlTBWUUTH, 1(119 Broad St.

rl. Wi. Wlr-KIKBHK, OABBW ft CO.!mi-BVEK-Yow Oi««F.ai!s brana o( flow

hug boeu u»fd in my mmily n l t t inoBt natiataytort reaalls. Wo^otmore loaVBBfrom tltfNuniDquatuity orfluur, aud wtillor and mannutmiuiiB oroail Dinti from most otlier rsrio'tied. Y(iur«,Jtc.,

F. B. MANiiRVIUI!, M. D., WO Bronu* St.


It lias a SWEETER AND MOEEDELICIOUS ITAVOK than fiouigromtd from Minnesota wheatwhich in many instances is poorthis year.

COMMERCE FIOUB WILL PBO-DU0E MOBE POUNDS OFBEEAD than can be producedfrom Uio same quantity of ordinaryflout.Being connected directly with tho

mills, as we we, we can deliver theOOMMBIOE" to dealers in NEW

JEBSEY AND NEW YOIK CITYso tliat it can bo sold to consumersmuoh lower than any other flour

Do not fail to get a barrel ofComraiOE" Floor from your gro-

cer. Try it and he oonrincea thatthe quality is high and the pricelow.


WtolBBtfe Distributing AgtnB for OES-


E. 1. WILKINSON, Prmldcut,JOHN W1LLIJMS, Vice Prea't,

8.8m 0. K. aillFFITH, Boentai




NEW COAL YARDra tho properly arlJDiiiing Hiolr tolling mill

»nd ito prepared to anpplj


Lowest Market Rates

AWilnout T » k l u g Cblot*%atu

[From tkt Courier.)lint. Pctm-uiiialier. of Greek Loo],*. Vhlet

Ji>., N. Y., had tliu m infer tune to eutlrelj losttlioBiglit of ono uf tier ever, (brongli ux toci-iltiuta nDu tiiiJuri^u pmiifu) *nfli*HI\ttittnurr AOtJoiitherein fur I wo Umg y ean ; tlie oilier evttlul ly UMDOlog KinimilmtlBiUjjifRtttea. barjftfiii'ral lietil li m-riuaslj na(Feflt)ff; iodaea ibttwas • mure wreck, • Miking nkelcton. In tbiiturnbld siralt ubo ontimlted Er. David K^Q*ifdv, uf BondouL, 19. t., who tola her »t CDOOibat tue lajordd oje matt be temored. Sheqaictly bnt flroily Mid. "All nelit, Dnolor,Out don't give me cbtornfarm. Let n j h*w>IIBIJII ill \>s tuy side during tba operation,mdI mil noituer ory ml or atir." Tbo work ft*Unite, ind tlie poor wnroso kept her vnrd.Talk oi BoHlitiT.j ooungcl Thin i-howodBretvter nlnok itun it l«ken U> ttob t, hundredgum. To restore her ituneni b iittb *nd glretono nnd etrongth to the fty^tern.Dr, KennedyIben gave tbe "Fan-rite BeraedT," wliiobeleaiiBCd HIP bloo't nod impnrtod new life totlie lung suffering WOUMD. Wlio r»p!dly gainedlcoltb ettd ttrEii{ji!t, RDA I I n«w welC Tlie1 Favorite Itctiiiclr i ia piicelPSfi biemiDs tonnifin. Ho fHtuity Bbonld be witbont it. Hfoar

!ISB it. It not BCDII to Dr. David'. Ronilorjt.HewYork. 6-iw




WARRANTED A SURE CURE,which many prom Incut dlbeun can tpfltify

Aak your DriiRijiat f"'1 It «r oiMrrsu

I. C. MONROE & CO.101 J O K A L K M O i V S T . ,



to sell tlie life, iml nin. fxrcini'iii o!

GUITEAU,THE ASHAHStN, Cmii|>lt-ti- lif^mv vt liieiBhumorillifo; tull rcci'id of tliu tin ml imton-OUB irliil lu tli- iiniinlr! ot vniw. 1'rolusHyilloHtrutfltl LritH' prii'wl. OuiiU oo tts. For'ircnlarn nmi ICMIIN uddii ai

BllOB., l'liiarHlt-ipliia, Va.


A ^E\V ILLUdi'liAl'liU

Literary Weekly Journal,NEITHEH POLITICAL MOB SECTAltrAN ;

Confineluil by ALBION W. TOI'IIHE*, author O"AFWII'M 'En-Hinl," cti\,n*»iPtwl bjDou-

iel O. Ui'inttjuand Ilubi'it ti, Duvm.

FllWT NOSBEB InORD FKIIRtMUT J, 1FI89.Tliomont dietitifjiiida'd niitlioreaudxltlirul

dttisU, Umh Aiuertciw »nd EtiRifel,, IIRVO b«enuugnge.! by ••()[)« GnsTuresT." Ihv FtbrasryQunibim ci-utain tiuvsli and stom-8 by HtlonCaii]]j|jfc]l, Mr*. Akiniidcr, E. P, Hoc, JulianHavYtlioruo. John Hibbertoii, U. H.POTIH, utc;puemn by O H W Wilde, I/IUIHC Glittinllor Uoal-' ., O.H.B ' " " " - - -Bokcr, Bltiuejrtyrflp., Celia Jfl iuler , etc.;

r, 0 . P. LB-

»ketelieR bv a, a . Lelmd, (Hand Breitmao) HQ, Slltcliell, (Ik Marvol) Fulfil 0-walil, flto.isolid papers by Freahiout Purler or yule, Eliotot Hiivaril, Pravost 1'uppBr, of UniverslH ofPonnrsylvauin, etc.: fwlilon uotag bv KitsField; art illuutratiom, bv Lcuio 0. TuTmy;scifore by Profs. Jtotlirock, BafBbr, elo.;social etiquette by Mra. Munllon ; rural Im-nrovemem by Hou. B. 0 . Morthrop; ton andbatnbr br 0. H. Olatk, (Mai Atllet) '•UiioleRorauB" nod & hodt ofatUun,

Bc>BUtifiil IHcBtrations are a leading featnr*of •' CUB COKHNBKT." Tlie; are the finest tlt«tart caii prodnro and oqnat tn tbe most perfectIn IIIP mnntlilini).

Price lOotnia K umjabor; UMijenr; fS-Msix niontbB. K>iled fret of posiigo tu my"ddresa. Sped men copy hoc.

Nenadoilfre will find it ta their interest tDteeeiit " OGB ODIITISBMT" tO'tbcir cnalninprH.Postmantprs urn invittd to Wire i

,008. Libeifcl comraiftnlon. # ' M., ,Book oonvaBBcrfl can add lareaty .•fcf'fteir

fncomofl, witliont tnlfrrering witE flieir regu-lar biis-nesH, by acllng for '• Our Cotitincn:,"

Writo for parllonlarfl tn"0URCOVTINENT,"

*w riiiliidflplnii, Pa,


ffSt. T. COMHTOnK.lWflnmilwiy, New York.

BE NOT DECEIVEDBy Plasters claiming to be animprovement on ALLCOCK'SrOHOUS PLASTERS.ALLCOCK'S is the original

and only genuine PorousPlaster; all other so-calledPorous Plasters are" imita-ions. BEWARE OF THEM.See that you get an Allcock'slaster, which we guarantee

has effected more and quickercures than any other externalRemedy.


fHher at




Tolsllnoome tl7,M8,U(fs

DI8BllI13EMliSTa StmiNa IEAB 1881.

'or Death-claima

"»i"'» • M.raimiil and s , 2 917 tiui w

inetbo,«« ; l i .eu.i iaij

AS3ET9, JANUir.T 1,1,1881

anil Mbm fliii' w'.ai,.™, „„•tai.1 1I.11S.0M 00

™ir« « " ; • • ' • •••• •;• T.aoa.719 01ablalunki.. l,7M,0in73•mt l ton i t l - . , . 1M3O17I14sfcrrad rremiosia B8a,0MB5m l a n . ID Traa.lt B8,SJ77»

W*! *•»!• mUM,M7M

IIUHUTIZS, JiDDlS; let, 1881.

teaemiitrnarpDrOflnl »8B.87l.n3i 00

" W 4,«M,B83O»

bd&Til , . . . i . , .$i,'92,883M.uxjbnittii stalaal.M.ril e r a * m SSew TotkBlalo al.nOara .?~li',»i,flOM

RRUflANCB IN ?OHaB MN0AB7 lit, 1882.mi,»0 polloloi, imnrlos iai5,8OO,H7,

H»IinO4D8r., BEWAI1K, » . I .



OR&ANlIt »01 bo lo Jtrnt ailTa»tase lo imt CMIBIIII



WO. 3,

New Brick Block,DOVER, N.J.


The Hulmcriber hits for sole aInvge clay liotl, embracing two orthree iicrun, which would make anracolleut uito for ii brick kiln imdyarn, it heing witliin five minutesof both the railroad depots inDover. There is no other kilnMinn twenty-fire miles and thecertainty thai t t o e -will be an im-mense amount of building in Doverand vicinity for s 0 1 a 6 y o a r a ( ocome, mates this one of the mostdesirable locations for bnsiness inthis port of the State. The prop-erty will be sold upon the mostreasonable terms. Apply to

SAMUEL COSS,? l f Bbviit, K. 3.



Buildings Raised orRemoved at Rea*

souable Rates.

MARTIN & BUCK,Bun, % ui Brsunentd ?ata,

boronth JfrnwATCLSSSi|g,'S

Notice of Settlement




Tuesday Jieit Is Bt. Valentlns'i DA;.

ContmoD Council meets next Koalay •• en-Ing.

Tbe Spring eldelltm Is only •boot four weeks»way.' J. W. Larason, of Flanders, has removed toColorado.

Tbe 0. V. A. M. lodge t t Bocluway hasbeen reorg*nlieo\

Here we ire twin. The uilW winter b » de-stroyed the peach crop.

Febrnarv »fl will be the seaqnl-CBntemilal of

Tbe Hnrrh VUk« Sand 11 eipioied to mikea sleighing tint to Dover to-day.

Jnifna Bairhouss is painting tbe front of bisnew etoie In a hindsnme manner.

Ovsr thlrtr fdoltn have professed conversionIo tlie V. Z. m i n i at Stanhope. -

A borne bricraginK to Edward Wilson, of Far*Slppiny. bis died i t (he age of 80.

The Bockawiy people t>n again ssubject rf a new brick school bouse.

Jfr. Btmiftl I^vrettce. of UcOaioitHlle, isatom tc erect two bimou on Ml. Hone Ave.

Hngb Gralism, of Worrirtown, nidooated hlishoulder while soafitf ngwltt s, fellow workman

Bev, Mr. Eilloway will preach on Sabbathtreslan i senaouon "TnrDiPR Pointi

Ber. John Gray, of New York, will preach Inthe F . M. Ohoreh Sunday morning and even'

tog.Tho wires and other npptratw for tbo *lec-

trie lights aro being placed in tbe rollingmill.

Mr. J. P. Sliokle is getting tlio water[i.| nnthe gtannd'ftr hit atsw brick store in Ib^ha-wsj.

Collector Cartey has pali in fnll to (]:<•County Collector tlie taxes of Mt. OIITO town-•hip.

Jndge D. VI. DdJiriicr IIJIB I wived & rcap-Doiiilment aa Common Fleas Judge for thinoounty.

Mr. John H. PlerBnn has decided (o buildncn residence on ftlorriB etroet,neit ttiH. H.Berry's.

Tbe Foil Orom forgo In still working doubletuna and iBnuklugabtiut fifteen tons of bloomsper dey.

Five per cent, interest Ii the war or? now, abill to that effect Living boon iutroducodiu tbeLegislature.

Tlie fleeting snase bas bt-on well utilized thisweek, nurafroua parlies bring out ever/da;and evening.

Therelsnotralhfo tlio noirapapor statenifinithat turners'w*qoi ba™ aRaiaueeii raised tc(1.75 per day.

One MorritttowD ice dealer 1ms ntbert<il 3,000tons of ico In bis b'oases anil has 1,000 torstudied nntsido.

Acburcti toctabfe w|J! bo held next Tlmridsyevumog at tlio residence ot J. O. Buck,Esq., la SuPCflBunni.

It. H. Allen, of Chnlbeni, butt been electedODO Dribo Executive Committee ot tlie SlatAgricultural Bocfcty.

In akinetic voting lidy In Morrialowo bolnjasked her ago told ftlie was " tooty-tooib,1

meaning twenty-two.A sleighing party of sixteen from Dover vis

ItcJ net . W. I . aill, of HidUm en. Friday•vouing or lost week.

Tbe aobool atPoraptOD bubeen oloted toprefect tbe ipreid of Bipbtherii,

Andrew Orr haa puroh&Hd 3mA Ooe'i pUoeor eight aerej at Mt. Freedom f m

Mr- UqrmoDi P 8rallb, of WiWloo,. recentlyDRht ft »lx tnd » qoftrtar poatid piakereL

A Mill NUIII toice lit* already begun towbiaper, '• Where a n yon going to more nextApril ?"

Sngiueer Qeo. Buff, of tbfl Haok*ttt>tot-timtil, nceivea ft new »ctt bandume engine thaflritofthenonUi.

One J»y lut week Lewfa HurJ, of Vttalpa,oftBgbt three picteroi in Smith** pond wclgh-iag u foUowi: 6( , 0} and *l ib



M. V.St^l.ofMorriitawD, bit wife (daugh-ter »f A. A.Tiiiw, B»q., oftb* Jeneytun,)«nd their Qnly child, <how, t boy of ahontits ye*n,were all killed, together with ktaj. S.Waihburu, neirWico.TeJu, onTu«adif. AOrflDQr'i fnqueat wax Itutltated on Wedn»i-

> to loqnire into tbe MUM af ths ualdeot.They found thtt M-. 8to» md hU * i b werekilled ontngbt; tbe SOD lived aa hoar, raiMr. Wultbaro wu brought to ffM0(Mtl llredDDUI five the toxt morning. The Jnry viewedthe renulu* of Qenenl BoperinUdlent aad( , } l

J-eopietbronghouttheoonntTare donating 0Wef_En?fn«( Wasbbnri^ta hli F t n t oddi l b d fobedding, dolliing and other articles for

comfort of the poor tibJUnn'* n n bone.Bev. J. A. Klog*bury, ofBoouton, will preii

in the First U. E. Church Suudav morniiand j D tne feoood (Thanh In the evening.

W. 8. Chardavoyce, of Stanhope, expectsremove bU drag store to a new building toerected between the old store and tb« posiofflae,

Tbe Anwriasn Tostitate ot Christian Pbtfcopliy have decided to give another course

leolures at Greenwood Lake mSummer.

An Italian hat Inveuted a process for nolld'Ing win*, and a faun* Jan now get a« drm

as a boiled bird by taking bis whiskey in tbiform of caramels.

A tet meeting, tatr <ui festival, will ba helcIn tbe lecture room of tbe Hibcrtila Church,Saturday afternoon and ovunwR, Fob. 11. Thpubtfu are invited to be present.

Planiand preparations are now boing mifor tht erection of over twenty-five buildhin UOVIT, and tlie number will doubtless 1greatly "jereaued when upiing opens.

The patMiearern at tlio funcrn) of ex-SlioriipFair bild wSheriffs:JOB. W.O

curapoficd at tlioirptuiah DL-CUBHI, Ciaii.Jas. W. linmu, Pturf

Win. H. Mi-Ihvit.

iindny will he tbe nne-1

rot I)eMou A, Krcu

Muntvllks lU-ri.nuf•I Ihut fay till' |i

, r Ibe(lUllllH In

Tlit-hHrs-itf MR.IIBOU, h

Comity OrphtCuurt iii tint

law uf llielatu OrovD !i],i)fa]Hi! fromm' Cimrt tu t t entti.T u[ Hie alluu

iiloni, Alfred Mills and Edward Potnerti, tilt) mt uf w

TheEorao for the F r i e n d s , Mewark, so-knowledge! * tjori&tlon of tiS Iron Sfrs. I>r-Oven, of Uorfiatown.

. A donation maihtJEIar.3. J . CI&DB, ol JtHJ-hone, mnonntei] to tSCinoish, teiiJoi edlbleiinO other good thing9-

A fine hop find oveter infiper ffil) be (jlVecl h B k b l ^ I l H on tbe erening

of ffash!nglon*a BirtMny,A ouftl Iraln ran Into the Boocton Aeoorarao- j

datlon ttBoonloii last Saturday and aoceroly

Every reuJor of UK> EnA lins PD II tliem—tboge pcuplu who always Lel|)ing thonucl'rvtrytbfng nitliin tlieir icicb. One of Ifiuibclucd liimsulf to &to(itli-pli'k in a doctn

e. Butllpruveilu viicclne pmnt, lio Inyi tu tiunciiiiu ills tongue, tbo vacciE, and ho now wears bin tonguo on tlio oiof Ilia muuth.

Tlie Banner, tlie orRaii of tho Dpmocraiparty, hut full bitterly deuounced tho fusiontlw Democratic and Qrcanbuck p«rtic* lathi*tnwnniiip, on I lio ground ttiat tlio DI?DIUwero always injured bj thu coalition. TliaGrcnnlitck people do not R^OIII to bo (iiflfto RiTo thDni ground for sny mom conniu thin direction.

The Banner seems to set a Rood manyKGMical tilings In it nnw-a-ilays, It rana communication this week to the t f e t tlmttbo proposed road bill winch patiHCd tbo Semite

ild liencfit tho corporniion of Dover, wliichin ibanrd, as Cover only receiver, as alwi.Vft.under tor ohari.T, tho mad taxes paid by tbecili!enso( the town.

Death of Ex'SherHf Fairchild.Ei-BLcriE" William W. FairclulJ dial alhis

residence on Soutli ttrect, Moriitttovn, InBondorafteruoon, ofheuiurrhaKO of thn kid-

dimufjid thaanioking car.Ulmiclinolder ha succeeded David

OlbsoD as for ems n of the wood working de<pstlraent at (be air abnpe.

Mr. Livingston D»lrymplo, Inle with E• Iiitidi<lGV b. Pon, b». ni-ceplol % litaation with

Longer A Howerj, fltsnhopo,Oeo. J, "Kl^be, fortneriT oT the Mxniicn

EOUBO, JdoTrklovn, hna renter] tbe Cit;Hotel,en Bpeedwell Ave., in that in vn.

Tbe D., L. & W. road did it good buRinceathe carl; pait of tlie vcek in carryluj wit-temtr from Dover to ttorristoitn.

It fs Mr. O.F. 0'Beillv,of Oranj-e, wlio bunthe contact for Luildinp the Ctntraloxteimionfrom Poil Oiaoi lo Nolan's Point.

KrB. tllco l iu told Jier milfiucry hmhiPfn tnWiss ViOBjeUe, wlioha« bct-n connected TQTBonietitne vithtba ouLablishmeiit.

JJr. CharlDi M. ToniH, of Katiees, formerlyof Dover, is p*yin% a visit to town, and ii cor-dially recei»eil bjbis runny friends.

Mr. Vi'm. H. Qoodale, tbo (UHSCIBI, bus iin.l

veck bj Smith k Lecfc, tlie pamlcrs.

PrexidlnB Elder Unit bed to Torgo snino olhis appotaUBoutfl tiiia wcik nlong Ihe Dela-ware inconsequence of tlia dctpenoiVB.

Tbe Bibeniii M. E. Stinilnj Sclool made aBiefgh ricte to Port Ornm last Suarda.e, Hewn.Bicbarda and Tlppett ruruiahiog (liotcama,

Elinor H«y(, iped 20, sun of Ilrv. J. L. Hayn,of Verona, furoiBrly peelor cf itio Di'nnllo M.E. Cbneb, died on let inet, of cunxumption.

Sutarilay last ma tlio sfilh stormy atliinlnvin tncceMK)'). Uercbanh say tli»t o. eloimy6»turdiy tceps fnHj (1,000 worl'j of track fromtown.

Bev, Wm. H, McCormacfe, of tlie Pccond M.E. ChnrcD, bas been very 111, of pneumonia, farawoek past

Edwnd Utter, cf Beeniervilln^ Siimoiconnty,ba«h*on arrcotcd Tor obtainitjff montyon faUe prttcRMB. Ono case atknatof ttioutterly alter.

A large aleiRblnR pirtjrvisit"!! ravDranil UIRresldeneo of Mr. Henry Baker on Triilsy ovjn-Jog lasl Brown, of tho Chronicle, waB ono ofthe lending ipirllB.

TUe Thomna Iroa Company nre alnking Bnew abaft *t t te Hard Hino ami oipccf toairikc tbo vein tbont WeiincBdajnmt at adeptlioffiRhtyfoet,

Enffioccr Taylor, ni tlie I)ovnr Ae^oinin CKII-tloo, severely xpra-ineJ hin stililo in aticlituiRfrom hit tnplnont Iloboken last Situnlaf mdbid to be bronght home.

Tbe B., L. 4 W. Baltrond Company IIHB tlo-cldec* t i place 4 tliiril bralicniiiti on ottch train,both freight Unrl pBBBeiigcr, hereafter. Tliteipeoao will be about *75,000.

The Dboltertown Independent has reducedthe nnrober of poo* DEQCOB in New Jerecj to 37If Ida BCHMpepers teep nn we will not liavc-enoonh to provide eaob couEty witli one.

Ur. Isaac H»nce ban struck a Cue four fontvein of ore inanownbiflin the Rattan Wae-\property,owned by the Dover BIVWJ;B Bankaud nniler lesw io a rcnneylr&ui« Company.

A Morriitmtner, whouo an cleaned irftlit hishl i h b l t Ubee

diy Mll

n annoy>neo to hli neighbors, lust Ubl* own slippery paveiaent. An

t ild It " fll i rk"diy Ml nr^n bl* p p y plir«Telent merchant railed It "& fill in pork."

Mr. John K Uartin, at Mire Bill, the veilknown commercial »Rcnt, lias asiociated him-aelf with Jbhn'W. Oistreeft Co., provlsioa andcommiwiun merchant of 8JH and 355 ffashing-tonSt.,M.T.

The Government Orclnanot Board bai beenordered to proceed lo tbe Pkcaliouj PowdarDepot, near Dover, to determine oh tho beatmethod of protecting tbe jnaoowder maga-

ffrtf U b l Thitntt from Ins 01rivfd here on Tbtndaj evening.

jerry BIsgKl, of Btmbope, a veteran or theUte war,wba,alth6ngh untoobtedlTentitledto a pention, prehrred to sopport hlmielftl)aafailed lathe effort ani has bsea laken to thoBnftsoc Oonnlj poor home. Ha ought to beH D t to the Boldiere'Home.

The New Turk Herald statev ttiat onsoBUeeof e m m tartar dlnolved in a plat of boiling1

water, to be dnsk when rold 11 abort inUrYili.Cinba fakenaf anyllmo,anti(• a pre-YenUSive aa.ietl as a aura enm for small pox,Tbts maj'be forth remenibtrliiit.

Tho petaliar whlstlea of several of theD.,iy mem

btal l s I t l i nndenioouthat Ihe OonipaoT lotend to have vbietlei oftbti kind placed cm Ml their ptuenRir loootnohtitM.thit puw&gwt BUjbeibls lo dinln-inlah thtm from weon4-fllue ttalm.

M r . V a . T r i « y i « tiiitlog thb icoUon Intbo interMta of Ibe Hn Tort-Tablet XheTablet iatliolMulinR OIUIOIID bmtlr piper oftht aosnirt, |)e»lihj la torn, elevating in ten-tinUBt, und irorlby of ro.ni nbieriben Inthii TlcimtT, WB bupeak lor Mr.Tr»«ja

>««rlr witooinff Mmtag tin people tt fci« filth.

ne.rs, ttter B brief JUDCHS of IOBS ilian IwoHr.riilrcbfld was born ii

April, INNS, snd from his futlier learned thehitler'i tnde. Coming to Morrhiawu hoserved a number ol j o i n is Constable andthen engaged with Mounts. AReni h On., ofNewark, an foreman in thefr'hat factory,altliouRh st ill hnldinft bis residence in Morris-town. Always pirllcipatEng actively In politicsand believing In nnd advocating the principleor Democracy as laid down by Andrew Jnclison, be waBnoralnn>d Tor the office of Sheriffbv bin party in IMS, but WAB defeated byAbraham Topping, tlie Whig candidate, by asmall m»Joiitv, Ho remained in business iiNewark until tlio expiration of Sheriff Top-pinp> term uf office, wlien he WSH aRftiulotted for Sheriff by tht Democrat*, and blby a large majority, and m-nei nitn greatfidBlitj an Blienffiif Morris Count.*, frcmto 185S, nftcr which lie t'lipiged io tlio ren.1enbto and iuBuronco business, ind also bo-

nuctioiifier. n I8(il UIP DumoarHt* elect'dOarri'tl Dtll«tt ShfrifT, 11111k r whum Mr. Fuir-cliiM ofHc-iutcti as IX'pui.v Hluriff, DIHO nervingin a nimilnr cftpuciiv itu.kr Slier id Jews liulT-ni»n, from 1872 to 1875. II.' tilled very accept-ably Fit diilureiit limtj tlie ofiics uf Towusliip

il City Collector and Assue^or, ami aUnrvcdfoiir yesrs a» * mcrnocr oflboCunimon

Count1]). Al ihn \)>ne uf his iJeatb bo wasin tlio real i't>tite aud auction linsi-

'liuHlicrirTwaB always tilled nitli thepatriotic HpJritof'78, «* ho styled it, and fur

yturs tclcbratt'il tlio annitrorBary ofnj;toirn Dirtli J»y ami tlie Dcclaratmn of

fo:nl of urn sic ami organized tbo Ffttr-TU 111 Corps. coiiKihimg of liimnelf andUP, ivlium hi! unilormed in Cuotiiieulal

nlWiisliingtxJii'i Birllnliiy carno rciml, tlioKrt'dl Corf.B wns nn httul with appiojiriot*ra, anil well r<>ntli>re<l tliey wcro loo. Mr,RlrohilJ LnltfH with thn Saiitlt &tr.-et Preubj-itian Churcli in 1877, and lisa Iweu a con-ftti'til m'-Eiibcr of the linrcli (jf wliicli be rn*fitlhful attendant for msny vear«. U\a tiff

tcrs. Rbrnff I'»ircliitd'a death, wliili1 cxpeitii]ilOcnty, anil it leaves a vacancy inwn Unit will nevtir be flllod. Hi; waistive in promotinR tin- IHUMPBU of the

town bit loved »o wet!, anil WIIB found roaily tcIL liclpiiiK btitid tu tliOBf who applied to)rsid, and his di-ccnxo will not only be')y frit by hi H fiiinily. tint liy & largo circle

of frfends anil acquiintniiecs. Tbo funeral

A oomponnd fiactnre of tbB left arm and oon-loiion of the iptae and aknll and b bon the brain ware discovered. Tbe body waibadlr ditflsufld. The Jury then got on aippclai train provided by tbe oompany aodmint loalb twenty-three n lb i to where tbeother bodice Uy. Ur. Stoll wai mutilated be-jrond reoognltion, and Uri. Btoll and the aonweretluoitaibad. Teitlmony WM given tolb« effiwt that Major Waabbnni whbed to getlo W100, u d tbe train rbiob WM coming afterhim being behind time, bt, with Btotl. wifeand ion, Sir. t, W. Painter and tn negroei,empJojea of the latter, got on the bandar tornn dowa to thB switch, two mllei below,vbere Htjor Vaikbnra'e ear wai, and learnthe canae of the delay. On the way down thetrain aaddfolv appeared on tho top or tbo bill,running toward them, and Painter orderedthe negro to tarn the oar back and ran from

train. This wie done, and Painternallod tin train to alack and seniug it did notbo [[are her a Bignat to stop, which tbo brake*man repeated to tbe engineer, who pnt o

But tbe train »s« «n tJio dowu gradild not La gtoppp-l until it daMicd Intidear. Paiutur and ihu ncsroce jiim|ie

id landed anhnrt. Washliurn jumped batd not ltttul elfHr KIKI wan Htmc-L by tlio train.r.Btnll m l liju wile mil ma ramaincd on tber until tfiruw 11 from ft. Tin, Juiyrutuniovenlitt in Bccordmmo will* ttie fucts, antaihul 110 blame to tlie train men. TliriiHiijK of the L tull ruinily VF"I11 \tc broiiizht toiirri^town r..r inlenMr. St'jfl WBS formerly ticket acent

A Minbif Suit Sent to 1 RefereeAn ac t ta bron|{l>t bv Frederick A. OavSeld

*&d Thomtg Haley, mining ecgiaMrs wit ovn-traoton ot Korria County, agamit tlie TillieFottorlron Uinea for »5,1O5.U dimasei foran alleged hresoh or cuniraot, which came onfor trial in Hew York on Tuesday, before Judgetarreiuiire Is Supremo Circuit Court, Part II.,wai iBBipurarilv distuned of Wednesday mornlig. Tbe iilmntifEa cUlm that In the mouth olAugoet, 1HT8, limy entored into a ooutraoiwith tbe defendants to mine iron ore at thf«oiop*ny'« mine to a eortaln depth at 11,50per ton of ore to be delivered npon tbe onm.p»ny'i cara, -The mine fa situated near Birw-itefa Station, oa the Harlem Bailroad. Attho end ot* ytttr ibo eaaptoy umwad tberigit to raaolnd the enntraet, and drova theworkmen employed by theplalntiffi away fromthe miae. Tbe defepdiart olaJo that theybad the option to canocl tbe contract •» myOme. WbRDtheoaaewasaboattobeeontinii-ed Judge Larreraore, after auerUIafng that itwould be a very long one, that it wai intendedto prove tho account! of tho pine aepmtely,and after argueraenti of oouutel, eoooiudecl tosend tho cue <o a referee, and accordingly or>aered a raferenoe to »-Jndge Josepb 8. B01worth to tettle and determine the matter.

A Superb Family Bible- -Tbli Mppelititiau nuv hu *M applied to tbe

ovt Uttge iltolraUd Vttailj liibje of tbe

Umiden-Post-The eleurnts made Thunday sight

l t jet tbe retideace o,

x, Blieru Uo liiikl 0r M. S. Ciik-msn 1

D bem


irlf of n

idtlo111 tliiiir h-roalID that 8tste.coiniik'tud, lit*

jk having just beelo E<I tv Utx;c« as supuilnlcaiieiil

ciioii on ilio gic&t railway lino to beluill in tlmt country ly Americas capitaliatn.

Mrfl. etoli v%a tlio elf(i'H( ciiiW of tiw familyMr. Vane, ly his firit marriago. Kr. V*ncs

IB JuHt bigliinliig to cutivakaco [rum huucut Bnvcru illntBn, when I lie news of liitrrlblu diBitncr waa brought to liira 01udut'Bfky morning. In this idled tCQIotioD,0 force of which cau only bv realized by

A Rumor Uenlsd.We lait week gave publicity to a report oon-

eerolng a tranaiottoQ in Plandsri, whlob iftrue wtt tery detrimental to Ibe characterof tho farmer owoer of the lionse now OCOQ-pied by Urn. Wm. Case, A gentleman whomalted on tu last Monday said tbe report waiuntrue, tlthough be admitted it wis carrentin the community. The aggrieved geetleman,liimgolfft noweptftor corruspondant, denies itin lt)to,an<t we are perfectly witling to makepnbiio the denial, In fact, we aro ready to dojnst what tlie aggrieved Individual roFuiod to

1 wlieu, sumo time *go,Ue cndeivored to lo-re tJiDEiubvgivingatlBTftuoo toamatlcioai!, Ibe correction of ffliiob might have IigijeBteJ bycommun decency, as well as b jr- (j-Ttf />/Hrrifjlliro wit'j wltfflb bo upoltn ttiur all bis i-dvansurieg. A comparison be'«CD our courao and bis would probablyuse Ills scriptural quotgtfoag to Sybnek ttm like a buuuiurnng.

As Good as her Word.A curioup Hiorv comua from Clieater. It Isi<l llntone day UMI wt.;k lira. Cramer, thtqiLr til n butti-d'uid lidiice In tbat place, gutio un altercation tviib ouo of lior bofirdors, a

(tooary ol toe Bibfa, • mmplete *D& nh*blt>Ooncoidacoa, * History of ail tbo relifiouadBuomiuatmnt in the world, a niagaincoutr*onJy recirrf •n(l pbningrapb altiam. TheIllustration*, over 2,600 lo number, are tbelnud«(io.C8t aud moit completu of any Bibleire have ever seen, showing manners aud ens*torn* of (he period, Bible antiquities ftnd•cenery, animali, plant*, eta,, aa well « his-torical iUastintious, all aooomptnied by ex-:lilkoatory articles Nearly avoir P1*66 * u d

objett of interest mentioned in tbe BcriptnreiIi shown. The blndlog fi sltnpbj niMtnlnoentand the price ii astonisbiuglv low. A featurewhifll) maltoa this Bible a tery niaablD wed-ding Pteeent, is a marrUge certiaoato bonodlatbevorh. Mr. J . H. Braen, of Rookaway,U the sgant for this teotioa, aad the irorkmay be bad of him at the alore of Broen &Bauncll In Kookawij, Eo 1* ilso apant fortbe " ladles of the White House," dough's"BunlightandShaduw," and "TheOampleteHome," all Qrat-alus worlis.

uf w tbe marrixge<>f his daughter, Hiw AUUIB L. Poet, BudDr. K. O. Lurjwd>n. Tlie c rtmooy wuaperttmaeH bj J(rr. D. V. BMiof St. John's Obnrah, Dov^

given bwaj by her fitber,The bride

ud tbe lady

place, in tlie ctujMd liiii) mil uf tliu IIDIIStgo, but roadu tbu

of wliioli eliUo, it appears,

tint tlie

elf.he baa the

BO liighly CHtei'tnod

ypathy ol li» editorial

The Morris Canal Cause*.Tlio lung trial uf tho liaise? causes againstn U-high Valley Hailmail Cmupiiiiy, whichgau uu (lie 3d (jf Juiiiuiry,c;«nie tu aa end anjiiday, February 6th, by a vortliot for thetmlirl'tiiu all theuuita. Tho flmt tlirct to-me wero brought in lB7tjby tho U*(MOJB aentra nud Van Wiiiklc anil HOIK land 11 ten'(• of thu R--iati)iili »nd forge at IUickaway,&ifiHt tlie ci*mpany for uiv^rtinj? tlie water of<\ rivt-r by their canal M Di.ver. Tbcsd ic-uiB »<<[«: rumuvDil tu the United Staled Court

tlie (k-funtlaut and tlie Halapyj and Vitniutlu HUt-<1 again in Ib71, laying the ilaniigeiieach action At 1*90 aw tlist they could outremoved out ot ihn county. Tho companyen brought a suit in Chauuery enjoi h

tt fru ttiee Ilreeaitu,iming theylut dliamnta lliis bill and tbo Court bt•ors BiwUined Ibis dodMiou. Tlifl Haliovi

d Van WinkfBH then brungbt in 1S80 tw(

as good, or better.,bsa HiDBi) wuo lalkud about her. The land-

lady informed hint flint if he repeated the' uld him. lio Hsu fiwt-

iisnly enouyh lu rcpuat tlio sUtoment andtio 10 ber word, threw upon him a pan

olhotwiUee, whiub struck iiim In the neckr bin clotliingncnldud

biin uuvurulj 011 butL tbe Lreait Biid beck. Itis reported that tbe landlady li&a Icon arrested,ad held In bud to auswur tlie assautt.

A Creat Firm-Elsewhere in the Efli Jfl pubhuhed tbo

DTtifvcinciit of tlie (jroni ivholusala liouae ofHIMrtsoD, OaddiH & Co. ttcMaa Loin); a Nonerst-Y Juxiflft, wiikd ahmM commend ft to (hiItciitioti of dealers in Una section, it IIDH tinmnt of being able to oflor tbo best Indiieii.cuts for BL'Ttral masons: Ia tbo Brut plnctitjy Arc lnJAvy bnypr^ and P&D ^GII Glioaply •

in tho nest, freights Trciiii Newark are not aiisaty Bsfrcm Now York; in tbe third ftoodi

Rudy for an EmergencrI t Is aald the NewJeney Central Ealiriud

rcqalrei every piBionger train on tta HUB andbraoeheB to carry all tbe implements neeei-sary forefflcJentworx In ease of anaooident.While on lla waj 1011th on Wednesclar thepassenger train on too High Bridgo DranoUmet ftlth aa tccideni by Ibe breaking of thoeqaallslag bar on thB left side of tbe aoaolt,letting one aide of the ooaoti down. Conduc-tor Crook, with, jaokMnd othar implement!which he had ou hand, in ten minutes raliedand blocked np Iho 0010b anal went into HijihBridge on tine. In tbe evening ha returnedwith a new ooaob.

of the house presided over tbB feativitiei ofthe evening with grace and dignity. A largeDumber of ralmhle presents were mfida andthe display of thetn manifeated good tasteon the part of tbe donors. The cootenU ofthe supper talk, both edibly uu] flomlly,were above Dritlolmn, and were appreciatedfuUr by the oompany awenibled. SociallythB party was Indeed a most merry one, andquitesiurprWngfetttureofil was the un-usaal large number of ladies wlio were welt

tosi tdovotothe piano and play\y. AU entered fccartilr ioto the

merriment of the occasion, &td in dinoiagBud other wsys amused thetcselves till a latehour. Ths E u hopes that tliia auspiolousbeginning to their wedded existence maycontinue to tbe tappy ptiaoipels thrwghout• long lease of life.

Bead the advertisement of the large Tea-due of Alfred W. Hinds, which appean iuthe IKON EBA this week,

I. D. Seofield, of Suooaannna, will sell allbis stock of store*, tinware, etc., at auctionon T'leftdxy, the 2Bth inst.

The Compound Tar Cough Syrup prepar-ed at the Brick Drug Btore is the most re-liable for BU longaffectioQs.

Get your prescriptions put tip at theBrick Drug Store to secure accuracy aad ex'

Didn't Want his Utter* Stamped.Tbe law requiring tbe itunpins of letters

in tha back at Ihe office where they »» re-ceived did not work to ihe advantage of thereceiver of a letter at the Dover office- a fewdavs tlDoe, who came io the office and do-mamlcd that his letters sttnuld not bo stampedthat *ay in tho future,trsnapfred tbst t J


Upon Inquiry itp y g yhad Intlted lilts

her Hkeneis, taken in the form of a tin type,and tbe heavy cast Iron stamp bad Indeliblybranded the legend " Dover, N. J.," rightnoroHs h^r feature!. He surely had a reason-able grievance, ,

Sale of tha High ledge Mint Leas*It Is reported that oi-Bheriff P. A. Freeman

has Hold tbe Isase of the Hlgb Ledge Ulno inItotbury township to Mr. Joitph Wbarton,propriitor of tbo Htckettitawn and Port OramtomRCfS and Isaseo of the lloonton BoilingMills. The price paid tbrtbe privilege of tboleme subject to lbs rofUlfcIsBvoatreentipttton, l» raid to have been ,110^00. Tlie minnbelongu to tbo oat&te of the Ute Tlio*. L. Kingand i» B8.id to be opening up apleadldly. l t dnot often that iwatonr mine operators do aswell asBbcnff Freeman haa In thii vontare,and weooni(nlulito liim op)n hU

Cheaper Portage.The Moiring Is ihi text of tbe House „_

8,SW, introdiioe'l into OoEgrois last ffcok byBeuteaeatativo John UNI, of tills connty:

A bill to facilitate letter correspondence byreducing- postage aud cttabligbiug an inuroasodstandard of weight for tho rating of lottcra andsealod pnekages *hove tbo weight of hair anounce.

Ba it enacted by tho Seoate and Houne ofBeprescnlatives of the United Slates of Araur-lealn OoDjrress asicmbled, Tbatteotios tliirty-nine bundrod and throe of tlia Boviaed Stat-utes IB hereby amended by striking ont all

'aflw [He irord "uttgaod "in said eooffoc, andinswtlDg the lolloping: "Portage •hill boprepaid and charged according to weight, BSfolfowB: For a (eftcr or sealed package notabovo one-lmtf ounce, two ouiits j If cxueudlngball an ounoo but not

lg; if tieoeding twooQu

B^reeb-UbliiihediDlSGl,ft Is e. fact not to be gaina&yed tbat

Lunger A Uowery, of Stanhope, BtandBeo-ond to none as dealers in ell kinds of house-hold merchandise.

for want ot further one one l«rge bealicgstove uned In the E B I ofBoe will he Hold m ylow. It is of unusual size, aud will beatilarge ball. Apply at the offloe.

In ordor to obtain tbe five o'claok editionof tbe evening papers Breesa, tbe bookseller,Las made nrrangeroeDts to luve them bmt on the 7; 20 traiu and will supply regular


TUose who mnke a snucfiilty of _branch of trade, buying largely aud selliuglargely, oan always offer tlie freshest stocksand best inducements. This app!!*6 lo theHew York And Oliiua Tea Company, oppositethe hriok block.






a but nat aver; g Q but nat averfour ounces, BII cents i aud eo 011, charging anadditional into of t«ro cents for fach addi-tion*! weight of two onnwa or fraction there-of." This aot eball lako olleci from and after

urn suits li g tho time Irutu 1877 to tbit

cqu o ln-lil 0

Fehruarf Weather Guesses.TlioEnAdoea nol plncc the utramt faith onather prcdietiona, but it Eitun them that

o curious may note bow nearly tlicy ale mi-I01I. Vtimorproilictcdafcarately ihnt Fch-

iHBfd it when tin aniii tbey wirald ebange tpin on thu Itli anil 5th, He predicted lliale |«rrflt)Jt sreck would be 1 mild one, ttitb 1

of w nter in fltitThe 11th and Hi h will probably bring a returnof (i

u lltU and 18tb in likely. Tli« o<?)t h

lie altmuliuniif mildii'-M npiut irith snow and rain etorms,heso tocotni'iiK mnresevcro toward (uo end ofbe week, (ho 17tb or IStli giving gcner.ltnowMis. The 19ili will probably usher in a ter-

rible week of ruin storuw (snow In some quar-id floods, with days of very nigh windiIff, Tbeso will bo more marked In

wentorn and southern lectlocsof coanfiry, andtill lerminate in generally colder weather andieavy snow falls toward tbe i5tb and Mth

days ard entry of March,

DeVoe'a lorecast fur febrnary *as : Feb*ctury will he* month long to borttoombertdon aecouut of IU frequent and heavy snowitorme and sadden falls Iu temperature. Hortmow will fait dqrinff tbat taaatit tee tbiileetton than has fallen for the past two yeancombined. It will enter warm aad stoshy tilltbe fitb, ihen it will ebange suddenly. Snowstorms will occnr about the 6th, Btb, Uth,15th, 93d Ind S7th, Balu Kill fill on the 8d,11th, 18:b, 94th. Tbe Average temperaturewill be lower than durlDgthe previous month.

A Great Storm.The snow itora of !ait Saturday was Ihe ae>

vere*t of tbe seaion and extended orer % Krgpportion of tbe country, The thermometer

1 ranged from 16B to 90* above aero, and tbewind piled the anow io great batiks. The fillwas about nue root on the level, and tbe snowin the woodi IB now roily two feet deep. Allthe trains 00 Saturday evening had bard workin getting through tbe drifta and wen veryJale. TJwiaillhB eait due ben at 1:29 didnot arrive till 13:20; the Dover Accommodationdne here about 10, aid not reach here) till naif,put 8 the nest morning. The milk tnis oaSunday morning wia fnur bonra lale. On IbeOnutnr and HI* n Bridge branches trains wirekept bnpy on Sonilay in opening tbe roadf.On Sunday morning very few people went toohnrcb on amount of the great mttiei of snowon the sidewalks. In the eonntry the roadsReneral'y were blockaded aud fravellng wu

nade very dlEBcnlt.

Deaih to rata, mice, roiehea and anli; Par-sons' Silerninitar. Barna, granaries andhnuHebolds cleared in a single algbi. Ho ftarof bad imella. Best and oheapeit TanninUJltrJoHttwerlEl, ld i

;, agalD laying ibo damages st *49O In each,ee. After many other dnUys tbe otUBoa were

brought to Ibe Morrii Circuit to be triedgcthsr; seveuty-onB witnmtia wore sworn,7-fivo for tbo plaiutiS and sixteen for tboftminnt. MrFHaey WM tbo (.lalmiffs'iil-joy and Mr. McOartor HBBisted by Mr. Tlieo.lo, appeared Jor t i e duii-iuhul. The Jurye out but a abort fame waon ttiey braitbo follawlog verdicts, For tho Hals

.C00,1490 and f JQO on their three suits. ForVan WiDklua, 11,350, (WO aud ti% in theireo faults and for Mr. Honglaud, 11,350.;il amount of judgments, *8,330.'here is uo diBguielng the fact tLat tbo rat uf tlicso cautcti is vary gritilying to tiniplo £euer*lly, loi itide from the acemiugmtien of diverlinga nitaral wator coune1 thd Iliiclan-«y river, there hss ciiated

oilier gnovztice against tb» IMDOIB ot Ibeml, in tiiat tlio public bis believed tbit tbo

Ltd oT the Itockuw&y for some ye lira pantLeei) prutiflo of mukri* and genornt ua-UiiruliieHB.

'lio tffiicl ol the verdict upoti tbo IQHSMS orCfttikl w** scou utonco, for on Tuo«l*y,

day tficr it wai ruudured, tbe C*ali boardithe Muri'in litrcut d^ui, Hhi^h IIHVO b tfii tb&>o ol dispute, were rumored by Iho com-)•'» omployeea.

MORRIS COUNTY COURTS.be fit sue vs. Pi Kick J. Sb.rkty, indict odissauJtand IMUVIJ 011 Officer MiJley, rc-d in a verdict of guiltr of niraplo tseault.

tt-nco tnunti-fivo (lollim ncc and eoets.

Tlio Mute va. Jam eg Rile;, indiclod formil battorf, rcuultud in an acquittal.

K. lloir for defeodint,: Parker, who plmdcd not guilly tor^c of BtcalitiR a «»tcl, retracted liiaplya »ud pleaded gnilty.State vs. Andtow Fagan, Indicted, for

& iliaurdorlr bouse, resnlti-d in antl. Wcru for defendant,tato vn. Charlea Pcterman, Was triedml ted in • rerdicl ot gutlty. Iho ile-

datit was Indicted for keeping a disorderlyi Humllum, and tho ctklcnee stiowed.IB lime ia Noteralier last he parchmed

tliturcsaud %ov\ will of George Die be,used proprietor ot tbo Black II or no

el at Mendhtm, anil engaged iu the saletoiicuting liquors, order tho approhen-

Ion tbat ho could law folly do so it tho btiHl-IBB WBB condnctetl in tba name of tbo lastindlonl. Mr. Werts fordttBndant.Tlir Utale r«P Abraham Wilaon, asianlt and

stlery ; vtrdict, guilty.Tho Stftlo VB.Bamnei J. Soaring, disorderlyante; verdict, pnillr; fined |1PO.Tlio atalo TI. Georgo Mum, disorderly

and assure tho eifctyof tbo traveling public,wbioli Is proved by Ibo fact that uo pausengf-rrhilcin a car h i s ever l.ccii killed upnu l"jinlivisioii. Itecently ttiCBe;>recantKinary roeas-

urcs btve been iiicrcHsod. Axua, eta., liaveIho cars, and empluyocii aro

•eat? dm jjriiit«! helmet ions. This bas re-lulled in the hyin^ off of BDUIO employees,ind (nione them tho rear brattmnu o[ thofictcllHtoBu Mail, nliu lisa beou in tlioiinuloy of llio company for tiftacnor twenty

year. ^ _ _

For Public Security.iiiiunt Snimiol 8ln*n, of tbo D., L. & W.

read, bus insure! tlio fullowins order : " It Is>F (his coiupauy to bavn proper rules

Tor the running and tafety of all traini; it isI that oonduolura, oogiueera and

brakcmeuall nndontaml those rulos and tberaportinco or c loso and rigid attention tohem, for the aafetv 0! lire and property. Nollflcrctiju muni ba allowed nor risk Ufcon.Ilwutd i u r rule bo negleotet], or ID any man •lor violated, it will bo a favor to the companyijidtliotravftlina; public to have Ihe neglectpromptlyrcported io tbo SupuHuteadsuti attho respective dlvitiiona or tbe undersigned."

- •» • •» —

Boontonlans In Danger*tbe Boon ton biker, was almost

o caii&l cnica wln'cli bavn baca on fortime iu the Circuit Court closed on

ilaT, the jury brinRingia a verdict Tor tbo[>UlntirT«, judgment aggregating no mo 13.000.

The Central Branch to tbe Powder Depot-Tlie bill granting to the Central Railroad Co.

ofNew Jersey tlio right of way tlirongh tlieioperty ofthe United State( near Oarer,Oarbicb is tbo Piccatinny- powder depot, bis bee n

favorably sported from tbe Senitte CommitteeMilitMT Affaire by Mr. Sewrfi. Tlio pis-!

ge of tbii bill is recommended by Gen. Ben-nett, Chief of Ordnance, who ears that thecompany la willing to extend its road to thep d e r depot next Spring for tbe convenienceofthaDnited States if it oan get toe riffhtofway. Tbe distance of the bonndary lino of theGovernment property from tbe neareat rail-road Ii more titan three miles, and the rod*are aa difficult Out the banting of material,etc., costa mots than t l . l l a ton. Oan. Bennettsays that this railroad eoaaeettoa wa* contem-plated when tbe site waa aelectod and bought,

• being an economical neoemty for tbs ofauptransportation of material daring the oonstrao-tion ofthemagiilnei and other buildings, ladfor tba prompt and eafo dirtriboaon of gun-powder after tbe depot la in operation. Thecommittee sayi that Ihe consideration Ii one of |

intnal benefit, because not only will the Gov-ernment saie mooey by the eitonrlon of tbaroad, but tbe railroad company will therebybars Ibe meam of making econeotfoni beyondthe boQndaiiea of ib» Gorernment property.

Sujpiciorw Areustd,Obu. Protbero, who aooe tlnu ago opened

a taloon at Middle Fotge, died on Banday list.He ha4 been drinking heavily for Rone tinepaat, bnt It ie laldlhat about iwo wecki befornhis death he got into a quarrel Wth acme

I customer • b n a a n of their refoial to pay forbeer pnrchaatd, and % fight eoiaed, In lbseoantot wbiebbe wai badly beaun, Araotjj[other thing• he reoeired a kick in Us facewhtoh b i flly dlicdorcd tt, and U wu thong*!by biffrliudt tbat ttii JMJped U> butin hudeath. It Ii baliaved that u Inquiry will bemad* into the, nutter.

Fine STalfht.JOR. 8 . Bftrh A HOD, or Hoeilway, call Uu

tttentiun of tbfl pBopleto the floe work the*are tttrnlng oat in tlie way of •leEghi of all de-•crtptloai, and sal tfaoie In want or ilelflbi toglTe then a call and ooaviuce Ibeuaehes oftheir workmanship. Bead tbslr n«w a d w .U l

e obtained moie promptly from NowirkNi'v Yurb, making ottimes a dlfferaooe ofal days. Tlielr great tpocialty jnst nowr, ib'tni wliich their advertisement tells.. \V. Ihwwond, ot Boon too, represent!

tlia lioaso iu this sectloo.

. Another D.# L- A W. E*tent)on,Tberu is said to bo a proposition to extend

tbe Doiawaro, Lackawanoa aad Western B. B .from Kicbfletif Springs to Oneonta, New Vork,(ouchiuK at Cooperalowa. It would fleom toIhe uninitiated a scheme wfaiob must be warm-ly commended. The country which thia A>tension of twenty-eight mllei wnuld develop'iB Hike rich ana bc&ntiful. Nowhere else canbo found tho peon liar chantolarisitcs of thrift,coufiirt ana* fertility which noet the oyo on

hand m thia eplendii) rogioo. Not onlyI It iona tbftt a liberal local freight andnger iratSa might bo developed, bat tlie

conutry in smoug the most attractiiBojourncra,

A Caie of Varlolold.Quite some eicltoment has been occasioned

by tbo report that a boy infected with smallmx ban been dent from tbe Denvllle Proteo-tory to Ihe Horns Ooauty Poor House. Blew-ard Bkulleng cr, however, lnformB as that thecase is but s very miii one of urloiold. It Issaid that tho rcsldoQce of the boy is Hobokon,and as lie bad DO logal settlement here, tt IB

itoer ilia anthoritta* had any

Protection Agaimt Accident*.ItlsonlyjuBt lo u y tbat upon the M. 4 B .

Division of the D., L. & W. road great ca been 1 to prevent t oident

with tbo oold and storm, Siturdayhi f H b

Mr. Spivercom ,ifgbt last. He was ou his way from Hibemla,ia jlEifih broke down in Itockiwa; Ttlley,

•od he wai obliged to abanttoo It. 0e> man-aged to get to Drown's hotel, Fowerville, bntwasiua terrible condition ot suffering. Since,bo has been confined (o big lioms, hating bothfcot and bandi frown.

Bimoel HatrjmoQd and son, of Boonton, nar-•uwly escaped drowninfr.TDCBilay, i i Bloom-ngdile. They were in a sleigh. Tho horse1

became frightened and Jumped Into tbe pond.The tlcigb vent under, but ill were reicood.—lullotln.

Spring Chlckem.Anoiohangeaiyi: " T h e n I* an Inoreia-

Ingdcmmd Tor early ohickens, and the pricensaatly regnlates the supply. Toere are ofnourae not many brooding fowla at thia timeof year, but by means of incubators *nd »rtl-flolal mothers It Is possible to oitda chicken*i t any season. The poiiibiiltles ot the Inou-batnr and the artiBoUl moUwr aro well worthlooking into. It wi require souiB knowledjtoami (Kill on the part of tha operator to handleIhem pmperly, but for tbose who know howthere Is money In it.

Railroad Speculationt-Tbo shorl intereit in Liokawanna Is eitl-lalcd as blgh as ii0,000 shares. Tim Vander-:

bill road O$G1B1B ara very beailih on tbe bit*ind bullish on Beading. As soon 11 tboing coi,n!>clioti*ritii tbo New Tori Ceulra)

road is complettd, the Reading people expectto oblftiu tbo lion's nhare of tbe Laekairanna'a

Bufcru coal tra<l«, Tho New York Central(1 Lake Bhure niongersare opposed to tha

Lackiwanna'ii new fiingbamton and Buffalouenilon and say tbat tbe Vanderbtlt Veilernee will never forward a ton ol tlu hitter'sal after the Reading connection is Bnlshed.

A Gnat Work Completed.U. S. Caieman * Srt>., Ilie Uorrff Cointy

eonttaotorB who cunaiructBd tne link of rail-road oonueaing tue Teiai and Pamflc and tbeSouthern Pacific lines, bavo Jmf hail ttis twolast ipikea wblch were driven hindaamalyallver.pitted. Th6j Intend to hire Iho uplkeaappropriately engraved and to then pieaeutone to Mr. B. H. Boile, Qenerat Manaffw of Ithe roads, and tbe other to D. W. Washbnrn,OUlsf Boglneer. Tbese iplkei will be aunv-eniraofontortbemottaiDmentous evuots InTeui railroad history, \

• Silk Mill Matter*That the Dover Bilk Conpany, reoeotly or-

ganiied In Paterson, ii a large concern mayreadily be Inferred from the hot .that theirpay roll at pnsent amiianli to 11,000 per week.Th«y will ooeapy the nppw floor ol tbe nnw

, SlujrlBton mill for the pretent, bnt It is toiler-ed their coming here will reioli In the bnild-ifngotanewnlHtbe next seaion, TJBcorpsor thirty g\iU who for some time p u t havebeen nndoriuitrnelhns at tbo new mill aresaid to biva become very proficient alreadyand will be r««4f for tottra work when tlieBinglelOD tnachinary ariTer,


OnTaetdat. Jan. 17th, In the Cathedral,New Tork City, by Her. ftther Sarnie, wuperrormod the ceremony of the marnige orHI11 Eatla Bcper, foruerfy of Dovsr.and Mar-tin E. Bergen, E^ . , or tne firm of E. Smith ftCo., if 164 areenwitb St., and71 and 74 Ooart •lindt Bt., Nsw York City. Tb* bride reeeirsdflone Tery bandsanM' vmenti. inclndlng apiano and a t i t or ilker from E. O. Klddor,Jr., a silver asetor from Was llcOloskey, andothsra loo rnuny to mention,' The happy pairreturned to the olty last week from a weddingtot; to RochMfer tod otto points.

right to send him to tbo Poor House of tlcunnty. As the case is very IJxbt it In believedthat It till not osnae an/ furtber trouble.

Entertainment at Rockaway.A well aeleotcd company of amateura In

Itoiikaway are making arrangements to prc-sent in Btlckle'sHalt, on tbo evonlnfi of Vaeb-ington'i Blrlbday, Tuesday, 22d init., thenemonible trial scene of Uardul) vs. Piokwiok,Troa Diolreus' Pfok wick Papers, and a Dumberof other soenes from well, known plays, Alltbat careful preparation can do to mahe thaentertainment onJtijiWe will he done. Pro-(ramm&* giving full partlouUrs will bo issued,la a few days. In the meantime gel roady foran evening of genuine enjoyment.

A Sudden Death.

Mr. Odd, TV. Stephens, a prominent anahighly esteemed reniilont- cf Flanders, wanburied on Monday Inst. Hts dentU occurredin a very sudden manner on Wednosdiy of lastweek. Heoaroninto tUn I01180 from cattingwood »l>orjt 3 o'clock ID tbe aftarnoon and cam-

R . yjllwirc-ft UUb Intorbe lookad hint, arid after easing

big bead In bis chair treat ifter a pl/low to pntundent When ulio ratornod she oonld aairouso him and found that bo wia dead. Heart

B wai probably tbo cause.

Sherifilicriff Hnwell mitdo ono s

ilorriitown Institution fur Ravings vs. Thos.Hart ot. ale. Two lots tn Boon ton sold tc

impkiriant for fSOO.Ei-BlierlffMcDavit made Iho following sale,

DO Monday: idmiuiatrator of Waters vs,pater«. Troporty in Hoibury townsliip. Sold

(o William H. Qrcen for 11,300Francis h. CuaCert fit. «ls. VB. Fh&be O,

Mncbmoro, Property In Chatham township,Bold to somplftitiania for 13,500.

Morris Council, Ha- 941. Royal Aroanuro-Tlio following have been elected office™ of

this Council for tbe current year:?. G Albridee C. Smith.Pastltegent-W-m.UorAs.Rpgeot-P.H.Burroll.YieoRogent-E.A.TajlDr.Seeratart—Ohas.A. invert.Oolleolor—E, W. Doty,TreaHurer—Jflmes 3. Meiioi.Orator-Or.J.D. Kinff.Werden-JohuP. Wood,,Ocf<le—W. DunaldioQ,Bentry-FrackGox,

Ibe Bint oay of Jut/, eighteen bundrod anileighty two.

Excitement Concerning a School.HOT, Father UoConker, or Babway, Into of

Newton, recently recommended to BishopWgger tlie cloning of tho Oatiiolfo ParochialSchool there and the Bunding vt tbe childrunto the public icbools. The Biatop dcollned toaoootle, lUtlng tbat bo boirovod that tlio goodof religion demanded that tlio obddren Bbouldbe well trained in good Catholic ichoola. Tha

h l ii In olmrgo of Biateri from Madison,Father McCosker in an interflow Bays: •' Thechildno do not abov proSoieooy in ibuJriludlei.and npon Diamlalag thom IniUKliB-appointet), ami told tlienilpr'eferred tint t i e ;ihould go lo the puhUo actual. Iu all my ex.perlunce with hotb kinds of scknula have toomany forma, and teach many things uuiagon-i t i to a liberal odncatlon, Bat tbe BUbophu ordered the school reopened, eo that Iham no alternativB." Cutholio people of tbepttritb, generally nHired up the transaction,av i " We pay tor tbe wkool, and we will notlend oar children to the pn

Terrible Itcliiug mid scaly humors, ulcore,soros and scrofuloaB swelhngH oared by theCntlcura and Guticura Soap (the groat skin3arc«) externally, and Catlonra Iieaolvent[blood purifier) Internaliv. Auk ahout thenit your druggists.

'- •*••».,UeKttHl from De*U).

William J. Couglilia, of Bomervillo, Mast.,Jtya: ID the tall or 1879 I vns taken withbleeding of tbe lungB followed bj a severecough. I lost my appetite and fleiii, anil fftaconHnod to my bed. Iu 1B7T | I waa admiuet)to tho boipitsl. 'Ihe doctors Mid I had a holdii LIT lung as big as & hair dollar. At ouotime a report wont around tliat I was tlesd. I

up bopo, but a frioud told me of Dr. ff m,BBnlwni tor the tuoRg. IgotabotUo,




benLtor, and

fiiolter Wan for tbreehoping everr Owill take ftlWtafflioteil whli dhotsud lungs will take ft/

Bull's «al»nm, and bo cor- - *"--•tiou can bo uurud. I cai(JDDO more noud than al, IUI btvs taken aiiiCB my Biakm

can positively lall tlio utlior m

Oh, What a Cough IWill von heed the warning. Tbe HlgonI per-

laps ol tlw sure aupimicb of tbat nmtc tern,bio dmeiBB Vt m a amp dun. Auk youctolvcs IfiBe Coimanpiion. A

n nfford for tbo sake ofo ttk i d h

lves fts. tok

you can nfford for tbo sake of savlnu 50 cts. torun (no ttuk auii do nothing for U. Wo knowrVom oi[>erienoe that Hliiloli'g cure will ouroSaw oougb, It never (Mi. TIHB einUinuwbj- more ttian * million baulre worn sola thopast jour. Il relieves croup and whoopingojingh at cnoo. Uuthers du nut be without it.For larue back, side, or obent, UBeHHILOfl'BP o r o u * ?Uaw. SoldbyVoaghfA X U r e

Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.Is It not trortli the small prJoeof 75 oetite (i

of ||ida(l(liB-80 ll t

rroeyoursoir of every symuunn of utreiHlogcomplaiuiB.lfyou tiiinksooistoroand get a bottlu of Slnloh's Vitsliaor,every bottto lias a pnutoO guarantee an u, uaaaccordingly aud if it dooByou nn gou,i it willDUBt you nothing. Bold by Vougbt ft Killtfore.

•» • • »We have a speedy and post live cure for

catarrh, diplitlmrU, canker mouth and beadMlw. i» Shiloli'g Catarrh Rpwodv, A HBBUJinjMtor rroo nltli ouch loltlo. UHO it If youdesire bpalth and stiwit breath. Prlon CO ots.

Pur sale by Vought & Kill go re,

Mothers,nilhidnalJy nod colJcotiveJy, wltliont a alngkncpptlon, pronounce XX. Ooogli Syrup Hitnost pletaant and cffioaciouB wmedy for the

cure ofowghB, coldt, sore (liroat in ehlldtentbut has been gheu to tbe public. TboysiyIt always acta like a charnt. CbHdrea'rejUly'ike tt. At Vougiit & Killgur^'ii, Duvor.

Bargains al Ml is Nolan's-BTUs Koluu IB making special reduotlocB I I

everything her store cental™. Forsonflwant-* ig anything In her Hue should givo ber a eall.Beauhoraivertiaetnout.

B recent Bevera snow storm will un-doubtedly prove tery deBtrnetlve to par-tridge and quail in thin ssolioa of tbe State,

d t h f & y yof tbeas gurne birdB npun their uremiaeitbliould look after them and giva them alltbe protection in their power. K iitlle at-Uniionlu thUdlreatlon might be tbe means'

f uxing hiicdreiis of (beta.

A Fatal InjuryIuhmael Palmer, tbe driver of tbe atore teim

yf Rlobardi, Beach k Oo.( at Hlbernia, waa onThoradny ol iiut- week dr.viojr a load op tbemountain on the back rond where bis alod

me in dinner of apielting. lie endeav-ored to Daub It back, bat it cams orer tod fttllupon him. He did not Imafrlnebimteirserl-COJJJ hurt and went on with his work. Later,however, be was taken fit and continued togrow worse (IU Saturday morning vhen hetiiea. He waa an Induttrians and honorablenan and waa much reapeeted.

A Pair of Alleged Thieves.Some two or three weeks ago John Bean

was arreited for larceny in tho vicinity of FoxBill and Ukeo to the county Jail. On Fridayof latt week one of the female prisoners waaround to posaeaa a watch which Beam badgfrfln ber. On the « m e day Countable Keto ;look to the connty Jail Martin OUuaon, inp-poied to be an accomplice of Beam, and wboii charged witlt Keating' a goo and othervaluable! from Ur.Bntion Brown, of QermanTalley. _

A Singular Death.John Jor»lemon,ofPe*pack, died suddenly

on January 8&, A Ooroaar'f fnqaett has de-veloped that be bad a sore on hli band wliichbe thought was a oanoer. Be went lo onePeter B,VanZtna*t,a bone doctor, who put aqm&tity of a certain white powder on bisband. A few days after, Joralemon died andinveitigaUcn showed that tbe powder wasprincipally arsenic. Van Zandtlsunderarreatana tb.6 body la lo be rxamiaed to ncertaindeBnltely the ciaw of death.

Fire i t Oxford,The Oiford Poit Otgoe ?allding WB,B com-

pletely deitnyed by Ere abont &>•] o'cloakTbnndgr morning tit l u t week. The frontpart of (be building was occupied b j the postoffice, the middle by a harness abo]), thq reatby a biroer (hop, it}« upper part byt phemftt.There were fifty barrels of oil in tfae cellarwhen tbe lire probably started and no thin (jwas sated. The postmaster thna burned outla Mr. Wm, E. Bearing, formerly of Dover,

G.A.R. NoticeThe offioen elect of Anderson Foit, Q. A, B.

will meet in Ibe bail for lugtallitJoD neitllonoiay evunlnir, at seven o'olook, sh*rp.

fi d fi ,fiy order of

D.fl. JLI T, Commander.

The facetlnus postage sUmp clerk whplold a man that asked for tWQ \Woa t^at thiiwaa Dota&najthetiopoat ofloe, isnow lock-l»|lwai|flwslliull*, * • • • " •

For the benefit of oar readers who InteuflBetiding those tender missives known as val-entities we give the ratea of poattige. Allnnsealod printed Renting mny be mailedat the rate of one cent for every two ounoea.All otutsr "ulentioea must ba prflpaid at reg-alar letter rates, thtee centa for every half


T HAVE been nffiiutad for twenty Tears withJL an obRtinite gkin diseneo, called bjeHUien . D.'H Pa-jrlttBia, and othora Loproay com-ncuelng on my Hcalp, aud, in epitu of all Isoiild d'i, nitli thu bulp of tlio mnst skilirultottttm, U alovely bat attrelr eilomled Katti a

yearago this winter It ootcrcd my entire por-— In rorm of dry ocalea. P,,r tlio hat tUrua

ra I have been unable to do any Ubor.and.^eriug intrnsbty all the time, fcvotv tnorQ-

Ing IborB could bu nearly a duatpiurnl ofscales takrn from tUo ebeet on my bed someor them half as largo at the ouvoJope co»taiD-taR tbls letter. Iu tbo latter part of the wiu-tor my ihlu enmmonood crackii'riodei'erytulng.almoBt.iliatcnnU „„,,„„„_.,,ir, wifliout anr roller. Tlie Uth of Juue I

started West, to hoped I could reach tbo HotHpritiffS- 1 readied Detroit, and WSB no low Itbou^b! I slmuld have to RO to thb ligspital.hut finally got no fur as Iiitnalntr, Mich, wltoreI had a iiiatei liviag. Quo Dr. - — treated roeabout two weeks, lint did melliongM X had bm » short Hi.™ ™ „ „ . . .earnestly prayed to die.. Cracked throuah tba(kin all over my back. »oroBS my rlls, arms,hands, limbs, feot badly snoolen, toe uatUcmiic off, Woger imiis dead and tiartl u« bono,hair dead, dry aud lireUtw ae old straw. Oh,my God I bow I did coffur I

" My slater, Mrs. iS. H. Davis, had % smallparmfaboi of Cutlcora in the house. Bhe•vouli n't Rive up ; said •• ffe will try Oml-Jura." Some was applied on one hand ondarm. Eureka! thera «T«K relief: iiluupcd iheterrible barring sensation From the word go.




And now tbe man who is lacking in truebanavolenoe, or la ehort of silt or sawdust,or ia lazy, or has an interest \n aa artl flolftllimb faclory, leavea his sidewalk'iu A glaroof ice. Wilt many rise up and call himblessed ?

Tbe new fire cent Oarfleld postage stampwill he raacty for tuna on Jfiroh 1. parkbrown has been infected ai the color best cal-culated to bring ont tlie fine engraving of thework. The five cent stamp is almost entirelyn«ed for foreign correspono'enoo, and ThiraAssistant PostnuBte'r General Hwen, baliavlngthat aaacourate engravlug or tho late Presi-dent should be used for tbls purpose, lias suc-ceeding In prodnoiuff nbat in prononDoed to bothe truest likenOHs or General GarflolJia:! thohandBomen stamp yet issued by the PostOffice Department,


has removed to liia NEW AND COMMODIOUS STOKE KOOMon BLACHWELL ST., nonily 0]ipoMt« tbo Bunlt, which enubleB

him io cany u inucli lnvgor usHortnumt of floods thanhovetnt'oi-G, (iinbrnuiug till nt)leH ami designs of


My etock ot Gold and Silver Waielien is fioraplete in every detail;Rockford wfltches now so pojmJar among miners and raiJroad IDBD ;also Waltham, Elgin and Springfield watches.

SILVER-WRAEia unlimited, embracing every article of the kind known to house-

" EOOBIIB' knives, spoons nnd iorku at the lowestmarket prico. KoveHies in




An Iowa farmer wbo lias both wood and coalon bis farm, Itnrnj eooatalka to warm bisbonae, In preference to etttior. Tho coni stallsara e t U n d tied In bund^s or forty poundsescli, and lie ases a largo air tight storo.Five bundles a day ar« inPfldont, each burn-ing; three boun. He sajs he can prepareenough In tiro daji to h i t Ml winter.

Ur. Kesibej, in hit atlJron beloro the His-torical Sooiely, abowod tbat Ilia Board "ofProprietors olE.et Jersey had tbotr origin I Ian auction aala two hundred rears ago. Itwoold bs an Interesting coincidence if theirdisorganisation Buould be tnteea to anotheraoollon sale-nanuly, tbat of Shark Rirer am_tbe finwex Connty Lakei-last Febraary.-Monraottb Democml.

The man who itriveg to pat torn a thing Intotbe world tbat sbtll make it butur.not limply

ki U t th J lleklDD- Uf get the most pp

ut ol it,inever has bis head bothered ovor the question

whether lifeiswortb living. It is tbegreedyUfa, not the geaenna one, ffcat b.u doin the anbjeet.

The mrvlrlDff Teluana or the Tint NewJersey Brigade, Tinl Division, Biitb ArmyCorps, vlll holi tbotr first annual reunion inOanwJen, on Weciwidnj-, Jmo aau,, n « t , furthe purpose of returning tba friendnhipa con-traded during tho memorable days or battle

'sod.camp Itfs.

Sanford's Radical Cure.A single done Instantly relieved the nioit

rlobnt Hnoezing or Head Colds, closrs thoiaad as J,y mnj{ic, ntupB watery disel.argesmm mo unso and oyi-s, prevomfl riagincr

JoiHcs in the beid, ourciH Nervous Headacheand subdues Cliill* end Fever. I a Chronic

rrli hcto»t.?c» Ilia Basal p>nuugenol fowlu*, rtstoroB tlie xei:pus uf snu-ir taste anding Hhen arTectod, freoa >1)<! head, throat

and bronoblal tiilifB nf offunsivo mattorsnoctens and purffiea the breath, itopi thocough and arrests tlie progreas of catarrhtowirds conBQniplina.

Ona bottle Badtnl Core, one box Oatarrba)Solvent and one Dr. Suuford's Inhtler inon9packagB or all druggists, for H.OO. Ask forBtnford'a Radical Onre.


UwyfrQeorgaW. Perry of HaittBabDrgliaidlicoiend a nl»er mine at tho biBB of tbeBine Mountain, In .Hirdwick lownship, Warrenounnty, and la now inhibiting iotne flna ipoo-Imena ofaaarls taken tborefrom.

Letters remain IDS; unclaimedIn the Post Office Rt Dover. A. J.

DOVXB, N. J., Feb. 10th, 1662.Mm, T. Berrymau,albert Burton,Tbomis Pentoaay,

W, O. Bountfnn,Bortfaa Davenport,8*rah A. Drake,Etixtbfib Ford,Th«s. Knnckey,MaryA.Molle,

tevcnBejuolds, C^ber tTiSon,.O.Thnmas. Dhii Vf Tattle

Toohtatnany of tbe above letters lay "id-I «Drtlsed"and gi^e date of tb.li list.


M. Lit He.Tbotnaa Mickey,Wm, Pier'onSt

•» • »• ™

IN AND ABOUT DOVER.The best dgan at Vooght A Kaigow'aThe best dunjiW cream *t ifce Brick

Drag Store,

Teeth extracted for 25 cents «t the BrickDrug Store,

Pars neatafoot oil at VongU A KiUgom'socnter drugstore.

Outieun remedies and 8 t Jacob's Oil forsleatYoQgbtAKitJgart'fl.

Porfmh u a reliable gronaw.go.m^o,Heaon-astoM^miJlbjoo^ ^

Br*w b a n great , i w k tf ftne and cooi(

tto bpstPlersou Is thQkrgflst dealer anj ba,t CSMUU f

g j ba,for suppljlng nU Wodi of

errible barring sensation From the word go.TiieyiramedUtelyRot tlie Oalloaia RaBt)lfent(L.IDOII pprlflur), Cuilcara and Ontiouca Soan(the great stiu uurua.} I oommoncod bv tak-ino one ittblospoonrolorBegolrtotthreo tlmoBa day, after moale; bat! a bath PUBQ & day,water abont blood l ie i t ; ated Ootitam Bo&prreely i applied Cntionramorning and oreolng.Bo»ult, roluroed lo my homo In Jast six woe«from tlie time I lort, and my BKiu issioootUas this ahaot orpuptr,

H1BAM B. OAHPENTER,• Uendnrson, Jefforann do., K. Y.

fifforn ID before me tliMlflh d1880, A. M. LtPraowBLL,

Jnstioootthe peace.

OITTIC0EAI l i B B aro for sale byalldruzffiRta Pric

lorcutfcnra, a Uedioinal Julloy, smHifboxesMo.; large hniHi, II. Outianm Resolvent, tlinew Blood Poriflur, II b t t l C iModlelnal Toilet Soup,ins) Sluvlnj Snap, Ifi— ' 'sreo cotimmors

n solven,per bottle. Ciiiio«»

Sc; Cutioiirn M^ilisp, ; ID bars for barber

mors, 83n. Principal depot,H & POTTElt. Boston, M . « .

100 times more effectualthan any other pUaior orelectric battery for painandwoalineBirthla


.._Je weasnt'*s, norvnns pains anweakn^saeB. malaria am

Price 25c. DOidovorywbere,


VALENTINES!in great quantity and

ofeyery variety at



NO. 3,


S. H. BERRY'SHardware Store



SKATES SLEDS,Sloisil Bolls. Tool OIiosJs,


DBES'S TABLE SETS, aad many other goodsunequalled for HOLIDAY PEESENIS.


FINE CUSTOM TAILOKING!r would reappclfully icvite t ie atten-

tion o[ my ffienda nud tlie RCDBTUI yi\b\eto mT FALL AND WINTER STOCKOP CLOTHS, CASSIMERES ANDVES1INQS, nil of the very latest atyleBnod being carefully Beleeted by myaeltnitii a view to combiDinR excelleoce withLCunnmy, Tbe cuttingnmi raaho tip will^c n" t^ a t Muldbedcrircdcilmy pricesnfl l o w «ap«Dai'slHutwitIi tlrBt clnsB work.Ms npeiif nee in tlie tniloriuc ttndfl will^e my pxcusa lor anying tlint tbose plfto-iug their odors in my bamh oio ra3tmsured tlimntli iug will be leEt antluuan give tbe:illpst HittsfiiotloQ, Bjlorsrdcring rorsuU c.ill and aeo tbe n!odnit you enn get for from

to | s s >

Jjlt llloold filflmj.


MANSION H0P8E BLOCg, DOVEH, Opp. Cain's Shoe 8tof e

l i e BBORTE8T 8HAUPE8T, 0HEA.FE8T and best full ooarga of ImninegsW fi i f K Y A Ci i hio Uni

daily. Correspondence with farmer pupila solicited. To all who vill communicatei d f i l l l t d O t l S h l

daily. C o r r e p d e n pus by letter, wa will Kend copy of ourd 20 Th f r t h f our ntu

ithblUh-us by letter, wa will Kend copy of o r T.LE a t d O a t l R e . ohool eatablUh

ed 20 yean. Three fourths of our ntudents procure good BituitionB in thin or New YorkCity oa or before compMiug the coune, Ho vacations, Btndents admitted every weekday in thB year.

SHERIFF'S SALE!In Chancery of Hen Jorsor—ft. ra. fur scto (>f

—,1 nremlarwa whcrolii Qujrso W.* ' 8. Stiger, Eiecutont olDeQfoai ao4 3ohu 8. Stiger, EBBMUUB ol

the Ust will »Qll toatanicnt »f AltreilDeGrofHdcoriKd are coroiil«inMll» \ a n ( ' J^coli K

atanicnt »f Al

WorfmauandAnu'B. liia wife, are ihhnd.»ntn. RetorHhl* iff February Term, A. D.IBM. PlTNai & TouHOBUKiD, Hoi'm.By vlrtao of the above guted nritnrflcrida i In m lianas, I sUall oxpae fW u b atDhllo Vandno at tbe Court iloaaa, fa itncetowii.N.J-.OQMONDAY, the 30tl> day of fpbrqary null,

A- D, 1S81, Ixjtwoen tlie tour* of 12 U. and 6'clok p a t l t l t a\y t 3 'lock i tb

A- D, 1S81, Ixjtwoen tlie tour* of 12 U. ando'clock p, a.t tliat la to a\y at 3 o'clock in tbt l n a of and day. all tho foH(iwiiiR de

iraoiot parool or laml and prumlses.I i aud b n g ID thu townxli at

a t i ira p o o l or aml and prumlses.Bitnate, Irinfl aud being ID thu townxliip atif endliRm, 111 tho CotiDty of Uorris and Stateof New Jerney, and Iwundt'd RH follnwi:

B ( i in <h whM(« of « ttcne arebbrilgointhoroad leadins tn llendhsm, andlunninp; rrom thencn (1) north seventj-oneand onu'naartnr ilc-|rrrtM fftst fonr cbtins andf i x t M o n r l i n k s i t i ' ' • * ' " " " "

portli tliirtV'ruur* m | fllcvco chitiui.of Nicholas Crwlieon's land near a hickoryireo; tlicnce (3) along ttid Crooheon's lineaoatli liiteeu %n<\ one-hllf detect irvat fivecbsimandM'dnty^iHlit link- to Iheuilddloof thti lint tnontimej mail; tbonce doirn the

" \ loo f ttio samu (4) •nntb Uilriynai de-a enst «H "linliiH and nity-sis links to the

„. ,Mif ipfinnioff, containing fouraarcs andfourbaudrcdllM uf an acre of land, be tbottttao more or less.

WIU.HM H.UOWELL.BheriO.il Dee. Uth, IBSi. . • $1.1

Notice of Settlement.Hotica Is hereby iriv«n that tbeacooantaof

the RQbseriber, fcteentor ol Elisabeth Etrlei,deceiaed, will ba audited and stated by tbe"—ont" . «n'l reparlB^ for naitlntenl to tlie- -.-.uns.'Oonrur the Oonnty ot ktortlg. <jQMonday the third day of April n o r

, OEOQ,a' Ptted Janaari Uat, 1W2, B-Q«

FARM FOR SALE!The inbitribcr offere [or sole a valuable

farm ol 155 »oro«, stiu&ted within a wile lada bair or tbs Tillaga of PEAPAOK, SvineraetOoitnty, H. J. There is about

125 ACRESof which is ta a ?<Kxlstn;eo/caltIratfoa, tadtbo baUtice ia well timbered. And is also veilwatered witb uever-foilinx ipnnga, Tlwrehat been a vein of flrat-olasa

MAGNETIC OREpartly oponwl, yielding 62.81 por cent, of p«r»iron. Tbi* la a ram ob»nco for thmu inior-ostcd In tbo inn luahicBH, la tho pruptrlvrooflt bo suM to cluflp.tb© eittts o\ AuttmOniB, decM. Pox hriher pMticnlari call attfae rann or address tho inbictibcr. '

JOHN AUJOa, ErHntor. :


CdDtruiU taken and miteritta faralttaad fbc

B U I L D I N G S , B R I D G E S .MiUU kinds of work, vbt&sref .fislor „

BTOSt . . •



quiet CLiseiidea and rushing rnpids, ami(IJPU on rencliog the Lead of the CUDJUIIit I?nps HO feet to its foaming channelli' low. This is the Upper Fall, and

ynrds from tlio river batik, tlio Grandmound that covera a hundred aores;tlic orifice is folly mz IinndrBd feet incircumference, and tin depth cm ouljlit' iinugiiHui—nwr Imving been pro-

funeiibytLe twuiidiug Hue. Tim sec-•mild be pronounced uiugniticHnt

it tot HO BOOB eclipsed, Half a milfurther down, tbe river, gathering up it: j liou abound with many Bjiriugs of h<rnt«ra between Burrowed bluff* as if (or extent, but equal wonders.a (supreme effort, vittits at a flinglc leap I A word io statement of tbe prevailinglo the bottom of tbe deepening oanjon— ; theory of the origin and


Horeis a cataract; nearly three times! may tint be out ol place. It is supposedtin' lieicbt of Niugnra, having 10(1 times [ that the water from the melting mowtln> volume of the priui'ipal fu.lt of the

mil set in a triune of sceujryso sublime, 60 stupendous, as to he al-most appalling. Sn great is tlie decentnud RO swift the leap, the witer is[•bunged to a mass of snow-white fonialoug before it reuchou the for>t of tbefall. Behind theflheet projecting point*o[ rock catch a portion of tbe desm.il'njtflood itml shoot it horizon till ly throughthe caUnitJt, proilumtig tbe effuct uponthe eye of a thousand snowy rockets.

Tbe nd venturous tourest uiuj reachthe foot of tbe upper fall by clinging toft slippery terrace on the upright wall ofthe chasm. Tbe foot of the lower ormain full cannot be reached except bysuspending rope ladders from above,

Iu DUG regard tho I'flV'ct produced bytbe groat fall of tho Yellowstone in finerthan that of Niagara. Unlike Niagara,the cataract of tbe Yollnwstoue hns tberight proportion of heigbtb to breadth toproduce the maximum effect at first view.Besides, the environflieut of the latterate incomparably more impressiug tliauthose of tlie fornjer.

But cataracts more or less sublime maybo Bceu in most lands, while n canyonliko tbnt of tbo 1'ollowfitone ia not oftenor easily seen. The gorye below NiagaraFulls is 300 feet in depth, and it ia veryimpressive. Imagine thut deepened toGOO feet, that to 1.200 cud that to 2,000feet. Tlie Imagination, unaided by ac-tual vision, canuot conceive Bnch a hor-rible chasm, I say horrible—for whenfirst standing on the brink of tho preci-pice, unfamiliar with tho eight, amipoeriiig ilown, down to where the broadihiT ivituk liko n tibboD of silver, aBense or tho terrible overshadows allelse, and the first impression is to shrinkbark

WITH COVEKED EIE5.Tho rocky walla un*. brightly colored

with various mineral Btalus, and wherenot perpendicular nre partly clothed ivitb

hatof the wonnfauns percolates through theupper luyerx of tlie earth's crust andiccumulatcB Mibtormtienn I'htimbLTS ofescrvoirp, wliouo Rides are exposed ttijrfeuw Tolcanic bent. Tuo pressure of

water in the supply pipe* I»rc« tlus,enernl mm to nn<l outlet to the anr-faee. This outlet once found, throiiu.li, winding pnserure, possibly nuk» iniwgtli, there is found tin ordinary hot;priug. Kow a grjuer is siinply n hot

spring, from which tbe water ia periodcully expelled witb great force by theiudilcn generation of steam in thisunderground nnd superheated lake.

n o w A GEISEB DOES IT.Probably the most satisfactory geyser

in the whole group is known as OldFaithful—so-culled from the frequencyind perfectregularityofitttactiou. Out

in dixty-tbree minutes, with tlie prompt-ness and precision of a till collector, O!dFaithful wakes the echoes with hie rocr-ing, and !i(ts toward the i-lotids bis grontlwhite plume ol waters,

Comfortably settled in enmp, you lookut your watch, remark that Old I'uithfii1

will go off "i ten minutes, and tlicn walkover to KI>B lion- it's done. You iiscoud


Hero nnd tli ere between thoaides of the scliaHins tlio view k brokenby groups of fautastic clamc* aud col-umns, formed by tbe »!&w pieroisin. On tbo summit of oue of tho:pillnrs au eagle 1ms built her nest, npiranntly believing herself purched atiuneccssible height because 500 feiabove tlift river, yot her eyri« in 1,01feet below one who Htuuds on the eilfof tlie canvou wall.

One of these days—for instnueo winthe averaeo boy rc»ches tho Purk wihis little Blkg—that mountain cnglo wlearn with tlie rest of us, that in tliworld all elevations and nil promotio:are only relative, nnd really of very littconsequence—when viewed from uboi

A month's time could bo pleasacspent ntiont tho falls and tlio cnujiwithout eshnnsting one's interest in thlocality. Ench daj would bring frcalsurprise!.—each adventurous excursfo:reveals new depths, new heights, »Tistns of vision.

Half a day's ride up the river bronglins to

sttipatnt MOUNTAINa bill three or four hnndred teet higirising from a level plain ami compoimainly of sulphur deposited by 1springs. MUDT springs yet flow frothe hillside nnd two iiumenso cnldroiat tbe foot, iu violent and const,ebulitton send up groat volumes of utennladen with most villainoas and sickeoinjotlors.

A few miles beyond we camped neargroup of boiling springs known as


The principal spring or volcano isn vn<cavern in tho hillside in which tbo wattthickened almost to mud, boils and leinnd roars like ocean breakers. It sendlip a column of dark vapor to n proaheight, nnd the forest trees, 500 feesbove and betand the crater are thiokl;coated witli dark iuornstntioi.fi windtho Grater deposited. Not far disttis another of nearly equal sizo whichintervals explodes, witb n great roiir,and, like n bad newspaper, covers wiirand everything within ranch of its cieolation. Tboro are hundreds of otbboiling springs in tbe same neigbboihood, infinitely various in form, wbiccannot even he catalogued.

Without moving camp we rode froMud Volcanoes eight mites along tbiforest covered banks of the river to tbifoot of

IELWWETONB LAKE,and upend a doy an nnd abrut its charming waters. The mountain BOA in af iiregular form, has «length of thirty-finpities, a width of twenty-five, anildepth of 100 to 500 Feet, noil, with oieiceplion, is tho highest lake of an;magnitude in the world. Ita clevatioiabove the sea, as most recently nscetainrd, does not vary much from 9,000feet. The snrface is dotted with -woodedislands, atd on nearly every side themountains rise snow-capped 500 to 1 ,O*feet above the sloping shores. Th.water ia surprisingly transparent and, iidistance, blue its tho sky.

Yellowstone Lake, like YellowslomRiver which flows into end out of iabounds with flsb—ohiefij speckled trouland even the most unskillful fishermancan hardly fail of coptnring a string offonr-ponnders witb an hoar's effort


The localities thus far described aretbe eastern half of the park, along tbewater* of the Yellowstone river. WeDaw go thirty miles directly west fromYellowstone lake, crossing the elevateddivide between the waters of the Yellow-stone and those of the Missouri, end en-tei tbe geyser banrjB ol Fire Hole river—Fire Hole river being simply the upperportion of tbe Madison, one of tbe threefolks of the Miisdnri.

Altbongh tbe wonders tbns far seen hoi:BorpasBed t i l oar expectations, anddescriptions we had read, we constantlylooked forward to lhe view of the great-•est { w e e n on tbe globe as tbe chiefreward of the long tramp, and wesot disappointed.

It is not necessary lo state that, so fari s known, gennine geysers exist only inthroe localities—Iceland. New Zealandand our Yellowstone Park. Those of

• Iceland" are three in nnmber, and tho'Urgestof them is much inferior to BOY-ersl in the Yellowstone groups of four-teen. The Bo-called geyiera of Coliforniiare simply bot ipriugs in violent ebali-tion—jets of water Sometimes leaping afew feet in the dir.


Among 0>e foantains of the world i'•hoatd rank &s Niogara does among cata-note , or America among republics. A

'brief aesatiptfon of this ID pn ssing mnat^office far »II °f i t 8 c I t t M . "Ituongu tbcv'iwbiioSr^ds in number and eecl. Las a

• beaaty'o ' form and color peculiar toitoelt Situated about three iiuoJrfld

built np for t tu l fa sloping

the terraced und luoiiud, up

proiicb tho enter and look down thewell—keeping braced ami ready for asudden retreat in ense of dutiger. The•urfaiec! of tlio watoria out of sight, down

probably 200 feet, aud yon see onl> thebeautiful euorasted wulh. Tbo HIM <*tlie Hbttft is nbout five feet by two and ahalf. You hour the Bubtermueiin watersas they boil and gurgle and plungebeneath you, and not curing to be tooinquisitive, you retire totbesufediHtnuceof tilty foot to witch events.

Five minutes before the appointedtiinn steam begins to issue from thecrater—constantly increasing in voliimaud force. Tlie water rapidly rise to tl:top of tbo curb, continnes iu n elatevioleut ngitnt ion, nail soon splashes ov<the rim. A inoraont wore the wattleaps uftOL'u or twenty feet in tho aifulling buck immediately.

The Pnrk contains many of tbesgeysers eonio spouting every dny, amothpr-> three days, ol.hers every tweiditysaud HO on. Nowhere ia tbe wowill bo found such a combination of naural curiosities, mnunlaia valleys, eaiyoua, fulls, cascades, precipices, groviif liinbiT, trout brooklets nod lake!

battling springs, etc., nnd tbo clituatiu summer in superb, Imagine ubponof water six to twenty feet througli

geclcd from the earth to a heightBOO to 1,000 feet, the earth shaking withe tremendous force and the air filletwitli steam! The grandcui* of tinNational Yellowstone Park can mknown until it is visited."

uui. vasr ritimt'n'ioNS UF IHO:AND

150Elegant Building Lots

FOR SALE!Convenient to business; within

ten minutes walk of the centreof the town. LAND HIGH ANDDRY; splendid water easilyobtained. Will be sold vercheap, affording an excellenopportunity for mechanics anlaborers. Apply to


!i-3m nit. Hope Ave.i Dover.

Millinery and Fancy Goods.wiimliiiig new fn- the Hjlulny* in alilltn u

MRS. M. FARR,f PORT OIU51, lian repluninbed Imr glocU

nnlllncr.VK'io.ls smldprnro tocftli llientlttutioiol tbe public to tho LOW PlttCEH at wbtvlshe is now offcrhiR them. Ainu In ocnneetioi

i l i l i e r stum can lio lontxl a titio a Iocs oO U K H I K S . TI ICIEOK ERV will.afl bo fortHotil by her. ilHH. Mt F.UlK,1-IT Port Orom, K. J






SAPONAXlmitiwatar. Deiictouilyaa»ottfl. Vllloleaun and iireai-rva the le«1b and perfumeOnly 35 ott, a butilB, «t all dratt ilorwof Ewpoanx Mmlo frca ot any drug

tt, a butilB, «t all dratt ilorw.x Mmlo frca ot any d r u g ^ t ,


The remarkable growth of tho iroii lid ii B try of the United Stntes during teiyears from 1870 to 1880 ia shown l)y tbstatistics of our iron and eteel pmdnction collected for thu tenth census bMr. JIIBICH M. Swank. Exactly hoigreat that growth was is shown ia thifollowing table:

1880. 1870.Number of CBUIIUI

tnontuCapital investedValue of material*Value or pmlaotiWelsht or proanc



1230,971,384 tI2l,772,W191,371,160 ia%fi3tU3!2B0,B57,685 207,a08,fl9(

._ 7,205,H0 3,055,2inda craploycd 140,1)78 77,655u«i ID w i g v £5,170,786 4OJH4JULIt will ho observe! thai, while the

weicht of the produots was nearly twic<OB much in 1880 as in 1870, tbeir valu;increased only about forty-three pelcent, and tbo value of the raw matennhused was only forty-one per cent, greater,Tbia disproportion is easily explaiuBd,The prices of iron wera high iu 1870,owing to the premium on gold, wbictaveraged fifteen per cent, throughoullhe year, ia 1880 they were lower.Moreover, during tho decade there waia wonderful development, both moohauioul and sciestific, ot our iron and 6toelinduatiiea. Tba consequence was thnthe great increase of production wirendered potsibte

The growth of the Iron business hasbeen most marked during tho last qanr-tor of a centmy. Indeed, previona to1860 we produeeJ only a small, almostan insignificant, quantity of pig iron andcast iron. Fifty years sgo nur Wast-f urn nee practice bad scarcely progressedsince tho colonial duyn. In 1881 it TOIBdeemed agreat thing fora single furnaceto tnrn outl.lOU tons of pig iron in ayear. In 1880 we hail several furaaceswhicb conld encb mnki 1,000 tonsmonth, and in 1881 we had ono whoseproduction was 221 tons a day, 1,357 oweek, nnd 5,698 a month. In I860 mproduced of pig iron and enst iron 821223 gross tone, and in 1880 more tbafourfold tbnt quantity, or 3,835,191 grosstons. The production for 1881 wasabout 4,500,000 tons.

Bnt tbe growth of our .steel productionis even more remarkable. Fifty yearsago we did not make one pound ot cm-cibleotcel of the best quality, and verylittle steel of any kind was manufactured.In 1880ourpTodaetionof Bensemersteo]nnd Bessemer Bteel rails wftB greater thanthat of Grent Britinn even. We turnedout 1,247,835 gross tons of eteol of ahinds, 64,664 tons being crucible eteoIt was not until 1844 Unit we oegan tiroll nay other kind of rails than straprails, In 1880 we rolled 1,305,212 grosstons of rails, nearly two-thirds of thembeing steel, and almost tbe whole of themT rails.

Of course, European countries htmtbe advantage cf ue in tbe matter olwages. Their furnaces may also benearer the raw materials than ours. ButSD far as concerns the processs of mfaotnre employed, Mr. SwaDk bai __lonbtof our superiority. "Oar blastfurnace practice la tbe best io tbe world.We produce much more Bessemer steeland roll more bessemer steel rails in ngiven time, by a given amount of machi-nery, technically termed a'plant,'thanany of our European rivals."

Tbe progress of oar iron and steel ii_dofltry, in fine, has beBn such tbat weare to-day, next to Great Britnin, tbelargeet producers of iron in the world,and of Bessemer steel we make more (banany other country, while of all kinds ofsteel we shall soon prodnce more eventhan Great Briti.in. In 1880 there wermade in the world 17,986,596 gross tonof pig Iran and 4.343,709 gross tona ofsteel. Tho United States produced 22per cent of tbe iron and 29 per cent ofbe steel.

Ia samtning up the advantages ouriron and Bteel mannfaclurers.possess asram pared with foreign competitors, Mr.Swank does not refer to tbe protec-tectivo tariff. But/or thai, he might latehad a very different story to teU,

We observe that be appends to his rport along and very exhaustive history ofiron manufacture from tbe earliest agesto the present timu. Tbe other expertsind specialists to wbom has been intrust-'0 (be conciliation oi lhe statistics ot

different departments of the censusra also sending in voluminous reports,insmttcb BS tbe subdivisions and tbaJda for inquiry ore much more nnmoris and much more egtenddd than inly previous eenaaa, when ftU th*ip pa-irs are brought together & nftrk ofortncuR bulk, aud wbish will bo k e gcompleting, mast be the result. It i»

kely to compare in size witb a great en-rclopedfa.


{MO11RIH ANU K88BX DIVISION.)Debuts in Nuw York, foot uf Uurolttj Bt. iu

foul of (JUriulophur ttt,WINX'ER AIUUNaiilUESTS.

ComoiBUduu MONUA1', NOV. 2Blli, 1881.LEAVE NEW YUJ1X.

AtT.aOA. St. (UuHlau Wai) Train),ouu{LuotiiL wJlU Uiu iluuiiluii UrtiLicli &t l)viiviiur JJuotitou ; thu Cheater Urnuuii alDuvtrfdiujcaauijiia aud Cliester; tbo riu«nt!S llnllrojl Wuturlitu, for Anduvur, Nuivtou autiull utttjiix; t l iuU.,L. & \V. It. It. at Waahiu[jtfur MautiuU Uiiuiiii.Wi.li-1 Uuu, Htruudtiburijcruutoii. aroul Ucuii, liiii|{lmtiicuu, UtultiuliUi>!a.S|irlUKHi Huuitr. Uortlaud.SvraoutUswii^u mill iiuiuta un tbo Lnokawuuua nUluiiiiisl'jrg ttud iJolmvart ami llnOituii Kuinmiitt; ulnuut l'UiitipuItttrj; witli Lt'liinlL-y Kuilroaii aud Loliit,'li mid SUHI[UL'1IUIIt. fur liulliluliuui, Maueh Oliuuk, l.tmlii

At rti3«BA. M, Oiwi'so Ei|»rufln (Dr..Uuoiu (Jura ntlaclnid) from New Yurli via. Put'ersou auil Uouutuu, mat tlirou^li Ut WatoiGap, HH'in.aHlfurg, Scrnnton, Uri'it iiuiltiu(i)nmloii, Ijiule. MuratUun, Oorllaifloiuur, Syracuse uud OB»vego; ooimectitiKDuvorwith Oliiwtur U. R-, Bt Waterluu ndussox It. It. for Atidovur, Nuntun and all antiuna: at UeUivare nitli Blnirston-u liy,,Scraubu, witli tilocuHbnrg Divisioii lor Pittou, KioRStou, .Vilkosburru, Uanrille. NurUiituborjaud. &o., at lliuglianitou witb UtlcaDITIBICU fur Orueno, Norwicli. Ulioi, anHioLUdd aprlugu. PamouBurn Utung thtrain from Now Vorb, I*ateruoij and liouulocan connout t t Washington witli tralu foiI'liiIlipsburK, Eaatuu, Uctiiiuliem, MienHarrltLiiirK uml poiuttt on tint LoL'^b V»tlejmid LL1)J(/II aud aiihiquolitttiuii IU. roatls ; alI'liillluaburff with XJulVfdoru Oiririiun of Pa. II.H,forrJaiul)L-rtvill.;,Ttei.tLii. au.U'hiliiddplJli

At 1U.1O A. M. Dover AcoflnimodstiDu.Atl^tuo it.Enan.i, Express.At 1:00 P. IE. B'tjlimitdU Liprcii, linwlttg l'.ooman ntlaclied ruui tbrouK>>to W«Ur Uip, Sti *

oonneetiuuM tfcrttitou vlib Lack. & BtoutmbiirKB. It. Tor I'ltUton, Wyoming, Kltigitoo ind Wilkoa.llirro. PauentlBn taklug tliii tmln from SewYork, l'ater»oo aud Unanton on contiict »t Wi *-ingtonwitbtrftlitND.t,

" iivbNoff York at 3.30 p . H (Easton Ei-1 sJcoDuectlnj; et Witcrloo for AndiNcwtuu aud BrnnBlivllie, and at I'liiiiiim. „witli Ijulileli ValJuy liailroaii and Lfliicli suiSn8quutiaanall.lt. forllDtblehom.Alluiitown,

lini,' and Hftrrislmrg. Also wilb Bui. Dfil,oa>(forBohid«r». .

w p, SI., Dover Ex pre in for SummitQanlBrllle.Unahliifrriiiguand allpolDtfltmaiB and Pukvraru lUilroitl.) Oliatbam,

MadiBfin, SJorrlBtnwu, UorriB Plain!, Dcnvilln,Bookaivayand Dover.

At &i*0 P. M. (HackettBtown EiiireRa]stop-ping at Miltmrn, Bumiuit, Cbatbam, Mmliaun,UorrUtanu and all HatluDB woBt to HaokettB-to^n,conuouting a t Waterloo witli train foiAndover ami Nawton.

At t.ao p . H. Oswugo EiproBB from NowYork (BloepiQR cardattauliefl) via. Patoraoo &Buontoa tfiroDch to Water Qan, Strondebnm,Scran ton, Dmchamton, lisle, MaratlianjOort-l»cl, Humor, Symciiae anil Oawejio, connectat Waterloo witli Hmaox Bailroad for Amlavorami Nnwton; atDalawaroffitli Blainlonn Ity.At Binobaraton with train fur Greece, Offcnl,Norwich, Utica, Ao. Tliii train ran throogli

OgweRo Halnrdavui^litB.A t T i t a P , J[. Dover Acconmoilndo

Uliatbam, Morriatowii mid Duvor.Fur Bcraanlnville, DjskinRritlBe, lycm,

MilliiiL-.uD. Stirling, Ollletto, Borkeloy Heightadd aliBtttioDB on Paanilo and Delawuro It.R. (N. J. WnRt Lino Railroad) 0:10 A. M. anil3:30 mil 4:!0 V. U,

A. BEASONEB, Superintendent.



Trains arrive and depart front this las folluws:


. 4:3JSOuffegoEiproiB .Dover E s p r e m 7:00HackottiUiwnEip.7iI12Noiv York K i p . BA2Dover Acoom. l l t lO

p . if.B'&bamton Exp,* 1:57tow York Ha l t 2:44Dover Acoora. 5:45Onffece EtproHB* 7:20Notr York Accom. 8:37

'Via, Bconton Braooli,

Baaton MailOawego Eipreas* 9:5!)

p. u.Dover Acoom. l3'-23Eaaton Einrosi 5:fB'gliaint<inExF*a::Easton Eipresi 5:Dover ExproRB 0:H'kettBtown Eip . 7:3Ortweno E i p /Dover Accom.


TV. M.11.0210.62[Q.a10.3210.320.10



' 5 S3S.9SB.SO

OheBterBortonIroniftSnocHonnaH C l i l l

EABTWiH!A.M. y.8.DC 4.111.07 ' -8.18 —8.17 4.408.20 4.608,28 6.16.85 5,31



BTATIOSS, si- tuna.2 4 14

A.M.A.M. P. 1>»ve Sew York fl 30 6.45 4.0CPhiladfllphla

Oor.9th and Green Sti." 3d am] Bcrfea "

G.20 4.25c.ao a.45 4,oa

aas^..v.VenioyMiddle T a l l e r . , .

_ (*e rman_Val ley . .a e r m a n Val ley . .


• 7.07 9.17 _4.37. 7.53 0.57 S.18. 8.4S10.55 6,10

8.5911.30 C.aSB.0211.15 0.28

, 9.0? 11,35 6.329,1811.55 6.80

rikoBTlllo" EOBTII" Port Oram" Dover

Arrivo RocLncay .,,.

Leye llnckawft.r

Pnrt 6nm '.'..'.',

C»r j 'B . . . .FTandurs ,,Birtlej . . .

. . . 9.341113 CIO

. . . 9.21)1123 n.S5

. . . Er.S91.lS9 G.B8. . . . 93712.89 7.M. . . 9,40 U.1S 7 07. . . 9.50 102 7.17. . . ».65 1,20 7.81. . . 10 05 1.30 7.30

DOffW TB41KR,17 0 19

A. M. r. H. p. ti. . . G.20 3.20 9.90. . . C.29 3.30 3.60

6.35 S.35 1,1 [iM S 3.14 128(1.47 3,47 1.M0,61 fi.53 4.406,34 364 4.45f.,59 3.59 i A37.04 404

ChBilw Ul Wi 4.56o OerniD Villpy ,. 7,07 ..07 U.lO

Oerninn Valley 7.10 4.10 6.20MlililloValley 7.17 4.17 6.33Vernoj 7.22 4,22 (.28Callfon 7.35 4,36 (.33

rrlro High nndco 7,88 4,10 C.B5Pound Brook B.SO B.S3 8.29

. 8.15 0.17Newark 9,42 6.4B B.SO

PhilnloJphUCor. U find Berk* Rta, 10.44 fl.40

" 9th a a d O n c t i S t i . 10.07 8.08

Maw York 9,52 6.50 G.8TJoQTojtntei can be procure! at Qonnanlei to and from Hchnotey'a Uonntaln; atndt ri lo and from Bndd'a Lake; at Kenvilind ft om l i k e Hotwtconir.

r r m CamnSnoxi.—Tralm No. 17,6 indWflp cl°i» etnni'fttnn ai Hi&li VHttgo Toron »t>4 p2jnii on Lctilgli x Sirnt]. Div.

_.n leavlrtH Eaitivn i t 0 A. M. rnatce cloneoonectlqn witu lr»in no. I fat all •titioni toLockkvif. Train leaving Baatou ml t P, M.anntots will} train B9. l i , witb a delij pt

FINE BUILDING LOTSright Iu (lie HEART OF THETOWN, within Ore mlniiteawalk of Bank, Churches, PostOffice and Schools.


ana entirely level, wllh excel,lent Boil above a hard bottom






from TUE Inns Eiu uf October 22d, 1891

A Crowing Community.That purt ot Dover from Bergen Btrcct ratit

tctivcPD Die Central Hailrond and Ibe oannl,.* rapidly dcvelointiB iiilo n JOUIIR city. Mr.Hum Conn, tho owner of must ot tlte proper'tlififp, Liv n cni(i|ii(;te evHtcm of drain si g(' liiiiado tlitne loin tin- llucat nnncciiplotl porttlie tinv.1, nnd pcojile (iro n«w cnccrly seenIng tliem ax iloKimblo plueta uf rrnidonowlimh tliey wrtniiily nm, leina nilliin tinminutcH ,vmk from lhe henrt uTthe town, and

tiotweon tlio bloclic. On tho Mock lie (woikTt'cn siml riiii1non ntiwtn four ronl Iliic rj•rcBiiit'iiccmirc now In naursonf eiiiiHtructiflWni. Hurrii., the jewclnr. halt enoloseij a Yeal trnetive fnttficc mi the corner, siinmnnli\>y n lower for H clodt; Mr. JnKerih OIScPKu'tluij n tine doiiWc il«cltInK hoiifo tit-xt tnh i m ; . . . ! tho nuxt lol Mr. J . J . Vrct-lind injnntnildinp• tl»> flnihliiiiK touches t'ddiiiL th

for IIIBf

t o n c lwhich

inmitl tif r.eotnpfiB and --GUm lins etarua a line :\n litnini- 011 HieIllKlsoti atn'LH Hide. Hut thrta Ints mnai ;iinncciipiml on this block and tlicybnvo l.ecipimliaMiiHo bn built upon ly lUensnn Htar-(HK mis] Sir. VrrMand. On HIUIFOO mnict Mr.Win. R. Collanl Im almi contracted for tlio

!roDrMr! )J. \ .T 1mdirrXlirtrp^m"dft 'hflml1-injc jirojicrty two Immired feet Hquprc irliri!• linnbr^nn Ihff crcistini] of wlxit will bo

..no roftdfin-e Iur IIIH mm rcunpitinn. OHudann filnvt Hie m-w oirncriBri' HIHO aildln

'itt iinprovcm*'iit l>v tlio iiinklii^of aiikalkniimtliMr. CIMB T

hi l b l

tK.ni^'O WncVtt ofi i b l late,

Tbe [)!il iiiiRlt;)]!!)' lmga linvo dind away now" watorliftn bceu removed from them,

heir plnce ia a Duo noil, with alinrd-j. Tow f«t't liunoalti. At tlio pmieiit

rniolliat bnlklingisdovelopfugiti thai cjunr-- it Will nut hp long ore vo nlmll ha te a

1 pant ami tlntly l a id 'ou t section of then tlieri;. while the lino dmravtcr of t h eIdinpfl imw gumg tip indicate Out it uSll be

... of Iho ploannntoHt portion 1 of the city forrmiili3nce«,as It In onu of tlie moat convenient.

Tho town in now about nut of debt, and tliorciDocoimtv lnd( l>t(JiienB, maklnf; Duvcruncr the VL'tv'bRnt placcB for local ion und iovcBt-lenm.PRICES LOW AND TERMS FAVORABLE.




Mining Materials,

Gas Pipe and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drill,tbo beet in tho country.

Drafts and Passage Tickets

to and from Europe.

E. SIEBERinn reduced tlio prico for plain painting lo

$1.90 PER DAT'rom tills dale, nnd will take contracts at very

low figures to correspond with that rato.


upon tbe lowest terniB, Contracts taken for

Frescoing Interiorsif clwrclicB and rcitdeneeu, specimens of irhlot

will bo itiown If doflired. My Block of

Morris Oountr Surrogate's Offioe,DEO, Ut, 1BB1.

1 the matter of Henry 0. Wigging, Adroinistrator cf Jolio Drown, dcocnaoa. SurroBato'n order to limit orcditorn."\N B»i>licatlon nf Iho above named Ariinln-j iiurator, it is ordered by tlio Snrrogntolatanlil AOmlnlntrator jjlvo piibiio notice tt

the oroditorB of the estate of salil auoedant t<bring ia tlieir debto, ricmRtids nnd claim

"Bat tbe earns. Hinder oath, within ninetba from tlila date, by letting np a copy

nf thlB order, within twenty days hereafter, Innie nf DIG most public platen in the Oonnty oMorris for tiro months, and aUo within tbesaid twontv days by ad (or tiding tbo same intho IROS Eni, ono of tbo oownnapora of lliteritftte, for the Biimo space of tluia (Iho Bnrrogate ludfiing an; farther notice to bo unnec-cBtiary); and if aoy creditor Bba.ll npslcot toexliilit big or hor dnbt, demand aud claimwltbln the eaid period of nine raonlhn, publicnotice being Riven as aforesaid, nnoh credit*elilll be forover debirrcl of Lin or H - aotiotlmrofor against tbe nald Adminiatrator.

K trno copy from tlio tnluntcB.MOw OH ABLER A. GIIXEN. Barroeato.







AIBO anno alockor

Confectionery, Nuts, &c.Give me a call and I will try and p)ci«o,

UR». KEARNfi, Hmo HI

' NoticB of Settlement,Notice IB liercbr Klven t b t t tliencoonnlR

tho subscriber, Executor tif Hnrnnret Midecesied, will ho audited anil etsitod bv"•"ORit te ,and roporteil for sottlomi-'Ht lo t

SHERIFFS SALE!In Cbmctry of Nt» Jenxj-FI. f». tor ulo ol

morljagod trpniim, vliernin OlicdiitliL«IolitoUc, Morrli Nan«lirl«ht, FradtHck»• .I"?'". TtooftM NiniCritk N.ltai ? . " " S J l

nA m r e w " » • > * Jolin O. Wert

Elh» M. BurtltR, L«»rtDto Duffi.nl, ItarP. DuBnril and Jicob *. Wow, Trmtem'tIrlin H.nchrljbt, are comnliiln.iin, u dTlicodoro Trimmer and Angelina Trimme


Y vlrtce or the ihcive stated writ of fieri_ i f*ftB8inniy|]inda,lBbilI eipoaoforBRI«itpabliB nndUB, i t the Coort Howe, In Mor-

town, N. J., onMONDAY, Ue BIU Jajof March neit,

i. D. 1882. bolwuen tin hour, or 12 It. and 5o'clock F. II., tli.I Ia lo aajr at 9 o'clock in theatl.ra.0B cl a>!<! daj. all Iliai tract orparcel orlanrt a»<l promtsai. bsrelnartar par-tfcnlarlv deiortbod. aitQate, lylsir aail beinein Ibe teimafalp of Wasbmstni, la tko O . S t firiloms aod Slala or No» Jersey, bouadeaanilile«trlbMa»lollo»i!

BralniilDi at a p.iiit in the mlddla of therosd, nrty-sli links from thonorthweit oorner

tbo sloro stoop trail la a> coarse nortb alxtj-.nd a qnirtor degrees wcit tliorefroni,indttenco (it norlh twenty-Bcvon and a lialf

•Rteet went tares cbaltw io the middle ot tboErcr; thence ap r f (9) n r t b sovnntvwo dcgreci rant Imn alialm and sovaniv-uloe

; tbcncB (8) aoatb twentj-flvo and aurtoi Aeptn cut two cfaalai and mna link*theraIddloofro»J| tbenoo (4) aontb t i l t ;

egreeB troBt one obaln Rod flfty-nioe Hnki;lence (6) soulb twenlj-tii tJtjRreaii oaat one

in ind flrcy-lwo links j ttetco (0) toathIxtj-nlne and a half degrew trett tblrty-fournki to Dnfford'i oomerj tbecoe alonff biae (7) nor.b twenty.fonr and i balf deerens

re>t one cUila and AflT-aro Muki to Iho mid-lie or Mid rasd | thenw (B) Booth sixty i\t-;ree> went icvamy-eigbt link* tn tb* place ofirglQOlmt.cantafnlBRKOTenty-fnarbandrndtlia

an acre of linn, moif or Ititm.WILLIAM H. EOWELL, Bbcrifl

ited Dec. Mtb, 1881, 1720



t4wt;B oarry a complete



IB now complete, embracing

7,OOO R O L L S ,

IF SOU D i m ; K E N T D E B I G N H .f II t t E O tapcrB from II ctutu to EOecati per roll [ c

apore from 40 eta. to t3. I cannot be undoHin Uioaoartiolpa,


Ceiling Decorations,


Geld Mouldings, Hooks, &c.

BIKO for pnporing and RtvlHrniinlsB vn]hA.lao kalEommo mixed lo order intvery coloiro»dy to put on by quirt or ga'lon.


Isaac N. Doty & Co.NEWARK,

are preparing for their semi-

annual INVENTORY, and have

marked down prices in every

department. Until Feb. 1st we


very class of Seasonable

Hoods, Winter Ureas Fabrics,

Dress Silks, Plushes, Velvets,

Trimmings, Blankets and Un-

derwear at EEDUOED PRICES.

Speoial attractions in Sheet-

ing and Pillow Muslin, Table

Damask, Napkins and Towels,

Toilet Quilts and Counterpanes


burg Embroideries in new de-


Closing ont the entire Winter hrentj-n™ cants, A

stock at LOWEST FBIOES ever


ISAAC N . T 0 T Y & Co.,

159 & 1«1 Market St.,

Ncwnrk, N. J .

Apriiuth,i88i. D o v e r , N . J

SHERIFF'S SALE!ii Chaucerj of Now Jorsitr—Fi. fa, Tor nalomortgaged prciniucH, wherein Willittn _UtliropwiH ccmplnJnunt. ind Marj aorten,itonortF.Orfltt., IlnonaOram. John Hanee,Rudolpb Bdler and WlHlara Kits, wore de-feminnts. Belitrnabl* to February TLTITI \ ,D. 1683. NEIOHBOOB & Haifa, Sol'ra.By virtue of tlio above etated writ of fieri

facias In ray iiamlfl. IBIIBII cipoue tor Hale »tPublic Venduo, at tbe Ooort Hoaee, in Morris-tawn,H. J.,on

MOSDAY, th) flth dar of Uarck nest,A, D, 19B3, between the hoorB or Vi M. ando'clock P. M., lbs! li tosavat 2o'doofa in tlioallernooc or said d&y, all mat traot or parcuqflnndnndproraiBcn, herelmfier partfcularly

ud, Ritiiat*!, lying and bcinif In the

lp of Randolph, In tho County of Morrisand Slate of New Jersey, bounded and dVBcrilifd fls filloffc

TnE FIHHTLOTIB tbo rame that WIB conveyedto Thomas Soden by deed from Dudley LFallermd wife ind James Brown and wile,dated Janniry Is!, i. D 1855, and nU vet re-corded, and begins at a Hake in tbo HJlb Hiot a fll Here (met convoyed by John Jl. YoHm,and wile to ffm. Oreen, Jr., and Lyman Dennlson In qav, 1HS2, recorded iu Boob 0 S ofDeed* forxBld Ouanty. paRea 60, Ac, and uwbicb » n It acres tLiilot i« pan, and «ahuttte beiiiRdintpnt tvelvo links in a eon rueaoiitliforl.*«foor d(!jtreeB went fpnin tl - -comer of said 51 acrta ; thcncD (lhontb BiitvBpven dcgrecB and forty-Hvo raiunlDB e m onechain and siiti'-fonr links to i a u t e : tben13} Kinltt tblrty-lliree degreeaaud Ihirtv miu-jtca went Tour cbilnn anduincly htika; tboncc(3) •rnilli forh-Bh doftrcei. tnd thirlv minntermult two ebUm ; tli«nce <4j nonb .'iwy-dgaidfRreeiand thirtymiuntei wool two clialnn «ncuiity links j thtrce (6) north forty-four f(trees cist seven chains and eiffhlcen llnke

irliEcn »U1 deod to TliamiB Saili>a eaid iwrtyof tlie Ural Ptrt tbcreln reserved all the minesand tnlcorals of every hind lyina or beiutr Inupon or under tlio «nid tract or land, with'

at for nfnlw the minu, etc., and alaoHid deed upon thu expreas condition

Ihit eaid Tlinmas Baden, his beirs or asmgns'mnld cot »t any time tell or ret all npirituou,,Hiooiaiiabev.TnRe, on oairl lot, UHICBJ tbe,me sold as i liceuaed "bold beeper on pain

or Airidllnff ttH eonveytnee. Ml wlilob aaldexecptfons will more fully.and tt laroe appearuyrelercucotOBalddoed. •

TIIK tJEOoMS LOTIB the came tbat wai etm-nwdtoTfaoBMt Boden by deed from EllasMillon and wile, dated Aqrntl lst,lR59, itndrecorded in the Morris (Jimmy Olett'j Office,in Booh T 5, SSO. Ac, an:) begins in thv mid>Ik or th« mad leading from' Mid Uillen'n tolosepb a Blivey't and near tho old Mine Hill

sofauol bou»8 in the Oarbclght line, and mmtbenoe at tbe needle trsversed In ISM along«tidlinc(l) nortb elKbtyHB*6n and a quarterilegreca vest ninety feet to » corner in saidlino; theoco along laid Mlllen land (2) northtwcntv-Mveo ifcgrocm eaat sixty feel to a cor-ner! *<B> still along tald Mlllan fine lonth

''en and a quarter degrees east ninety teat» corner ID Iba middfe of said road *o M to

nclnde tbe uld sdiool building within jildlino t thence IIODR i»ld roid (4) sonlh twenty>iz degree* west i l i t j feet to tbe beginningiorner, contalatng flvo Uiouiand four hnndred»q. ft. mors or lem ; which said lait. named3eed reaervea ind oxaeota all tbe mines, orei-id minerals lylnft or bwioft Ip, upon or under

oiime, referenca to urblon li benbytnideid ailoned for a more partioabtr dewi+itionenoT, isid nremlses being tbe time Ibatr« eonveyeil tn toe said. Robert P, Oran by

leed from uid Thamai Roden ind wife, bear-ng date tbo 7th diy ol Starob, 18fli. and re-irdea in the Morris Ooanty Olerk'a Offloo, Insoli S 0, page SBfl, Ac,; beine same preniaesiDTeyed to iMd Mary Sod en by died fromabert F. O n u and wife, dated Septemberit], lflOT, and recorded to BwikQ 7(pagu37fl,o. WILLIAM H.HOWELL,5heritr.Doted Deo. 10,1831.

TO BENT ORWELL.Ahonflnandbirn t t ttillnrook, a good wellf witer it tbi door; ono attd 4 balrMrea olai for jardon. Or will sell tbe fauase and

ismandsfrvacrnofhnd. Poiseaiiongiren.prillat, Porinforinatbnipplrto

0, B. QAOR,Dover, N. 3.

Dissolution of Partnership.Tbe Sim of J. A H. Tan NoBtmnd h. Co. has

bfen disBnlfed by the death or John Van N°l-Irand. Tlit nndmicneii. tbo inrv)Ting part*lers, will cuntiuun the bunlneis oodur tlierm-Damo of II. Tin Nustrand ft Co,, at 807Irecowlonitrrot.


,w York, January, 1BSS. - t-Sm



DRESS GOODS,in which may he found novelties and new fabrics for fall wetUj and tb

newest and best things in oil kinds of

E^ DRY GOODS.IntheGROOEET BEPABTMENT we are oarrying the usual Iastocks of beat goods for the table, and are doing a large ttade in t

Celebrated Granulated Flourwhich is giving general satisfaction. Also complete assortments of



iwtm ii mm W. 8. BABBITT.We liftvo just received from tLo munufiiii-

turer nnotber very large invoice of CLOAKB,

DOUIAKS AMD JAOKETS. Those, together

with wbtU we alrealy have in our store, we

will Bel! at about two-thirds tbe original

prices. We would not have you infer from

tbia tbat they are In any way diunaged, for

Bucb ia cot tba case. Tliey embrace all the

)Bt styles; and we Till guarantee the

is to be lower than Nsw York wholesale

eu ask, Oor OWE-PUICE BIBTEU ailovra

us no alteraatiTe but to mack all ot otir

goods at the bvresb prices we can aflord lo

sell them. This is usually lower than out

competitors. In material for oloakfl we have

a Iftrgo assortmont; one example will Buffice

to sliow the state of our prices. One cloth

whicb lust year noli for four and a half dol-

lire sells this year for two neventy-flve!

There are ft great man; pieces In our stock

and if you will examine our gooda atd

prioeB we feel oouvinoed we will Bell you or

youi friend who needs tl

Oat- PLOHHES, blaak and colored, range

from three to eight dollars pet yard; wldlh

4 one and a half yards. Ia DBZSB GOODS

we Lave a five, quarter all wool drosa flannel

for fifty centu per yard. This Is heavy and

Is twilled. A number of pieces






n c£} ,5




SHERIFF'S SALE!In Cbancsryor Nciv Jer«py-Fi.fa. for Balo o

mnrtgaged premlBes, wherein Charlcn JlooOliaricn J. lioo and Himpton O. Marsh, arfcumplninantB, and Henry W.Miller and Katbis wife, and the Somerset County Bank sRnmenitlo. aro dolrndanli. Relurnable toFtbruarj- Term, A. D. 1882.

HOB k SSEPBEIID. Bol're.BT virlno of tho above stated writ of Hn

-iciim in my bandg, I shnli PIDOSB for sale i,nnlilinvpndneatlbo Oonrt HOLBC, in Morria-iwn.N. J.,onMONDAY, the 37th day of February next,

A. E. 1882, belween tlio hoars of 13M. ando'clock P, M., that is (o nay, at 3 o'clock in tliafternoon or snid day, all those tracts or par-ci'lupfland aud promises, hcrdnaftnr puttienlarlv dcMrthed, Bllnale, lying ami ueinRllibiJluwnshipofMonnt Olive, In tha Oonutof HorriB and Stato of New Jersoy

KfinR tlie mme Iota lind promfgeB •jonvcmto Jncob B. Millpr and wife, br deed datciOotober 10th. 1973. Haid promiBos are dc

TIIE Pinst TRACT belnp. the farm or prem-lag Hbicli David Biinl, d«o'd. fornicrlv oi-in-

1 indtheBHinemeniioiDd in a Jeed from



Shop on Clinton St., Dover.«An cspDrienco of 13 years In Dover on tbe

nneit work, is the saarantw I offer of myability to pluM tb* public. Now Is tba timeto litvn airlehg pslttod. My

Morris Ooanty Surrogate's Office,DH0EJ1BER 28th, 1B81.

n t ie mniter of Unlbinfl T. Wolsb, Adnints-trator cf Hannn Apsar tkamHit. Hntro-gate's order to limit orcdito:s.

O,N spplication tl the above-named Admin-lutratoi ft In firdored bv tbe Sarromto

tint gaid AdmlDlstralor slve pnljlic notice tobe creditomol tho estate of sail decedent to

bring io their debts, demands and claimsigaiuBt ttie same, nnder oalb, within ninemontlis ftcm thla flale.by settloR upicopvnf Ibm order, within twenty flats her"nfler. Init or the moat public phots In tbaeonntvor

llorrm for two montbn, and MBO wltbln tbewill twenty days bj a«jvertiBlnff the same inthe Inn* EBA ono cf tbo newspapers af tliliinto, for the same epsoe of time (tbe Sarro-itpJttderliiKany farther notleo to bo tinnca-•fur.Tj; And ifftnv creditor uhall neclectto

nliibli bii or her debt, demand and olalmwithin the Btild period of nine mootba. publionotice being given as aforesaid, unco creditorball bo forever debarred of his or bor aotioa

tlierefiTRftalnst tho said Admlnistntor.A trqpcopj from tlio minnlfa.

-lDrr p CHA8. A. GILLEN, Surrogate.


black from Fails called D'Cordonnler, all

wool, and fartj-four Inahes In width. &

DBBSB mates a datable an! prett; CbriarrMs

ent Out O«m«i Boon Is oonilantly

tepelvlDg new additions.


MonrasrowN, N. J.



I S - 1 DRESS PATTERN |-iu Satin, Black Serge, Flannel, Ladies Cloth, or any other Fabric, or

for a fine pair of





in groat varictj ip Iloxcs, ami a gout nsijortrai'iit of



Whitlock <&, Lewis,NO. 6 NEW ML,Q€K,

COR. BLACKWELL and MORRIS STS.Alwiij-Hontmnil a fi;il line of (JKOCKilMlS AND I'UOVISIDXS.


C. S. JENSEN,C w «i tbii \>\nao. n nd vicinity thatDyer nnd Carppt Weaver, would mitioiince lo the r

he will meet nil tlieir wutils in dyeing mid Oiirpot wc.

D Y E I N G vVTVI> OLnaies Mcrloo Find (Mimer« DrenfR, Shairla «n.l Cloaks a Kpeolijly; end all kimii 0

fabrics Bro utatly cl-ancj, ilycd nnd Oiiisbeil arnlloiusn-a gurraonts, coal., pnuta andv»l« oteancd or dyed and M l , !l-mhe,l without ri,)Pl,,B. By oleauiug , iod dveinu hd>iaad worn clothing they might be muds Hcrvi e.iMu for n long time.

C A R P E T WKAVINOS-UnvliiR tho wry boot looms lor List and B»R Oarpot,and eveijtblag HIIEHI up for OnUla* »ork. I Ibitk I cnu d.livor what Ibo l»di™ rantafter they have taken the trouble tu cnt mid sow thoir rngt uioely, n gond rnc carpet Ikeep the very bout wnrp lor my customer! and all mdsrn «ro ntlended to witli onre 6a^pet rags dyed any color. A retwnnnble prloo peiil for cariiot MBS. Carpet on hand for

ND S I ' S ^ T ™ 8"YI 'EI lUN C U""C" O0**™™™, N. J., S.pt. aoth, W81. S. J E NSENT-



, n ibOBRinemcniidicd in t doed froe«o Upton and Ita 0. WIiitebiad.Bieciitora

of Georgt Fornvtli.to tho eaid Jacob B. Miller,d*Ud Uflrcti Sd, 1891, and recorded ia MorrisO t y E i l f D d B h 8 60



FlsDaaad8poelflcationsf(>rbaililinga,Oonlrutitaken and materUlsfnrnlBhed.

Slnte KoolingWitb bfitter facilities I am enabled to putI SLATS! ROOFS cheaper tban ever ualrjp

aone bnt the beat qaality of Blate and em-ployioo first-olsss meohanica I can guar.•otae material Bod work in Bverj partlcn

*. Tar BhBatblng Felt alwaya on haad.Dated Ootobir 18th. 1(81).

County Collector's Notice!I will bo at the offioo of the Hnrrojtate, Hor>

" ' " " " • £ ' "",• traasaotlor. ot OoSuij hnsl-iiess. oa TJnrnda; ol caca vrtrk, and at 111.

Ose or Georgo Rlchsrda, Esq., Oovpr onMmrlijl, Tnoedajs, Werlresaaj! in l F n t a

WM.H.L»KBEET,Conotjr Oolloolor.



Aonlo aaoonmodatlops.. 'or. Pirinaaont and

Oontity Eegisler ofDeeds, Booh A 8. pages 60,AO.,ID(J tburcln dcaoribed as folloivs:

BccintiinK at a atako itindlnR in & line _Innd belonpjtnR to Aaron ind John Stark iithemiailleoftbeblffliwavitboi.ee alongSlark'n line nortb •(•rentv-uine dccrovBtwo riming sad fifteen llnka: tl:eoco Fpovontv-BBran degrees nast sixty-nine cbainsand thirty links; tbence south fifteen dronesI'asttwenlr-foor elialna and thirty lliilta totlie ilno of tbe old survey j tbccoe along theold. line KDatli iiitj»fnnr deijrepB west fifty-tbrcu chains tn tbe middle of IIIP nmd lugiiway; tbenee nortb sixteen deijrces wotaovesbaiiiR alons tlie middle or tbo siiid bifitnvnitbonco north ttvcnlv-ono and s liftlf de-awwestdpht chains ana elity-lhreo links; Ihencnorth twenty-tlslit BDd.ahilf OegrcRu wotsix oiisins and thirty, links; thence norlb Qtldegrees (rest thirteen and a half cliainiIIIBUCO north Ihlrtv-ono de&ret* neat aftei'iicbaini and fifty lltiks; llicuce nortb siity-aldCRi-ocn McsttlireecbiinB:ibeticonortli fortIbreo dPRroca went four chains and mity-Hiilinks; tuenceuortb nine aud a Imlfd^preeeast reventeon obalnn to the bepinninR corneroutlining two hundred and olglit'-one aureitore or lens.

THE RzoiKDTnAor Iring tho Hnrne cnnvpvr>ilie said Jncob B. llill.r bv Henrr Mil'leijy deediHtcdOctolieraBlh.ieST.andfco^rden thB Mtirria Connty liecord of Dcods Buok•S. papea 810, &o., and therein duxcribed a

follow* iBeginning at tbe jnnotton of tho reads at u

jtone; tbenen ilunfj ttie roid loading to Mor-r Blown south seventy-cine degree* east i n••"uai and tMnty-elKbt Hnks; thonce (2,

-itb ten degrees wnl flva-ebaiai and thirty-sit JiQka ; tfaeuoe (8) north «lghi^als dogreswc-Ht tn-o tbainii and twenty links; thenou ('.Houtb ten d(--gre«B west four obata>; thenon[5) north leventy-nine degrees west one elialuand flfly.two links; thence (6) sooth serontv-m degrees vest two chains md forty-flvaMukB; thence (T) nortb six degrees cant e'ovenchsimiothe place of beginning, e o - * 1 'Qro aorta of land, more or Itiii-

T H I THIBD Tfiior, bcglunlnB at a stonepl»ntod fn Ibe roid leading rrom Plunders tOhL'Bler. corner to lands owned bv John £Weise, laid Jacob B. Miller and' MatthewiriDlQor, dee'd, and runems thonce (1) northcightF-twu ftod n qa&rler dagreos e ' 'chain* snd tweiu-th links to atidtbei m mof MII] Millor's land; tbenoe (2) south seventymt and a quarter dcj>nrci eait one chain anilCKutr-sixlinkstaacorner; thence (8) nortbeiofen (lefiires cast twcutv-Dlne linbs lo t onr-ncr in Uel H. ITIinlu* line j tlienoo (4) nortbsevRntv-seven inu a quarter degrees vreat unochain and ulftbty-turo links to auotber corner.JLB;a 15fl|ei>/-w* t thence (6) riontli eiBhty-

eifihtana » half degrees west two chain* andterenlven linkH to a oorner in road iforeaafd •ihopce |0) noath tAenn ind n qaarter decrteiwoit tiity iinki to the plnce or bcginninc"ontBiniDg^blrtaenhandrcdlhB of an acre of

i a daeo! from Uul-H. ffigalns andJacob B. Miller. d>Icd ilnrcli BO,

1864, from wbicli deed tbis ileicriptiDn ii ttk^n.Tbli mortgage is nndcrnlood to be a oononr-

rent Itan with a carUIn imrletge Riwn by theP«ty of lhe Qrst part to SiAuWa. Piefa, of

date lerewlihoa said landn._ WILLIAM H. HOWELL, Blieriff.Ditefl Doo. 16th, 1881. 110 30

Uorrla Connty Snrrosate's Office.JANUARY 33d, 1BO2.

Her of Nancy RiRca. Szecntrit or

TKltMS, • * W PKn WEEK,.DIJKQ AND I0MU) FOR H0B8E8. „„ ,

Carlinttef all klndi done, ' I tillf-flo m,h. WEBB, PropriBtorJ

/ \ N iiiplication Df the nbuTo-omiBd SucV tru it o ordered bv He aurroaito tbamid Execnlrli Rivo pablio wtitm lo tha ored*°"'«<'the esiata of ia d l ! I b l imid Ex rli Rivo pablio wtitm lo tha oredU

siata of wia doeeilan! laIbrlnfl; in

Notice of Settlement.Killtti I* hunhj gina that the accounts niIB anliciibert, Eiecnton of OtinrJeu Moi

[irlan, Joopmed, will in nndiled und stated bv*"* Snrrojiite, anil r«i«irlod rnrflectletnont to

i Otpbans' Court nf tlio Conntv of Morris,Monday the third day or April neit.


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tine, Waihlnuton. Fftltlleiil EliUm, Oelktiaii,

Tllle; Keokuk to FarmlnHlnn UanntMrio, ill'n"tojiiport. InUcpeijilPiii, EKl[m.OtiumwA:'lily-

HolnestAludlaiiulaaii'd WiniiTni't- Ailiiiiip loGrliwolil uid Audubjii, and Avocito Ilarlnn .AIt \ \ A 8 1 ' I K t ' T O N I l K I 0 n T B , with P., C. *SLAt LA SALLB. with III, Cent. It. R.

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(,B.av : " - •*•!! •- »*iiii uui si.t;. t^ aX n,

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