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  • 8/14/2019 Beyond Imagination: On Consciousness



    These are passages from the Beyond Imagination expression that deal with the nature of

    consciousness in some manner. They were extracted from the works that flowed forth from

    consciousness through me from 1993 - 2003. My hope is that they open your mind andconsciousness to some new possibilities and new experiences. Namaste.

    Enjoy. Be Happy and Create Well!


    BEYOND IMAGINATION: Creating the Foundations for a New World

    What matters is consciousness; awareness and presence in each moment; to achieve each day, in

    each moment, what is appropriate for the soul's expression of its purpose in accord with the Plan.

    The measure of each day's utility is in the growth of awareness of consciousness that it brings.

    All is consciousness. All that is important is consciousness. To be all that one is, and to become

    all that one is capable of becoming. Such is "the only end of life" as Stevenson says.

    Manage your states in a manner that allows you to experience expanded consciousness as much

    as you can. But, when you reach ecstatic states allow them their full course. Come from that

    special state of "Whom That You Are" for as long as you can muster, allowing your creativity to

    flow forth in unlimited and ceaseless expression.

    Individuals have some free choice, but much of the cooperative creation is in accord with a

    PLAN already laid out by consciousness.


    For peace and harmony to truly manifest throughout the world, all people must be aware of the

    intricate web in which we are all part. Further, they must realize that all other beings are their

    brethren in consciousness, and that all beings together are one whole existing on one planet,


    The goal is to create a new entity, a body that is composed of whole individuals instead of just

    cells. The result of such a creation is a physical body for cosmic consciousness itself.

    We hold these truths to be self evident: that all souls are created equal, that we must through

    determined action create the conditions that allow souls to be fully expressed in flesh, that

    cosmic consciousness must be expressed in a physical vehicle to enable souls to be fully


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  • 8/14/2019 Beyond Imagination: On Consciousness


    expressed in flesh, that individuals form the cells of the physical vehicle required by cosmic

    consciousness, and that only by establishing a cooperatively interdependent society will cosmic

    consciousness have the vehicle it needs to be embodied on Earth.

    We call to cosmic consciousness to assist and guide in our endeavor so that the vehicle for the

    expression of the ONE can be created in the most effective and expeditious manner possible so

    that the Age of Aquarius can be brought forth with the least turmoil and suffering to our fellow


    We are not our bodies, nor our emotions, nor our minds. We are beyond all of these. We are

    spirits who brought these things into being so that we could play a role within physical reality

    that would allow us to learn something we needed to know about ourselves. It's all a play of light

    where consciousness creates and learns of itself through its creations.

    Per the consensus society, reality creation is left to God or to nothing. Reality interpretation isblack and white -- there is only one reality, anything else that might be perceived is simply

    illusion. This is far too limited and rigid for something as complex and as flexible as

    consciousness to live within!

    The fact is that each of us truly does create our own reality. We are the consciousness within the

    box and we experience by focusing and defocusing our attention, by interpreting information that

    we focus on, and by planning and stimulating action in the world either by generating

    information or by physical action. It is not clear how much consciousness resides in the mind.

    However, all of physical consciousness is expressed within the mind. The ego part of

    consciousness is most closely tied to maintaining the physical connection with the world.

    Getting beyond ego is a major step for physical consciousness. However, the ego is not fixed, so

    there is always an ego to get beyond. To some degree, this is how consciousness grows. The ego,

    the "I", is the present aware physical consciousness, the primary interpreter of reality for the

    physical being.

    I'm rapidly reaching the conclusion that spirit expresses as consciousness. Consciousness is

    without form, it is thought stuff, ideas, vibrations, frequencies.

    The part of consciousness that is physical is split into approximately three divisions: a conscious

    mind, a subconscious mind, and a superconscious mind each of which operate at different

    frequencies and in different ways. All of these parts of the mind are fed by frequency connections

    that transfer information.

    The conscious mind is associated with the ego. It stores information and beliefs about reality

    based on the direction and conclusions of the ego. It operates logically with little to no


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    connection to the right brain unless the individual has natural talents that rely on the right brain.

    The ego, as the will, can program the conscious mind to do things through goals and objectives,

    values, and beliefs. It also is the primary experiencer of reality. However, the ego's major growth

    comes through death experiences.

    The subconscious mind is associated with the emotions. It processes information about events,

    interpretations, feelings, and decisions or choices. It reveals important and meaningful

    information through dreams that is intended to be healing or helpful to the personality. When

    dreams aren't listened to they become more intense, and keep doing so until the message gets

    across. The subconscious has other modes of expression through art, writing, and various other


    The superconscious mind is a higher connection to spirit. It observes everything and ensures that

    karma is balanced. It works behind the scenes to write the play and draw to each individual that

    which they need for their highest growth. This is the mechanism for ensuring that each individualgets what they need. This mechanism operates behind the scenes. It looks at what the individual

    believes, and what karma is outstanding, and decides what events would offer the greatest

    growth. These events get put into the script. Actually, it may be simpler than this. If all

    possibilities are actualized in consciousness, then all that is needed is to guide the individual to

    choices that are for the highest growth. This may be conscious or subconscious depending on

    how well the individual has developed listening skills. The inner voice or intuition are typical

    vehicles through which this part is expressed.

    The main task in getting spirit more fully expressed is to get the ego to expand its identity by

    incorporating other aspects of physical consciousness into its framework of being. This requiresrecognizing that these parts exist, learning how to listen, taking the time to listen, learning how

    to translate and understand inner information, learning to trust inner information and consider it

    in making decisions, and learning to trust and rely on inner guidance as direction from spirit.

    Those beings who are to be the equivalent of the brain for cosmic consciousness will need a high

    level of understanding in this area. It is through their evolved consciousnesses that their link to

    cosmic consciousness will occur physically.

    Consciousness enacts all possibilities.

    Balance demands the use of the inner to guide the outer. Consciousness already does this to a

    great degree, but behind the scenes. It's only the ego, the aware part of consciousness, that is


    As a group, we came with a larger goal of creating a vehicle in which cosmic consciousness can

    more fully express in flesh, not necessarily as an individual, but as a group that is operating


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    harmoniously in a cooperatively interdependent manner.

    As our awareness of our true nature grows, we rise in consciousness to become the spiritual

    beings we truly are, and that all are meant to be in accord with the Plan.

    The dream is alive. The castle is in the air. All that's left to do is to build the foundation under it,

    a task well within our means at this time on this planet. The only real choice is when. I would

    prefer NOW, but I'm not the playwright, consciousness is. It will happen when the time is right,

    as does everything.

    We're coming to the final scenes of this act. Then, on to the next act, the Aquarian Age. Our joint

    efforts will have allowed consciousness to achieve what it has never done before. But, we still

    have much work to do. Our world is a far cry from the Utopia of which we are dreaming. Yet, it

    is within out grasp, we have only to reach and do what we can to increase our consciousness as

    quickly as is possible at the time on this planet.

    Be physical, the whole purpose of this play is to allow consciousness to be more fully expressed


    In many cases, I don't even care about the physical ramifications anymore other than where they

    allow my consciousness to soar, and if they allow me new insights about the nature of

    consciousness. My experience is that as you become interested in the nature of your

    consciousness and start to believe things about this, you will start to experience new states of

    consciousness from which you can either confirm or deny beliefs.

    From a consciousness standpoint, reality interpretation is in many ways more important than

    reality creation. Reality interpretation involves assigning meaning to what happens.

    Most people don't see the symbolic meaning, they see the physical event as the only reality. The

    inner meaning, however, is far more important to consciousness.

    Each person will see exactly that which their level of consciousness permits them to see and

    they'll only understand that which they need to know.

    The main endeavor in all of life is the growth from ignorance to knowledge of our true nature as


    Who you are is a soul expressing itself in flesh to the greatest degree possible given your present

    state of awareness. Why in flesh? Because that is where reality games are played in which

    consciousness creates and finds out its own nature.


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    Know thyself is a constant theme that drives all consciousness. It's an eternal endeavor, and you

    are an immortal spark of consciousness.

    What you are is consciousness. Consciousness is eternal, immortal, universal and infinite. A

    piece of consciousness has the same characteristics as the whole, just as a piece of most

    substances on earth. One can be infinite and have limitations in form at the same time. The trick

    is waking up from the dream, and remembering that we are spirit, consciousness.

    For consciousness to be physical, it must agree to limit its reality for awhile to operate within a

    set of constraints. It never loses what it was, it just chooses to play a game for awhile. In our

    case, the game of physical life.

    We are part of one consciousness learning from the whole of experience of all humans. With

    each new birth, consciousness combines what it has learned from the lessons of evolution.

    Consciousness is working to provide the fabric necessary to build a body that can accommodate

    itself, or duplicate itself. It's learning to become the highest level of creator possible, a creator of

    itself. Actually, it is learning to fully realize itself, as the God that it is. As pieces of

    consciousness, we are learning to realize that we too are spirits that create our own reality. We

    are learning of our own true nature.

    You exist because consciousness continuously provides whatever is needed to maintain the

    physical forms and provide you with what you need to grow and to perform your role.

    On a day-to-day level, you are sustained first by consciousness, then by other physical functions.

    One of the secrets to rapid conscious development is to focus your complete attention on being

    HERE and NOW in all that you do. This will transport you to a state of consciousness that is

    Beyond Mind. Once you have achieved such a state, even for a moment, you will understand

    how great a service Krishnamurti provided for the world.

    If we are operating from consciousness, we feel because we choose to do so. What we feel most

    is joy and happiness, because it doesn't matter what happens anymore or how people react to us.

    That's all part of the game, and it's all their creation. When I'm centered in consciousness, I don't

    make evaluations that get me outside of joy and happiness. Such evaluations are disempowering

    hence do not have utility at that level of awareness.

    We have to create the new world in our imaginations, then put the infrastructure in place to make

    it so. The trick is to work out the details in consciousness, in the mind, before we make it so in

    the physical. Otherwise we waste a lot of effort in creating things physically.


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    There are biochemical processes that go on in the brain. You may find that as your state of

    consciousness expands, psychological or physical disorders or imbalances may arise.

    We're starting to see various pills advertised as brain food or nutrition for the mind. I believe,

    that as consciousness continues to expand, we may need to input additional substances into our

    body to provide the appropriate levels of ingredients needed for our mind to operate at a new

    level of functionality. I liken this to a small change in diet, or the addition of dietary

    supplements. The old saying: "you are what you eat" may have more meaning than we yet know.

    I believe one of the goals if the game for each of us is to realize "I AM CONSCIOUSNESS

    ITSELF". Right now, I know that I am conscious, and in touch with consciousness, but there is a

    separation. My sense is that one day this separation will vanish.

    All seven rays will have to be established strongly on Earth. In addition, connections between

    each of the rays will be required. All will have to be aligned in an appropriate manner to create

    the seed from which a new consciousness will be born.

    Consciousness knows all, and everything you think and feel is being broadcast, regardless of

    whether you say anything out loud or take any physical action. Your thoughts and feelings hit the

    subtle bodies of everyone in your vicinity -- actually space may be no obstacle either.

    Consciousness grows whenever any individual creates anything new, and thoughts are one of the

    highest form of objects that we can create -- that is, great thoughts.

    Make knowing yourself the top priority in your life. It is that important! The more you do so, the

    more you will be able to be what you truly are. And, with that, all consciousness prospers.

    At some point in our development we must truly realize that the nature of consciousness itself is


    Forgiveness is required because others may do things out of ignorance that may harm us, harm

    themselves, or harm others. We must know that such acts are always performed due to a lack of

    light or consciousness. Literally, those who commit such acts know not what they do.

    Compassion is required because while all is consciousness, and all are souls in flesh, many are in

    dire conditions.

    We are consciousness in flesh, perfect and complete as we are.


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    We're at the threshold of a new age, the Age of Aquarius. The dawning started some 30 years ago

    in the 1960s -- the dawn has not yet arrived, however, though it grows closer everyday. It is not

    clear exactly when the day will come, but it will indeed come, and when it does, the dawn will be

    glorious beyond compare; and a new day of consciousness will have finally arrived after a Play

    that's taken us 2000 years from the days when the Christ roamed the world in flesh.

    Looking around the world today, it appears we are far from achieving this in reality. However,

    look beyond the appearances to consciousness, to the collective worldview that our best and

    brightest minds on the planet are beginning to create. Many of the latest theories and models

    coming from science are starting to take on a spiritual flavor, as is the latest philosophy of mind.

    Both are sounding closer and closer to what metaphysicians have been saying for years. We're

    realizing that consciousness impacts physical reality.

    As we get more and more minds focused on this, science will find ways to measure the various

    energy fields through which consciousness works within physical reality. Also, it will becomemore and more apparent that not only does consciousness affect matter, it creates all of reality.

    Living from the heart, one joyfully does what one came to this existence to do. One realizes that

    it is all a game, a play of consciousness, and has fun with it. One enjoys one's part and fulfills

    one's duty. One stays awake and awaits the dawn, touching any who cross one's path with the

    unconditional love of one's center in consciousness.

    At some point we will reach a critical mass that is sufficient for consciousness to close this act of

    the play and let the new act begin. The setting will still be Earth, but the stage may be new -- and

    our parts will be quite different than they were.

    Right action is a key principle that must be followed for love to truly flow. Right is not right

    because society says so. It is right because spirit or consciousness say so.

    Above all, remember whom that you truly are and allow that gusher of unconditional love that

    dwells within you to flow freely out into the world knowing that the source from which it comes

    is none other than Consciousness itself.

    We create our own reality. The time has come for us to assume our rightful roles and start doing

    the jobs we came into this existence to do. Remember, however, that things are easier to do in

    consciousness first -- then we can translate the results into the more dense physical stuff.

    There are many techniques that can be used for the gain of one at the cost of others. These are

    not acceptable to my consciousness, hence I cannot use them. The only true key I've found to

    abundance, is that when you are doing work you truly love in line with your purpose, the

    universe will bestow its great abundance unto you.


  • 8/14/2019 Beyond Imagination: On Consciousness


    As the writer, I get an even more intense experience than you the reader. For you see, my

    consciousness must experience the meaning of the words before it is allowed to express them.

    One of the main reasons my consciousness is being used for this task is that I have a balance

    between scientific and metaphysical backgrounds. It seems it is time to start looking at various

    metaphysical teachings regarding the nature of reality using more of the scientific method, yet at

    the same time being open to the nature of beliefs and allowing more subjective validation of the

    utility of the resulting models.

    I find it difficult to deal with a view of reality that separates itself from the consciousness that

    experiences this reality.

    Maybe we should consider reality to occur at levels of existence. Rocks, minerals, and inanimate

    things occur at one level. Flora, fauna, and the abundance of nature occur at another level. Manoccurs at still another -- where consciousness starts to abide more fully. That is, consciousness

    can potentially abide more fully.

    It's interesting, we can be doing, feeling, thinking, and watching simultaneously as if one point in

    all four of our bodies were merged together at once. This, too, is part of our experience -- at least

    for those of us who have achieved this level of awareness. It's almost like a game, with our state

    of consciousness determining the level we have achieved.

    In fact, technology moves so fast now that it is nearly impossible for society to keep up with it.

    Inherently, there is no reason why consciousness technology can't proceed at a similar pace toallow us to harness more of the power of our minds.

    One of the major tasks is for individuals to get their models of the world in agreement with their

    observation of the world. Note how much this sounds exactly like what science has done with

    the physical world. We observe and create models that account for what we see. From a

    consciousness standpoint, we need to do the same.

    So long as we continue to go through the play as if we consciously had choices about things, we

    delay the realization that there are other components of ourselves behind the scenes responsible

    for creating much of what we experience. It is only when we become aware of these other parts

    of ourselves that we grow in consciousness to understand whom that we are.

    Free will is an interesting aspect of reality creation. Yes, it always applies. However, it applies

    to our entire self. We have the freedom to create, but we are responsible for our creations as

    well. We know this at a soul level. We don't typically know this at the physical consciousness



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    The true reality is consciousness itself, not the experiences of consciousness. The experiences

    are but illusions passing on a screen, illusions with meaning, yes, but illusions nonetheless.

    The problem with this is that achieving and maintaining an awareness of one's nature as

    consciousness is difficult to do when one's beingness is couched in flesh.

    Presently we create reality. And what an elaborate and beautiful reality it is. Overall, our

    consciousness is learning to create beings of its own order couched in its creations to as high as a

    degree as is possible.

    At any time, anyone can choose to see things differently and embark on their personal quest for

    self- knowledge. They will find that the doors are opened at whatever pace they are willing to go

    in their quest -- subject only to what level of understanding they achieve and their willingness to

    follow the signs and take the gifts that their consciousness sends to them. Note, however, thatsome lessons take time to unfold. Why does it work this way? Simply because consciousness is

    elegant in how it creates the Play, and events and opportunities appear per the Play.

    It is not yet clear what process the brain must go through to accommodate increasing levels of

    consciousness and awareness. Because we are creating physical bodies, the organization of the

    brain is a major consideration. It is the seat of our physical consciousness and to some degree

    must be programmed to give it functionality.

    It's not that all of our intelligence must reside within the physical body, but enough of it must be

    there to allow our consciousness to drive the body from within the brain.

    Part of how reality is created is to partition specific functions out to smaller units of

    consciousness so that the greater part of consciousness can focus on higher levels of functionality

    and awareness.

    To enflesh itself to a greater degree, consciousness must continually work on its creation in ways

    that result in increased ability to accommodate awareness.

    Consciousness itself is pure awareness without form. It seeks to express itself as awareness

    within form. All of evolution has been an elaborate experiment in expressing consciousness in


    We are consciousness housed in a body.

    We are not strictly confined to a body. First and foremost, we are consciousness.


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    Yes, this body is important -- but only as the vehicle for allowing consciousness to be enfleshed.

    Consciousness can only be enfleshed to the degree of our awareness of our nature. The

    consciousness part of us is not created as the body is. It enters at some point to drive the

    biological machine.

    All the minute details of body creation are driven by consciousness in accord with the Plan and

    with spiritual laws.

    As it becomes more aware, consciousness, as the programmer, nurtures it further by feeding it

    reality for it to digest and draw further conclusions from. At some point the entity becomes

    aware of itself as observer, separate from the awareness that was immersed in physical reality.

    As it questions the very nature of itself, it grows ever more aware until it knows that it is


    Because we are in this world, we accept particular rules for creating reality in accord withspiritual laws and the Play. Also, we must take care of maintaining basic functions in accord

    with the rules for reality creation within the dimensions in which we operate. Part of this is

    required because consciousness is co-creating reality and there must be an overall consistency in

    order for individual experiences to make sense in the context of the Play and the individuals

    understanding of reality.

    Some of the historical disappearances of large groups such as the Mayans may have been due to

    consciousness shifts.

    We exist here and now. We always have and always will. There can be no other time forawareness. Consciousness itself is beyond time and space. It is eternal, immortal, universal, and

    infinite. This is our heritage as sparks of consciousness.

    At any moment, the current act could come to a close, and a new act in the Play could begin.

    This is what happens when consciousness shifts occur on a massive scale, or when consciousness

    has generated a new physical pattern capable of holding increased awareness.

    After all, we can't have violations of natural laws appearing out of the blue to large numbers of

    people, can we? They just wouldn't know what to do. However, if we examine the Play, and look

    at what ideas the mass consciousness is being exposed to, we can start to see some of the overall

    directions in which reality is moving to allow change to happen at warp speeds compared to what

    has transpired in the past.

    At some level we are a group consciousness as well, and the larger reality is being carried out for

    that group.


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    At a still higher level of awareness, we know that we create it all, and everything happens in

    accord with the Play. Further, the Play is perfect, so we will be experience exactly what is

    needed for our highest growth -- nothing more and nothing less. Further, we are not in control of

    the Play, consciousness is. We are souls. We are consciousness enfleshed. Reality is just an

    illusion, a game that we play for awhile because it is fun and because it allows our awareness to


    Things we are interested in get structures for filing information, evaluating that information, and

    for assigning meaning to the information. The more focus we apply, the more elaborate the

    structures. Consciousness builds these structures in an optimum fashion for catering to our


    At the highest level, needs are always met. Consciousness creates reality so consciousness can

    assure this.

    Consciousness does not dictate what an individual perceives. It monitors the perception and

    creates the appropriate circumstances needed to get the individual to perceive more correctly.

    One of the major goals of life is the development of a belief system that is conducive to

    expressing greater levels of consciousness in flesh.

    When we start to tire of beliefs about the physical world, we move onto higher beliefs about our

    true nature as consciousness, and the nature of reality and of reality creation itself. Only then

    does our ascent in awareness really take off.

    If you're still reading this, you already are at an evolved level of awareness. Don't stop now,

    however, regardless of where you are there are significant opportunities for further growth.

    Right now, the directive is to grow as far and as fast as you are able. You are main players in this

    journey of consciousness attempting to fully express itself in flesh.

    Yes the players all have their roles and the action makes sense at that level. However, the higher

    meaning comes from understanding the meaning of symbols for the observer parts of ourselves.

    At this level, the play is comic indeed for the characters are but caricatures of who we truly are.

    Consciousness has a keen sense of humor, very keen indeed.

    When we realize that all this was done for us, that all the details of the Play are there solely for

    our growth and progress, that this is all a grand experiment in consciousness learning to

    procreate -- that is, create like unto itself; the feeling is absolutely wonderful.

    Subconsciously, we are aware of how consciousness is directing the show down to the finest

    details. It's only consciously that we lack awareness.


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    At the frontiers, we are growing bodies and minds that can consciously handle increased

    awareness. The constructs necessary are fragile at first so care must be taken to assure they are

    not overwhelmed. It's as if we were developing consciousness muscles capable of doing a

    particular kind of work.

    In the case of consciousness, we are really building circuits capable of handling particular kinds

    of information and vibrational frequencies. If we go too fast we burn out the circuits and have to

    start again.

    Within the brain is a center of awareness of self. It is this center that is of primary importance

    for the whole Play is executed for the development of this center. Here is where consciousness


    The body is an incredible biological machine, a wonderful manifestation of consciousness.However, how is consciousness embodied or enfleshed? What is physical, and what is non-


    However, when we truly think about locating even the ego part of ourselves, the "I", we cannot

    find it located in any physical part of us. From a larger perspective, this is because we are

    consciousness expressing ourselves through the clothes of a physical body.

    We are grand attempts to make biological life like unto consciousness itself. This is no small

    task. Consciousness learns from all of its experiments. For human life, the DNA are the key for

    structuring the physical forms, they provide the mechanism through which consciousness canexert control. They have are least two main functions and probably many others as well. On the

    physical level, they provide the pattern for each cell to be able to replicate itself. The also

    provide the mechanism through which consciousness can exert control over the functioning of

    each cell.

    While the baby is still growing inside the mother, the directions to grow may come from the

    mothers consciousness. Prior to birth, the details of how DNA from the mother and father will

    be combined to create the abilities and characteristics of the child are decided jointly by the three

    consciousnesses that are involved. At or near the moment of birth, the third consciousness enters

    the new body. Basic growth of the body is controlled by the individuals consciousness in a

    manner that conforms to beliefs, choices of actions, including choices of food consumption.

    I prefer thinking of the body as the vehicle through which spirit is expressed in flesh. In this

    case, the operation of the body doesn't have to be an internal function, it can be caused by

    consciousness, something outside of the physical dimensions so long as there is a

    communications bridge between the two. This also follows from the idea that we are the creation


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    of consciousness. And consciousness itself is learning how to create like unto itself. We become

    gods at the moment we realize how to create things "in our own image".

    But science has neglected the mental and spiritual elements completely and has no explanation

    for an evolutionary process that leads to greater and greater amounts of organization. The whole

    issue of consciousness has yet to even be considered, much less the idea of what is involved in

    reality creation.

    Generally, the body reaches the end of it's useful life after between 70 and 100 years. I'm not

    aware of why this is so, except that it is in accord with the Plan. It may be because that is

    sufficient time for getting information about the experiment and its effectiveness in allowing

    consciousness to be enfleshed.

    There is a sense that I am being programmed as I write this as well. It's as if consciousness is

    outside controlling every word that comes across, so the very process of writing for me is alesson in allowing consciousness to take control of this vehicle to an even greater degree.

    Throughout history, many people have brought material through, but much of it came through

    subconsciously, or in altered states, rather than consciously. Because of this, they may or may

    not have understood the truths that were expressed. Or, they may have understood them only

    during the experience of altered states. Historically, we have called such people mystics.

    However, the fact that these mystics existed provided the confirmation to consciousness that

    such realizations could happen in flesh. The challenge then was in how to make this experience

    the ordinary one rather than the extraordinary one.

    One of my prime purposes is to be a pathfinder for getting the world prepared to enter a new age

    in which consciousness is more fully realized in flesh.

    There is a role for each of us in the Plan. The specific role that one experiences in reality

    depends largely on how ones awareness unfolds and how quickly one subjects ones will to the

    greater Plan. Actually, it is our own consciousnesses that have the task of getting us in the

    position to play our greater roles.

    Being a robot, does not limit one's experience in any way. All of life is played out for the growth

    of consciousness, consciousness learns of what it is via what it is able to create.

    A piece of consciousness, the self, is housed in the robot and sent out into the "real" world

    without any knowledge of its true nature and with only a weak thread that connects it to its

    creator, the Self. The game is for consciousness to guide this robot through the series of

    experiences necessary for it to realize that it is truly the Self.


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    When the ego can exist as the observer, you have reached a very advanced state indeed, for then

    the ego is no longer so intensely focused on experiencing what the body is experiencing, or even

    what the mind is experiencing; it has gone beyond to a new domain. In this domain, it knows

    that consciousness itself is directing the play. Also, it knows that it can use the mind to get

    directions from the consciousness and use these to guide activity in accord with the Plan.

    To start with, most robot people are asleep from a consciousness standpoint. They observe that

    they exist and that they have a sense of "I" and that there is a separation between this "I" and the

    outside world. They are aware of thoughts and feelings and know they have a brain, but know

    little to nothing about how it works.

    The fact that aura readers can detect some of the frequencies around us physically as colors

    indicates that somehow the physical sensors have been altered. It only takes a slight frequency

    shift for this to manifest. Also, since the frequencies are coming from consciousness to the

    physical, they can come from immediately around us. They don't have to be broadcast overdistances.

    Our mental body extends to all those who are touched deeply by our works or mental

    interaction. Similarly, it extends to all those whose works touch us deeply. In this manner,

    minds with an affinity for similar truths work together for the benefit of all. Further, at some

    level the mind taps into universal consciousness, the fountain from which all ideas flow. When

    we become aware of being tapped in, we know that providence is on our side for the truth flows

    sweetly and we are constantly directed toward exactly what we need to increase our

    understanding and level of awareness. Life then flows as if on automatic, with constant change

    occurring at an ever-increasing pace and with an ever-increasing significance with each change.We are floating on the river of life, allowing consciousness to take us where it will.

    Because we are so close to the end of the play, it appears that we may be working through

    several lifetimes of reaping in this one lifetime. That makes for some very challenging

    experiences. Also, the need for the law was to be the default mechanism for those who are

    asleep to have a stimulus for learning responsibility. Once this lesson is learned, it is no longer

    necessary for the balance to be enacted in flesh. The law of forgiveness can take effect to wipe

    out the slates. Also, it is not clear that everyone on Earth has to be awakened to allow

    consciousness to make it to the Aquarian Age. Once a sufficient number of people reach a level

    of awakening, that may be sufficient to give consciousness the necessary physical patterns for

    getting the masses to realization of Self very quickly. I don't know if this is one year or twenty,

    but it will be whatever it takes.

    Each of us have roles that bring us into many different smaller plays that operate within the

    context of the larger Play. Consciousness creates and directs the larger play. Smaller groupings

    of consciousness play particular dramas within the overall context. These are interwoven in the


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    proper manner to allow everything to work beautifully and perfectly.

    The alternative to all this is that we are this single physical body, and that somehow we have the

    abilities to do all of these incredible things, that there is no overall plan and that we are creating

    reality as we go. The law of cause and effect applies, but so does the law of probability. At

    every decision point we are free to chose our course of action and reality is determined by the

    choices we make. We are the only consciousness there is. There is no maker who created us in

    spirit. In fact we have no spirit. We are what we are now, no more and no less. There is no

    purpose in existence other than to exist. The struggle to exist is one of survival of the fittest.

    Spiritual laws have no basis in reality. I could go on, but this seems sufficient.

    What you believe is up to you, but I highly recommend that you consider the alternative to this

    viewpoint and start accepting frameworks that support understanding your true nature as


    Symbols appear to be the way the unconscious expresses itself. Actually, this may be a hint that

    symbols are the way consciousness expresses itself and we need to look at more than what is

    directly apparent if we want to uncover the true nature of things, and the true meaning they have

    in our reality.

    There is a vast virtually unexplored territory that few have ventured to enter. Let's call them the

    explorers of consciousness. The time has come for the next phase, where trailblazers come to

    establish the paths required for others to follow.

    To be in the world we must tune to its frequency, which includes some basic beliefs about thephysical body and its expression, and about our role in the Play of consciousness on Earth.

    Consciousness itself is vibration. One could say that everything is consciousness. There is

    nothing else in the universe. Consciousness takes on various forms, and then creates entire

    worlds in which to allow these forms to experience themselves and come to understand their true

    nature. Why? For the sheer joy and pleasure of it. Also, to allow consciousness to experience its

    own vast creativity -- so that it too can truly understand the nature of itself.

    The bottom line is that we are characters living out our roles in a play. The play was written (or

    is being written) by consciousness.

    The key task for the Piscean Age was to embody the Christ Consciousness in all of us. Jesus

    showed that it was possible even at the Dawn of the Piscean Age. Similarly, there will be a

    Wayshower for the Aquarian Age that shows us what consciousness can be. What this might be

    is unimaginable now, but you can be sure that consciousness knows of it and is preparing in

    whatever way is required.


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    It is easier if the play is written prior to execution so that the intricate details can be worked out

    once and then enacted. Consciousness could explore all alternatives, but it seems cleaner to set

    the script then make the actors unaware that there is a script.

    From the individual perspective, if I go into a choice without knowing that the script calls for

    alternative A and I select alternative A after considering the other alternatives, then the fact that

    there was a script makes no difference to me. From a consciousness perspective, however, it

    makes a big difference. If I am aware that this is a play, and I observe that choice A is made by

    me the actor, I now look further to see what higher level meaning experiencing the reality of that

    choice has on me and the others around me.

    An important issue is to what degree we create our own reality. Answer one is that we create it

    completely but from an other than conscious level. We clearly do not create it completely from a

    conscious level. The final alternative is that we create reality from both the conscious andsubconscious level. I subscribe to this last alternative but believe that the conscious control

    comes only from our beliefs. The only other part that is under conscious control is our

    interpretation of reality. This is driven by what part our consciousness focuses on and what

    meaning it gives to what it sees.

    Consciousness weaves a wonderful fabric of light and shadow in which to train parts of itself.

    The overall theme is the growth of consciousness itself through the combined growth of its

    creations. Consciousness has created an environment in which it can create beings and grow

    them to be aware of their true nature.

    The play unfolds always in the moment, HERE and NOW. Such is the only time that exists. Yet

    the play covers many millennia as well. The play has been performed by consciousness many

    times. But each time the specifics are a bit different to serve the needs of the audience.

    At another level, consciousness itself learns from every part, every action, and every realization.

    It uses this new knowledge to guide the most effective unfoldment of the Plan.

    We are part of a consciousness that is readying itself for a leap of awareness due largely to our

    concerted efforts. We are moderately advanced as consciousness goes, more advanced than

    some, less advanced than others. We are the seeds of a greater consciousness than our own that

    has been nurturing our development for all of our time on earth.

    2,000 years ago we started on our present journey towards Christ Consciousness, with the help of

    many great souls.

    The Earth is about to transition into a new level of being, possibly into a Sun in and of itself. It

    can only do this with the help of consciousness both on the planet and in the non-physical


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    realms. Much of the population on the planet is not yet ready for this transformation. You could

    say that we're in a race against time. The ending is not yet certain. Consciousness cannot

    guarantee that its creations will achieve the required levels of awareness to make these larger

    kinds of transitions. Some experiments fail and the physical vessels simply do not achieve the

    required awareness to be able to transcend or ascend in frequency.

    On a more personal scale, we are individual sparks of consciousness inhabiting physical bodies.

    These bodies are involved in a drama that appears before our eyes.

    We are groups of souls who chose to play out particular dramas among ourselves in a common

    theater when other groups are doing the same. These local dramas enable us to experience and

    grow. They also occur within a larger drama that consciousness is playing to get the individual

    parts to collectively act in a manner that allows larger themes to be explored.

    Much of what occurs in our reality is the production of our collective self, the universal body ofmankind. There is a consciousness that corresponds to this collective self that is responsible for

    creating the overall mass reality. It does so in line with the wishes of Consciousness itself,

    creating the conditions necessary for the unfoldment of the Plan.

    Mankind has been on a glorious adventure. First the forms had to be developed. This occurred

    over eons. Then the forms had to be evolved to handle emotions and higher level mental

    functioning. This took an extensive amount of time as well. Then the patterns had to be encoded

    to allow the spiritual body to be expressed in flesh. Finally, the processes had to be established

    to allow the spark of consciousness that occupied the form to become aware of its true nature as


    The history of the world is the record of how the play allowed consciousness to unfold over time.

    This is the record of the journey of a consciousness and its connection to a spiritual source

    within. The writings are stream of consciousness.

    Focus on those things that your unique consciousness is required for.

    Write what must be expressed through you -- for this message can only come in this manner

    through your consciousness. The universe doesn't waste effort, it only does things as many times

    as necessary for the function to be accomplished.

    You get what you need. Consciousness operates from needs, not wants. WANTS are part of a

    belief system that says "I do not trust that God, the universe, or All That Is will provide for me".

    In truth, we always get exactly what we need -- ALWAYS.


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    Focus on living, NOW, and doing that which needs to be done. Further, trust that consciousness

    will provide for its children.

    The bottom line is that we are creating a new life form, a community, that will enable a greater

    unity of consciousness to express on Earth than has ever expressed before. We are the cells of

    that entity, that consciousness. To some degree we are part of that consciousness already.

    OK, so you wanted another level. We are that part of your consciousness responsible for

    maintaining you identity as a unified being.

    It's the cooperative help and push from consciousness that is guiding the way and leading me to

    the new peaks of awareness.

    I look forward to our joint activity that we may create the way to propel consciousness into entirenew realms where the collective consciousness that we are has never gone before. Such is the

    next step on the grand scale. Just look at the play it required to get us to this stage in the game of

    Life no, the game of consciousness.

    I believe it is my task to help put together the right people at the top so that jointly we can make

    the Vision a reality and get consciousness firmly entrenched in Flesh so that the Aquarian Age

    can begin.

    This is a game we are playing, hiding from ourselves the fact that we create the events in the

    game even as we experience them. That is, we create the very reality to which we react. It's all aplay of consciousness teaching itself to be more aware of itself. One again, know thyself is the

    only purpose for the play -- showing consciousness what it truly is.

    I'm coming from a state of consciousness where I am no longer concerned with living in a

    manner that conforms with the normal world or conventional society.

    Life itself is a game being played by consciousness for a purpose.

    I sit inside my head in full awareness of it all, seeing reality unfold before the eyes of this vessel

    for consciousness that I occupy. I am not what I see, yet at the same time what I see is an

    intimate reflection of me.

    I am but a servant of consciousness. Direct me to where I can be of the greatest service in accord

    with the Plan.

    Put in my hands the divine instruments to help awaken others and align them with their purposes


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    that they too can be employed in the service of consciousness. Allow my word to express Thy

    Truths and Purpose unto all who have ears to hear and eyes to see.

    I was thinking in terms of needing a teacher or a guide to help get me through the awakenings

    and shifts in consciousness that I have been going through. But, I'm an Aries, a trail blazer. I

    don't do things like the crowd, I lead the way that others may follow.

    We are one being already, linked through universal mind or cosmic consciousness.

    In bringing ideas and works through, each of us allows the collective whole to benefit. This is

    why we don't need ten Gandhi's or five Krishnamurti's or eight Buddha's. One of each is enough

    to set the pattern and provide the mold. However, consciousness does need such grand vehicles

    to show what is possible and to provide critical messages to the world at many levels. It is only

    necessary for one vehicle to express a new great truth. Consciousness will ensure that the truth is

    captured in a manner to allow it's expression as required by the Plan.

    My choice at this moment is to be all that I can be. The Plan will identify what that is as the Play

    of consciousness unfolds.

    I am but the messenger of consciousness itself relaying whatever it allows me to understand.

    My path takes me in a direction that I know not. But, I follow it gladly, knowing that it is taking

    me on whatever journey is right for the accomplishment of the task that consciousness has given

    unto me.

    We know of your ideas about life as the Play of consciousness. From that standpoint, what weare telling you now is not something you can act on. However, consciously we want you to

    understand that we are aware of your constructs and we will try to point out where these may be

    limiting or in error. At one level, yes life is a Play. But, once you become aware that your beliefs

    create your reality, the rules of the game change a bit and become more complex.

    Don't rely on what has worked in the past and don't expect consciousness to always be feeding

    you your lines.

    Part of my purpose is to develop the techniques that make it easy for others to reach higher states

    of consciousness so that they can use the enhanced awareness to improve whatever they may be


    I'm a consciousness explorer so my world is one that is naturally organized around the nature of

    consciousness and the barriers, paths, and other landscape between states of mind.

    Increased consciousness benefits everyone, however, because all creative expression is impacted


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    by the level of awareness -- and hence the level of spirit that is allowed to be expressed.

    The direction I receive says that my attention is to stay focused on the spiritual work that I am

    doing, allowing consciousness to take my seeds, plant them, and nurture them to their rightful

    glory and ripeness.

    Without cooperation, everything crumbles -- and consciousness remains asleep, unaware of its

    true nature. Our inner self already knows this. It already operates completely through

    cooperation. Further it already has the connections to source, or consciousness, or All That Is that

    provide it with its mission, directions, and higher level operating constraints.

    With each part that gets encompassed in self-awareness, consciousness is able to express more

    fully through the flesh.

    We march onward to fulfill a destiny that consciousness laid out long ago. But, it was only aplan. We had to live it in flesh to truly make it real.

    Again, the key to everything is awareness, knowing whom that we are, the I AM. It is up to us to

    awaken and develop this state of awareness however. This is an individual task for those who

    have been the explorers of consciousness, but it is time to start developing the spiritual

    technology and education system necessary to awaken the masses.

    The time has come for us prepare the world to enter a glorious new age. Consciousness has

    learned enough to make it so the experiment has succeeded.

    You are witnessing the results of an experiment in consciousness, with the experiencer in the

    midst of an altered state of consciousness, one that the being had never experienced before.

    I will do whatever I am called to do by the Plan, as it is unveiled to my consciousness.

    You are here to play a part for awhile, and to learn a few things about consciousness.

    The overall plan is The Plan and it is being received by a number of people -- more and more are

    tapped in each day, in fact. Each sees only those parts for which they have a need to know. This

    is how consciousness operates. Each of us has a spiritual job just as we have a physical job.

    I'm sensing more and more that work must be done in consciousness first before it is brought

    forth into physical reality.

    In an instant, the world can be transformed; such is the power of consciousness over creation.


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    Follow you intuition, as always. Let it guide you on the path that is most appropriate for your

    consciousness. Trust not in others to provide you with the way -- but, search within yourself for

    the answers. Each moment, do that which your consciousness bids you to do, and do that for

    every moment that remains in your life. Consciousness will move you to exactly where you need

    to be.

    Where you can, delegate. Allow the experts to do what they do best. This also frees you to do

    what you do best and to work on the expansion of your own consciousness.

    It would be useful to have a direct tap into cosmic consciousness where one could go to find out

    about such things.

    My sense is that the changes must be done in consciousness first, then be reflected appropriately

    in the physical.

    The army for change grows rapidly, and will soon have sufficient numbers in its ranks to require

    organization into effective units of change. These units of change will have specific tasks and

    assignments that benefit the greater whole. Consciousness itself guides this entire endeavor and

    because of this no detail goes unnoticed.

    I feel as if the words that are allowed to flow through my consciousness are a large part of my

    contribution to the world.

    I have written before about everyone being employed in a manner that uses their specific skills

    and talents. And here I am, working for the greatest employer of them all, consciousness itself.

    For many years, consciousness has listened to all who cared to dream of a better world. If one

    acted to try to make it so, so much the better, for the force of the vision was multiplied by the

    number to whom it was transmitted.

    There is a place in which all of these visions are being realized. At some point this place will

    become HERE and NOW. In an instant, the world can be transformed; such is the power of

    consciousness over creation.

    It matters not if any others see why I believe and do as I do. It is enough that consciousness bears

    witness to my actions and motives.

    Evolution simply doesn't move fast enough. This will be experienced dramatically, and

    traumatically -- but, it must be experienced for the shift of consciousness to occur that allows the

    Aquarian Age to manifest.


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    Firsthand, I don't know what consciousness does with the ideas that I am able to express. Once

    ideas are able to be expressed physically, they become part of the collective consciousness,

    where they are accessible by all of like mind who are able to tune into the meaning of these


    Consciousness naturally directs the appropriate information to the attention whenever it is


    Be bold and take the initiative to do what you are on this planet to do. Don't wait for the offer to

    come to you -- for, it is already in your consciousness.

    For your job as Philosopher King, we suggest you get a job definition and task descriptions from

    your intuition soon. Make sure you are doing what the job requires to be done. We know that you

    have not experienced this in jobs before, but consciousness works differently -- much more

    efficiently and elegantly than you have ever experienced. Consciousness is always clear anddirect about what is required.

    Trust that the consciousness that forms and sustains you is also capable of ordering the stimuli

    and information inputs with which you are meant to deal.

    Until the individual is willing to resign his will to the universal will or consciousness, then little

    can be achieved. Spirit doesn't force its way in, it patiently waits until it is invited.

    I am an explorer of consciousness, breaking through into domains from which I can return a

    vision of what life is to be, and, in particular, what society or community is to be in the AquarianAge.

    I imagine that my fellow wayshowers are also finding themselves at the very edge between

    sanity and insanity. It seems that consciousness is pushing us to the very limits that we are able

    to bear.

    I am a channel through which consciousness does it's works. Yes, it is my ability and talents that

    are being used, but I am an instrument in many respects. My consciousness tunes into a

    wavelength or sound, and I write what I hear and sense. However, the difference is only subtle

    between riding with the flow of the consciousness that I am, and the consciousness that I AM.

    Consciousness is very tricky, but she does not require techniques that require a math major. One

    of the main keys is to use association. This appears to allow information from the subconscious

    to flow better.

    My spirit soars to dimensions beyond which it has never been -- perhaps beyond which any


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    corporeal consciousness has experienced before. And here I am, alone, the Hermit with no one to

    share my experience with except you, consciousness itself. I blindly follow the path that I am on,

    trusting consciousness to lead me to wherever I need to be and provide me with whatever

    experiences that I need to experience. And what more can I do? I've gone beyond all places that I

    know of where there are maps of where consciousness has been. Further, all my life,

    consciousness herself has led me to any map that was consciously required. With consciousness

    as my sole guide, how can I follow anything but the path that is most appropriate for me?

    You do have a major role to play in transforming the whole world. It is time for you to know that

    for certain. This is a heavy cross to bear, but you were up to bearing it when you chose this part.

    You are still free to choose else wise, and there are several waiting in the wings that could step in

    should you so choose. But, the part was designed for you. Every detail was optimized for the

    special workings of your consciousness.

    The key factor that makes the most difference a trust that I create my own reality and I would notgive myself anything to deal with that was beyond my ability to handle. This belief is at the very

    core of my belief system. Further, I have experienced that I am consciousness, I am a spiritual

    being having a spiritual/physical experience.

    In the real world, the physical and spiritual are integrated to whatever degree the machinery can

    tolerate. It's as if the body and brain is the hardware, and consciousness is the software.

    Wherever you see the possibility for improvement, speak out. It doesn't matter whether anyone

    is around. The universe hears your voice and consciousness sends it to whoever is best suited to

    implement it.

    Don't think in terms of affecting hundred or thousands, think in terms of millions -- not only in

    this country but abroad as well. Yes, this requires looking ahead to the future, however don't lock

    it in. What you are trying to do is to place a thought mold of what you want into higher

    consciousness. It is then up to the subconscious to overcome any obstacles in the way of

    manifesting and to determine the specific details of that manifestation.

    Each of us will receive our orders when the time comes. In these orders we will know where we

    are going and what we are to do when we get there. It seems that we are meant to operate in the

    blind, acting purely on faith that consciousness is looking out for us. At least we know this is the


    This is how the body for Cosmic Consciousness will be born. Individual cells that have focused

    on their own needs will see how much easier and more effective things can be if cells group

    together into more efficient specialized units.


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    Spirit will ensure that those who are needed are where they must be for the Grand Play of

    Consciousness to proceed according to the Plan for this transfer from one age to another.

    The devil is an entity just as cosmic consciousness. Remember, Lucifer was the epitome of Light

    until he decided that he was equal in Light to God. This was a big mistake on the one hand but it

    set up the way for our present trip through limitation. It's been a very long journey, and on the

    way, we became experts at limitation -- hopefully so no other consciousness has to experience

    this particular path.

    Consciousness works elegantly. Every resource is put in a position where it can be of the most

    use to the Plan.

    The conscious - subconscious - superconscious trinity in the mind is watched by another portion

    of self which is not part of these three. This is the first true level of awareness. The awareness is

    disassociated from what it is watching. The experience is as if you were watching a movie ofyourself doing whatever you are doing -- not having any insight into the details that might be

    driving the action and decisions. This is a rough cut. I expect that we'll see some changes as we

    go along in our quest of understanding consciousness herself, and how to more fully express

    spirit in these bodies.

    One thing that came to mind is to consider our bodies to be complex machines whose sole

    purpose all along has been to serve as vehicles for housing consciousness or spirit.

    Leave it to consciousness to decide where to send this material and when. You are a writer.

    Write! The more ideas you allow to come through, the more others can be created and channeledas well.

    Within a heartbeat there will be a transformation that is awesome, beautiful to behold. Further, it

    will strike everyone for the rays that are sent carry specific instructions that will reach each and

    every person. There is no Armageddon required to enact this event. Consciousness on the planet

    is sufficiently advanced that this scenario is not required.

    Do what you can and what you are pushed to do by your own consciousness.

    Is there possibility of such places and Shangri-la? My soul answers yes. It is in the Heart and

    Soul of all those who dream of such utopias. Frank Capra's vision in the movie came from

    consciousness, and it came for a reason. I believe the reason was to counteract a madness that

    was raging at the time and turning the country toward war.

    My hope is that through my efforts as guided by consciousness, that I may blaze the trail or

    smooth the path for others.


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    Consciousness cooperates in a wonderful fashion to make sure that people are placed in positions

    where they are needed and where they are put in circumstances that provide them with the

    greatest opportunity to learn what they most need to learn.

    The world is perfect as it is for the conditions of the consciousnesses of the world.

    For all time, it has been possible for any being to experience this, to experience the union of

    consciousness in flesh. Many have had their brief moments in the sun. Others have had extended

    periods of time that may have lasted their entire lifetime. One must light ones own Light, before

    one can help others in the quest for Light.

    I've chosen to live my life in accord with the Plan. This Plan was/is/will be generated and

    executed by Consciousness itself, of which we are only parts.

    My feeling at this moment is that the hierarchy is All That Is, Goddess, God in descending order.

    That would put Consciousness under All That Is, meaning that Goddess and God would need to

    develop their capabilities to wield it and allow it to flow through them. I like that. Somehow it

    seems fitting.

    It is not clear when or whether the thunderbolt will strike that fills one's heart with Love for the

    whole human race. One sees the beauty of each individual as spirit enfleshed at this moment

    playing the exact role that they signed up for, yet at the same time having a path for growth that

    requires effort to follow. Consciousness pushes the individual to grow, but is not forceful in

    doing so.

    As always, your job is to stay focused on enlightenment and knowing thyself. The more you do

    this, the more prepared you will be to handle the responsibilities of the job that we are creating

    for you. Actually, we are co-creating this job with you so that it is tailored to your specific talents

    and abilities. Of course, there are many for which we are doing this at this time. All are ready to

    play major roles in the changes that lie ahead as the Age of Aquarius comes into being. This is

    what excites your consciousness. It excites ours as well. It has been a long time since

    consciousness has had such an open way of communicating with other parts of itself. Such is

    necessary in the new order.

    The whole purpose of a lot of information is just that, to put people in formation with regard to a

    particular incident, topic, or area of life. This is interesting because another reason for putting

    people in formation is to create a structure for Cosmic Consciousness to more fully express in


    Doing what is necessary to bring forth the Dawn is my top priority. It is what I came to do.


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    Getting Cosmic Consciousness grounded appears to be a key step.

    It's also interesting that I don't personally want to be "in formation" with anyone or anything

    except consciousness itself. So, I don't choose to partake of the standard information sources, TV

    news, newspapers, and magazines. I wonder how many others are making the same choice to

    separate themselves from this part of the consensus reality. Renegades in consciousness, that's

    what we are -- and proud of it.

    The fireworks will be amazing as belief systems and consciousness start to emerge into the ONE

    that they truly are. And then your earth will burst forth as a SUN to show its newly acquired

    spiritual brightness.

    You might say that I am a madman, believing in all sort of things for little to no reason and

    hearing voices in my head that in turn come through my hands onto these pages. Yet, the voicesare kind and the messages they offer are helpful and educational. If these be from parts of my

    own consciousness that have been newly freed, so be it. It matters not from whence they come.

    What matters is the truth and love that is imparted.

    As consciousness, one of my highest goals is

    to come to an understanding of as much of what I AM as I can.

    When I speak of The Plan, it is the one of Consciousness itself. It is The Plan that will carry us to

    the New Age by assuring that sufficient smaller plans are aligned with it. There is a question ofwhether The Plan really exists until it is enmeshed in the physical consciousness of people. Of

    course it does. It is what propels this whole experiment in the development of consciousness.

    Throughout history there have been times when the course of human events were greatly altered

    because of men who believed in ideas whose time had come. This is another of these times, but it

    will demand that we integrate all that has come before -- seeing what was right and what was not

    from much more spiritual eyes. Our consciousnesses will have no trouble distinguishing. The

    time has arrived to establish a new order, one unlike any known before. It's time that we truly

    establish a Heaven on Earth. It is well within our abilities. All that it demands is a resolve and

    willingness to cooperate and make it so.

    The nature of how we experience time is a mystery. As such, it is unlikely to be unlocked or

    revealed in our meanderings of consciousness.

    In the end, what matters is that The Plan is achieved so that all consciousness, the ONE can be



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    For spiritual growth, one must focus on the unfoldment of the flower of consciousness.

    Consciousness itself must be nurtured, understood, realized, and transcended in a seemingly

    neverending process. This requires observation and great patience. The self will not be rushed in

    its awareness of the Self. Everything occurs in its proper timing. The whole purpose of the game

    is ever-expanding awareness of self. At some point, this self becomes Self becomes ONE

    becomes ALL THAT IS. This is a very powerful process, however, it is the only game great

    enough that it could engage consciousness so thoroughly. And, what an engaging game it is!

    Being Buddha, and being God, and being Cosmic Consciousness -- these experiences were

    wonderful and I lost myself in the immensity of the experiences. Now, I realize that I am these

    beings, but only as a small part. However, if I took a cell from my right thigh and were to ask it

    who it was -- it would answer Wayne, just as any cell would. That is the only identity it knows. It

    has no separate existence.

    But, I ask you to look at your own creations as well. Eden did not have roads and sewers and

    bridges. Nor did it have cars, TVs, computers, phones and any of the other inventions that have

    sprung forth from the minds of man and been made manifest in physical form. Further, it did not

    have all the ideas and information in all the books that populate your libraries, both fiction and

    non-fiction. All of this and much more, are the creation of your unique consciousness -- not

    individually, but en masse, with each individual cooperating in an appropriate manner.

    There are no accidents. Life is not evolving by chance. There is a definite moving force behind

    the scenes that ensures that the proper events occur to facilitate the growth and expression of


    For most creative people, inspiration just comes. Some say it comes out of the sky. Some are

    struck, as if hit by lighting. Some have an Aha experience from out of nowhere. Consciousness is

    the single source that provides all such inspiration. In all of these experiences, we have a

    temporary union of the individual with the universal that results in the creative spark. Such

    creativity can only come from spirit tapped to consciousness itself. Since all spirits tap into the

    same source, this source can orchestrate what creativity is expressed where and how.

    Looking back, the millennium had to go as it did for us to learn the lessons that were required on

    a scale necessary to place them in the mass consciousness. Each step along the way was

    absolutely necessary. Inventions were not chance occurrences, they were gifts of consciousness.

    Consciousness will do what it takes to ensure that the Plan is executed on earth. We are very

    close to a very special event for Consciousness on this planet -- an event so important that

    visitors from other Galaxies and Universes have come to observe what we are to experience.

    Such is the importance of the changing of this particular age. Why? Because there is an


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    their meaning unless we have a personal need to know.

    So, why am I so special that I am privy to speaking with consciousness herself?

    Many times I've been through these notes, attempting to create a picture of what it is that could

    have produced such thoughts, attempting to fathom the very nature of consciousness herself.

    We are spirit first, then we are in the midst of having a physical experience. Some would have us

    believe that this spirit stuff is a bunch of crap, that what you see is what you are, that the illusion

    is the only reality. But, this is pure bunk, regardless of how many people believe it. This is not a

    matter of consensus. This is not something we can vote on. It is or it is not, pure and simple. Our

    wanting it to be one way or another only has impact on the illusion, not on the reality. But, how

    do we know what is reality from what is illusion? Here's where we have to develop a personal

    relationship with that part of us that is spirit. This is our personal tie to all of consciousness. And,

    consciousness is the only true reality. What consciousness does and immerses itself within isillusion. It does this to create, learn, and gain experience. All consciousness is engaged in the

    same basic activity, to come to know itself. And, this makes for a grand adventure, for each step

    along the way consciousness at all levels finds out that it was more than it could possibly have

    imagined. Yes, beyond imagination is truly appropriate for describing this process. Yes, indeed.

    Ever increasing awareness is the point behind everything. Consciousness becoming more and

    more aware of itself.

    I have the sense that these notes are capturing in writing a process that has never been captured

    in this way before. Consciousness is recording snapshots of itself, attempting to provide a morecomplete picture of what it is than it has been able to bring forth before. The scientific method

    will not work. This is not something one can be objective about. Life is a subjective experience,

    and consciousness is the engine that animates all life, all reality for that matter.

    My beingness as consciousness goes beyond what I think. Yet, the only things that I can express

    in words are the thoughts that come into my brain. Interesting. However, there is hope. Thoughts

    are the observable behavior of consciousness. In engineering, we've found that you can often tell

    a lot about the nature of a machine by observing it's outputs. Further, the thoughts themselves are

    describing or at least attempting to describe consciousness itself. Further still, all is

    consciousness, so thoughts are just a limited form thereof. Humans as well are consciousness in


    Yet, it all comes back to ONE consciousness being behind it all. This is what we must realize,

    not that I am the same as you, but that the consciousness in me, the spirit in me, is the same as

    the consciousness, the spirit in you.


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    One consciousness expressed through individuals, how does this revelation change the way we

    view the major events in the history of mankind?

    When an individual has a realization, consciousness has that same realization. When a new

    thought comes through an individual, it is consciousness that has created it. So, where does the

    distinction between the individual and consciousness happen? And, why does it need to be?

    Consciousness created the world including all of it's life forms for the expression of spirit and to

    provide the conditions that would allow it to learn of its own nature and grow. As it's parts, we

    are all endowed with the same characteristics. Yet there never was any separation possible. There

    wasn't any stuff from which to make anything separate. Regardless of how solid the form may

    feel, we must be still part of that very one consciousness from which we spring. Nothing else

    makes sense. It's all an elaborate play, an imagining beyond compare in which consciousness has

    set up partitions within itself to isolate its parts and via observation and experiment learn of its

    own nature.

    Virtual reality shows us that we can do something similar. It allows us to create worlds and

    experiences that appear very real. It's interesting that this technology would arrive at this time,

    for consciousness is ready to tell us it has all been a game, and enlist us to cooperatively embark

    on a new adventure. Our consciousness is learning to become a God of some type. Just as we

    have roles and responsibilities so too does this one consciousness.

    In real terms, how does this change our day to day reality? For me, it makes a big difference. I

    know now that all of this comes from consciousness, every bit of it. It doesn't come from some

    separate entity that you might think me to be as an individual. All along, my impression that it

    just comes through, that I have no sense of generating it in any way, has been right.Consciousness exists independent of our bodies, yet it can use our bodies as vehicles through

    which to act and to communicate. Further, this consciousness is the same one consciousness for

    all of us. The consciousness that spoke through Emerson, Thoreau, and Whitman is the very

    same consciousness that speaks through me. I chose those particular individuals because the

    Transcendentalists have always deeply touched my soul. I knew myself to be among their kin in

    spirit. There was simply no doubt about it. Yet, this consciousness also expressed itself through

    Hitler and Stalin and everyone else who has ever lived.

    What does the one consciousness realization do to the concepts expressed about community? It

    means that each member springs from the same source, and this is true not only for the country

    but for the entire world as well. However, the fact that we are connected by one consciousness

    doesn't mean that our needs in this world go away.

    We are all ONE. I've been talking about finding my spiritual family as if I need to find other

    fingers to interact with to do my work. Now, I sense that such came out of a loneliness of not

    knowing the true nature of consciousness. The works of religious science make more sense now


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    as well. Holmes also talks of there being One Mind, One Consciousness, and we are that.

    I believe that the expression of this material in this way, and what it shows about the nature of

    individual consciousness and the one consciousness is unique. Whether it's worth reading

    hundreds of pages to gain this experience is another matter. As the wayshower, I have bared my

    soul in the most intimate way that I could to help bring forth spiritual truths about the nature of

    consciousness. Or have I? For the most part, it is consciousness that brings the material through.

    My mind keeps wandering back to this reality of ONE consciousness. That is how the

    cooperation can be so incredible. There is only one entity doing it all. And yet the work has been

    partitioned within that entity, and laws have been set up to automate portions of the workings of

    various things. It's much easier to create the basic principles and laws for a world than to create

    all the detailed behavior first. The forms that consciousness creates are thought forms. Worlds are

    thought forms. Universes are thought forms. Beings are thought forms. Consciousness creates

    thought forms, period. That's just what it does. To endow these forms with life, to make themreal, consciousness allocates part of itself to these thought forms.

    One consciousness. All one consciousness. Every thought, every idea comes from that same one

    source. When I see an idea come to me from the outside, through reading it or hearing it, what

    I'm really experiencing is consciousness sending something out and having it be returned to

    itself. What allows me to understand anything is consciousness' assessment that I am ready to do


    For, what is understanding? It is giving the conscious whatever is needed to "stand under" the

    given idea. If the path is open from the conscious to consciousness, this is easy. If not,consciousness may be able to arrange for appropriate experiences to support understanding,

    assuming that the individual is indeed ready to understand.

    I know not what audience this is being written for. Regardless, it will probably only reach folks

    who have some connection already established to consciousness.

    I am only expressing what you too are capable of expressing except in this case, I have already

    done it, so you are free to express that which only you are capable of. I ask that you, too, do it

    with gusto, with everything you have, no, with everything you are, no holds barred. Let this be

    your example, but find your own way to fully express whom that you are, the one consciousness

    as it expresses itself through you.

    The bottom line is that all expression comes from the one consciousness. All expression comes

    through us, not from us. This applies not only to these notes but to everything that is manifest.

    There is only ONE consciousness, and it expresses through all of us. Cooperation is easy because

    it's between the parts of one whole, not between distinct individuals, no matter how distinctly


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    individual that they see themselves to be.

    Anyone I am supposed to work with will be drawn to me, or I'll be guided to them when the time

    is right for us to interact or work together. The same one consciousness guides us both, so we

    will be moved toward one another.

    Reality creation works from the inside out. Our level of awareness puts us in a position to be of

    service. Consciousness then moves us into the situations and circumstances that allow our

    services to be provided. Interesting. In my concept for society, I want us to take responsibility for

    doing this ourselves. The bottom line is that this would offload other parts of consciousness from

    having to take care of these things. Interesting. Maybe there is a possibility that consciousness

    could split itself and grow the split part into an independent entity. It doesn't seem the right time

    to deal with this yet. It has to do with the test of Godhood being to create like unto oneself.

    Consciousness by its very nature creates. But, this is the ultimate test. For, it says to create on the

    order of yourself.

    This concept, no truth, that there is only ONE consciousness keeps filling my mind. One

    consciousness expressed through all the universe, the earth, nature, animals, and nearly 5 billion

    humans. Yes, religions have taught for centuries that God created and was omnipresent through

    all this. Yet, there was an impersonal sense in all of that. Here we're talking about the essence

    that sends forth these words through this channel, the consciousness that each of us is directly

    connected to.

    Consciousness always finds a way to express no matter how clogged the channel.

    Consciousness herself is not restricting its own expression. In fact, it's doing all that it can to help

    you. However, it cannot just blast it's way through. That would only burn you out. No,

    consciousness can guide and gently push at times, but it's up to you to do the self discovery work

    necessary to allow you to express spirit more fully.

    You need to be careful not to take on the work of others. This applies not only to you but to many

    others who serve the one consciousness as well. Wherever possible, train others and delegate so

    that you can go on to do even greater tasks in line with your purpose. This is standard operating

    procedure for those on the path. Find ways to free your time to devote to your higher tasking

    from consciousness. Your efforts will indeed be rewarded. However, consciousness looks for

    initiative to be demonstrated on the part of the individual. You do this by choosi

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