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Created by Jed454

JET HUD (Use “Ctrl +” to zoom)

Angle Of Attack: (AOA) The angle your jet is to the horizon. This is useful anytime you are lining up a shot on enemy ground units. Try putting your AOA at about -30 degrees. The Angle Of Attack indicator on the right with the colored arrows and green circle are not what I’m talking about. It’s the number above Mach and G-FORCE.

Mach: This number is useless. It’s just your airspeed but it’s displayed as some small decimal.

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G-FORCE: The G-Force is really how tight you are turning. I use this to test out my maneuvers. Try aiming for 10 G’s when in a circle jerk fight. I will explain how to pull 10 G’s later in this instruction.

Heading Indicator: It’s a compass, but you already have a nice one around your map telling you north east south west perfectly.

Bank Angle/Wing Tilt: Useless

Airspeed: N/A

Elevation: I use this when I’m climbing. Watch the elevation so you don’t go into the skybox and stall. On big maps, it usually maxes out at 1000, and on small it maxes out about 600. Know the maps elevation limit!

Takeoff*Use Afterburners on takeoff

Sometimes a plane will be lining up behind you on takeoff. So I either climb up, or swerve right followed by swerving left when this happens. Even though you will probably die, It’s worth the shot.

Using Machine Gun Cannon:This is your first thing you should master. Machine gun > Air to Air missiles. Use it to take down choppers, airplanes, and sometimes AC-130’s.

*Never hold down the machine gun and waste fire when your enemy is spinning around in front of you. Always use bursts so you don’t over heat.

*When an enemy jet is in banking on a turn, you want your machine gun to be centered right in front of the nose of the


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enemy jet. Use your strafing wings to strafe left or right to line up enemy jet cemetery.

Attacking Maneuvers:

Low/High YoYo (Lag rolls): Use this maneuver if you are too close to the enemy jet. It’s basically an alternative to slowing down, but sometimes you just can’t do it. I use it specifically on the AC-130 all the time, to dip down behind its right side, and pop back up. When following the enemy aircraft in a horizontal way, just dip down (or up) and outwards, and get behind the enemy from an ideal distance.

Defensive Maneuvers:Spirals:

Downward Spiral: The idea is to spiral downwards, and when breaking level with the ground, your enemy is in a different direction.

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Rolling Scissors: It’s basically a downward spiral, but it’s less dangerous to use. This works! It seems like it wouldn’t work very well, but as long as you use your strafing wings, it will make it super hard for the enemy to hit you with his gun. I use this when my opponent is good at tight loop turning, and has out turned me.

Loop hopping: When in the defensive position, try hoping into another loop direction. Try all directions. Do a freaky gyroscope move!

Billy-Up: (Belly up turns) Billy-up is slower than top-up turning. I use them only when I’m doing a nose dive rocket attack, and start to go belly up, because I can’t roll, or ill mess up my shot. I use this to make a circle change when I’m in the defensive position, then I immediately roll back to regular, and change my direction of loop. This actually works.

Dogfighting:This is by far the most difficult section to master. Even I lose dogfights sometimes, but not very often!

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Things to remember in a dogfight:

*Use your mic to let your wingman know you are in a dogfight, he can come in and help you out.

*Never stop turning if the enemy jet Is turning. As soon as you stop turning, your enemy will catch you, and you’re dead.

Tight Loops: For a tight loop, the magic number is 311 mph. Practice your horizontal 311 loops in first person mode. You’re never going to be able to keep it exactly at 311 but hopefully between 300-330. After you get the hang of it, try going in 3rd person and getting a feel for it. When in 3rd person, and you are looping, you will probably notice the not so tight turning, so keep switching back to first person to adjust. Either increase or decrease speed. Don’t mess with it too much when doing a horizontal loop. If I am able to only nip my enemy target, I will fire at him from 3rd person. Otherwise, 1st person is always more accurate.

Vertal Loop: To master the vertical loop, all you have to do is watch this video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoTVRjuArco

*Go into an empty server, and find the correct angle to start breaking, and number of afterburner taps. I usually do 5+ afterburner taps.

Deflecting Missiles When you hear the missile first starting to lock on to you:

1) Start climbing with afterburners off and determine where the missile is coming from.

2) When you hear high frequent beeping, turn into the missile, and hit afterburners. Followed by a spiral. The spiral is for if the missile hits the nose of your plane, which usually it won’t. Practice this. Once you get good at it, ditch the flares

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and ecg jammer. You won’t be needing them. Instead use extinguisher!

*When an enemy jet is coming head on, and fires a missile at you, at the last second, pretend the missile is coming from a mirror angle of reflection behind you. So if it’s straight horizontal, turn horizontally, and hit afterburners. If he’s coming from underneath you, do a 180 and head in the direction he was heading when he fired the missile.

Rocket PodsThe letter “I” floating around in the crosshair circle is where your rocket’s will hit, Not where the center of the circle is! I always use rocket pods, they are epic. The only air vehicle I use rocket pods on is the AC-130. Otherwise, they are extremely useful for ground tanks, and infantry. I rarely gun down people with my cannon, instead I just rocket pod them with a good Angle of attack. *When fighting ground units, spam the select button when heading towards your objective. It might say “enemy soldier spotted” but the marker won’t show until you get closer to the objective. When you are at about 200 feet, the marker for the enemy you spotted will suddenly appear. Make your last minute calculation and fire your pods!

Double Strike: Use this method when you know where a tank is, and it’s camping. Go as high as possible and far out. When heading back down towards objective make sure to spam select to spot enemy tank, and rocket pod your first set, spam square to reload, and fire off a second set for a double strike destroyer!

Load-Outs Weaponry

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ECG Jammer: if you are being tracked by a missile, do a tight loop creating a smoke doughnut in the sky. The missile will miss. *Hides you from enemy air radar!

Flares: Use once the missile has been fired. Exception: If you just know they will fire the missile straight away, usually a jet is following you when this happens. If the time between the low frequent beep, and the steady tone is really quick, usually this means you should just pop flares early before the high frequent, because whatever’s locking on to you is right near you, and will hit you immediately before you can use flares.

Air Radar: Always use this when fighting tough pilots. They will beat you, if you don’t have it usually.

Ground Radar: I use this on jet rush maps when I’m the only jet in the sky, so that I can see ground troops easier.

Belt Feeder: Never use this. Instead, just try to not waste your shots before it overheats.

Bombs: Only useful for jeeps. Tanks will just use IR flares. Just use rocket pods!

Rocket pods: Epic!

Stealth: I use this when there are a ton of thing locking on to me. It makes enemy missile launchers take longer to lock on to you. It is extremely helpful.

Extinguisher: Epic! Love to fake deaths, and come back on that jets ass, to show him who’s boss. Always move way far away from the map and fly low or very high up into the clouds when using this. You DON’T want to be hit again for another 20 seconds.

Air to Air Missiles: All noobs who can’t use the main machine gun cannon use air to air missiles. They waste time, and they usually fail.

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My lead-out:

Air radar


Rocket Pods.

I use air radar so I can see where jets and helicopters are when I’m rocketing the ground units. I also use it in dogfights. Extremely helpful!

I use extinguisher because I have mastered missile dodging. No need for that flare ecg jammer crap, because I have air radar to tell me where all the jets are, and I’m an ACE in the sky.

I use rocket pods because they are the most versatile weapon. They re-load fast and I can cause devastation to enemy ground units.

And when I’m getting torn apart by millions of lock-on’s, ill switch out of air radar, and use stealth. This gives me more time to dodge missiles, and leave the area after a hit. But I haven’t really needed to do this very often.

Add PSNID: jed454 if you want to fly with me! And share this document whoever you want.

Images taken off of Wikipedia.

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