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  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    Khbu{gdqhjo jb a{hbq wce``w oed{ qce adxwhae


    M/ Fddo J yqu{f4,; doa [/ D/ \j`b4

    [egehrea ;2 We~qemke{ ;>>26 {erhwea ;> Bek{ud{x ;>>> Iu`x ;>> |h`` g{jww qce adxwhae ojq d`jol doetudqj{hd` ~dqc, kuq d`jol joe jb qce q|j k{dogcew jo ehqce{ whae jb qce etudqj{hd` ~`doe/Qce q|j k{dogcew d{e ijhoea dldho ~dwq `jgd` ojjo/ Qchw ~{jgeww jb a{hbq-wce``khbu{gdqhjo #AWK( hw ojodahdkdqhg ereo uoae{ wqdqhg gjoahqhjow/ Q|j ~cxwhgd` megcdohwmwgdo gduwe qchw ojodahdkdqhghqx9 joe qcdq hw j~e{dqhre bj{ oed{`x d`` mdloeqjw~ce{hgmdloeqhg bhe`a gjobhlu{dqhjow doa dojqce{ qcdq ae~eoaw jo d ~d{qhgu`d{ gjmkhodqhjo jboj{qc-wjuqc doa edwq-|ewq dwxmmeq{x ho qce mdloeqhg bhe`a/ Qchw ~d~e{ aed`w jo`x |hqc qcebh{wq megcdohwm/ Bj{ gjobhlu{dqhjow |hqc oj{qc-wjuqc doa edwq-|ewq wxmmeq{x, AWKgcdolew qce wegjoa hord{hdoq H jb qce mjqhjo kx d wmd`` dmjuoq qcdq hw jb qce j{ae{ jb qcelx{j{dahuw #qce bh{wq hord{hdoq hw hoqdgq(/ Bj{ oed{-etudqj{hd` ~d{qhg`ew #H% >( qce gcdole gdoke whlohbhgdoq`x `d{le{/ Dwwumhol oj{qc-wjuqc doa ad|o-auwf wxmmeq{x, |e ~{eweoqleoe{d` qcej{eqhgd` es~{ewwhjow bj{ qce wegjoa-hord{hdoq ium~ AH, |chgc gdo ke d~~`hea qjd rd{heqx jb mdloeqhg bhe`a mjae`w/ Qce {ewu`qw wcj| qcdqAH hw weowhqhre`x ae~eoaeoq joqce kjuoge ~cdwe jb qce ~d{qhg`e dq qce khbu{gdqhjo `hoe/ Qce [MW rd`ue jb AH jre{ dkjuoge-~cdwe eowemk`e hog{edwew |hqc aeg{edwhol mh{{j{ bhe`a doa |hqc hog{edwhol fhoeqhgeoe{lx/ \e re{hbx qcewe {ewu`qw |hqc qewq-~d{qhg`e whmu`dqhjow uwhol mjae` mdloeqhg bhe`aw/

    Ghqdqhjo9 J yqu{f, M/ F/, doa [/ D/ \j`b #;>>/4>;8*;>>2ID>4;4>;/

    4/ Hoq{jaugqhjoV;] Qce bdmh hd{ ~hgqu{e jb d qj{jhad` a{hbq-wce``, qcjulc

    dggu{dqe oed{ qce Ed{qc |ce{e qce bhe`a ajew ojq whlohbhgdoq`xaerhdqe b{jm ah~j`d{, k{edfw aj|o ho d {elhjo oed{ qcemdloeqj~duwe, |ce{e qce gjm~{ewwhjo kx qce wj`d{ |hoa

    ~{jrhaew d whlohbhgdoq ~e{qu{kdqhjo/ @eq K#w( ke qce bhe`awq{eolqc d`jol d lhreo bhe`a `hoe ~d{dmeqe{hyea kx w9 jre{bhe`a `hoew qcdq g{jww qce Ed{qcw wu{bdge dq `j|-qj-hoqe{meahdqe`dqhquaew #`j| @(, K#w( cdw d whol`e mhohmum, `jgdqea oed{qce mdloeqhg etudqj{/ Jo qce jqce{ cdoa, bhe`a `hoew |hqcchlc @ rd`uew gjme wubbhgheoq`x g`jwe qj qce adxwhaemdloeqj~duwe wj qcdq qcex d{e hob`ueogea kx qce esqe{od`bhe`a/ Kegduwe jb qchw hob`ueoge, qce bhe`a ~{jbh`e K#w( bj{wugc d bhe`a `hoe cdw joe `jgd` mdshmum dq qce etudqj{, doa

    q|j `jgd` mhohmd oed{ qce guw~w/ Qce{ebj{e d`jol chlc-@`hoew K#w( hw \-wcd~ea, |ce{edw d`jol ah~j`e-`hfe #`j|-@(bhe`a `hoew hq hw U-wcd~ea/

    V7] Ho qchw ~d~e{, |e `hmhq ju{ qcej{eqhgd` q{edqmeoq qjmdloeqhg bhe`a mjae`w qcdq cdre wxmmeq{x dkjuq qce y = >

    ~`doe/ Dw ahwguwwea k{heb`x ho wegqhjo doa x = >

    ~`doew/ Qcdq megcdohwm |h`` ke qce wukiegq jb d bj``j|-u~~d~e{/

    V1] Bhlu{e 4 wcj|w d leoe{hg ~hgqu{e jb qce {e`erdoq{elhjo ho qce etudqj{hd` ~`doe/ Bj{ {edwjow qcdq |h`` kegjmeg`ed{ ho bj``j|hol ~d{dl{d~cw, qchw {elhjo jb w~dge |ce{e qcebhe`a `hoew cdre d \-wcd~ea bhe`a ~{jbh`e hw gd` ea qce

    khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo/ Qce bhlu{e dwwumew qcdq qce bhe`a hwwxmmeq{hg |hqc {ew~egq qj qce etudqj{/ Qce wegjoa ae{hrd-qhre jb qce bhe`a wq{eolqc d`jol qce bhe`a `hoe, a


    , hw oeldqhreho qce khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo, hoahgdqhol d `jgd` mdshmum, doa

    ~jwhqhre ere{x|ce{e e`we/


    ] Qce ahbbe{eogew dmjol bhe`a `hoew ho qe{mw jb wq{eolqc~{jbh`e cdre whlohbhgdoge bj{ ~d{qhg`e mjqhjo kegduwe qcebuogqhjo K#w( #mu`qh~`hea kx qce bh{wq hord{hdoq m( dgqw dw d

    ~jqeoqhd` eoe{lx bj{ qce kjuoge mjqhjo d`jol qce bhe`a `hoe/Qce{ebj{e hb d qewq ~d{qhg`e hw hohqhd`hyea jo d bhe`a `hoe |hqc\-wcd~ea K#w(, wugc qcdq hqw mh{{j{ bhe`a Km hw `eww qcdo qce`jgd` mdshmum rd`ue jbK#w(, qce kjuoge mjqhjo |h`` ojq kedk`e qj g{jww qce etudqj{ doa |h`` ke gjobhoea qj qceoehlckj{cjja jb joe jb qce whae mhohmd/ Qce eshwqeoge jbd `jgd` mdshmum d`jol bhe`a `hoew dw aewg{hkea ce{e, doa hqwhm~`hgdqhjow bj{ kjuoge mjqhjo, hw ahwguwwea ho ed{`x wquahewwugc dw qce |j{fw jb Meda V4821], Oj{qc{j~ doa Qe``e{

    IJU[OD@ JB LEJ^CXWHGD@ [EWED[GC, RJ@/ 44;, D>/4>;8*;>>2ID>4;4>;, ;>>>< kx qce Dme{hgdo Lej~cxwhgd` Uohjo/>413->;;>2ID>4;4>;!>8/>>

    D>< 4 jb 42

  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    V482>], Wcdkdowfhx doa Doqjojrd V4823], doa [jeae{e{V48]/

    V2] Qce ~{eweoq wquax horewqhldqew qce axodmhgw jb ~d{-qhg`ew qcdq d{e hohqhd``x kjuoghol jo whol`e-mhohmum bhe`a`hoew VU-wcd~ea K#w(], kuq ereoqud``x a{hbq joqj ajuk`e-mhohmum bhe`a `hoew V\-wcd~ea K#w(]/ Hb qce a{hbq ~dqc `edawqce ~d{qhg`e joqj d `hoe |cjwe `jgd` mdshmum hw chlce{ hord`ue qcdo qce mh{{j{ bhe`a Km, qce kjuoge ~dqc |h`` ke

    k{jfeo/ Bhlu{e ; h``uwq{dqew qce ebbegq jb wugc d q{dowhqhjo jo~d{qhg`e mjqhjo/


    ; jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    kjuoge ~cdwe, |ju`a ke ahre{qea qj qce Oj{qce{o Cemh-w~ce{e(/ ^dwq `jgd` ojjo, qce a{hbq mjqhjo gd{{hew qce ~d{qhg e

    kdgf joqj ah~j`e-`hfe bhe`a `hoew wj qcdq qce etudqj{-geoqe{eakjuoge mjqhjo hw {ewumea/ Cj|ere{, dw joe gdo hobe{b{jm qce whlohbhgdoq`x ahbbe{eoq kjuoge dm~`hquae, qcerd`ue jb qce wegjoa hord{hdoq cdw gcdolea doa qce ~d{qhg`ehw gd{{hea joqj dojqce{ a{hbq wce``/

    V8] Qchw q{dowhqhjo hw do esdm~`e jb ~hqgcbj{f khbu{gd-

    qhjo, |ce{e d whol`e wqdk`e etuh`hk{hum ~jhoq k{dogcew jbbhoqj q|j wqdk`e doa joe uowqdk`e etuh`hk{hd |ceo d wxwqem

    ~d{dmeqe{ hw rd{hea #ce{e, qce `jgd` qhme(/ Ceoge |e gd`` qchw~{jgeww a{hbq-wce`` khbu{gdqhjo #AWK(/ Qce ~u{~jwe jb qchwd{qhg`e hw qj tudoqhbx qce wegjoa-hord{hdoq gcdole aue qjAWK/

    V4>] Jre{ d khbu{gdqhol a{hbq wce` , qce ~d{qhg e mjqhjo hwdahdkdqhg ere{x|ce{e, esge~q bj{ joe j{ q|j kjuoge jwgh`-`dqhjow ho qce oehlckj{cjja jb qce khbu{gdqhjo `hoew/ Joqcewe `hoew, qce etudqhjo K#wm( = Km hw wdqhwbhea dq esdgq`xqc{ee mh{{j{ ~jhoqw9 joe ~jhoq oed{ qce etudqj{hd` ~`doe|ce{e qce bhe`a wq{eolqc hw mdshmum, doa q|j ~jhoqw qj qceoj{qc doa wjuqc jb hq/ Bj{ d lhreo a{hbq wce``, qce{e d{e q|j

    khbu{gdqhjo `hoew `jgdqea dq ehqce{ whae jb qce `jgd` ojjo/

    Oj{qc{j~ V4827] tud`hqdqhre`x ~jhoqw juq qcdq, oed{ qcekhbu{gdqhjo `hoew, qce geoq{d` ~edf jbK#w( gduwew qce ~d{d``e`mjqhjo qj w`j| aj|o/ Qce{ebj{e qce kjuoge ~e{hja l{j|w,doa qcuw qce dahdkdqhghqx gjoahqhjow d{e qem~j{d{h`x rhj`dqea,gduwhol qce wegjoa hord{hdoq qj k{edf #qce gxg`jq{jo mjqhjohw ojq ahwqu{kea ho qchw ~{jgeww, wj qce bh{wq hord{hdoq hw ojq

    k{jfeo(/ Ho gjoq{dwq, Wcdkdowfx V48>7] doaRdhowcqeho eq d`/ V4888]/ Cj|ere{, ju{ |j{f gjmkhoewqce q|j meqcjaw doa hq ~{jrhaew d mj{e leoe{d` q{edqmeoqhowqeda jb uwhol d w~eghbhg mdloeqhg bhe`a mjae`/

    V47] Qce khbu{gdqhol j{khqw |e aewg{hke ce{e wcju`a ojq kegjobuwea |hqc qce guw~-q{d~~ea j{khqw aewg{hkea kx Wce`ajoeq d / V4883], |chgc d{e d`wj bjuoa ho qce guw~ {elhjo/Khbu{gdqhol j{khqw bj``j| do Ed{qc-geoqe{ea a{hbq wce`` dq d``qhmew, |ch`e guw~-q{d~~ea j{khqw bj``j| d a{hbq ~dqc geoqe{ead{juoa qce guw~ dshw, doa cdre d mugc `j|e{ mh{{j{ bhe`ard`ue/ Uoae{ wqdqhg gjoahqhjow, qce q|j qx~ew jb j{khqw d{eqj~j`jlhgd``x ahwgjooegqea9 Qce{e hw oj esgcdole keq|eeoqce q|j ~j~u`dqhjow uo`eww qce fhoeqhg eoe{lx doa*j{ qce bh{wqhord{hdoq hw wukiegq qj gcdole/

    V41] Qce ojodahdkdqhghqx jb AWK j{khqw, |hqc wuaaeogcdolew ho d ~d{qhg`ew wegjoa hord{hdoq dw hq ~dwwew edgcg{hqhgd` ~jhoq, {ewemk`ew dojqce{ ~{jk`em qcdq hw bdmh`hd{ ho{dahdqhjo-ke`q ~cxwhgw, odme`x qce ium~w qcdq jggu{ ho qce

    bh{wq hord{hdoq jb d q{d~~ea ~d{qhg`e |ceo hq ~dwwew qc{julc d{ewjodoge |hqc d mjojgc{jmdqhg |dre Ve/l/, D`ke{q, 4887]/

    ;/ Gjoahqhjow bj{ Khbu{gdqhjo

    V45] Bj{ g`d{hqx jb ahwguwwhjo, |e whm~`hbx qce khbu{gdqhjo~{jk`em |hqcjuq wdg{hbhghol hqw ewweoge/ \e dwwume dmdloeqjw~ce{e qcdq cdw kjqc oj{qc-wjuqc doa ad|o-auwf

    wxmmeq{x/ \e bu{qce{ dwwume qcdq qce mdloeqhg bhe`a hwgjowqdoq ho qhme doa e`egq{hg bhe`aw d{e oel`hlhk`e/ \e d`wj{etuh{e qcdq qce ~d{qhg`e cdw d wubbhgheoq`x wmd`` lx{j{dahuwwj qcdq qce bh{wq hord{hdoq hw gjowe{rea, dq `edwq d{juoa qce

    khbu{gdqhjo `hoew/V42] \ceo qce{e d{e oj esqe{od` bj{gew, qce tudoqhqx



    4 Kw


    waw 4

    gdo ke uwea dw qce wegjoa hord{hdoq jb qce mjqhjo/ Qcemh{{j{ bhe`a Km gdo ke es~{ewwea dw9

    Km mu ;l;;m


    |ce{e m hw qce mdww jb qce ~d{qhg`e, r hw hqw w~eea, l #4 r

    ;*g;(4*; hw qce {e`dqhrhwqhg bdgqj{, doa m hw qce bh{wqhord{hdoq/ Qce tudoqhqx H hw {e`dqea qj qce bj{md wegjoahord{hdoq I C~ppaw kx H = I*;~6 qce{ebj{e, I doa H d{e

    kjqc dahdkdqhg hord{hdoqw hb qce ~d{qhg`ew fhoeqhg eoe{lx hwgjowqdoq/

    V4 wu{bdge(/ Bu{qce{mj{e,

    gjowhae{ qce gjoqju{ GKm s6x i iK s6x6y > i bKml, |chgc hw d gjoqju{ jb gjowqdoq bhe`a wq{eolqc jo qcdq~`doe/ Qce khbu{gdqhjo ~jhoq, qce `jgdqhjo |ce{e qce khbu{-gdqhjo `hoe hoqe{wegqw qce etudqj{hd` ~`doe, muwq `he jo G#Km(/

    V48] Bj{ qce bhe`a `hoe qcdq ~e{~eoahgu`d{`x g{jwwew qcekhbu{gdqhjo {elhjo dq ~jhoq #s,x(, |e aebhoe qce tudoqhqx

    s6x ;Ywm


    4 K w

    K >

    waw 7

    |ce{e K#w( hw aebhoea d`jol qcdq ~d{qhgu`d{ bhe`a `hoe doa wmhw aebhoea kx K#wm( = K#>( #|e weq qce j{hlho w = > qj qce`jgdqhjo |ce{e aK

    aw= >(/ Ojqe qcdq cdw qce wdme bj{m dw qce

    wegjoa hord{hdoq hoqel{d` Vetudqhjo #4(]/ Hqw rd`ue hw ye{j dqqce eale jb qce khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo doa hog{edwew qj|d{a qcemdloeqj~duwe/ Khbu{gdqhjo jggu{w |ceo qce ~d{qhg`e a{hbqw qjd ~jhoq |ce{e #s,x( = H, |cjwe `jgdqhjo gdo ke aeqe{mhoea


    7 jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    qj d{khq{d{x dggu{dgx kx wed{gchol d`jol qce gjoqju{ G#Km(/E`egq{jo a{hbq wce``w khbu{gdqe jo qce ad|o whae, hjo a{hbqwce``w jo qce auwf whae/

    V;>] @eq U H s6x i s6x Hb l ke qce etudqj{hd`gjoqju{ jb gjowqdoq / Bj{ d a{hbq wce`` aebhoea kx H doa

    Km, qce khbu{gdqhjo ~jhoqw d{e lhreo kx qce hoqe{wegqhjo jbU#H( doa G#Km(/ Kjqc gu{rew gdo ke gjm~uqea edwh`x bj{ dlhreo mdloeqhg bhe`a mjae`/ Bhlu{e 7 ~{eweoqw d leoe{hgrhe| jb cj| qcewe gu{rew d{e `jgdqea jo qce etudqj{hd`

    ~`doe/ Gu{rew U>, U4, U; gj{{ew~joa qj H>, H4, H;, {ew~eg-qhre`x, |hqc H> 0 H4 0 H;/ Qce bhlu{e wcj|w qcdq qce khbu{gdqhjo

    ~jhoq hw g`jwe{ qj `jgd` ojjo bj{ wce``w |hqc `d{le{ wegjoahord{hdoq, fee~hol qce mh{{j{ bhe`a gjowqdoq/

    V;4] Kx esq{d~j`dqhjo jb qchw d{lumeoq |e gdo wee qcdq dq dge{qdho rd`ue H = H, qce gu{re U H kegjmew qdoleoqhd` qj

    G#Km(, doa bj{ H ? H, qce{e hw oj hoqe{wegqhjo dq d`` dwh``uwq{dqea kx gu{rew G4 doa U; ho Bhlu{e 1/ Qcuw bj{ dlhreo Km, qce{e eshwqw do u~~e{ `hmhqH#Km( wugc qcdq wce``w|hqc H ? H#Km( aj ojq khbu{gdqe/ Qchw mdshmum rd`ue hwetud` qj qce rd`ue jb erd`udqea dq qce ~jhoq |ce{e G#Km(hoqe{wegqw `jgd` ojjo/

    V;;] Jo qce jqce{ cdoa, bj{ wce``w |hqc mh{{j{ bhe`aw `ewwqcdo qce wukwj`d{ bhe`a, Kwukwj`d{, wugc d mdshmum rd`ue

    ajew ojq eshwq/ Qce gjoqju{ G; GKm; ho Bhlu{e 1 ajewojq ~dww qc{julc `jgd` ojjo kuq ijhow qce mdloeqj~duwewu{bdge/ Hq gdo ke weeo qcdq bj{ dox H,U#H( muwq hoqe{wegqG;6qce{ebj{e, qce{e hw oj `hmhqhol wegjoa-hord{hdoq rd`ue bj{ qceeshwqeoge jb AWK bj{ `j| rd`uew jb Km/

    V;7] Bj{ kjqc qx~ew jb gjoqju{w, cj|ere{, hq hw ~jwwhk`e qjhohqhd`hye qce ~d{qhg`e |hqc wugc d `d{le wegjoa hord{hdoqqcdq hq |h ` ojq eoqe{ qce khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo, kuq a{hbqwah{egq`x hoqj qce mdloeqj~duwe/ Qce wukwetueoq axodmhgwjb wugc tudwh-q{d~~ea ~d{qhg`ew d{e juqwhae qce wgj~e jbqchw wquax #wee, Xjuol eq d` V;>>;] bj{ qce rhj`dqhjo jb

    Bhlu{e 7/ D wgcemdqhg rhe| jb qce khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo hoqce etudqj{hd` ~`doe/ Gu{re Ghw d gjoqju{ jb gjowqdoq Km,doaU>,U4,U; d{e gu{rew jb gjowqdoq/ Qce hoqe{wegqhjo jbG|hqc Uh lhrew qce khbu{gdqhjo ~jhoqw bj{ qce {e`erdoq a{hbqwce``/

    Bhlu{e 1/ Eshwqeoge jb d mdshmum H bj{ khbu{gdqhjo/Lhreo Km4 wugc qcdqG4 = G#Km4(, qce gu{reU; =U#H;( ajewojq hoqe{wegqG4, wj qce{e hw oj khbu{gdqhjo/ Bj{ wmd``e{Km; 0

    Kwukwj`d{ wugc qcdq G; = G#Km;(, d`` Ugu{rew muwq hoqe{wegqG;, wj AWK d`|dxw jggu{w/


    1 jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    qce bh{wq hord{hdoq qcdq jggu{w |ceo d ~d{qhg`e g{jwwew qcemdloeqj~duwe(/

    7/ Weowhqhre Ae~eoaeoge jo Kjuoge ^cdwe

    V;1] Ho qce bh{wq wegqhjo |e aemjowq{dqea qcdq AWK gdohob`ueoge qce wegjoa hord{hdoq whlohbhgdoq`x/ Ce{e |e h``uw-q{dqe cj| qchw gcdole jggu{w, doa cj| hq ae~eoaw jo qce

    kjuoge ~cdwe jb qce ~d{qhg`e dq qce khbu{gdqhjo `hoe/ \e aebe{qce mdqcemdqhgd` dod`xwhw qj qce bj` j|hol wegqhjow6 qchwwegqhjow mdqe{hd` gjowhwqw jb whmu`dqea q{diegqj{hew/

    V;5] Wugc ae~eoaeoge jo kjuoge ~cdwe hw {e~j{qea howere{d` ed{`he{ wquahew, |chgc bj``j| qewq-~d{qhg`e q{diegqj{hewuoae{ d rd{heqx jb mdloeqjw~ce{hg gjobhlu{dqhjow, bj{ esdm-

    ~`e, J{`jbbV4883] #~{jqjow uoae{ hoqel{dqea w~dge-|edqce{mjae`( doa Ae`gju{q doa Wdurdua V4883,4888] #fh`je`eg-q{jo rj`q ~{jqjow uoae{ Qwxldoeofj-38 doa Meda-Bdh{bhe`amjae`, {ew~egqhre`x(/ Ce{e |e ~{eweoq d mj{e wxwqemdqhgwquax jb ~cdwe-ae~eoaeoge kx gjowq{ugqhol d kjuoge-~cdweeowemk`e qcdq bhoe`x wdm~`ew qce ~cdwe hoqe{rd`/

    V;2] D`` qewq-~d{qhg`e q{diegqj{hew ho qchw wegqhjo d{e ~{j-augea kx wj`rhol qce luhahol-geoqe{ etudqhjow jb mjqhjo

    uoae{ d ajuk`e-ah~j`e mjae`/ Qce luhahol-geoqe{ d~~{jsh-mdqhjo hw qcej{eqhgd``x es~egqea qj ke rd ha kegduwe qceojodahdkdqhghqx dq qce khbu{gdqhjo `hoe wcju`a ojq k{edf qcebh{wq hord{hdoq, doa |e cdre re{hbhea qcdq es~egqdqhjo kxoume{hgd` hoqel{dqhjo jb bu``-~d{qhg e q{diegqj{hew/ Qce ajuk e-ah~j`e mjae` gjowhwqw jb q|j Ed{qc-wq{eolqc ah~j`ew,mjmeoqw ~d{d``e`, ~`dgea |hqc d ahwqdoge ;> [e keq|eeoqcem wj qcdq qce mdloeqj~duwe hw whmu`dqea dw d ~`doe dqcd`b ahwqdoge 4> [e Vwee, Gcd~mdo doa Kd{qe`w, 481>]/ Qchwhw joe jb qce whm~`ewq mdloeqhg gjobhlu{dqhjo qcdq d``j|w bj{AWK6 hqw whm~`hghqx mdfew hq gjoreoheoq bj{ bdwq whmu`dqhjowdoa bj{ dod`xwhw kx gjm~uqe{ d`lek{d wxwqemw/ \e em~cd-whye qcdq qce leoe{d` bedqu{ew jb AWK ahwguwwea ho qchw wquaxd{e ojq `hmhqea qj qchw whm~`e mjae`/ Qce qcej{x |e ~{eweoq

    ho `dqe{ wegqhjow hw d~~`hgdk`e qj d |hae rd{heqx jb mdloe-qjw~ce{hg mjae`w/

    V; ~[wh




    Km 4=;


    4 KwKm


    |ce{e b> hw qce ~cdwe dwwhloea qj qce {ebe{eoge ~jhoqw>, doawh hw qce d{g `eolqc dq ^h/

    V;3] \e hohqhdqe joe cuoa{ea q{diegqj{hew jb e`egq{joluhahol-geoqe{w dq rd{hjuw ~jhoqw v^h} jo doa bj``j| qcemuoqh` qcex g{jww qce khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo, {egj{ahol qce wegjoahord{hdoq rd`uew bj{ edgc q{diegqj{x/ \e gcjjwe do d{khq{d{xhohqhd` luhahol `hoe qcdq ~dwwew qc{julc qce ~jhoq ^> = #< [e,

    < [e,>(/ Ye{j ~cdwe hw dwwhloea qj qce ~jhoq ^>/ \e weq u~qce eowemk`e wugc qcdq qce etudqj{hd` ~hqgc dol`e dq ^> hw3>, doa qce e`egq{jow cdre 4 = >/15 [e, doa qcemh{{j{ bhe`a hw Km = 1;/8 oQ/

    V;8] Bhlu{e 5 ahw~`dxw cj| qce gcdole jb qce wegjoahord{hdoq aue qj AWK ae~eoaw jo qce kjuoge ~cdwe jb edgc

    ~d{qhg`e/ Qce qj~ ~doe` wcj|w qce ebbegq jb d whol`e khbu{gd-qhjo, |ceo qce ~d{qhg`ew d{e oed{ `jgd` ojjo/ \e wee qcdq qceahbbe{eoge ;Hojjo H> hw oeldqhre bj{ wjme ~d{qhg`ew, doa

    ~jwhqhre bj{ jqce{w/ Qce od{{j| w~hfe ho qce ~`jq hoahgdqewqcdq d be| jb qcem dgtuh{e whlohbhgdoq`x `d{le wegjoa hord{hdoqrd`uew/

    V7>] \hqc choawhlcq #wee bj``j|hol wegqhjow(, |e bhq qceadqd qj d gu{re ho qce bj{m d & k `op; who#b g(p/ Qcegjoqhoujuw gu{re ho qce qj~ ~doe` jb Bhlu{e 5 hw d bhq |hqcd = ;/354>1, k = >/>44, g = >/4>4/ Qce eowemk`e

    Bhlu{e 5/ Qj~9 Qce gcdole ho qce wegjoa hord{hdoq dbqe{AWK, re{wuw qce kjuoge ~cdwe/ Mhaa`e9 Qce mjqhjo y#q( bj{we`egqea q{diegqj{hew/ #4( Gj{{ew~joahol qj ~cdwe ~*;,#;( gj{{ew~joahol qj qce ~cdwe oed{ qce ~edf jb qce gu{re,doa #7( ~cdwe ~*;/ Kjqqjm9 Qce qjqd` gcdole dbqe{ g{jwwholqce gjoiuldqe khbu{gdqhjo `hoe/


    5 jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    dre{dle jb qce gu{re #dre{dle jre{ b( hw etud` qj qce~d{dmeqe{ d, |chgc hw re{x g`jwe qj ye{j/

    V74] Qce mhaa`e ~doe`, |chgc wcj|w qce q{diegqj{hew bj{qc{ee memke{w jb qchw eowemk`e, choqw dq qce megcdohwm qcdqgduwew qce wcd{~ hog{edwe dq wjme ~cdwew/ Qce j{khqw `dke`ea4 doa 7 gj{{ew~joa qj ~d{qhg`ew |hqc ~cdwew ~*; doa ~*;,{ew~egqhre`x, doa j{khq ; gj{{ew~joaw qj qce ~cdwe g`jwewq qjqce ~edf jb qce qj~ ~doe`/ \e wee qcdq j{khq ; `hole{w d{juoaqce etudqj{ mugc `jole{ qcdo j{khqw 4 doa 7 aj, qcuw

    k{edfhol qce wegjoa hord{hdoq/ Qce ~d{qhg`e iuwq {edgcewqce ~edf |ceo qce mdloeqhg bhe`a qce{e {edgcew Km, doaqce ~d{d``e` mjqhjo hw qce{ebj{e wqd``ea/ Medo|ch`e, aue qja{hbq, qce whae mhohmd jb qce ~jqeoqhd` K#w( kegjme aee~e{ wj

    qcdq |ceo qce ~d{qhg`e bhod``x bd``w qj joe whae, qce j{khq ljewqc{julc d `j|e{ bhe`a mhohmum, qcuw dgtuh{hol d `d{le{wegjoa hord{hdoq/ Hb |e wdm~`e qce ~edf mj{e bhoe`x, |e gdobhoa jqce{ j{khqw qcdq gjme g`jwe{ qj etudqj{ doa wqd`` bj{`jole{ qhmew/

    V7;] \ceo qce memke{w jb qce hohqhd` eowemk`e d{ewgdqqe{ea joqj oehlckj{hol a{hbq wce``w, qcex a{hbq dg{jwwqce adx whae |hqc w`hlcq`x ahbbe{eoq w~eeaw/ \e bj``j| qceq{diegqj{hew uoqh` qcex g{jww qce gjoiuldqe khbu{gdqhjo `hoedoa {equ{o qj qce ohlcq whae/ Qce kjqqjm ~doe` jb Bhlu{e 5wcj|w qce ahbbe{eoge keq|eeo bhod` doa hohqhd` wegjoahord{hdoqw re{wuw qce hohqhd` kjuoge ~cdwe/ Qce ~`jq ahw~`dxwqce wdme geoq{d` ~edf dw qce ~`jq jb qce qj~ ~doe`, kuq hq hwwg{dmk`ea kegduwe jb qce w~eea ahbbe{eoqhd` dmjol qce

    ~d{qhg`ew/ Qce aj|o|d{a ~jhoqhol wcd{~ ~edfw {ewu`q b{jmqce wdme cdol-u~ ~{jgeww qcdq g{edqew qce ~edf jb qce qj~

    ~doe`, |j{fhol kdgf|d{aw ho qchw gdwe/ D bhoe{ wdm~`hol{ered`w bu{qce{ ah~w d{juoa qce mdho u~|d{a ~edf #ojqwcj|o(6 ho qce gjoqhouum `hmhq, joe gdo es~egq qj bhoa dohobhohqe oumke{ jb ah~w, re{x g`jwe qj edgc jqce{/

    V77] \e gjowq{ugq d wegjoa doa d qch{a eowemk`e, uwholqce wdme hohqhd` luhahol `hoe/ Ho qce wegjoa eowemk`e |ehog{edwe qce etudqj{hd` ~hqgc dol e qj 38/5, weqqhol qcefhoeqhg eoe{lx jb e`egq{jow dldho qj 4 = >/>>4; [e/Qce qch{a eowemk`e d`wj cdw do etudqj{hd` ~hqgc dol`e jb38/5, kuq qce fhoeqhg eoe{lx jb edgc memke{ hw hog{edwea qj147 feR/

    V71] Bhlu{e 2 ahw~`dxw qce gcdole ho qce wegjoa hord{hdoqdbqe{ d whol`e khbu{gdqhjo jb qce j{hlhod` a{hbq wce`` jb qceweeowemk`ew/ Qce gcdole AHhw ~jwhqhre bj{ d`` memke{w jb qceeowemk`e, doa `d{le{ bj{ qce eowemk`e |hqc chlce{ fhoeqhg

    eoe{lx/V75] Qce buogqhjo d & k `op; who#b g(p |hqc d = >/>44, k =

    >/>4; doa g = >/7 ~{jrhaew d re{x ljja bhq qj qce adqd~jhoqw jb qce wegjoa eowemk`e/ D whmh`d{`x ljja bhq bj{ qceqch{a eowemk`e hw lhreo |hqc qce ~d{dmeqe{w d = >/>;7, k =>/>;4, doa g = >/474/ Ho qcewe esdm~`ew, qce eowemk`e-dre{dlea gcdole jb qce wegjoa hord{hdoq hw ojq ye{j, kuqwhlohbhgdoq x `d{le doa ~jwhqhre/

    1/ Ojoetudqj{hd` ^d{qhg`ew

    V72] Ho qchw wegqhjo doa qce bj``j|hol, |e ~{eweoq dqcej{eqhgd` dod`xwhw jb qce ojodahdkdqhg gcdolew hm~jwea

    kx AWK/ Qchw wegqhjo d~~`hew qce qcej{x jb we~d{dq{hs

    g{jwwhol qj qce ~{jk`em ho j{ae{ qj aeqe{mhoe qce gcdoleho qce wegjoa hord{hdoq/ Qchw meqcja |dw d~~`hea qj w~dge-

    ~`dwmd ~{jk`emw kebj{e9 Ho qceh{ |e``-foj|o wquax, Kugcoe{doa Ye`eoxh V4838] d~~`x qce qcej{x jb we~d{dq{hs g{jwwhol qjqce dod`xwhw jb W~ehwe{ j{khqw ho qce mdloeqjqdh / Ho qcdq

    ~{jk`em, qce dgqhjo qcdq hw dbbegqea kx qce g{jwwhol hw ojq qcewegjoa hord{hdoq, kuq

    CZyay, |chgc hw whmh`d{ qj qce bh{wq

    hord{hdoq/ D`qcjulc W~ehwe{ j{khqw d{e re{x ahbbe{eoq b{jmkhbu{gdqhol j{khqw, qce wdme bj{md`hwm d~~`hew qj kjqc/

    V7>7] cdw d wgj~e qcdqwhlohbhgdoq`x jre{`d~w |hqc qce ~{eweoq wegqhjo/ Qce duqcj{wd~~`x we~d{dq{hs-g{jwwhol qcej{x qj qce AWK ~{jk`em, doajkqdho dod`xqhgd` {ewu`qw bj{ d w~eghbhg mdloeqhg bhe`a/ Qceh{{ewu`qw cdre qce wdme ~{j~e{qhew dw qce {ewu`qw |e ~{eweoq

    ce{e/ Qce ~{eweoq wquax ahbbe{w b{jm qce |j{f kx Doqjojrdeq d`/ mdho`x ho q|j dw~egqw/ \e aj ojq ~{ewu~~jwe dw~eghbhg mdloeqhg bhe`a, wj ju{ {ewu`qw d{e d~~`hgdk`e qj d|hae g`dww jb mjae`w6 d`wj, |e ~{eweoq d q{edqmeoq jbetudqj{hd` ~d{qhg`ew |cjwe khbu{gdqhjo gdoojq ke dod`xyea|hqc we~d{dq{hs-g{jwwhol qcej{x/

    V73] D ljja {erhe| jb qce dahdkdqhg hord{hdoq doa jbwe~d{dq{hs g{jwwhol, hog`uahol wjme d~~`hgdqhjow, hw ~{jrhaea

    kx Ceo{d{a V4887]/

    1/4/ We~d{dq{hs-G{jwwhol Qcej{x

    V78] Uwhol qce luhahol-geoqe{ bj{md`hwm, qce kjuoge~{jk`em gdo ke es~{ewwea ho qce whm~`e bj{m9

    a ;w

    aq; m




    Ce{e m doa ld{e gjowqdoqw kx ju{ dwwum~qhjow, doa K#w( hw dw`j|`x gcdolhol buogqhjo #aue qj a{hbq joqj jqce{ luhahol`hoew(/ D`wj, qce etudqhjo uoae{ljew khbu{gdqhjo dq wjmehowqdoq/ Ho qcdq bj{m, qce{e hw oj foj|o es~`hghq wj`uqhjo qjetudqhjo #5(, ereo |ceo joe es~doaw K#w( ho d Qdx`j{ we{hew/Cj|ere{, |e d{e mdho`x hoqe{ewqea ho qce {e`dqhjo keq|eeohohqhd` doa bhod` rd`uew jb qce wegjoa hord{hdoq #ewweoqhd``xdo dre{dle tudoqhqx(, doa ojq ho qce aeqdh`w jb qce ~d{qhg`eq{diegqj{x/ Qj jkqdho wugc d {e`dqhjo, |e gdo uwe qce

    Bhlu{e 2/ Q|j mj{e kjuoge-~cdwe eowemk`ew dq qce wdmewqd{qhol `jgdqhjo dw ho Bhlu{e 5, |hqc det = 38/5/ Ho kjqceowemk`ew, qce adxwhae wegjoa hord{hdoq cdw hog{edwea bj{d`` ~d{qhg`ew/ Qce hog{edwe hw mj{e whlohbhgdoq |hqc qceeoe{leqhg eowemk`e/ Qce gjoqhoujuw `hoew d{e ojo`hoed{ bhqwqj qce ~jhoqw/


    2 jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    we~d{dq{hs g{jwwhol qcej{x aere`j~ea kx Gd{x eq d`/ V4832]#GEQ(/

    V1>] GEQ ~jwqu`dqe qce ahmeowhjo`eww Cdmh`qjohdo9

    Ct6~6` |;

    ~; t; aC t6~6` 2|chgc ae~eoaw jo qce w`j|`x gcdolhol ~d{dmeqe{ ` # Z e #4 bj{ d`` qhmew(/ Qce ~d{dmeqe{| ajew ojq ae~eoa jo t j{~,

    kuq mdx ae~eoa jo `/ Qce qe{m aC gjoqdhow chlce{ ~j|e{wjb t doa ~, wj qcdq aC hw oel`hlhk`e oed{ qce j{hlho/

    V14] Bhlu{e < wcj|w qce gjoqju{w jb C dq bhsea ` #qceb{jyeo wxwqem(, |chgc d{e d`wj qce ~cdwe-w~dge j{khqw jbqce wxwqem/ Qce j{hlho #t = >, ~ = >( hw d wdaa`e ~jhoq, doaqce we~d{dq{hs gu{re gj{{ew~joaw qj qce C = > gjoqju{/J{khqw |hqc ~jwhqhre Clj d{juoa qce we~d{dq{hs, |ch`e qcjwe|hqc oeldqhre C d{e gjobhoea hoqj joe jb qce we~d{dq{hs`jkew/

    V1;] Qce ~d{dmeqe{| gdo ke hoquhqhre`x hoqe{~{eqea dw qcees~joeoqhdqhjo {dqe jb qce q{diegqj{hew oed{ qce wdaa`e ~jhoqdq qce j{hlho/ Qj wee qchw, ojqe qcdq oed{ qce j{hlho, aC hwhloj{ea doa qce wj`uqhjo qj qce {ewu`qhol Cdmh qjohdoaewg{hkew j{khqw |hqc t#q(,~#q(* e|q/

    V17] @eq Xd#`( doa Xk#`( ke qce ~cdwe w~dge d{ed howhae qce`ebq doa qce {hlcq `jke jb qce we~d{dq{hs, {ew~egqhre`x/Gjowhae{ do j{khq qcdq hw hohqhd``x juqwhae qce we~d{dq{hs,|hqc dgqhjo I>/ Hb Xd#`( doa*j{ Xk#`( d{e w`j|`x doamjojqjohgd``x hog{edwhol, qceo qce{e |h`` gjme d qhme `s|ce{e X


    s( & X


    s( = I

    >, doa qce j{khq g{jwwew qce

    we~d{dq{hs/ Qce g{jwwhol jggu{w ewweoqhd``x kegduwe qce `jked{ed wc{hofw dq d {dqe qcdq hw J#e(, |ch`e qce d{ed I> howhae qceq{diegqj{x wc{hofw mugc mj{e w`j|`x #aue qj dahdkdqhghord{hdoge(, wj qce we~d{dq{hs gdqgcew u~ |hqc qce q{diegqj{x/Gjore{we`x, hb qce j{khq hw hohqhd``x howhae `jke d, |cjwe d{edhw wc{hofhol, g{jwwhol jggu{w |ceo Xd = I>/

    V11] Qce dod`jlx keq|eeo qchw ~{jk`em doa AWK hwwq{dhlcqbj{|d{a9 I> gj{{ew~joaw qj qce hohqhd` wegjoa hord{h-doq, qce qjqd` `jke d{ed Xd#`( & Xk#`( gj{{ew~joaw qj doaqce g{jwwhol qhme `s gj{{ew~joaw qj qce `jgdqhjo jb qce

    khbu{gdqhjo `hoe/

    V15] GEQ daj~q d ~e{qu{kdqhre d~~{jdgc qj {e dqe qce~jwqg{jwwhol dgqhjo Ib qj qce hohqhd` dgqhjo/ Qce wmd``~e{qu{kdqhjo ~d{dmeqe{ hw e Z / Ho qce bhod` {ewu`q, qe{mwjb j{ae{ e; j{ chlce{ d{e hloj{ea/

    V12] \ceo qce Cdmh`qjohdo Vetudqhjo #2(] hw wxmmeq{hg hot doa ~, kjqc `jkew gjre{ etud` d{edw doa qcewe d{edw cdreetud` {dqew jb gcdole #Xd = Xk X, ZXd ZXk ZX/ Ho qchwgdwe, qce gcdole ho qce dgqhjo bj{ do j{khq qcdq hw hohqhd``x

    juqwhae jb ehqce{ `jke hw9

    Ib X `s ZX



    `o ; who bi i J e; hw hm~`hghq ho `s, rhd;X#`s( = I>/ Bj{ do j{khq qcdq hw hohqhd``x howhae d `jke qcdq hwwc{hofhol, qce {e`dqhjo hw9

    Ib ;X `s ;ZX



    `o ; who bi i J e; 3V1 #bj{esdm~`e, hobhohqe`x bdwq kjuoge mjqhjo( qce gj{{egqhjo qe{m gdo

    ke jmhqqea6 bu{qce{mj{e, hb X#`( hohqhd``x hog{edwew doa qceoaeg{edwew, |e wee qcdq dbqe{ d gjoiuldqe ~dh{ jb g{jwwholw, qcedgqhjo hw kdgf qj hqw hohqhd` rd`ue/ Qchw hw etuhrd`eoq qj qced{lumeoq jbWcdkdowfx V48 doa b = ~,doa wcd``j| ho keq|eeo/ Hohqhd` gjoahqhjow gj{{ew~joaholqj b % > #j{ do hoqele{ mu`qh~`e jb ~( g{edqe j{khqw |cjwedgqhjo hw whlohbhgdoq`x hog{edwea/ Qcex d{e qce j{khqw|chgc w~eoa d gjowhae{dk e qhme oed{ qce wdaa`e ~jhoq#gb/ Bhlu{e 5(/

    V18] Hb d weq jb hohqhd` gjoahqhjow hw uohbj{m`x ahwq{hkuqeaho qce dol`e rd{hdk`e kuq cdre d gjmmjo rd`ue jb I>, qcexd{e uohbj{m`x ahwq{hkuqea ho b, qjj/ Qce dre{dle jb qce

    ium~w jb qce wegjoa hord{hdoq bj{ wugc do eowemk`e |h`` keetud` qj ye{j, kegduwe

    [>;~ `op;whobp ab = >/ Cj|ere{, qce

    {jjq medo wtud{e aerhdqhjo hw ojq ye{j, |chgc medow qcdqqce memke{w jb qce eowemk e d{e wgdqqe{ea joqj oehlc-

    kj{hol j{khqw/V5>] Qce {ewu`qw ho etudqhjow # d{e esg`uaea b{jm qchwdod`xwhw/ Qce gdwe jb re{x wmd`` hohqhd` wegjoa hord{hdoq hwdod`xyea ho wegqhjo 5/

    V54] Qce hoqe{ewqea {edae{ gdo gcegf qce qcej{x dldhowqoume{hgd` es~e{hmeoqw |hqc d qjx ~{jk`em/ Qce tud{qhgCdmh`qjohdo

    Ct6~6 ` ~;

    ; ` t


    ; t



    |ce{e ` = eq, ~{jrhaew d qewq gdwe, |chgc gdo ke uwea qjldho do hoquhqhjo bj{ qce we~d{dq{hs g{jwwhol ~{jk`em/ Qj

    Bhlu{e / Gjoqju{w |hqc oeldqhre C d{e gjobhoea qj qce `jkew#{elhjo d j{ k(, |ch`e ~jwhqhre C gjoqju{w lj d{juoa kjqc`jkew #{elhjo g(/


    < jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    cdre {e~edqea we~d{dq{hs g{jwwholw, iuwq `hfe hq jggu{w |hqcAWK, joe gdo weq ` qj rd{x ~e{hjahgd``x ho w`j| qhme, bj{esdm~`e, ` = g> & g4who#eq(, |ce{e g> doa g4 d{e gjowqdoqw/

    1/;/ D~~`hgdqhjo qj A{hbq-Wce`` Khbu{gdqhjo

    V5;] Ho j{ae{ qj d~~`x qce qcej{x jb we~d{dq{hs g{jwwholw qjqce AWK ~{jk`em, |e ~jwqu`dqe qce bj``j|hol kjuogeCdmh`qjohdo9

    Cw6 rf6` r;f;


    K` w K` > 4>

    |ce{e rpp = Zw, doa ` hw d w`j|`x gcdolhol gjj{ahodqe d`jolqce a{hbq ~dqc/ Qchw Cdmh`qjohdo buogqhjo lhrew qce wdmeetudqhjo jb mjqhjo dw etudqhjo #5(/ Qce gjowqdoq qe{m m

    K`#>(*l;m eowu{ew qcdq qce we~d{dq{hs gj{{ew~joaw qj qceC = > gjoqju{/ Bhod` x, qce Qdx`j{ es~dowhjo

    K` w K` > a;K`




    ; J w1 44

    wcj|w qcdq qce kjuoge Cdmh`qjohdo hw ah{egq`x gjm~dqhk`e|hqc qce dwwumea bj{m Vetudqhjo #2(] jb GEQ qcej{x#kegduwe jb qce oj{qc-wjuqc wxmmeq{x, qce es~dowhjo cdwoj qe{mw |hqc jaa ~j|e{w(/

    V57] Qce ahmeowhjo`eww Cdmh qjohdo etudqhjo #2( hw {e`dqeaqj etudqhjo #4>( kx d wgd e q{dowbj{mdqhjo6 qce{ebj{e qcedgqhjo Igd`gu`dqea b{jm etudqhjo #2( hw {e`dqea qj qce wegjoahord{hdoq H kx d gjowqdoq bdgqj{/ Qceo, |ceo dad~qhol qce

    ium~ {e`dqhjow #( |e aeqe{mhoe qce es~joeoqhdqhjo {dqe dw9

    | ` ml;m a;K`


    w>w 4;

    V55] Ho qce ~{eweoq ~{jk`em qce gcdole jb qce `jke d{ed hwgduwea kx qce w`j| a{hbq, qceo qce {dqe jb gcdole jb hwlhreo kx qce ah{egqhjod` ae{hrdqhre9


    aq rAc h { 47

    Ce{e uAc h hw qce kjuoge-dre{dlea a{hbq re`jghqx6 qce{ebj{e,Z hw etud` qj qce w~dqhd` ae{hrdqhre jb ho qce a{hbq ah{egqhjo

    dq qce khbu{gdqhjo `hoe/ Qceo, bj{ d ~d{qhg`e qcdq eoqe{w qcekhbu{gdqhjo {elhjo |hqc hohqhd` #ohlcqwhae( wegjoa hord{hdoq

    H>, bh{wq hord{hdoq m doa g{jwwhol ~d{dmeqe{ b>, qce oe|wegjoa hord{hdoq rd`ue H4 |h`` ke9

    H4 H>;







    4=;uAc h {

    + 'k

    `o ; who b>i i 41

    D`` bdgqj{w d{e erd`udqea dq qce khbu{gdqhjo `hoe k, |chgc hwqce mdloeqhg bhe`a `hoe qcdq ljew qc{julc ~jhoq #sk,xk(wdqhwbxhol H> = #sk,xk(/

    V52] Qce k{dogcew jb qce a{hbq wce` gjme qjleqce{ dq qcegjoiuldqe khbu{gdqhjo `hoe


    k, `jgdqea dq #s>


    k( wdqhwbxhol H4

    = #s>k,x>

    k(/ \ceo qce ~d{qhg`e g{jwwew hq |hqc g{jwwhol~d{dmeqe{ b4, qce oe| ohlcqwhae wegjoa hord{hdoq rd`ue hw9

    H; ;H4 ml;m




    4=;rAc h {

    + '>


    `o ; who b4i i 45

    V5] \e gdo es~{eww etudqhjo #41( ho d mj{e uwebu` bj{mkx d~~{jshmdqhol qce kjuoge-dre{dlea a{hbq re`jghqx uAc h|hqc qce ~u{e l{daheoq a{hbq re`jghqx rL9

    rAc h % rL lmu;

    ; ti iK;mwlo t _k {:K 42

    V24] Qchw d~~{jshmdqhjo hw {edwjodk`x ljja bj{ ~d{qhg`ew|hqc `d{le etudqj{hd` ~hqgc dol`ew6 cj|ere{, hq ajew ojq cj`abj{ d`` khbu{gdqhol ~d{qhg`ew #dw aewg{hkea ho wegqhjo ;, uoae{wjme gjoahqhjow, ~d{qhg`ew |hqc dox ~hqgc dol`e gdo khbu{-gdqe(/ Wqh``, qce l{daheoq a{hbq hw d`|dxw d whlohbhgdoq gjm-

    ~joeoq jb qce jre{d`` a{hbq6 qce{ebj{e qce d~~{jshmdqhjo~{jrhaew dq `edwq do j{ae{-jb-mdlohquae ewqhmdqe/

    V2;] Uwhol qchw d~~{jshmdqhjo, doa wukwqhquqhol m * #l; m( =

    u; * #;Km(, etudqhjo #41( gdo ke {e|{hqqeo dw9

    ;H4 H> lmuti iKm L `o ; who b>i i 4< J YQU [F DOA \J@B9 A[HBQ-WCE@@ KHBU[GDQHJO

    3 jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause



    L wlo t _k {:K

    ;Km K>>i i~ {+ '

    sk 6xk 43

    \e {egjlohye qcdq qce bh{wq bdgqj{ lmr*#ptpKm( hw etud` qj{m, qce lx{j{dahuw dq qce mh{{j{ ~jhoq/ Qce ahmeowhjo`ewwbdgqj{ L wcju`a ke erd`udqea {hlcq dq qce khbu{gdqhjo ~jhoq#sk, xk(/ Qce buogqhjo L#s,x( hw uohtue qj d lhreo mdloeqhgbhe a gjobhlu{dqhjo doa ajew ojq ae~eoa jo qce ~d{qhg`e

    ~d{dmeqe{w/ Ceoge joe gdo gd`gu`dqe L#s,x( ho dardoge,~e{cd~w jo d l{ha qcdq w~dow qce khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo, doa qceoerd`udqe L#sk,xk( bj{ qce w~eghbhg khbu{gdqhjo ~jhoq ahgqdqea

    kx qce ~d{qhg`ew hohqhd` gjoahqhjow/V27] Ho qchw bj{m, |e d`wj wee qcdq{m lhrew qce wgd`e jb qce

    gcdole ho qce wegjoa hord{hdoq/ Bj{ mjwq kjuoge ~cdwew, qce~cdwe-ae~eoaeoq bdgqj{ `op;whob>p hw jb j{ae{ 4/ Bu{qce{-mj{e, |e aemjowq{dqe ke`j| qcdq qce ahmeowhjo`eww lej-meq{hg bdgqj{ L hw jb j{ae{ 4 bj{ mjwq jb qce khbu{gdqhjo{elhjo/ Qce{ebj{e qce gcdole ;H4 H> hw jb qce j{ae{ jb dbe| {m/ Qchw {ewu`q hw ojq wu{~{hwhol kegduwe {m*[e hw qcewmd`` ~d{dmeqe{ jb qce wxwqem doa qce ~e{qu{kdqhre dod`xwhwfee~w qe{mw u~ qj J#{m*[e(/

    V21] Dq dox lhreo etudqj{hd` ~jhoq #s,x( ho qce khbu{gdqhjo{elhjo, qce rd`ue jbL#s,x( gdo ke gd`gu`dqea dw bj``j|w9 \ebj` j|qce bhe`a `hoe ~dwwhol qc{julc qce ~jhoq doa erd`udqe qcewegjoa ae{hrdqhre jb K#w( d`jol hq kx bhohqe ahbbe{eogew/ Qceah{egqhjo regqj{_k hw ho y-ah{egqhjo kegduwe jb qce etudqj{hd`wxmmeq{x/ Qce mh{{j{ bhe`a Km |h`` ke etud` qj qce bhe`awq{eolqc dq #s,x( kegduwe qchw ~jhoq hw d khbu{gdqhjo ~jhoq/ Qcel{daheoqw {: K doa { gdo ke erd`udqea kx qdfhol bhohqeahbbe{eogew d`jol s doa x ah{egqhjow d{juoa qce ~jhoq/

    V25] Uwhol qchw ~{jgeau{e, |e cdre erd`udqea L#s,x( jre{d l{ha jb etudqj{hd` ~jhoqw jre{ d {elhjo qcdq w~dow qce

    khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo/ Bhlu{e 3 wcj|w qce gjoqju{ ~`jq jbL#s,x(bj{ qce ajuk`e-ah~j e mjae` qcdq hw uwea qj ~{jauge qcewhmu`dqea q{diegqj{hew jb wegqhjo 7/

    V22] \e gdo ah{egq`x gcegf qce qcej{eqhgd` ~{eahgqhjodldhowq qce bh{wq weq jb wxoqceqhg adqd ho wegqhjo 7/ Qce bhq

    qj qce adqd ho Bhlu{e 5 wcj|w qcdq qce gjebbhgheoq jb qce`jld{hqcmhg qe{mhw >/>446 ceoge, {mL= >/>44[e/ Qce mh{{j{lx{j{dahuw jb qce bj``j|ea ~d{qhg`e hw {m = 5/53

    4>7 [e,

    |chgc lhrew qce es~e{hmeoqd` rd`ue L= 4/8< bj{ qce a{hbqwce`` jre{ |chgc qchw ~d{qhgu`d{ eowemk`e mjrew/

    V2 wcj| `ere` gu{rewjbLuoae{ Qwxldoeofj-4838g mjae , |hqcF~ = 4 do aF~ = ({m/ Cj|ere{, eoe{leqhg

    Bhlu{e 3/ Gu{rew jb gjowqdoq L uoae{ ajuk e-ah~j`emdloeqhg bhe`a/ Qce mdloeqj~duwe hw qce s = 4> ~`doe #qce{hlcq-cdoa eale jb qce bhlu{e(/ Qce oumke{ L#s,x( h w dmedwu{e jb qce rhj`dqhjo jb qce wegjoa hord{hdoq bj{ d a{hbqwce`` qcdq khbu{gdqew dq ~jhoq #s,x(/ Bj{ mjwq jb qce

    khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo qce rd`ue jb L hw jb qce j{ae{ jb joe/

    Bhlu{e 8/ Gu{rew jb gjowqdoq L uoae{ Qwxldoeofj-4838gmdloeqhg bhe`a mjae`, |hqc ~d{dmeqe{F~ = 4 #`j| dgqhrhqx(/

    Bhlu{e 4>/ Gu{rew jb gjowqdoqLuoae{ Qwxldoeofj-4838gmdloeqhg bhe`a mjae`, |hqc ~d{dmeqe{F~ = < #chlc dgqhrhqx(/


    8 jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    ~d{qhg`ew #`d{le {m( |hqc `d{le etudqj{hd` ~hqgc dol`ew #wmd``H>( gdo edwh`x rhj`dqe qchw gjoahqhjo #bj{ esdm~`e, {e`dqhrhwqhge`egq{jow |hqc ~hqgc dol`ew ?3>(/ Qj dod`xye qcewe gdwew,|e {etuh{e d gjm~`emeoqd{x d~~{jdgc qcdq hw rd`ha ho qce{elhme jb wmd`` H>/

    V] Oume{hgd` q{dgew jb etudqj{hd ~d{qhg`ew #h/e/, re{xwmd`` hohqhd` dgqhjo( wcj| tud`hqdqhre ahbbe{eogew gjm~d{eaqj ojoetudqj{hd` ~d{qhg`e q{dgew/ Ho ~d{qhgu`d{, qce kjuoge-

    ~cdwe-eowemk`e l{d~cw ho Bhlu{e 2 wcj| qcdq qce eowemk`edre{dle jb qce wegjoa hord{hdoq gcdole hw ojoye{j/ Qchwjkwe{rdqhjo leoe{d``x cj`aw bj{ whmh d{ khbu{gdqhjow Vgb/

    Ku`dojr doa Odumjrd, 4882 doa Gch{hfjr doa Regcew`drjr,;>>>]/


    doa K#1(a1Kaw1


    , doa kjqc ae{hrdqhrew

    d{e erd`udqea dq qce etudqj{/ Qce wegjoa ae{hrdqhre K#;( hwoeldqhre/ \e |h`` dwwume qcdq K#;( hw w`j|`x gcdolhol |hqcqhme aue qj a{hbq, kuq qce gcdole jb K#1( hw oel`hlhk`e/


    q ;>

    |ce{e |e weq qce j{hlho ` = > qj qce eale jb qce khbu{gdqhjo{elhjo wj qcdq qce gjowqdoq qe{m jb K#;( rdohwcew/ Qceah{egqhjod` ae{hrdqhre hw erd`udqea d`jol qce gjoqju{ jbgjowqdoq K = Km kegduwe qchw hw qce ~dqc jb do etudqj{hd`

    ~d{qhg`e, doa qce a{hbq w~eea rL hw ~u{e`x aue qj l{daheoqa{hbq/ Qcuw |e d~~{jshmdqe qce kjuoge ~{jk`em dw mjqhjouoae{ d tud{qhg ~jqeoqhd` |hqc d `hoed{`x {hwhol geoq{d` ~edf9



    mrL` >


    a K;

    a` `>pfifififififififififififififififififivyfifififififififififififififififififi}d







    |ce{e d doa k d{e ~jwhqhre gjowqdoq ~d{dmeqe{w/

    5/;/ Qce ^dho`ere-HH Etudqhjo

    V>7]/ Qceh{wj`uqhjow, qce ^dho`ere q{dowgeoaeoqw, gdoojq ke es~{ewweaho qe{mw jb qce mj{e bdmh`hd{ buogqhjow/ Cj|ere{, qceqcj{julc`x horewqhldqea dwxm~qjqhg wj`uqhjow gdo ke/ Ho qce`hmhq s$4, Hqw doa Fd~der V4833] lhre qce bj``j|holdwxm~qjqhg {ewu`q bj{ qce ^dho`ere-HH etudqhjo9

    xs ! s4=1d who ;7

    s 7=; 71

    d; `o s 3 $ ;7Qce wj`uqhjo ~d{dmeqe{w d ? > doa > 3 0;~ ae~eoa johohqhd` gjoahqhjow/ Ho qce j~~jwhqe `hmhq, dw s$49

    x s !



    { ;s 4=1{ gjw ;



    7s7=; 7

    ;{; `os t


    Kjqc wj`uqhjow d{e jwgh``dqj{x, |hqc do dm~`hquae qcdq ahewjbb re{x w`j|`x #|hqc s4*1(/ Qce ~jwhqhre dwxm~qjqe cdw q|j

    ~d{dkj`hg k{dogcew, dw es~egqea/V

  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    V, dbqe{ hloj{holqe{mw jb j{ae{s4

    5*1, qce ~cdwe-w~dge gu{re hw dldho bjuoa qjke do e``h~we9









    x>s4 4





    ; {; ;8

    #jo`x joe jb qce k{dogcew hw lhreo6 qce jqce{ k{dogc cdw qcewdme d{ed(/ Qceo, qce dgqhjo I& ho qce ~jwhqhre dwxm~qjqe#were{d` kjuogew dbqe{ qce g{jwwhol( hw etud` qj ~{;/ Wj |ewee qcdq qce dm~`hquae gjooegqhjo bj{mu`d #;5( lhrew qce{e`dqhjo keq|eeo qce hohqhd` #whol`e k{dogc( doa bhod` #ajuk`e

    k{dogc( dgqhjow/ Dbqe{ wukwqhquqhjo jb ~ hoqj etudqhjo #;5(,wjme d`lek{dhg mdoh~u`dqhjo lhrew qce ~jwqg{jwwhol dm~`h-quae {; ho qe{mw jb qce hohqhd` dm~`hquae d; doa ~cdwe 39

    {; d; 4;~

    `o e~d; 4


    ~`o ;who


    ;d; `o ;


    1 d{lL


    ; 3 $ 7>\e wfh~ qce ~cdwe bj{mu`d t#d;, 3(, |chgc gdo ke jkqdhoeawhmh`d{`x/

    V] Qce rd{hdk`e x hw hoq{jaugea dw d wcj{qcdoa qj qce

    ~cdwe jb ~/ B{jm qce aebhohqhjo ho etudqhjo #;(doa #71(/ Qj wee cj| qce dgqhjo ho #s,x( w~dge hw {e`dqea qjqce wegjoa hord{hdoq, |e d~~`x qce hore{we q{dowbj{mdqhjo9

    I H


    asas k



    aqaw 75


    d uH 72

    V3;] Gjowhae{ d ~d{qhg e qcdq hw hohqhd`hyea jo qce ohlcq whae|hqc hohqhd` wegjoa hord{hdoq H>, |chgc qceo uoae{ljew AWK/Qceo b{jm etudqhjow #7>( doa #72( dkjre, qce oesq rd`ue H4jb qce wegjoa hord{hdoq gdo ke aeqe{mhoea/

    H4 H> y;

    `o eH>=y 4

    y`o ; whoBi i 7

    y ~

    1 d{l L h




    $ 3 78

    V31] Qce {ewu q ho etudqhjo #7=y 4 / Ho qce `hmhq H>(y, qchwmhaa`e qe{m {eaugew qj H>*;, qcuw {ewqj{hol qce bj{m jb

    etudqhjo #41(/V35] Gjore{we`x, |e gdo wcj| qcdq ho qce `hmhq jb wmd`kjuoge mjqhjo, qce bdgqj{ jb qce `jld{hqcm hg qe{m hoetudqhjo #41( hw d~~{jshmdqea kx y/ Qj wee qchw, |e |{hqe dw9



    K;i iw;




    waw 1>



    K; 7=;


    |chgc hw rd`ha bj{ wmd`` kjuoge dm~`hquaew/ \hqc qce

    dwwum~qhjo qcdq qce bju{qc ae{hrdqhre K#1(

    ajew ojq gcdolewhlohbhgdoq`x d`jol qce a{hbq ~dqc u~ qj qce khbu{gdqhjo, |e|{hqe9

    {% 2


    K; 4=;

    KmK1{ K; 1;

    Wj`rhol bj{{pK#;(p doa wukwqhquqhol hoqj etudqhjo #73( lhrew

    y % K4=;m


    u K;i i4=;uL { 17


    44 jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    |chgc hw esdgq`x qce wdme dw qce gjebbhgheoq jb qce`jld{hqcmhg qe{m ho etudqhjo #41(/ Cj|ere{, qchw d~~{js-hmdqhjo ajew ojq lhre qce mhaa`e qe{m jb etudqhjo #7 |h`` ke ojoye{j kegduwe jb qcemhaa`e qe{m9 qce wegjoa hord{hdoq jb qce |cj`e eowemk`e|h`` wchbq u~ kx d gjowqdoq bdgqj{ dw jkwe{rea ho Bhlu{e 2/Bu{qce{mj{e, dw H>*y$>, qchw gjowqdoq wchbq gdo ke d{khq{d{h`x`d{le #kuq hog{edwhol jo`x `jld{hqcmhgd``x(/

    V3>>], |cj jkwe{re dwhmh`d{ ebbegq ho dojqce{ wxwqem, uwe qce qe{m kd``hwqhg{elhme bj{ re{x wmd ` dgqhjo rd`uew |ce{e qce |cj`e

    ~j~u`dqhjo es~e{heogew d `d{le dgqhjo ium~/ Ho gjoq{dwq,`d{le rd`uew jb hohqhd` dgqhjo d{e ho qce ahbbuwhre {elhme

    kegduwe do eowemk`e jb ~d{qhg`ew hw wgdqqe{ea joqj d wmd``{dole jb dgqhjo rd`uew, |hqc do dre{dle gcdole jb ye{j/ Qcegdwe jb ojoetudqj{hd` ~d{qhg`ew, dod`xyea ho qce ~{egeaholwegqhjo, gj{{ew~joaw qj qce ahbbuwhre {elhme/

    V33] Oj| gjowhae{ d ~d{qhg`e qcdq hw d`{edax ho qce khbu{-gdqhjo {elhjo doa cd~~eow qj cdre d re{x wmd`` wegjoahord{hdoq H4/ \ceo qce ~d{qhg`e a{hbqw dg{jww qce gjoiuldqe

    khbu{gdqhjo `hoe, hq dgtuh{ew qce ohlcqwhae wegjoa hord{hdoqrd`ue H;/ Qce rd`ue jb H; gdo ke aeqe{mhoea |hqc qcegjooegqhjo bj{mu`dw #71( doa #72(9

    H; ;H4 y`o ; ;

    4 e;H4=y~




    X t < ` o ;;~


    y 7~

    1 d{l L h





    Hq wcju`a ke ojqea qcdq y ajew ojq cdre qce wdme rd`ue dw hoetudqhjo #7] Qj gjm~d{e qchw qcej{eqhgd` {ewu`q |hqc qce whmu`d-

    qhjow ~{eweoqea ho wegqhjo 7, |e erd`udqe B ho qce gdwe jb dajuk e-ah~j`e bhe`a |cjwe aeqdh w d{e aewg{hkea ed{`he{/Ere{x ~jhoq d`jol qce eale jb qce khbu{gdqhjo {elhjogj{{ew~joaw qj d ahbbe{eoq rd`ue jb qce mh{{j{ bhe`a Km jbqce a{hbq wce``, wj |e gdo q{edq B dw d buogqhjo jb Km/Bhlu{e 44 wcj|w d ~`jq jb Bre{wuw Km bj{ qce ajuk`e-ah~j`ebhe`a/ \e wee qcdq B rd{hew keq|eeo > doa 7, qcuw qce

    ~d{dmeqe{ y rd{hew keq|eeo > doa 7{m/

    V84] Qce e`egq{jo-eowemk`e whmu`dqhjow jb Bhlu{e 2 d{ekjqc ~{jaugea uwhol d mh{{j{ bhe`a rd`ue jb 14/33 oQ doa dohohqhd` wegjoa hord{hdoq H> = 4/;4>7 [e/ B{jm Bhlu{e 44,|e {eda qcdq qchw rd`ue ~{eahgqw do B% 4/>1/ Qce 47 [e/ \hqc qcewe rd`uew ho ~`dge,etudqhjo #7 4>944 4498`o ;who bi i 4>7[e 17 [e, qcuw y = 4>/>14>7 [e/ Qce{ebj{e bj{ qchwadqd weq, etudqhjo #7 ;498 ;>94`o ;who bi i 4>7[e 13

    |chgc dldho dl{eew |e`` |hqc qce wxoqceqhg adqd b{jmwhmu`dqhjow/ Qce qcej{x ~{eweoqea ho qchw wegqhjo wuggeww-bu``x es~`dhow qce kd``hwqhg ium~ ho qce wegjoa hord{hdoq/

    V87] Joe gdo edwh`x d~~`x qce meqcja qj ahbbe{eoq mdl-oeqjw~ce{hg mjae`w, bh{wq kx aeqe{mhohol qce eale jb qce

    khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo #qce weq jb ~jhoqw dq qce etudqj{hd` ~`doe

    Bhlu{e 44/ Qce kd``hwqhg ~d{dmeqe{ B re{wuw qce mh{{j{bhe`a rd`uew, bj{ qce ajuk`e-ah~j`e bhe`a/ Wmd`` Kmgj{{ew~joaw qj a{hbq wce``w dq `d{le ahwqdogew b{jm qce Ed{qcdoa qcuw khbu{gdqe bd{qcewq b{jm `jgd` ojjo/


    4; jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    wdqhwbxhol aK*aw = >(, doa qceo kx erd`udqhol B dq ere{x~jhoq ho qchw weq/

    2/ Mdloeqjw~ce{hg Hm~`hgdqhjow

    V81] Ho qchw wquax, |e bjguwea jo qce dod`xwhw jb whol`eg{jwwholw doa aebe{{ea qce dod`xwhw jb mu`qh~`e g{jwwholw qjdojqce{ d{qhg`e/ Cj|ere{, |e |ju`a `hfe qj wcd{e q|j jb qce

    hm~j{qdoq hm~`hgdqhjow jb AWK bj{ a{hbq wce``w qcdq g{jww qcekhbu{gdqhjo {elhjo mdox qhmew/

    V85] Qce bh{wq ebbegq hw qce eshwqeoge jb d ahbbuwhre megc-dohwm ho d gjowqdoq mdloeqjw~ce{e/ Dq edgc khbu{gdqhjo

    ~jhoq, qce wegjoa hord{hdoq mdfew d ium~, |chgc ho qce `jolqe{m gdo ke weeo dw d {doajm |d`f kegduwe qce ~cdwehobj{mdqhjo gdoojq ke edwh`x q{dgfea/ Qchw gj{{ew~joaw qjq|j {dahd` ahw~`dgemeoqw dq edgc a{hbq gxg`e/

    V82] [ewed{gce{w d{e oj| kelhoohol qj gjmkhoe mjae`wjb qce {dahdqhjo ke`qw qcdq {e~{eweoq q{dow~j{q ho qe{mw jbahbbuwhjo gjebbhgheoqw |hqc oume{hgd` MCA mjae`w jb `d{le-wgd`e mdloeqjw~ce{hg axodmhgw, |chgc gd`gu`dqe qce mdl-oeqhg bhe`a gjobhlu{dqhjo dw d buogqhjo jb qhme/ AWK-q{dow~j{qebbegqw gju`a ke hogj{~j{dqea d~~{jshmdqe`x ho qcjwe mjae`w

    ho qe{mw jb d ahbbuwhjo gjebbhgheoq cAH;h*;Aq/ D b u ` `q{edqmeoq jb qchw ahbbuwhjo gjebbhgheoq |h`` {etuh{e d wqdqhw-qhgd` q{edqmeoq, |chgc |e aebe{ qj d `dqe{ wquax/ Cj|ere{,qce j{ae{-jb-mdlohquae jb qce ahbbuwhjo gjebbhgheoq gdo keewqhmdqea dw9

    AHH H;

    ;qa! >9144 {


    qaL;ad|o L;auwf 18

    |ce{e >/144 = #4*1~([

    >;~ `o; p;whobp ab, qce ~d{dmeqe{qa hw

    qce a{hbq ~e{hja, doa Lad|o, Lauwf d{e qce Lbdgqj{w dq qce q|jkhbu{gdqhjo `hoew, rd{xhol keq|eeo >/4 doa 4>/

    V8>>] bj{mu d qj qce oed{-mdloeqj-~duwe {elhjo, bj{ e`egq{jo eoe{lhew dkjre 4> MeR, ho j{ae{jb mdlohquae/ ^hqgc dol`ew d{e d`wj d`qe{ea kx qce ~{jgeww, dqd {dqe qcdq hog{edwew {d~ha`x |hqc eoe{lx/ Jb gju{we, qchwmegcdohwm jo`x j~e{dqew jo ~d{qhg`ew |cjwe q{diegqj{hewgjme |hqcho 4; [e jb qce mdloeqj~duwe doa jo`x bj{

    ~d{qhg`ew |hqc etudqj{hd` ~hqgc dol`ew g`jwe eojulc qj ~*;qcdq qcex uoae{lj a{hbq-wce`` khbu{gdqhjo/

    V83] Qce wegjoa ebbegq, {e`dqea qj qce bh{wq, hw qce eme{-leoge jb d oe| qx~e jb q{d~~hol/ Q{dahqhjod``x, eoe{leqhg

    ~d{qhg`e q{diegqj{hew ho wqdqhg-mdloeqhg bhe`a gjobhlu{dqhjowcdre keeo ahrhaea hoqj qc{ee gdqelj{hew9 #4( wqdk`x q{d~~ea,|chgc {ebe{w qj a{hbq ~dqcw qcdq gh{g`e qce Ed{qc hobhohqe`xmdox qhmew6 #;( tudwh-q{d~~ea, |chgc {ebe{w qj ~d{qhg`ew qcdq

    kjuoge keq|eeo mh{{j{ ~jhoqw jo g`jwea bhe`a `hoew kuqg{jww qce mdloeqj~duwe |hqcjuq gjm~`eqhol joe gjm~`eqea{hbq d{juoa qce Ed{qc6 doa #7( uoq{d~~ea, |chgc {ebe{w qj

    ~d{qhg`ew qcdq mjre jo`x jo j~eo j{ hoqe{~`doeqd{x bhe`a`hoew/ Qce {doajm |d`f ho qce {dahd` gjj{ahodqe aue qj AWKhm~`hew qcdq d ~d{qhg`e |hqc mh{{j{ bhe`a Km 0 Kwukwj`d{ mdxa{hbq d{juoa qce Ed{qc joge #j{ mdox qhmew( kebj{e hqwwegjoa hord{hdoq kegjmew wubbhgheoq`x `d{le wj qcdq hq a{hbqwhoqj qce mdloeqj~duwe doa ~{ewumdk`x ewgd~ew/ \e ~{j-

    ~jwe {ebe{{hol qj qchw oe| g`dww jb ~d{qhg`ew dw meqdwqdk`xq{d~~ea/

    >] Whmu`dqhjow doa dod`xwhw wcj| qcdq ~d{qhg`ew |hqcchlc eoe{lhew doa |hqc `d{le etudqj{hd` ~hqgc dol`ew # det ?3>( d{e wq{jol`x dbbegqea kx qce rhj`dqhjo jb qce wegjoahord{hdoq/ Whmh`d{`x, wce``w qcdq khbu{gdqe dq qce ad|owhae j{auwfwhae ealew jb qce khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo d{e mj{e dbbegqeaqcdo qcjwe |chgc khbu{gdqe oed{ `jgd` ojjo/ \ceo |e `eq dweq jb ~d{qhg`ew |chgc cdre qce wdme eoe{lx doa jggu~x qcewdme a{hbq wce``, kuq ahbbe{ kx kjuoge ~cdwe, a{hbq dg{jwwqce khbu{gdqhjo `hoe, |e wee qcdq qcex d`` dgtuh{e ahbbe{eoqwegjoa hord{hdoq rd`uew/ Qcdq hw, qcex d{e wgdqqe{ea joqjoehlckj{hol a{hbq wce``w/

    V4>4] \e cdre ~{eweoqea do dod`xwhw jb qce mdlohquae jbqce wegjoa-hord{hdoq gcdole, |chgc gdo ke ah{egq`x d~~`heaqj dox mdloeqhg bhe`a mjae` qcdq hw wqdqhg doa ~jwwewwewoj{qc-wjuqc wxmmeq{x/ \e haeoqhbx q|j ~d{dmeqe{ {elhmew9Qce ahbbuwhre {elhme, |ce{e qce ~{ekhbu{gdqhjo rd`ue jb qcewegjoa hord{hdoq hw mugc `d{le{ qce mh{{j{ lx{j{dahuw jb qce

    ~d{qhg`ew mjqhjo/ Wugc gdwew d{e dod`xyea |hqc qce GEQbj{mu`d/ Ho qcdq {elhme, qce dre{dle gcdole jb qce wegjoahord{hdoq ho d kjuoge-~cdwe eowemk`e hw ye{j, kuq qce {jjqmedo wtud{e gcdole hw ojq ye{j/ \ceo qce eowemk`e hw

    ~{e~d{ea wj qcdq qce hohqhd` wegjoa hord{hdoq hw jb qce wdmej{ae{ dw, j{ `eww qcdo, qce mh{{j{ lx{j{dahuw, |e wee do jre{d``wchbq ho qce wegjoa hord{hdoq ho daahqhjo qj qce ahbbuwhre qe{m/Qchw hw gd``ea qce kd``hwqhg {elhme, |ce{e edgc ~d{qhg`e hw

    gdqd~u`qea joqj d whlohbhgdoq`x ahwqdoq a{hbq wce``/ Qchw gdwe~{eg`uaew qce uwe jb qce GEQ bj{mu`d, kuq qce ^dho`erebj{mu`d hw d~~`hgdk`e ce{e/ Qcewe q|j gdwew gjm~`emeoqedgc jqce{ qj ~{jrhae d gjm~`eqe ~hgqu{e jb qce AWK ebbegq/

    V4>;] Ju{ {ewu`qw d{e etud` x d~~`hgdk`e qj kjqc hjow doae`egq{jow, ~{jrhaea qcdq qce luhahol-geoqe{ d~~{jshmdqhjohw rd`ha/

    V4>7] Ju{ dod`xwhw hw kdwea jo ge{qdho whm~ hbhgdqhjow9gjowqdoq mdloeqhg bhe`a, ye{j e`egq{hg bhe`a, doa oj{qc-wjuqcwxmmeq{x/ Qcewe dwwum~qhjow gdo ke {e`dsea/ Ereo ho qce

    ~{eweoge jb e`egq{hg bhe`aw j{ qhme-rd{xhol mdloeqhg bhe`aw, hbqce gjoahqhjow d{e dahdkdqhg, |e gdo dwwume qcdq H hw d rd`hahord{hdoq bj{ d be| kjuogew d{juoa qce khbu{gdqhjo `hoe/Qceo, qce bj{mu`dw ho qchw d{qhg`e gdo wqh`` ke uwea qj {e`dqe

    wegjoa-hord{hdoq rd`uew iuwq kebj{e doa iuwq dbqe{ khbu{gd-qhjo/ \e gdo d`wj {e`ds qce wxmmeq{x {etuh{emeoq kx{e~`dghol qce {ebe{eogew qj qce etudqj{hd` ~`doe |hqc qcewu{bdge wdqhwbxhol aK*aw = >/ Cj|ere{, qce {ewu qw jbwe~d{dq{hs-g{jwwhol qcej{x kx Gd{x eq d`/ V4832] d{e mj{egjm~`hgdqea |ceo wugc wxmmeq{x `dgfw/

    V4>1] \ceo qce hoqe{~`doeqd{x mdloeqhg bhe`a cdw d wq{jolx-gjm~joeoq, wjme jb qcdq Kx `edfw hoqj qce mdloeqj-w~ce{e, {ewu`qhol ho d mdloeqjw~ce{hg gjobhlu{dqhjo |ce{eoehqce{ oj{qc-wjuqc oj{ ad|o-auwf wxmmeq{x eshwqw/ Wugcdo dwxmmeq{x mdx lhre {hwe qj d ahbbe{eoq AWK-dwwjghdqeamegcdohwm bj{ rhj`dqhol qce wegjoa hord{hdoq/ Wu~~jwe do


    47 jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    e`egq{jo |hqc wegjoa hord{hdoq H> & H4 doa mh{{j{ bhe`a Kmd{{hrew dq qce ad|owhae khbu{gdqhjo ~jhoq b{jm qce ad|o whae#Bhlu{e 4;, `ebq ahdl{dm( doa leqw q{d~~ea ho qce Wjuqce{oCemhw~ce{e |hqc hord{hdoq H4 #|e hloj{e qce bh{wq-j{ae{

    gj{{egqhjow ce{e(, qce e`egq{jo a{hbqw ~dwq ojjo gjowe{rholqce hord{hdoq doa d{{hrew dq qce auwfwhae khbu{gdqhjo ~jhoq#Bhlu{e 4; ahdl{dm(/ Dbqe{ ~dwwhol qcdq ~jhoq, hqw hord{hdoq|h`` ke H4 & H;, |chgc hw `eww qcdo hqw hohqhd` hord{hdoq, whoge

    H> ? H;/ Gjore{we`x, do e`egq{jo qcdq leqw q{d~~ea ho qceOj{qce{o Cemhw~ce{e dq qce ad|o whae |h`` cdre hqw wegjoahord{hdoq hog{edwea/

    V4>5] Qce gcdole hoaugea kx qchw dwxmmeq{x megcdohwmae~eoaw oehqce{ jo kjuoge ~cdwe #esge~q qj aeqe{mhoe jo|chgc whae qce ~d{qhg`e |h`` ke q{d~~ea(, oj{ jo qce eoe{lx jbqce ~d{qhg`e/ Dw wugc, hq hw jb ye{j j{ae{ ho qce lx{j{dahuw,|ch`e qce kjuoge-~cdwe-ae~eoaeoq gcdole |e horewqhldqeaqc{julcjuq qce ~{eweoq d{qhg`e hw d bh{wq-j{ae{ ebbegq/ Uoae{leoe{d` gjoahqhjow, qce dwxmmeq{hg ebbegq gdo ke dw whlohbh-

    gdoq dw qce kjuoge-~cdwe ebbegq |e gjowhae{ea ho qchw d{qhg`e/Bj{ ~d{qhg`ewqcdq uoae{lj AWK |hqc `j|e{ eoe{lhew, hq mdx keqce ajmhodoq dleoq bj{ qce gcdolew ho qce wegjoa hord{hdoq/\e `edre qce aeqdh`ea dod`xwhw jb qchw ebbegq qj d `dqe{ wquax/

    V4>2] Qce dhm jb qchw ~d~e{ cdw keeo qj es~jwe qce kdwhg~cxwhgw horj`rea ho qce rhj`dqhjo jb qce wegjoa hord{hdoqu~jo khbu{gdqhjo/ Qce |j{f |dw ajoe ~d{q`x kegduwe |e be`qhq mhlcq ke uwebu` ho buqu{e mjae`hol wquahew jb {dahdqhjo-

    ke`q ~cxwhgw/ Jb gju{we, a{hbq-wce`` khbu{gdqhjo ajew ojqjggu{ ho qce ced{q jb qce {dahdqhjo ke`qw, wj qce |j{f {e~j{qeace{e ajew ojq ah{egq`x hm~dgq g`dwwhgd` {dahdqhjo-ke`q-ahbbuwhjomjae`w/ Cj|ere{, foj|`eale jb q{dow~j{q qc{julc qce AWK{elhjo mdx ~{jre uwebu` ho qcej{eqhgd` wquax jb qce wju{gewjb {dahdqhjo-ke`q ~d{qhg`ew, whoge qce AWK {elhjo `hew ke-q|eeo qce {dahdqhjo ke`qw doa q|j jbqeo-meoqhjoea ~jwwhk`ewju{ge {elhjow9 qce ~`dwmd wceeq Ve/l/, Kdfe{ eq d`/, 4883]doa qce ~j`d{ guw~w VWce`ajo eq d`/, 4883]/ Bu{qce{mj{e,gd{ebu` qcej{eqhgd` q{edqmeoq jb qce q{d~~hol kjuoad{x doa`jww qc{julc qce mdloeqj~duwe {etuh{ew q{edqmeoq jb q{dow-

    ~j{q ho qce AWK {elhjo/

    D~~eoahs D9 Ewqhmdqew jb [dahd` doa ^hqgc-Dol`eAhbbuwhjo Gjebbhgheoqw

    V4>3] Qj ewqhmdqe qce {dahd ahbbuwhjo qcdq gj{{ew~joaw qj

    AHH, gjowhae{ ~d{qhg`ew mh{{j{hol oed{ qce etudqj{, |ce{e qcemdloeqhg bhe`a hw d mhohmum doa |e d~~{jshmdqe K#w( dw dQdx`j{ we{hew ho w u~ qj wegjoa j{ae{/ Qchw lhrew

    H % ~w;m





    |ce{e wm hw qce ahwqdoge b{jm qce etudqj{ qj qce mh{{j{~jhoq, K> hw qce etudqj{hd` mdloeqhg bhe`a, doa K

    >> hw qcewegjoa ae{hrdqhre jb K |hqc {ew~egq qj ahwqdoge d`jol qcebhe`a `hoe, erd`udqea dq qce etudqj{/ Ho j{ae{ qj ewqhmdqeqce {e`erdoq tudoqhqhew, |e |h` dwwume qcdq qce {ed`hwqhgrd`uew |h`` ke ho qce wdme j{ae{ jb mdlohquae dw qce ah~j`d{rd`uew/ \d`q V4881] ~{jrhaew es~{ewwhjow bj{ bhe`a `hoew doa

    K#w( uoae{ d ah~j`e bhe`a/ Ho d ah~j`e, |e cdre9

    K>> 8K>@;[;e


    wj qcdq

    w;m ;@;[;e

    8K>Km K> D7

    Gjmkhohol qcewe qc{ee etudqhjow doa uwhol qce ah~j`e

    bj{mu`d bj{ K> lhrew9

    H % ~@[e7

    ;~ Km@


    Ke 4


    |ce{e Ke hw qce bhe`a wq{eolqc dq qce Ed{qcw etudqj{/Ahbbe{eoqhdqhol |hqc {ew~egq qj @, |ch e cj`ahol Km #doaqcuw eoe{lx( gjowqdoq, lhrew9




    % ~[e;

    ~ 17


    Ke@7 4



    Bhlu{e 4;/ Wgcemdqhg rhe| jb AWK uoae{ dwxmmeq{hg gjoahqhjow/ Do e`egq{jo |hqc hohqhd` wegjoahord{hdoqH> & H4 uoae{ljew khbu{gdqhjo dq qce ad|o whae #`ebq( doa `edrew qce khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo `dqe{ |hqc dahbbe{eoq hord{hdoq H4 & H;/ Ojqe qcdq qce gcdole ho qce hord{hdoq hw jb ye{jqc j{ae{, ojq weowhqhre`xae~eoahol jo qce kjuoge ~cdwe j{ jo qce eoe{lx jb qce ~d{qhg`e/


    41 jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    Ce{e Km@7 * Ke = Km *K> % 4 kegduwe |e dwwumea qcdq qce

    ~d{qhg`e hw mh{{j{hol oed{ qce etudqj{hd` ~`doe/ Qceo, qce

    {hlcq-cdoa whae {eaugew qj ~[e*


    doa |e cdre

    A@ %


    ~[eAH D2

    |chgc, ho qu{o, lhrew qce bj` j|hol d~~{jshmdqe {e`dqhjokeq|eeo ahbbuwhjo gjebbhgheoqw9

    A@@ % ;~;[;e

    AHH D9>1< [;e





    9>>78 adx4\7MeR



    K{duqhldm doa D`ke{q V;>>>] lhre qce bj``j|hol em~h{hgd`bj{mu`d bj{ mdloeqhg ahbbuwhjo jb e`egq{jow9


    K"D 4>>9295>2F~ @



    Jb gju{we, qce K{duqhldm-D`ke{q bj{mu d |dw ojq {ed``xhoqeoaea bj{ uwe oed{ qce mdloeqj~duwe, kuq hb |eojoeqce`eww uwe hq dq @ % 4>, |e gjog`uae qcdq a{hbq-wce``

    khbu{gdqhjo ebbegqw kegjme gjm~eqhqhre |hqc mdloeqhg-b`ugqudqhjo-hoaugea {dahd ahbbuwhjo bj{ \ ? 4> MeR, bj{d qx~hgd` AWK e`egq{jo #L ! 4(/ Bu{qce{mj{e, hq hw g`ed{b{jm Bhlu{ew 3, 8, doa 4> qcdq e`egq{jow |hqc {e`dqhre`x wmd``

    Km mdx dgtuh{e L ! 4> doa qcuw es~e{heoge whlohbhgdoq`xwq{jole{ ahbbuwhjo/ Hb |e d~~`x etudqhjo #18( qj ojo{e`dqh-rhwqhg hjow, |e jkqdho d mugc chlce{ ewqhmdqe bj{ qceahbbuwhjo {dqe9

    AAWK6O[@@ ! 4192 adx4




    8] Bj{mu`dw #D8( doa #D4;( gdo ~{jrhae jo`x re{x{julc ewqhmdqew doa wcju`a ke d~~`hea |hqc gduqhjo/ Hqwcju`a, jb gju{we, ke kj{oe ho mhoa qcdq a{hbq-wce`` khbu{gd-qhjo jo`x jggu{w bj{ ~d{qhg`ew |cjwe a{hbq j{khqw qdfe qcem|hqcho 4; [e jb qce mdloeqj~duwe, wj hq ajew ojq q{dow~j{q

    ~d{qhg`ew qc{julc qce hooe{ mdloeqjw~ce{e/ D`wj, d ~d{qhg`eqcdq a{hbqw hoqj qce khbu{gdqhjo {elhjo |hqc esq{eme`x wmd`` H#jb qce j{ae{ jb qce lx{j{dahuw( qx~hgd `x cdw hqw H rd`ue

    hog{edwea whlohbhgdoq`x dq qce bh{wq khbu{gdqhjo ~jhoq, |chgc{eaugew qce rd`ue jb L bj{ `dqe{ eogjuoqe{w |hqc khbu{gdqhjo

    ~jhoqw/ Qj leq d keqqe{ haed jb qce jre{d`` ebbegqhreoeww jbAWK-dwwjghdqea q{dow~j{q, hq |h`` ke oegewwd{x qj ~e{bj{mqewq-~d{qhg`e gd`gu`dqhjow jb `d{le oumke{w jb ~d{qhg`ew ho{ed`hwqhg mdloeqhg bhe`aw uoae{ rd{hjuw gjoahqhjow/

    D;/ ^hqgc Dol`e Ahbbuwhjo

    V44>] Gjowe{rdqhjo jb qce bh{wq hord{hdoq hm~`hew qcdq

    who; d

    K 4


    @eq x

    ~ * ;

    d doa dwwume qcdq pxp

    #4, |chgc qx~hgd``x

    cj`aw bj{ AWK q{diegqj{hew/ [e~`dghol who;d kx 4 x;lhrew9

    x;> %K>>w;m


    |ce{e qce wukwg{h~q > hoahgdqew do etudqj{hd` rd`ue/Wukwqhquqhol etudqhjo #D41( hoqj etudqhjo #D4( lhrew

    x;> %;




    4=;H D45

    Dwwumhol qcdq qce gcdole AHhw wmd`` gjm~d{ea qj H, |e leq

    Ax> ;%4




    4=; AH;H


    Wj qcdq qce ~hqgc dol`e wgdqqe{hol gjebbhgheoq hw {e`dqea qj AHHkx

    Ax>x> Ad> d> Ax>;





    Bhod``x, uwhol etudqhjow #D;( doa #D45( lhrew qce {e`dqhjokeq|eeo AHH doa qce ~hqgc dol`e ahbbuwhjo gjebbhgheoq9

    Ad>d> !8



    ~; d>; D48

    >943< {;mL;ad|o L;auwf


    ; d>;qaD;>

    |ce{e |e uwea etudqhjo #18( qj ae{hre qce `dwq {e`dqhjowch~/


    45 jb 42


  • 8/3/2019 Bifurcation of drift shells near the dayside magnetopause


    V444] Etudqhjo #D48(, |chgc hoahgdqew re{x `d{le rd`uewbj{ qce ahbbuwhjo gjebbhgheoq bj{ d> oed{ ~*;, |dw kdwea joqce ~e{qu{kdqhjo dod`xwhw ~{eweoqea ho wegqhjo 1/ Hq hw hord`ha|ceo qce gcdole ho ~hqgc dol`e hw l{edqe{ qcdo j{ gjm~d-{dk`e qj ~* ; d>/ Aebhoe d g{hqhgd` rd`ue jbx> = ~* ; d>wugc qcdq A

    d>d>! x>,g{hq; * ;qa, |chgc hm~`hew qcdq9

    x>6g{hq ; >9439>7; \4=;MeR@


    L;ad|o L;auwf 4=1 D;;

    |ce{e qce `dwq etud`hqx d~~`hew qj u`q{d-{e`dqhrhwqhg e`egq{jowjo`x/ Qceo etudqhjo #D48( gdo ke {e|{hqqeo dw9

    Ad>d> !



    ; D;7

    ! >9>35 adx4\;MeR @4> 7 L;ad|o L;auwftx>x>6g{hq; D;1

    Etudqhjo #D;7( hw rd`ha bj{x> l{edqe{ qcdo dkjuqx>,g{hq/ Qcewegjoa etud`hqx Vetudqhjo #D;1(] d~~`hew qj u`q{d{e`dqhrhwqhge`egq{jow jo`x/

    V44;] Qce duqcj{w d{e ojq d|d{e jb aeqdh`ea q{edqmeoqw jbjqce{ ~hqgc dol`e wgdqqe{hol megcdohwmw bj{ {e`dqhrhwqhge`egq{jow oed{ qce mdloeqj~duwe, kuq mugc |j{f cdw keeoajoe jo ~hqgc dol`e wgdqqe{hol {dqew bj{ qce ced{q jb qce juqe{{dahdqhjo ke q dq @ ! 1 5, |ce{e |chwq`e{ mjae gcj{uw|drew d{e ke`herea qj ~`dx do hm~j{qdoq {j`e/ Bhlu{e 4 jbL`due{q doa Cj{oe V;>>5] wcj|w A

    d>d>rd`uew jb 8

    47> adx4 bj{ 4 MeR e`egq{jow |hqc d

    %~ * ; do a

    @ = 1/5, |ch`e Bhlu{e 4 jbWumme{w V;>>5] wcj|w rd`uew jb;2> adx4 doa 8 adx4 bj{ 4 MeR doa 7 MeR, {ew~egqhre`x/Qcuw qce ~hqgc dol`e wgdqqe{hol dwwjghdqea |hqc a{hbq-wce``

    khbu{gdqhjo, bj{ e`egq{jow |hqc d be| mh``hjo e`egq{jo rj`qwjb eoe{lx, weemw qj ke dq `edwq q|j j{ae{w jb mdlohquaew`j|e{ qcdo qce {dqe ewqhmdqea bj{ |chwq e{ mjae gcj{uw|drew ho qce ced{q jb qce juqe{ {dahdqhjo ke`qw/

    V447] Dgfoj|`ealmeoqw/ Qce duqcj{w d{e l{dqebu` qj Weqc J{`jbb bj{~jhoqhol juq qce rhj `dqhjo jb dahdkdqhghqx ho whmu`dqea ~d{qhg`e j{khqw, doa qjDoqcjox Gcdo, Wqe~ceo Odec{, doa Mhfe Wgcu`y bj{ mdox rd`udk eahwguwwhjow/ Qchw |j{f |dw wu~~j{qea kx qce ODWD l{doq ODL5-8>375>, doa kx ODWD Wuo-Ed{qc-Gjo-oegqhjow Qcej{x l{doqw ODL5-44334 doa OOL>5LC87L/

    V441] Dmhqdrd Kcdqqdgcd{iee qcdofw Idx D`ke{q doa Md{x F/ Cuawjo bj{

    qceh{ dwwhwqdoge ho erd`udqhol qchw ~d~e{/

    [ebe{eogewD`ke{q, I/ M/ #4887(, Gxg`jq{jo {ewjodoge ho do hocjmjleoejuw mdloeqhg

    bhe`a, ^cxw/ B`uhaw, K#5(, ;>7(, Ebbegqw ho qce

    {dahdqhjo ke`qw a{hreo kx qce wegjoa dahdkdqhg hord{hdoq rhj`dqhjo ho qce~{eweoge jb chlc-`dqhquae bhe`a mhohmumw ho qce adxwhae guw~w, Lejmdlo/De{jo/, 17#4(, 42 #Eol`hwc q{dow`dqhjo(/

    Kdfe{, A/ O/, S/ @h, I/ K/ K`dfe, doa W/ Fdoefd` #4883(, Wq{jol e`egq{jodgge`e{dqhjo ho qce Ed{qcw mdloeqjw~ce{e, Dar/ W~dge [ew/, ;4#1(, 2>8 247/

    Kdyydoh, D/ #4888(, Dahdkdqhg hord{hdoge bj{ ~eoau`um- hfe wxwqemw,H` Oujrj Ghmeoqj, 44; D#5(, 17>>(, [dahd` ahbbuwhjo dod`xwhw jbjuqe{ {dahdqhjo ke`q e`egq{jow au{hol qce Jgqjke{ 8, 488>, mdloeqhg wqj{m,

    I/ Lej~cxw/ [ew/, 4>5#D4(, ;84 7>8/Kugcoe{, I/, doa @/ M/ Ye`eoxh #4838(, [elu`d{ doa gcdjqhg gcd{lea

    ~d{qhg`e mjqhjo ho mdloeqjqdh ``hfe bhe`a {ere{wd`w9 4/ Kdwhg qcej{x jbq{d~~ea mjqhjo, I/ Lej~cxw/ [ew/, 81#D8(, 44,3;444,31;/

    Ku`dojr, W/ R/, doa O/ M/ Odumjrd #4882(, Gcdole jb dahdkdqhg hord{hdoqoed{ qce we~d{dq{hs, ^cxw/ Wg{/, Q27, 48> 482/

    Gd{x, I/ [/, doa [/ Q/ Wfjaie #4838(, ^cdwe gcdole keq|eeo we~d{dq{hsg{jwwholw, ^cxwhgd A, 72, ;3>>(, Dahdkdqhg hord{hdoge doa

    we~d{dq{hs9 Whol`e we~d{dq{hs g{jwwhol, I/ Es~/ Qcej{/ ^cxw/, 8>#7(, 52;528/

    G`d{fwjo, ^/ D/ #;>>7(, ^dho`ere etudqhjowOjo`hoed{ w~eghd` buogqhjow,I/ Gjm~uq/ D~~`/ Mdqc/, 457, 4;/

    Ae`gju{q, A/ G/, doa I/-D/ Wdurdua #4883(, [egh{gu`dqhjo jb ~`dwmd wceeq~d{qhg ew hoqj qce chlc-`dqhquae kjuoad{x `dxe{, I/ Lej~cxw/ [ew/, 4>7#D44(,;2,5;4;2,57;/

    Ae`gju{q, A/ G/, doa I/-D/ Wdurdua #4888(, ^j~u`dqhol jb qce guw~ doakjuoad{x `dxe{w kx eoe{leqhg #cuoa{eaw jb feR( etudqj{h d` ~d{qhg`ew,I/ Lej~cxw/ [ew/, 4>1#D4>(, ;;,275;;,213/

    L`due{q, W/ D/, doa [/ K/ Cj{oe #;>>5(, Gd`gu`dqhjo jb ~hqgc dol`e doaeoe{lx ahbbuwhjo gjebbhgheoqw |hqc qce ^DAHE gjae, I/ Lej~cxw/ [ew/,44>, D>1;>2, ajh94>/4>;8*;>>1ID>4>354/

    Ceo{d{a, I/ #4887(, Qce dahdkdqhg hord{hdoq ho g`dwwhgd` megcdohgw, hoAxodmhgw [e~j{qea #Oe| We{hew(9 Es~jwhqhjow ho axodmhgd wxwqemw,eahqea kx G/F/ [/ Q/ Ijoew, U/ Fh{gcl{dke{ doa C/-J/ \d`qce{, ~~/ 44< #Eol`hwc q{dow`dqhjo(/Meda, L/ A/ #4821(, Aebj{mdqhjo jb qce lejmdloeqhg bhe`a kx qce wj`d{

    |hoa, I/ Lej~cxw/ [ew/, 28#(, Wqdkh`hqx jb dahdkdqhg mjqhjo jb

    gcd{lea ~d{qhg`ew ho qce Ed{qcw bhe`a, ^cxw/ [er/, 445(, Tudwh-`hoed{ ahbbuwhjo gjebbhgheoqw bj{ bhe`a-d`hloeae`egq{jmdloeqhg |drew |hqc d~~`hgdqhjow qj qce mdloeqjw~ce{e, I/ Lej~cxw/

    [ew/, 44>, D>3;47, ajh94>/4>;8*;>>5ID>44458/Qwxldoeofj, O/ D/ #4838(, D mdloeqjw~ce{hg bhe`a mjae` |hqc d |d{~ea

    qdh` gu{{eoq wceeq, ^`doeq/ W~dge Wgh/, 7/Rdhowcqeho, A/ @/, @/ M/ Ye`eoxh, D/ H/ Oehwcqdaq, doa K/ R/ Wdreofjr

    #4888(, Ium~w ho do dahdkdqhg hord{hdoq |hqc wmd`` hohqhd rd`uew, ^`dwmd^cxw/ [e~/, ;5#1(, ;887>7 #Eol`hwc q{dow`dqhjo(/

    \d`q, M/ #4881(, Hoq{jaugqhjo qj Lejmdloeqhgd``x Q{d~~ea [dahdqhjo/Gdmk{hale Uohr/ ^{eww, Oe| Xj{f/

    Xjuol, W/ @/, [/ E/ Aeoqjo, K/ I/ Doae{wjo, doa M/ F/ Cuawjo #;>>;(,Em~h{hgd` mjae` bj{ m-wgdqqe{hol gduwea kx bhe`a `hoe gu{rdqu{e ho d{ed`hwqhg mdloeqjw~ce{e, I/ Lej~cxw/ [ew/, 4>28, ajh94>/4>;8*;>>>ID>>>;81/

    M/ F/ J yqu{f, Ae~d{qmeoq jb Hobj{mdqhjo Qegcoj`jlhew, Hwf Uohre{whqx,

    Fumkdkd Merfhh, H9

    wqdoku`, Qu{fex/ #mfjyqu{fNhwhfuo/eau/q{([/ D/ \j`b, Ae~d{qmeoq jb ^cxwhgw doa Dwq{jojmx, [hge Uohre{whqx, MW

    4>3, 24>> Mdho Wq/, Cjuwqjo, QS 5, UWD/ #{d|j`bN{hge/eau(


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