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1. Diagram 1 shows an organelle.

Diagram 1

Which of  the following cell  possess the organelle in Diagram 1?

A. Guard cell

B. Muscle cell

C. Epidermal cell

D. Cheek   cell

2. Diagram 2 shows a unicellular  organism.

Diagram 2Which of  the following  process facilitates the movement of  water  into the cell?

A. Osmosis

B. Active Transport

C. Simple Diffusion

D. Facillitated Diffusion

3. Diagram 3 shows  part of  a  plasma membrane.

Diagram 3

What are the  parts labeled I and II?


A Hydrophilic head Hydrophobic tail

B Hydrophobic head Hydrophilic tail

C Polar head Polar tail

D  Non-polar head Non-polar tail

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4. Which of the following best describes a semi-permeable membrane?

A. It allows only water molecules to pass through it.

B. It allows water soluble molecules to pass through it.

C. It allows only certain molecules to pass through it.

D. It only allows certain molecules to pass through into the cell but not out of it.

5. Diagram 5 shows the condition of  a  plant cell after   being immersed in 10% sucrose solut

ion for 30 minutes.

Before After 

Diagram 5

What happened to the plant cell after 30 minutes?

A. Crenated

B. Plasmolysed

C. Hemolysed

D. Deplasmolysed

6. Which of the following enzyme is synthesised in pancrease?

A. Sucrase

B. Pepsin

C. Amylase

D. Rennin

7. Which of the following cell does not carry out mitosis?

A. Skin cells

B. Hair cells

C. Finger nail cells

D. Red blood cells

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8. The following statement refers to a process in digestion.

A process of utilization of digested nutrient to form complex compounds.


What is the process?

A. Assimilation

B. Absorption

C. Deamination

D. Defaecation

9. Diagram 6 shows the effects of   pH on the rate of  reaction of  enzyme Y in human alime

ntary canal.

Rate of reacion of enzyme Y

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 pH

What is enzyme Y?

A. Rennin

B.  Trypsin

C. Amylase

D. Lipase

10. The diagram shows the synthesis of an enzyme in a cell.


Plasma membrane



What will happen if organelle T is not present?

A. Energy cannot be generated

B. Enzyme cannot be synthesized

C. Proteins synthesized cannot be modified

D. Proteins synthesized cannot be transported

11. Which of the following structure is a product of meiosis?

A. Ovary

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B. Stamen

C. Anther 

D. Pollen grains

12. Diagram shows stages P, Q and R in meiosis.

What happens in stage Q?

A. Homologous chromosomes move toward the opposite pole.

B. Chromosomes becomes condensed and thickened.

C. Crossing over occur in homologous chromosomes pair.

D. Chromosomes align at the equatorial plane of the cell.

13. Diagram shows a ruminant digestive system.

Which of the part P, Q, R and S is the true stomach of the ruminant?

P R 


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A. P

B. Q

C. R 

D. S

14. Diagram 11 shows an aquatic plant Hydrilla sp carrying out photosynthesis.

 Hydrilla sp Gas bubble

What is the gas?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Hydrogen

C. Oxygen

D. Nitrogen

15. In the intestine , lactose is hydrolysed by lactase.The following shows the equation of the



Lactose + water --------- N + P

What are N and P?

 N P

A Glucose Glucose

B Glucose Fructose

C Glucose Galactose

D Glucose Maltose

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16. Three different tests were carried out on a food sample. The results are shown in Table.

What does the food sample contain?

A. Protein, reducing sugar 

B. Protein, starch

C. Reducing sugar, starch

D. Starch, lipid

17. Diagram shows a  part of  human respiratory structures.


What is the function of X?

A. To produce mucus

B. To filter bacteria in the air 

C. To increase surface area

D. To prevent the trachea from collapsing

Food test Results

Biuret test Solution changes from blue to purple colour 

Benedict’s test The solution remains blue, no changes occur 

Iodine test Solution changes from yellow brown to blue black.

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18. Which of the following are the products of aerobic and anaerobic respiration in muscle


Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration

A Ethanol Carbon dioxide and water 

B Carbon dioxide and water EthanolC Lactic acid Carbon dioxide and water 

D Carbon dioxide and water Lactic acid

19. Which of the following enables the gaseous exchange in plants?

A. Nostrils

B. Spiracle

C. Lenticels

D. Hydatode

20. Diagram 18 shows an energy flow in a food chain.

90% energy loss 90% energy loss 90% energy loss

8000kJ P Q R  

Producer primary consumer secondary consumer tertiary consumer 

Calculate the sum pf energy received by organism Q.

A. 800kJ

B. 80kJ

C. 88kJ

D. 8kJ

21. Diagram 11 shows a graph of the changes in the population of owl and rat in acommunity.



 Number of animals

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What is the type of interaction is shown by the graph?

A. Commensal-host relationship

B. Parasite-host relationship

C. Prey- predator- relationshipD. Epiphyte-epizoit relationship

22. Which of the following is the main cause of the acid rain?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Sulphur dioxide

C. Carbon monoxideD. Chloroflourocarbon

23. Which of the following substances causes prothrombin to change to thrombin?

A. Vitamin K 

B. Thrombin

C. Calcium ion

D. Thrombokinase

24. Which type of immunity is obtained by injecting antiserum into the body?

A. Artificially acquired passive immunity

B. Naturally acquired passive immunity

C. Artificially acquired active immunity

D. Naturally acquired active immunity

25. Diagram shows a human lumbar  vertebrae.

What is the function of  X and Y?

A. Protection for  spinal cord

B. Surfaces for  muscle attachment

C. Surfaces for  vertebral  joints

D. Surfaces for  rib articulation

26. The following statement is about a method of contraception in females.

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• A plastic-coated copper coil

• Can be left in the uterus for months

• Prevents implantation of the embryo in the uterine wall

What is the method used?

A. Spermicide

B. Diaphragm

C. Intrauterine Device (IUD)

D. Female condom

27. The following statement is about the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle.

• Hormone J  –  Stimulates the anterior   pituitary to secrete LH and FSH

• Hormone K   –  At low level, causes the  breakdown of  endometrium wall and


What are hormones J and K?

J K 

A. Oestrogen Progesterone

B. Progesterone Oestrogen

C. Progesterone Gonadotrophine releasing hormone

D. Gonadotrophine Progesterone

Releasing hormone

28. Mendel’s First Law of Inheritance is also known as Law of Segregation.

Based on the statement, which stage of  cell division is involved in the segregation of 


A. Prophase I

B. Metaphase I

C. Anaphase ID. Telophase I

29. A medical check up shows a patient’s panceas has damaged and has to be removed.

Which of the following should be done by the patient to maintain a normal blood

sugar level?

A. Taking glucose injections

B. Taking a  balanced diet

C. Taking insulin and glucagon injections

D. Reduce intake of  high calory food

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30. The genotype of a pea plant is RRYy.

Which of  the following is the  possible gamete  produced  by this  pea  plant?

A. rY

B. Yy


D. RR  

31. A man with blood group AB married a wife with blood group O.What is the percentage of possibility for the couples to have a child with blood group


A. 0%

B. 25%

C. 50%

D. 100%

32. Diagram shows an elbow joint. Which of the parts labelled A,B,C and D is a tough and

elastic tissue?

33. Diagram shows a leukocyte carrying process X.



What is process X?

A. Haemolysis

B. Neutralisation

C. Agglutination

D. Phagocytosis

34. A student wants to estimate the size of the population of rats in a paddy field. He installs

traps evenly in the paddy field and successfully captures 40 rats. The rats are marked with a

dot of cellulose paint and then released. Three days later, he installs the traps again. This

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time a total of 20 rats were captured. 10 of them have cellulose markings. What is the

estimated population size of rats in the paddy field?

A. 80

B. 60

C. 40

D. 20

35. The diagram shows a stomata.

Guard cell


Which of the following factors will cause the stomata to open wider?

I The starch content increases.

II Water diffuses into the guard cells.

III The osmotic pressure of the guard cell increases.

IV There is no light.

A. II and III

B. II and IV

C. III and IV

D. I, II, III and IV

36. Which of the parameters cannot be detected by the receptors in the body?

A. Blood pressure

B. Body temperature

C. Partial pressures of carbon dioxide and oxygen

D. Blood amino acid level

37. The diagram shows the stages in development of a follicle in an ovary.


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What is the hormone secreted by W?

A. Oestrogen

B. Progesterone

C. Luteinising hormoneD. Follicle stimulating hormone

38. Which of the following is the characteristic of plants that undergo secondary growth?

I The stem is big and thick.

II The stem is woody.

III The growth rings are not clear.

IV Cork is present in the stem.

A. I and II

B. III and IV

C. I, II and IV


39. Which of the following is the similarity between the nervous system and the endocrine


A. Both work at the same speed.

B. Both coordinate responses towards stimuli.

C. Both use blood as the medium of transmission.

D. Both send signals to one specific effector.

40. Diagram shows a chromosomal mutation.






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Which of the following is the type of change in the chromosomal structure that causes the


A. Deletion

B. Duplication

C. Inversion

D. Translocation

41. Which of the following statement about continuous variation is not true?

A. It has intermediate characters

B. The characters can be measured

C. It is not affected by the environment

D. It is controlled by a large number of genes

42. A person with Down’s syndrome is born with 47 chromosomes in each of his / her cells,

instead of 46 chromosomes.

Which of the following can cause this?

A. Chromosomal mutation happened during the production of the egg cell or sperm.

B. More than one sperm fused with one egg during fertilisation.

C. Radiation caused a change in the structure of the sperm.

D. The mother was exposed to harmful chemicals during pregnancy.

43. Diagram shows the regulation of body temperature in humans.

X and Y are corrective of mechanism that happens to the arterioles. What are X and Y?


A Vasodilation Vasoconstriction

B Vasodilation Vasodilation

C Vasoconstriction Vasoconstriction

D Vasodilation Vasoconstriction

44. Blood group in human is determined by three alleles IA, IB and IO.

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Which of the following are possible genotype for a person having a blood group B?





A. I and IIB. II and III

C. I and IV

D. III and IV

45. Diagram shows part of human brain. A person injured his head and experienced breathing

difficulties after an accident. Which part of brain is injured?




46. Diagram shows how new genetic combination is formed which contributes to variation.

 New genetic combination

Which of the process causes the new combination as in the diagram?

A. Gene mutation

B. Crossing over C. Independent assortment

D. Random fertilisation

47. What is the main cause of eutrophication?

A. Burning of fossil fuels

B. Leaching of excess fertilizer 

C. Thinning of ozone layer 

D. Greenhouse effect

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48. Diagram shows muscles in the hind leg of a grasshopper.


What happen when the structure J is broken? L

I K cannot be pulled towards the body. K 

II K cannot propel the grasshopper forward and upward into the air.

III L cannot contract and causes K cannot be folded into Z shape.IV K cannot be straightened.

A. I and II

B. II and III

C. II and IV

D. III and IV

49. Diagram shows the female reproductive system.

What is the effect of cutting and tying up the part labelled Z?

A. Sperm cannot enter the uterus

B. Fertilisation does not occur 

C. The ovum is not produced

D. Ovulation does not occur 

50. In pea plants, the allele for all plant is dominant over the allele for dwarf plant. Two

heterozygous plants are cross-bred. What is the chance of the offspring being tall plants?

A. 25%

B. 50%

C. 75%

D. 100%


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