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Page 1: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados enHoloturias del Caribe

Dr. Eddie N. LaboyCatedrático Asociado

Universidad del Turabo



Agosto de 2005

Page 2: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

Study area showing the sampling stations

~ 100,000 acres tropical embayment, system of enclosed lagoons, fluctuating salinity, rare extreme water

temperatures, coral reefs, seagrass beds, mangrove forests. Average of 1,000 boats visiting the system every weekend. The Park is surrounded by an oil refinery, a strip mine, two dumping sites, and very low income rural and high class settlements, none of them with a system for

the treatment of raw sewage.

Page 3: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.
Page 4: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.
Page 5: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

Isostichopus badionotusHolothuria mexicana

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•38 shallow (depth < 4.0 m) stations were randomly established, of which 28 where inhabited by holothurians•Sampling of upper fraction of sediments with PVC-stopered cylinders, collection in sealed bags, further homogenization, drying and chemical treatment for acid digestion•Hand-capture of specimens and classification in two size categories as for Cutress (1996)•Immediate evisceration: occurred after submerging specimens in very warm (~ 36 ºC) water •Digestive tracks were collected in sterile plastic bags and frozen•In the lab, visceral samples were cleaned with deionized water and HCl (10%) to remove sediments and mucous layers•Drying and further grinding of visceral tissue•Chemical digestion (Moore et al., 1993)•Analysis with Varian AA-20 Spectrophotometer

Page 7: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.
Page 8: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

Why this study was conducted ?

My dissertation was .. The Pepipo War … Aphrodiciacs … Harvesting in

Venezuela denied … Zn and gametogenesis Sediments as

sinkholes Bioaccumulation

Page 9: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

Results: There was no significant difference in the trace elements

concentration in substrates inhabited by holothurians

Page 10: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

* Large specimens of both species exhibited significantlyhigher metal concentrations than smaller individuals, except for Zinc in small individuals of I. badionotus

The enrichment ratio (the metal concentration intissues relative to the metal loads in sediments) for Cu, Ni, Pb,& Zn was significant in large individuals from both species.

• The mean concentration for all metals was higher inI. badionotus, but it was not significant (Sign Test : P = 0.031)

• Although Iron (Fe) is plentiful in sediments, non of thespecies ingest it.

Page 11: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

What do these graphs suggest ?

Page 12: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

Cooper (Cu)

Page 13: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

What do these graphs suggest about selective feeding?

Iron (Fe)

Page 14: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

What do these graphs suggest about bioaccumulation?

Lead (Pb)

Page 15: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

Manganese (Mn)

Page 16: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

Nickel (Ni)

Page 17: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

What do these graphs suggest about aphrodisiacs?

Page 18: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

Conclusions from this Research in Venezuela

1. Large individuals of both species have a potential to be biomonitors, due to their ability to accumulate Cu, Ni, Pb & Zn.

2. The difference in biocumulation level could be a consequence of interspecific dissimilarities, given

the fact that there are differences in the amount of sediments ingested3. The bioccumulation of trace elements suggests a potential hazard on public health. Smaller size

specimens (the preferred by consumers) are not guarantee of lack of metals.4. The high concentration of trace elements in the

sediments of Morrocoy indicates an above standard input of such metals, thus the park is polluted.5. More studies are needed to determine desintoxicationmechanisms and size-related bioaccumulation differences.

Page 19: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

Why these results are relevant ?

Sea cucumbers are bioaccumulators, thus they can be used as bioindicators.

Sea cucumbers are been harvested in the Caribbean, thus they could be a toxic vector for local consumers.

New research is needed to form a data bank for other sedimentivorous species.

Page 20: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.

The findings from research were published in 2001 in the internationally recognized journal Hydrobiologia

Cited as Laboy-Nieves, E. N. & J. E. Conde.

Heavy metals in eviscerated tissues of two shallow water deposit feeding holothurians.

Volume 459 (1-3), Pages 19-26

Page 21: Bioacumulación de Metales Pesados en Holoturias del Caribe Dr. Eddie N. Laboy Catedrático Asociado Universidad del Turabo PUERTO RICO CIEMADeS Agosto.


•A la UIPR y al IVIC por subvencionar esta investigación•A los investigadores Elvira Cuevas, R. Miragaya ( Ұ), H. Díaz, G. Cuenca y J. Paolini por el apoyo logístico.•A mi hijo Eddie Noel por ser un paciente asistente de campo.

… y a ustedes por ser una magnífica audiencia.

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