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Biobritte Agro Solutions Private Limited


Biobritte Agro Solutions (India) Private Limited


Growing Products


About us

Biobritte Agro Solutions Private Limited is registered in June 2018 however, was

founded in 2017 (Formerly Known as Kolhapur Mushrooms) as small business by Mr.

Parimal Ramesh Udgave. In first stage, we opened small spawn lab and cultivation

training center which acted as support center for local mushroom growers and

entrepreneurs. In 2018, we extended our mushroom spawn lab to big level.

Our current mushroom spawn or seed manufacturing capacity is approx. 25-30

tons/month. We send our spawn all over India. Besides that, we supply spawn to

various countries in South East Asia, Middle East, Europe, Africa and American


Our Main Business is Mushroom spawn selling (Master spawn, Commercial spawn

and pure cultures), Ready to fruit Blocks Selling, Dry Mushroom Selling (Whole,

Powder), Mushroom Food Products (Processed).

We have large collection of mushroom strains. You can choose our strain using

following list.


Mushroom spawn is simply any substance that has been inoculated with mycelium, the vegetative

growth of a fungus. Mycelium, a thread-like collection of cells, is to a mushroom like an apple tree is

to an apple. You need to have one as the base for producing the other.

The spawn is used to transfer mycelium onto any material from which mushrooms will grow, called a

substrate. There are many different kinds of substrates, with straw, cardboard, logs, and wood chips

just being a few examples.

Types of Mushroom Spawn:

1. Grain Spawn

Grain spawn is sterilized grain that has been inoculated with spores or a sterile culture of mycelium.

Many types of grain can be used with rye and millet being some of the most common. Other choices

are corn, wheat, and different cereal grains. I've even had good luck with popcorn!



Grain spawn can be used to create sawdust spawn, more grain spawn, or inoculate all sorts of

pasteurized substrates such as straw.

A big advantage of using grain is that it's much more nutritious than sawdust, making it ideal to create

more spawn or to inoculate indoor substrates.


A disadvantage is that it's not as good a choice for inoculating outdoor beds. The yummy grains are a

big target for birds and rodents.

2. Sawdust Spawn

Sawdust Spawn is sterilized sawdust that has been inoculated with mycelium, often by grain spawn.

The sawdust is usually made out of some type of hardwood with pieces neither too large nor too fine

(a few mm in diameter).

Sawdust spawn can be used to inoculate logs, outdoor mushroom beds, pasteurized straw,

cardboard, and a variety of other substrates. It's also used to inoculate wooden dowels to create plug


One of the main advantages of mushroom spawn in the form of sawdust is the size of the particles.

Because they are so small and numerous, there are many more inoculation points for the mycelium to

grow into the substrate. This results in faster mycelium colonization with less time for contaminants to

take hold.

A disadvantage of sawdust spawn is that, on its own, its not as nutritious for mushroom growing as

one would like. Thus you may be disappointed with your yield if you try to grow mushrooms from

straight sawdust. Mushroom growing kits made from sawdust are usually enriched with bran or some

other source of nitrogen to increase yields.


3. Wood Plug/Dowel Spawn

Plug spawn is a collection of small wooden dowels that have been inoculated with mycelium. This can

be done with sawdust spawn, or even with stems of live mushrooms.

An advantage of plug spawn is that it's very effective for inoculating substrates made from wood or

fibers. It easily colonizes cardboard, wood chips, paper, stumps, and logs.

A disadvantage is it's not always the best choice for straw or grain based substrates.

4. Liquid Spawn

Liquid spawn - Water enriched with mushroom spores/mycelia slurry. Simply Mushroom spawn is

very easy to inoculate with grain and sawdust growing substrate. However, the risk of

contamination is slightly higher as handling error can promote contaminations.

It can be sold in jars or in sterilized syringes with cap.



Common definitions

Master Spawn

It can be used to prepare further

commercial or planting spawn or


Commercial/Planting spawn

It can be only used for growing bags


Pure Liquid Spawn

It can be used to prepare further

liquid spawn.

Liquid Spawn

It can be used to grow mushroom

growing bags

Ready To Grow Bags

Need to keep in cool place and

maintain. Mycelium will grow to bag

then after 35-40 days will start to fruit.

Ready to Fruit Bags

Need to keep in cool place and keep

watering. After 3-4 days will start to



Spawn Type, Pure Cultures and growing bags are available for following types

Code: BB01

Common name: Grey Oyster, Indian Oyster


Scientific Name: Pleurotus Sajorcaju

Code: BB02

Common name: Grey Oyster, Abalone

Oyster Mushroom

Scientific Name: Pleurotus Cystidiosus

Code: BB03

Common name: Winter Oyster Mushroom

Scientific Name: Pleurotus ostreatus vs columbinus

Code: BB04

Common name: Florida Oyster


Scientific Name: Pleurotus ostreatus

var. florida


Code: BB05

Common name: Summer Oyster Mushroom

Scientific Name: Pleurotus pulmonarius

Code: BB06

Common name: Golden Oyster


Scientific Name: Pleurotus


Code: BB07

Common name: King Oyster Mushroom

Scientific Name: Pleurotus eryngii

Code: BB08

Common name: Asafetida, White Elf

Scientific Name: Pleurotus ferulae


Code: BB09

Common name: Pink Oyster Mushroom

Scientific Name: Pleurotus djamor vs eous

Code: BB10

Common name: King Tuber Mushroom

Scientific Name: Pleurotus tuberregium

Code: BB11

Common name: Shiitake

Scientific Name: Lentinula edodes

Code: BB12

Common name: Elm Oyster Mushroom

Scientific Name: Hypsizygus ulmarius


Code: BB13

Common name: Black Poplar Mushr.

Scientific Name: Agrocybe aegerita

Code: BB14

Common name: Changeable Agaric

Scientific Name: Kuehneromyces


Code: BB15

Common name: Nameko Mushroom

Scientific Name: Pholiota nameko

Code: BB16

Common name: Velvet Foot Collybia

Scientific Name: Flammulina velutipes


Code: BB17

Common name: Buna-Shimeji

Scientific Name: Hypsizygus tessulatus

Code: BB18

Common name: Jack-O'-Lantern


Scientific Name: Omphalotus japonicas

Code: BB19

Common name: Ghost Fungus

Scientific Name: Omphalotus nidiformis

Code: BB20

Common name: Jack-O'-Lantern


Scientific Name: Omphalotus illudens


Code: BB21

Common name: Bitter Oyster

Scientific Name: Panellus stipticus

Code: BB22

Common name: Paddy Straw Mushroom

Scientific Name: Volvariella volvacea

Code: BB23

Common name: (Wine-red) Stropharia

Scientific Name: Stropharia rugoso-annulata

Code: BB24

Common name: White Button


Scientific Name:

Agaricus bisporus


Code: BB25

Common name: Champignon de Paris, Portabella,


Scientific Name: Agaricus bisporus, var. hortensis

Code: BB26

Common name: Summer Mushroom

Scientific Name: Agaricus bitorquis

Code: BB27

Common name: Horse Mushroom

Scientific Name: Agaricus arvensis

Code: BB28

Common name: Almond Mushroom

Scientific Name: Agaricus brasiliensis



Code: BB29

Common name: Horsetail Fungus

Scientific Name: Coprinus comatus

Code: BB30

Common name: Parasol Mushroom

Scientific Name: Macrolepiota procera

Code: BB31

Common name: Milky Mushroom

Scientific Name: Calocybe indica

Code: BB32

Common name: Blewitt

Scientific Name: Lepista nuda


Code: BB33

Common name: Monkey Head, Lion’s Mane

Scientific Name: Hericium erinaceus

Code: BB34

Common name: Comb Tooth, Coral


Scientific Name: Hericium coralloides

Code: BB35

Common name: Juda’s Ear

Scientific Name: Auricularia auricula-judae


Common name: Reishi

Scientific Name: Ganoderma lucidum


Code: BB37

Common name: Morel, Black Morel, Fire Morel

Scientific Name: Morchella elata

Code: BB38

Common name: Artist’s Fungus

Scientific Name: Ganoderma applatum

Code: BB39

Common name: Mesimakobu, Song Gen, Sang

Scientific Name: Phellinus linteus

Code: BB40

Common name: Hen-of-the-Woods,


Scientific Name: Grifola frondosa


Code: BB41

Common name: Umbrella polypore

Scientific Name: Grifola umbellata

Code: BB42

Common name: Orange Polypore

Scientific Name: Pycnoporus


Code: BB43

Common name: Many Zoned Polypore, Turkey Tail

Scientific Name: Coriolus versicolor

Code: BB44

Common name: Split Gill

Scientific Name: Schizophyllum



Code: BB45

Common name: Morchella angusticeps N.-American

Scientific Name: Black Morel (N.-American species

Code: BB46

Common name: Yellow Morel, Common


Scientific Name: Morchella esculenta


To order please contact:

Local and International Inquiries to:

Phone: +91-9923806933

Whatsapp: +91-9923806933

E-mail: [email protected]

Contact us: https://biobritteagrosolutionspvtltd.in/contact-us

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