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  • 8/11/2019 Biochemical composition of zooplankton community.pdf


    Biochemical composition of zooplankton community grown in

    freshwater earthen ponds: Nutritional implication in

    nursery rearing of fish larvae and early juveniles

    Gopa Mitra a ,, P.K. Mukhopadhyay a, S. Ayyappan b

    a Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Kausalyaganga, Bhubaneswar-751 002, Orissa, Indiab Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan-II, ICAR, Pusa, New Delhi-110 012, India

    Received 8 November 2006; received in revised form 7 August 2007; accepted 8 August 2007


    This study was conducted to obtain a database describing the nutritional value of freshwater mixed zooplankton that are widely

    used for larval and grow-out rearing of freshwater fish. The macro and micronutrient composition of mixed zooplankton samples

    collected from 6 fertilized earthen ponds were analysed for protein, lipid, carbohydrate, ash and these ranged from 73 79%, 10.79

    14.55%, 34.79% and 3.2010.07%, respectively on a dry matter (DM) basis. Amino acid profile showed the presence of all the

    ten essential amino acids with low level of methionine. The content of saturated fatty acids (SAFA), mono unsaturated fatty acids

    (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) ranged from 6481%, 715% and 620% of total fatty acids, respectively. The

    predominant fatty acids were SAFA (16:0), MUFA (18:1n-9), PUFAviz.linoleic acid (LA 18:2 n-6) and linolenic acid (LNA 18:3n-3). Among the vitamins, ascorbic acid (1540.01 g/gDM) was less than the requirement of fish especially for larvae, vitamin-A

    (13.6163.95 g/g DM) and vitamin-E (218348g/g DM) were more than the requirement of fish. Mineral and trace element

    content showed the presence of P, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn. Seasonal variation of all biochemical components was evaluated in the

    study. Vitamin E had strong co-relation (r1=0.72; r2=0.88; r3=0.83; r4=0.86; r5=0.36 and r6=0.88) with seasonal variation in

    lipid content of zooplankton of different ponds and varied inversely with that of rising temperature. Enzyme content from the

    mixed zooplankton of different ponds showed availability of protease (6.217.92 g leucine/ mg protein/h), lipase (25.8239.1 g

    -naphthol/mg protein/h) and amylase (100226.1 g maltose/mg protein/h), which could be used as an exogenous source of

    digestive enzymes for fish and shellfish during ontogenesis. Absence of l-gulonolactone -oxidase activity confirmed the

    incapability of these zooplankton to synthesize ascorbic acid (AA) de novo. The average dry weight in zooplankton in different

    ponds was 1.24.2 mg/l and different species present in these ponds were Moina (Moina dubia), Daphnia (Daphnia lumholtzi,

    Daphnia carinata); Cyclops (Mesocyclops hyalimus, Mesocyclops leuckarti); Diaptomus (Heliodiaptomus viddus, Neodiaptomus

    handeli); Rotifer (Brachionus). These results indicate that the biochemical composition and subsequently the nutritional value ofthese planktonic organisms are not only genetically determined but also influenced by its maturity stage and type of ingested food.

    These data may be helpful for reference purpose and for formulated feed preparation accessing the nutritional potentiality of these

    freshwater zooplankton in the nursery rearing of freshwater fish larvae and early juveniles.

    2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Mixed zooplankton; Protein; Lipid; Vitamins; Minerals; Amino acids; Fatty acids and enzymes

    Available online at www.sciencedirect.com

    Aquaculture 272 (2007) 346 360www.elsevier.com/locate/aqua-online

    Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 674 2465446; fax: +91 674 2465407.

    E-mail address:[email protected](G. Mitra).

    0044-8486/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2007.08.026

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  • 8/11/2019 Biochemical composition of zooplankton community.pdf


    1. Introduction

    Zooplankton occupy a central position between the

    autotrophs and other heterotrophs maintaining an im-

    portant link in the sustainability of the food chain form-

    ing one of the most important components of freshwateraquaculture species (Chakrabarti and Sharma, 1998).

    Larvae of all cultivable fish species require live plank-

    tonic organisms as first food (Garcia-Ortega et al., 1998).

    In semi-intensive or intensive culture conditions, aqua-

    culture species derive a substantial part of their dietary

    nutrient needs from naturally available zooplankton as

    they are a valuable source of protein, amino acids, lipid,

    fatty acids, vitamins and enzymes (Millamena et al.,

    1990; Munilla-Moran et al., 1990; Pillay, 1990; Evjemo

    et al., 2001). Thus the relative contributions of zoo-

    plankton in the nutrition of freshwater fish larvae haveimmense significance (Jana and Chakrabarti, 1993).

    Despite the effort that has been put in the development of

    formulated starter feed (Verreth et al., 1987) for larval

    fish, live food still remains a better option in terms of

    survival and growth compared to formulated diet alone.

    Live food seems to provide a good source of exogenous

    enzymes, and also helps in chemoreception and visual

    stimuli (Kolkovski et al., 1995). However, the nutritional

    quality of zooplankton varies considerably and thus

    plays a major role in producing quality larvae and juve-

    niles (van der Meeren et al., 2001) as well as they would

    aid in determining the suitability of the organisms in fishlarvae culture (Kibria et al., 1999).

    Although in semi-intensive fish culture the cultured

    species draws a significant part of nourishment from zoo-

    plankton grown in ponds, however quantitation of its

    nutritional contribution to fish growth is limited. However

    the dependence on live food as starter feed rather than on

    formulated feed in fish larvae makes it pertinent to evaluate

    the nutritional composition of live food in aquaculture

    (Srivastava et al., 2006). Due to escalation in the cost of

    Artemia cysts, generally used during larval rearing, use

    of pond grown zooplankton is justifiably gaining moreimportance in the hatcheries in different regions (Evjemo

    et al., 2003; Velu and Munuswamy, 2003). However,

    colonization of planktonic organism can be found in si-

    milar water bodies of different countries (Welch, 1952).

    Studies were thus conducted to determine the proximate

    composition, content of amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins

    (A, C and E), minerals (P, Ca), trace elements (Fe, Cu, Zn,

    Mn) and certain metabolic enzymes of mixed zooplankton

    from different freshwater fish ponds. Also their nutritional

    contribution are evaluated with the aim to consider the

    nutritive potentiality of this zooplankton for nursery

    rearing of carp larvae and early juveniles.

    2. Materials and methods

    2.1. Pond preparation and collection of samples

    Zooplankton samples were collected twice every month

    from 6 culture ponds (area 0.04 ha, mean depth 1.5 m,) of CIFA

    farm at Kausalyaganga, Orissa, India (Lat 20 20N; Long 85

    49 E) for one year. The pre-sampling pond preparation was

    carried out for eradication of predatory and undesirable fish

    according toJena et al. (1998). The ponds were dried initially

    and exposed to sunlight for eradication of predatory and unde-

    sirable fish prior to stocking and filling with canal water filtered

    through nylon net (40 mesh) for preventing the entry of pre-

    datory species. Pond fertilization was carried out according to

    Jena et al. (1998)with application of raw cow dung (0.39% N

    and 8.0% C) and super phosphate at 3 tonnes/ha and 7 kg/ha,

    respectively, as a basal dose with alternating applications every

    fortnight at 1 tonnes/ha/month and 20 kg/ha/month, respec-

    tively. Water levels in the ponds were maintained at 1.4to 1.5mthroughout the period compensating for seepage and evapora-

    tion losses.

    The samples were collected between 0800 and 0900 h by

    filtering 200 l of water using plankton net made of bolting silk

    (0.06 mm mesh size) from four sites of each pond with a plastic

    container (5 l) from the subsurface (at 0.50.6 m depth) water

    with least disturbance. By passing the water of the plastic

    container through a net (0.064 mm), the plankton density was

    increased (any plankton stuck to the side of the net was washed

    down by gently splashing water on the outside of the net) and

    transferred to a 10 l plastic container (having 9 l water) through

    a 1050 m mesh net (to exclude large predatory insects like

    notonectids). Then it was thoroughly mixed to get a represen-

    tative of a composite sample of each pond. The samples were

    then brought to the laboratory for analysis of nutritive compo-

    sition. Prior to analysis of nutritive composition, the plankton

    was suspended at a density of 150200 numbers/ml in tap

    water in 20 l well aerated glass jars. Dead plankton and organic

    debris were removed by siphoning with 2 mm diameter pipe.

    Before preparation for biochemical analysis, the samples were

    checked for zooplankton viability and no organic debris were

    present in the samples. After 24 h the zooplankton samples

    were harvested by sieving (through mesh #25 bolting silk) the

    water from each glass jar and rinsed in distilled water. After

    harvesting some portion of the zooplankton samples were driedat 60 C to constant weight to determine the dry matter content

    from which protein, ash and amino acids were analysed. Sub-

    samples of harvested zooplankton were packed and immedi-

    ately frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at 80 C until

    analysed for lipid, fatty acids, enzymes and vitamins. From all

    samples a known volume was immediately fixed in 4% forma-

    lin for quantitative estimation of plankton species.

    2.2. Nutrient composition

    Dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP) and ash content were

    determined according to the standard methods (AOAC, 1998).DM content was determined after drying in an oven at 60 C to

    347G. Mitra et al. / Aquaculture 272 (2007) 346360

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    constant weight and crude protein (CP) content by the Kjeldahl

    method and calculated as nitrogen content multiplied by 6.25.

    Lipid was analysed using the method of Bligh and Dyer

    (1959). Isolated zooplankton was homogenised with 15 ml

    chloroform:methanol (2:1 v/v) containing 0.05% butylated

    hydroxy toluene (BHT) as an antioxidant in a 20 ml glass

    homogenizer. Lipid extracted was re-dissolved in chloroform/

    methanol (2:1, v/v containing 0.05% BHT) at a concentration

    of 10 mg/ml and stored under nitrogen atmosphere at20 C

    until fatty acid analysis.

    Ash content was determined by incinerating dried samples

    in muffle furnace at 550 C for 3 h and then preserved for

    mineral estimation. Organic matter (OM) was calculated by

    subtracting the total ash value from DM. Total carbohydrates

    (TCHO) was determined by subtracting CP and lipid values

    from OM.

    2.3. Amino acid

    For amino acid analysis defatted plankton samples were

    dried under vacuum in a HPLC work station (Model: 2690) for

    30 min (Waters, USA). After purging with nitrogen the sam-

    ples were hydrolysed with 6N HCl at 110 C for 20 h under

    vacuum. Hydrolysed samples were dried and redried with a

    mixture of ethanol:water:triethylamine (TEA) (2:2:1) at

    (6586.13/760) N/m2. Phenyl isothiocyanate (PITC) deriva-

    tives were prepared by adding PITC reagent (ethanolTEA

    WaterPITC:: 7:1:1:1) and mixed well and incubated at room

    temperature for 30 min, the samples were then allowed to dry

    under vacuum. Diluent was added in each sample, which was

    then processed for filtration (45 filter paper) and analysed.

    Operating condition was: column temperature: 38 C: column:

    pico-tag, absorbance 254 nm, pump pressure 1000 psi.

    The chemical score (CS) was calculated based on the

    limiting essential amino acid in zooplankton multiplied by 100,

    where limiting essential amino acid is that which has the

    following lowest ratio of essential aminoacid in plankton:

    essential amino acid in fish tissue protein (Hepher, 1988).As in

    other animals, arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine,

    methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine

    were considered the essential amino acids (Tacon and Cowey,

    1985). The non-essential amino acids cystine and tyrosine can

    only be synthesized by the fish from methionine and phenyla-

    lanine, respectively (Tacon and Cowey, 1985). Therefore, themethionine and phenylalanine requirement of the fish will

    partially depend on the cystine and tyrosine content of the diet.

    For the calculation of the CS, the values of methionine and

    cystine were summed and taken as one essential amino acid in

    fish. The same was carried out with phenylalanine and tyrosine.

    Tryptophan was not considered in this calculation because it

    was not determined.

    2.4. Fatty acid

    Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) derivatives of the fatty

    acids were prepared by adding 10 ml 20% borontrifluoride(BF3) in methanol to 100 mg lipids and heating for 30 min at

    100 C. After cooling, water (same volume as the BF3) and

    hexane (half the volume of BF3) were added, and centrifuged

    at 3000 rpm for 5 min. The content of the centrifugation tube

    was then transferred into a small separating funnel and allowed

    to separate for 510 min. The lower phase was discarded and

    the upper phase was recovered in new flasks and FAME in

    hexane were dried with sodium sulfate and the sodium sulfate

    was removed by filtering through a Pasteur pipette containing

    glass wool. The operating conditions of the gas chromatograph

    (PYE UNICAM, GC 104) were: flame ionization detector

    (FID), stainless steel column packed with 10% diethylene gly-

    col succinate polyester (DEGS), column temperature: 195 C

    (maintained for 10 min isothermal), injection port temperature:

    210 C, detector temperature 210 C, carrier gas (N2) with 35

    40 ml/min flow rate, recorder chart speed 640 mm/h. The

    methyl ester peaks were identified by co-chromatography with

    standard fatty acid methyl ester (Sigma Chemical Co, USA)

    mixtures by comparing their retention time with the retention

    time of known fatty acids and quantified by a Spectraphysic SP4270 integrator.

    2.5. Analysis of vitamins

    Ascorbic acid content in sub samples was determined

    according toRoe and Kuether (1943)modified byDabrowski

    and Hinterleitner (1989). The plankton were homogenised in

    5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) solution containing 250 mM

    (HClO4) and 0.08% ethylenediamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA)

    using an motor driven glass Teflon homogeniser in ice and

    centrifuged at 29,000 g for 30 min at 4 C. Total ascorbic acid

    content in tissue homogenate was measured by 2,4 dinitro

    phenylhydrazine (DNPH) method byRoe and Kuether (1943)

    modified byDabrowski and Hinterleitner (1989)in which 2, 4

    dinitrophenyl hydrazine derivative of ascorbate was measured

    spectrophotometrically at 524 nm. Modification of original

    method included incubation with dichloroindophenol (DCIP)

    shortened to 20 min, incubation temperature was 30 C and

    additional blank per sample was included to account for in-

    terfering substances according toDabrowski and Hinterleitner

    (1989). For dry weight measurement sub samples of plankton

    collected from same batch were oven dried at 60 C for 24 h till

    constant weight.Vitamin A of sub zooplankton samples was analysed

    according to the method ofSoni et al. (1997). Known amountof zooplankton was homogenised with chloroform (CHCl3).

    The filtrate was added with benzene:toluene (2:1v/v) fol-

    lowed by acid mixture containing H2SO4: glacial acetic acid

    (1: 4 v/v) which gave blue colour. The blue colour initially

    produced immediately changed to pink colour and the solu-

    tion remained covered with benzene or toluene, which stabi-

    lizes the colour by probably preventing the oxidation of

    chromophore. The max was measured at 525 nm against a

    reagent blank.Vitamin E was extracted following the method Quaife and

    Dju as described byOser (1960)and estimated by the method

    of Emmerie-Eangel Reaction (ferric chloride-dipyridyl meth-od). Extracted homogenate was mixed with ferric chloride

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    reagent (0.1 g FeCl3dissolved in 50 ml absolute ethanol) and

    0.5% dipyridyl in absolute ethanol. The mixture was mixed by

    swirling. The mixture was again mixed with absolute ethanol

    and shaken vigorously. The max measured at 520 nm against

    a reagent blank.

    2.6. Mineral analysis

    The ash was moistened with a small amount of glass-

    distilled water and 5 ml of 6 N hydrochloric acid (AR grade)

    was added. Calcium was measured by flame photometry, P

    content by spectrophotometry following Fiske and Subbarow

    method (Fiske and Subbarow, 1925) and trace elements (Zn,

    Cu, Fe and Mn) by atomic absorption spectrophotometry


    2.7. Enzyme assays

    The total digestive enzymes: protease, lipase and amylasewere measured in the pooled zooplankton homogenates. For

    homogenate preparation 100 mg sample was ground in a potter

    blender with 0.89% NaCl solution. After homogenisation the

    samples were sonified for 30 s and centrifuged at 12,000 g for

    10 min at 4 C. During preparation the homogenates were

    continuously kept on ice.

    Total protease activity was measured in a medium contain-

    ing 0.05 M trisHCI buffer (pH 8.0) using bovine serum

    albumin (0.5 mg/ml) as substrate. The assay mixture consisted

    of 200 l BSA solution, 100 l enzyme solution and 200 l

    buffer was incubated at 37 C for 30 min, the reaction was

    stopped with addition of cold trichloroacetic acid (10%). The

    enzymatically liberated amino acids were assayed according to

    the method ofMarks and Lajtha (1963). The results are ex-

    pressed as g leucine liberated per mg protein in sample per

    hour. Protein content of the supernatant solution was deter-

    mined by the method of Lowry et al. (1951), using bovine

    serum albumin (BSA) as standard.

    The assay of amylase activity was based on method of

    Bernfeld (1955). The activity is expressed as mg maltose

    liberated from starch/g protein/h.

    Activity of lipase was measured using the method of

    Seligman and Nachlas (1963) using the substrate, 0.2% -

    napthyl laurate in acetone: water (1:9 v/v). A unit activity is

    defined as g -napthol liberated from -napthyl laurate in

    60 min at 37 C. Specific activity is expressed as lipase activity

    per mg protein (Lowry et al., 1951).Activity of l-gulonolactone -oxidase was measured using

    the method as described by Mukhopadhyay et al. (1998).

    Known quantity of plankton was homogenised in a glass ho-

    mogeniser with 2 ml 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) con-

    taining 1 mM EDTA and 0.2% sodium deoxycholate. The

    supernatant was assayed spectrophotometrically for ascorbic

    acid by method described above. Protein was assayed in super-

    natant by the method ofLowry et al. (1951).

    Table 1

    Composition of mixed zooplankton collected from different pondsPond 1 Pond 2 Pond 3 Pond 4 Pond 5 Pond 6

    Proximate composition

    Dry matter (DM) 11.81 2.10c 11.012.61c 10.093.18c 9.592.22b 7.410.49a 10.493.11c

    Crude protein (% of DM) 79.91 1.6d 78.911.97c 78.851.65c 76.142.3b 76.480.98b 73.153.87a

    Crude lipid (% of DM) 12.07 2.98b 13.701.89c 12.212.4b 10.793.6a 14.550.97d 13.91.87c

    Total carbohydrate(% of DM) 4.792.56a 4.111.99a 4.061.79a 3.002.1a 3.092.6a 3.622.98a

    Ash (% of DM) 3.22 1.33a 3.283.68a 4.883.93b 10.071.26e 5.881.98c 9.330.98d


    Amylase (g maltose/mg protein/h) 241.22 7.10e 222.635.61d 109.394.42a 105.974.33a 153.923.12b 185.444.81c

    Protease (g leucine/mg protein/h) 6.710.21ab 6.540.21a 7.570.25c 6.820.12b 6.770.19b 7.610.29c

    Lipase (g naphthol/mg protein/h) 34.00 0.37a 35.380.46ab 37.680.65c 36.450.57b 35.650.33ab 35.162.98a


    Vitamin A (g/gm DM) 21.84 0.976b 52.041.15d 62.311.50f 15.591.39a 53.931.46e 47.371.05c

    Vitamin E (g/gm DM) 230.63 18.4a 267.2215.06b 258.6611.26b 228.937.58a 333.4710.4d 319.3911. 06c

    Vitamin C (g/gm DM) 15.16 0.16a 15.410.34a 17. 210.88b 24.014.61c 39.070.64d 38.670.74d


    Ca (mg/100 gm DM) 1.66 0.19b 1.361.16a 1.740.07b 2.360.43c 2.640.17d 2.770.24d

    P (mg/100 gm DM) 0.86 0.20c 0.370.07b 0.940.09d 0.320.08ab 0.330.03ab 0.240.05a

    Mn (mg/100 gm DM) 0.31 0.21d 0.020.0a 0.210.11c 0.080.02b 0.390.03e 0.340.24d

    Zn (mg/100 gm DM) 1.01 0.05b 1.020.07b 0.060.03a 2.580.17d 1.310.21c 2.640.19d

    Fe (mg/100 gm DM) 0.84 0.04d 2.200.32e 0.320.06b 0.130.03a 0.530.03c 0.160.01a

    Cu (mg/100 gm DM) 0.08 0.01b 0.070.07b 0.160.17c 0.080.14b 0.070.02b 0.050.02a

    Values are given as meanStandard deviation (SD) (n =12). Mean values with different superscripts in a row are significantly (Pb

    0.05) differentfrom each other.

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    2.8. Collection of water sample and qualitative analysis of


    Regular fortnightly sampling of water from the above aqua-

    tic bodies was done in the morning (08:00 h) and relevant

    physico-chemical parameters were analyzed. The phosphate-

    phosphorus (PO4P) content of the water was estimated by the

    stannous chloride method (Clesceri and Greenbreg, 1989), pH

    by Elico digital pH meter L 1120, free CO2(titrimetric method

    using N/44 Na2CO3), alkalinity (titrimetric method using

    0.02N H2SO4; Clesceri and Greenbreg, 1989), Nitrite-N (NO2N) and Nitrate nitrogen (NO3N) (spectrophotometric diazo-

    tization method;Strickland and Parson, 1984), total ammonia

    nitrogen (TAN) (phenolhypochlorite method), and O2by the

    method described in Stirling (1985). Plankton content and

    species identification was done as described inAPHA (1989).

    Table 2

    Amino acid content (% of total protein), chemical score of mixed zooplankton from different ponds and essential amino acid requirements of different


    Pond-1 Pond-2 Pond-3 Pond-4 Pond-5 Pond-6 Catla Rohu Mrigal Common carp

    Arg 8.13 0.05f 7.440.07d 6.900.05b 8.010.11e 5.180.03a 6.980.03c 4.8 5.8 5.84 6.2

    Lys 10.30 0.07a






    6.2 5.7 7.58 7.0His 1.97 0.03d 1.720.05a 1.880.04bc 2.060.23e 1.840.04b 1.950.03cd 2.5 2.3 3.02 2.9

    Ile 3.74 0.06ab 3.920.04c 3.890.08c 3.720.03a 3.990.07d 3.780.03a 2.4 3.0 3.69 3.8

    Leu 6.93 0.04a 7.070.07c 7.030.05b 7.020.04b 7.150.03d 7.480.03e 3.7 6.93 7.2

    Val 4.50 0.11a 4.760.06c 4.790.05c 4.620.05b 5.130.04d 4.790.04c 3.6 4.32 4.5

    Met 1.98 0.16c 1.960.06c 1.780.09b 2.060.05d 1.660.04a 1.690.05a 3.6 2.9 1.55 2.7

    Phe 3.23 0.05a 3.530.08b 3.520.13b 3.220.04a 3.910.04d 3.7 4.0 8.07 6.5

    Thr 3.78 0.09b 4.040.11c 4.110.06d 4.170.04e 3.300.05a 4.210.05e 5.0 3.99 4.2

    Tyr 5.54 0.09d 5.460.11c 5.620.05e 5.690.03f 3.920.06a 4.900.03b

    Asp 7.32 0.05c 6.970.07b 7.480.04d 8.170.04e 6.730.04a 8.310.03f

    Glu 12.57 0.05c 12.440.08b 12.140.05a 13.380.03e 12.770.04d 12.170.03a

    Ser 3.29 0.04b 3.360.07c 3.460.09d 4.060.05e 2.860.04a 4.220.02f

    Gly 5.83 0.03a 6.570.05f 6.410.13d 6.500.07e 6.090.04c 5.930.03b

    Ala 7.18 0.03c 7.360.06d 7.420.07e 6.960.03b 7.810.05f 6.470.03a

    TAA 86.29 89.15 90.54 93.34 87.59 89.23 TEAA 50.10 52.45 53.63 54.27 51.33 52.13

    Chemical score (methionine)

    Catla 55.00 54.44 49.44 57.22 46.11 46.9

    Rohu 68.27 67.58 61.4 71.03 57.24 58.27

    Common carp 73.33 72.59 65.92 76.62 61.48 65.00

    TAA total amino acid, TEAA total essential amino acids.

    Values are given as meanStandard deviation (SD). Means bearing different superscript in a row differ significantly (Pb0.05).

    Table 3

    Fatty acid composition of mixed zooplankton from different ponds

    Fatty acids Pond-1 Pond-2 Pond-3 Pond-4 Pond-5 Pond-6

    14: 0 7.28 1.59d Trace 2.02 0.87b 2.291.20b 0.230.08a 4.921.08c

    16: 0 63.6 14.95a






    16: 1 0.73 0.03c 0.100.0a 1.010.01d 0.200.01b 1.10.05e 2.10.04f

    18: 0 2.12 0.7c 2.011.18c 2.340.89c 1.150.61b 0.10.0a 0.160.09a

    18: 1 6.30 0.27a 12.1310.34a 13.829.85b 7.146.72a 8.32.54a 6.424.15a

    18:2 n-2 13.44 6.89a 12.154.40a 10.564.53a 16.55.82b 10.12.19a 10.12.52a

    18:3 n-3 6.34 3.03a 5.252.61a 4.602.17a

    20:0 Trace Trace 2.510.73a 2.10.74a

    20:1 4.122.95

    Unidentified 0.180.02a 2.400.16b 2.00.03b

    SAFA 73.02 14.8ab 68.4617.11a 68.5215.48a 76.212.08ab 81.33.38b 77.217.12ab

    MUFA 7.03 6.7a 12.219.96a 14.759.97b 7.346.92a 8.182.66a 12.576.25a

    PUFA 19.78 9.47b 17.46.94b 15.166.28ab 16.55.00b 10.12.17a 10.12.51a

    n-3/n-6 0.47 0.43 0.44


    Saturated Fatty Acid, MUFA

    Monounsaturated fatty acid, PUFA

    Polyunsaturated fatty acid. Values are given as mean Standarddeviation (SD) (n =12). Mean values with different superscripts in a row are significantly (Pb0.05) different from each other.

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    2.9. Statistical analysis of data

    Data are presented as meansstandard deviation of means.

    To correlate vitamin E content in the zooplankton with lipid

    content correlation coefficient (R value) analysis between these

    two parameters was performed using microsoft excel software.

    One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with multiple means

    tests DMRT (Duncan's Multiple Range test,Duncan, 1955) in

    respect of ponds was applied over all the parameters to inves-

    tigate the difference existing between the ponds.

    3. Results

    The protein, lipid, carbohydrate and ash compositions of

    zooplankton are given inTable 1in relative % of dry matter

    (DM) values. The relative concentration of zooplankton DM

    was on average 9.61% of wet weight through the whole sam-

    pling period, varying between 7.4111.81%. Protein content

    was relatively higher in the zooplankton of pond 1, 2 and 3

    than other ponds and varied from 7379% of DM. The total

    lipid content was between 10.7914.55% of DM. The magni-

    tude of seasonal variation in lipid content was relatively high

    in zooplankton of different ponds and it was inversely related

    to environmental temperature. Carbohydrate content varied

    between 34.79% and ash content 3.2210.07% of DM, res-

    pectively. Increase in organic content surpassed the increase in

    inorganic content, which resulted in lower percentages of ash

    content (Table 1).

    Pond-wise variation of amino acid composition and

    chemical score of protein of mixed zooplankton are given in

    Table 2. Nine essential amino acids were present in mixed

    zooplankton. In most cases slightly over 50% by weight of the

    Fig. 1. Monthly variation of SAFA a PUFa content in mixed zooplankton form different ponds.

    351G. Mitra et al. / Aquaculture 272 (2007) 346360

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    total amino acids were essential amino acids. In general no

    seasonal changes were found among individual amino acids

    of zooplankton from different ponds but significant differ-

    ences (Pb0.05) were present pond wise (Table 2). Chemical

    score based on the requirement of different carp species

    (Mohanty and Kaushik, 1991; Ravi and Devaraj, 1991; Mur-

    thy and Varghese, 1998) revealed that methionine was limit-

    ing for rohu (Labeo rohita), catla (Catla catla)and common

    carp (Cyprinus carpio) in mixed zooplankton from all the

    ponds. The quantity of phenylalanine was also less in respect

    of carp requirement. Threonine was deficient for catla in the

    amino acids of mixed zooplankton from all the ponds. How-

    ever for mrigal (Cirrihinus mrigala) and catla it was deficient

    from pond 1 and pond 5.

    Fig. 2. Monthly variation of Ca, P and Fe content in mixed zooplankton form different ponds.

    352 G. Mitra et al. / Aquaculture 272 (2007) 346360

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    Selected fatty acids composition of mixed zooplankton is

    indicated inTable 3. Nearly all the fatty acids found in mixed

    plankton were straight chain molecules with even number of

    carbon atoms.The content of total saturated fatty acids (SAFA),

    mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated

    fatty acids (PUFA) ranged from 6481%, 715%, 620% of

    total fatty acids. Among the saturated fatty acids myristic acid

    (14:0), palmitic (16:0) and stearic acid (18:0) were present in

    the plankton of all the ponds, and 16:0 was the dominant fatty

    acid. Among the unsaturated, linoleic acid (LA, 18:2 n-6) was

    present in the plankton of all the ponds. Whereas linolenic acid

    (LNA, 18:3 n-3) was present only in the plankton of pond 1, 2

    and 3, MUFA such as palmitoleic acid (16:1 n-7) andoleic acid,

    (18:1 n-9) were present as 0.10 to 14.1% of total FA. Seasonal

    Fig. 3. Monthly variation of Mn, Zn and Cu content in mixed zooplankton form different ponds.

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    variation in FA composition (Fig. 1) of zooplankton was pre-

    sent in all the ponds irrespective of plankton composition

    (Table 5). The percentage of SAFA increased appreciably

    during June to September (water temperature 35 C) compared

    with NovemberJanuary (18 C) and MarchApril (23 C)(Fig. 1). Contrary to this, the percentage of total PUFAs was

    greater during NovemberJanuary. The PUFA were at their

    lowest levels at 23 C.

    The content of ascorbic acid in zooplankton from different

    ponds ranged from 15 to 40.01g/g DM. Although pond wise

    variation in the amount of ascorbic acid was present (Table 1),

    no seasonal trend (apart from an increase ascorbic acid in

    zooplankton of pond 4) was observed. No enzyme activity of l-

    gulonolactone -oxidase could be detected in zooplankton.

    Among the lipid soluble vitamins, average value of vitamin A

    (retinol) was 13.6163.95 g/gm DM while vitamin E (total

    tocopherol) averaged 218348 g/g DM. Vitamin A contentof zooplankton from all the ponds differed significantly (Pb

    0.05) from each other. The analysis revealed that vitamin E had

    a strong correlation (r1=0.72, r2=0.88, r3=0.82, r4=0.86,

    r5=0.36, r6=0.88) with the lipid content of zooplankton. The

    vitamin E content significantly varied (Pb0.05) pond wise

    except for ponds 1, 4 and ponds 2, 3, respectively. Also the

    vitamin E content was inversely proportional with that of

    rising temperature.The amylase, protease and lipase activity of mixed zoo-

    plankton ranged from 100226.1 g maltose/mg protein/h,

    6.217.92 g leucine/mg protein/h, 25.8239.1 g -naphthol/

    mg protein/h, respectively (Table 1).

    Mineral and trace element composition is presented in

    Table 1. Among the minerals P, Ca, and trace elements Fe, Cu,

    Zn and Mn content were determined. Monthly variation of

    mineral content is depicted inFigs. 2 and 3.

    Different water quality variables prevailing in the ponds

    during the study period are presented in Table 4. The water

    temperature varied between 1835 C with minimum recorded

    in DecemberJanuary and maximum in MayJune reflectingseasonal impact. No distinct trends in other physicochemical

    parameters were discernible. Variation in population (%) and

    average dryweight of zooplankton in differentpondsis presented

    Table 5

    Variation in population (%) and average dry weight of zooplankton in different ponds

    June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan Feb Mar. Apr May Av. dry wt. mg/L

    Pond-1 Cladoceran 71 80 73.9 74.6 74.0 77.3 76.7 70.7 69.2 81.3 74.0 59.1 4.2

    Copepod 18.6 10.0 20.8 17.9 20.0 12.2 10.0 10.3 23.2 8.9 12.6 32.6

    Rotifer 10.4 10.0 5.2 6.8 6.1 10.5 12.8 18.9 7.4 9.9 13.4 8.6

    Pond-2 Cladoceran 92.3 67.9 62.8 59.7 63.6 60.8 69.6 66.4 57.6 68.5 63.6 80.2 4.2Copepod 4.8 11.9 26.2 25.7 23.3 15.0 21.4 14.2 35.7 21.5 12.5 8.1

    Rotifer 2.9 20.2 11.0 14.6 13.1 24.2 9.0 19.4 6.7 10.0 23.9 11.7

    Pond-3 Cladoceran 82.7 60.0 73.5 66.9 60.7 60.3 62.1 50.8 51.5 72.0 69.4 69.9 3.7

    Copepod 8.0 36.2 14.7 21.9 22.3 27.5 19.4 33.0 30.1 18.0 20.7 13.0

    Rotifer 9.3 3.8 11.8 11.2 17.0 12.2 18.5 16.2 18.4 10.0 12.0 7.1

    Pond-4 Cladoceran 65.8 79.2 63.2 77.5 77.4 69.8 74.3 71.8 54.9 78.0 71.8 71.0

    Copepod 26.1 10.1 22.6 15.5 19.0 18.9 19.7 78.8 27.8 11.7 11.7 24.0 1.8

    Rotifer 8.1 10.7 14.2 7.0 3.5 11.3 5.9 9.7 173 10.3 10.3 5.1

    Pond 5 Cladocerans 61.0 43.3 63.7 86.6 71.5 49.5 47.8 66.0 77.9 54.0 68.4 78.7 1.2

    Copepods 33.9 13.4 6.7 6.7 13.3 42.1 46.79 24.9 10.2 28.2 23.6 18.5

    Rotifer 5.1 43.3 29.6 6.7 15.2 8.4 5.3 10.1 11.1 17.8 8.0 2.8

    Pond-6 Cladocerans 52.2 81.3 70.5 49.7 53.9 51.7 63.7 40.2 65.0 70.6 65.9 63.9 2.3

    Copepods 40.6 8.6 12.6 42.2 32.9 42.9 10.6 31.6 21.5 14.6 27.1 20.1

    Rotifer 7.2 10.1 16.9 8.1 13.2 5.4 26.7 28.3 13.5 15.8 7.0 16.0

    Table 4

    Variations of water quality parameters in different ponds

    Pond-1 Pond-2 Pond-3 Pond-4 Pond-5 Pond-6

    Temp (C) 1835 18.235.2 18.335.0 18.134.9 1835.1 1835

    pH 7.17.3 7.07.3 7.27.3 7.17.3 7.37.4 7.10.4

    Free CO2(mg/L) 1

    6.2 1.6

    8.0 1.8

    6.0 1.0

    8.0 2.0

    8.0 1.8

    8.0Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) 3.15.8 2.585.5 2.345.3 2.886.1 3.25.9 3.885.8

    Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L) 85101 89103 90100 88100 87100 86100

    Total ammonia nitrogen (mg/L) 0.160.35 0.110.40 0.120.29 0.140.33 0.180.40 0.160.28

    Nitrite nitrogen (mg/L) 0.080.18 0.060.12 0.030.15 0.020.09 0.020.09 0.010.09

    Nitrate nitrogen (mg/L) 0.230.59 0.250.48 0.210.60 0.180.48 0.240.57 0.200.58

    Phosphatephosphorus (mg/L) 0.160.19 0.110.23 0.150.20 0.100.22 0.150.24 0.170.30

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    inTable 5. Among the different groups of zooplankton Clado-

    cerans were dominant because of their rapid proliferation. The

    species present in the ponds were Moina (Moina dubia), Daphnia

    (Daphnia lumholtzi,Daphnia carinata); Cyclops (Mesocyclops

    hyalimus, Mesocyclops leuckarti); Diaptomus (Heliodiaptomus

    viddus, Neodiaptomus handeli); Rotifer (Brachionus), and the

    phytoplankton were Chlorella vulgaris, Volvox sp., Cyclotella

    glomerata,Navicula,Cryptocyphala,Pediastrum, Oscillatoria,

    Melosira, andAnabaena.

    4. Discussion

    Data on the chemical composition of mixed zoo-

    plankton presented above provide basic information on

    the nutritive potential of mixed zooplankton. The dry

    matter content however was lower than what was re-

    ported earlier (Yurkowski and Tabachek, 1979; Wata-nabe et al., 1983; van der Meeren et al., 2001). This was

    because the plankton consisted of cladocerans that

    contained less dry matter compared to other zooplank-

    ton such as copepods (van der Meeren et al., 2001). This

    might limit the required nutrient availability to the fish

    larvae, emphasizing the essentiality of formulated feeds.

    The protein content in D. carinata and Moina austra-

    liensisis 54.34% and 64.80%, respectively (Kibria et al.,

    1999) and inDaphniasp. it is reported to be 49.7070%

    (Yurkowski and Tabachek, 1979; Watanabe et al., 1983)

    whereas for Moina sp. it varies between 59.00 and

    77.85% (Tay et al., 1991). The protein content of naturalzooplankton dominated by Temora longicornis varies

    from 31% to 54% (Helland et al., 2003). Present in-

    vestigation showed that the protein content of mixed

    plankton varied from 7380% DM which is somewhat

    higher than reported earlier (Tay et al., 1991) which

    could be due to analytical methods used. So mixed

    zooplankton might serve as a good source of protein for

    Indian major carp larvae and early juveniles as well as

    other freshwater fish larvae because larval fish generally

    have high demand for dietary protein due to rapid

    growth rates and extensive catabolism of amino acidsfor production of metabolic energy (Srivastava et al.,

    2006). The total protein content of some copepods,

    Eurytemore affinis, Centropages hamatus and Aeastia

    grani from the Svartatjern lagoon of Norway was

    quite stable, around 38% of DM (van der Meeren et al.,

    2001). Present study showed the variability of protein

    content in zooplankton from pond to pond but not much

    variation within a pond. Though the species composi-

    tion in the zooplankton population of different ponds

    remained the same the relative abundance of different

    zooplankton varied remarkably which might have

    caused such variation in protein content.

    The amino acids composition of mixed zooplankton

    from different ponds had a relatively similar essential

    and non-essential amino acids composition and the re-

    lative amount was higher than previously reported (Yur-

    kowski and Tabachek, 1979; Watanabe et al., 1983;

    Kibria et al., 1999), which may be due to the mixedcommunity of zooplankton. Amino acid profile of plank-

    ton is generally genetically programmed than diet re-

    lated. Different kinds of food did not have any impact on

    amino acid compositions of rotifers (Frolov et al., 1991).

    Amino acid analysis byKibria et al. (1999)revealed that

    both D. carinataand M. australiensis contained appre-

    ciable levels of both essential and non-essential amino

    acids for fish however, values of some essential amino

    acids in D. carinata and M. australiensis were lower

    than those previously cited forDaphniasp. (Yurkowski

    and Tabachek, 1979; Hepher, 1988) and Moina sp.(Hepher, 1988). Artemia nauplii of different origin had

    different amino acid profiles (Watanabe et al., 1983). But

    the essential amino acid content of mixed zooplankton in

    the present study could meet the general fish require-

    ments particularly of carp (Table 2). But methionine was

    deficient in the zooplankton of all the ponds, revealed

    from CS(Table 2), which is similar with the other studies

    (Yurkowski and Tabachek, 1979; Watanabe et al., 1983;

    Srivastava et al., 2006).

    Lipid content in mixed zooplankton from 6 ponds

    varied from 10.79 to 14.55% DM and was inversely

    related to water temperature, which is in agreement withthe findings ofJana and Manna (1993). The lipid con-

    tent in freshwater zooplankton is known to have consi-

    derable importance (Vijverberg and Frank, 1976) and

    might be influenced by seasonal succession of phyto-

    plankton species or source of food fed zooplankton

    (Proulex and de la Nove, 1985; Kibria et al., 1999).

    Watanabe et al. (1983) analysed various zooplankton

    with Daphnia containing 13% and Moina 1227%

    lipids whereas inD. carinataand Moina australiensisit

    ranged from 7.297.73% (Kibria et al., 1999). Our

    results also corroborated the above findings and alsocould meet the lipid requirement of carp which ranges

    from 69% (Mukhopadhyay and Kaushik, 2001). The

    percentage of SAFA increased remarkably during May

    to July when the water temperature was 35C compared

    with SeptemberOctober and MarchApril (23 C).

    These differences in the levels of SAFA as the tempe-

    rature decreases, were due to the decreased content of

    16:0, which decreased by about half as the temperature

    decreased from 35 C to 18 C. Contrary to this, the

    percentage of total PUFA were greater at 18 C (23%)

    compared to 35 C (10%). The PUFA were at their

    lowest levels at 23 C. Substantial variation of fatty acid

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    composition in zooplankton along with seasonal varia-

    tion of temperature was presumably an adaptation for

    maintaining constant membrane fluidity. Water temper-

    ature affects the fatty acid composition of algae and light

    intensity affects the production of fatty acids (Tatsuzawa

    and Takizawa, 1995), for which there was a seasonalchange in fatty acid composition of mixed zooplankton.

    Our result showed close similarity with the finding of

    Nanton and Castell (1999) who found significantly

    higher content of PUFA at 6 C compared with 20 C,

    but at intermediate temperature (15 C) it was lowest

    where as MUFA were at their highest levels at 15 C in

    both Amonardia and Tisbe, perhaps making up for the

    lower levels of PUFA at this temperature. However, the

    zooplankton was low in n-3 fatty acids, particularly of

    LNA in some ponds and DHA and EPA in all ponds

    which might have the similarity in the fatty acid patternof these herbivorous zooplankton and its phytoplank-

    tonic food (Claus et al., 1979) containing LA and LNA

    not EPA and DHA. However, freshwater algae unlike

    marine algae generally have 18:3 n-3 and not 20:5 n-3

    and 22:6 n-3 as their principal PUFA, in addition to 18:2

    n-6 (Bell et al., 1994). It was noted thatDaphniasp. was

    low in DHA andMoinasp. in both DHA and EPA. The

    fatty acid composition ofB. plicatilis closely reflected

    the fatty acid composition of the microalgae consumed

    as food (Frolov et al., 1991) although biosynthesis rate

    of PUFA de novo by B. plicatilis was rather slow

    (Lubzens et al., 1985). Despite the different fatty acidcontent of microalgae, Scenedesmus abundans, Mo-

    noraphidium minitum and Chlorella vulgaris, cultural

    B. calyciflorusutilizing these algae was able to produce

    its own lipid and fatty acid content to satisfactory levels

    both qualitatively and quantitatively (Isik et al., 1999).

    But in case of crustaceans fatty acid synthesis is gene-

    rally low in Daphnids (de Lange and Arts, 1999). The

    MUFA such as palmitoleic acid (16:1 n-7) and oleic acid

    (18:1 n-9) in the mixed zooplankton might be syn-

    thesised from the corresponding SAFA by the action of

    9 desaturase. It has been suggested that harpacticoidcopepods contained sufficient amounts of the C18 to 20

    and C20 to 22 elongase, and 6, 5 and putative 4

    desaturase enzymes to be capable of this conversion

    (Norsker and Stottrup, 1994; Nanton and Castell, 1998).

    This desaturating ability a characteristic of the harpacti-

    coid class could be an adaptation to a long-chain EFA-

    poor benthic environment when compared to the pelagic

    calanoid copepods. A calanoid copepod, Paracalanus

    parvus also appears to have some limited ability to

    elongate and desaturate 18:3 n-3 to the longer chain n-3

    HUFA (Nanton and Castell, 1998). Our results showed

    that the calanoid copepods as well as other cladocerans

    and rotifers present in the mixed zooplankton were in-

    capable of the above discussed coversions which could

    decrease its EFA value for larval fish as well as adults.

    Absence of l-gulonolactone -oxidase activity con-

    firmed the inability of these zooplankton to synthesize

    ascorbic acid (AA) de novo. So the zooplankton mustdepend on an exogenous supply. In this study the

    presence of ascorbic acid in zooplankton from different

    ponds demonstrated that the occurrence and variability

    of AA in the organism was related to the feeding status

    of the species (Poulet et al., 1989; Hapette and Poulet,

    1990; Merchie et al., 1995). In the pond zooplankton

    were grown feeding on phytoplankton. Generally the

    phytoplankton (different micro algal sp) are rich source

    of AA, but show a considerable variability among the

    different species and different phase of life cycle (Mer-

    chie et al., 1995) as well as environmental conditionsuch as pH, CO2, light intensity, photoperiod, temper-

    ature, cells physiological response to inorganic macro-

    nutrients such as nitrate, and concentration of trace

    metals (Brown and Lavens, 2001; de Castro Araujo and

    Garcia, 2005). Studied environmental condition proba-

    bly contributed less production of ascorbic acid in the

    phytoplankton which was reflected in zooplankton. The

    National Research Council (1993) recommends 25

    50 mg AA/kg diet as a requirement to secure an optimal

    performance of juvenile fish. Dabrowski (1990) sug-

    gested that the metabolic rate is the primary factor re-

    gulating the AA requirements. Therefore, larval fish,displaying a relatively faster growth and metabolism

    than juveniles and adults might need high dietary AA

    levels to sustain optimal growth and physiological con-

    dition (Dabrowski, 1990). Six hundred fifty to 750 mg/

    kg diet of AA has been recommended for Cirrhinus

    mrigala during early growth (Mahajan and Agrawal,

    1980). This study clearly indicated the impairment of

    the zooplankton to fulfil the vitamin C requirement for

    fish larvae and early juveniles. The content of vitamin C

    in zooplankton from ponds 1, 2, 3 and 4 was below the

    recommended level of NRC and the content of vitaminC from other ponds was within the recommended level.

    So additional dietary source of vitamin C might be

    mandatory for healthy growth and development of carp

    larvae. Vitamin A content varied between 13.61

    63.95 g/gm DM. The requirement of dietary vitamin

    A forL. rohita has been recommended as 606.6 g/kg

    dry feed (Rangacharyulu et al., 1999) and 121.21

    606 g /100 g dry diet for young carp. The values

    obtained in the present study were much higher than the

    reported values in other zooplankton (Moren et al.,

    2004). Less work has been done on the vitamin E re-

    quirement of carp larvae. The vitamin E supplementation

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    at the minimal requirement level as defined by NRC

    (1993) is 50 g/kg feed. Assessed data were 228

    333 g/g DM which is more than the NRC recom-

    mended value. The broodstock diets containing 60 g

    ascorbic acid (pure ascorbic acid powder)/g dry feed and

    300 g vitamin E/g dry feed are sufficient to ensureproper reproduction and offspring quality (Mukhopad-

    hyay et al., 2003).

    Information about mineral and trace element require-

    ment in Indian major carp is limited. Relatively few data

    exist about the influence of minerals in prey on larval

    feeding. Some data exist for the macro mineral and trace

    element compositions of Artemia, which is variable

    depending on stock (Rabin and Gatesoupe, 2001). In the

    present study the concentration of Ca in zooplankton

    varied from 1.052.99 mg/100 g, which is less than the

    requirement of common carp 0.3

    3.0 g/kg (Steffens,1989; Kaushik, 2001). The bioavailability of phospho-

    rus from zooplankton is not known. The phosphorous

    content 0.240.94 mg/100 gm DM of zooplankton was

    much less than common carp requirement (600 mg/

    100 g) (Kaushik, 2001). The concentration of iron in the

    zooplankton of pond 2 was highest among the others.

    Iron level in the zooplankton was lower than the level

    used in prepared feed and the requirement reported for

    common carp (200 mg/kg) (Steffens, 1989). High levels

    of dietary iron for fish have recently been questioned

    with regard to negative health effects in relation to

    pathogen bacteria development (Lie et al., 1997). Itmight be prudent to look into ways to maintain the iron

    concentration in zooplankton. The zinc concentration of

    the zooplankton was found to be 0.022.88 mg/100g

    DM. This concentration range is not much less than the

    requirement found for fast growing fish (Maage and

    Julshamn, 1993) as well as common carp (1530 mg/

    kg) (Steffens, 1989; Lim et al., 2000). As absorption of

    dissolved zinc (occurs mainly across the gills) is low in

    freshwater fish (Kaushik, 2001), this dietary source has

    great relevance in freshwater aquaculture. Manganese

    content of zooplankton varied from 0.020.49 mg/100 g, which is also less than the requirement of com-

    mon carp (1213 mg/kg) (Steffens, 1989). Dietary cop-

    per level of 3 mg/L improved growth in common carp

    fry (Ogino and Yang, 1980). The concentration of cop-

    per in mixed zooplankton varied from 0.0010.181mg/

    100g DM.

    The role of zooplankton proteases as activators of

    fish zymogen might be of importance because of the

    direct contribution of proteolytic activity to the autolytic

    processes of food organisms (Dabrowski and Kaushik,

    1984). Kurokawa et al. (1998) demonstrated that pro-

    teases derived from live food had only a small contri-

    bution to the enzymatic activity measured in sea bass

    and sardine larva, respectively. The role of zooplankton

    amylase and lipase in larval nutrition might also be

    significant. The present study revealed that zooplankton

    from different ponds were a good source of amylase,

    protease and lipase. The contribution of lipolytic en-zymes to the total lypolytic process was less than 6.5%

    of the total enzyme activity of stripped bass (Morone

    saxatilis) during ontogenic development (Ozkizilcik

    et al., 1996). The role of dietary enzymes in larval

    digestion, the characterization and quantitative estima-

    tion of digestive enzymes from zooplankton might be

    necessary to determine the enzyme input from live food

    to fish larvae.

    In the present study though the fertilization condi-

    tions were same in all the ponds, the phytoplankton

    species as well as the zooplankton population variedgreatly among the ponds, which might resulted in the

    pond wise variation of chemical composition of zoo-

    plankton. Particular sequence of changes in temperature,

    photoperiod and light intensity might alter the propor-

    tion of the individual constituents of phytoplankton, the

    main food of zooplankton. However zooplankton in

    ponds has two sources generally: allochthonous popu-

    lation from the water used to fill and the autochthonous

    population from resting form in the sediment. In the

    present study though zooplankton were present in water

    source it was the same for all the ponds. Therefore only

    autochthonous population from resting form in the sedi-ment developed and might have added in the variation in

    zooplankton population (Milstein et al., 2006). Frolov

    et al. (1991)found a positive correlation between lipid

    and fatty acid content, of rotifer and content of these

    compounds in their food. However, not all biochemical

    components (like carbohydrate, amino acid) changed to

    the same degree since, in the course of evolution, an

    increase in the conservation of some groups of sub-

    stances and stability of others had taken place, resulting

    in high stability of organisms as a whole. However,

    apart from environmental conditions and food, harvest-ing techniques, and sample preparation are vital factors

    that may affect the nutrient composition (Millamena

    et al., 1990). The nutritional quality in Artemia also

    varied considerably with the variation of the geograph-

    ical origin (Leger et al., 1986; Han et al., 2001), to

    differences among different batches of cysts from the

    same origin, and to the methods of analysis. Among the

    water quality variables variation in temperature reflected

    seasonal impact. Certain degree of variation in other

    water quality variables was registered between different

    ponds, and between the different samplings during the

    course of investigation. The results of such variations

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    were obvious in field conditions. The inorganic nut-

    rients such as NO2N, NO3N, and PO4P values also

    showed no particular trend during study period, attri-

    butable to the intermittent fertilization practices (Jena

    et al., 1998).

    5. Conclusion

    Freshwater mixed zooplankton contained a high

    amount of protein (although deficient in methionine),

    vitamin A and vitamin E and low in vitamin C with no

    ascorbic acid synthesizing capacity de novo. Although

    the lipid content was high, it was low in some essential

    fatty acids like LNA, EPA and DHA, which could be

    improved through different fatty acid enrichment stra-

    tegies according to the requirement of the desired spe-

    cies. Appreciable amount of digestive enzymes waspresent in mixed zooplankton that could be utilized

    during ontogenesis for better nutrient management

    through increasing nutrient digestibility of the larvae

    for healthy stockable seed production. Substantial dif-

    ferences were found in the mineral composition of the

    zooplankton studied to the requirement of fish. This

    information may have nutritional implication in culture

    of fish larvae and raising of juveniles so that provision of

    the prepared feed should be to complement what a pond

    ecosystem provides rather than to supplement with a

    diet of generic nature chosen empirically.


    The authors are grateful to the Director, Central

    Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture, Bhubaneswar for

    providing facilities for carrying out the work. Financial

    assistance from Indian Council of Agricultural Research

    as Senior Research Fellowship to the senior author is

    thankfully acknowledged.


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