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Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) Demonstration Tool

User Guide

© 2016 State of NSW and Office of Environment and Heritage

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The Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) has compiled this document in good faith, exercising all due care and attention. No representation is made about the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information in this publication for any particular purpose. OEH shall not be liable for any damage which may occur to any person or organisation taking action or not on the basis of this publication. Readers should seek appropriate advice when applying the information to their specific needs. This document may be subject to revision without notice and readers should ensure they are using the latest version.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate at the time of publication. However, as appropriate, readers should obtain independent advice before making any decision based on this information.

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OEH asserts the right to be attributed as author of the original material in the following manner: © State of New South Wales and Office of Environment and Heritage 2016.

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Contents...................................................................................................................... iii

List of figures ............................................................................................................ vii

1. Introduction .......................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Welcome to the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) Demonstration Tool 1

1.2. Purpose of the BAM Demonstration Tool ....................................................... 1

1.3. Scope of the tool ............................................................................................ 1

1.4. Purpose and structure of this document ......................................................... 1

2. Overall BAM Functions ........................................................................................ 3

2.1. Outline ........................................................................................................... 3

2.2. General functions/calculations ....................................................................... 3

Reset Calculator ................................................................................................... 3

Print ..................................................................................................................... 3

Help ..................................................................................................................... 3

Close .................................................................................................................... 4

3. Application Details tab ......................................................................................... 5

3.1. Outline ........................................................................................................... 5

3.2. General functions/calculations ....................................................................... 5

Assessment type .................................................................................................. 5

Proposal Id ........................................................................................................... 6

Proposal version .................................................................................................. 6

Proposal name ..................................................................................................... 6

Street address ...................................................................................................... 6

Next ..................................................................................................................... 7

4. Site Context tab .................................................................................................... 8

4.1. Outline ........................................................................................................... 8

4.2. General functions/calculations ....................................................................... 9

IBRA region .......................................................................................................... 9

IBRA subregion .................................................................................................... 9

Mitchell Landscape............................................................................................... 9

Cover ................................................................................................................. 10

Patch size .......................................................................................................... 10

Next ................................................................................................................... 10

4.3. Landscape features ..................................................................................... 11

Feature ............................................................................................................... 11


Name ................................................................................................................. 11

Action - Remove ................................................................................................. 11

Add another landscape feature .......................................................................... 12

5. Vegetation tab ..................................................................................................... 13

5.1. Outline ......................................................................................................... 13

5.2. Plant community types & threatened ecological communities ...................... 15

Formation ........................................................................................................... 15

Keith class .......................................................................................................... 15

Plant community type ......................................................................................... 15

PCT % cleared ................................................................................................... 16

Associated TEC ................................................................................................. 16

Listing status ...................................................................................................... 16

Action - Remove ................................................................................................. 17

Action - Add veg zone ........................................................................................ 17

Add PCT ............................................................................................................ 17

5.3. Vegetation Zones - Details ........................................................................... 18

Number .............................................................................................................. 18

Condition class ................................................................................................... 18

Vegetation zone name ....................................................................................... 18

Area ................................................................................................................... 19

Composition condition score .............................................................................. 19

Structure condition score .................................................................................... 19

Function condition score .................................................................................... 20

5.4. Vegetation Zones (Assess current vegetation integrity score) – data entry popup 20

Transect 1 .......................................................................................................... 20

Benchmark ......................................................................................................... 21

Observed mean (x̄)............................................................................................. 21

Unweighted composition score (UCSi) ............................................................... 21

Weighted composition score (WCSi) .................................................................. 22

Dynamic weighting (wi) ....................................................................................... 22

Add transect ....................................................................................................... 23

5.5. Vegetation Zones (Assess future vegetation integrity score) – data entry popup 23

Composition, structure or function condition score ............................................. 23

5.6. Vegetation Zones (Future without management) – data entry popup ........... 24

Rate of decline (% per annum) ........................................................................... 24

Future composition, structure and condition score without offset ........................ 24


5.7. Vegetation Zones (Future with management) – data entry popup ................ 25

Current value ...................................................................................................... 25

5.8. Vegetation Zones - Vegetation integrity scores ............................................ 26

Current vegetation integrity score ....................................................................... 26

Future vegetation integrity score ........................................................................ 26

Change in vegetation integrity score .................................................................. 27

6. Habitat suitability tab ......................................................................................... 28

6.1. Outline ......................................................................................................... 28

6.2. Predicted threatened species (Ecosystem credits) ....................................... 29

Species .............................................................................................................. 29

Habitat components ........................................................................................... 29

Habitat presence ................................................................................................ 29

Sensitivity class .................................................................................................. 30

Listing status ...................................................................................................... 30

6.3. Candidate threatened species (Species credits) .......................................... 30

Select species .................................................................................................... 30

Select vegetation zone ....................................................................................... 31

Species .............................................................................................................. 31

Vegetation zone ................................................................................................. 31

Geographic limitations ........................................................................................ 32

Habitat components ........................................................................................... 32

Sensitivity class .................................................................................................. 32

Listing status ...................................................................................................... 33

Candidate species .............................................................................................. 33

Suitable habitat .................................................................................................. 33

Species presence ............................................................................................... 34

Unit of Measure .................................................................................................. 34

Value .................................................................................................................. 34

6.4. Assessment of biodiversity concern ............................................................. 35

Species .............................................................................................................. 35

Listing status ...................................................................................................... 35

Sensitivity class .................................................................................................. 35

Biodiversity concern ........................................................................................... 35

Offset multiplier .................................................................................................. 36

7. Credits tab ........................................................................................................... 37

7.1. Outline ......................................................................................................... 37

7.2. Ecosystem credits for plant communities types (PCT), ecological communities & threatened species habitat .............................................................. 37


Zone ................................................................................................................... 37

Vegetation zone name ....................................................................................... 37

PCT name .......................................................................................................... 38

Vegetation integrity loss/gain .............................................................................. 38

Area ................................................................................................................... 38

Constant ............................................................................................................. 39

Intermediate result.............................................................................................. 39

Offset multiplier .................................................................................................. 39

Ecosystem credits .............................................................................................. 39

7.3. Species credits for threatened species ......................................................... 40

Type ................................................................................................................... 40

Species .............................................................................................................. 40

Vegetation zone name ....................................................................................... 40

Habitat condition (HC) ........................................................................................ 41

Area/Individual (HL) ............................................................................................ 41

Constant ............................................................................................................. 41

Intermediate result.............................................................................................. 42

Offset multiplier .................................................................................................. 42

Species credits ................................................................................................... 42

8. References .......................................................................................................... 43


List of figures

Figure 1: Workflow overview for Application Details tab ......................................... 5

Figure 2: Workflow overview for Site Context tab .................................................... 8

Figure 3: Workflow overview for Vegetation tab ..................................................... 14

Figure 4: Workflow overview for Habitat Suitabilty tab .......................................... 28

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


1. Introduction

1.1. Welcome to the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) Demonstration Tool

The “OEH BAM Demonstration Tool” is an online interactive view of the draft Biodiversity Assessment Methodology (BAM). The tool follows the draft rules and calculations outlined in the BAM, and assists the user in applying the BAM at a site and generating an outcome.

1.2. Purpose of the BAM Demonstration Tool Users can apply the BAM using the BAM Demonstration Tool to notional development and biodiversity proposals, test calculations and derive offset requirements at development sites or credit generation at biodiversity stewardship sites.

The BAM Demonstration Tool has been developed to illustrate how the BAM will work, and seek feedback on how both the BAM and the BAM tool can be improved during ongoing development. A series of consultation questions are listed below to assist OEH with ongoing development and improvement of the BAM tool.

1.3. Scope of the tool The tool only has Biodiversity data from a selection of IBRA Regions (Brigalow Belt South, Nandewar, NSW North Coast, South East Corner, South Eastern Highlands, South East Queensland and Sydney Basin), includes a sub-set of Plant Community Types (149 in total) and a sub-set of ecosystem credit species (27) and species credit species (36). These data-sets have been chosen for demonstration as they are some the most commonly encountered in assessments in the IBRA sub-regions.

The data required by the BAM will be reviewed over the coming months and added to the tool progressively.

1.4. Purpose and structure of this document This document provides an outline of the functions/calculations performed and the results presented by the BAM demonstration tool.

This document does not describe the assessment process or functioning of the BAM demonstration tool in detail. This document does not describe the rationale behind the vegetation integrity, habitat suitability or credit calculations. Users can refer to the BAM document for a more detailed explanation of the assessment process and calculations.

Consultation questions

• How easy was it to understand and use the tool? • Does the BAM Demonstration Tool logically relate to the BAM? • How helpful is the user guide and how can it be improved? • What improvements would you suggest we make to the BAM Demonstration Tool?

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


This document is structured to align with the tab structure of the BAM demonstration tool and provides:

- An outline of the purpose of the tab and a flowchart of the user actions required in the tab; and

- A brief description of the data or function required from a user and a reference to the relevant section of the BAM.

The flowchart provides the following information:

The description of the function/result provides the following information:

Optional step (dash outline)

Decision point (dotted outline)

Mandatory step (solid outline)

Function/calculation name Screen grab

Application to assessment types Requirement to use Description of behaviour of the function/calculation

Reference to BAM document section and any further information

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


2. Overall BAM Functions

2.1. Outline There are four high level functions that act across all tabs to help users manage assessments and create output from the calculator. These are:

- Reset Calculator; - Print; - Help, and - Close.

2.2. General functions/calculations

Reset Calculator

Used in: All assessment types.

Use as required.

Description: User clicks to reset the calculator. This removes all data previously entered in all tabs of the calculator. Warning: the calculator will be reset immediately after pressing this button.

Further information: None.


Used in: All assessment types.

Use as required.

Description: User clicks to launch the browsers standard print dialog to enable users to print a report of their calculations. The report displays all data entered in each field in the calculator with the exception of the transect observations entered in the Vegetation tab. The report can be used to compare outcomes from different scenarios.

Further information: None.


Used in: All assessment types.

Use as required.

Description: User clicks to turn the Help boxes throughout the BAM tool on or off.

Further information: None.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide



Used in: All assessment types.

Use as required.

Description: User clicks to close the currently open window/popup.

Note: When a popup is closed, the data entered is automatically saved.

Further information: None.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


3. Application Details tab

3.1. Outline The Application Details tab is used to enter information used to specify the type of biodiversity assessment being conducted, identify the assessment application and enter the location of the site. The same tab is used for all assessment types.

The steps to be taken by the user to complete this tab are displayed in the flow diagram below. Further details on individual functions and calculations performed are provided in Section 3.2.

Figure 1: Workflow overview for Application Details tab.

3.2. General functions/calculations

Assessment type

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu one of four assessment options: - Development - Offset - Bio-certification - Streamlined – Small Area Development.

Further information: See BAM Section 3. Please select development for native vegetation clearing proposals.

Select Assessment type

Enter Proposal name

Enter Street address

Click Next

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Proposal Id

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User enters a free text identifier for the assessment. In the BAM demonstration tool the field will be populated with “DEMONSTRATION” as default, and the user is free to modify

Note: This will be a system generated identifier in the production version of the BAM tool.

Further information: None

Proposal version

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: System generated version number for the proposal.

Further information: None.

Proposal name

Used in: All assessment types.

Optional (in BAM demonstration tool).

Description: User enters in free text box a name for the assessment.

Further information: None.

Street address

Used in: All assessment types.

Optional (in BAM demonstration tool).

Description: User enters in free text box the street address or location of the impact or offset site.

Further information: None.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide



Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User clicks to lock the Assessment Type value entered in this tab and proceed to the Site Context tab.

Note: Once this button is pressed, Assessment Type will not be able to be changed. If a change to Assessment Type is required, the user will have to restart the assessment using the Reset Calculator button. Users will be able to return to the tab and edit all other user editable values.

Further information: None.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


4. Site Context tab

4.1. Outline The Site Context tab is used to enter information to assess the biogeographic and landscape setting of the site. The same tab is used for all assessment types.

The steps to be taken by the user to complete this tab are displayed in the flow diagram below. Further details on individual function and calculations performed are provided in Section 4.2 – General Functions and Calculations, and Section 4.3 – Landscape Features.

Figure 2: Workflow overview for Site Context tab.

Select IBRA region

Select IBRA subregion

Select Mitchell Landscape

Select Cover

Select Patch size

Select Landscape feature type

Enter Landscape feature name

Click Next

Add another landscape feature

Action: Remove

Add another landscape feature?

Remove landscape feature?

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


4.2. General functions/calculations

IBRA region

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu the IBRA region in which the site is located.

Note: Only the IBRA region in which most of the proposal occurs is selected for a proposal.

Further information: See BAM Section

IBRA subregion

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down the IBRA subregion in which the site is located. Note: Only the IBRA subregion in which most of the proposal occurs is selected.

Further information: See BAM Section

Mitchell Landscape

Used in: All assessment types.

Optional (in BAM demonstration tool).

Description: User selects from drop-down menu the Mitchell Landscape in which the development/offset site is located.

Note: Only the Mitchell Landscape in which most of the proposal occurs is able to be selected. Mitchell Landscapes are not used in any calculations performed by the BAM tool.

Further information: See BAM Section

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide



Used in: All assessment types.

Optional (in BAM demonstration tool).

Description: User selects from drop-down menu the appropriate cover class to indicate the percentage of the site and the buffer area surrounding the site that is covered by native vegetation.

Note: For the purposes of the BAM demonstration tool, cover value is not used to define/modify the list of candidate species for biodiversity credits.

Further information: See BAM Section 4.2.2.

Patch size

Used in: All assessment types.

Optional (in BAM demonstration tool).

Description: User selects from drop-down menu the appropriate patch size class to indicate the size of the patch of intact native vegetation on and adjoining the site.

Note: For the purposes of the BAM demonstration tool, patch size value is not used to define/modify the list of candidate species for biodiversity credits.

Further information: See BAM Section 4.2.3.


Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User clicks to lock the values entered in this tab by the user and proceed to the Vegetation tab.

Note: Once this button is pressed, all values entered on this tab will not be able to be changed. If a change to any value is required, the user will have to restart the assessment using the Reset Calculator button and all previously entered data will need to be re-entered.

Further information: None.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


4.3. Landscape features


Used in: All assessment types.

Optional (in BAM demonstration tool).

Description: User selects from drop-down menu a landscape feature type found on the site to be listed in the application. Multiple landscape features may be selected and added.

Note: Landscape features are not used in any calculations performed by the BAM demonstration tool.

Further information: See BAM Section 4.1.


Used in: All assessment types.

Optional (in BAM demonstration tool).

Description: User enters in free text box a description/name of the relevant landscape feature.

Further information: See BAM Section 4.1.

Action - Remove

Used in: All assessment types.

Use as required.

Description: User clicks to remove a previously entered landscape feature.

Note: More than one landscape feature must be added to enable this action.

Further information: None.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Add another landscape feature

Used in: All assessment types.

Use as required.

Description: User clicks to add another row, enabling the user to specify another landscape feature on the site.

Further information: None.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


5. Vegetation tab

5.1. Outline The Vegetation tab is used to enter information to specify the plant community types present on the site and to enter plot and transect data used to calculate vegetation integrity scores. Tab sections relating to defining plant community types and threatened ecological communities and defining current vegetation condition are the same for all assessment types. Tab sections relating to assessing the future vegetation integrity score differs between development/bio-certification and offset assessments.

The steps to be taken by the user to complete this tab are displayed in the flow diagram below. Further details on individual function and calculations performed are provided in BAM Section 5 - Assessing native vegetation, threatened ecological communities and vegetation integrity.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Figure 3: Workflow overview for Vegetation tab.

1 Users must click on Structure Score and Function Scores and enter required data in the same way as for Composition Scores to calculate vegetation integrity scores for the zone.

Select Keith Formation

Select Keith Class

Select PCT

Select Associated TEC

Click Add vegetation zone

Select Condition class

Enter Area

Click Add another PCT

Click Composition score1 –current

Enter Transect 1 values

Click Add Transect

Click Close

Click Composition score1 - future

Click Close

Click Composition score1 –

– future without management

Click Close

Click Close

Click Composition score1 –

– future with management

Proceed to next tab

Add another PCT?

Add another Transect?

Add another vegetation zone?

Developments Offsets

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


5.2. Plant community types & threatened ecological communities


Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu the relevant Keith Formation for a PCT on the site.

Note: This value must be selected to populate the Keith Class and plant community type field.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.3.

Keith class

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu the relevant Keith Class for a PCT on the site.

Note: This value must be selected to populate the plant community type field.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.3.

Plant community type

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu a PCT present on the site.

Note: This value must be selected to populate the Associated TEC field.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.3.

A detailed description of each PCT and its geographic distribution is contained within the VIS Classification Database and is publicly available from www.environment.nsw.gov.au/research/vegetationinformationsystem.htm.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


PCT % cleared

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the percent of the PCT cleared from reference data.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.3.

Associated TEC

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu the associated TEC for the PCT on the site (if relevant).

Note: If multiple TECs are relevant, another PCT record must be added.

Further information: See BAM Section

A detailed description of each TEC is available from the OEH website at www.environment.nsw.gov.au/threatenedSpeciesApp/

Listing status

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the listing status of the TEC in Schedule 2 of the proposed BC Act, or under Part 13 of the EPBC Act, from reference data.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.3.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Action - Remove

Used in: All assessment types.

Use as required.

Description: User clicks on the “X” to remove previously entered PCT information in the relevant row.

Further information: None.

Action - Add veg zone

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User clicks to add a new vegetation zone record to the Vegetation zone section for this PCT. This will allow the user to enter real or estimated condition observations for the zone.

Note: This must be used to add the first vegetation zone record.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.4.1.


Used in: All assessment types.

Use as required.

Description: User clicks to add another row enabling the user to specify another PCT present on the site.

Further information: None.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


5.3. Vegetation Zones - Details Note: Functions in the current vegetation integrity score section are the same for all assessment types.

Note: Vegetation zone details (number, PCT code, condition class, etc.) entered in the current vegetation integrity score section are copied to all future vegetation integrity score sections for all assessment types.


Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays an automatically generated reference number for the vegetation zone.

Further information: None.

Condition class

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu the appropriate condition class to describe the general condition of the vegetation zone.

Further information: None.

Vegetation zone name

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays an automatically generated vegetation zone name created by joining the PCT code and the condition class.

Further information: None.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide



Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User enters in free text box the area of the vegetation zone (in hectares).

Further information: See BAM Section 5.4.1.

Composition condition score

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User clicks to open the Composition condition score popup.

Note: Users must click on this control for the BAM tool to calculate the composition condition score and the current and future Vegetation Integrity scores.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.5.2 and section 5.5.5.

Structure condition score

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User clicks to open the Structure condition score popup.

Note: Users must click on this control for the BAM tool to calculate the structure condition score and the current and future Vegetation Integrity scores.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.5.3 and 5.5.5.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Function condition score

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User clicks to open the Function condition score popup.

Note: Users must click on this control for the BAM tool to calculate the function condition score and the current and future Vegetation Integrity scores.

Note: Function condition data is not required for non woody PCTs.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.5.4 and Section 5.5.5.

5.4. Vegetation Zones (Assess current vegetation integrity score) – data entry popup

Transect 1

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User enters observed composition, structure and function condition scores for each growth-form group (for composition and structure attributes) and other specified attributes (for function).

Note: Most attributes are free text, others have drop-down lists.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.5.2, section 5.5.3 and section 5.5.4.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide



Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays benchmark reference data for the Keith Class in the specified IBRA region for the site.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.4.1

Observed mean (x̄)

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays the mean of observed values of the relevant growth-form group over all transects.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.5.

Unweighted composition score (UCSi)

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays the unweighted condition score for the relevant growth-form group. This calculation converts observed mean values to continuous unweighted condition scores using a Weibull distribution.

Note: Scores for composition and structure are calculated using the same formula (with the exception of cases where average observed cover is greater than the benchmark value).

Further information: See BAM Section 5.5.2 – section 5.5.4 (Equation 1 – Equation 8)

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Weighted composition score (WCSi)

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays weighted condition score for the relevant growth-form group. This calculation applies a dynamic weighting based on the proportional contribution of each growth-form group benchmark function to the benchmark total function (sum of benchmark function across all growth-form groups).

Note: Condition scores for composition and structure are calculated using the same approach. The function condition score has fixed (static) weights).

Further information: See BAM Section 5.5.2 – section 5.5.4 (Equation 1 – Equation 8)

Dynamic weighting (wi)

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays a dynamic weighting based on the proportional contribution of each growth-form group benchmark condition attribute to the benchmark total condition (sum of benchmark condition attributes across all growth-form groups).

Note: Weightings for composition and structure are calculated using a similar approach. Weightings for function are static rather than dynamic as defined in BAM Section

Further information: See BAM Section 5.5.2 to section 5.5.5

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Add transect

Used in: All assessment types.

Use as required.

Description: User clicks to add another row enabling the user to enter observed values in another transect for the vegetation zone.

Further information: See table 5 in BAM Section 5.4 for plots/transects required per zone area.

5.5. Vegetation Zones (Assess future vegetation integrity score) – data entry popup

Composition, structure or function condition score

Used in: Development and bio-certification assessments only.


Description: User enters in free text box the observed condition scores for each growth-form group (tree, shrub, grass and grass-like, forb, fern, other).

Note: This is fixed at 0 in the BAM demonstration tool. This indicates complete clearing in the vegetation zone at a development or bio-certification site.

Further information: See BAM Section 10.3.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


5.6. Vegetation Zones (Future without management) – data entry popup

Rate of decline (% per annum)

Used in: Offset assessments only.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu the annual rate of decline for that growth form group or attribute (using Table 17 of the BAM).

Note: For the purposes of the BAM demonstration tool, the rates of decline have been limited to values applicable to values applicable to low risk land. The annual rate of decline is zero for all composition attributes.

Further information: See BAM Section 12.5.

Future composition, structure and condition score without offset

Used in: Offset assessments only.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays the predicted future condition (composition/structure/function) value for the growth form group.

This calculation re-applies the logistic growth curve (Weibell curve) and the dynamic weighting approach (Equations 1 – 8) to the attribute value without management to determine the future predicted condition score for composition, structure and function). Equation 18 or Equation 19 is then used to calculate the future vegetation integrity score without management.

Further information: See BAM section 12.5, Table 17.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


5.7. Vegetation Zones (Future with management) – data entry popup

The BAM demonstration tool contains fixed values that influence the intrinsic rate of increase that applies when assessing the future vegetation integrity score with management (see Appendix 6 and Appendix 7).

Current value

Used in: Offset assessments only.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays the current mean of observed values of the relevant growth-form group over all transects (from the Current vegetation integrity score popup).

Once the intrinsic rate of increase has been determined, the BAM demonstration tool re-applies the logistic growth curve (Weibell curve) and the dynamic weighting approach (Equations 1 – 8) to the attribute value with management to determine the future predicted condition score for composition, structure and function).

Equation 23 or Equation 24 is then used to calculate the future vegetation integrity score without management.

Further information: See BAM section 12.6, Appendix 6 and Appendix 7.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


5.8. Vegetation Zones - Vegetation integrity scores

Current vegetation integrity score

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays the overall current vegetation integrity score for the vegetation zone.

Further information: See BAM Section 5.5.5.

Future vegetation integrity score

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays the overall vegetation integrity score for the relevant vegetation zone for the following sections:

- Developments and bio-certification

o Future condition with development impact

- Offsets

o Future condition without management, and

o Future condition with management

Further information: See BAM Section 10.3.2 for development and bio-certification proposals.

See BAM Section 12.5 and Section 12.6 for offset proposals.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Change in vegetation integrity score

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays the change in vegetation integrity score for the vegetation zone. This is the difference between the Current vegetation integrity score for the vegetation zone and the future vegetation integrity score for the vegetation zone in that section.

Further information: See BAM Section 10.4 for development and biodiversity certification proposals.

See BAM section 12.8 for offset sites.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


6. Habitat suitability tab

6.1. Outline The Habitat Suitability tab is used to enter information on the threatened species assumed or confirmed to be present on the site and to enter observation data used to calculate biodiversity credits. Tab sections relating to defining the individual predicted and candidate threatened species are the same for all assessment types. Development assessments have an additional section relating to the assessment of biodiversity concern for candidate species.

The steps to be taken by the user to complete this tab are displayed in the flow diagram below. Further details on individual function and calculations performed are provided in Sections 6.2 – Predicted Threatened Species, 6.3 – Candidate Threatened Species and 6.4 Assessment of Biodiversity Concern.

Figure 4: Workflow overview for Habitat Suitability tab.

Select Habitat presence (Predicted spp)

Select Species (Candidate spp)

Select Vegetation zone

Click Add species

Select if Candidate spp

Select if Suitable habitat present on site

Select if Species present on site

Enter Value

Proceed to next tab

Add another Species?

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


6.2. Predicted threatened species (Ecosystem credits)


Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the list of predicted threatened species for the purposes of determining ecosystem credits. For the purpose of the BAM demonstration tool, these species are predicted on the basis of a number of filters including the IBRA subregion and the PCTs defined for the site by the user.

Further information: See BAM Section 6.3 - Step 1.

Habitat components

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays any habitat components required for the specified threatened species to be present, from reference data.

Further information: None.

Habitat presence

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu whether the required habitat for the threatened species is considered to be present in the vegetation zone.

Note: If the user selects Yes, this species is included in ecosystem credits calculations for the vegetation zone.

Further information: See BAM Section 6.3 - Step 2.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Sensitivity class

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the sensitivity class for the specified threatened species from reference data.

Further information: See BAM Section 6.3 - Step 3 and Table 10

Listing status

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the listing status of the threatened species in Schedule 2 of the proposed BC Act, or under Part 13 of the EPBC Act, from reference data.

Further information: None.

6.3. Candidate threatened species (Species credits)

Select species

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu the candidate threatened species for the vegetation zone. Species selected in this step will be included in the list of candidate threatened species for the vegetation zone and will be assessed in further steps.

Note: Each species in list should be added, at least once, to view habitat and geographic constraints and confirm whether it is a candidate species.

Further information: See BAM Section 6.5 – Step 1

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Select vegetation zone

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu the relevant vegetation zone that the candidate threatened species is suspected to be found in.

Note: A record for the species must be added for each vegetation zone that the species occurs in, so that species credits can be calculated for each vegetation zone.

Further information: None.


Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the selected candidate threatened species selected by the user.

Further information: See BAM section 6.5

Vegetation zone

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the vegetation zone associated with the selected candidate threatened species selected by the user.

Further information: None.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Geographic limitations

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays any geographic limitations to the distribution of the threatened species within the IBRA subregion, from reference data.

Further information: See BAM section 6.5.

Habitat components

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays any habitat components required for the specified threatened species to be present, from reference data.

Further information: See BAM section 6.5.

Sensitivity class

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the sensitivity class for the specified threatened species from reference data.

Further information: See BAM section 6.6.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Listing status

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the listing status of the threatened species in Schedule 2 of the proposed BC Act, or under Part 13 of the EPBC Act, from reference data.

Further information: See BAM section 6.5.

Candidate species

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu whether the listed threatened species is considered to be a candidate threatened species for the purposes of calculation of species credits.

Further information: See BAM Section 6.5 – Step 1.

Suitable habitat

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu whether the species is considered likely to have suitable habitat on the site and requires further assessment of the presence on the site.

Further information: See BAM Section 6.5 – Step 2.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Species presence

Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User selects from drop-down menu whether the listed species is considered to be present in the vegetation zone.

Further information: See BAM Section 6.5 – Step 3.

Unit of Measure

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the required units of measurement for reporting the presence of the listed species, from reference data. This will be either an area (in hectares) of suitable habitat of the species or the number of individuals, within the vegetation zone.

Further information: See BAM Section 6.5 – Step 4.


Used in: All assessment types.


Description: User enters in free text box the value for the area (in hectares) of suitable habitat of the species or the number of individuals, within the vegetation zone.

Further information: See BAM Section 6.5 – Step 4.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


6.4. Assessment of biodiversity concern


Used in: Developments only.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the candidate threatened species indicated as being present on the site by the user.

Further information: See BAM section 6.6.

Listing status

Used in: Developments only.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the listing status of the threatened species in Schedule 2 of the proposed BC Act, or under Part 13 of the EPBC Act, from reference data.

Further information: See BAM section 6.6.

Sensitivity class

Used in: Developments only.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the sensitivity class for the specified threatened species from reference data.

Further information: See BAM section 6.6 and Table 11.

Biodiversity concern

Used in: Developments only.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the level of biodiversity concern for the threatened species. This value is determined from the sensitivity class and listing status class for the species.

Further information: See BAM Section 6.6.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Offset multiplier

Used in: Developments only.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the offset multiplier for the threatened species, from reference data (currently under development within the Threatened Species Profile Database). The offset multiplier is based on the level of biodiversity concern of an entity.

Further information: See BAM section 6.6.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


7. Credits tab

7.1. Outline The Credits tab is used to summarise the results of calculations of biodiversity credits. The same tab is used for all assessment types.

No user action is required in this tab so no flow chart of required user actions is presented. Further details on calculations performed are provided in Sections 7.2 - Ecosystem credits for Plant Communities Types (PCT), threatened ecological communities and threatened species habitat, and 7.3 – Species credits for threatened species.

7.2. Ecosystem credits for plant communities types (PCT), ecological communities & threatened species habitat


Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the vegetation zone number for the vegetation zone for which ecosystem credits have been calculated.

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.2 for development/bio-certification proposals and section 12.9 for offset proposals.

Vegetation zone name

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the vegetation zone name for the vegetation zone for which ecosystem credits have been calculated.

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.2 for development/bio-certification proposals and section 12.9 for offset proposals.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


PCT name

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the vegetation zone name for the vegetation zone for which ecosystem credits have been calculated.

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.2 for development/bio-certification proposals and section 12.9 for offset proposals.

Vegetation integrity loss/gain

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the vegetation integrity loss or gain for the plant community type in the vegetation zone for which ecosystem credits have been calculated.

Note: This value has been calculated in the Vegetation tab.

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.2 for development/bio-certification proposals and section 12.8 for offset proposals.


Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the area of the vegetation zone for which ecosystem credits have been calculated.

Note: This value has been input by the user in the Vegetation tab.

Further information: None

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide



Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the value of the constant used in ecosystem credit calculations.

Note: This value is set at 0.25 for all equations (where applicable).

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.2 for development/bio-certification proposals and section 12.8 for offset proposals (Equation 14 and Equation 26).

Intermediate result

Used in: Developments only.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays the intermediate result of ecosystem credit calculations, prior to the application of an offset multiplier for the PCT.

Further information: None

Offset multiplier

Used in: Developments only.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the relevant offset multiplier (OM) for the species or community (from reference data – TSPD) used in calculation of the ecosystem credits.

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.2.

Ecosystem credits

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays the ecosystem credits associated with the Plant community type in the listed vegetation zone.

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.2 for development/bio-certification proposals and section 12.9 for offset proposals.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


7.3. Species credits for threatened species


Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the type of species for which species credits are being calculated. This will be either flora or fauna.

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.3 for development/bio-certification proposals and section 12.10 for offset proposals.


Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the scientific and common name of the species for which species credits are being calculated.

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.3 for development/bio-certification proposals and section 12.10 for offset proposals.

Vegetation zone name

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the vegetation zone name in which the listed species is considered to occur. There may be more than one vegetation zone.

Note: This does not apply for a flora species. assessed as individuals

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.3 for development/bio-certification proposals and section 12.10 for offset proposals.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Habitat condition (HC)

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the habitat condition (indicated by vegetation integrity loss or gain) in the vegetation zone in which the listed species is considered to occur.

Note: This value has been calculated in the Vegetation tab. This does not apply for flora species assessed as individuals.

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.3 for development/bio-certification proposals and section 12.10 for offset proposals (Equation 15 and Equation 27).

Area/Individual (HL)

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the area (in hectares) of suitable habitat of the species or the number of individuals, within the vegetation zone.

Note: This has been entered by the user in the Habitat Suitability tab.

Further information: None.


Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the value of the constant used in species credit calculations where area of habitat is the UOM.

Note: This value is set at 0.25 for all equations (where applicable). Note that this does not apply for flora species assessed as individuals

Further information: None.

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


Intermediate result

Used in: Development only.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays the intermediate result of species credit calculations, prior to the application of an offset multiplier for the species.

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.3 for development/bio-certification proposals and section 12.10 for offset proposals (Equation 15 and Equation 27).

Offset multiplier

Used in: Development and bio-certification proposals.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool displays the relevant offset multiplier (OM) for the species or community (from reference data – TSPD) used in calculation of the ecosystem credits.

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.3 for development/bio-certification proposals and section 12.10 for offset proposals (Equation 15 and Equation 16).

Species credits

Used in: All assessment types.

No user action required.

Description: BAM tool calculates and displays the species credits associated with the species.

Further information: See BAM section 10.4.3 for development/bio-certification proposals (Equation 15 and Equation 16) and section 12.10 for offset proposals (Equation 27 and Equation 28).

BAM Demonstration Tool – User Guide


8. References

OEH 2016, Draft Biodiversity Assessment Method, NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney.

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