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Page 1: Biographies poster, 8 Nov event


Helen BevanHelen is Chief of Service Transformation at the NHS Institute for Innovation andImprovement. She has worked in the field of healthcare improvement at local, nationaland international level.

Helen has led and supported initiatives that have created improvements for millions ofpatients. Her specialist interests are in large-scale change approaches to improvement

and mobilising and organising for improvement. In 2008, the 60th anniversary of the NHS, Helen wasnamed as one of the 60 most influential people in the history of the NHS and in 2010 was named asone of the top 10 NHS opinion formers.

Anna BradleyAnna is Chair of Healthwatch England. Anna is a long-standing consumer advocate,having worked at Which? for many years, and was formerly Chief Executive of TheNational Consumer Council. She also has long experience as a regulator, having beena director at the Financial Services Authority and the Chair of two professional regulators- an organic certification body and the Ofcom Consumer Panel.

As well as being Chair of Healthwatch England, Anna is an independent member of the Care QualityCommission.

Lorraine DenorisLorraine is National Programme Director for Healthwatch Implementation at the LocalGovernment Association.

She joined NHS Eastern and Coastal Kent in 2009 as Director of Communications andCitizen Engagement, after working four years at the Healthcare Commission where shewas Head of Patient and Public Engagement.

In 2011, she led a successful pilot programme of work with Clinical Commissioning Groups across theSouth East Coast region to embed good Patient and Public Engagement practice across their activities asthey move towards authorisation. She has also been acting as Patient and Public Engagement advisor tothe National Director Patient and Public Affairs at the Department of Health and leading the establishmentof Healthwatch at Kent County Council.

Professor Steve FieldSteve is the Chairman of the NHS Future Forum, launched by the Prime Minister, Deputy PrimeMinister and the Secretary of State for Health in April 2011 to listen to people across England,to reflect on their concerns and suggestions so that the Government can improve its legislationto shape the future of the NHS.

Steve is also Chairman of the National Inclusion Health Board – Improving the health of the mostvulnerable, which focuses on improving the health outcomes of those vulnerable to poor health outcomes (suchas the homeless, Gypsies and Travellers, sex workers and vulnerable migrants). It pursues greater equity in healthcare and health outcomes, across communities we serve with a drive to make sure everyone is seen, heard andcan access quality care, regardless of circumstance or need. He continues to practise as a GP at Bellevue MedicalCentre in Birmingham.

Richard HumphriesRichard leads The King's Fund’s work on social care and the interface between local governmentand the NHS, including health and wellbeing boards.

He is a recognised national commentator and writer on social care reform, the funding of long-term care and the integration of health, social care and housing.

Becky MalbyBecky is Director of the Centre for Innovation in Health Management at Leeds University, andthe founder and leader of the International Shaping Health Systems Network.

The CIHM is a knowledge exchange centre, based in Leeds University Business School, whichfocuses on complex health and social care issues, and provides support to the developmentof organisational and place-based solutions through working with communities and users,

service providers and commissioners.

Becky has an extensive track record in organisational and leadership development in the public sector, workingprimarily with the NHS and with Local Authorities, in the UK; and with health entrepreneurs internationally. Shewrites regularly for the Guardian on health issues.

Ciarán DevaneCiarán is Chief Executive of Macmillan Cancer Support.

He serves as a member of the Cancer Outcomes Strategy Implementation Advisory Group,the National Stakeholder Forum of the NHS and is a member of the health and workleadership group for the Coalition for Better Health. Ciarán co-chairs the National CancerSurvivorship Initiative, sits on the board of the National Cancer Intelligence Network andis a trustee of The Liver Group and the Makaton Charity. In January 2012, he was

appointed as a Non-Executive Director of the NHS Commissioning Board Authority.

Carolyn DownsCarolyn was appointed as Chief Executive of the Local Government Association inSeptember 2011.

Prior to this Carolyn was the Chief Executive of the Legal Services Commission, whichshe was appointed to in March 2010. Carolyn was Deputy Permanent Secretary andDirector General, Corporate Performance of the Ministry of Justice. Before this, Carolynwas Chief Executive of Shropshire County Council for nearly 6 years. She had worked for

Shropshire County Council since 1999. Previously, she was a Corporate Director with the County Councilwith responsibilities including Environmental Services.

Ginny EdwardsGinny is the Department of Health’s Head of the National Learning Network for Healthand Wellbeing Board Implementation.

She is a clinician and manager with director-level experience nationally and locally. Shehas extensive knowledge and experience of designing, developing and delivering highly

successful national large change management programmes of work. These include Director of the NationalCritical Care Programme, Head of the Improvement Team for Reducing HCAIs and implementing highimpact changes by using Rapid Spread a large-scale change methodology.

Ginny is a qualified coach and works with a number of independent clients to support transformationalchange.

Nigel EdwardsNigel is a Senior Fellow at the King’s Fund and an Expert Advisor with the GlobalHealthcare Centre of Excellence at KPMG LLP.

Until July 2011, he was Policy Director of the NHS Confederation and has a wealthof experience in health and social care. As Policy Director, Nigel led the Confederation in developing andinfluencing health policy on behalf of members and ensuring NHS organisations have a prominent publicvoice. At the same time, he oversaw the Confederation's well-respected policy and communications servicesand the NHS European Office. Nigel was responsible for founding the Health Services Research Network aspart of the Confederation to provide a voice for the research community and improve dialogue betweenmanagers, policy makers and research.

Ivan EllulIvan was recently appointed as Director of Partnerships at the NHS Commissioning Board.

For the last four years, Ivan was Chief Executive of East Riding of Yorkshire Primary Care Trust. Before that, he wasa career civil servant in the Department of Health where he worked in a number of senior posts including ActingDirector General of Performance, Director of Planning, Head of Public Expenditure (leading two successivespending reviews) and Head of General Medical Services.

Deborah McKenzieDeborah is a Programme Director at the NHS Leadership Academy, supporting leadership development acrosspublic health and social care. Prior to joining the Department of Health in September 2011, Deborah spent twoyears at the SHA in London, where she headed the Leading for Health and Talent Management team. She wasa Non-Executive Director at an acute Trust for five years and chaired a Patient Forum for two years before this.

Deborah is a highly experienced public and private sector leader with extensive experience working withorganisations experiencing significant change. She specialises in coaching individuals and teams who wish toimprove their performance and achieve their full potential.

Cllr Jonathan McShaneJonathan is Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Culture, for Hackney Council.

Originally from Glasgow, Jonathan has lived in Hackney for over ten years. He has been aCouncillor in Shoreditch for over five years and represents the Haggerston Ward. He was Chairof the Health Scrutiny Commission for three years and is now Cabinet Member for Health,Social Care and Culture. The role includes responsibility for adult social care, parks, leisure,

libraries and the voluntary sector. Outside of the Council, he has worked in communications, most recently forthe NHS. A keen runner, Jonathan has completed five marathons.

Cllr David RogersDavid is Chair of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board, and Vice-Chair of Health Scrutiny in East Sussex.

David has been active in Sussex local politics for 35 years, firstly in Brighton, and since 1989,in Newhaven. Over that time he has been involved across the full range of local government activities, includingholding significant positions of responsibility in Lewes DC, East Sussex CC, and Sussex Police Authority.

David was awarded an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours, June 2004, for services to local government.

Joyce RedfearnJoyce is currently working with the Local Government Association on the leadership of healthand wellbeing boards and chairs the Improvement Board for Wirral Council.

Joyce retired in March 2012 after 17 years as a Local Authority Chief Executive. Her last 7years were in Wigan where in her final 15 months she was in a shared CE post with the AshtonLeigh and Wigan PCT. Prior to that she helped to reintroduce the CE role to Gloucestershire

County Council and to take it from a poor to a good Authority.

She has always been interested in improvement, leadership and change management. Many of the roles in hercareer have been newly created ones with a significant change agenda. She is a qualified coach and enjoysworking with individuals and teams to deliver their full potential.

Duncan SelbieDuncan is Chief Executive Designate at Public Health England.

Duncan has worked in the NHS since 1980. He formally commenced as Chief Executive of PublicHealth England on 1 July 2012. From 2007 to 2012 he was Chief Executive at Brighton and SussexUniversity Hospitals. From 2003 to 2007 at the Department of Health he was the Director General

of Programmes and Performance for the NHS and then subsequently Commissioning.

Prior to this he held Chief Executive roles at the South East London Strategic Health Authority and the SouthWest London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust. He recently served on the NHS Future Forum andcontributed specifically to the Education and Training Working Group. He places a great emphasis on frontlineleadership by all professionals across the health and social care spectrum.

John WilderspinJohn is National Director for Health and Wellbeing Board Implementation at the Department ofHealth.

John has over 25 years of experience in healthcare management, and has held senior roles in anumber of NHS organisations. Prior to joining the DH, he was a PCT Chief Executive, firstly as Joint CEO of 2PCTs in Hampshire and then from 2006 with NHS West Sussex, the fourth largest PCT in the country.

The NHS Commissioning Board has recently appointed John as Managing Director of Central SouthernCommissioning Support Unit, a post he will be taking up in December 2012.

Mike FarrarMike is Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation. He joined the organisation in May 2011. Mikewas Chief Executive of the North West England SHA from May 2006 to April 2011. He waspreviously Chief Executive of West Yorkshire and South Yorkshire Strategic Health Authorities,Chief Executive of Tees Valley Health Authority and head of primary care at the Department ofHealth. During his time at the Department of Health, he was responsible for establishing primarycare groups, primary care trusts and Personal Medical Services (PMS).

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