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  • 7/30/2019 Biores Course


    Bio-Resonance Medicine A practical manual for practitioners.

    How to analyse a persons health and find out exactly whichnatural remedies will restore full well-being. All you need to know

    about setting up an effective, profitable and ethical alternative

    medicine practice, by a practitioner whos done it all already.

    The author, Ronnie Turner, has run a highly successful

    alternative medicine practice in Dublin, Ireland, since 1976.

    Websites::http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgQglz4fW-g www999alternatives.com and www.ronniesremedies.com and


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    An Old Discovery brought back to life.

    The human being has evolved over aeons first in water, and then on land,

    but always living between the two magnetic poles of the Earth.

    Early in the 1900s , medical doctor and anatomist, Dr. Abrams, discovered thatthe body gave off different signals depending on the persons orientation to theearths magnetic fields.

    In practical terms, if the person is rotated towards his or her Critical RotationalPosition, the signals the examining physician gets are hugely amplified.

    Bio-Resonance testing, for the first time in history, uses this finding by way of aunique invention, the Bio-Resonator.

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    You use the tuner on the machine to find the persons Critical Rotational

    Position in relation to the earths magnetic field, at that moment.That is the persons unique frequency. It tunes the patient in. It amplifies thewhole test.

    Its like listening to music on a top stereo, instead of on a radio costing a fewdollars).

    Heres what youll be able to do

    Learn to trace the roots of a persons health problems using theResonance Reflex.

    Test unerringly for a powerful homeopathic prescription to restore thesufferers health

    Avoid ethical and legal problems by operating strictly in the bio-energetic

    arena as a "complementary practitioner". Learn how to tune into the personssystem, organ by organ, and assess their real state of health. Learn how to uncover the hidden infections, poisons and viruses that

    undermine health. Learn how to check, before the person takes the medicines, that yourprescription will work.

    Well show you the simple techniques, step -by -step ,for tuning into yourpatient, and doing an analysis that will shock them.

    Youll be able to tell them in 90 percent of cases, the exact symptoms orproblems they havebefore they open their mouths.

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    And the Remedies

    1. Use our proven set of homoeopathic complexes (25 main ones)developed by the leading German doctor homoeopaths, to produce an overall

    success rate with patients of 80 to 90%.

    2. Learn how to use the amazingly powerful blood cleansers, theBCspowerful yet safe homoeopathic vaccines that reinforce all othertreatments. Easily the most powerful homoeopathics in the world today, despitethe efforts of big Pharma to destroy them.

    3. Lock into a proven package of treatment, developed by top practitionersover the past 20 years.

    4. Really, no previous knowledge is required. You just follow our leadand

    its all laid out for you in this manual.


    1. TUNE THEM IN. You tune into the patient using the magnetic tuner. Instead of rotating the

    persons whole body , to find the right orientation in relation to the earths magnetic field, you

    rotate the tuner knob until you get a blip. Thats the persons frequency, and youre good to test

    2. MEASURE THE VITALITY. The state of the persons immune system is ascertained next. Thatstheir general Vitality Rate. Its measured on a scale from 0 to 25.

    Its all set up for you on your monitor. You rotate through a graphic scale on the screen, from 25

    downwards, until you feel the sensor soften and you get a blip. You cycle downwards by tipping

    one key with the finger.Thats the persons Vitality level.

    Thats how you monitor the persons progress from treatment to treatment.

    Anything over 20 is actually healthy. Below that you have increasing levels of depletion and toxicity.

    Practice has shown this to be deadly accurate. Readings below 10 out of 25 are becoming

    dangerous because the cells havent enough energy to maintain themselves.


    Cycle through the systems. At all times, you have one system weaker in energy than the rest. Take acareful note of the weakest system, because its a pointer to how the person needs to be treated.

    4. FIND THE MAIN DAMAGE. You only ask three questions. Your second query is: which is the organ

    with the most stress or damage or morphological change. Whats the weakest system.

    5. FIND THE MAIN FOCUS. This is where the immune system is most concerned. Its the

    main infection in the system, or the main energetic disturbance. It s where yourtreatment chain starts. Itll usually reveal what the persons main symptoms are at themoment. usually an unresolved infection. (This identifies the beginning of the personscasual chain,, or in other words, the root of the persons troubles).

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    . FIND THE PRESCRIPTION. The Medicine Test find the remedies that willbalance the person back to health. You only need to test over the basic 25

    nosode complexes, and the main Pekana remedies, to make up the prescription.

    7. REPORT OF FINDINGS. Produce a written report of the test for the patient.Point at the various headings on the drop down menus, click and it all just printsout.

    8.SCHEDULE NEXT VISIT. Build a very successful practice.

    First the person is tuned to the earths magnetic field toamplify the diagnostic sensitivity of the machine. This is done withthe magnetic tuner.

    Then a reading is done to ascertain the state of the personsimmune system. The process is projected in front of the patient ona screen. This is done with the Bio-meter.

    Then theres a test to find out the worst damaged organ orsystem. Pictures of the organs are seen on the monitor during thetest.

    Then a test to find the main focus of electro-magneticdisturbance, which is

    Then, the Medicine Test. You test to see which remedies willbalance the person back to health. The effectiveness of theprescription can be tested even before the person takes it, byusing the Bio-Resonator.

    The person is given a written report of the analysis andadvice on how to take the medicines and what life-style changesmay be necessary. This report is pre-written. You just choose theitems and click print.

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    The test machine is called the Bio-Resonator.

    Then theres software (The Compugram) which runs on yourcomputer, as you do the test.

    The biological filters projected by the computer, and shown ingraphic form on the screen, enable you to "tune into" the patientsorgans and systems.

    The Tuner is a dial on the left side of the instrument, with whichyou orientate the person to the earths magnetic field.

    This is how you discover the persons "unique frequency"Itsdiscoverer, Dr. Abrams, called it the critical rotationalposition.Once tuned to that, you can read the person like a book.

    The sensor used in this method is a totally new invention. It sosensitive it can register subtle changes in resonance You presson it with your middle, or index finger.

    Thats for example the resonance between the patient and a


    Or between a biological filter for parasites, and a patientetc.

    Asking Questions

    You can ask many different questions about the patient, byputting various FILTERS across the circuit.

    The "filters" define the question. The essential general questionfilters are built into the Bio-Resonator software and are displayedon the screen..

    But you can also mentally pose a question . This creates a mentalforce field which is equally valid.N.B . This is not a mechanic al tool which will just jump in and make you a healing genius.

    We believe everyone has the innate ability to operate this system. But it does depend on your being

    able to use your powers of intuition. At the end of the day, the machine is only a tool with which to

    manifest your powers of testing the subtle energy fields of your patients. If you follow the

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    instructions for learning the technique, it will work 100 percent for you. If you psyche

    yourself out with doubts and too much questioning, you could block your progress.

    You can then use the Degree Scale to work out , on a scale of

    100, how big a factor any particular item is, in this particularcase.

    So if youre trying to figure out how big the emotional blockage is,youd start at zero and work up. Put the meter at zero, challenge,move it up. Challenge again and so on until you get a positive.

    Heres how to train yourself in this technique

    Do a package of six presses on the sensor. Make each jab strongenough to bring the indicator almost up to the top of the scale, but nowquite. It must NOT produce a blip.

    The technique is to bring the indicator as high as possible on the meterwithout letting it blip.

    Thats a challenge. This is shown on the series of training videos on YouTube.

    Look at this general training video:

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    Medicine Testing

    For example, if you are testing a row of medicines , you touch themedicine samples one by one with the probe, to bring themedicines you are testing on circuit.

    Use the probe provided or get the patient to touch the samples.

    As you touch each sample, you challenge the sensor pad six timeswith the finger in your other hand.

    When the standardised pressure produces a blip, thats a YES (Itis the appropriate medicine)

    Its quite similar to the well known muscle testing used by Kinesiologists. Ifthe muscle weakens, thats a positive. Similarly, if the sensor gives way orsoftens, thats a positive.

    You need to do a series of exercises with the machine, to train your brain andcentral nervous system to this method. If you follow the exercises, you will be

    agreeable surprised with the sensitivity of the system.

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    Your only object here is to produce these two SIGNALS, deliberately, bymanipulating you machine.

    NB: Remember, at this stage, we are only practisingnot measuring


    Think of it like playing an instrument which only produces two sounds(blip and challenge).

    Its specially designed to do just that. Generally, we work off the sound,for handiness, rather than watching the indicator position.

    If its positive, it feels as if the pad suddenly softens, your finger sinks

    into it and we get a blip as the indicator goes up over 100.

    Obviously we are dealing with a standardised pressure here each time.Its like dancing on a floor to see if it will give in.

    But if theres a resonance, the standardised pressure produces a Blip.

    And rememberThe finger does not rise up from the test pad at anystage.

    And there are some other important things to watch

    Heres how to do a challenge..

    You must gently vibrate your hand as you challenge the pad.

    Its definitely not a question of just pressing the pad in a static way .

    In fact this technique doesnt work unless there is sufficient movement,or gentle vibration, involved in your testing.

    The resonance reflex must have some kinetic energy with which toexpress itself.

    Its a BreezeNow the Blip...!

    the YES answer

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    You PECK at the pad decisively, in such a way as to make the indicatorsuddenly fly up over the top and produce a definite loud blip. This is aclean sound, with no "tail" on it, or scraping sounds.

    And remember, Your finger never rises up from the rubberised pad.

    Unless its a good firm pecking motion you wont produce a proper YES.

    A lot of beginners fall down by failing to produce a sufficiently definite,clearly defined Blip, right from the start.

    Use the Degree Meter to measure the extent of any factor.

    For example, when you open up the Mental filter, where you are

    trying to assess the degree of blockage on the Emotional and Mental

    side, you start at zero on this scale, and gradually working up,

    challenging the sensor pad.

    When the pad softens and you get a blip, that gives you the

    degree of blockage.

    Regarding this issue, practically everyone seems to have a 25

    percent blockage on the emotional side. But when they have anythingfrom 40% upwards, then the person needs some treatment for this

    level. In my practice I use EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique, very

    successfully, and also high potencies of homoeopathics, mainly in the

    LM 18 potency. Bach flower remedies are also valuable.


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    Heres more on the actual technique

    Whats this Resonance Anyway?

    Say there are five tuning forks on the table. You have one tuning fork inyour hand.You hit the tuning fork in your hand against the table, andvibrate it.

    If you hold it near the other tuning forks, the one thats on the samefrequency will also vibrate in resonance, although you havent touchedit. Thats whats involved in Bio-Resonance. And it works like magic.Heres exactly how to train yourself, by exercises.

    The training drill

    On a piece of A4 paper make a series of plusses and minuses.

    Like this:

    ++-+-+++---+--+-+-+--+--+ ETC.

    For the plus, you peck the sensor pad sharply, making the indicatorneedle fly up over the top, producing a blipping sound. That meansYES.

    For the minus you put in a challenge. Thats a package of six pulses, orpushes, into the sensor.

    Push it as high as you can, near to the top, without blipping . Thatmeans NO.

    Positive Visualisation

    You need also to open up the channels of your intuitive mind, bypositive visualisation.

    Get comfortable. Relax until you are on the borders of sleep. Seeyourself testing a patient. See yourself easily tuning into the patient.See yourself easily finding the persons basic problems. See yourself

    finding the exact prescription the person needs. Then see the patientcoming back to you and reporting miraculous results.

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    Dr. Maxwell Maltz pointed out many years ago that the mind is a goal-seeking computer, with miraculous powers.

    But the computer can only work on what information you feed into it.

    The main information our subconscious minds work on is in the form ofpictures. And if you can add as much emotion as possible to thosepictures, then it becomes extremely powerful. The fabulous resultsachievable in Bio-Resonance makes all this very much worth the effort!


    At this TRAINING STAGE , what are you measuring?

    Absolutely nothing yet! You are only practising.

    So look at the sensitivity metre on the Bio-resonator front panel.

    If its turned up too high, the indicator shoots up over the top on theslightest pressure every time.

    So adjust the sensitivity level so that on a relaxed, standardisedpressure, you can easily balance the indicator below 100, at about 70 to80.

    But a slight pressure should cause it to fly up over 100 and produce aBlip.


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    The Main Training Exercise

    Practice the Challenge, and the Blip together

    So flick between the filter mode and the Blip, time and time again. Giveus a Yes! Give us a No!

    Keep practising until it becomes embossed on your brain cells. Youshould complete about five hours at least doing this drill.

    Remember when you were learning to drive.

    You had to handle the controls with conscious awareness. Now youdrive unconsciously.

    Before you test anything, you have to reach that point.

    Generally, we work off the sound, for handiness, rather than watchingthe indicator position.

    Some important adjustments

    You can also adjust the quality of the sound, using the Volume andSound knobs.

    Make it pleasant on the ear, but make sure you are getting a Blip.

    If you go off the sound settings, you lose the blip.

    This you can easily correct, yourself, by adjusting the knobs.

    You have to train your brain and central nervous to express YES byproducing a good crisp, clearly defined BLIP.

    NO is expressed by any reading less than 100or more accurately,anything less than a Blip.

    But make sure your Challenge is forceful and assertive, almost up to the

    top of the scale. An overly timid challenge can mean you dont pick up apositive resonance, even when its there.

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    Then when you start testing in earnest, your conscious mind steps back,and leaves the stage to the RESONANCE REFLEX.


    Shoot the Monkey!

    In Bio-resonance testing you are picking up very subtle emanations andresonances belonging to the bodys energy field. There are someimportant points to remember

    The higher, intuitive part of your brain is quite at home in this language.

    But most of the time, your noisy, critical, fearful, distracted consciousmind is in the way of any communication. One author has described it asthe noisy monkey in you brain, forever chattering.

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    Shoot the monkey! Quieten your mind! Prepare yourself for this work bymeditation. And guess what?


    Your Super-conscious Already Knows...!

    Remember your Super-conscious already knows everything about yourown health, and that of your patient. New electronic developments suchas the Bio-Resonator set up a channel of communication between your

    conscious mind and your intuition.

    The communication however, is only in the form of YES or NO.

    On the machine, everything other than a Blip means No. The Blip meansYes.

    You first train your brain and body to register these signals, consciously.These are the signals we are setting up as a convention in our Bio-

    resonance training.

    But for the over "scientific" or critical mind, there are difficulties


    The Fact That Threw the Doctor

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    A doctor friend of mine, who is in fact a very learned and highlyqualified man, sat in on cases at my Clinic for a number of weeks andwas very impressed

    What Impressed the Doctor

    We were testing the new patients, objectively, without asking forany details or case histories. We were telling 80 to 90% of them exactlywhat was wrong with them before they opened their mouths.

    The satisfaction rate among the patients was definitely 90%. Theywere responding to their homoeopathic prescriptions in amazing ways.

    The patients spoke of new energy, pains gone away, gallstoneswashed out, depression lifted etc. etc.

    Our doctor wanted to buy the machine, until I told him thatimportant factwhich he couldnt accept !

    that the practitioners central nervous system and brain actuallybecomes part of the measuring circuit. It wasnt "scientific" !

    Of course, neither was the first electric light bulb when it was firstinvented. Because scientific really means " accepted by the rulingestablishment of knowledge".

    He went on to practice "alternative" medicine, but his critical and"scientific" turn of mind meant he missed out on the chance of being agood tester, in Bio-resonance.

    Because its not the "wide-awake", questioning , part of the mind that

    relays the information in this method. Its the superconscious, which isin touch with the collective subconscious. Researchers say this part ofthe mind has access to all the knowledge and wisdom of the universe.


    Make sure your questions are clear

    Yes, your mind and body is part of the mechanism. So you must be

    crystal clear in your mind exactly what question you are asking as youdo a bio-resonance test.

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    And you can only operate in a calm meditative frame of mind, free ofanxiety about trying to impress the patient (or yourself).

    Think of it like this: Say youre hooked up to a brain scan machine, and

    EEG device, which measures the activity of your brain.

    If the operator says to you: "Think of Your Liver". You do so, and asquiggle appears on the test paper. The device has recorded theelectrical activity of your brain and central nervous system. Its a veryreal, palpable, recordable thing if you have the instruments to do so.


    How does this apply in Bio-Resonance?

    With experience, you can pose a question in your mindproducingthe specific energy field of that question

    and get a crystal clear Yes or No from the resonator.

    Whats unique about the Resonator?

    The magnetic tuning (The Tuner) and the Amplification Filtersbuilt into the Resonator, making testing easy and effortless. Its likelistening to music on a huge stereo, instead of a cheap radio.

    The ability to tune into the mental and emotional state of yourpatient.

    The ability to find the actual root cause of a persons healthproblemsthe Causal Chain.


    Exactly how to Tune the Person in

    When you rotate your TUNER knob, you are rotating a magnetic fieldand producing different frequencies. The patient is in contact with itthrough a hand electrode.

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    What we are looking for is the persons unique frequency, which willappear at some setting. When we reach it, there is resonance betweenthe machine and the person.

    Rotate the knob anti-clockwise, slowly. Keep challenging the sensorwith a standardised challenge.Until you reach the resonant frequencyand get a blip.

    The sensation you feel is as if the sensor had gone soft.

    The standardised pressure at that point produces a Blip.

    You leave the machine at that setting. Once the person is actually tuned

    to the earths magnetic field on the Tuner, you can also just go the filtermode, pose a question any question mentally, and challenge the padfor a yes or no answer.

    That is the persons CRITICAL ROTATIONAL POSITIONor Uniquefrequency. No similar piece of equipment exists in the world to myknowledge.


    DNA Testing

    Beginners must work with hair samples, not patients. The idea is to getsome experience before you have the stress of actually dealing with apatient.

    Any DNA sampleblood, hair, nail, urine etc contains the full electro-magnetic field of the person.

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    Put the hair sample on the test plate, tune into it with the magnetictuner, and do a test.

    Never double-check yourself.

    Whatever comes up first, thats it!

    Its fatal in this kind of testing to become over-scrupulous or to try toprove yourself wrong. Allow for possible errors in the beginning, butdrive on. My Clinic in Dublin does a lucrative trade in testing hairsamples and sending out prescriptions to people in the USA, the UK andGermany.

    Dont Psych Yourself Out

    You have to guard your credibility, so you would not test patients untilyoure definitely ready. Then you just take the plunge and do it!

    As an experienced teacher I know that if people are too fearful or over-critical about their first efforts, they undermine themselves.

    But choose you clients carefully. Dont test people you are only trying to

    "make you prove yourself".

    Identify yourself only with your successes. If you experience "failure"forget it! If you experience "success" remember it a reference point.

    To get the full power of your intuition you mustnt scare it off withdoubts, lack of faith or negativity.


    Filters and the Degree Scale

    In Bio-resonance testing you use filter buttons to enable you to askquestions.

    For example your Psychic filter enables you to ascertain the degree towhich the Psychic level relevant in a patients case. Note the sliding

    Degree Scale on the upper left- hand side of the machine.

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    You press down the Psychic filter, then use the Degree scale, to checkthe exact degree to which its relevant.

    Do a Blip, then a challenge, as you start your test, to calibrate yourself.


    Start at 100 (the top of the degree scale) and slowly slide the leverdownwards, while challenging the sensor. If you reach a resonant pointat 70%, that's the degree of involvement of the Psychic level in thiscase. The other filters are self-explanatory.

    Now lets go through the whole Protocol, step by step

    The Test Protocol: Step One... (Tuning).________________________________________

    1. You first of all get the patient to hold the hand electrode, bringinghim or her into the test circuit.

    2. Then you do a trial Blip and a Trial challenge just to calibrateyourself.

    3. Start to rotate the tuner knob anti-clockwise, slowly. Meantime,challenge the sensor pad with the finger, vigorously, with each newposition of the tuner.

    4. Keep turning until the finger "breaks through" and you get a blip.When the pad "softens" you have reached the persons uniquefrequency. So you stop there.

    5. What you have done is line up the patient to his or her Critical

    Rotational Position vis--vis the earths magnetic field. No you have thepatient tuned in.


    Step Two(Vitality)

    Find the Persons Vitality Levelwhich indicates the state of thepersons immune system, the degree of toxicity and the amount of

    energy in reserve.

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    Avoid saying that its an energy test, because sometimes theperson, despite a low reading, feels all right.

    You can rely on this test to give you an insight into where the patientstands...and how the patient is responding to treatment.

    Practitioners used to doing "blind tests" where nothing is known aboutthe patient, have seen the findings verified by the medical diagnosis andhistory, thousands of times.


    How its done

    An imperceptible ultra high frequency starts to flow through thepatients hand as you operate the Bio-Meter. What you are measuring isthe persons bodily resistance to this standardised challenge.

    The standardised current was arrived at in Germany about 1989, in aUniversity Hospital.

    Three hundred young people between 15 and 17, chosen for theirathletic prowess, were thoroughly examined.

    Blood chemistry, general fitness, psychological profiling and Electro-acupuncture readings are taken into account, to arrive at what wasknown to be a healthy average.

    The top 10 young people were then taken as the sample group. Heres

    how the findings are used

    How your patient measures up

    The current, now standardised, gave an average reading of 25 in thatvery healthy, positive group.

    Thats what we are using in this machine, and that is what you aremaking comparisons with.

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    Finding the Vitality level

    Blip your machine, then do a few trial challenges, to calibrate yourself.

    Then with your left hand, rotate your Bio-Meter Knob from 25, slowlydownwards.

    You must know at each step exactly where you are on the 25 to 0 scale.Challenge the pad at each step downwards, with six pulses.

    You wont realistically find anyone over 25, so you are really onlycalibrating yourself until you reach that point. In 99 % of cases yourpatient will present under the 20.

    When you reach the persons actual Vitality Level, it will feel as if thepad softened, and on the same standardised pressure, you get a blip.


    If you are working with the Compugram software, with a graphicsdisplay on the screen, go to the main menu and click on Vitality Scale.

    Wind up the Vitality Indicator to 25, using the C key. Then using the Zkey, come back down along the scale, challenging the pad at each step,until you get a resonance reading. Thats the persons Vitality Level.


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    What it means:

    In this method, 20 out of 25 is the acceptable level of Vitality.When you get the person to 20, whatever symptoms they had coming in

    will be usually gone at 20.

    At that stage you can continue to clean and polish. You can check tofind the weakest systems and organs, and just do the prescription forthe worst stressed organ, or system.

    Twenty to 10 is the middle region, where the complaints aremainly in the electro-magnetic field, but the patient will have plenty ofcomplaints in the region form 10 to 15.

    Below 10, you are recording increasingly worse states of depletionand perhaps clinical disease.

    Anything over 20 is pretty good. But if the person still complainsloudly, look to the psychic level.

    There are some indications you need to be careful about

    Low Readings:

    The lower readings, six and below, may indicate serious problems suchas cancer or pre-cancer, or clinical disease stages. Never attempt todiagnose such states. Dont even mention them. Just treat the personand get their levels up.

    Bio-resonance practitioners should not mention any such serioussuspicions, since many such findings will not be found by clinical means

    until they progress quite a good deal further.

    The human race is irreparable toxic. Readings taken on people after alot of antibiotics or steroids are always very low.

    A malignancy, or a very bad chronic infection, such as for exampleosteitis in the jaw, or bad mercury poisoning, or organ damage, ordepression, will also produce low Bio-meter readings.

    Do not presume to make medical diagnoses using this method, becauseremember we are working within the bio-energetic paradigm.

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    The Psychic Level:

    If a person has a lot of complaints and in fact shows quite a goodbiological reading, near the 20, or over it, you have to suspect that thetrouble is on the mental, emotional level.

    Check this with the Psychic filter. Switch on Psy. And do a test with theDegree scale. Start at 100, the top of the scale. Challenge the pad as youslide the lever form 100 downwards, until you reach a resonance point.

    Alsoif you see the stomach, pylorus, duodenum or ileum showing upunder the Worst Stressed Organ filter, you must also suspect stressturning inwards and leaving its mark on the digestive tract.

    Its then time to do the Psy-Analyser Test.

    See www.coloursforhealth.com

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    Protocol: Step 3 (Main Damage)

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    Switch on the filter for Worst Stressed Organ. Do a trial Blip andChallenge.

    Click Organs and Systems on the Compugram Menu.

    Click next to get to Organs.

    Navigate through the Organs with the keys X and D. Start at the bottomof the screen, with pylorus.

    Go over the organs one by one on the screen list. Do a "challenge" oneach.

    Whichever one gives you a positive reading first, is the Worst StressedOrgan.

    Noyou dont continue or try for more. There is only one worst stressedorgan, by definition, and in this testing, you never, ever try to - guessyourself.


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    What Should You Usually find?

    The most common Worst Stressed Organ in males are: colon, ileum,pancreas, liver, stomach and duodenum. In females, the most common

    are the colon, ileum, uterus, ovaries and gall bladder. The worstdamaged organ is the one with the most morphological change.

    Obviously this will have to be taken into account in your advice to yourpatient. If the colon is the worst damaged organ, the person is probablysuffering constipation and needs a bowel cleanse.

    If its the pancreas, go straight to the Islets of Langerhans and checkthe Insulin Function. The person may be suffering from chronic LowBlood Sugar. Use the Bio-meter to check this.

    When testing the Islets of Langerhans, the insulin cells, the scale is thesame on the Bio-meter as the Vitality Level. So if the person is downaround 10 on the scale, thats low blood sugar or some kind of insulindisturbance.


    Checking Individual Organs ?

    Simplecheck them on the Bio-meter:25 would be very good...under10, degeneration etc.

    To bring an individual organ onto the circuit just select it on the screen.

    If 25 is the desirable reading and if youre getting a reading of 8 for theliver, on the Bio-meter, you are looking at something quite serious. If

    the liver is in trouble, experience shows that the person should bechecked for Parasites. Press in the Parasites filter and also the degreebutton. Start at the top of the Degree scale (100) and work down toassess the overall degree of parasitism in this case.

    So we have our worst stressed organ, whats next?

    Test protocol: Step 4 (Dominant Focus)


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    Now you need to search for the most vital finding of all the DominantFocus.

    A "focus" is a disturbance in the body which the immune system has not

    been able to deal with. It is normally a foreign body (e.g. an infection,either bacterial, viral or environmental). The concept however alsocovers such energetic disturbance fields as dental disturbances, scardisturbances etc.

    The technique

    Switch on the Dominant Focus filter either on your Bio-Resonator or onyour computer screen. You are in filter mode. Scroll through the organsone by one, until you get a blip. Thats the dominant focus. You need to

    deal with dominant focus as a first priority, regardless of what you havefound as the worst damaged organ or what disease process you havediagnosed.


    The beginning of the causal chain

    The dominant focus is usually an organ, but can also be Psychic stress,or parasites, or acid alkaline imbalance, etc.

    In practice however you will be navigating through the organ list on theCompugram software, with the filter Dominant Disturbance switched on.

    Whatever gives you a Blip in this search, is the patients dominant focus.

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    That identifies the beginning of the causal chain of events in the bodywhich have produced the present state of health. Deal with thesecausative factors in their proper order of priority, and you will getsplendid results.


    Back to the past

    Basically you will be stripping away layers of toxins. If you dont get theorder of priority right, it will be like trying to peel an onion starting twoor three layers down.

    The onion just gets messed up!

    The patient incidentally may see some old symptoms and illnessesreappear temporarily.

    Some aggravation of existing symptoms may occur, such as a boil, adischarge, flu-type symptoms, a skin eruption.

    This is a sigh no detoxification and is good. The patient should be re-

    assured that this is part of the process. If the patient is sufferingaggravation or symptoms he or she should be advised to cut down onthe dosage.

    Ten drops morning and night, in half a glass of good water, is the usualdosage. If the condition is acute, a more frequent dosage may be given.Some people are actually quite sensitive. Also more responsive. In somecases only a few drops is tolerable.

    In practice, you seek out the physical dominant focus routinely in eachcase. You can deal with the mental and emotional side separately, usingthe Psy-Analyser.

    Test Protocol: Step 5 (Medicine Testing)


    Next check through the remedies. Touch the medicine samples with the

    probe supplied with the Bio-Resonator.

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    As you bring each medicine onto the circuit, by touching them, challengethe pad.

    Whichever remedies give you a Blip, should be looked up in the notes, tosee the details of what the remedy is for. Study which nosodes are in

    each of them. This gives you an insight into which infections, poisons,viruses, blood parasites, fungi, moulds etc are in that persons system.

    Know exactly what each remedy treats, because this is also a goodindication of what symptoms the patient may be suffering.

    You must have an intimate knowledge of the remedies you are workingwith.

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    This analysis also tells you what kind of report to compose for thepatient on your REPORT WRITER.

    This software is an expert system. You point and click at headings, and

    the computer will print out a detailed, professionally writtenbutethical and discreetreport for your patient.

    You supply a clear report of findings, plus details of the remedies, at theend of your consultation. This saves you time, and is very professional.Experience shows the patient is delighted with the clarity andcomprehensiveness of the reports.


    Following Up

    The Bio-meter reading on the follow-up visit will tell you whether theperson is getting better or not.

    Our experience shows that you dont really need to go through a longprocess each time. In fact on follow-up visits you are usually justchecking the Vitality Level and doing a test along the medicines to seewhat the follow up prescription is.

    Because the prescription will usually change.

    The human being is not like a brick wallwhich is the same brick wallwhen you come back to it tomorrow. The patients prescription for alevel of 10 and for a level of fifteen on a follow-up will be completelydifferent.

    Press the Effective filter and proceed over the remedy samples, notingthe ones that give a blip.

    The nature of the remedies appearing gives you enough information todeliver a satisfactory explanation to the patient as to what is the matterat this point.

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    The Resonance Reflex

    Even at our present day amazing stage of human evolution, one ofmankinds most useful faculties still remains misunderstood and hardlyutilised.

    This is our built-in divinatory mechanism, as expressed in the"resonance reflex"

    We see this reflex in the reaction of the diviners rod as he finds water,in the YES or NO swing of the pendulum and also in the capacity of the

    trained practitioner to diagnose by using electronic "bio-energetic"machines.

    NB: You dont have to be psychic to be able to practice bio-resonancetesting.

    Its as natural a reflex as the knee-jerk patellar reflex or any other ofthe bodys reflexes.

    But modern electronics have made the technique really simple, usingthe new Bio-Resonator.

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    We specialise in teaching it and we have launched hundreds of nowreally successful practitioners starting "from scratch".


    Whats in the Remedies?

    The remedies contain various nosodes, or homoeopathic vaccines.

    When you are testing with the Bio-resonator, you are tuning into thedisease organisms present in the system.

    The medicines are homoeopathically prepared, vibrational packages,derived from the most common viruses, bacteria and toxins generally.

    The human immune system recognises these nosodes, despite theirdilution in the medicine and reacts to them vigorously when you takethe drops.

    Your immune system goes into the alarm and attack mode and expelsthe toxins out of the cells. If a prescription is successful, the sameremedies will not appear again on the next test.

    When you are treating mercury poisoning from fillings withhomoeopathy, the mercury levels in the urine go up as the personexcretes the poisons. This has been shown in German trials.


    The remedies which clean your blood

    Every patient tested will be given at least one, and usually two,


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    These blood cleansers are derived from the work of German medicaldoctors studying live blood with a special kind of microscope, Darkfield,

    over the past 100 years.

    Essentially, these doctors, working since the time of Pasteur, but by-passed and ignored by the mainstream, have developed a whole newkind of medicine.

    They developed homoeopathic vaccines which clear the naturalparasites found in the human blood.

    The blood of a seriously ill patient, viewed under a Darkfield microscope,is full of parasitic and fungal entitities, which break down the red bloodcells.

    In Bio-Resonance, every patient gets one or two Microvite remedies,plus various other complexes, regardless of the nature of the complaint.

    In Darkfield microscopy a healthy blood picture shows red blood cells,all nicely round.

    The cells dont stick together and theres no debris or parasiticorganisms visible either within the blood cells or in the blood serum.

    In the unhealthy blood the red blood cells are seriously deformed. Onecan see all sorts of debris and rubbish floating about. In serious cases,parasites can be seen both inside the cells and floating about in theserum.

    The Microvite remedies especially can be actually observed clearing thepatients blood progressively, day after day.

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    A Famous Bio-Resonance Cancer Doctor

    During my studies in Germany over the past seven years, with "bio-energetic" doctors, the one who impressed me most was Dr. KlausEichhorn, of Baden Baden, a urologist and cancer specialist. He practicesin a magnificent clinic in the hills overlooking this luxury spa town.

    Some years ago I led an Irish party of practitioners to visit Germanclinics and we say D. Eichhorn, a white-haired, friendly many, now quiteelderly, checking his patients.

    He used a Bio-resonator type of machine first to do a general diagnosis.

    The core of his very successful practice was very precisely chosennosode treatment (homoeopathic vaccines), which he chose using adivining rod !


    A Born Diviner

    As a youth, a water diviner asked him to try his hand at finding water,with a forked stick. He walked along holding the rod until suddenly itdived downwards, with such force that it broke in his hand.

    He told us that this "resonance reflex" had proven of invaluable help tohim in his work as a doctor and cancer specialist.

    Another Pioneer- Dr Abrams

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    One of the most scientific approaches to the Resonance Reflex was thework of Dr. Albert Abrams MD, in the USA early this century.

    He was a German trained physician and anatomist, living in the USA.

    By accident he discovered that a man with a cancerous growth on his lipalso had an area on his abdomen just above the navel, which soundeddull on percussion.

    (This was to be found only when he faced west, otherwise it was nolonger present)

    In other diseases, such as tuberculosis, diabetes etc, the dull spot on

    percussion was found at a different body area.


    Vibrations Travel

    Later experiments showed that if a piece of cancerous tissue wasbrought into contact with a perfectly healthy persons electromagneticfield, even along a copper wire, this reflex also appeared. Which brings

    us to the use of nosodes (homoeopathic vaccines) in Bio-Resonancemedicine


    The Body Recognises

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    Dr. Abrams found there was a measurable reflex change in the personsnervous system from contact with a piece of diseased tissue.

    He then found that the radiation could travel down a piece of wire, from

    another room, and cause the same reflex.

    Homoeopathically prepared samples of diseased tissue, i.e. nosodes, arecommonly used in this method, with great effect.

    Basically, regardless of the degree of dilution involved, the bodyrecognises the vibrations of the original substance. Then the immunesystem reacts, and is both specifically stimulated against the originalsubstance, and generally stimulated to detoxify the body.


    Thought Energy

    Abrams also demonstrated in later experiments that THOUGHT yields anenergy, which could be picked up with the stomach reflex.

    Skilled bio-resonance practitioners, whether using machines, pendulumsor antennae, can also mentally ask questions and the resonance reflexwill answer!

    Similarly you can think of a question and challenge the resonator padfor an answer. Its best to say, on a scale of one to five etc


    Abrams findings are reproducible and are based on assiduous research.

    They are "scientific". They show that the resonance reflex is a very realentity, as real as the patellar reflex, the reaction of the eyes to light, andall the other reflexes of the body.

    A medical commission of inquiry in London headed by Sir Thomas

    Horder, in 1925, gave Dr Abrams the official coup de grace.

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    While admitting that it had been established that "certain substancesproduce changes in the abdominal wall of a patient, of a kind whichcould be detected by percussion", the equipment produced by Abramand his followers for testing was given the thumbs down.

    The medical establishment had become jealous of Abrams successesand their condemnation relegated his methods to obscurity. Until nowthe Bio-Resonator came back as his legacy !


    Dr. Reinhold Voll

    In Germany, some 50 years ago, Dr. R. Voll discovered that if the correctmedicine was brought into contact with a persons skin, the electricalresistance of the acupuncture normalised.

    Bio-resonance medicine uses these findings.

    In Bio-resonance nowadays, a specially prepared computer program,which shows pictures of the organs and systems, is used to enable thepractitioner to "tune in" to the patients organs.

    You can also use homoeopathically prepared organ ampoules for thevarious parts of the body to tune you in, as did Dr. Voll..

    Youll get 90% success rate!

    Meridian founder, Ronnie Turner, has spent the past 20 yearsassembling the complexes used in this method.

    During this time he has studied the German experts in the field and usedthe best combinations from many firms, to arrive at the Meridiancomplexes.

    The Bio-Resonance System is now 20 years old. Its core is a masterselection of homoeopathic remedies, in complex form. If you can testover these remedies, and get the exact prescription for the patient, you

    really cannot go wrong, regardless of how lacking in knowledge you feelyou are.

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    But you must present your treatment properlyRemember, the placeboeffect in medicine can be as high as 70%! And thats free!

    Last but not least, how to avoid trouble

    In Bio-Resonance medicine you first of all do not purport to do medicaldiagnosis.

    Leave that to the doctors ! What you are offering is complementarynatural medicine.

    For legal and ethical reasons you must ensure that you dontpromise to cure any particular ailment.

    All you can promise is to do an analysis of the persons healthaccording to the methods of Bio-Resonance, and find out whichhomoeopathic remedies are likely to help the person.

    You must have a sincere, selfless desire to help your patient, andleave your own ego out of it. You must not treat people who areseverely mentally or emotionally disturbed, or vulnerable in any way.

    You should not treat people who exhibit a negative attitudetowards your treatment in any way. If your patient is sceptical,resentful or just too full of questions, its doubtful you can help him orher.

    Last and most importantlyDo not yield to the temptation to takeall comers.


    If you get a gut feeling that theres a negative vibe coming from theclient, decline to treat or engage with the person at all.

    His or her agenda, deep down may not be... to get well.

    Worse still, they may be into litigation. So is the treatment safe,legally?

    Protect your Psychic energy

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    Bio-resonance treatment, provided you dont make foolish claims andyou dont interfere with the persons medical treatment, is very unlikelyto get you into any legal trouble

    And the medicines you are prescribing are homoeopathic. (Nobody cansay they were poisoned!)

    But taking on negative, or sceptical, or severely mentally disturbedpeople, will to a drain on your psychic energies

    and then you cannot help anyone !

    A new practitioner starting this method is climbing onto a highly

    successful system, proven by hundreds of very successful practitioners.

    More information on the medicines and the theory behind the method is

    available at www.999alternatives.com

    Training videos : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgQglz4fW-g

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