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Birthdays• Mar. 15th David Mourglea• Mar. 19th Hailey Johnson


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Isaac HerzogBenjamin Netanyahu

Elections in IsraelMar. 17th

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The Body of Christ


Part 3

Its Members

I CORINTHIANS 12:5And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.

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THE.GREAT.COMMISSION33 Brother Vayle's my associate; he's my brother.

He just happens to be making the arrangements for the meetings and helping me along… We're just all one great big family and one big Body. We're not one above the other one; we're all just the same; we're a unit of God working together.


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I Cor. 12:5And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.

Administration: (Gr.) diakonia The office of the apostles and its

administration;The ministration of those who render to

others the offices of Christian affection especially those who help meet needs by either collecting or distributing of charities;

The office of the deacon in the church; The service of those who prepare and present food.

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MeOutsidersCol. 4:5Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.

Local BodyROMANS 12:5

So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one

members one of another.

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God: New Birth

MeOur WitnessOutsidersCol. 4:5

The ChurchLocal Body


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The New Birth:JOHN 3:5-7 5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

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IS.YOUR.LIFE.WORTHY.OF.THE.GOSPEL138 Christians, oh, you must have a personal

relationship to God. In order to be a son of God, you must become relation to God. He must be your Father, in order for you to be a son. And only His sons and daughters are saved, not the members of a church, but sons and daughters. There's only one thing that will produce that, that's the new Birth. The new Birth is the only thing that will produce relationship to God.


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25 And when you're borned of the Spirit of God, you become a son of God and a daughter of God. And without that you just belong to the church then. But when you're born again you belong to Christ, and we must be born again.

There's one fundamental doctrine that I believe. That's Saint John 3.


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THE.TOKEN119 When He said, "You must be born again,” that

don't mean jump up-and-down at the altar; that don't mean walk back there and shake hands with the pastor; that don't mean all this foolishness that we've seen done; it don't mean putting your name on a church book.

It means death to your first being, and Life to the second being. It means that the Blood has been applied, and you're identified by the Life of Jesus Christ. And if He be the Vine, and we be the branches, the Life that's in the branch is in also from the Vine. It'll bear the fruit.


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I PETER 1:22-23 22 Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently: 23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

Our “first birth” is by a corruptible seed (natural, and subject to nature’s laws.)

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WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC116 …the predestinated is the only one that's

considered in redemption. Let me say that again. The predestinated is the only one that's considered in redemption. People might be making like, think they are, but the real redemption is those that are predestinated.

Because, the very word redeem means "to bring back.” To redeem anything, is, "bring it back to its original place." Hallelujah! So it's only the predestinated will be brought back, because the others didn't come from There.


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EPHESIANS 2:1-61 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in

trespasses and sins; 2 Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: 3 Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. 4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, 5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) 6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:

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WHEN.DIVINE.LOVE.IS.PROJECTED 18 Then God's love projected to you

brings you and makes you a part of Him in the new birth. Then you become a child which is "borned of," or "comes from."

And that puts you in relationship with God, so much that you're now sons and daughters.


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35 Then every time an Israelite had sinned, they had to be sprinkled with this water of separation. And it was to be kept in a clean place, which speaks of the minister's heart. And felt the worshipper coming to the tabernacle for fellowship, if he'd lost his standing with God, and was away from God, and an alien, the only way that he could have fellowship again was first come back to the outer courts and be sprinkled with the waters of separation, which speaks of the Word.

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We're washed by the water of the Word…The first thing that sinner does is come first and hear the Word. "Faith cometh by hearing, hearing of the Word of God.”

36 He becomes convicted that he's a sinner, and he's without God, no matter how long he's gone to church. All these things has a spiritual meaning to them, deeper than the natural things… But water will never wash away sin. Who cannot stand up, and have them sprinkle a little water on you. Anyone could. That doesn't do it. Who could stand up and make a cold, dry-eyed profession, say, "I now believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." Every devil in hell believes the same thing. But to really come into fellowship with God means to accept the Blood, and it's been applied to your heart by the baptism of the Holy Spirit, by a new birth. Then you become… not a partner, but a son, and in relationship back with God again. 56-0120

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God: New Birth

MeOur WitnessOutsidersCol. 4:5

The ChurchLocal Body


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I CORINTHIANS 12:25-2625 That there should be no schism in the

body; but that the members should have the same care one for another. 26 And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.

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BELIEVEST.THOU.THIS44 Real quick, as soon as Mary comes, she sees

Elisabeth. My, both Christian women ran out, threw their arms around one another, hugged one another, kissed one another, saluting each other.

Oh, I like that. I like a good, warm feeling, don't you? I hate that old, cold, formal way we got. People today, they're so far away from one another, you don't care for one another. Even church members get the same way. They don't care for one another. Why, if anybody does anything wrong, trying to shove him down. Don't shove him down; pick him up; help him. Don't try to criticize him and tell somebody else; go to him with your arms around him.


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THE.MINISTRY.OF.CHRIST38 "And Mary I'm so glad to see you.” That's the

way they greeted one another. They had love for one another. You don't see that no more now. It's all about faded away, love, isn't it awful? People don't care for one another no more. Why, it used to be when we was out in the country, had our farm, and when somebody would get sick in the neighborhood, why, we'd go over there and cut their corn or cut up the wood and bring it in, and do anything we could to help them.

But they don't do that no more, the only way you know, your neighbor is dead is when you read in the paper. You don't know, nothing about it. Brotherly love is ceased.


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WHAT.DOES.THOU.HERE7 And it's a true story. So she could not run; he'd

catch her. There was only one thing to do. She couldn't scream; the winds was blowing so hard, almost lifting her body from the street. She'd never make anyone hear, and the snow just a blinding. And there was only one thing to do; that was pray. So she begin to, under her voice, whispering a prayer to God.

And she said she never knew where it come from here, but all of a sudden by the side of the door stood a great big dog, and he had his bristles up. And he walked out to her side, and come on the side which the man would be on, and begin growling viciously as he passed on by the man.

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And as soon as the man went on down the street, the dog turned, and went back, and laid down in the door.

God will care for His own. God, sometimes He works through even a dog or an animal, or some other way to show His glory and His protection. I'm so happy that I know Him in the forgiveness of my sins, and with the assurance that my sins are under the Blood as I confess them daily to Him.


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THINKING.ON.OUR.WAY9 As we're told, Bob Ingersol, as he was dying in

his hospital room, he screamed, "Oh God, if there be a God, have mercy on me." You might say some great things while you're feeling good, but when death comes knocking at the door, you're going to change your opinion.

In my length of days, I've seen many such men who didn't care for church, for God, and nothing that was right. But just let them get in trouble, the doctor says there's a cancer eating you to pieces. They'll go to hunting for somebody to pray for them right quick. God has a way of making you recognize Him.


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GALATIANS 6:1-3 1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. 2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. 3 For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.


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II THES. 3:11-12 11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. 12 Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread. Disorderly: (Gr.) ataktos Out of ranks (often so of soldiers), irregular, inordinate, deviating from the prescribed order or rule.Busybodies: (Gr.) periergazomaiTo bustle about uselessly, to busy one's self about trifling, useless matters: used of a person officiously inquisitive about other's affairs. 

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CHURCH.ORDER COD127 How far, Bro. Branham, can or should a deacon

go to keep order in the church? Should we keep the order or wait until Brother Neville tells us what we should do?

128 That isn't Bro. Neville's job, that's your job. Now, if a policeman's out here on the street and he sees a man stealing property out of a back of a car, should he call the mayor… See, that wouldn't be sensible. No, sir. If he was doing something wrong, arrest him.

130 And if a man's doing something wrong here in the church, or anybody, stop them, talk to them. Don't be arrogant; but if they won't listen, speak in a way that they know what you're saying. 63-1226

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WARNING.THEN.JUDGMENT104 But, you see, in the church there is the

pastor, and that pastor is a special person. He's built to where he can put up with the fusses of the people. He's a burden-bearer; he's the ox of the team. He's a man that can set down when somebody's got something against somebody else, and set down with them two families, and take neither side, and reason it out, and bring it right back into sweetness. He's a pastor; he knows how to take care of things.


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THE.CHURCH.AND.ITS.CONDITION Come back to a lamb; come back to be gentle;

come back to know nothing; come back to just submit yourself to Christ. Don't try, don't try to know nothing. Just walk meekly, quietly, humbly, gently, and the Dove will lead you. But whenever you go listening to that gossip, whenever you go to getting that temper up, whenever you go to thinking you got a right to do this and do that, the Dove just takes Her flight and goes on away. Then you don't have It any more. Now, she's not very far from you this morning, church. She's setting right out there on the limb of peace, waiting for your nature to be changed. Amen.


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DIVINE.HEALING 72 Now, see, there's no need of fighting. God takes care of all things. Return good for evil, all the time. When anybody speaks good about you, be thankful. If anybody speaks bad about you, bless them anyhow…. Now, you can see a brother doing wrong, and try to guide him, but if he won't listen, then the only thing to do is love him, anyhow, and pray for him.


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HE.CARETH.FOR.YOU48The Lord's Body is the Church. And we do not

have spiritual discernment enough to care for one another. How can we care [of the lost and dying] then if we can't care for each other? "Cast our cares upon Him, for He careth for you…” God, when He made man, He didn't make man to do that. He made man to be happy, to have satisfaction, to be comforted. God doesn't want His children to be uncomfortable. Why, you mothers would get up in the middle of the night… because your children mean something to you. They're a part of you; they're your life.

52 And the Church is the Life of God on earth, and He wants to comfort His Church… There's many remedies, but one Cure… He cares for us.

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He loves us, He wants us to come to Him. God made us that way, that holy thing in us that wants to be comforted.

55 God gave man a wife to comfort him, to touch him. And any man knows, that's got a good wife, there's something about a good wife that can... A man be upset in his business or his walks of life, and can come home; no matter, there's no one, no doctor… It is that way with me… And just a few little pats from the wife mean so much: same thing, a husband to a wife. That's the way God want it to be. And when we substitute something for that, and you'll get some other woman to try to take that place, or some other man, you see what you do.

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58 Now, He give us friends. We should be friends. We should be brothers. And how that it's good to go to a good friend in time of trouble and say, "Oh, friend of mine, certain-certain thing has happened." And a good, trusted friend to set down and talk with you, that's wonderful. That's of God. Just like your wife is of God, your husband, when you're true.


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GOD.USING.HIS.GIFT18 Any real true dad will do that and

husband. Any Christian will think of others before himself. Every Christian tries to put God first, his family second; he's number three. I've tried to make that a practice in my own life.


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AT.THY.WORD5 Then after while it gets to a place you can't tell you

whether you're over here or over here… This is some six weeks that I'm constantly going. I come down here because I loved you people. I never come because I had a great bunch of sponsors. I didn't have them… Only thing I want to do is come down here, and do what I could for the glory of God, that God would help you people. And I know that He has, and I know, that perhaps through the teaching of the Gospel and the working of the Holy Spirit, things has been done that may hatch out years and years to come. We don't know what will take place. Only God does know.

6 But it's always a happy delight to be among God's children… You know, that makes me feel awfully good to know that I just have set with sons and daughters of God.


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THIRSTING.FOR.LIFE65 Now, we're in a unity; an agreement now.

We're Christians; the Holy Spirit's here, that great Angel of God, that Pillar of Fire, that you got the picture of, right here. That same Angel of God is right here now in this building, right here… Now, don't pray for yourself; pray for the person you got your hands on. You pray for the next man; he's praying for you. And you be praying for one another, and while I pray for you, that'll make the chain here, and God will heal every person here. There will not be one sick person left in our midst, if you'll just believe.


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BLIND.BARTIMAEUS46 And I would that you'd just lay your hands on

someone near you. The Scripture said, "These signs shall follow 'them' that believe. They shall lay 'their' hands on the sick; they shall recover." And you all are believers. Then put your own faith out to work and lay your hands over on one another. And each one of you start praying right now, praying right out, as you would in church, and asking God to heal the person next to you. And while you're asking healing for them, healing shall come to you. Now, just start praying for one another, praying that God will heal one another.


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BLIND.BARTIMAEUS30 My ministry's not to minister to

individuals. The thing of it is is to come together, set in heavenly places. Then when you see God's Spirit moving, and you're sure that it's God's Spirit moving, then you just accept God where you are. Accept Jesus and healing will take care for its own then.


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HE.CARETH.FOR.YOU96 Oh, cast your cares on Him; He careth for you.

Now, He cares for you, now we know. He cared for the leper when He was here on earth… Oh, I've seen many of them, hugged them in my arms, them white with leprosy. No one wanted nothing to do with him… If they done anything, they'd pitch him a piece of bread and let him get it out of the dirt. But Jesus cared for Him. He walked right down with him and set down. I can just see Him lay His hands upon him and said, "I will, be thou clean." Oh, He cared for him. When nothing else could care, He cared. When nothing else will care for you, He still cares.


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WITNESSES 185 And the first thing you know, when the brook

dried up, He said, "Now, I've prepared a widow to take care of you [Elijah]." My, what a place for a preacher to go: to a widow's house. But God said, "I prepared it…" So he goes down there, and he was walking along down the street…He seen a woman in the yard; "That's her, so I'll just walk by. Go, bring me a little drink of water, and a cake, in your hand."

She said, "As the Lord lives, and your soul never dies, I have only enough meal in the barrel and enough oil in the cruse to make one little cake. And I'm out here baking... getting two sticks."

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AT.THY.WORD3 A person who lives their life for theirself, lives a

selfish life. We must live for others: "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fill full the law of Christ." And we got to have a feeling for one another. And therefore, when you do all you know how to do, then when you do lay down at night, well, you have the consolation knowing that you--you tried your best.

I can't make everyone believe. That's impossible. Jesus couldn't do that when He was on earth. And I know there'll just be a few that believes. But if anything I can add to help the Gospel, that's my duty of being here, is to try to help somebody along the way.

50-0714 03/15/15

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