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Essential Tool Part 1 Rubrics, page 3-4

Assignment Tool Part 2 Assignments, page 5-10

Review Tool Part 3 SafeAssign, page 11-13

Assessment Tool Part 4 Test, page 14-29

Interaction Tool Part 5 Group/ Collaboration, page 30-33

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Table of Content

LEARNING OUTCOMES: ...................................................................................................................... 3  PART 1 Rubrics ..................................................................................................................................... 3  

1.1 Create a Rubric for an Individual Assignment ................................................................................. 3  1.2 Create a Rubric for a Group Assignment ......................................................................................... 4  

PART 2 Assignments ............................................................................................................................ 5  2.1 Create a Content Area for Assignment ............................................................................................. 5  2.2 Create an Individual Assignment ...................................................................................................... 6  2.3 Create a Group Assignment .............................................................................................................. 7  

2.3.1 Create a Group Set ........................................................................................................................ 8  2.3.2 Assign Groups to a Group Assignment ........................................................................................ 10  

PART 3 Use SafeAssign in Assignments for Plagiarism Checking ............................................... 11  3.1 Submit Sample Assignment with Student Preview ....................................................................... 11  3.2 SafeAssign Originality Report in Grade Center ............................................................................. 12  

PART 4 Create Tests ........................................................................................................................... 14  4.1 Question Types ................................................................................................................................. 14  4.2 Create a Content Area for Tests ...................................................................................................... 15  4.3 Adding a Test .................................................................................................................................... 15  4.4 Adding Questions ............................................................................................................................. 16  

4.4.1 Multiple Choice Questions ........................................................................................................... 16  4.4.2 Multiple Answers Questions ......................................................................................................... 18  4.4.3 Fill in the Blank Questions ............................................................................................................ 19  4.4.4 Fill in Multiple Blanks Question .................................................................................................... 20  4.4.5 True/ False ................................................................................................................................... 21  4.4.6 Calculated Numeric Questions ..................................................................................................... 22  4.4.7 Hot Spots Questions .................................................................................................................... 23  4.4.8 Jumbled Sentence Questions ...................................................................................................... 24  4.4.9 Ordering Questions ...................................................................................................................... 25  4.4.10 Matching Questions ................................................................................................................... 27  

4.5 Adding Tests and Test Options ....................................................................................................... 29  PART 5 Group/ Collaboration Tools .................................................................................................. 30  

5.1 Create a Journal ................................................................................................................................ 30  5.2 Blogs .................................................................................................................................................. 30  5.3 Wikis ................................................................................................................................................... 31  5.4 Create a Content Area for Collaboration ........................................................................................ 32  

5.4.1 Add a Blog Link into the Collaboration Content Area ................................................................... 32  5.4.2 Add a Journal Link into the Collaboration Content Area .............................................................. 33  5.4.3 Add a Wiki Link into the Collaboration Content Area ................................................................... 33  

PART 6 Blackboard Team (SEGi University & College KD) ............................................................ 34  

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Blackboard Training- Phase 2 Create Assessment


LEARNING OUTCOMES: By end of the training session, participants should be able to:

1. Create a rubric 2. Create individual and group assignments 3. Assign rubrics to assignments 4. Use SafeAssign to review the originality of an assignment submission 5. Create a test. 6. Use the interactive tools that promotes Reflective Learning and collaboration: Journal,

Discussion Board, Blog and Wiki

PART 1 Rubrics 1.1 Create a Rubric for an Individual Assignment  

1. On the Control Panel, expand the Course Tools section and click Rubrics.

2. On the Rubrics page, click Create Rubric on the action bar. 3. Type a name eg.”Assignment 1 Rubric” and provide a

description of the rubric.

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4. Given a document of Excel, namely “Rubrics.xlsx”, Locate “Asg 1” worksheet, create the rubric accordingly.

5. Add rows (A) and columns (B) to the rubric, if needed. 6. Select Percent Range from the drop-down list for Rubric Type.

NOTES: • No Points: Feedback only • Points: Single point value for each Level of Achievement • Point Range: Range of values for each Level of Achievement • Percent: Flexible depending on each item’s possible points • Percent Range: Range of values for each Level of Achievement.

7. Click the Levels of Achievement item (D) and Criteria (E) to reorder the items respectively. 8. Click the Action Link beside the Levels of Achievement (G) and Criteria names (F), and select

Edit. Type the new name and click Save. 9. Type a point or percentage (H) value for each row and column. 10. Type a description defining the criteria (I) and the associated Level of Achievement. 11. Click Submit.

1.2 Create a Rubric for a Group Assignment We need to create another rubric to be used for a group assignment.

1. Referring to the Part 1.1, create another rubric and give it a name, “Assignment 2 Rubric” 2. Given a document of Excel, namely “Rubrics.xlsx”, locate “Asg 2” worksheet and create the

rubric accordingly.

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PART 2 Assignments 2.1 Create a Content Area for Assignment

Create a Content Area called “Assignment” and create all your assignments there. Goto the left sidebar, mouseover ‘+’ sign and click on Content Area.

Give it a name, Assignment and make sure you “tick” the Available to Users.

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2.2 Create an Individual Assignment

1. Click on the Assignment on the sidebar that

you have created. 2. On the action bar, point to Assessments and

click Assignment. 3. On the Create Assignment page, provide the

name, instructions, and any files students need.

4. Select a Due Date.

5. In the Grading section, type in 100 for the

Points Possible.

6. Associate a rubric.

7. On Select Rubrics window, “tick” on

“Assignment 1 Rubrics” and click Submit.

8. You will notice the rubric is added. Make sure you click on the drop down icon under Type column and select Used for Grading. Click on the drop down icon under Show Rubrics to Student column and select Yes (Without Rubric Score) if you do not wish to show students the scores.

9. Expand the sections of Submission Details, Grading Options, Display of Grades. Follow the

following figure to make selections accordingly and click Submit.

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!!! IMPORTANT NOTES: • Multiple Attempts for submission are useful especially for project report where the instructor is

able to monitor the progress; it allows students to submit their reports by stages eg. Outlines (1st submission), Rough drafts (2nd submission) and Final papers (3rd Submission).

• Make sure you remind your students: “Don’t forget to attach the assignment file!” because some lecturers only allow ONE attempt submission and if a student forgot to attach the assignment file and the lecturer has to change the assignment settings.

• Make sure you “tick” on Exclude submissions from the Institutional and Global References Database to avoid “Self Plagiarism”. With selection of Exclude Submission, when students are allowed to submit a few drafts before final submission, SafeAssign does not flag the paper as matching against the previous "draft" submissions.

2.3 Create a Group Assignment  !!! IMPORTANT NOTES:

• A course group must exist prior to creating group assignments for it.

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• Students who are not enrolled at the time that a group assignment has been submitted do not have access to that submission. These students can see only that the submission occurred.

• Students who you remove from a group cannot see the group assignments. They can access their submissions from My Grades.

• If you edit the assignment between creation and the due date, the entire group may lose any work already in progress.

• If you delete a group from the assignment after they have begun the work and prior to submission, they will lose access to the assignment and lose their work.

2.3.1 Create a Group Set

1. Click on the Group on the sidebar.

2. Click Create on the action bar and click Manual Enroll.

Notes: Manual Enroll allows you to assign each student in your course to a group. Random Enroll automatically distributes membership into groups based on a designated number of students per group or the designated number of groups. Self-Enroll allows students to add themselves to a group using a sign-up sheet.

3. Type a name for the group eg. “Creative”, and enter Description of Group Information. 4. Follow the following figure to make selections accordingly, type in 2 for Number of Groups and click Submit.

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5. On the Edit Group Set Enrollments page, Click I.

7. On Add User window, “tick” members of

“Creative 1” group. 8. Repeat Step 5-6 to add members to

“Creative 2” group. 9. Click Submit.

NOTES: Smart Views allow you to look at selected portions of the Grade Centre, for example you may want to look at certain groups of students or selected assignments.

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2.3.2 Assign Groups to a Group Assignment

1. Click on the Assignment on the sidebar that

you have created. 2. On the action bar, point to Assessments

and click Assignment. 3. On the Create Assignment page, provide

the name, instructions, and any files students need.

4. Select a Due Date.

5. In the Grading section, type in 100 for the

Points Possible.

6. Associate a rubric.

7. On Select Rubrics window, “tick” on

“Assignment 2 Rubric” and click Submit.

8. You will notice the rubric is added. Make sure you click on the drop down icon under Type column and select Used for Grading. Click on the drop down icon under Show Rubrics to Student column and select Yes (Without Rubric Score) if you do not wish to show students the scores.

9. Expand the sections of Submission Details, Grading Options, Display of Grades. 10. Hold on SHIFT key to select “Creative 1” and “Creative 2” groups, click “>” to select these two

groups. Follow the following figure to make selections accordingly and click Submit.

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PART 3 Use SafeAssign in Assignments for Plagiarism Checking 3.1 Submit Sample Assignment with Student Preview

1. Enter Student Preview by clicking the icon appears in the top-right corner of your course page.

2. Click Assignment on the sidebar, click “Assignment 1” or any assignment that you have


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3. If you are on Preview Assignment page, Please click Continue OR If you are on Upload Assignment Page, goto Assignment Submission section, click Browse My Computer to locate the given sample assignment, “Sample Asg Submission-Individual Asg.docx”. Optionally you may click on the Write Submission, copy and paste the content into it.

4. Click Submit.

3.2 SafeAssign Originality Report in Grade Center

1. Goto Control Panel on the sidebar and expand Grade Center and click Needs Grading.

2. On Needs Grading page, under User Attempt, click “your_name_PreviewUser” to review the

sample submission document that you have attached.

3. On Review Submission History page, click the SafeAssign (D) to expand SafeAssign Submission,

click View Originality Report (F) NOTES:

You may use these tools:

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• B: Zoom in to enlarge the texts of document • A: Zoom out reduce the texts of document • C: Download the document • E: Check on the associated rubric • G: Submit another document

5. A SafeAssign originality report is divided into three areas: • A: Manuscript text (Submitted paper) • B: Report information (Data about the paper, such as the author, percent of matching text,

word count, and when it was submitted) • C: Citations (The sources that include text that matches the submitted paper's text are listed

in the right panel of the report)

6. You many click Print (D) to view the printable version. 7. All the text matches are highlighted in colours with reference number of source. You may click on the any reference number on Manuscript texts (A), For example, click source no.1 and it will expand to show the text match with the source in percentage and reveal the web link of the source.

8. Click Select Sources & Resubmit, uncheck sources that you want to exclude from review. In this case, uncheck Source No.1 & 2 and click Resubmit.

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NOTES: The overall SafeAssign score indicates the probability that the submitted paper contains matches to existing sources. This score is a warning indicator only. Review papers to see if the matches are properly attributed. • Scores below 15 percent: These papers typically include some quotes and few common

phrases or blocks of text that match other documents. Typically, these papers do not require further analysis as there is no evidence of plagiarism.

• Scores between 15 percent and 40 percent: These papers include extensive quoted or paraphrased material, or they include plagiarism. Review these papers to determine if the matching text is properly referenced.

• Scores over 40 percent: A very high probability exists that text in these papers was copied from other sources. These papers include quoted or paraphrased text in excess, and need to be reviewed for plagiarism.

PART 4 Create Tests 4.1 Question Types  1 Calculated Formula

questions It presents students with a question that requires them to make a calculation and respond with a numeric answer.

2 Essay questions It requires students to type an answer in a text box. 3 Fill in the Blank

questions It consists of a phrase, sentence, or paragraph with a blank space indicating where the student should provide the missing word or words.

4 Matching questions It allows students to pair items in one column to items in another column.

5 Opinion Scale/Likert questions

It is designed to measure students’ attitudes or reactions using a comparable scale.

6 Short Answer questions

It is similar to Essay questions. Student responses are not limited in length, but the number of rows you set for the text box size can let students know your expectations

7 Calculated Numeric questions

It requires student to provide a numeric answer.

8 File Response questions

It requires students to upload a file from their computers or from the Content Collection as the answer to the question.

9 Hot Spot questions It requires students to select a particular area in an image. 10 Multiple answer

questions It allows students to choose more than one answer.

11 Ordering questions It requires students to provide an answer by selecting the correct order of a series of items.

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12 True/False questions It allows students to choose either true or false in response to a statement question.

13 Either/Or questions Students are presented with a statement and asked to respond using a selection of predefined two-choice answers.

14 Fill in Multiple Blanks questions

Students are presented with text containing up to 10 blanks. Each blank can have a maximum of 100 answers.

15 Jumbled Sentence questions

It requires students to complete a sentence by selecting words or phrases from a drop-down list.

16 Multiple choice questions

It allows students several choices with only one correct answer.

17 Quiz Bowl questions Students are presented with an answer and they must provide the question.

 NOTES: Visit the following web link and explore more question types: https://en-us.help.blackboard.com/Learn/9.1_2014_04/Instructor/110_Tests_Surveys_Pools/100_Question_Types

4.2 Create a Content Area for Tests

Create a Content Area called “Tests” and create all your tests there. Goto the left sidebar, mouseover ‘+’ sign and click on Content Area.

Give it a name, Tests and make sure you “tick” the Available to Users.

4.3 Adding a Test  1. Click the Tests on the sidebar.

2. Mouseover Assessments on action bar and click Test. 3. On Create Test page, click Create.


4. On Test Information page, enter name, description and instructions.

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5. Click Submit.  

4.4 Adding Questions There are 17 question types can be used to create a test; however, the 10 most popular and recommended questions types are introduced here since these questions types allow auto test grading. A sample test question document is provided, namely “Sample Test Questions.docx”. Open the document; you may create test questions accordingly. 4.4.1 Multiple Choice Questions 1. On the action bar, point to Create Question and click Multiple Choice.

2. On the Create/Edit Multiple Choice Question page, follow the following figure for settings: • Leave empty for Question Title. • Type the question into Question Text. • Make sure Number of Answer is 4. • Type an Answer in each box. • “Tick” the Correct answer by clicking the radio

button next the answer. • Optionally, type feedback for correct and incorrect

answers. • Leaves the default values for the rest of the fields

and Click Submit.

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3. On Test Canvas page, you may click on the Points, type “1” into the Update Fields and Click Submit. NOTES: “+” sign allows you to add more questions.

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4.4.2 Multiple Answers Questions 1. On Test Canvas page, “+” sign allows you to add more questions. 2. Select Multiple Answer from the drop down list.

3. On Create/Edit Multiple Answer Question page, follow the following figure for settings: • Leave empty for Question Title. • Type the question into Question Text. • Make sure Number of Answer is 5. • Type an Answer in each box. • “Tick” the multiple Correct answers by

clicking the radio buttons next the answers. • Optionally, type feedback for correct and

incorrect answers. • Leaves the default values for the rest of the

fields and Click Submit.

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4. On Test Canvas page, you may click on the Points, type “1” into the Update Fields and Click Submit.

4.4.3 Fill in the Blank Questions 1. On Test Canvas page, “+” sign allows you to add more questions.

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2. Select Fill in the Blank from the drop down list.

3. On Create/Edit Multiple Answer Question page, follow the above figure for settings: • Leave empty for Question Title. • Type the question into Question Text. • Make sure Number of Answer is 1. • Select Exact Match from the drop down menu next to Answer 1. • Type an Answer in the box. • Optionally, type feedback for correct and incorrect answers. • Leaves the default values for the rest of the fields and Click Submit.

4. On Test Canvas page, you may click on the Points, type “1” into the Update Fields and Click Submit. 4.4.4 Fill in Multiple Blanks Question 1. On Test Canvas page, “+” sign allows you to add more questions. 2. Select Fill in Multiple Blanks from the drop down list. 3. On Create/Edit Fill in Multiple Blanks Question page, follow the following figure for settings: • Leave empty for Question Title. • Type the question into Question Text. • Enter each blank as a variable surrounded by square brackets.

4. Click Next.

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4. Make sure Number of Answer is 1. 5. Select Exact Match from the drop down menu next to Answer 1. 6. Type Answer in each box.

7. Optionally, type feedback for correct and incorrect answers. 8. Leaves the default values for the rest of the fields and Click Submit. 9. On Test Canvas page, you may click on the Points, type “1” into the Update Fields and Click Submit. 4.4.5 True/ False 1. On Test Canvas page, “+” sign allows you to add more questions. 2. Select True/False from the drop down list. 3. On Create/Edit True/False Question page, follow the following figure for settings: • Leave empty for Question Title. • Type the question into Question Text. • “Tick” the correct answer.

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4. Optionally, type feedback for correct and incorrect answers.

5. Leaves the default values for the rest of the fields and Click Submit. 6. On Test Canvas page, you may click on the Points, type “1” into the Update Fields and Click Submit. 4.4.6 Calculated Numeric Questions 1. On Test Canvas page, “+” sign allows you to add more questions. 2. Select Calculated Numeric from the drop down list. 3. On Create/Edit Numeric Answer Question page, follow the following figure for settings: • Leave empty for Question Title. • Type the question into Question Text. • Type the correct answer. • Leave empty for Answer Range +/-.

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4. Optionally, type feedback for correct and incorrect answers.

5. Leaves the default values for the rest of the fields and Click Submit. 6. On Test Canvas page, you may click on the Points, type “1” into the Update Fields and Click Submit. 4.4.7 Hot Spots Questions 1. On Test Canvas page, “+” sign allows you to add more questions. 2. Select Hot Spot from the drop down list. 3. On Create/Edit Hot Spot Question page, follow the following figure for settings:

• Leave empty for Question Title. • Type the question into Question Text. • Click Browse My Computer and locate “flat-icons.gif” file. • Click Next.

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4. Referring to the figure above, click and drag the square area in the image to specify the hot spot area for the correct answer. Start with the upper left corner of the rectangle and drag down to the lower right. Click Clear to remove the rectangle and start again. 5. Optionally, type feedback for correct and incorrect answers.

6. Leaves the default values for the rest of the fields and Click Submit. 7. On Test Canvas page, you may click on the Points, type “1” into the Update Fields and Click Submit. 4.4.8 Jumbled Sentence Questions 1. On Test Canvas page, “+” sign allows you to add more questions. 2. Select Jumbled Sentence from the drop down list. 3. On Create/Edit Jumbled Sentence Question page, follow the following figure for settings: • Leave empty for Question Title. • Type the question into Question Text. • Make sure Number of Answers is 4. • Type Answers in each box. • Click Next.

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4. Select the correct answer from each drop down menu.

5. Optionally, type feedback for correct and incorrect answers.

6. Leaves the default values for the rest of the fields and Click Submit. 7. On Test Canvas page, you may click on the Points, type “1” into the Update Fields and Click Submit. 4.4.9 Ordering Questions 1. On Test Canvas page, “+” sign allows you to add more questions. 2. Select Ordering from the drop down list. 3. On Create/Edit Ordering Question page, follow the following figure for settings: • Leave empty for Question Title. • Type the question into Question Text. • Make sure Number of Answers is 6. • Type Answer in each box in the correct order.

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4. Click Next. 5. Drag and Drop the items in Display Order columns to shuffle it.

6. Optionally, type feedback for correct and incorrect answers.

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7. Leaves the default values for the rest of the fields and Click Submit. 8. On Test Canvas page, you may click on the Points, type “1” into the Update Fields and Click Submit.

4.4.10 Matching Questions 1. On Test Canvas page, “+” sign allows you to add more questions. 2. Select Matching from the drop down list. 3. On Create/Edit Matching Question page, follow the following figure for settings:

• Leave empty for Question Title. • Type the question into Question Text. • Choose Uppercase Letters (A, B, C) for Answer Numbering.

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4. Type the Question and Answer in each box. 5. Select Randomly for the Answer Order.

6. Optionally, type feedback for correct and incorrect answers.

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7. Leaves the default values for the rest of the fields and Click Submit. 8. On Test Canvas page, you may click on the Points, type “1” into the Update Fields and Click Submit.

4.5 Adding Tests and Test Options 1. When you have done all test questions, click

OK to complete the test. 2. On Create Test page, click Submit. 3. On Test Options page, in Test Availability:

• Allow Unlimited Attempts • Use Last Graded Attempts • Force Completion • Set timer, 20 minutes • Turn Auto-Submit ON

4. Follow the settings of figure above, select After Submission from the drop down menu, “tick” All

Answer, Correct, Submitted, Feedback, Show Incorrect Questions. 5. In Test Presentation, select All at Once and

Randomize Questions. 6. The rest leave it with default value. 7. Click Submit.

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PART 5 Group/ Collaboration Tools 5.1 Create a Journal Journals are a personal space for students to communicate privately with the instructor. 1. Go to Control Panel on the sidebar, expand the Course Tools section and click Journals. 2. On the Journals page, click Create Journal on the action bar. 3. On the Create Journal page, follow the settings if the figure given:

• Type a name and optional instructions. • Make the journal available • Select the Display After and Display Until check boxes to enable the date and time selections • Select Monthly or Weekly Index Entries • Select check boxes to allow users to edit and delete entries. • In the Grade Settings section, select No grading • Click Submit.

4. Instructor and student may now create journal entry and comment. NOTES: o If you select Permit Course Users to View Journal, the journal becomes public. All users can

view all journal entries made to the journal topic.

5.2 Blogs  A blog—a shorthand term that means web log—is a personal online journal that is frequently updated and intended for general public access and use. It allows users to post and respond to one another.

1. Go to Control Panel on the sidebar, expand the Course Tools section and click Blogs. 2. On the Blogs page, click Create Blog on the action bar.

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Blackboard Training- Phase 2 Create Assessment


3. On the Create Blog page, follow the settings if the figure given:

• Type a name and optional instructions • Make the blog available • Select the Display After and Display Until check boxes to enable the date and time selections • In the Blog Participation section, select course • Select Weekly Index Entries • In the Grade Settings section, select No grading • Click Submit.

4. Instructor and student may now create journal entry and comment.

5.3 Wikis Wikis allow course members to contribute and modify one or more pages of course related materials, providing a means of sharing and collaboration. Users can create and edit pages quickly, while tracking changes and additions, allowing for effective collaboration between multiple writers. 1. Go to Control Panel on the sidebar, expand the Course Tools section and click Wikis. 2. On the Wikis page, click Create Wiki on the action bar. 3. On the Create Wiki page, follow the settings if the figure given:

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• Type a name and optional instructions. • Make the wiki available. • Select the Display After and Display Until check boxes to enable the date and time selections • In Wiki Participation, choose Open to Editing and Open to Commenting to allow users to

modify any wiki page. • In the Grade Settings section, select No grading • Click Submit.

5.4 Create a Content Area for Collaboration

Create a Content Area called “Collaboration” and all the Journals, Blogs and Wikis there. Goto the left sidebar, mouseover ‘+’ sign and click on Content Area.

Give it a name, Collaboration and make sure you “tick” the Available to Users.

5.4.1 Add a Blog Link into the Collaboration Content Area

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1. Click on the Collaboration that you

have just created on sidebar. 2. Mouseover Tools and click Blogs.

3. On Create Link: Blog page, click on the Link to Blogs Page.

4. Click Next. 5. Leave it with default values and click Submit.

5.4.2 Add a Journal Link into the Collaboration Content Area

1. Click on the Collaboration that you have just created on sidebar.

2. Mouseover Tools and click Journals.

3. On Create Link: Journal page, click on the Link to Journal Page.

4. Click Next. 5. Leave it with default values and click Submit.

5.4.3 Add a Wiki Link into the Collaboration Content Area 1. Click on the Collaboration that you

have just created on sidebar. 2. Mouseover Tools and click Wikis.

3. On Create Link: Wiki page, click on the Link to Wiki Page.

4. Click Next. 5. Leave it with default values and click Submit.

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PART 6 Blackboard Team (SEGi University & College KD)

Project Champion Ahmad Fadzlee Shah

Project Manager

Param Murgan

Promotional & Communication Imran Huneid Tyeb Charlene Nicholas

Teaching & Learning Charlene Lee Ling Wei Nabila Mohd Yunus Wan Halimatul Dina

Technical Leong Kam Sun Joseph Cheng

Project Leaders Haw Wai Yee [email protected] Moganavatsala, [email protected]

Master Trainers Moganavatsala, [email protected] Chen Woon Choong, [email protected] Nicole Lee Fong Yee, [email protected] Muhammad Afiq Sukiman, [email protected] Aida Maryani, [email protected]

System Administrator Joseph Cheng [email protected] Nur Farah [email protected]

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