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April 29 - May 1, 2013Spring is here! There’s no better way to start your spring cleaning than with a healthy detox cleanse. We’ve prepared a comprehensive and easy-to-follow 3-day plan that will help put the spring back in your step and revitalize your mind, body, and spirit!



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DAY 1 (Monday)BLAST

Upon Waking Ginger Tea • 1 cup hot water

• ¼” fresh ginger or 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar • Squeeze of a lemon

7am (or within 1 hour of waking) Lime Kiwi Blast • 1 cup spinach

• 1 kiwi (peel removed) • 1 medium pear • 1/4 lime Calories: 155

10am (or 3 hours after previous Blast) Berry-Citrus-Ginger Blast • 1 cup spinach

• 1/2 orange • 1 cup mixed berries Calories: 180

• 1 tsp raw honey (optional) • A few ice cubes • Water to MAX line

• Small 1/2 inch chunk fresh ginger • Coconut water to MAX line • 1/2 tsp turmeric (optional)

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1pm (or 3 hours after previous Blast) NutMint Delight • 15 raw walnuts

• 1/2 banana • 1/2 cup frozen mango Calories: 310

4pm (or 3 hours after previous Blast) Tomato Toddie • 1 cup spinach

• 1 tomato • 1 medium carrot • 1/4 cup fresh parsley Calories: 72

7pm (or 3 hours after previous Blast) Liver Lover • 1 cup spinach

• 1/2 small beet (raw or steamed) • 1/2 cup honeydew • 1/4 cup sliced cucumber • 1/2 cup mixed berries Calories: 210


• 3-5 fresh mint leaves • Unsweetened vanilla almond milk to MAX line

• 1/2 small beet • 1/2 celery stick • Water to MAX line

• 10 walnut halves • Dash of cinnamon • ½” ginger • Water to MAX line

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DAY 2 (Tuesday)BLAST

Upon Waking Ginger Tea • 1 cup hot water

• ¼” fresh ginger or 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar • Squeeze of a lemon

7am (or within 1 hour of waking) Lime Kiwi Blast • 1 cup spinach

• 1 kiwi (peel removed) • 1 medium pear • 1/4 lime Calories: 155

10am (or 3 hours after previous Blast) Berry-Citrus-Ginger Blast • 1 cup spinach

• 1/2 orange • 1 cup mixed berries Calories: 180

• 1 tsp raw honey (optional) • A few ice cubes • Water to MAX line

• Small 1/2 inch chunk fresh ginger • Coconut water to MAX line • 1/2 tsp turmeric (optional)

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1pm (or 3 hours after previous Blast) Coco-Avocado Blast • 1 cup spinach

• 1/4 avocado • 1/2 cup mixed berries (strawberries and blueberries) • 8 raw walnuts Calories: 324

4pm (or 3 hours after previous Blast) Tomato Toddie • 1 cup spinach

• 1 tomato • 1 medium carrot • 1/4 cup fresh parsley Calories: 72

7pm (or 3 hours after previous Blast) Liver Lover • 1 cup spinach

• 1/2 small beet (raw or steamed) • 1/2 cup honeydew • 1/4 cup sliced cucumber • 1/2 cup mixed berries Calories: 210


• 1/2 banana • 1/2 Tbsp raw cacao powder (or 1 Tbsp nibs) • 1 Tbsp rolled oats (optional) • Almond milk to MAX line

• 1/2 small beet • 1/2 celery stick • Water to MAX line

• 10 walnut halves • Dash of cinnamon • ½” ginger • Water to MAX line

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DAY 3 (Wednesday)BLAST

Upon Waking Ginger Tea • 1 cup hot water

• ¼” fresh ginger or 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar • Squeeze of a lemon

7am (or within 1 hour of waking) Lime Kiwi Blast • 1 cup spinach

• 1 kiwi (peel removed) • 1 medium pear • 1/4 lime Calories: 155

10am (or 3 hours after previous Blast) Berry-Citrus-Ginger Blast • 1 cup spinach

• 1/2 orange • 1 cup mixed berries Calories: 180

• 1 tsp raw honey (optional) • A few ice cubes • Water to MAX line

• Small 1/2 inch chunk fresh ginger • Coconut water to MAX line • 1/2 tsp turmeric (optional)

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1pm (or 3 hours after previous Blast) Kiwi Nana Mint • 1 cup spinach

• 1 kiwi (peeled) • 1/2 banana • 3 mint leaves

Calories: 255

4pm (or 3 hours after previous Blast) Tomato Toddie • 1 cup spinach

• 1 tomato • 1 medium carrot • 1/4 cup fresh parsley Calories: 72

7pm (or 3 hours after previous Blast) Liver Lover • 1 cup spinach

• 1/2 small beet (raw or steamed) • 1/2 cup honeydew • 1/4 cup sliced cucumber • 1/2 cup mixed berries Calories: 210


• 1/2 inch ginger • 1 Tbsp chia seeds • 1/4 avocado • Almond milk to MAX line

• 1/2 small beet • 1/2 celery stick • Water to MAX line

• 10 walnut halves • Dash of cinnamon • ½” ginger • Water to MAX line

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MOVEIncreased blood circulation helps move those toxins along!

The easiest way to get your blood churning is to take a brisk walk; just enough to break a light sweat. Set 10-20 minutes aside and get moving.

Additionally, there are certain stretches that can help to improve digestion, ring out toxins and relieve stress. For an enhanced detox, strike the suggested poses each day! If you’re feeling extra ambitious and you have your Dr.’s approval, do them all in one continuous sequence each day. The whole routine (all three days combined) takes about 10-15 minutes.

DAY 1 (Monday)Seated Spinal Twist Cat/Cow together

*Images courtesy of: oxygenmag.com, yoganonymous.com and fitbie.msn.com

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DAY 2 (Tuesday)

DAY 3 (Wednesday)

Locust Pose

Bridge Pose

Child’s Pose

Corpse Pose

*Images courtesy of: manipurayoga.biz, yogapostures.com, faboverforty.com and prevention.com

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To enhance the Cleanse, include an Epsom salt bath each day.

To take an Epsom salt bath: Put one to two handfuls of Epsom salt in a warm bathtub and soak for 15-20 minutes. “Dinnertime” is a great time to soak to help take your mind off of eating!

*Add 10 drops of lavender oil to really relax!

*Images courtesy of: floatation.biz, epsomsaltsbath.com, and madamenoire.com

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