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  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    B a l l u m N a House of the Jaguar

    J u n g l eC a m p

    M o h o C ay

    L o d g e

    w w w . b e l i z e l o d g e . c o m

    B e l i z e L o d g e & E x c u r s i o n s

    B E L I Z E , C E N T R A L A M E R I C a

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    Imagine. . . . . . .60 ,000 acre s of priva te re serves

    surrounded by 1 .2 mi l l ions acres

    o f nat ional ly prote c ted wi ldernes s areas ,

    which toge ther form a cri t i cal l ink in the greaterMesoamerican Bio logica l Corr idor

    and one o f the las t great r e fuge for

    Jaguar in the Americas .

    Here the magnificent tropical rainforest is alive with jungle crea-

    tures. Mayan ruins unveil the remnants of once-grand cultures. Giant

    ceiba trees create a canopy rich in exotic bird and wildlife. Crystal-

    line rivers open to the azure waters of the Port Honduras Marine

    Reserve, an area of five coastal rivers and 130 small tropica l islands.

    The southern terminus of the worlds second largest barrier reef

    looms just beyond the sun up horizon.

    Untouched for centuries, this pristine habitat can be discovered in a

    unique luxury safari experience as you journey through twelve

    distinct ecosystems on our Trans-Habitat Expedition.

    It is a jo ur ne y un li ke an yt hi ng el se in Ce nt ra l Am er ica.

    Be li ze s B ig Fi ve

    1- Twelve Distinct Terrestrial Habitats

    2- The Maya Past & Present

    3- The Rivers & Coastal Estuaries

    4- The Cays & Belize Barrier Reef

    5- Wildlife Diversity

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    Belize CityInternational Airport

    Rio Dorado

    Air fie ld At

    Indian Creek

    Punta GordaAir fie ld


























    Belize is serviced from the United

    States by five gateway cities via five US


    Mi am i, FL - Am er ic an Ai rl in es

    Charlotte, NC- US Airways

    At la nt a, GA - De lt a

    Da ll as , TX - Am er ic an Ai rl in es

    Ho us to n, TX - Co nt in en ta l & TACA

    Lo s An ge le s, CA - TAC A

    All of these International Flights

    connect with our Belize Domestic

    In-Country Flight from the Interna-

    tional Airport (BZE) to Rio Dorado

    Airfield at Indian Creek. With Tropic

    Air there are 4 daily flights south, so no

    need to worry about connections! .

    Guests heading home or on to another

    destination in Belize, depart from Punta

    Gorda Airfield via 4 scheduled daily

    flights back to Belize City Interna-

    tional. All these flights connect with all

    scheduled international departing

    flights to the United States.

    European flights that connect through

    the US have a stopover of one night in

    US to connect with Belize the next day.

    Flights from Europe to Cancun, Mexico

    can connect to Belize via a daily

    regional jet with service between

    Cancun and Belize City. Same day

    onward co nnection with Tropic Air

    south to the lodge have you from Europe

    to the lodge all in one day and back

    home just as fast!!!!

    C o n n e c t i n g W i t h B e l i z e

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    T h e T r a n s H a b i t a t E x p e r i e n c e

    7 - N i g h t A l l - I n c l u s i v e E x p e d i t i o n P a c k a g e

    Part 3

    From Jungle Camp depart in the early or late morning in

    our special riverboat for the 2-hour voyage to Rose-

    wood Landing, which is about one mile from the coast.

    The expedition from JC affords great opportunities to

    see primates and birds, and passes through several

    distinct eco-zones. Transfer to our 50 or 29 ex US

    Navy Marine Launch for the 30-minute ride to Moho


    Spend the next 3-nights on our private island, Moho

    Cay. From Moho Cay Lodge enjoy half- and full-day

    snorkeling, swimming, and sea kayaking adventures

    within the Port Honduras Marine Reserve. Explore

    Payne's Creek National Park, Ycacos Lagoon, Wild

    Cane Cay, the Seven Hills, and Middle River. Half-dayexpeditions to the Snake Cays (about 15-minutes away)

    offer great snorkeling and swimming possibilities.

    Full-day expeditions to the Sapodilla Cays Marine

    Reserve, at the southern tip of the Great Belize Barrier

    Reef, include some of the best snorkeling in the world.

    Or just lounge on the beach, your feet washed by the

    Caribbean enjoying your own private paradise and do

    nothing for a while.

    Part 2

    Depart from Ballum Na, spending your next 2- nights at

    Jungle Camp. In the afternoon, after visiting Ni Li Punit

    ruins, take the short ride to Fig Tree Landing on the

    Golden Stream. Our Mayan guides will take you on part

    two of your expedition, the journey down river. Choose

    from 4 seat/plus guide, Adirondack Guide Canoes, or

    double and single kayaks. The expedition takes between

    2 to 2 1/2 hour down river over several small falls and

    deep into this pristine jungle habitat.

    Arrive at Jungle Camp as the sun sets and the day turns

    to night, and hear the jungle come alive with night

    sounds. Expeditions from Jungle Camp include kayak-

    ing and canoeing on Golden Stream, jungle hikes onlocal trails, and our canopy tree platform, suspended

    100 above the forest floor in the giant arms of a

    magnificent ceiba tree.

    In the early morning and late afternoon take an electric

    pontoon boat safari with our expert naturalist guides.

    Search for howler monkeys in the canopy, watch for

    tapir and wild pig on the riverbank. After dinner take a

    1-hour night walk into the jungle and across an oxbow

    in the river to Ponchos Landing on Golden Stream.

    There our electric pontoon safari boat awaits you for a

    spotlight river cruise back to Jungle Camp. Watch for

    the many nocturnal mammals, out and about, and roost-

    ing birds, keep a sharp lookout for giant fishing bats.

    Private canoe adventures and nature walks are all part

    of the program. Go out anytime on the river or local

    trails with your guide in groups of two or less, great for

    wildlife watching and photography. All canoes are flat

    bottom with electric trolling motors and are virtually


    Part 1

    Spend 2-nights at Ballum Na (House of the Jaguar),

    explore the surrounding jungle on foot or mountain bike

    with our Maya guides. Journey into the foot hills of the

    Maya Mountains, visit traditional Mayan Villages along

    the way and several nearby archaeological sites. Take a

    caving expedition into Blue Creek Cave and swim at its

    cool mouth of crystal clear waters. In the morning on

    day three visit the Boden Creek Wildlife & Reintroduc-

    tion Center where two primate and several bird species

    are part of a rescue, rehabilitate and reintroduction

    program run by the preserve. Take an early morning

    nature walk or bike ride on the many trails in the area

    with out expert Guides, watch for the many monkey,

    bird and elusive mammal species of the forest.

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    S o u t h e r n B e l i z e s - T o l e d o D i s t r i c t

    P o r t H o n d u r a s M a r i n e R e s e r v e

    Jungle Camp

    Moho Cay Lodge

    Sapodilla Cays

    Marine Reserve








    Rio DoradoAirstrip

    Punta GordaAirstrip


    Mayan Vil lages


    Mayan Vil lages

    Paynes Creek

    National Park

    D e e p R i v e r

    F o re s t R e s e rv e

    Columbia River & Maya Mountains

    Forest Reserve

    Punta Gorda Town

    Bladen Nature Reserve







    Nim Li Punit


    Blue CreekCave

    Snake Cays

    Wild Cane Cay

    Falls RosewoodLanding














    Ballum Na












    * Expedition Stop Expedition Route


  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    J u n g l e C a m p

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    G o l d e n S t r e a m

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure



    In the ancient Mayan language Ballum Na means

    House of the Jaguar. Located in the heart of the Boden

    Creek Preserve this boutique lodge is situated about two

    miles from our private airstrip within beautiful jungle

    habitat along side the idyllic Boden Creek. The four-

    story lodge rises like a grand tree-house above the jungle

    canopy and is also home to two male jaguars, Bosch and

    Xupi, who are brothers that were born in captivity as

    part of a captive breeding program. They live in a habitat

    that encompasses 2.1 acres of jungle.


    There are three suites, a grand Master Suite and two

    adjacent Junior Suites located next to the jaguar sanctu-ary. The Master Suite has a spacious bedroom, paneled

    in warm hardwoods, overlooking the main jaguar

    habitat, with sitting room suspended above the rushing

    stream. An elaborately tiled bathroom includes a large

    Jacuzzi tub, walk-in shower and dual vanities. The two

    Junior Suites look out over the Boden Creek and each

    feature private sitting areas, walkin shower, large

    comfortable king beds, plush linens and ceiling fans.


    On the third floor guests will find a private restaurant

    and bar, dedicated to their comfort and refreshment.Expansive decks and a circular canopy walkway,

    overlooking the jaguar habitat below, allowing for

    plenty of areas to relax as the sounds of Parrot Falls just

    below create a sublime jungle sanctuary. On the 4th

    floor, a spacious observation deck, complete with

    overstuffed hardwood lounge chairs, provides vistas

    of the surrounding jungle canopy and the Maya-

    Mountains to the north. This rooftop perch is a popu-

    lar spot to begin the day as the jungle comes to life,

    or end the day with a cocktail at sunset, as you

    recount the days adventures.


    All meals are table dhte and include wake up tea

    and coffee service, a light breakfast at dawn, or

    whenever you choose to get up, a hearty brunch on

    return from the morning activity, afternoon tea and

    snacks before the early evening activity, with a five

    course dinner in the evening. Special meals and

    dietary requirements can be catered on request. All

    local drinks are included in the rate.


    A short distance from Ballum Na are the ancient

    Maya ruins of Nim Li Punit, a significant site with

    many carved monuments including the second largest

    in the Maya World. Nearby Lubanntun, another

    sacred Maya site, was a major trading center for theregion and in ancient times produced large quantities

    of Cacao (chocolate). The two sites include restored

    temple and burial ruins, a ball court, huge trading and

    ceremonial plazas, and other structures of archaeo-

    logical significance. Nearby Blue Creek Cave offers

    the chance to explore the inner beauty of the Maya

    Mountains, where a crystal clear subterranean river

    emerges from the mouth of the cave and invites you

    for a cool dip.

    Around Ballum Na, the private Boden Creek

    Ecological Preserve offers miles of nature trails toexplore by foot, mountain bike, or electric safari cart.

    The Golden Stream watersheds is home to one of the

    largest concentrations of jaguar in Central America.

    In addition, the 13,000-acre preserve is a haven for

    over 400 species of birds and other wildlife, includ-

    ing the Bairds tapir, puma, wild pig, monkeys and

    much more.


    A nearly silent generator runs for part of the day and

    charges batteries that provide 110v all day and night via

    an inverter system.

    B a l l u m N a H o u s e o f t h e J a g u a r

    . . . . . A s e c l u d e d l u x u r y l o d g e i n t h e h e a r t o f a s a c r e d l a n d s c a p e . . . . .

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    B a l l u m N a

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure



    Dine in the fine ambiance of our restaurant, lit by

    the flickering flame of hurricane lanterns. Black-tie

    bartenders and waiters create exotic tropical drinksand serve decadent, five-course banquets on fine

    bone China. After dinner, retreat to the lounge or

    climb the rosewood steps to the roof and our treetop

    roost. Indulge in after-dinner liquors, coffee, try our

    special cacao drinks, and enjoy the finest cigar

    selection in Belize. Giant glow-in-the-dark beetles

    streak through the night, cicadas sing and night

    monkeys call. In the morning, awake to the sounds

    of the jungle coming to life, as parrots screech over-

    head and hummingbirds buzz the riverbank below

    your veranda. Enjoy a fine breakfast of fresh tropi-

    cal fruits, warm local breads and try our special

    Mayan Omelet, stuffed French-toast or authentic

    Indian Breakfast. Early tea and coffee wake up

    service and afternoon high tea also served.


    Expeditions from Jungle Camp include kayaking

    and canoeing on Golden Stream, jungle hikes on

    local trails, and an aerial adventure up to our canopy

    tree platform, suspended 100 above the forest floor

    in the giant arms of a magnificent ceiba tree. In the

    early morning and late afternoon take an electric

    boat safari with our expert guides. Search for howlermonkeys in the canopy, watch for tapir and wild pig

    on the riverbank. After dinner take a 1-hour night

    walk into the jungle and across an oxbow in the

    river to Ponchos Landing on Golden Stream. There

    our electric safari boat awaits you for a spotlight

    river trip back to Jungle Camp to watch for the

    many nocturnal mammals that call this exotic

    expanse of jungle home.


    A nearly silent generator runs from 5 am through the

    day until midnight when the system switches to battery

    and provides lights and fans until the next morning.

    J u n g l e C a m p

    . . . E l e g a n c e . . . S o p h i s t i c a t i o n . . . I n t h e M i d d l e o f t h e W i l d e r n e s s . . .


    Jungle Camp lies at the heart of our 13,000-acre private

    nature preserve, surrounded on three sides by vast

    protected wilderness areas. Accessible only by river,this is the most remote of our trio of luxury lodges.

    Escorted by your personal Mayan guide, embark down

    river from Fig Tree Landing and follow the winding

    Golden Stream deep into the forest. Iguanas bask in the

    treetops above you. A kingfisher swoops after prey just

    ahead of your prow. For three hours you head deeper

    into the primeval jungle, only with your guide and the

    vast wilderness around you. Then your canoe or kayak

    rounds a bend and Jungle Camp comes into view,

    nestled into the trees high above the riverbank. From the

    river landing, you ascend a collection of rough-hewn

    steps into a tropical paradise tucked into the forest

    canopy. As you disembark, a steward presses a cold

    drink and a towel into your hands.


    Jungle Camp is suspended several meters above the

    jungle floor. The safari-style bungalows and lodge are

    connected by thatched-covered walkways that meander

    along the rivers edge and through the lower canopy of

    the forest for half a kilometer. Each cabin has a private

    veranda cantilevered over the rivers edge, where you

    can relax and observe the riparian wildlife and

    surrounding jungle in complete comfort. The bunga-lows are fully screened, with sumptuous beds, fine

    linen, deep-pillowed chairs, giant ceiling fans, and a

    tiled hot-water shower and bath.


    The main lodge has a spacious lounge, bar, and dining

    area with a tremendous traditional Mayan style thatched

    roof. A series of observation decks stretch over the river

    and into the surrounding forest. The entire lodge is

    constructed of huge timbers of tropical hardwoods,

    reds, tans, mahogany colors, the rustic yet elegant archi-

    tecture, merging harmoniously into the surrounding

    forest canopy.

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    J u n g l e C a m p

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure



    Moho Cay Lodge is set on a tranquil, tiny white-sand,

    palm tree covered island within the spectacular Port

    Honduras Marine Reserve. Depart in the morning byelectric boat from Jungle Camp, for the ride down river

    and towards the coast, passing through several distinc-

    tive ecosystems along the way. Watch for monkeys and

    parrots as you descend the jungle river. Transfer to our

    navy launch at Rosewood Landing, about 1-mile from

    the coast, for the 30-minute ride to Moho Cay Lodge.

    Break out of the jungle, into the sunshine and the blue

    Caribbean as the fresh sea breeze cool you and the

    allure of the sea stretches out before your eyes. Also

    arrive via air to Punta Gorda and transfer directly to

    Moho Cay Lodge by our marine launch.


    Moho Cay Lodge consists of an exclusive collection of

    luxury safari-style tent lodges with thatched roofs, set

    atop permanent platforms along the waters edge. Each

    unit has it own private stretch of beach surrounded on

    both sides by tropical island vegetation. The spacious

    tent lodges feature hardwood floors, wicker and

    hardwood furnishings, and tiled bathroom with walk-in

    shower. The private verandas extend out over the water

    with stunning sunrise or sunset views across the Port

    Honduras Marine Reserve. Solar panels and windenergy provide electricity for ceiling fans, lights, hot

    water for showers and everything else. Moho runs all



    There is a main restaurant and bar at one end of the cay

    that stretches from the beach on one side to the beach on

    the other with a spectacular view of the open sea to the

    east and the Seven Hills and distant Maya Mountains to

    the west. Stay cool under our huge thatched roof sipping

    cool drinks or Caribbean beers and enjoy the refreshing

    trade wind breeze of the tropics.


    Our resident chef prepares fresh-caught fish, lobster

    and conch from the nearby reef, as well as a variety

    of other succulent local and international dishes.Dine on your private veranda under the cloudless

    sky or in our restaurant. Wake up tea/coffee and

    beach/veranda service, high tea, 24-hour room

    service and all local drinks are included in the rate.


    From Moho Cay Lodge, enjoy half- and full-day

    snorkel, swim, and sea kayaking adventures within

    the marine reserve. Explore Payne's Creek National

    Park, Ycacos Lagoon, hundreds of local cays,

    pristine river estuaries, and the Seven Hills where a

    US civil war era sugar plantation lies buried in thejungle. Full-day expeditions to the Sapodilla Cays

    Marine Reserve, at the southern tip of the Great

    Belize Barrier Reef, include some of the best

    snorkeling in the world. Journey to the edge of the

    mangroves where the fresh water from the Maya

    Mountain rivers mixes with the sea creating the

    ideal environment to discover the areas manatee

    and marine bird populations by sea kayak. Special

    fly-fishing charters are also available with great

    sight and flats fishing within the marine reserve. Or

    just grab a book and a private stretch of beach, while

    the gentle Caribbean Sea laps at your feet.


    Complimentary next day laundry service is offered.


    A nearly silent generator runs only when the sun does

    not shine or the wind does not blow. The system charges

    batteries that provide 110v all day and night via an

    inverter system. Hot water is available 24-hours a day.


    Moho Cay is only accessible by our50 or 29 ex US

    Navy Marine Launches.

    M o h o C a y L o d g e . . . . S u n s h i n e . . . . W h i t e S a n d s . . . . P a l m T r e e s . . . .

    Yo u r v e r y o w n t r o p i c a l p a r a d i s e a w a i t s !

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    M o h o C a y L o d g e

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    B u i l d A n E x p e d i t i o n E x p e r i e n c e

    There are four ways to design an expedition;

    1- The Trans Habitat Experience (All 3 locations)

    2- Island Only

    3- Island & Jungle Only

    4- Interior & Island Only

    1 - T r a n s H a b i t a t E x p e r i e n c e ( I n t e r i o r - J u n g l e - I s l a n d )

    This is the best way to experience all that southern Belize has to

    offer and we highly recommend guests consider this package. Our

    lodges are ideally placed within twelve distinct habitats or eco-

    zones. Your movement from lodge to lodge through this Trans

    Habitat Experience is what makes up the essence of the whole

    Adventure Expedition. At the same time you are based at a

    group of luxury lodges that puts you right in the middle of this

    amazing wilderness.

    You dont want to miss out on this!

    2 - I s l a n d O n l y

    Choose from 2 or more nights, fly to Punta Gorda air strip for the

    short transfer to the dock where BLEs marine launch takes you to

    Moho Cay Lodge about a 30 minute ride. Moho Cay is the only

    commercial property located within the Port Honduras Marine


    3 - I s l a n d & J u n g l e O n l y(Travel first to Moho Cay and then up river to JC)

    Spend 2 or more nights at Moho Cay Lodge followed by 2 or morenights at Jungle Camp. Travel via marine launch from MC to the

    Golden Stream (30 minute). At Rosewood Landing transfer to our

    electric river boat for the 2 hour expedition up Golden Stream to

    Jungle Camp. Travel through mangrove estuary and eight other

    eco-zones before reaching the lodge. Primates, birds, possible

    manatee sighting, lots of snook and other fish all surrounded by

    amazing jungle habitat.

    4 - I n t e r i o r & I s l a n d O n l y

    Spend 2 or more nights at Ballum Na, then travel by road to PG

    for the boat ride out to Moho Cay Lodge where you can spend 2 or

    more nights. Back to PG for the flight to Belize City and home.

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    M o h o C a y L o d g e

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    All rates are quoted in US Dollars per person per night


    Deluxe accommodations, all gourmet meals,

    horsdoevres, snacks, wake up tea and coffee, room

    service, high tea, local alcoholic (with an optional

    charge for drinks from the premiere list) and

    non-alcoholic beverages, house wine by the glass, all

    shared expeditions and activities, full same or next

    day laundry service, wireless internet in main lodge,

    taxes, entrance fees, local land and marine transfers

    and expert guides.


    Rates do NOT include in-country air or groundtransfer to and from the lodge, champagne, premium

    spirits, imported beers, and wines by the bottle.

    Unfortunately we cannot accept Discover and Diners

    Club credit cards.


    Ballum Na, Jungle Camp & Moho Cay Lodge

    $450 Double Occupancy per person per night

    $590 Single Occupancy per night

    $225 Child Age 10-16

    $245 Round Trip In-country Air Transfer


    Trans Habitat Experience

    US $3,395*

    *Includes In-country Air Transfers

    All Prices Quoted in US $ Dollars

    *All Rates subject to change without notice


    Children ages 10-16 years of age are half price of

    adult package rate. Children must share accommoda-

    tions with parent. *CHILDREN IN OWN ROOM

    CHARGED AS ADULTS. Children 9 and older are

    welcome with some exceptions.

    G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n & R a t e s

  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


  • 8/2/2019 BLE 2011-12 Brochure


    B e l i z e L o d g e & E x c u r s i o n s L i m i t e d

    Belize City, Belize, Central America

    In Belize : 501-223-6324 Toll Free From US: 888-292-2462

    w w w . b e l i z e l o d g e . c o m

    P h o t o s b y A l l e n K e n n e d y & K e n n e t h N . K a r a s

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