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“ A Beautiful Smile: Helping the Out of School

Youth Children”Organized by: Blitzelle

DoyolaNovember 3, 2012

at Brgy. Mohon, Tan. Leyte

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The Need For This Project

In my place there are a lot of children who are not going to school anymore because of financial. Instead of going to school to study, they just stay at their houses and do nothing. This is not good. We need to educate our fellow one’s and change this behavior.

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Goal Of the Project

My goal of my project was to educate my peers and the children who are not going to school. I want the children to know how to count, write their names and especially how to read.

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Project Activity

To achieve my goal of teaching the out of school youth children, I organized my co-youth members to come to our place on Friday and educated them on the good things of going to school. We then created a plan and the next day started the teaching program.

Overall, we teaches 15 children and told their mothers the importance of going to school is very important. My co-youth members and I will continue raising this important issue and hope that there will be less out of school youth children on our places as a result of our advocacy campaign.

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Step By Step Planning

1. I prepared a meeting on “Helping The Out Of School Youth Children “ and invited my co-youth members from my place.

2. Overall, 15 of my co-youth members come to my meeting and help me in my plan project. I explained the goal of my project to them and we started thinking of ideas on how we can contribute and what type of strategy we could have.

3. We finalized plans on our activities and set up plans to go to our library and start teaching while convincing there mother to let their children go to school everyday.

4. Together with my co-youth members, we started teaching the students on our library this last November 3, 2012. Overall, we teaches 15 children.

5. We talked to their mother on the importance of education in addition.

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After my small project, there are other of my co-youth members who took strategy to fight the increasing of out of school youth children and they also start caring the importance of going to school. Now, the out of school youth children were enrolled in our school in Mohon and start going to school. Their mothers are supporting. In addition, I and my co-youth members teaches other out of school youth children. And there parents are now aware about the good things that education can give to their children.