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  • 100YEARS OF


    The posters celebrate just a few of the many fields of endocrineresearch that have increased ourunderstanding of hormonalregulation, and enabled clinicalendocrinology to save or improve thelives of millions of people worldwide.

    The Society's flagship publication,Journal of Endocrinology, marks thecentenary with a series of speciallycommissioned review articles fromleading international experts.

    Go to www.try-joe.org for this andmore free Starling Reviews onsubjects such as:

    Appetite control Hypothalamic hormones Gene therapy of pituitary diseases Behaviour

    Throughout 2005 the Society for Endocrinology presents a series of limited edition posters to mark the centenary of the first use of the word hormone by Ernest Starling.

    Angiogenesis (the development of blood vessels). Work inthis exciting field of endocrinology may in the future savethe lives of many cancer sufferers by developing therapies

    to halt the formation of blood vessels that feed tumours.

    See the free centenary review articles in Journal of Endocrinology at www.try-joe.org

    Image: Coloured SEM of blood vessels in a lung, NCI/SPL