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Page 1: BlueIQ - IBM's Social Software Adoption Journey

©2012 IBM Corporation

Observations on Social Business Adoption within the Enterprise

The IBM BlueIQ ProgramLuis Suarez

BlueIQ Social Software Adoption &Thought Leadership Team - IBM Software Group

http://www.elsua.net @elsua, http://profiles.google.com/elesar

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● BlueIQ Mission and Program

● BlueIQ Program Results

● BlueIQ Program Evolution

● Summary

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● BlueIQ Mission and Program

● BlueIQ Program Results

● BlueIQ Program Evolution

● Summary

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● Global (worldwide) program to help client facing individuals, teams and organizations in IBM Software Group adopt social software

● Objective: increase individual, team and organizational productivity

­ in sales, this means increase sales & customer satisfaction

● Implementation inside the firewall

What is BlueIQ?

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The BlueIQ Approach to Social Software Adoption

IBM Infrastructure


Business Processes

BlueIQ Enablement(Self-Study Modules, Live Lunch & Learns,

JumpStart Consulting, BlueIQ Resource Center)






● Identify best practices, use cases and tools – by role, by task

● Make it easy to get started

­ Share tools, enablement materials, best practices

● Demonstrate success

­ Share the vision

­ Communicate success stories

● Find key influencers as early adopters

­ Grassroots evangelism

­ Support communities in local geographies (BlueIQ Franchise)

● Educate Management

● Embed in existing tools & business processes

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Leveraging BlueIQ Ambassadors

● A BlueIQ Ambassador is an IBMer who is passionate, and wants to learn more, about Social Software (Awareness, Usage, Adoption)

● Spends time educating other IBMers about their own adoption of social software

● Has joined the Ambassadors community to help drive the adoption of social software at IBM

...in 50+ Countries

...from every IBM Business Unit

1600+ BlueIQ Ambassadors...

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BlueIQ Enablement

● Modular Enablement Approach

● All modules less then 30 minutes

● Mix and Match modules based on audience need

● Various pre-defined tracks available

● One live lunch & learn every Wednesday morning

● Recordings and speaker notes available

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● BlueIQ Mission and Program

● BlueIQ Program Results

● BlueIQ Program Evolution

● Summary

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Collaboration among IBMers

More experts, more information, more knowledge

IBM Connections on the intranet metrics:

630,000+ Profiles58,000+ Communities101,300+ Bloggers1.21M+ Bookmarks203,300+ Activities6.95M+ file downloads25.95M+ Wiki page views

As at June 2011

IBM Connections on the intranet metrics:

630,000+ Profiles58,000+ Communities101,300+ Bloggers1.21M+ Bookmarks203,300+ Activities6.95M+ file downloads25.95M+ Wiki page views

As at June 2011


Community Share






PersonProfile &

Social Network

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Involvement in BlueIQ leads to value

BlueIQ Ambassadors are...

● more likely to feel equipped to evangelize with peers

● more likely to evangelize to managers

● more likely to collaborate efficiently

● more likely to re-use assets

● reporting increased productivity and faster response to customers

● more likely to report increased customer satisfaction and sales

We compared degree of involvement in the BlueIQ program with a variety of productivity measures and found a positive correlation; that is, the greater the involvement with the BlueIQ program, the more value respondents gained from social software

Source: 2Q11 BlueIQ Team Impact Survey

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Adoption Takes Time

● It takes time to develop new habits, and to accumulate value

● The BlueIQ Ambassador program can help nurture adopters

Within last week Witihn last month 1-3 mos ago 3-6 mos ago More than 6 mos












% Agree

Better use of mobile deviceReduced time in mail jai lReduced time searching for peopleReduced time searching for information

Source: 2Q11 BlueIQ Team Impact Survey

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● BlueIQ Mission and Program

● BlueIQ Program Results

● BlueIQ Program Evolution

● Summary

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State of BlueIQ Program through 2011

Social Software Adoption YTY Comparison*












2009 2010 1H 2011% o

f the



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al s




ly o

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Software Sales

Systems Sales


* % of targeted employee population sharing weekly or monthly using social software on IBM intranet – source of data is Social Networks and Discovery (SaND)

● Excellent progress with the initial BlueIQ mission

­ Need to continue to nurture and grow the BlueIQ ambassador community

­ Need to continue to update BlueIQ enablement to further meet the needs (e.g. mobile delivery, new versions of thetools)

● Social software adoption inside of IBM is becoming mainstream

● Social Business emerged as a critical part of IBM's strategy

­ Social Business, a Smarter Planet solution

­ Digital Eminence of IBMers, part of IBM branding strategy

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Value of Social Business

● Deepen Customer Relationships

­ Reinventing customer relationships is one of the top three priorities of CEOs*

● Drive Operational Efficiencies

● Optimize the Workforce

­ Previous focus of the BlueIQ program

* 2010 IBM Global Chief Executive Officer Study

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BlueIQ's Best Practices

IBM Infrastructure


Business Processes

BlueIQ Enablement(Self-Study Modules, Live Lunch & Learns, JumpStart Consulting, 1:1 Mentoring, BlueIQ Resource Center)




● Tailor to audience needs

­ Focus on usage scenarios that yield the greatest business value – by role, by task, by geography

● Multi-facet approach to enablement to fit the needs

­ Mix consistent and regular “one to many” enablement with “heavy hand holding” enablement as needed

­ Mix live enablement sessions, self-study materials, and community based learning

● Provide thought leadership

­ Active engagement with clients and industry experts to share & learn from best practices

● Drive “ripple effect”

­ Share the vision, communicate success stories, provide re-usable materials

­ Tap key influencers as early adopters, “walk the talk”

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● New Program for IBM Thought Leaders and Subject Matter Experts

● Focus on External Engagement to

­ Demonstrate Thought Leadership around key topics related to IBM Software capabilities to create new market and demand

­ Share Expertise to generate preference for IBM Software

­ Engage with external influencers to build advocacy for IBM Software

● IBM and non IBM Platforms

­ IBM Communities, LinkedIn, Twitter, Blogs, Google+, Slideshare, ...

The IBM Software Thought Leadership Program

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● BlueIQ Mission and Program

● BlueIQ Program Results

● BlueIQ Program Evolution

● Summary

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Advice from a successful Program

● Focus on Tasks, not Tools

● Leverage your early Adopters

● Enable in every possible way

● Executives leading the way

● If you can, embed Social into your Line of Business Applications

● Patience

­ Adoption takes time and repetition

­ Keep communicating success stories

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Thank You!

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Additional resources

Nurturing BlueIQ, Enterprise 2.0 Adoption in IBM (IBM Whitepaper)

­ https://www-304.ibm.com/files/app/person/100000R0P5/file/9e211d17-b003-4e60-81ba-611dce7d9174?lang=e

Agenda for Social Sales (IBM website)

­ https://www-304.ibm.com/wikis/home?lang=en_US#/wiki/Groundswell/page/Welcome

IBM Social Computing Guidelines (IBM website)

­ http://www.ibm.com/blogs/zz/en/guidelines.html

BlueIQ External Landing Site: http://bit.ly/blue-iq

Social Business Etiquette: http://ibm.co/zPNSng

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