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Bluewater Bio

FilterClear Overview



Compared to:

• Continuous backwash filters

• Deep bed filters

• Other multimedia filters

Key advantages of FilterClear are:

• Up to four media of differing particle size & density

– reduces blinding of upper layers

• Two fine ‘surfaces’ giving improved filtration

• One +ve charged surface adsorbs organics

• Naturally occurring materials (think Volvic) … • engineered for:

– greater voidage – increased holding capacity – higher loading rates – better filtration performance

FilterClear: Advantages 31



FilterClear: Four media 32

Anthracite, mode = 1.4 mm Silica, mode = 0.70 mm

Alumina, mode = 0.60 mm Magnetite, mode = 0.35 mm

Photographs taken by Philani Ncube/Pete Jarvis, Cranfield University



FilterClear: Four media 33

Physical Characteristics of Media

Data from Philani Ncube/Pete Jarvis, Cranfield University

Medium Material Density (t/m3)

Modal particle size


Packing void


Anthracite C 1.41 1.4 0.51

Silica SiO2 2.59 0.70 0.52

Alumina Al2O3 3.92 0.60 0.55

Magnetite Fe3O4 5.10 0.35 0.47

Loose packing of spheres ≈ 0.42

Compacted packing of spheres ≈ 0.33


FilterClear: Applications 37

• Municipal Water & Wastewater − Tertiary treatment − Potable water pre-filtration − Pre-filtration for RO desalination − Washwater recovery − Framework Supplier to Anglian Water

• Industrial / Commercial − Process and cooling water filtration − Rainwater harvesting − Industrial effluent treatment − Mobile water treatment

• Scaleable from 1 – 330 l/s per filter

Triplex plant, 1.84m dia vessels, capacity up to 56 l/s Kiosk size: 13m x 3.5m

38 38

FilterClear vs Competition 38

Comparison of options for tertiary filtration at a wastewater treatment works:

Feature FilterClear Rapid Gravity

Sand Filter



Sand Filter

Disk Filter Microfilter

Removes >75% of suspended


Compact footprint

Low energy consumption

Low capital cost

Low backwash volume

No chemicals required


• High quality filtrate, in a single step

• High loading rate, giving reduced footprint and fewer/smaller vessels

• High dirt holding capacity, giving reduced backwash volume

• Enables reduced CAPEX, OPEX & whole life cost

• No chemicals required for most applications

FilterClear: Benefits 39


BwB: Pilot / Demonstration Plants

• Two containerised pilot plants for water & wastewater trial purposes

• Smaller test rigs for quick testing

• Particle size analysis


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