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THREATSA potential cause of an unwanted incident, which may result in harm to a system or organization.

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ACTIVE THREATSAn active attack is a network exploit in which a hacker attempts to make changes to data on the target or data enroute to the target.

TYPES OF ACTIVE THREATSIn a masquerade attack, the intruder pretends to be a particular user of a system to gain access or to gain greater privileges than they are authorized for by the administrator.

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ADVANCED PERSISTANT THREAT (APT) A network attack in which an unauthorized person gains access toa network and stays there undetected for a long period of time.The intention of an APT attack is to steal data rather than to causedamage to the network or organization.

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BOT NET THREATThe word Botnet is formed from the words ‘robot’ and ‘network’. A botnet is an interconnected network of computers infected with malware without the user's knowledge and controlled by cybercriminals. They're typically used to send spam emails, transmit viruses and engage in other acts of malice or mayhem. Sometimes known as a zombie army, botnets are often considered one of the biggest online threats today.

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REMOTE ACCESS TOOLS (RATS)A remote access trojan (RAT) is a malware program that includes a back door for administrative control over the target computer. RATs are usually downloaded invisibly with a user-requested program -- such as a game -- or sent as an email attachment that has the code embedded like a Trojan in a hollow wooden horse.

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ADVANCED EVASION TECHNIQUESA type of network attack that combines several different known evasion methods to create a new technique that’s delivered over several layers of the network simultaneously

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TOR – P2P – I2PInternet traffic via a free, anatomized, worldwide, volunteer networks consisting of more than seven thousand to conceal a user’s location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis.

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ZERO DAY MALWAREZero-day malware is an undisclosed computer-software vulnerability that hackers can exploit to adversely affect computer programs, data, additional computers or a network. It is known as a “zero-day” because it is not publicly reported or announced before becoming active, leaving the software’s author with zero days in which to create patches or advise workarounds to mitigate against its actions.

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LEGACY MALWAREShort for “malicious software,” malware refers to software programs designed to damage or do other unwanted actions on a computer system. In Spanish, “mal” is a prefix that means “bad,” making the term “badware,” which is a good way to remember it (even if you’re not Spanish). Common examples of legacy malware include viruses, worms, trojan horses, and spyware.

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POLYMORPHIC MALWARECode that uses a mutation engine to modify the original code in a malicious manner, while keeping the original algorithm intact, so that the software functions as intended and the malware goes undetected.

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MOBILE MALWAREMalware that is designed to infiltrate systems via mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones.

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SUPERCHARGE YOUR HUNTERSMachine learning based investigative analytics ID relationships and & linkages in data while developing threat profiles at digital speed. Enable your security staff to rapidly and efficiently zero in on the meaningful threats amidst all the noise.

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