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issue 12

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It takes a village to raise a child... Lied Discovery Children’s Museum is proud to announce the opening of theGreen Village exhibitionon February 21, 2009.

Constructed of materials selected for sustainable characteristics, the exhibition maintains the learning concepts that mimic everyday life while offering children an awareness of the environment in which they live.

The Green Village was made possible through the support of:

Lied Foundation TrustNV Energy

The Ritter Charitable TrustJames Manning

Richard Worthington

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c o m m u n i t y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

S p o t l i g h t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1

C h r i s B r o o k s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1

R o s e M c K i n n e y - J a m e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2

S t e v e R y p k a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5

U N L V a n d S u s t a i n a b i l i t y R e s e a r c h . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6

T h e F r e e c y c l e N e t w o r k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2

E n v i r o F l a s h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4

c u lt u r e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6

R e a d i n g R e c y c l e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8

D o u b l e N e g a t i v e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2

A r t s & E v e n t s C a l e n d a r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6

d e s i g n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8

M a r q u i s H o m e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0

N e w H o r i z o n s A c a d e m y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6

I n c r e a s i n g Y o u r “ G r e e n ” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0

f l a v o r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2

S u s t a i n a b l y D e l i c i o u s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4

C o m p o s t C o n f e s s i o n a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 9ON THE COVER: Empty wine bottles © Yurok

THis pagE FROM LEFT: Springs Preserve © Grace Rakich; Solar collector © UNLV

b l vd s w h a t ’s i n s i d e a r t i c l E S & h i g h l i g h t S

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HENDERSONLisa Haworth, MD10001 S. Eastern Ave

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Steven Winkler, MD10001 S. Eastern Ave


Candice Tung, MD and Jerry Schwartz, MDBoard Certifi ed Internal Medicine

MDVIP is pleased to announce the opening of their practice on March 17.

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t h e t e a m

Jan Craddock President & Publisher

Sherri Kaplan COO & Co-Publisher

Pat Marvel Consulting Editor

Kimberly Schaefer Managing Editor

Mahoney Galloway Advertising Ar t Direction

Pam Lang Sales and Marketing Director

c o n t a c t u s

1000 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Suite 440-178

Henderson, NV 89074

(p) 386.6065

(f ) 386.6012


b l v d s contributors

Welcome to our twelfth issue of BLVDS. We’re two years old! Publishing BLVDS has been a wildly enjoyable adventure. We meet so many wonderful people and share their stories with you. I also love the collaborative process of putting the magazine together. In this issue my niece who just finished her Master’s degree in Urban Planning wrote a piece for us about UNLV’s position on the forefront of research in sustainable energies. And a good friend of ours shares his secret compulsion for composting.

Choosing a cover for our “Green” issue was no easy task. We asked ourselves (and everyone else we spoke to), “What does ‘green’ look like--especially in the desert?” I hope you enjoy our pick for the cover, a collection of wine bottles waiting to be recycled--we do like our wine.

And for those of you who read the publisher’s letter, thank you.

- Jan Craddock President and Publisher

t H E t E A M

e d i t o r i a l B o a r d

Jack Chappell

Audrie Dodge

Darin Holl ingsworth

Gina Jackson

Ji l l Jackson

Wendy Jordan

Debra March

Randi Matushevitz

Kimberly Maxson-Rushton

Karen Rubel

Shaun Sewell

c o n t r i B u t i n g W r i t e r s

All ison Craddock

Hektor D. Esparza

Wendy Kveck

Pam Lang

Apri l McCoy

Sara Nunn

Shaun Sewell

Craig Schaefer

Kimberly Schaefer

P h o t o g r a P h y

Alexis McAll ister

Brennan Lang

Grace Rak ich

Greg Warden

Mikayla Whitmore

Copyright 2009, by BLVDS, Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written permission from BLVDS, Inc. Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, however, BLVDS, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors, changes or omissions. BLVDS, Inc. accepts editorial and photography submissions. Please send all submissions to: [email protected].

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t h e l o c a l s p o t l i g h t

b l v d s communit y t h e l o c a l s p o t l i g h t



Chris Brooks

Sustaining Optimism for Nevada’s Bright Future . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Rose McKinney-James

Championing Renewable Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Steve Rypka

Transforming Personal Passion into Local Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

UNLV and Sustainability Research

Thinking Globally, Acting Locally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

The Freecycle Network

Where Trash Becomes Treasure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22


Protecting Your Health with Air Quality Notification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

the University of nevada, las vegas is on the forefront of

research, edUcation, and commUnication in the area of green

energy. projects ranging from geothermal power prodUction

to solar energy to harnessing the wind will help las vegas

move toward its green goals while contribUting to worldwide

trends in sUstainability. the freecycle network’s mission is

to save resoUrces and redUce the bUrden on landfills by

promoting the free exchange of Unwanted items. enviroflash

delivers air qUality Updates right to yoUr in-box.

facing page: nevada solar one © UNLV

Page 12: BLVDS "Green" issue 12

AFAN and AIDS Walk 2009 is supported by:

Mark it on your calendar! The 2009 AIDS Walk will be held on April 19, 2009. Get a head start and sign up or form a team today at afanlv.org or call 702 382-2326 for more information.

Save the Date! April 19th


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Where some see challenge, others see opportunities. So it is with Chris Brooks, director of Bombard Renewable Energy a division of Bombard Electric. Current economic circumstances do not deter him in his optimism for the future of Las Vegas, and its possible position on the vanguard of the growing green economy.

Brooks grew up here and has seen the evolution of our city and state from a small town to a world-class destination. And now he’s hoping to play a major role in our evolution into a leader in renewable energy. Our natural resources, especially the obvious abundant sunlight, make our community perfectly suited for this evolution. As Brooks says, “You look out the window, the sun is always shining.”

The Clark High School graduate is a third generation contractor who saw what he describes as a “perfect storm” of Nevada legislative changes and technological advances as the perfect opportunity to make his first foray into the renewable energy business. In early 2001 he founded Las Vegas Solar Electric which installed a majority of the first net-metered solar systems in the state.

In 2004 he approached Bombard Electric, a firm for which he had previously worked, about partnering to grow his business. Bombard Renewable Energy was formed. Since then, Bombard has been responsible for major installations including North America’s largest photovoltaic solar power plant at Nellis Air Force Base. The plant covers 140 acres of land, includes over 70,000 solar panels, and generates over 14 megawatts of electricity for the base.

In addition to the work he does with Bombard, Brooks has also been involved over the years with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the AFL-CIO in creating a training program for electricians and apprentices to prepare them to install and service photovoltaic systems. “Organized labor, as a whole, have been major advocates of renewable energy as a way to create jobs,” says Brooks. He served as an instructor for several years in the program and several employees of Bombard are still serving in that same capacity.

Brooks sees another advantage for Nevada in the emerging green economy. “If our labor force has built that strip down there and that

bridge across the Colorado River. . . everything we have in this state, well this is just one more aspect of construction,” he says. In his estimation, we have the labor force ready to make the leap into high-paying “green collar” jobs.

There’s another benefit of a more personal nature for Brooks. “My kids have grown up with a solar-powered house. They’ve grown up with me dragging them around to Earth Day events, trade shows, non-profit events. They’re the next generation, and I’m starting to see the results. The political process that they’ve been immersed in their entire lives, now that’s just the way it is. We’re creating the next generation of activists.”

Where would you most like to travel?I want to see some of the advances that are being made in Europe with renewable energy.

What’s your greatest indulgence?Jack Daniels.

What’s next?I want to help the great state of Nevada in any way I possibly can to help us achieve our goals as a state and not squander this opportunity that we’ve been given to really turn some things around. More than challenges I see opportunities.


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Never underestimate the power of serendipity. It was serendipity that took Rose McKinney-James to the 2004 Democratic National Convention. Although she had never attended such an event, she was invited as an observer and decided to attend with her then 9-year-old and 14-year-old sons. It was serendipity that on the very night that McKinney-James was on the floor at the convention a very important and now historical speech was made—by Barack Obama. It was a turning point for her personally and professionally, and a turning point for our country.

A native of Detroit, McKinney-James attended college on a vocal music scholarship. She became interested in public affairs as an undergraduate when studying with a professor she describes as “provocative”—another unforeseen turning point in her history. Her interest in public affairs and desire to stretch her intellectual boundaries led her to attend law school and follow that with a one-year consulting contract in Nevada. Fortunately for the residents of our state, McKinney-James decided to stay.

Her appointment to the Public Utilities Commission by Governor Bob Miller led McKinney-James to develop her interest in energy issues. Her long and impressive resume includes stints in the public and private sectors including Chief of Staff for the City of Las Vegas, Chair of the Nevada Renewable Energy Task Force, and Managing Principal of Energy Works Consulting.

But it was that fateful evening in 2004 that led to her recent role on the transition team for President Barack Obama. “In some measure, the reaction of my sons to seeing him on stage, and the message of his speech attracted me to him,” she says of Obama. “I followed his career and participated in some fundraising activities” for Obama’s Senate race. Subsequently, McKinney-James received a call from Obama asking for her help with his presidential campaign steering committee here in Nevada. “It was difficult to say ‘no,’” she says.

“As we began working on the campaign, and as he began to articulate a position around energy and energy independence, it became very clear to me that there were very important aspects of his campaign

that are consistent with both my personal and professional beliefs,”

explains McKinney-James.

Her most recent role has been serving as the Team Lead for a

group reviewing the operations of the Federal Energy Regulatory

Commission. Of course, she’s also still playing the role of mom. Her

sons are older: the younger is now 13 and called his mother to let her

know that she was the “current event” topic of discussion in school

one day. Her older son is a college freshman, and “all he could say was

‘pretty cool, Mom.’”

Her role as a mother is also important in her hopes for the future of

our state and our country. While she is focused in her work on the

business and economic aspects of renewable energy, she is well aware

that “we’re also talking about saving our environment. As a mother,

it’s very important to me that there will be an environment that is as

clean as possible for future generations.”

With whom would you like to trade jobs?

I would love to be Emeril for a day. I’m really bad at cooking, but I

would love to learn.

What’s the one thing people don’t know about you?

I sang the national anthem at the 1978 NBA playoffs at Madison

Square Garden.


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Page 16: BLVDS "Green" issue 12

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Steve Rypka’s first career was not as a green living consultant. In fact, he spent years as an audio engineer and spent time touring with Liza Minnelli and Paul Anka. He was eventually lured to Las Vegas and became Technical Director of Entertainment at the Las Vegas Hilton where he worked for 15 years.

So how did he transform into Las Vegas’ very own guru of all things green? “Coming from California may have played a role in that. I was a surfer and a skier, very outdoorsy, very in tune with nature. I love the ocean and the mountains. I’ve always had an interest in the environment,” he says. So, 15 years ago, as his corporate career was winding down, he began researching green building and renewable energy for a personal home project. Since then, as Rypka puts it, he’s “been really passionate” about incorporating eco-friendly practices into his life and into the lives of others.

Rypka’s business, GreenDream Enterprises, provides consulting services to companies and individuals to assist in the integration of “systems, technology, and education to create positive results.” Personally, Rypka and his wife, Marsala, are true examples of how we can, as Steve terms it, “live more lightly” on the planet.

The Rypkas purposely bought their home to incorporate passive solar design. They both drive hybrid cars and sleep on a mattress that is not treated with chemical flame retardants. Among many eco-friendly features of their residence, the interior of their home is lit in several places by Solatubes which are basically small skylights that provide soft, natural light. Interior walls are painted with low-emitting paint that has minimal impact on air quality, and the limited amount of carpet used in the home is made from recycled soda bottles.

Most impactful in their green efforts, the Rypka home is solar-powered and produces more energy than is used—they actually build up credits with NV Energy. “We’re up over 7 thousand kilowatt hours,” he says. Steve is a vegetarian, a choice he initially made for health reasons, but he has since realized the carbon reduction that is inherent in such a choice. In fact, since 2000 the Rypkas have reduced their carbon emissions by approximately 75 percent.

Rypka takes his role as a leader in green living into the public sector by volunteering with Solar NV, the Southern Nevada Chapter of the American Solar Energy Society. He also serves on the board of Solar NV. In addition, he is co-founder of the U.S. Green Building Council-Nevada Chapter, where he also serves on the board. And as if that weren’t enough, Rypka writes a bi-weekly column on green living for the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

With whom would you like to trade jobs?I wouldn’t mind trading jobs with the captain of the Sea Shepherd which is the boat that travels around the world and protects the sanctity of marine life. They’re making a difference. I think that would be pretty cool.

Who is your favorite fictional character?Alan Shore on Boston Legal.

If you could have a “do-over,” what would it be?Pay more attention to my mom.

What are you going to put off doing today?That’s a limitless question because I am a really good procrastinator.


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UNLV aND SUSTaINaBILIT Y ReSeaRChA s e n v i r o n m e n tA l ly s u s tA i n A b l e e n e r g y s u r g e s i n p o p u l A r i t y, t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n e vA d A , l A s v e g A s h A s

s t e p p e d i n t o t h e f o r e f r o n t o f s u s tA i n A b i l i t y r e s e A r c h .

A l l i s o n C r A d d o C k


Taking advantage of Southern Nevada’s ample natural renewable

resources, UNLV has undertaken research in a number of areas

that will not only help the Las Vegas Valley move forward in an

environmentally conscious fashion, but contribute to the worldwide

trends in sustainability.

The terms “green” and “sustainable” have become buzzwords used in a

variety of contexts. Though they are often used interchangeably, it is

important to note that there are differences between the two.

green energy usually refers to a source of energy that may be

accessed without polluting or harming our environment and includes

geothermal, solar, wind power, and other renewable resources.

The definition of sustainable energy often overlaps that of green

energy since they both include renewable resources. The one big

caveat of sustainable energy is that these resources must be able to

meet the needs of the present generation, as well as providing for the

needs of future generations.

The current impediments to moving forward in green energy include

cost, accessibility, and education of the general public. UNLV faculty,

staff, and students have taken on research and development projects to

remedy these impediments and help Las Vegas become a forerunner

of green energy.

The National Science Foundation recently awarded UNLV a

$15 million grant for studies surrounding the effects of global climate

change within Nevada with emphasis on water resources. This study

fACing pAge: engineering Professor Dan Cook and his animatronic flower © UNLV

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is expected to last five years and will team UNLV researchers with

those at UNR, the Nevada State College, and the Desert Research

Institute. These researchers will divide their efforts into subcategories

centering on environmental science and water resources, policy,

education, and technology with UNLV’s contributions focusing on

water resources, policy, and education.

One of the projects undertaken by UNLV will be the development of a

network of environmental and ecological monitoring stations in order

to assess how climate change affects Nevada’s biological diversity

and water resources over time. This monitoring network will allow

UNLV researchers to further academic studies covering ground water,

wildfires, and both invasive and endemic species of plants and animals.

A campus-wide program centering on developing a sustainable

community and region has been started, called the UNLV Urban

Sustainability Initiative (USI). The USI works within the multifaceted

elements of a sustainable community including sociocultural,

environmental, and economic aspects of sustainability. The findings

for Las Vegas and Southern Nevada overall may then be translated to

other studies across the nation.

Geothermal energy is generated from heat stored in the earth and

presents many advantages over current traditional fossil fuel-based

sources. To tap into this resource, wells are drilled at various depths,

ranging from just below the surface of the earth to as deep as several

miles. Wells drilled into underground reservoirs access hot water or

steam pockets that can be brought to the earth’s surface for use in an

assortment of purposes. These wells may also be used for cooling and,

if implemented in our valley, could contribute greatly to the energy

efficiency and sustainability of the region. At UNLV, Assistant Research

Professor in Mechanical Engineering Suresh Sadineni is researching

cooling towers used as a passive cooling alternative to conventional

air conditioning in the Southwest.

In addition to research in the Southwest, UNLV’s sustainability

initiative investigates scenarios all over the world, using the

information garnered in other places to develop comparable green

technology for Nevada and the Southwest.

Adam Simon, an Assistant Professor of Geoscience, is involved in a

project focusing on enhancing geothermal power output in Russia.

CloCkwise from left: Professor Bob Boehm and students; Nevada Solar One; UNLV turf reduction program © UNLV

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The results from this study will have direct impact for geothermal

power production in the western United States. “I think there is

significant potential in the Reno-Carson City area, and eventually this

could offset almost all of the need for traditional fossil-fuel-based energy

in that area of Nevada. In the Las Vegas area there is probably not

significant potential for large-scale geothermal energy production.

However, Las Vegas is quite suited for development of extensive solar

power,” says Simon.

Southern Nevada receives ample amounts of sunlight year-round,

making it a prime region to implement solar energy techniques. This

form of sustainable energy may be harvested either through solar

cells like the ones seen on some rooftops, or solar collectors, which

often resemble satellite dishes.

In addition to cooling tower research, Professor Sadineni is also part

of a UNLV research team developing a new concentrated photovoltaic

system, or CPV, which could be a solar collector capable of generating

enough power to supply public utilities. CPVs use relatively

inexpensive reflective materials to concentrate sunlight onto a small

photovoltaic cell which generates electricity. This technology, once

reserved for such lofty uses as power generation on satellites in space,

is now being put to use here on earth through university research.

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of

the Nevada Nanotechnology Center Biswajit Das and his research

team are developing technology for the production of economical,

highly efficient nanotechnology-based solar cells. These cells are

exceedingly efficient and work with specific wavelengths of light,

but have previously been cost-prohibitive for the average consumer.

Professor Das has engineered a fabrication method and these cells at

a significantly lower cost than previously available. As an additional

advantage to this research and development, these cells are

translucent and may be used as an overlay on architectural glass.

Researchers at UNLV have seized many opportunities to push the

boundaries of solar science and engineering offered by our warm,

abundant sunshine and lower latitude. Many other faculty members

are involved in the development of more efficient and sustainable

solar technologies, such as Robert Boehm, a Distinguished Professor

CloCkwise from left: Net-zero energy house; Distinguished Professor Bob Boehm; Studying energy-efficient design © UNLV

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of Mechanical Engineering and the Director of the Center for Energy

Research. Professor Boehm works on a wide variety of sustainability

initiatives including the development and testing of a net-zero energy

home in Las Vegas, a solar-powered hydrogen fuel filling station, a

hydrogen-fueled internal combustion engine, and testing of emerging

solar and hydrogen technologies.

Harnessing the wind provides an exciting form of green energy that is

already seen in wind farms along I-40 in northern New Mexico and the

panhandle of Texas. These wind farms create electricity by using wind

turbines that drive massive generators, using no fuel and creating no

harmful emissions in the process.

Darrell Pepper, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the

director of the Nevada Center for Advanced Computation Methods,

is participating in an effort to discover how wind energy may be

harnessed in Southern Nevada and northern Arizona. This research

is looking at the suitability of the Nellis Dunes area, northeast of

Las Vegas, and is pioneering in its nature, as very little information

regarding the assessment of Southern Nevada and northern Arizona

currently exists. This work is in complement to existing knowledge

about wind power in the consistently windier northern and central

areas of Nevada and will fill a void in information regarding the

potential of wind energy in our area.

One of the most essential parts about transitioning to green energy

is educating those who will use it, from a municipal scale down to the

average homeowner. Researchers at UNLV have recognized this need,

and have been working together to find ways to empower members

of our community to use and understand green energy.

Daniel Cook, an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, and

engineering graduate student Mike Genova, are designing animatronic

flowers that will demonstrate how solar cells work by imitating a real

plant. Solar cells substitute for leaves, and then assist the electronic plant

to follow the direction of sunlight, the same way that plants track the sun

to make food in the process of photosynthesis.

It is innovation such as this in green and sustainable design, coupled with

equally innovative means of education and communication, which puts

UNLV on the forefront of green energy. As the dream of green energy

becomes a reality, we need only look to our own backyards to see the

wealth of possibilities that nature has bestowed on the Las Vegas Valley.

THIS PAGE: Research Assistant Rick Hurt at Nevada Solar One © UNLV

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United Wayof Southern Nevada

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The FreeCYCLe NeT wOrkL e t m e co m e r i g h t o u t a n d s ay i t: i a m a co n s u m e r a n d i Lo v e to s h o p. s o m e w o u L d e v e n g o s o fa r a s to s ay

t h at i n t h e s e to u g h e co n o m i c t i m e s i t i s m y pat r i ot i c d u t y to s h o p. i w o u L d n e v e r m a k e t h at a r g u m e n t, b u t

i d o r e co g n i z e t h e va Lu e o f p L ay i n g m y pa r t i n t h e g Lo b a L e co n o m y. i n fac t, t h e r e a r e f e w t h i n g s a b o u t

s h o p p i n g t h at i d o n ’ t L i k e . o n c e i L e av e t h e h o u s e p r e pa r e d to s p e n d, a L m o s t n ot h i n g c a n s p o i L m y d ay.

H e k t o r D . e s pa r z a

where TraSh BeCOMeS TreaSUre

But there is one little snag that makes shopping a less-than-guilt-free

experience. with my next purchase, as I gain more, something or

someone somewhere will have less. Be it food, water, air, or just space

to live in, the resources that go into the products I buy must come from

somewhere. when I consider that some trivial item I just purchased may

have pushed forward, ever so slightly, the demand on materials necessary

for another creature’s life, human or otherwise, it gives me pause.

when a Freecycle group was founded here in 2003, a remarkable

thing happened that gave people in Las Vegas another avenue for a

more thoughtful way to share space on this planet. Freecycle offers

consumers a method for preventing unwanted objects from finding

their way to landfills, and instead into the hands of people who can

use them. Currently, the Las Vegas group has over 9,000 members.

The henderson group has over 2,500 while the North Las Vegas group

boasts 1,700 members.

The Freecycle Network is a nonprofit organization based out of Tuscon,

arizona that was started by Deron Beal in 2003. It received its

501(c)3 status from the IrS in November 2006. Today, according to the

freecycle.org website, it is comprised of 4,663 groups each belonging

to different regions, towns, or cities and boasts well over 6 million

individual members world wide. “[w]e are currently keeping over 500

tons a day out of landfills! This amounts to five times the height of

tHIs paGe: One Man’s Trash © Dean Pizzoferrato

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Mt. Everest in the past year alone, when stacked in garbage trucks!”

reads a passage from the site’s history page.

All items posted on Freecycle must be 100% free with “no strings

attached whatsoever.” And all items must be legal and appropriate

for all ages. No alcohol, drugs, tobacco, pornography or firearms are

permitted to be given away. Members violating any of the guidelines

are on a “two strikes and you’re out of the group” policy which is

enforced by a group moderator.

Penny, a moderator and co-owner of the Las Vegas group for almost two

years says, “Our group generates over 500 messages per week. I would

say 75% of those are offers. That’s an awful lot of items that Republic

Services isn’t taking to the landfill.”

Beth, another local group co-owner and “mentor moderator” for

Freecycle groups around the world, says she got involved because,

“I thought it was a really creative way to ‘recycle’ tangible items. I have

a 6-year-old, and I want him to be able to see green trees when he’s 60.

I also saw it as a better way to meet people within our community who

are pro-active about saving the environment.”

Both Penny and Beth say things run pretty smoothly with the Las Vegas

group and that it has been a great way to build community here.

Most items posted as “offers” find a home.

For more information about our local Freecycle group, please visit

freecycle.org. By entering your city and state, you can proceed to the

appropriate group. Once there, you’ll be directed to join the group in

order to post items or view items listed there.

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EnviroFlashK i m b e r ly S c h a e f e r

ProtEcting Your hEalth with air QualitY notiFication

according to the Environmental Protection agency (EPa), we breathe

over 3,000 gallons of air each day. and the quality of that air can have

an obvious and serious impact on our health.

as residents of the las vegas valley are well aware, there are

numerous pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter that at

times can be prevalent in the skies above us. For some residents,

these pollutants may be no more than a nuisance. For children, older

adults, and those of us with heart or lung disease, changing air quality

conditions can influence decisions we make about our daily activities.

a new service from the EPa, working in conjunction with state and

local governments, is available to aid in that decision-making process.

EnviroFlash sends air quality information, such as forecasts and

advisory notifications, to subscribers via e-mail. EnviroFlash messages

let subscribers know when air quality is good or when it is important

for them to reduce their exposure to pollution. subscribers can

choose to get forecasts every day or only when air quality is poor.

says Brenda williams of the clark county Department of air Quality

and Environmental Management (DaQEM), “the tool is exceptional.

it allows people to understand air quality and raise awareness of how

their activities affect the quality of our air.”

EnviroFlash is a free service that is available in more than 200 cities

in 34 states. in our area, information for EnviroFlash subscribers is

provided by the DaQEM.

signing up is easy. registrants simply provide their name, email

address and zip code, and select the air quality level at which they

would like to receive alerts.

to subscribe please visit enviroflash.info.

For more information about the clark county Department of air

Quality and Environmental Management, visit accessclarkcounty.com.

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T h E L o C a L S p o T L i g h T

b l v d s c u l t u r e E n T E R T a i n m E n T & a C T i V i T i E S


Reading Recycled

Used Bookstores and Libraries Benefit Booklovers on a Budget . . . . . . . . . . 28

Double Negative

Monumental Earthwork Transforms the Nevada Desert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Arts & Events

Things to Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36


woRD Long BEfoRE RECyCLing waS EVEn a woRD. LEaRn aBoUT

SomE pLaCES To SaTiSfy yoUR Book jonES anD SaVE SomE monEy

aT ThE SamE TimE. go “off-RoaDing” To ExpERiEnCE aRT? ThaT’S

whaT’S waiTing foR yoU noRThwEST of oVERTon wiTh a UniqUE

“EaRThwoRk” CaLLED Double Negative. ThiS SpECTaCULaR ChaSm


CoLLECTion of ThE LoS angELES mUSEUm of ConTEmpoRaRy aRT.

facing page: Double Negative © Mikayla Whitmore

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REaDing RECyCLEDA l m o s t e v e r y o n e h A s At l e A s t o n e h A b i t o r A d d i c t i o n t h At t h e y s e e m i n g ly h A v e l i t t l e c o n t r o l o v e r .

m i n e i s A b o o k h A b i t.

Pa m L a n g


i am thrilled when i have an hour to browse the shelves of a bookstore

and bring home a new book. i love the way it feels to open up a

new release by a favorite author and hear the binding crack a little,

knowing i am the first person to read that copy. it’s always amazing

to me that an author’s ideas can transform into the lining up of words

turned into sentences and then be bound together to create a story

that can be my own personal escape.

a ten-year career in marketing for a large corporate bookstore only

fed into my constant indulgence of book-buying. it was so tempting

and satisfying that, before i realized it, i had enough books to have

opened my own bookstore.

Through the years, i have happily passed books on to friends urging

them to do the same. i’ve donated books to my local library only to

replace them with new ones. Justifying a collection of signed books

and first editions is easy. it’s the “that-was-such-a-good-book” portion

of my collection, however, that has taken over my home and troubles

me. They multiply, filling up shelves that turn into more shelves that

turn into rooms of books. it results in a lot of clutter, not to mention

acres of trees sacrificed for my reading enjoyment. The whole

situation doesn’t really fit into my desire to make my home a “greener”

place to live.

Libraries are a good alternative to buying books and they

had the right idea all along. The whole concept of libraries was

about recycling long before anyone ever talked about recycling.

The lifespan of a library book is the perfect example of how one

facing Page: Book lovers’ dream © Brennan Lang

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printed item can benefit so many readers. The Las Vegas-Clark County

Library District gladly accepts donations of used books, and the

community can shop at the used bookstores at the branches.

Henderson District Public Libraries also accept books for their used

book sales. Thrift stores and hospitals are good places to donate used

books, as well. But, I know I am not alone when it comes to the joy

of making that purchase at the local bookstore. So, is there a better,

“greener” alternative when purchasing a book?

Las Vegas has an abundance of used book shops scattered

throughout the valley and most utilize a trade/point system that

enables readers to trade book for book, but more often gain points

to purchase already steeply discounted and gently read books. Like

traditional bookstores, many used bookstores offer a vast choice of

titles, occasional book signings, book clubs, and knowledgeable staff.

One of these local treasures is Dead Poet Bookstore. It is not only a

used bookstore, it’s an experience. Owner Linda Piediscalzi created

this eclectic book haven to beguile the imagination. The exterior sits

unassumingly in a strip mall, but the shop’s interior exudes a quirky

charm. With an atmosphere evocative of a college campus, the store

offers a wide array of books.

Instead of the ubiquitous neat and orderly rows of most bookstores

and libraries, Dead Poet Bookstore is a collection of nooks and

crannies featuring different book genres. A vintage kitchen table

with a gingham checked tablecloth welcomes shoppers to the

cookbook section. A hardcover copy from a famous chef, nestled

among a good collection, sells for half the retail price.

Curtains, curiously drawn to each side, entice readers into a

little room of art books, and the Sci-Fi/Mystery Room features an

over-stuffed couch that invites readers to curl up and delve into

the tome of their choice. Paperback books line shelves according to

series, enabling the reader to pick up that out-of-print book that they

missed the first time around. Hand-painted chairs and collages add

to the bohemian ambiance of the store with board games set up for

anyone wishing to try their hand at chess or Scrabble.

“The shop is about community and giving people a place to share

ideas and meet friends,” remarks Piediscalzi. She is also cognizant of

the effort the store makes towards a greener society. “We don’t throw

things away, the recycle portion of this business appeals to us.”

Like other used bookstore owners in town, Piediscalzi can easily tell

visitors what books she has in her huge stock of titles and can find

them in an instant without the aid of a computer. How does she

handle getting rid of books she doesn’t want to keep in the store any

longer? “The inventory is always revolving, but sometimes I have

books that don’t sell,” she explains. “I have a free box, and I donate

books to dialysis units and senior citizen centers.”

Ann DeVere owns Plaza Books, a shop that rivals any new bookstore in

organization and display. All of the hardback books are meticulously

wrapped in clear book covers, so nearly every used book looks and

feels like a new one. DeVere also works on a trade and credit system

that enables avid readers to pick up books in excellent condition for a

fraction of the price. Her customers are people with “reading habits”

that are seeking a way to enjoy books and save money.

“Why throw away a book?” she asks. “If it was a good enough book to

read once, it’s a good enough book to read again.” She believes that

utilizing a used bookstore benefits the reader and the community. “If

you are an avid reader, you can either hoard books and build more

bookcases, while adding on to your home, or you can recycle them,”

DeVere explains.

Shereen Hale agrees. She is on the board of the Booksellers

Association of Southern Nevada and is the owner of Book Boutique in

downtown Henderson. She keeps stock current in her shop by trading

paperbacks, one for one, and offering one-half the retail price on

hardcover books. A charming children’s corner invites young readers

to browse through a colorful selection of discounted used books, and

a fascinating antique book section can keep a bibliophile busy for

hours. She acknowledges the benefit of recycling books and offering

discounted prices.

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“My customers are older adults on a budget or school age children

that need a specific title for class,” explains Hale. The store gives both

the opportunity to shop for what they need and own a book at a price

they can afford. She knows her customers well and keeps a good

selection of large print books, children’s titles, and required school

reading on hand.

Used bookstores stock their shelves by accepting books for trade

or donation, but keep in mind that they do set a standard. The

Booksellers Association of Southern Nevada offers a system that helps

store owners evaluate books by using one of six terms to describe the

condition of books. Used books are rated as: As New, Fine, Very Good,

Good, Fair, and Poor. Generally, shops are looking for books that fall

into the first three categories. Individual stores are happy to tell you

which rating of books they accept, as well as what kind of books they

will trade or buy.

For more information on these and other local used bookstores,

please visit usedbookslasvegas.com.

Dead Poet Bookstore

937 S. Rainbow Blvd.

Las Vegas NV


Plaza Books

7380 S. Eastern Ave.

Suite 120

Las Vegas 89123


Book Boutique

19 W Pacific Ave.

Henderson 89015


CloCkwise from left: Dead Poet Books; On the shelf; A good read © Brennan Lang

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DoUBLE NEgaTiVE“ T h e r e i s n o T h i n g T h e r e , y e T i T i s s T i l l a s c u l p T u r e .” M i c h a e l h e i z e r

W e n d y K v e c K


Traveling through the rough terrain to the eastern edges of the Mormon

Mesa, northwest of overton, one may be surprised to be looking down

into one of the great works of contemporary art. and it’s not a mirage.

Double Negative is a seminal earthwork created by artist Michael heizer

in 1969-1970. Earthworks, also known as “land art,” are works of art

made by manipulating or moving the earth, oftentimes, enormous

masses of land. in the case of heizer’s Double Negative, some 240,000

tons of rhyolite and sandstone were displaced to create the spectacular

1,500-foot-long, 50-foot-deep, 30-foot-wide chasm comprised of two

massive cuts into the facing slopes of the mesa.

The earthwork artists of the ‘60s and ‘70s gravitated west from New

York City. Painters and sculptors who were disenchanted with the

consumer culture of the New York gallery scene, many moved their art

practices out of the studio, challenging the notion of the art object as

commodity. This movement followed on the heels of other impulses

in the art world that blurred the lines between art and everyday life

including performance art and the accessible imagery of Pop art. in the

earthworks movement, the desert landscape was a canvas to be written

on, a material to be formed. artists turned away from making objects

that could be bought and sold and instead sought to create spaces of

experience, shifting and questioning the value and boundaries of art.

Michael heizer was raised in Berkley, California, but has strong ties

to Nevada and the desert landscape–one grandfather was a mining

engineer in Lovelock in the 1880s and the other, a geologist. his father

was an archeologist who did excavations in the great Basin, Mexico,

and Central america. as a boy, he accompanied his father to several of

these sites, surely formative experiences for the young heizer.

This Page: heizer’s monumental earthwork © Mikayla Whitmore

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After studying for a brief period at the San Francisco Art Institute, Heizer

moved to New York where he made paintings on shaped canvases

with spaces carved out of the center of them that foreshadowed

Double Negative and his other earthworks’ preoccupation with negative

space. His earliest earthworks were North, South, East, West 1 (1967) in

which the artist dug holes akin to those of his paintings, this time into

the landscape of the Sierra Nevada, and Nine Nevada Depressions (1968),

meandering trenches spaced intermittently over a span of 520 miles in

the Mojave Desert.

As its title implies, Double Negative explores the compositional notion

of negative space. “Negative space” is an artists’ term that describes the

space around an object, be it a painting or a sculpture. As background

shapes inevitably share a vital relationship with the foreground or

“positive” space shapes of an artwork, artists must consider both

equally to create formal balance, unity and movement, and to suggest

psychological states such as anxiety, emptiness, or tranquility.

The negative space of Double Negative’s deep cuts made with dynamite

blasts and bulldozers forms two walls on either side of the deep,

ravine-like trench. In contrast to the traditional framing of subject matter

by negative space, here what is being “framed” or presented is nothing:

a hole. Yet within the context of the art world, this gaping void was, and

is, significant on many levels.

Although earthworks artists emerged from the strict formalism of

Minimalism which emphasized the pure object minus narrative

or metaphorical meaning and often used industrial techniques or

equipment to fabricate the work, they could not completely escape the

references and symbolism of the natural landscape or the intrinsically

performative nature of producing such monumentally scaled works.

Moreover, earthworks’ relationship and break with the many “isms” of

the 1960s’ diversely dynamic art world made Double Negative a bold

addition to the annals of art history. How appropriate that Heizer’s

piece was constructed in the Wild Western space of Nevada, in keeping

with this state’s maverick tradition of manipulating the “nothingness” of

the barren desert into something man-made and awe-inspiring.

Visiting Double Negative is unlike visiting other works of art in a

museum or gallery setting. One must navigate rugged off-road terrain

in a reliable vehicle (preferably with four-wheel drive), drink plenty

of fluids, and pack proper sun-gear. One may have the sensation of

visiting an historic ruin, natural landmark, or an excavation site, whether

surrounded by the landscape when within the trench or hovering on

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the edge, looking down. In the case of Double Negative, one physically

stands within the marks of industrial equipment on the natural

landscape, the realization of an artist’s act.

Although Heizer acknowledges childhood excursions with his father

and his own research into ancient civilizations as influential, he prefers

that such comparisons emphasize experience or “atmosphere” above

specific cultural-historical references. As he said in a 1984 interview

for the book Michael Heizer: Sculpture in Reverse: “It is interesting to build

a sculpture that attempts to create an atmosphere of awe. Small works

are said to do this, but it is not my experience. Immense, architecturally

sized sculpture creates both the object and the atmosphere. Awe is a

state of mind equivalent to religious experience. I think if people feel

commitment they feel something has been transcended….”

At 62, Michael Heizer lives in Nevada where he continues his life’s work

begun in 1970. City, is another monumental earthwork comprised of

abstract structures which he calls “complexes,” an archeological term for

buildings at ancient sites. Heizer is actively opposing the Yucca Mountain

Nuclear Waste Storage Facility including proposed connecting railroads

that threaten the pristine landscape surrounding City and thus its

projected completion in 2010.

Though earthworks were oftentimes conceived of as temporary works,

many still exist in some form and have been documented and presented

as historical archives by museums and galleries, and supported

and protected by foundations and patrons. In fact, Double Negative

belongs to the permanent collection of the Los Angeles Museum of

Contemporary Art.

For more information on Michael Heizer and Double Negative visit

moca-la.org or doublenegative.tarasen.net where you can find detailed

directions to the location.

this page: Another view of Double Negative © Mikayla Whitmore

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E v E n t s

f E b r u a r y

russian national balletFebruary 11, 20098 p.m.UNLV Charles Vanda Master SeriesUNLV Artemus Ham Hall895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

the Diary of anne frankFebruary 13-22, 2009 Nevada Conservatory TheatreUNLV Judy Bayley Theatre895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

House of blue LeavesFebruary 13, 2009 - March 01, 2009Thurs-Sat 8 p.m., Sun 2 p.m.Las Vegas Little Theater362-7996, lvlt.org

Masterworks IIIFebruary 14, 20098 p.m.Las Vegas PhilharmonicUNLV Artemus Ham Hall895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

st. valentine’s Day Dance - Carl Grove ComboFebruary 14, 20097-10 p.m.City of Las VegasCharleston Heights Arts Center229-6383lasvegasparksandrec.com

valentine’s Day romance on Main streetFebruary 14, 20095-9 p.m.The District at GVRthedistrictatgvr.com/events.php

speak of LoveFebruary 14, 20097 p.m.293-2018, bcnv.org

nevada Chamber symphony: for the Love of MusicFebruary 15, 20093 p.m.Nevada Chamber SymphonyClark County Librarylvccld.org

the traditional arabic Music Ensemble; World vibration ConcertFebruary 15, 20092 p.m.Clark CountyWinchester Cultural Centeraccessclarkcounty.com

Gallery Exhibit – Charme’ CurtinFebruary 16, 2009 - March 13, 2009City of HendersonHenderson Multigenerational Centerhendersonlive.com

anabel MontesinosFebruary 17, 20098 p.m.Classical Guitar SeriesUNLV Doc Rando Recital Hall895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

Wagner and berliozFebruary 17, 20097:30 p.m.UNLV Music DepartmentUNLV Artemus Ham Hall895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

Denis azabagicFebruary 17, 20097 p.m.UNLV Classical Guitar SeriesUNLV Doc Rando Recital Hall895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

bandstand Jam tropical Music series – Caribbean steelFebruary 20, 20097 p.m.City of Las VegasEast Las Vegas Community Center229-1515lasvegasparksandrec.com

the sniper & brian Kral as Eugene O’neillFebruary 20, 2009 - March 01, 2009CSN Department of Fine ArtsCSN Performing Arts Center651-LIVE, csn.edu/pac

the narrative youth Jazz band ConcertFebruary 21, 20092 p.m.City of Las VegasWest Las Vegas Arts Center229-4800lasvegasparksandrec.com

readers theatre: the MeetingFebruary 21, 20092 p.m.Clark County Librarylvccld.org

Manufactured LandscapesFebruary 21, 2009Cinegvegas Green Film SeriesLas Vegas Springs Preserve952-5529, cinevegas.com

Mutts on Main streetFebruary 21, 200911 a.m. - 2 p.m.The Distrist at GVRthedistrictatgvr.com/events.php

Munich symphony OrchestraFebruary 22, 20098 p.m.Charles Vanda Master SeriesUNLV Artemus Ham Hall895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

russell banksFebruary 24, 20097 p.m.UNLV Black Mountain InstituteUNLV Student Union Theatreblackmountain.unlv.edu

Women’s Leadership LuncheonFebruary 24, 200911:30 p.m.United Way of Southern Nevada’s Women’s Leadership CouncilCaesars Palace892-2317

World Cuisine: MediterraneanFebruary 25, 200912:00 – 1:30 p.m.Clark County Special EventsWinchester Cultural Centeraccessclarkcounty.com

Queen of swing norma Miller and the World-famous Ink spotsFebruary 27, 20096:30 p.m.City of Las VegasWest Las Vegas Arts Center507-3989lasvegasparksandrec.com

night Groovin’ – freedom Jazz trioFebruary 27, 20097 p.m.City of Las VegasReed Whipple Cultural Center229-6211 lasvegasparksandrec.com

GospelfestFebruary 27, 2009 at 7 p.m February 28, 2009 at 10 a.m.City of HendersonBlack Mountain Recreation Centerhendersonlive.com

norma Miller and the World famous InkspotsFebruary 27, 20096:30 p.m.West Las Vegas Library


vIsIt bLvDsLv.COM fOr MOrE DEtaILs On aLL EvEnts

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Petstacular Pet FairFebruary 28, 200910 a.m. - 3 p.m.Rainbow Librarylvccld.org

Read & Run for Your HealthFebruary 28, 20097 a.m.Henderson LibrariesJames I. Gibson Library564-9261, hendersonlive.com

m a R c H

music by Faure, Penderecki, & HaydnMarch 01, 20093 p.m.Southern Nevada Musical Arts SocietyUNLV Artemus Ham Hall, 461-6672, snmas.com

Ten minute Play FestivalMarch 04 - 08, 20098 p.m.Nevada Conservatory TheatrePaul Harris Theatre895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

The Living WakeMarch 05, 2009Cinevegas From the VaultClark County Library - Flamingo952-5529

LuminosityMarch 06-07, 2009 2 and 8 p.m.UNLV Dance DepartmentUNLV Judy Bayley Theatre895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

PotpourriMarch 06, 20097:30 p.m.Las Vegas Master Singerslvmastersingers.com

Vocal Jazz Solo NightMarch 06, 20097:30 p.m.CSN Jazz SingersCSN Performing Arts Center651-LIVE, csn.edu/pac

Bc Renaissance FaireMarch 06-08, 200910 a.m. - 8 p.m.BC Chamber of CommerceVeterans Memorial Park in Boulder City799-8200, bcnv.org

Sneak Preview of a New Green FilmMarch 07, 2009Cinevegas Green Film SeriesLas Vegas Springs Preserve952-5529, cinevegas.com

“Books into Film”March 11, 20097 p.m.UNLV Black Mountain InstituteUNLV Student Union Theatreblackmountain.unlv.edu

The Dublin Philharmonic OrchestraMarch 12, 20098 p.m.UNLV New York Stage & BeyondUNLV Artemus Ham Hall895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

cSN Informal Dance concertMarch 12, 20091:00-3:30 p.m.CSNNicholas J. Horn Theatre651-4201

Banff mountain Film Festival World TourMarch 12, 20097 p.m.Clark County Librarylvccld.org

43rd annual Sons of Erin St. Patrick’s Day Parade & FestivalMarch 12-15, 2009City of HendersonHenderson Events Plazahendersonlive.com

The cradle Will RockMarch 13, 2009 - March 29, 2009Nevada Conservatory TheatreUNLV Judy Bayley Theatre895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

mutts on main StreetMarch 14, 200911 a.m. - 2 p.m.The District at GVRthedistrictatgvr.com/events.php

mardi Gras mamboMarch 15, 20092 p.m.Clark CountyWinchester Cultural Centeraccessclarkcounty.com

Brasil Guitar DuoMarch 17, 20098 p.m.UNLV Classical Guitar SeriesUNLV Doc Rando Recital Hall895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

Pops IIIMarch 21, 20098 p.m.Las Vegas PhilharmonicUNLV Artemus Ham Hall895-ARTS, lvphil.com

World cuisine: SpainMarch 22, 200912-1:30 p.m.Clark CountyWinchester Cultural Centeraccessclarkcounty.com

Estonian National SymphonyMarch 24, 20098 p.m.UNLV Charles Vanda Master SeriesUNLV Artemus Ham Hall895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

Viva La Vita Bella Italian FestivalMarch 28, 200911 a.m. - 3 p.m.Sahara West Librarylvccld.org

Extreme ThingMarch 28, 200910 a.m. - 11 p.m.Clark County Special EventsDesert Breeze Park455-8200, extremething.com/gen_info.htm

concert Series II: Young artist’sMarch 29, 20092 p.m.Henderson Symphony OrchestraHenderson Pavilionhendersonsymphony.org

masterworks IVApril 04, 20098 p.m.Las Vegas PhilharmonicUNLV Artemus Ham Hall895-ARTS, pac.unlv.edu

Tour de cureApril 04, 2009City of Henderson and American Diabetes AssociationHenderson Events Plazahendersonlive.com

american mastersApril 10, 2009 - April 11, 20098 p.m. April 10 and 2 p.m. April 11Nevada BalletUNLV Artemus Ham Hall895-ARTSnevadaballet.com


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b l v d s d e s i g n a r c h i t e c t u r e & S t y L e


Marquis Homes

Style and Beauty Go Green . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

New Horizons Academy

Aiming to be the First LEED Certified School in Nevada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Increasing Your “Green”

Save Money and Improve Efficiency with a Home Energy Audit . . . . . . . . . 50

a new cuStom home DeVeLopment DemonStrateS how green

technoLogy comBineS with comfort anD Beauty to create

a LiVing Space that’S LuxuriouSLy harmoniouS with nature.

new horizonS acaDemy haS Set itS SightS on Being the firSt

LeeD certifieD SchooL in neVaDa. Learn aBout itS green

campuS project anD the SchooL’S pLanS for a “LiVing, Learning

LaBoratory” to eDucate aLL Southern neVaDanS. Learn how a

certifieD home energy auDitor can heLp you SaVe money anD

improVe energy efficiency, too.

facing page: Desert design © Marquis Homes

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MarquIS HoMEST h i n k g o i n g g r e e n m e a n s s i m p ly c a r r y i n g c a n v a s b a g s a n d s a v i n g a f e w b u c k s a y e a r w i T h

e n e r g y - e f f i c i e n T l i g h T b u l b s ? m a r q u i s h o m e s m a s T e r m i n d T y l e r J o n e s i n v i T e s yo u T o T h i n k a g a i n .

S a r a N u N N

StyLE aND BEauty Go GrEEN

“this entire house, nine thousand square feet—net zero electricity,”

Jones says. “that means this house creates more electricity than it

consumes.” this is tyler Jones’s introduction to the model house at

the new Marquis Homes development on tomiyasu Lane. a stunning

achievement of architectural engineering and cutting-edge

technology, this home is the first of 14 in a community that’s about

to put a whole new face on Las Vegas luxury. While McMansions

surrounding golf clubs put a drain on the city’s water and electricity,

this housing development actually gives energy back and looks

fantastic while doing it.

With floor plans ranging from 4,701 to 10,176 square feet of

space, that’s no mean feat. according to Jones, though, it’s not as

complex as one might think. In addition to ultra-efficient building

practices, the house relies on something Las Vegas residents get

more than enough of—sunlight. Most of the home’s energy comes

from solar power harnessed via solar roof panels. Instead of the

aluminum foil rectangles you might be picturing, each home is

topped with sleek, nearly unnoticeable panels whose exteriors

belie their powerful function.

Indeed, nowhere in the house is design compromised for efficiency.

rather, the house is a study in how to live in harmony with the world

around us. “the indoor/outdoor relationship is really key to what we

try to do with our homes, and what’s made them successful,” Jones

says. and this philosophy is clearly reflected in each Marquis Home.

ThiS Page: outdoor daybed © Marquis Homes

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Painted in subtle colors that blend with the desert landscape, these

homes seem to rise up from the sand, adding to the landscape rather

than detracting from it. The architecture is a desert-modern blend

of form and function with sleek, unimposing exteriors that create a

feeling of luxury without ostentation.

Take a step inside, and you glimpse your first view of the desert

landscape. This isn’t the landscape you’re used to, however. With

these homes, each half-acre plot of land is uniquely yours. As each

home is custom built, owners get to decide what they want to see.

A basement level is a popular option, but don’t be fooled by the

name—with Marquis Homes the basement is more of a level zero that

further opens the home to sunshine. At the property’s model home,

the front door opens to a space overlooking a small courtyard on

the basement level below, flooding the front hall with sunlight and

creating a space friendly to both entertaining and enjoying a

Zen moment after a long day.

Jones refers to the courtyard space below as an “outdoor living room”

and further touring of the home reveals that it’s one of many. With a

desert dweller’s propensity for lounging in the sun in mind, the most

expansive entertaining spaces are outside, mostly beneath additional

solar-paneled roofs to protect residents from an excess of UV rays.

In this house, even the leisure spaces are put to work—sunlight

reflected off the pool and concrete is absorbed by the double-sided

solar panels, creating even more energy.

Outdoor lounge areas surround the elegant infinity pool, including a

comfortable cabana space and sizable entertainment area complete

with flat-screen TVs and a pool table. A state-of-the-art grill ensures

that pool partiers need not go hungry, while the more easily pleased

can simply take up residence on the comfortable poolside lounge

chairs and enjoy the quiet. After-hours revelers can enjoy the third

story outdoor wet bar, comfortably fitted with couches and television

sets—although with the nighttime view of the Strip in the distance,

no one may be interested in what’s on TV.

No matter how much entertaining you might want to do, it’s still

important to have a space of one’s own in a home. Each house

features a master suite sectioned off from the rest of the house.

clockwise from left: Outdoor living space; View from above; Grand entrance © Marquis Home

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Here, too, these homes offer something more than just an oversized

master bedroom. The master bathroom features a first-of-its-kind

bathtub with a ceiling mounted faucet, so the water streams from

above. Not only can bathers control the temperature to the perfect

degree, the bath can be run without worry. The tub has automatic

sensors that stop the flow of water at a certain level, avoiding

potential overflow. “A lot of the things we have didn’t exist until this

house,” Jones explains with a laugh.

The indoor/outdoor aspect of the rest of the home is also reflected

in the master bath. There’s an outdoor shower just off the master

bedroom area for relaxing or rinsing off after a swim. Steps from the

sliding glass door is a small Zen garden paired with the ultimate in

desert decadence, an outdoor canopy bed.

In addition to being energy-efficient, Marquis Homes have partnered

with Microsoft to stock each home with the most up-to-date

technology available. These fully automated houses can be controlled

from touch pads on the walls, portable remote controls, laptop

computers, or even a PDA. Want to shut the door without leaving the

couch? Bring the menu up on the TV and the sliding glass doors will

shut for you. Frequent travelers need not worry about coming back to

an unwelcoming home, either. You can even start up the hot tub, turn

the lights on, and open the garage door right from your BlackBerry.

As with any home, location is key. Marquis Homes are located on

Tomiyasu Lane, a storied part of town known mostly to locals and

the wealthy. Tomiyasu Lane offers a prime location right in town near

both the 215 and 15 freeways and less than five minutes from the

Las Vegas Strip. The Marquis Homes land tract lies across the street

from local entertainment legend Wayne Newton’s palatial estate

and borders the even larger Sunset Park. And it seems that even in

the Las Vegas area, there are still some sections that aren’t destined

for housing developments. Sunset Park is home to an endangered

species of songbird and the land is off-limits for development,

guaranteeing Marquis Homes’ residents an uninterrupted park view

now and in the future.

This choice of land was no accident. According to Jones, original

landowner Bill Tomiyasu used to get seed money from Jones’s

grandmother each year for crops, creating a relationship that’s clearly

lasted through generations. With former and past residents including

Mike Tyson, Suge Knight, Robert Goulet, Gladys Knight, Orson Welles,

and many prominent Las Vegas families, Tomiyasu Lane is a popular

area for the city’s biggest and brightest. With 14 lots originally

available, the Marquis Homes development offers a chance for

Las Vegas residents new and old to get in on a well-kept secret.

For those not in the market for a new home, Jones suggests simple

improvements to make your own home greener: retrofitting with

south-facing solar panels, new energy-efficient appliances, dual-

flush toilets and tankless hot water heaters. When building a new

home, look for heating and cooling systems that run on natural gas

as well. “It’s really the future of homebuilding,” Jones says, explaining

his choice to go green, a choice that extends back to his company’s

beginning in 2004. “All the builders eventually are going to be forced

to get on board, and it’s the right thing to do.” Marquis Homes prove

it’s not just right—it’s gorgeous.

Marquis Homes feature four different floor plans, each completely

customizable from one to four stories, starting at $234/sq. ft. with

prices ranging from $1,100,000 to $1,500,000. For more information

or to arrange a consultation at the Marquis sales center, call 531.3000

or visit marquisvegas.com.

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NEw HorIzoNS AcADEmyW h at o n c e Wa s a s s o c i at e d W i t h t r e e h u g g e r s a n d p e a c e m o v e m e n t s i s b e c o m i n g a r e a l i t y a c r o s s t h e

W o r l d. g r e e n b u i l d i n g i s t h e p r a c t i c e o f i n c r e a s i n g t h e e f f i c i e n t u s e o f r e s o u r c e s W h i l e r e d u c i n g

b u i l d i n g i m pa c t s o n h u m a n h e a lt h a n d t h e e n v i r o n m e n t.

A p r i l M c c o y


well-known slogans such as “save a tree, save the earth” and “recycle,

reduce, reuse” have become staples in many states as more people are

recycling both at home and work, re-using purchased grocery bags to

cut down on the use of plastics while developers are building green

offices, homes and even schools.

New Horizons Academy (NHA), a private, non-profit, K-12 school which

serves children with learning disabilities in the Las Vegas Valley and will

soon be the first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

Green Building rating System) certified school in the city and the state

of Nevada. NHA was started in 1974 by Dr. theresa Smith to help children

who are intelligent but learn in a different, non-traditional manner.

the school’s mission is to provide individualized learning programs in a

small group setting enabling each student to achieve social, emotional

and academic success in a safe, nurturing environment.

many students are told that there is something wrong with them

because they are unable to learn at the same speed as other students or

because they are more active than other students. these students are

shunned in traditional school settings resulting in poor grades and low

self-esteem. NHA embraces diverse learning environments changing

its students’ frustrations and failures into confidence and academic

achievement. “Learning different students,” as the school calls it, include

high-risk students who suffer from sensory processing confusion, motor

clockwise froM left: Earth Day celebration © NHA; Hard at work; In the green classroom © Alexis McAllister

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difficulties, attention deficit disorders (ADD/ADHD), and lack of language

and pragmatic skills, as well as other multi-sensory processing issues.

The school currently has a green classroom which is by far a favorite

among the students. All aspects of the room are green—paint, carpet,

desks, and even chairs. The room is lit by natural light which flows

through fiber optic cables and small openings in the roof. Planets hang

from the ceiling and green and sustainable practices are taught in the

classroom’s science program.

“Studies have shown that people are more productive and healthier in

green environments,” says Jan McAdams, Green Building Consultant.

“Students have been sick less and grades have gone up” since the

establishment of the green classroom.

The school will show its commitment to green building education and

outreach on Earth Day, April 22nd, by unveiling the “Green Classroom

Demonstration Project.” The school will also be hosting an event at the

Las Vegas Springs Preserve to celebrate Earth Day and to benefit the

new green building project on April 24th.

“As one of the state’s most ambitious green building projects, NHA’s

green building will be a nationally-recognized demonstration of

healthy, energy-efficient, sustainable school design,” said Dr. Roger

Gehring, executive director of New Horizons Academy and Project Green

Champion. The school plans to build a 35,000-square-foot learning facility

called The Energy Education Station which will feature solar power and

seek the highest level of LEED green building certification.

The mission of the Energy Education Station is “to promote an

energy-conscious and educated Southern Nevada by constructing” a

green campus that will serve “as a living, learning laboratory.” NHA also

hopes that the green campus will be “an energy and environmental

demonstration for students, educators, business, government, and

community leaders.”

A high performance school building must be healthy, productive, cost

effective, and sustainable. The new school building will feature efficient

resources such as recycled water, building and landscape materials;

a green roof; photovoltaic panels located on sun screens to provide

solar power; daylight harvesting and light shifting; and thermal high

This Page: Rendering of the New Horizons campus © NHA

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efficiency hot water generation. Construction of the building will

also include a maximized east/west orientation for light and shade,

innovative porous paving techniques, recycled construction waste, and

Zero VOC (volatile organic compounds) emitting interior materials.

New Horizon’s green campus project will cost $15 million, and the

school’s Building Committee is currently meeting with prospective

donors to secure funding. To date, NHA has secured $5.5 million in

pledges for the project. The project will be built by CORE Construction

and is scheduled to break ground in the fall of 2009. Core is the first

construction company in the Valley to build its own sustainable office

building. The company completed its new 12,543-square-foot office

that operates on solar power and is one of the greenest buildings in

Nevada, seeking LEED-Gold certification. CORE has generously donated

its services to construct the Energy Education Station.

Las Vegas was recently recognized for its use of green practices with

a ranking of tenth on the 2008 U.S. Cities Sustainability Ranking list.

Las Vegas has been among the more progressive cities in its green

efforts and has several LEED certified buildings. Currently, there are

nine LEED certified buildings in Las Vegas. New Horizons Academy is

truly benefiting students and the community alike with its sustainability

practices. The greening of the city and state is a good thing—using less

power, gas, and conserving is good for the environment and the people

who live in it.

For more information on New Horizons Academy, their green campus

project, and the school’s Earth Day event at Springs Preserve, please

visit energyeducationstation.org or nhalv.org.

New Horizons Academy

6701 W. Charleston Blvd.

Las Vegas 89146


This Page: Capturing daylight © Alexis McAllister

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IncreasIng Your “green”S h a u n S e w e l l

save MoneY and IMprove effIcIencY wIth a hoMe energY audItan energy audit of your home will help you save money in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine. for example, “phantom devices” such as microwaves, dvd players and computers left connected to a wall plug could cost you as much as $21 per month.

heating and air conditioning are the biggest users of energy in your home, so an energy audit that evaluates the performance of your appliances can find problems in your home that are causing higher energy bills.

following the suggestions you receive from an energy audit will help you reduce your carbon footprint by increasing your energy efficiency. suggestions could include using a water heater blanket, improving insulation, or making repairs to ventilation systems. In other words, your home will be greener.

with your health and safety in mind, a certified energy auditor will find those places in your home through which air is flowing in and out. dust and allergens enter the home through these leaks. following the advice of an auditor will help to improve indoor air

quality in your home. Les Lazareck of home energy connection here in Las vegas points out another important safety benefit. “through an energy audit, systems such as gas appliances are checked to ensure that fumes are venting properly.”

to ensure that you receive the best information and best value, contact a certified hers rater. an hers rater uses the home energy rating system provided by the energy star program. a home energy audit usually costs around $700 for a 2,500-square-foot home with two air conditioning units. to find a certified rater visit resnet.us/directory/raters.aspx.

You can also visit nv energy online at nvenergy.com. sign up for an account and complete an online energy survey. this online tool will provide you with helpful suggestions on how to reduce your

home energy costs.

home energy connection



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b l v d s f l a v o r D i n i n g & R e t a i L


Sustainably Delicious

Café by Wolfgang Puck at the Springs Preserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Compost Confessional

Craig Comes Clean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

WoLfgang puck’S ReStauRant at the SpRingS pReSeRVe focuSeS

on fooD that’S SeaSonaL, oRganic, ecoLogicaLLy ReSponSiBLe

anD DeLiciouS! you can enjoy a meaL that’S gooD foR you anD

gooD foR the eaRth. a compuLSiVe compoSteR WaxeS poetic

on the BenefitS of RecycLing the Right mateRiaLS to feRtiLize

natuRaLLy anD ReDuce ouR impact on the eaRth

facing page: Sustainable and delectable © Grace Rakich

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SuStAinABLy DeLiciOuSW h i l e l a s V e g a s i s a c i t y o f t e n a s s o c i at e d W i t h o V e r - t h e - t o p, W o r l d - c l a s s d i n i n g , i t j u s t m i g h t b e t h e

l a s t p l a c e a n yo n e W o u l d e x p e c t t o f i n d a r e s ta u r a n t d e s i g n e d f r o m t h e g r o u n d u p W i t h e c o l o g i c a l a n d

e n V i r o n m e n ta l e t h i c s i n m i n d.

H e k t o r D . e s pa r z a

cAFé By WOLFgAng Puck At the SPRingS PReSeRVe

yet that is exactly what has been achieved at café by Wolfgang Puck

at the Springs Preserve. From floor to ceiling and dish to dishwasher,

great care has been taken to minimize the restaurant’s environmental

impact. it’s an impressive achievement to be sure, and it was a long

time in the making.

twenty years ago few people would have guessed that the

environmental movement would get a potent shot in the arm from

high profile chefs and their patrons. But as fine-dining establishments

became more common and executive chefs were elevated to celebrity

status, the quality and sustainability of the foods served in these

restaurants came under increasing scrutiny. internationally known

celebrity chefs like Mario Batali, Jamie Oliver, and emeril Lagasse have

taken on the sustainability mantle and are raising awareness one

plate at a time.

Stepping up to take charge at café by Wolfgang Puck, the Valley’s

only restaurant housed in a certified Platinum LeeD green designed

building, is executive chef Peter Sherlock. A veteran food professional

with more than 20 years experience in high-volume fine dining,

Sherlock eagerly accepted the task of taking “green restaurateuring”

to its logical next step. this would mean a comprehensive rethinking

of how a restaurant is equipped, stocked, and managed.

As Sherlock explains, “there’s been an initiative over the past 12 years

with Wolfgang Puck to be sustainable, organic, and more eco-friendly.

tHis page: chef Peter Sherlock in the kitchen © Grace Rakich

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With the Springs Preserve people, they wanted this restaurant to be a

good marriage and it is, because that is what Wolfgang Puck is all about.”

Many restaurants have made the shift to incorporating at least some

ecologically friendly practices into their businesses. The challenge

put before Sherlock however, would include everything from

electricity and water usage to the furniture, china, and glassware

used in the restaurant.

“Seventy percent of the electricity we use is generated by solar

panels,” says Sherlock. “The china is a clay product that is made

just for us. If a piece is broken we can recycle it. It is ground up and

turned into sludge, then reshaped and fired, and sent back to us.”

Additionally, the glass plates used for its catering service are made

from 100% post consumer material.

Because the wastewater at the Café ends up in the Preserve’s

gardens, special attention must be given to the cleaning solutions

that are used in the kitchen. “We use enzyme-based cleaners from

the Ecolab company. For our floors, we scrub them and use a friendly

bacteria that eats harmful bacteria. The water from the Café goes into

irrigation for the Preserve. If we used bleach it would kill all the plants

here. So the water goes into a mechanical cleaning and filtering

system and then is exposed to UV light to eliminate [pathogens],”

explains Sherlock, while seated at a desk made from banana tree

fiber, a low-impact renewable resource.

Today it is nearly impossible to have a conversation with a chef or

serious foodie without the issues of sustainable and ecologically

responsible food-sourcing arising. Intensive agriculture has yielded

cosmetically uniform produce that packs, travels, and sits in

supermarket displays well, but is often found wanting in flavor and

texture. When it comes to protein selection the situation is even

worse. In the interest of lowering costs and increasing production, the

modern industrialized livestock industry stands accused of feeding

animals food that is far from their natural diet, remedying their

resultant digestive problems with drugs, and confining many species

to very limited areas or cages.

Yet tasteless produce, cramped chickens, and cattle of dubious origins

are but minor concerns when compared to the plight of the world’s

fisheries. A consensus of top scientists predicts a major collapse of

fisheries around the globe by the year 2040 if systemic checks are not

put in place soon.

As any chef worth her salt will tell you, “sourcing is everything.”

Alice Waters knew this when she opened the now famed Chez

Panisse in Berkeley, California in 1971. Nearly four decades later her

philosophy of using only fresh, seasonal, and mostly local ingredients

has garnered her fame and fortune and has inspired generations of

top-notch chefs around the world.

The good news: more people are taking notice and demanding

change. Across the board, from seafood to celery the trend is local,

seasonal, sustainable, and organic. It’s a shift in thinking that food

lovers everywhere are latching onto. From Alice Waters to Wolfgang

Puck the mindset that sees the world’s food resources as precious and

worth taking care of is spreading.

“Everyone is jumping on this bandwagon to use organic, natural,

free-range,” explains Sherlock. “Just for how the animal is treated and

how the meat tastes. Free-range animals are exercising, so there is

more blood flow to the muscles, combined with natural feed, you get

a chicken that tastes like chicken.”

At the Café by Wolfgang Puck at the Springs Preserve a serious

commitment to the sourcing of ingredients is applied to everything

on the menu. For seafood sourcing Sherlock uses the Monterey Bay

Aquarium’s Seafood Watch database to ensure that all of the seafood

on the menu is sustainable. If that information is not readily available

on their website, a quick email or phone call lets him know which

products to buy and which to avoid.

For produce and other products, he offers that sometimes sourcing

better ingredients is just a matter of asking questions. “For example

I can buy a three-pound case of commodity mixed baby field greens

for $12.50, or I can buy a certified organic case from the same

company for the same price. It’s just a matter of picking up the phone

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and talking to your vendor,” says Sherlock. “We make our own breads

for our sandwiches. You can buy organic flour for an extra $8 per

fifty-pound bag, and big deal. You are using a better, cleaner product.”

Even after the extra cost, time, and effort put into the food at the

Café, the prices on the menu remain competitive. “The burger that

we make is an American Kobe style beef from Colorado. It comes on

a homemade bun with fresh organic lettuce, tomatoes, and a pasta

salad, side salad or fries. It’s $11 dollars out-the-door. You would pay

well over $20 on the Strip for a similar meal.”

In the end, taking these extra measures is about more than just

feeling good about what you are eating today. As Sherlock says,

“When you are talking about sustainability, you are not just

considering what makes sense for today and tomorrow. You are

thinking about years down the line, the health of the planet, and your

children’s future food supply.”

Café by Wolfgang Puck

Springs Preserve

Open daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

333 S. Valley View Blvd.

Las Vegas 89107



clockwise from left: Chinese chicken salad; Springs Preserve Café; Recyclable dishes © Grace Rakich

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CompoSt ConfeSSionaLP s s s t… . wa n t t o k n o w a s e c r e t ? a l i t t l e i n s i d e i n f o r m at i o n f r o m a n av e r a g e g u y l i v i n g t h e a m e r i c a n

d r e a m . . . w i f e , k i d, h o u s e a n d d o g ? m y s e c r e t i s n e i t h e r i l l e g a l n o r i m m o r a l . i t m i g h t b e a l i t t l e o d d,

b u t i l o v e i t. m y c o n f e s s i o n i s t h at i a m a c o m P u l s i v e c o m P o s t e r .

C r a i g M . S C h a e f e r

Craig ComeS CLean

okay. i know that it is not the most electrifying confession; my

obsession is an enjoyable one nonetheless. i make coffee on the

weekends just so i can add the grounds to my mix. When my wife eats a

banana, i can scarcely contain my eagerness to grab the peel and race

to the backyard.

my compulsion started about ten years ago when my wife and i lived in

Blaine, Washington. We had just been married and bought our very first

house in quite a rural setting. our lot contained over a dozen towering

evergreen and deciduous trees. garbage was picked up only twice a

month, so there really was not a simple option to get rid of the leaves.

When i was a kid my grandparents had a compost pile, so i thought we

should consider it for our situation. i spoke to my wife. She had visions

of vermin overrunning our yard, so the next thing i knew i was sent

to the public library. Still in the grips of newly married bliss, i obeyed

without question. my wife needed proof that compost wouldn’t be

stinky or attractive to mice. She made me review books, videos, and

even a report authored by the State of Washington speaking to the

benefits of composting.

While i still snicker about the amount of research i did, it truly came to

be very helpful. i found that compost is basically the result of billions of

microbes breaking down materials into fertile garden soil. there are four

major components: container, food, water, and air, and like any good

recipe, the right proportions are key.

CloCkwiSe froM left: organic homegrown tomato; Black gold; Craig’s compost © Alexis McAllister

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A simple garbage can with a lid will work as a container. The food

should consist of equal parts nitrogen and carbon-based items.

I remember the adage of “browns” and “greens.” The “browns” are dry

and dead plant materials such as straw, dry brown weeds, autumn

leaves, and wood chips or sawdust; the “greens” are fresh materials such

as grass clippings, celery stalks, lettuce, apple cores, coffee grounds, or

any fruit and vegetable waste from the kitchen.

The water can be supplied by a watering can once or twice a month,

just enough to keep the material damp. The air is a reference that

reminds us to mix the pile to ensure the items are not compacted

together. Remember that the microbes are living beings, so no air–no

compost. Simply add food, water, and mix once a week and within two

to three months, you are ready to sift and spread around the yard.

The benefits of composting don’t end in our yard. By taking scraps from

our kitchen that would ordinarily end up in a landfill, we reduce our

impact on the earth. The all-natural fertilizer that we use on our plants

and lawn has no negative impact on the environment. If it runs off and

back into the water supply, well, it’s just food for the fish. And best of

all, I’m able to teach my son about how doing something so simple can

really make the world a better place to live.

Locally, the Springs Preserve is a good resource if you’re interested

in doing your own composting. They even periodically offer classes

on how to get started. Their class schedule is on their website,

springspreserve.org. You can also find more information by checking

out howtocompost.org. Finally, The University of Nevada Cooperative

Extension has a website with loads of information for gardeners and

composters. Check out unce.unr.edu.

This Page: In the mix © Alexis McAllister

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model courtesy of AlexSerpa.com


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Page 67: BLVDS "Green" issue 12

Explore, Play and Learn on 180 acres of green museums, gardens, theaters and animal habitats. The Springs Preserve isn’t your ordinary attraction. After all, it’s Vegas baby—feel the rush of a 5,000-gallon fl ash fl ood, virtually suspend yourself over Hoover Dam or take in the views from the balcony of the Springs Cafe by Wolfgang Puck. You’re in the middle of the action and at the heart of the world’s premier attraction for sustainable living.

The Springs Preserve—another side of Vegas

Explore, Play and Learn on 180 acres of green museums, gardens, theaters and animal habitatsExplore, Play and Learn on 180 acres of green museums, gardens, theaters and animal habitatsAfter all, it’s Vegas baby—feel the rush of a 5,000-gallon fl ash fl ood, virtually suspend yourself over Hoover Dam or take in the views from the balcony

Save the Date!

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Page 68: BLVDS "Green" issue 12

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