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Page 1: BME 438 Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture Lab[1]

Department of Biomedical Engineering

Digital Logic Design

And Computer Architecture Lab

BME (438)

Prepared By: Eng.Ruba AL.Omari Supervised by:

Dr.Mashhour Bani-Amer & Dr.Hossam ElKhalil Spring 2011

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Table of Contents






Exercise#1:Development of assembly program 3 Exercise#2: Speaker Control

Exp#2 LED display control 13

Exp#3 7-Segment Display Control 16

Exp#4 DOT Matrix LED Control 20

Exp#5 Speaker Control 25

Exp#6 Matrix Keyboard Control 27

Exp#7 Step Motor Control 32

Exp#8 Photo-Interrupter Control 39

Exp#9 Output Port Expansion 42

Appendix A Pre-lab Forms 49

Appendix B Instructions 67

Appendix C

Addressing Modes 71

References 73

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Assembly language includes:

1. A mnemonic or opcode (abbreviation easy to remember) includes: A. instructions (tell the CPU what to do) B. Directives (give directions)

2. Optionally followed by one or two

operands (data items being


For example: A. instructions: MOV, ADD, SWAP… etc. B. Directives (or pseudo-instructions): ORG, JMP…etc

Experiment#1: Introduction

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An assembly program consists of four fields:

[Label:] Mnemonic [operands] [; Comment] For example: Next: MOV A, #99H ; load 99H into A Example:

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Development of Assembly Program

Flow charts of 8051 system development

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1. Write Source Program

The first step for the development of 8051 program is to writing the source program in assembly language using word processing software.


The following program is an example of assembly language program written in standard format. We will use this source program to demonstrate the processes of assembling and linking later. Using a word processing program (notepad), edit and save as test.txt

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2. Assembling The assembler is used to translate the assembly language program to machine language. After assembling process, an object file will be generated as well as a listing and a cross reference table if they are selected. Once the source program (test.txt) completed, the next step is to assemble it. This task is performed by X8051.exe. The monitor screen will show the following message:

N: No listing file will be generated. T: Terminal. Print the listing file on computer screen. D: disk. Save the listing file generated on disk and use LST as the extension file name.

E: Error only L: LIST ON/OFF P: printer. Print the listing file generated from computer. If D is selected, the following message will appear to ask the user whether a cross reference table is to be generated or not.

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*Input filename: enter the source program filename to be assembled. (test.txt) *Output filename: Enter output filename (test), this filename will be the filename of object (.OBJ) and listing (.LST) generated (TEST.OBJ & TEST.LST) Listing file is a text file includes line number, address, machine code, and source code as shown below

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3. Linking

To link an object, load and run LINK51.EXE as shown below

*Input filename: enter the first object filename to be linked. Since OBJ is the

default extension filename, therefore an extension is not necessary.

*Enter offset for 'CODE': Enter the offset value of memory fro machine code. In

general press enter key to assign this task to linker.

*Input filename: Enter the second object filename to be linked. If none press the

enter key.

*output filename: enter output executable filename. If same as the first object,

press enter key.

*library filename: Enter the library filename to be linked. If none, press enter


*Options(D,P,U,A,C,M,N,R,S,Z,E,H,T,X,1,2,3 ) : These options are used to

select the format of executable file to be generated. (The default is hex file


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4. Programming1: Once HEX code file is generated, the next step is to write this code into the program memory of the 8051. The code will be downloaded into flash memory by ISP driver through the serial port on the PC. According to the I/O device to be controlled, set the corresponding switch of SW2 in ON position and others in off position. Exercise #1 will sequentially and repeatedly turn on/off the 8 LEDs (LED pack D5) from the left most LED to the right most LED, so you should place the SW2-4 in ON position. 1. Turn on the power of MTS-51 and connect RS-232 cable to PC COM port as shown in Figure#1. 2. Make sure that JP5 is connected to +12V as programming voltage. 3. Press ISP button to enable the ISP function (LED D1 will light up) 4. Place 3rd (RXD3) and 8th (TXD3) switch of SW1 to ON position to enable the serial transmission function.

Figure#1: MTS-51 Programming

1 http://www.kandh.com.tw

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5. Launch Flash Magic (Figure#2) 6. Select Chip to 89C51RD+ (make sure that the chip model on Your MTS-51 also mark as ''89C51RD+'') 7. Select Port No. (Must match the COM port No. in your PC) 8. Input Oscillator frequency as 12.


9. Select [Erase all flash] to erase the old programs stored in 8051 chip. 10. Press [browse] button and browse the complied file (*.HEX) into the software buffer. Important: DO NOT check Security bits “Bit 1, 2, and 3” . Or you will not be able to program the chip in the future. 11. Press start to start programming the chip 12. Release the ISP button.

13. Use DIP switches SW1 or SW2 to enable the related I/O.

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14. Press RESET button to execute the program.


Exercise# 2: Speaker Control Download the following program on the MTS-51 trainer and describe the program function as you will see on the trainer.

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Experiment# 2: LED Display Control

I. Objective 1. To demonstrate that I/O port 2 controls LED pack (D5) on the MTS-51 Trainer. 2. To study the driving circuit for the LED Pack (D5) using 74LS240. II. Circuit Description LED pack (D5) containing 8 LEDs is driven by 74LS240. If input is a one, the corresponding LED will be turned on. If input is a zero, the corresponding LED will be turned off. Resistor pack RS4 serves current limiting to LEDs. P2: used to control LED pack D5.

Exercise# 1: Functional Description: Sequentially turn on/off the 8 LEDs from the left most LED to the right most. When the right most LED is reached, the sequence is inverted. The ON time of each LED is 0.1 seconds. Return to the introduction to follow the development of assembly program procedure.

For more details about the circuit, return to 74LS240 datasheet.

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Source Program and Description

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Software delay is usually needed to hold the output data an appropriate time because CPU runs at high speed. Delay is done by executing the instructions which have no effect to output data.

Delay Calculations: Delay of the delay subroutine is equal to the product of total machine cycles and the machine cycle time as follows:

Total Machine cycles= Total product of machine cycle and execution time = .203,10022224912001 Since the oscillator frequency of the MTS-51 trainer is 12 MHz, 1 µs every machine cycle, therefore a total of delay is equal to 0.1 second (= ss 1.01100203 ).

Exercise#2…………. will be given in the Lab (10%)

Instruction Machine cycle

Execution Time (µs)

MOV R6, #200 1 1 DL1: MOV R7, 249

1 200

DJNZ R7, $ 2 249 X 200

DJNZ R6, DL1 2 200

RET 2 1

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Experiment#3: 7-Segment Display Control

I. Objective 1. Describe how to use the BCD-to-7-segment decoder/driver (74LS47). 2. To demonstrate that I/O lines of P2.3-P2.0 are the inputs of DS4 (units digits) and P2.7-p2.4 lines are the inputs of DS3 (tens digit). II. Circuit Description

The control signals to these sections are from P2 lines. The BCD-to-7-seg decoder/driver (74LS47) decodes BCD input and shows the corresponding number on the 7-seg-display.

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Truth Table of 74LS47

7-seg display (Common anode) Connection

Exercise#1: Functional Description: Sequentially and repeatedly show the numbers 00 through 99 on DS3 and DS4. Each number stays on 0.5 seconds.

BCD Inputs 74LS47 Outputs (Segment Inputs) P2.7 P2.6 P2.5 P2.4 Pin13




Pin9 Pin15


0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1

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Return to the introduction to follow the development of assembly program procedure: Note: SW2-3 switch should be placed in ON position. Source Program & Description

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Exercise#2: Embedded System (Digital Thermometer)…………(10%) As portability becomes a growing trend in medical

instruments, biomedical engineers are seeking

technologies that reduce the design complexity and

time in developing the final medical instrument.

The (P89C51RD+) microcontroller offers a platform

of ultra-low-power processors with the high

integration of the complete signal chain that is required for applications such as

digital thermometer.

In this exercise, we will write an assembly program that will display

continuously the following human temperatures on DS3 and DS4.

42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35.

Exercise# 3 will be given in the Lab

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Experiment# 4: Dot Matrix LED Control.

I. Objective 1. To demonstrate that port 2 and 0 controls 88 dot matrix LED on the MTS-51 trainer. 2. To understand how to use 74LS245 and 2803 for controlling the rows and columns signals respectively. II. Circuit Description D3 is a common cathode matrix LED (all LED Cathodes are connected to the column line) as shown in Figure #1 below. When a row signal is high and a column signal is low, the corresponding LED is turned on.

The row scan signal is emitted from P2 lines through IC (74LS245) and the column scan signal is emitted from P0 through IC (2803).

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Both row and column scan signal are active-high signals. That is, all LEDs are turned on when the row and column signals are all 1s. The 2803 Darlington pairs are used to sink column currents (Return to 2803 datasheet). See Figure#2. 74LS245

The device allows data transmission from the A bus to the B bus or from the B bus to the A bus depending upon the logic level at the direction control (DIR) input (pin 1). The enable input (G) can be used to disable the device so that the buses are effectively isolated. Function Table for 74LS245

Enable DIR Operation L L B data to A bus L H A data to B Bus H L or H Isolation

Exercise#1 Functional Description: Sequentially turn on the column LEDs from column 1 to column 8 eight time, and then turn on the row LEDs from row 1 to row 8 eight times.

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Return to the introduction to follow the development of assembly program procedure. Source Program

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Program Description

Command Description

CLR P1.7 When the matrix LED is controlled by program, this command must be used to float LCM data bus to prevent the P0 signal from electrical interference

MOV P2,#FFH P2 emits FFH to row lines

MOV A,#10000000B MOV P0,A

P0 emits a 1 to column 1(C1), then the LEDs in this column are turned on

RR A The 1 is shifted to column 2 by rotate instruction to turn on the LED in C2.


To turn on the LEDs row after row, P0 emits FFH to column lines

MOV A,#10000000B MOV P2,A

P2 emits a 1 to row 1 (R1), then the LEDs in this row are turned on


The 1 is shifted to row 2 by rotate instruction to turn on the LED in R2.

Exercise#2 Now modify the above program to show a 57 letter A on dot matrix LED.

Source Program and Description:

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Exercise#3…………. will be given in the Lab (10%)

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Experiment#5: Speaker Control

I. Objectives 1. Describe the operation of the driving circuit for SP1 speaker. II. Circuit Description

The circuit of speaker and driver is shown in figure# 1 below.

The signal to the driver input comes from (P 3.7) pin. When a high is fed to the driver input, the speaker is driven to ON. When a low is fed to the driver, the speaker is turned off. Exercise# 1

Functional Description: Speaker sounds a 1 KHz tone.

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Source Program:

Exercise#2 We have discussed the Pulse tone generator circuit in biomedical

Instrumentation Lab I (See Figure #2 below), Write an assembly program that

will simulate the output pulses at Tp20

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Experiment# 6: Matrix Keyboard Control.

I. Objective 1. To demonstrate the using of the keyboard circuit KB1. 2. Evaluate the operation of 74C922. II. Circuit Description The keyboard circuit is built by the matrix keyboard KB1 and encoder 74C922. Referring to figure#1 shown below, if a key is pressed, the corresponding binary value will present on the outputs DOD-DOA (P1.3-P1.0) of the encoder and a high potential presents on the DA (data available) pin. The DA signal is inverted by an inverter and then connected to the P3.2 (INT0) pin.

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Keyboard Encoder Features: 1. The output is a key value in binary. 2. It has a debouncing circuit for eliminating the noise produced by mechanical keys. 3. Tri-state output is compatible with data bus of microcomputer. 4. Pin description: 4.1. X1, X2, X3, and X4: Inputs for the column lines of the matrix keyboard. 4.2. Y1, Y2, Y3, and Y4: Inputs for the row lines of the matrix keyboard The relationship between X and Y is shown in Figure#2 below.

The binary value on the 74C9221 output is listed on Table#1.


Location Encoded Output

DOD DOC DOB DOA Keys in row 1 X1,Y1 0 0 0 0

X2,Y1 0 0 0 1 X3,Y1 0 0 1 0 X4,Y1 0 0 1 1

Keys in row 2 X1,Y2 X2,Y2 X3,Y2 X4,Y2

0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1

Keys in row 3 X1,Y3 X2,Y3 X3,Y3 X4,Y3

1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1

Keys in row 4 X1,Y4 X2,Y4 X3,Y4 X4,Y4

1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1


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For more details about theory of operation, return to 74C922 data sheet.

4.3. DOA, DOB, DOC, and DOD: Tri-state encoded data outputs. DOA is LSB

and DOD is MSB.

4.4 OE: Output Enable. When this pin is low, the encoded value presents on the

Encoded output pins. When this pin is high, the encoded outputs present high


4.5 DA: Data Available. When a key is pressed, a high presents on the DA pin.

4.6 OSC: On-Chip oscillator input. The pin can directly receive external clock

pulses or externally connects a 0.1µF capacitor.

4.7 KBM: when a 1- µF capacitor is connected to this pin, the noise caused by

mechanical keys is eliminated.

5. CMOS configuration operates in the voltage 3-15 Volts range.

6. The use of 74C922 simplifies the task of program design and improves the

efficiency of execution.

7. The DA signal is an active-high signal. To communicate the microprocessor

with active-low interrupt input (INT0), the DA signal should be inverted by an

inverter gate.

Registers related to interrupt: 1. Interrupt Enable Register(IE)

The bit diagram of the IE register is shown below.

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EA (IE.7): Disable all interrupts. If EA=0, no interrupt will be acknowledged.

If EA=1, each interrupt source is individually enabled or disabled by

setting or clearing its enable bit. The instruction CLR EA will

disable all interrupts.

EX0 (IE.0): Enable or disable external interrupt 0.

ET0 (IE.1): Enable or disable timer 0 overflow interrupt.

EX1 (IE.2): Enable or disable external interrupt 1.

ET1 (IE.3): Enable or disable timer 1 overflow interrupt.

ES (IE.4): Enable or disable serial port interrupt.

ET2 (IE.5): Enable or disable timer 2 overflow or capture interrupt (8052 only).

For example, the instruction MOV IE, #10001001 Enables external interrupt 0 and timer 1 overflow interrupt, and disables other interrupts. 2. Timer/Counter Control register (TCON) The bit diagram of the IE register is shown below.


IT0, IT1: External interrupt 0 type control bit IT0 (bit 0) and external interrupt 1

type control bit IT1 (bit 2). These two bits must be set/ cleared by software to

specify falling-edge/low- level triggering external interrupt.

IT0=0 ------------ Low-level triggering.

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IT0=1------------- Falling-edge triggering.

Exercise #1 Functional Description: It shows the key number on the 7-seg display (DS4) when a key is pressed. Place SW2_3 in ON position.

Source Program

Program Description Interrupt System Control 1. Main Program (1) The starting address of main program must leave from the interrupt vector area-----------------------(ORG 100H)

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(2) Specify IE to enable the interrupts to be used and disable unused interrupts------------------ (MOV IE, #10000001B) (3) Specify IT0 or IT1 to determine the triggering type if external interrupt are used-----------------------(CLR IT0) (4) Write main program and wait for an interrupt.

2. Interrupt service routine (ISR): It performs the function required by device. (1) Place a jump instruction in the interrupt vector and point to the starting

address of interrupt service routine-----------(ORG 003H)

(2) Reset IE to disable other interrupts during the interrupt service routine is

executing---------------------(CLR EX0)

(3) Save the contents PSW or other registers in main program onto stack

using PUSH instruction.

(4) Write interrupt service routine--------------(MOV P2,P1)

(5) Enable interrupts---------------------(SETB EX0)

(6) Return from interrupt using RETI instruction.

Exercise#2 Write an assembly program that will do the following:

1. If key ''1'' is pressed, the speaker generates BEEP-BEEP Sound

(exercise#2 in Exp#5)

2. If Key ''0'' is pressed, the speaker generates a 1KHz tone (exercise#1 in


Exercise# 3 will be given in the Lab

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Experiment#7: Step Motor Control.

Objective 1. This experiment demonstrate the control of the 4-phase step motor M1 on MTS-51 trainer. 2. Describe the operation and switching schemes of the step motor. Circuit Description 74LS240 IC is used to invert the input signal and to promote the driving capability of 8051 Port 2. The enable inputs 1 G and 2G are controlled by the switch SW2-8.

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When this switch is in off position, 1G =2G =1, the outputs of 74LS240 are in high impedance state so that the motor stops (according to the logic diagram of 74LS240). The port 2 lines (P2.3-P2.0) are connected to the A, B, A and B coils of step motor, respectively. Since 74LS240 is an inverter, the corresponding coil will be energized if the switching signal is 0.

The FT5457 contains four Darlington pairs act as electronic switches to switch motor coils on or off. Step Motor Operation 1. Step Motors are

electromagnetic incremental

motion actuators, which convert

digital pulse inputs to analog

output motion. One pulse

advances the rotor shaft one step

increment (Step angle = 1.8º) and

latches it magnetically at the

precise point to which it is stepped.

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2. Figure #2 shows the connection of the step motor for uni-polar drive. In practice the switches in Figure#2 are replaced by switching transistor. These power transistors receive the digital pulses to input terminals and energize motor coils.

3. Switching Schemes: There are three switching schemes: 1-Phase-on switching, 2-Phase-on switching, and 1-2-Phase-on switching.

1. One (single) Phase on Switching (Wave drive):

Table#1 shows the truth table of 1-Phase-on switching scheme. In this drive method only a single phase is activated at a time. It has the same number of steps as the full step drive, but the motor will have significantly less than rated torque. It is rarely used.

Step Coil Energized Direction of Rotation A B A B CW CCW

1 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 0


2. Two Phases on Switching (Full step drive):

Table#2 shows the truth table of 2-Phase-on switching. This is the usual method for full step driving the motor. Two phases are always on. The motor will have full rated torque.

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Step Coil Energized Direction of Rotation

A B A B CW CCW 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 1 1 4 1 0 0 1 5 1 1 0 0

Table#2 3. Half stepping

One pulse advances the rotor half the step angle. When half stepping, the drive alternates between two phases on and a single phase on. This increases the angular resolution, but the motor also has less torque (approx 70%) at the half step position (where only a single phase is on).

Step Coil Energized Direction of Rotation A B A B CW CCW

1 1 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 1 1 7 0 0 0 1 8 1 0 0 1 9 1 0 0 0

10 1 1 0 0 Table#3

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Exercise#1 Functional Description: Drive the step motor to rotate CW using two phase-on switching. Source Program:

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Exercise#2 Wheelchair . ……………………..10% Wheelchairs (which include step motors) play an important role in helping the

handicapped and the elderly people to live more independently at home and have

a low cost on their healthcare.

Write an assembly program that will do the


1. If Key ''1'' pressed on KB1, the chair will rotate

half revolution right.

2. If Key ''2'' pressed on KB1, the chair will rotate half revolution left.

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Experiment# 8: Photo-Interrupter Control

I. Objective 1. Study the schematic diagram of photo interrupter (PH1, and PH2) and the pulse generator circuit. 2. To demonstrate the control applications of photo-interrupter, for example controlling the direction of rotation of the step motor. II. Circuit Description The MTS-51 has two photo-interrupters PH1 and PH2. When light is blocked, the photo-transistor is cut-off and a low presents on the inverter output terminal. When light is not blocked, the photo-transistor conducts in saturation and a high presents on the inverter output terminal.

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PH1 output can be connected to T1 or INT1 using a jumper cap on JP3. PH2 output can be connected to T0 using a jumper cap on JP4. The output signal of pulse generator is connected to pin 3 (OSC) of JP4. Using a jumper cap, the signal to T0 input of 8051 can be selected from PH2 output or pulse oscillator output. T0 (P3.4): Timer/counter 0 external input

T1 (P3.5): Timer/counter 1 external input

INT1 (P3.3): External Interrupt input 1, the memory location for INT1 = 013H

Exercise#1 Functional Description: Use PH2 output to control the direction of rotation of the step motor. When PH2

is not blocked by an object (for example a piece of paper), the step motor rotates

CW. If PH2 is blocked by an object, the step motor rotates CCW.

Connect Pins 1 and 2 together using a jumper cap. Source Program:

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Program Description

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Exercise#2 Connect jp3 pins 2 to 3 and jp4 pins 1 to 2 1. Increment the value of counter every PH2 output pulse and decrement the value every PH1 output pulse, and show the result on DS3 and DS4.

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Experiment # 9: Output Port Expansion

I. Objectives 1. Understand the serial components used in the MTS-51 trainer.

2. Demonstrates the technique of output port expansion using 8051 serial port in

mode 0.

II. Circuit Description

The MTS-51 trainer contains three serial components 74164(output port

expansion), 74165(input port expansion), and RS-232. DIP switch SW1 is used

to select the serial components connected to RXD (P3.0) and TXD (P3.1) pins.

RXD (P3.0): Serial input port

TXD (P3.1): Serial output port

The serial port can operate in four modes: mode 0, mode1, mode2 and mode3 We will study mode 0 only.

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Mode 0:

Serial data enters and exits through RXD. TXD outputs the shift clock pulses. 8

bit are transmitted: 8 data bits with LSB first. The baud rate is fixed at 1/12 the

oscillator frequency.

Since mode 0 operates as a shift register, so it is usually used as an expanded I/O


In Figure #1 the data is transmitted through RXD to the serial in (SIN) terminal

of the 74164 serial –in parallel-out (SIPO) shift register. In this case, the serial

port operates as an 8-bit output port. The clock pulse comes from TXD to the

CK input of shift registers.

The parallel outputs of 74164 are connected to BCD-to-7-segment decoder

74LS47 to drive 7-segment display, and connected to buffer 74LS240 to drive

LEDs. See Figure#2.

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8051 registers related to serial port:

Registers SBUF and SCON are the most important registers in UART operation.

1. SBUF: Serial Data Buffer

The SBUF is actually two separate registers, one transmits buffer register and

one receive buffer register. When a byte data is moved to SBUF, it goes to the

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transmit buffer where it is held for serial transmission. When a byte data is

moved from SBUF, it comes from the receive buffer.

2. SCON: Serial Port Control Register

The serial port control and status register SCON locates in the address 98H of

SFR. Its bit diagram is shown below. This register contains not only the mode

selection bits, but also the 9th data bit for transmit and receive (TB8 and RB8),

and the serial port interrupt bits (TI and RI).


1. SM0 (SCON.7): Serial port mode select bit 0

2. SM1 (SCON.6): Serial port mode select bit1

There are four modes in UART operation specified by the bits SM0 and SM1. A

table of mode 0 is shown below.

SM0 SM1 Mode Function Baud Rate

0 0 0 Shift register Fosc/12

Mode 0 is usually used to expand the I/O lines.

3. TI (SCON.1): Transmit interrupt flag

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Set by hardware at the end of the 8th bit time in mode 0, or at the beginning of the

stop bit in the other modes, in any serial transmission. This flag must be cleared

by software.

4. RI (SCON.0): Receive interrupt flag

Set by hardware at the end of the 8th bit time in mode 0, or halfway through the

stop bit time in the other modes, in any serial reception (except see SM2). This

flag must be cleared by software.

Exercise#1 Place SW1-1 and SW1-6 in ON position. Functional Description:

1. Sequentially turn on/off LEDs from left to right 4 times.

2. Sequentially turn on/off LEDs from right to left 4 times.

Source Program:

ORG 000H


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Program Description

a. Clear SM0, SM1, and SM2 bits in the SCON register.

MOV SCON,#00000000B

b. Clear TI bit: clears transmit interrupt flag for next data transmission.


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c. Move data to SBUF. The data in SBUF exits from the RXD pin and the

Shift pulse exits from the TXD pin.


d. when the 8th data bit is transmitted, the TI is set by hardware. For next

data byte transmission, repeat steps b and c.


(Checks to whether the 8-bit pattern data is transmitted or not.)

Exercise#2 will be given in the Lab

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Appendix A Pre-Lab Forms

Pre-lab # Page

Pre-lab # 2 51

Pre-Lab#3 53

Pre-Lab#4 55

Pre-Lab#5 57

Pre-Lab#6 59

Pre-Lab#7 61

Pre-Lab#8 63

Pre-Lab#9 65

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Faculty of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Department

Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture Lab

BME 438

Exp.2: LED Display Control





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1. Complete the following table according to Exercise#1. (Return to Figures #1 and #2)

2. Describe the operation of 74LS240.

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Faculty of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Department

Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture Lab

BME 438

Exp.3 7-Segment Display Control





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1. According to exercise#1 and Figure#1, complete the following table:

HINT: Loop# 2 will display 0 1 on DS3 and DS4 respectively as shown below

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Faculty of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Department

Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture Lab

BME 438

Exp.4: Dot Matrix LED Control





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1. According to Exercise#1, complete the following table and color the suitable LED (column or row) for each DOT matrix in loops# 3, 65, 66 and 67.

2. Write an assembly program that will display an X mark blinking on D3 dot

matrix. The on/off time of the blinking equals one second.

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Faculty of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Department

Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture Lab

BME 438

Exp.5: Speaker Control





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1. Describe how the speaker sounds a 1 KHz tone in exercise #1? ---------------------------------------------------------------



2. Complete the following truth table of the circuit in Figure#1:


Base of Q1

Collector of Q1




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Faculty of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Department

Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture Lab

BME 438

Exp.6: Matrix Keyboard Control





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1. According to exercise# 1, answer the following: 1.1 Complete the following table.

1.2 When a key is pressed as shown in the figure#3, CPU detects the external interrupt input and executes the interrupt service routine (ISR) INT0. The ISR reads the encoded outputs of 74C922 and sends to the inputs of BCD –to- 7-segment decoder

I. What are the value of a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h?

a b c d e f g h

II. Color the suitable numbers on DS3 and DS4.

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Faculty of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Department

Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture Lab

BME 438

Exp.7: Step Motor Control





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1. According to exercise#1, complete the following Table:

2. Rewrite the program in exercise#1 using RR instruction.

Loop #

Motor Coils 8051 Port 2

A B A B P2.3 P2.2 P2.1 P2.0

1 2 0 1 1 0



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Faculty of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Department

Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture Lab

BME 438

Exp.8: Photo Interrupter Control





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1. According to exercise #1, complete the following Table according

P3.4 Loop# P2.0 P2.1 P2.2 P2.3


1 2 3 4


1 2 3 4

2. Write an assembly program that

controls the rotation of the step motor

as follows:

a. Use PH1 output to control the

direction of rotation of the step

motor. When PH1 is not blocked by

an object, the step motor rotates CW.

If PH1 is blocked by an object, the

step motor will rotate one revolution

CCW and then rotate CW.

b. Connect pin 2 and 3 of JP3

together using a jumper cap.

Return to Exp# 5 for more

information about interrupt registers

and interrupt system control.

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Faculty of Engineering Biomedical Engineering Department

Digital Logic Design and Computer Architecture Lab

BME 438

Exp.9: Output Port Expansion





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Wrist Pulse Oximeter with Visual Alarm

Use the technique of Table Look-UP to repeatedly

display the following pulse rate readings on DS1 and


70, 75, 80, 85, 75, 70, 90, 85, 75

And when BPM reaches 90, D5 LEDPACK will blink two times. Use 1

second delay for displaying BPMs and for blinking.

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Appendix B Instructions

The number of instruction bytes is the number of memory locations required for this instruction. The execution time of an instruction is determined by its machine cycles. One machine cycle contains 12 oscillator periods. Data Transfer Instructions Mnemonic Description Byte Cycle MOV A,#data Move immediate data to accumulator 2 1 MOV A,direct Move direct byte to accumulator 2 1 MOV A,Rn Move register to accumulator 1 1 MOV A,@Ri Move indirect RAM to accumulator 1 1 MOV direct,A Move accumulator to direct byte 2 1 MOV direct,#data Move immediate data to direct byte 3 2 MOV direct,direct Move direct byte to direct 3 2 MOV direct,Rn Move register to direct byte 2 2 MOV direct,@Ri Move indirect RAM to direct byte 2 2 MOV Rn,A Move accumulator to register 1 1 MOV Rn,#data Move immediate data to register 2 1 MOV Rn,direct Move direct byte to register 2 2 MOV @Ri,A Move accumulator to indirect RAM 1 1 MOV @Ri,#data Move immediate data to indirect RAM 2 1 MOV @Ri,direct Move direct byte to indirect RAM 2 2 MOV DPTR,#data16 Load data pointer with a 16-bit

constant 3 2

MOVC A,@A+DPTR Move code byte relative to DPTR to ACC

1 2

MOVC A,@A+PC Move code byte relative to PC to ACC 1 2 MOVX A,@Ri Move external RAM (8-bit addr) to ACC 1 2 MOVX A,@DPTR Move external RAM (16-bit addr) to

Acc 1 2

MOVX @Ri,A Move Acc to external RAM (8-bit addr) 1 2 MOVX @DPTR,A Move Acc to external RAM(16-bit addr) 1 2 PUSH direct Push direct byte into stack 2 2 POP direct Pop direct byte from stack 2 2 XCH A,direct Exchange direct byte with accumulator 1 1 XCH A,Rn Exchange register with accumulator 2 1 XCH A,@Ri Exchange indirect RAM with

accumulator 1 1

XCHD A,@Ri Exchange low order digit indirect RAM with Accumulator

1 1

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1. MOV instructions are used to move data in the internal RAM. 2. MOVX instructions are used to move data in the external RAM. 3. MOVC instructions are used to move the code byte in ROM. 4. Exchange instructions use A as the destination operand.

Arithmetic Operation Instructions Mnemonic Description Byte Cycle ADD A,#data Add immediate data to accumulator 2 1 ADD A,direct Add direct byte to accumulator 2 1 ADD A,Rn Add register to accumulator 1 1 ADD A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to accumulator 1 1 ADDC A,#data Add immediate data to acc with carry 2 1 ADDC A,direct Add direct byte to accr with carry 2 1 ADDC A,Rn Add register to accumulator with carry 1 1 ADDC A,@Ri Add indirect RAM to acc with carry 1 1 SUBB A,#data Subtract immediate data from acc with borrow 2 1 SUBB A,direct Subtract direct byte from acc with borrow 2 1 SUBB A,Rn subtract register from acc with borrow 1 1 SUBB A,@Ri Subtract indirect RAM from acc with borrow 1 1 INC A Increment Accumulator 1 1 INC direct Increment direct byte 2 1 INC Rn Increment register 1 1 INC @Ri Increment indirect RAM 1 1 INC DPTR Increment data pointer 1 2 DEC A decrement Accumulator 1 1 DEC direct decrement direct byte 2 1 DEC Rn decrement register 1 1 DEC @Ri decrement indirect RAM 1 1 MUL AB Multiply A and B 1 4 DIV AB Divide A by B 1 4 DA A Decimal adjust acc 1 1

1. The destination operand of addition and subtraction operations is accumulator A, the source operand may be #data, Rn, and @Ri.

2. To decrement DPTR, the DEC DPL instruction is available. 3. DA A instruction is valid only if it follows an addition instruction.

Logical Operation Instructions Mnemonic Description Byte Cycle ANL A,#data AND immediate data to accumulator 2 1 ANL A,direct AND direct byte to accumulator 2 1 ANL A,Rn AND register to accumulator 1 1 ANL A,@Ri AND indirect RAM to accumulator 1 1 ANL direct,A AND accumulator to direct byte 2 1 ANL direct,#data AND immediate data to direct byte 3 2 ORL A,#data OR immediate data to accumulator 2 1

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ORL A,direct OR direct byte to accumulator 2 1 ORL A,Rn OR register to accumulator 1 1 ORL A,@Ri OR indirect RAM to accumulator 1 1 ORL direct,A OR accumulator to direct byte 2 1 ORL direct,#data OR immediate data to direct byte 3 2 XRL A,#data Exclusive-XOR immediate data to accumulator 2 1 XRL A,direct Exclusive-XOR direct byte to accumulator 2 1 XRL A,Rn Exclusive-XOR register to accumulator 1 1 XRL A,@Ri Exclusive-XOR indirect RAM to accumulator 1 1 XRL direct,A Exclusive-XOR accumulator to direct byte 2 1 XRL direct,#data Exclusive-XOR immediate data to direct byte 3 2 CLR A Clear acc 1 1 CPL A Complement acc 1 1 RL A Rotate acc leftct RAM 1 1 RLC A Rotate acc left through the carry flag 1 1 RR A Rotate acc right 1 1 RRC A Rotate acc right through the carry flag 1 1 SWAP A Swap nibbles within acc 1 1

1. All instructions use A as the destination operand except that the ANL, ORL, and XRL instructions use direct byte as the destination operand.

Boolean Variable Operation Instructions Mnemonic Description Byte Cycle CLR C Clear carry flag 1 1 CLR bit Clear direct bit 2 1 SETB C Set carry flag 1 1 SETB bit Set direct bit 2 1 CPL C Complement carry flag 1 1 CPL bit Complement direct bit 2 1 ANL C,bit AND direct bit to carry flag 2 2 ANL C,/bit AND complement of direct bit to carry flag 2 2 ORL C,bit OR direct bit to carry flag 2 2 ORL C,/bit OR complement of direct bit to carry flag 2 2 MOV C,bit Move direct bit to carry flag 2 1 MOV bit,C Move carry flag to direct bit 2 2 JC rel Jump if carry flag is set 2 2 JNC rel Jump if no carry flag 2 2 JB bit,rel Jump if direct bit is set 3 2 JNB bit,rel Jump if direct bit is not set 3 2 JBC bit,rel Jump if direct bit is set and clear bit 3 2

Branch and jump Instructions Mnemonic Description Byte Cycle ACALL addr11 Absolute subrou ne call,2K range 2 2

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LCALL addr16 Long subrou ne call, 64K range 3 2 RET Return from subroutine 1 2 RET1 Return from interrupt 1 2 AJMP addr11 Absolute jump 2 2 LJMP addr16 Long jump, 64K range 2 3 SJMP rel Short jump(relative addr,-128~+127) 2 2 JMP @A+DPTR Jump indirect relative to the DPTR 1 2 Jz rel Jump if acc is zero 2 2 JNZ rel Jump if Acc is not zero 2 2 CJNE A,#data,rel Compare immediate to Acc and jump if not equal 3 2 CJNE A,direct,rel Compare direct to Acc and jump if not equal 3 2 CJNE Rn,#data,rel Compare immediate to register and jump if not

equal 3 2

CJNE @Ri,#data,rel Compare to indirect RAM and jump if not equal 3 2 DJNZ Rn,rel Decrement register and jump if not zero 2 2 DJNZ direct,rel Decrement direct and jump if not zero 3 2 NOP No operation 1 1

Contents of the SFRs after reset:

Register Name

Reset value Register Name Reset Value

PC 0000H P0 FFH ACC 00H P1 FFH B 00H P2 FFH DPTR 0000H P3 FFH IE 0x000000B PCON 0xxx0000B IP xx000000B PSW 00H SBUF xxxxxxxxB SCON 00H SP 07H TH0 00H TMOD 00H TL0 00H TCON 00H TH1 00H T2CON 00H TL1 00H RCAP2H 00H TH2 00H RCAP2L 00H TL2 00H

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Appendix C Addressing Modes

Addressing Modes The 8051 is provided with five addressing modes. These are:

1. Immediate addressing. 4. Direct Addressing. 2. Register Addressing. 5 .Indirect Addressing. 3. Index Addressing.

Immediate Addressing Mode If a source operand is part of the instruction instead of the contents of a register or memory location, it represents what is called an immediate operand and is accessed using the immediate addressing mode. Typically, immediate operands represent constant data. In the instruction

MOV A,#60H The source operand is an immediate constant 60H (with prefix #), and the destination operand is accumulator A. This instruction moves an immediate data 60H to A. Direct Addressing Mode The operand in direct addressing mode is an addressable memory location which could be a numeric address or a register name in SFR. The instruction


Moves the contents of memory location 60H to the accumulator A. if the contents of memory address 60H is a constant value of 50H, the contents of A is 50H after this instruction.

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Register Addressing Mode With the register addressing mode, the operand to be accessed is specified as residing in an internal register of the 8051. 8051 registers are in internal RAM, register name is actually an address of internal data RAM. The register addressing mode uses 3 bits in machine code for representing the selected register. For example, the instruction

MOV A,R3 Moves the contents of the register R3 to accumulator A. Indirect Addressing Mode In indirect addressing mode, the location of operand is pointed by the contents of an index register. 8051 internal registers R0, R1, SP, and DPTR can be used as index registers. For example the instruction:


Moves data from the address location where is pointed by the contents of R0 to accumulator. Index addressing mode Index addressing works identically to the indirect addressing; however, it uses the contents of a base register, DPTR or PC, and the contents of an index register in the generation of the physical address. The physical memory address is obtained by adding the contents of base register (DPTR or PC) to the contents of index register (A). For example:


Moves data from the ROM location which is addressed by the sum of the contents of A and DPTR to accumulator. MOVC is a data transfer reference to program memory (ROM)

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