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Page 4: Bn Staff Call Slides 9 Mar 2010

We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Eagle Battalion Strength Overall

On Active Roster

On Holding Roster

Total Average

Personnel Attending

Total Average

Personnel Absent

Total Average

Personnel Excused

Average Percent Change

Overall Status

171 14 130 25 16 +0% A

GG 100-90% AA 89-80% RR 79-70% BB < 69%

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

GG 100-90% AA 89-80% RR 79-70% BB < 69%

Battalion Strength StatusUnit On Roster

Personnel Regularly Attending


Personnel Absent


Personnel Excused

Average % change in


HHC 14 8 0 6 +10%

A Co. 21 16 0 5 +6%

B Co. 18 16 2 0 -5%

C Co. 39 28 8 3 -5%

D Co. 40 32 7 1 -3%

E Co. 39 30 8 1 +3% RR






Eagle Battalion 2010

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We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Item Last Update Status Notes

Telephone Roster 09 FEB 10 -Updated phone roster distributed to leadership

Leadership Matrix 02 FEB 10 - Making Flow Chart

Contracted Personnel Tracker 02 FEB 10 -Contacted Personnel 139

-Non-contracted 44

APFT Tracker 23 FEB 10 -Updated from last AFPT

New PT Attendance Policy 02 FEB 10 -New PT attendance policy starting this


S-1 Report

- Leadership Matrix - PT / Lab Roster

GG 100-90% AA 89-80% RR 79-70% BB < 69%






Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Tuesday 3/9 Wednesday 3/10 Thursday 3/11 Friday 3/12

High 71 67 72 71

Low 49 56 52 50

Weather Partly Cloudy Showers Showers Showers

Rain % 10% 50% 40% 30%

Event Class/Staff Call PT Classes / LAB PT

Weather Data

Item Last Update Status Notes

Security Clearance

07 MAR 2010

Eagle Battalion 2010

GG 100-90% AA 89-80% RR 79-70% BB < 69%

GG Butler, Melanie

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We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Battalions deploy to Fort Benning, GA, beginning 25 Mar 10 in order to support 6th BDE combat operations against Insurgent (Arianan) Forces. On Order conduct Stability Operations along the Atropia-Ariana border IOT maintain Atropia’s territorial integrity and prevent enemy forces from influencing the local population.


Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

AREA OF OPERATIONAREA OF OPERATION• Atropia– Located South Caucasus; bordered by

Donovia to the north, the Caspian Sea to the east, Ariana to the south, and Gorgas and Minaria to the west.

– 33,400 sq. mi. (includes Atropia Minor and Arzak); slightly smaller than Maine.

– Ethnic groups: Atropian 90%, Donovian 2.5%, Minarian 2%, and other 5.5%.

– Predominant Language: Spanish (Castilian dialect)

– Religion: Approximately 95% of the population of Atropia is Shi’a Muslim.



• Ariana– Located in the Caspian Region; bordered

by Atropia to the north, the Caspian Sea to the east, the Persian Gulf to the south, and Faisalia to the west

–636,294 sq. mi.; slightly larger than Alaska. – Ethnic groups: Arianans 51%; Atropian

24%; Gilaki and Mazandarani 8%, Kurds 7%; Arabs 3%, Lur 2%, Baloch 2%, Turkmenistani 2%, and other 1%. Note: the northwest territories are almost 100% ethnic-Atropian.

– Predominant Language: Spanish (Andalusian dialect)

– Religions: Shi'a Muslim 90%; Sunni Muslim 8%; Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian, Baha’I 2%.

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Key Facts Leading to Conflict in Key Facts Leading to Conflict in RegionRegion

1. 2003; South Atropian People’s Party (SAPP) formed to represent people of region but it unable to influence change; gave birth to South Atropian People’s Army (SAPA).

2. 2006; SAPA, trained and equipped in Ariana, began attacking Atropian army units sent to maintain order and peace in area.

3. Atropia has territorial disputes with most of neighbors. In west, Atropia and Minaria have both claimed Arzak province since the early 1900s.

4. Active fighting over the region began in 1991. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), with assistance from Ariana and Kemalia, finally negotiate a ceasefire 1994.

5. Ariana Reasons for Conflict:

• Dispute over ethnic Ariana citizens in Atropia being denied basic rights.

• Ariana does not want to see new BTC pipeline as a competitor to their oil operations.

• Ariana claims rights to the oil platforms in the Caspian Sea that are the key element in a large deal brokered by Atropia with a consortium of international oil companies

• Arianan government opposes the formation of the Caspian Federation.

• Ariana’s political and religious leaders feel Shia’a Muslim population of Atropia is being steered towards westernization by their current government.




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We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Phase 1 begins RSOI process with Companies deploying to Atropian Theater of Operations; occupying the Intermediate Staging Base (ISB) Benning. Conduct in-processing and accountability. Ends with AO Navigation training

Phase 2 begins with movement to secure Assembly Areas in order to conduct and individual and collective training required for small-unit level combat operations. Ends with completion of RSOI and movement to Tactical Training Bases (TTB) vicinity of the International Border. Phase 3 begins with occupation of either TTB East or West and conduct of squad and section patrols ISO stability operations. Units will BPT conduct reconnaissance, raids, ambushes, and other combat operations IOT prevent enemy forces from influencing the local population. Ends when relieved by follow-on forces. Phase 4 begins with return to ISB Benning; Regiments will complete operations and conduct recovery in preparation for redeployment. Ends with Cadets departing AOR and arriving back at Home Station.


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Eagle Battalion 2008 14

Intermediate Staging Base (ISB) Benning

A Company

AA 3 Nights


Home Station PrepRoad to War/PCI

Squad STXMissions

Squad STXMissions


ManeuverRON PB



Deployment into TheaterDeployment into Theater(Squad/Section Operations)(Squad/Section Operations)

B Company

Maneuver RON PB


ReturnReturntotoHome StationHome Station




Main Body 1(A Company)

Main Body 2(B Company)

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We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

The following information on the culture of Atropia/Ariana is for situational awareness and understanding. These cultural nuances are merely another tool to help Soldiers make decisions in the COE. These suggestions are intended solely as guidance to help assist the units in executing their directed missions. They are not an attempt to undermine or substitute for SOPs, ROE, or Commander’s Guidance.

GESTURES• Culture based upon loyalty to family, clan, tribe, and region before loyalty to nation• Old age is respected and honored; emphasis on obeying elders• Sense of time is casual and fluid; negotiations are normally slow and extended• No concept of personal space; there is no “3 foot American bubble”• Don’t move away if an Atropian “invades your space”• Public Display of Affection common between same sexes is accepted and often

expected• Honor most important virtue: external public perception of honor • Never criticize in public • Hospitality closely linked to honor – refusal is an insult


• Primary language is Spanish but many in region speak some English• Primary religion in the region is Shi’a Muslim

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

CAUCASUS REGION CULTUREGESTURES• “Losing” not “Retreating” is considered a shame; will often retreat in order to

avoid shame and “live to fight another day”• Don’t engage women socially• Don’t shake a female’s hand unless she offers it first• Women are the custodians of family honor; rude to inquire about a female member

of their family; Don’t look, touch or ask• Don’t blatantly cross your legs• Don’t show bottoms of your feet; means that you think person is lower than dirt• Shame equals humiliation; difficult to say ‘no’ to a request because it is impolite;

may intentionally mislead instead; “Yes” may mean I understand and not “I agree”• Don’t use finger or hand gestures• Non-verbal signals or body language are a large part of communication in region;

Certain gestures, while common in U.S., may be offensive and essentially disrupt message you are intending to convey

• The “okay” sign of thumbs up is actually a form of a local curse• Sense of time is much more casual than the American sense of time; Americans

are very time-conscious and punctuality is important; However, Atropian culture is more relaxed in its view of time.

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008


1 2 3 4 5 6/7

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)

Staff Call

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Lab:(III) Ambush(II) KOB(I) Leader’s Check

on AcademicsPCI

Company PT0630


8 9 10 11 12 13/14

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)

Staff CallOPFOR Calib.

MS I-III APFT 0545 Rem. PT (0600)Lab: STX (Variable)

Company PT0630Comm. Service

15 16 17 18 19 20/21

22 23 24 25 26 27/28

Comp. PT 0630 Final SHINE PCIRem. PT (0600)Staff Call

BN Run 0630 No Lab Company PT0630

29 30 31

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Staff Call

Company PT0630

Georgia SHINE

Spring Break

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8 9 10 11 12 13/14

Company PT 0630

Rem. PT (0600)

Staff Call

MS I-III APFT 0530 Rem. PT (0600)Lab: (III)STX

(Variable)(I,II) No Lab

Company PT0630Community

Service Due

February 6, 2009 20

• Mission: Successful Lab and Ruck March• Commander’s Intent: The purpose of this operation is

to prepare MS III’s to conduct STX lane training IAW LDAC standards and prepare cadets for Georgia SHINE.

8-12March 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

• Event: MS I-III APFT• Date: 10MAR10

• Time: 0545

• Location: RAC Pavilion

• OIC: C/MAJ Southerland

• Uniform: Winter PTs

• Graders: Bragg, Cutcliffe, Henson, Holder, Protus, Davis, Vickers, Harnish, Lambert, Silva

• How many National Guard graders?

• MS IVs be at Pavilion NLT 0500

• BN Formation NLT 0530

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

• Will be conducted outside using box formation• Cadre will grade MS IIIs

– Alpha and Bravo companies will fall into lines on one side of grading square

– Charlie, Delta, and Echo will spread themselves evenly between the other three sides

• S-3 will ensure even lines

• Grading will take place inside the square

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Eagle Battalion 2008


1 2 3 4 5 6/7

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)

Staff Call

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Lab:(III) Ambush(II) KOB(I) Leader’s Check

on AcademicsPCI

Company PT0630


8 9 10 11 12 13/14

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)

Staff CallOPFOR Calib.

MS I-III APFT 0545 Rem. PT (0600)Lab: STX (Variable)PCI(GA SHINE)

Company PT0630Comm. Service

15 16 17 18 19 20/21

22 23 24 25 26 27/28

Company PT 0630

Rem. PT (0600)Staff Call

Company PT 0630 No Lab Company PT0630

29 30 31

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Staff Call

Company PT0630

Georgia SHINE

Spring Break

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Eagle Battalion 2008

15 16 17 18 19 20/21

Monday 22 Tuesday 23 Wednesday 24 Thursday 25 Friday 26 Saturday/Sunday27/28

Company PT0630

PCIRem. PT (0600)Staff Call

BN Run0630

No Lab Company PT0630

February 6, 2009 25

Georgia SHINE

22-26 March 2010

• Mission: Successful Georgia SHINE FTX• Commander’s Intent: The purpose of this operation is

to conduct STX lane and Land Navigation training IAW LDAC standards.

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

• Event: PCI• Date: 23MAR10• Time: 0630• NCOIC: C/CSM Bush• Location: RAC Pavilion

• Equipment: See Packing List

• Reference: Georgia SHINE OPORD• Uniform: Winter PTs

• Rucks will be tagged with name, home school (GSoU), and SHINE unit– For example, Andrew Southerland assigned to 1st Platoon, Alpha Company, 1st

Regiment would tag: Southerland, Andrew, GSoU, 1A1

• Pack rucks so that Land Navigation essential equipment is easy to reach

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

MS II OPFOR• Packing list is different

– Items taken out: map & protractor, knee/elbow pads, extra pair of boots

– Uniform: ACUs with top turned inside out, LBE, PC, weapon

• Include some old civilian clothes to wear IOT act as COB/MOB

• Cadet Freeman will replace S. Navedo

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Georgia SHINE• Date: 25-28MAR10• Location: Fort Benning, GA • Final PCI: NLT 22MAR

– Load and Lock up rucks• Formation at Stadium Parking Lot NLT 0515• Depart NLT 0600

– 4 hours, 15 minutes travel time

• Thursday: Day/Night Land Navigation• Friday: STX Training (5 2-hour Lanes)• Saturday: Patrolling (4 4-hour Lanes)• Sunday: 7.2 Mile Tactical Road March, Hot A’s, Return Home

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

• OPFOR CIC– Nsonwu, Evans, France, Bragg, Boles, Adams

(Divia), Dorquetta• MUST bring an E-tool

– Commo by cell phone• Make sure you bring phone charger

– Uniform: ACUs with top turned inside out, LBE, PC, weapon

• Include some old civilian clothes to wear IOT act as COB/MOB

Eagle Battalion 2010

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We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

MS II OPFOR• Packing list is different

– Items taken out: map & protractor, knee/elbow pads, extra pair of boots

– Uniform: ACUs with top turned inside out, LBE, PC, weapon

• Include some old civilian clothes to wear IOT act as COB/MOB

• Cadet Freeman will replace S. Navedo

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Land Navigation (Day 1)• Rucks need to be packed to allow quick access to their

Land Nav essential equipment– Pencils, flashlight, extra batteries, reflective belts, eye

pro, protractors• All cadets will wear reflective belts• EYE PRO!• Cell phones for safety• Day Land Navigation: 1400-1900• Night Land Navigation: 2000-2300

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

STX (Day 2)• Those MS IIIs who fail Day/Night Land Nav will get a

second chance during Day 2

• MS IVs will build lanes during Land Navigation

– 1200-1800

– MS IV OPFOR Must bring an E-tool

– There will be a calibration class

• (5) 2-hour lanes

– 30 minutes planning period

– 1 hour execution

– 15 minutes AAR

– 15 minutes movement

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Eagle Battalion 2008


1 2 3 4 5 6/7

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)

Staff Call

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Lab:(III) Ambush(II) KOB(I) Leader’s Check on


Company PT0630


8 9 10 11 12 13/14

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)

Staff CallOPFOR Calib.

MS I-III APFT 0545 Rem. PT (0600)Lab: STX (Variable)PCI(GA SHINE)

Company PT0630Comm. Service

15 16 17 18 19 20/21

22 23 24 25 26 27/28

Company PT 0630 Rem. PT (0600)Staff Call

Company PT 0630 No Lab Company PT0630

29 30 31

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Staff Call

Company PT0630

Georgia SHINE

Spring Break

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Eagle Battalion 2008


February 6, 2009 40

Monday 29 Tuesday 30 Wednesday 31 Thursday 1 Friday 2

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Staff Call

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Lab:(III) STX

(Actions On OBJ)

Company PT 0630

• Mission: Successful Lab• Commander’s Intent: The purpose of this operation is

to conduct STX lane training IAW LDAC standards.

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

• Event: MS III Lab – STX (Actions on OBJ)

• Date: 1APR10• Time: 1600• OIC: C/MAJ Southerland• Location: Stadium Parking Lot• Equipment: See Packing List• Transportation: Foot (1st and 2nd Squads), GSU

Passenger Vans (3rd and 4th Squads) • Uniform: ACUs, LBE, Kevlar, Ruck, Pen, Paper

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Squads• Lane: RED 1

– 1st squad (13): Simpson, Ford, Lape, Green (Keisha), Donaghe, Parker , Mosley, Washington, Hulme, Willette, Brandt, Gale, Navedo

– OPFOR: McDougal, McNulty– TACs: Protus (SL), Lambert (TL), Overholt (TL)

• Lane: WHITE 1– 2nd squad (13): Newton, Badger (Ian), Caison, Bush, Witmer,

Beale, Grubbs, Williamson (Jazmine), Williamson (Steven), Hare, Thomas (Dylan), Navarro, Oliff

– OPFOR: Simmons, King (Daniel)– TACs: Harnish (SL), Holder (TL), Watkins (TL)

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Squads (cont.)• Lane: BLUE 1

– 3rd squad (15): Graf, Griner, Grubbs, Collazos, Jaap, Lee, Holston, Green (Erica), Davis (Amatul), Feliciano, Turner, Porter, Sheffield, Guthrie, Walker

– OPFOR: Pullen, Richardson– TACs: Henson (SL), Adamson (TL), Bragg (TL)

• Lane: BLUE 2– 4th squad (14): Badger (Andrew), Peterson, Neuman, Lattimore,

Manning, Veal, Cambrelen, Spaulding, Moore, Jay, Williams (Mike), Holmes, Joseph, Miller (Quincy)

– OPFOR: Noltimier, Fincher– TACs: Silva (SL), Deem (TL), Cutcliffe (TL)

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

• Start with SBF and Assault positions in place• Initiate/Shift/Lift Fire• Assault Team assaults through using BOUNDING

techniques – LOA• SBF assaults through using BOUNDING techniques –

LOA• 360 Security• Consolidate, ACE reports, EPW, Aid and Litter• Reporting - SALUTE, SITREP • 2-3 iterations, switching SL/TLs each iteration

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Eagle Battalion 2008February 6, 2009 45


1 2 3/4

Rem. PT (0600)Lab:(III) STX


Company PT 0630

Monday 5 Tuesday 6 Wednesday 7 Thursday 8 Friday 9 Saturday/Sunday10/11

Company PT 0630

Rem. PT (0600)Staff Call

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Lab: Lab:(III) STX


Company PT 0630

• Mission: Successful Lab• Commander’s Intent: The purpose of this operation is

to conduct STX lane training IAW LDAC standards.

5-9April 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

• Event: MS III Lab – STX (Variable)• Date: 8APR10• Time: 1600• OIC: C/MAJ Southerland• Location: Stadium Parking Lot• Equipment: See Packing List• Transportation: Foot (1st and 2nd Squads), GSU

Passenger Vans (3rd and 4th Squads) • Uniform: ACUs, LBE, Kevlar, Ruck, Pen, Paper

Eagle Battalion 2010

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We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Squads• Lane: RED 1

– 1st squad (13): Simpson, Ford, Lape, Green (Keisha), Donaghe, Parker , Mosley, Washington, Hulme, Willette, Brandt, Gale, Navedo

– OPFOR: TBD– TACs: Protus (SL), Lambert (TL), Overholt (TL)

• Lane: WHITE 1– 2nd squad (13): Newton, Badger (Ian), Caison, Bush, Witmer,

Beale, Grubbs, Williamson (Jazmine), Williamson (Steven), Hare, Thomas (Dylan), Navarro, Oliff

– OPFOR: TBD– TACs: Harnish (SL), Holder (TL), Watkins (TL)

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Squads (cont.)• Lane: BLUE 1

– 3rd squad (15): Graf, Griner, Grubbs, Collazos, Jaap, Lee, Holston, Green (Erica), Davis (Amatul), Feliciano, Turner, Porter, Sheffield, Guthrie, Walker

– OPFOR: TBD– TACs: Henson (SL), Adamson (TL), Bragg (TL)

• Lane: BLUE 2– 4th squad (14): Badger (Andrew), Peterson, Neuman, Lattimore,

Manning, Veal, Cambrelen, Spaulding, Moore, Jay, Williams (Mike), Holmes, Joseph, Miller (Quincy)

– OPFOR: TBD– TACs: Silva (SL), Deem (TL), Cutcliffe (TL)

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Eagle Battalion 2008


1 2 3/4

Rem. PT (0600)Lab:(III) STX (Actions

On)(I,II) Team Building

Company PT 0630

5 6 7 8 9 10/11

Company PT 0630

Rem. PT (0600)

Staff Call

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Lab: Lab:(III) STX

(Variable)(!,II) Team Building

Company PT 0630

12 13 14 15 16 17/18

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)

Staff Call

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Lab: Lab:(III) STX

(Variable)(II,I) Team Building

Company PT0630

19 20 21 22 23 24/25

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Staff Call

MS I-III APFT 0545 Rem. PT (0600)Lab: Awards Day

Company PT0630

5K Run

26 27 28 29 30

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Staff Call

Company PT0630

Rem. PT (0600)Lab: (III) STX (TBD)(I,II) Team Building

Company PT0630Dining Out

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

MS I, II Lab – Team Building/Simulator• Checking with RAC about Challenge/Low Ropes Course• Rappelling, Combatives – Feasible?• Simulator – Major Knable• Concept: Charlie on Challenge Course, Delta on

Simulator, Echo company has lab off• Gives MS Is and IIs a little time to focus on academics

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Eagle Battalion 2008

Date Event

12 March 2010 Community Service Due, MS I-III APFT

15-19 March 2010 Spring Break

25-28 March 2010 Georgia SHINE

21 April 2010 MS I-III APFT

22 April 2010 Awards Day

23/24 April 2010 5K Run

30 April 2010 Dining Out

7 May 2010 Commissioning


Eagle Battalion 2010

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Eagle Battalion 2008

S4 Trackers In Progress• Preparing for LDAC, LTC, Schools, And Class A Issue

•Class A Issue Charlie Co. – M 1100 – 1530•Class A Issue Delta Co. - W 1100 – 1530•Class A Issue Echo Co. – F 1100 - 1500

• SOP for FTX Procedures for Equipment Handling & Storage• Issuing Out Remainder of Camel Backs• Pack Trailer for Ga Shine• NEW Issuing Hours: Mon & Wed 1130 – 1500

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Topic/Event Updated Status Notes

Bi-weekly Newsletter

5 MAR10 Next Issue:16 MAR

CULP 5 MAR10 In progress

Slideshow for D.O.

(Lee)5 MAR10 In progress

Cadet of the Week

5 MAR10 In progress

CTLT 5 MAR10 In progress

5K Run(Manning)

5 MAR10 In progress


Eagle Battalion 2010







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Eagle Battalion 2008

Event Updated Status Notes

Photos 5 MAR10 Lab & STX Photos uploaded

Website 5 MAR10

Photo slideshow updated with new photos

Cadet of the Week Initiative: developing webpage

Staff Call Slide Show under “Training”

Newsletter Archive online

Cadet Lounge Communication

5 MAR10 Bulletin Board installed in Cadet Lounge

Radios5 MAR10

11 radios tested for Lab use


Eagle Battalion 2010





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Eagle Battalion 2008

• Eagle Battalion SOP- Draft Submitted• MS IV Counseling-104R’s due, Counseling

Started • LDAC Notebook- Being distributed to rest of

Cadre• LTC Book- Cadet Grubbs• Military History: Dr. Allison Fall Monday-1830-

2130, Spring normal Tuesday Thursday Class

Eagle Battalion 2010

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

HHC CompanyHHC CompanyEvent Last Update Status Notes

Personnel Issues 4 MAR 10 None

Attendance Trends - PT

4 MAR 10 100% for Contracted

Attendance Trends - Lab

4 MAR 10B

100% for Contracted

Equipment Issues

4 MAR 10 None

Training Goals Prepare MS3s for STXAnd GA Shine

TRAINING STATUS P Need Practice in

Planning/Physical Fitness






Eagle Battalion 2010GG 100-90% AA 89-80% RR 79-70% BB < 69%

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Alpha CompanyAlpha CompanyEvent Last Update Status Notes

Personnel Issues 5 MAR 2010 None

Attendance Trends - PT

5 MAR 2010(98%)


Attendance-Lab 5 MAR 2010 (100%)

Equipment Issues 5 MAR 2010 None


5 MAR 2010 PImproving cadets STX competency

for GaShine and LDAC.


Eagle Battalion 2010GG 100-90% AA 89-80% RR 79-70% BB < 69%




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Eagle Battalion 2008Eagle Battalion 2010

Newton, Joey

• 100% attendance to PT and lab

• 3.82 GPA

• Exemplifies the 7 Army Values through actions at training events

• Current Battalion S-6

• Volunteers for detail on a consistent basis

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Eagle Battalion 2008Eagle Battalion 2010

Newton, Joey• Hometown: Americus, GA• Master of Arts in Teaching Spanish, B.A. Spanish May 2008• Always wanted to join the Army• Father retired as Major in Special Forces• Plans on going to Ranger School and an Airborne Unit• Privately licensed pilot• Actively involved in Eagle Entertainment for 3 years

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Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Bravo CompanyBravo CompanyEvent Last Update Status Notes

Personnel Issues 5 March 2010 none

Attendance Trends - PT

5 March 2010

94% for Contracted

100% for Non-contracted

Attendance Trends - Lab

5 March 201089% for Contracted

100% for Non-contracted

Equipment Issues5 March 2010


Training Goals 5 March 2010 Help cadets prepare for Georgia Shine


5 March 2010 P Work on helping all cadets pass pt test.







Eagle Battalion 2010GG 100-90% AA 89-80% RR 79-70% BB < 69%

Page 79: Bn Staff Call Slides 9 Mar 2010

We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Charlie CompanyCharlie Company


Event Last Update Status Notes

Personnel Issues 5 March 2010 None

Attendance Trends - PT

5 March 2010

Contracted (13/15) 87% (Evans, Johnson, King, Lovett, Guthrie)

Non Contracted (19/24) 79%

Attendance Trends - Lab

5 March 2010Contracted (12/15) 80%

Non Contracted (19/24) 79%

Equipment Issues 5 March 2010 None

Training Goals Increase APFT scores.


5 March 2010 PNeed Practice in PT, leadership

roles, and Land Nav.





Eagle Battalion 2010

GG 100-90% AA 89-80% RR 79-70% BB < 69%



Page 83: Bn Staff Call Slides 9 Mar 2010

We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Delta CompanyDelta Company



Event Last Update Status Notes

Personnel Issues 5 March 2010 None

Attendance Trends - PT

5 March 2010100% for Contracted (13/13)

Non Contracted (19/24) 77%

Attendance Trends - Lab

5 March 2010100% for Contracted (13/13)

Non Contracted (24/27) 70%

Equipment Issues 5 March 2010 Waiting for class A fitting

Training Goals Safety during spring break

TRAINING STATUS P Providing cadets with a phone






GG 100-90% AA 89-80% RR 79-70% BB < 69%

Eagle Battalion 2010



Page 87: Bn Staff Call Slides 9 Mar 2010

We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Echo CompanyEcho Company





Event Last Update Status Notes

Personnel Issues 4 March 2010 r None

Attendance Trends - PT

4 March 2010

94% for Contracted (1012)Freeman(1), Simmons(1)

71% for Non-contracted (19/26)

Attendance Trends - Lab

4 March 2010

100% for Contracted (12/12)

73% for Non-contracted (19/26)

Equipment Issues 4 March 2010 None

Training Goals STX Training


4March 2010 P Continuing PT




Eagle Battalion 2010

GG 100-90% AA 89-80% RR 79-70% BB < 69%



Page 92: Bn Staff Call Slides 9 Mar 2010

We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Basketball Tournament

5 MARCH 10 C: Postell, R. & Pullens, M.

Paintball Tournament

5 MARCH 10 C: LeeRR



FundraisersFundraisersTopic/Event Last update Status Notes


Spades Tournament

5 MARCH 10 C: Pullens, M.

Bake Sale 5 MARCH 10 Completed: $101.53

Guitar Hero Tournament

5 MARCH 10 C: To be determined





Eagle Battalion 2010

GG 100-90% AA 89-80% RR 79-70% BB < 69%

Page 93: Bn Staff Call Slides 9 Mar 2010

We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

FundraisersFundraisersTopic/Event Last update Status Notes




Raffle (weekly) 5 MARCH 10 -Made $16

-This week: PT pass $1, D.O. Ticket $2

Eagle Card 5 MARCH 10 C: Holmes & Team;

Printed out letters, sending out this week

Potential Incentives: Community Service Hrs, NO uniform at PT, end of year trip/party, free dining out ticket, etc.

Eagle Battalion 2010

GG 100-90% AA 89-80% RR 79-70% BB < 69%

Page 95: Bn Staff Call Slides 9 Mar 2010

We Commission

Army StrongEagle Battalion

Eagle Battalion 2008

Dining Out 2010Dining Out 2010Task Status Notes

Venue 8th Air Force Museum/ deposit made

Catering Paul Kennedy Catering (Deposit)

Entertainment Picture slide in progress

Guest Speaker 2 Star General

Decorations Need to purchase decorations

Miscellaneous Ordering Glasses (ASAP)/ Uniform Issues

Budget $600+ Fundraising effort to boost funds by end of PT 10 MAR


Eagle Battalion 2010






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