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Page 1: BOARD OF HEALTH ACTS PORIie'S M is FOB …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...hilHt nuKte-by an AmqrieaH nnk Eliaabetti Lrfridn, Burke Sted^ way and mud> attentiott^

..VOL. XX. No. 4, : : ~ , ,J^NAS6ASr-¥ifc^^^^ 19. 1flH4, ONE DOLLAR A YEAJt


Takes MetBUTM for Protection ctf t i n Public in B«rb«r Shop*

~Ann Other Pfaii

For the protection of the public and for the pravwrtion of diaoaiw* carried by barber's tools and sim­ilar inatruments, the State Board of Health^ has adopted BOW regu-laiiuuB wbii.U aie | g be tuiiweed in barber alu^M,hair dreasingesr w^:^.with the tablishments and public bath­houses in the state. The full text of these was given out recently.

The Illations at its lasrMeteCin'S', but 4taofficers hav»BOt insistad-upiaa their enforcement until full pub-licitar was aiveu to the requir» ments. FbuarAs are now in press and wHi soon be sent out, con-taininsr the text of the r^fula-tinnn One nf ttmn^nOn 'niirfa WHwrf be posted in every shop coming:

Thereguhtibnsfo^tmrlter-BhopB, hftir dreiwing tiarlora and nublic bath housos fa tnU amp» foUowa;

1. No pefson with any di<ea»« of the t^JB of the face shall be shaved in a pubfeliarfaer shop.

iM wash-their handJB thOToajhly with aoat> and water before attendiug any per-floir. . ^—-—'. •• —

3. No ^um orother teiringent shall be-QsedmnRick t<»i&. i f

it must he applied in the fnrm of powder.


PORIie'S M is FOB Property Goes to Childrsn at

Widow's Death or ReoMr-~ rwige •Otper peqoests; 7

The will of Robert Portner, dated Msreh 28, yesterday in the I^bate Coort His wife. Anna Portner, is be-nilftSthtHJ w e PortnAi* r«MiiH<>nf.n

>> not Veruwut afeuu« uuiUia contantJi,

farm in Virginia, till her death or remarriage, aftef which this property is to go to the children.

^thwihdustrr in any state. K is readily communicated from one

The will g ives 50 sharM «»«M»h [ h«»r>< tn nnnthor, ««>1 »hr»^gr^^ tho medium of buzzards, dogs, pol­luted stroiimir and' m a n ; bthor means, it is easily carried from

of the capital stock of the Na tkmal^^apital Brewing tk>mpahy, and the Robert P(Hrtner Brewing Company to the teatatar's sisUir, Mrs. Fe^xine Wilkei]ntng. The balanceof las stock in these com­panies is to be hehi in trust by the National Ssfp Deposit and Trust ^nipBlly, Jwr the benefit

undw? the provisions^ tb& fawfe^ gf^^the sister, who ii to icceivH ^W) in cash, and her three children, e p h at whnw in tora. flsive »1,000 in aaeh, and fo> YsriouB other rehrtivee ia this country and Eunye.

The r:<esidue of the estSate is

company, also named executor, lor coe oenebt or UH! widow ana nthfTS nf the immrdiatr fsmiij —Wajshiagton Post

tifl6d at all to gtop flow 6f blood, riiQD (jMiWn^jjgymayf

5. No towd' shall be used for than wie jpgrsQB wttfcoBt

Ang laondered or steritned.

7 r H a g s and lE oivilig brashes nuife

^ ^ y *>"Bj*jy^

dMM^il^cbDtiiiueB, was gepsrted

tbarpiMUy 4Bleanaed aftev viphf aepMcate mi thereof. "" ~'^^'

9. Fiaom most be, aw>ept_er_-|Msoved tfcei outloek, ,And ' iBopped every^day. M d a l l o n i - piai^ied to^n is genecdfy

tromdasL. • 111, llwiinngwatafab<abeftti»r Tjdedi. wfcerevw it Is peariMe to. fee had.

IL AU bath tabs shall be tbor-oufi^Uy deansed with aaap and

12. Ail tools or iastraments used oy barbers outside tke s h ^ in serving a^y powm s u f f ^ h g frooi ialeelioQsMrcontagiooSvi-«ase»«re leq^red tobethMoujgh-'ly wad cffidfently diainfed»d wkfa I S per ceitf fonnitldAyde or fay

'baEng'linywdfe^y'after uaiag the same. ' -

IS. No^petsbn' suffering from . ny infectioos or contagions di»-

i a I U i Stele.

Pavorable ar(H[>igrowiBg wieatfa-

yirganm, .WKOTA rtia

It s^w:'"Local showees in t^e eentsal and oaotem pmi^oDs •of. the eotton- beH greatly

•early re-

tare and wqedwetk-icept^^ ft«& jot ted « ^ ^ 1 ^ LbadoBwd

ai>d«eoentlb: in need of rata In the ^watera portiflp «£_the-}belt

vofafaty in teaaa a s d Otiabnoa, aod the -(BMP a BOW gen<

- ^ ^ _ « y y—eas<

v niT Mil riincwwu Bhall i bartMvshop, room or baih house or hair dres­sing parlors in thm State . Tike r^fulatiODS for maaiearists andxinroippdistB are very similar in scope iad content In partic-ulai*, th€j-prt)vide that no person]^' iUffenng s ^ h any diaeago of the SB in any public manieBve or clurop* odist shop. Peraaas sntfering from infectious or oontagioQB dis>.

~|ffohibited from woriring in these establishments, paragraph 9 pro­vides that "an scissors, elippa« and other instruments and uten-alls flhall be thonKnthly deaosrf-after each separate use either IQT being disinfected with a 15 pef c w t aoliition of f ormaidetiyde or

weidiber. in AHoMBsias and Lea-beat —d <!rmliniind ab-

«f mAwuL ain preveated laateriar giPowth «f the


Absolutely Necessary to Take Steps for ProtectioB From

M<y^ietairar- ^-

It is of vital, importance to afl hog raisers to Icpop his stook free from disease and~niDre especially fromthrmp whiVh T O rnntagfnna and cause such heavy leases im-

vattt lyi—HUB awim m mure prevalent, -perhaps,- thaa any

uiotiwr. A more direct at spread!^ the disease is cany


Amusing Stoiy of a Country Vil­lage and an Idle Rre De-

~ paHment '^~"

The little rural town of B. proudly owno3 an old'Styie hand

near Nokesville To avoid possi--bara of-old-Silasible accident the well-had been

other and is a great draw-back Hornby, the general storekeeper [covered the evening before and of the .village^ and there, from long disuse, it had accumulataL

things. Qhe day. some one discovered

that an abandoned, tumble-down


Young Man Killed by Fumes in WeU-SkuU Fractured in


« i : . i : i i <KHOOL CLOSES ^

Harold Gktugh, 26 years old, son of Mr. Joseph Gough, of Nokes-

fire engine, which, however, had ville. met his death Saturday hardly been called out "profos- morning while working in a well ^enaHy** since its' purchase, on t.h«. nmnfrfr^^ « - I ^ ^'•^'•° Mr«Biy-flve years before. It was

me nei^buriUKN} or «GastF toj^hibHy e n the extreme e ^ o f the town was afire. NatoraRy inch an extraordinary hanwaiag

ing the infection from the pen or [acotised great* excitement wsd bog lot of a neighbojL.fln the thoss and cletiiing -where" ""* *""» [ n srtrTJ tram&fed aiwiM looklmr at his sick hogs.

iThp farmer hinig^lf ia, to a large eartient respensiMe for the spread of thisdisoase. He fails to bury the bodies of dead hogs. and leaves thecft where buzzards, mmm uad du^u Imit au,Ms (ju the carcass, become infected with the ohdien gertiiTiu^ time it lis scatt4»«d~sv^^bu?ge

nqsilj the whulepupulatlonOf B. at a either for thg

f run^

ineof the "conflagraSon^ror

the air was foul as a result of the dynamite used. He remarked

aihra^ the well and his fellow woricman urged him to come out quickly lest he be ovfirfiomft.

As he neared the slipped into uncon dropped to "the rocfca tO(^ some time to Rft An

- t h e -Bscmbcro

to the ground and shortly after ^ resctze he breatiied Iid« Ijais Upon examination it was^ found

cngmc ef the

houofa" The that his okull was fractured. vuiuuUHir flru

duiwriiBeot IM by Joel Nash, tiicir chief, ualmally headed toi tile latter place. The old store­keeper, wa^ the last to hear the

extent of territory. Everyfarmr ^^wahiaa.

cholera should, if possible, estate lish a strict <iaanmtine and pro-hibit anyone from having access to ihe lot w h i ^ is infe^»d.

K«i?<Mis fMu t l u ^ t e ISepax^

uavujg I "ail jall Uuume-the key to the barn'" cried Niah, 'That oW shack in Piunkett's pasture is all iBlaze. and we waat thg inffywat

inent of AgricultBre indicate

Tsr a

«tt i . iwg oheleEa serum thui heret<^sre

throughout theSoirtlt««eat>t« Wwii «t appeMs te be ptiyealeat in« Bcetiens of the slaUt.

t i n s serum can > e (Stained froih

^ c < 7 <S. 80) cents per d i n e i e i ^

JWKoTrWthought-" ^ e e , yes, WB -afire, and we

owl" interpooed

Cikhsc centimeteiiB, whidi is soffi-cientlor a{Hg:iiV^ei| nivg Bot over SOr pmmds. l i t i s will protect yodr 'h(«8 £sr .eev«ral~months ^gainst -dMStaea-jaui i s highly tecrawnendfld b# ^be Oepart-ment—A syriogo hag rtloo boon provided fo^-^^^hig :^e trefit-ment which SftSfddjfitith&^a^

are s«>t put wM^ each siupniait for givuig the treataoent which •contains a table of deooo for the

w t woiglifhQgo. Aill ofders are fra'cashand aBleeB,eheck ac-««npanae» the' onfar: ^ t^ abip-

and beS wee«# ate reported ieeaUtiea.

* 1 B tha.trnck-gnMring o^ theSMrtii a oocolfed where BrtBcicat rain feH. but as a lufa, Uw •ewMTefSfg

in F l o r i d wbece the 4ln>ught continues largely unbgaJtem. - ~

* T B Vi i i i r i i .MveM drought still ceotiiMMB, sfirinp^ affecting all crops.


Kentoeky. bvtelaewbere

*1^ 1>y IxMluiit using."

The Board announces vniLteDdaoopy'afliie

that it

- M i s s La Berta Meth. Omaha, Nebf.."wgi be


jnent witt be made 4 ^ <L 0.12. express or pacoel past The aeram i s l p i ^ pat «^ m tetties «eataiituw five, and J S doses

i t fore.

the take inunedii^ steps

Hli Uikl duiiliit; ^bind tbe-counter at the post | 4H.WAY BflfflaT MaflAD ccke end ^ihe store, when-j Nash and the others burst ip

:'aeyl fa^ Ingyne!" repeated Hwnby, h^daaed. and paiums

* 7 e waftt the ingyne, ye say! |B{fr j<mdl Jb .jEByinnH . wol;

^lash, hec«ycos of tee conf astpg of his ^ponouns. ''Gimme the ke>,ean'tye£! W h » e i s i t ? Say, y«needn'^t«it so fiustrated about i t Si.' ^jhe added, as he saw the old wtaa^4 extraordinary psEtar-hstiiwi '. "Tain't dangsfatw' tbffi fire Ka%goirm to hurt no a le . TbegeJunH nothing UigL luhetdir

The funeral was neiti tiundav afternoon. The service was con-(luetwl by Rev: L. R. Markwoedr of th^ Methodist circuit, and in­terment was made at Gainesville.

H««wl««i,.^ DisiJav Mft*** **r Southern at Peace F.vposi-

tion ni.

At th ^ Anglo-American uan-dred Years Peace E»po«taon.poW open in London, the Southern

'^'Jllailwjg^rtm^bas the only » hilHt nuKte-by an AmqrieaH n n k Eliaabetti Lrfridn, Burke S t e d ^ way and mud> attentiott^ hM bea>

% the iomdamM p ^ of Southern ggricultnral, borticnltural tni tt^^a^r^yvy' ducts. The cxpoaition wiB—be

nor ao wind to >eak of; only we'we .gat to git tha-e with the qgyne mighty qulclc, or it'll be

aU burned down and out What i&tiMe«lsjEe^Si? What are ye

ut 4ibuul? Dun'l 1 uai 00 upaot JMiuuti ijMi't 1 t e u " ^ there ain^t uu daugeg lu iHrtwdy ViKnetiungT' " •

•-it ain^t that "faltered Honi-

open until November and will be visitad by miUiona of p e t ^ who will thus have the advantages of the South pv^ l^fore them.

The.esdiSlit ia encfosed by pd-jriied balls arfd pediHrtakr'gf T«}-SGBBee ' Alapama aiig^Maawtja3?^

Kn» marhle. set On eufc, IM^i COP-netted by farui ratting. Beneath the railing are blocks of granite tpsm Nortl^Capt^ Cardina <iuarriaa. Show casea at the£nnit eon^fs oontaitt q>ec|-nnftBff ftf "Htiftn Btalkn rtrtf^ *'^ Mffi. fill^ wit^ ^ l n OM«w cases and tables^ contain tobacco, fruits, ami aiid^her grain, l i te useful mlueiala fuuud ia the Xirthe^aeAyres,

, ^ V * ' ' ! ? ! 5 * ' ' ^ ^ ' • ^ * * ^ South such as i n ^ took_^ over the, group t ^ l ^ ^ g zinc, rilica, kaolin ^ f ^ ? ^ ' ? ! ! ! ? ? ^ ' ° «>« » ^ andothetday8.gaitfte.Iime8toDe ^ y * ^ ? ' . * ' ^ ^ • r ^ ^ i M m d such other mineimis and fact la," he wait on to eonfeas. slHMBflmed^, '^thgrtadfl'tjwar j •.

stones as have an active. demand

<ef expowure toTehstcra. AHnys bary your d a d hogi with' a liberal a u f ^ of tnaek Cleaa up your hog lotet f e e i n g tiougfas and w ^ a..rriiahlr 4


—A oMeting o f a eommrtti»jrf ViigiBiaTjiiilDd L o ^ ^ f Ma­

sons, whieh was held at L^nch^ buig to CIO—idei a fedatioB and

cial for the iagyae, and me be^ iag unuaiULOy s i ^ o f gbod'stMV age Qoom (Us £ai frben the fizupa «iiae in, I-wefi , the tratfaia. Jtoel. attjufLjMsieat womiratthfe

g t e i h M k « * 4

. « • ^ ^ • . t iheommeraeandaH a<e flfeffvn. i ! S . ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ° ! l ^ v ^ Tbtrt J^dHiphyed on could r e m e m b e i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ J f ^ M ^ ^Tl^^lLZ^ t.

—T^^"-,^^flte anffiiga. down* of agrient l^Q*UMitikand«i^ viewa^-the I South, including panoramic views of cities, hartwrs. l&dnstria}-and

^mountain scenery. • AH the views ittcJtfgr^iiri^TaBiad

•MM»«a fidftaef-thaattrlglaaa, rgHnwM anddevahmaeBCoftke

Attoitioa is aiBed t» a s act of the Legjabtnre. C3iapaer 18, Acts ldl2, whieh reqafns the erematioB or burial of all dead

in lh» state. hM brought attention to a remark*^ Ue condition, for out oi the in-

lirs. Eauna Howlaad, a speaker of Beta ia the UwapMaactoLfitld.

for Mgtai iaifigent members of any dlaaaae. This law, however. ? T - * ° y * " * * ? r ' * r y * y doorniot apply to' undsf

nan' s •ot the Wi^

,m*iTffKii i^ii- .^^L^^^^ "»«« *» Christian Temperaoee

important therefore, thit tb«_^,«T^ .a. Gi»ce M.

Successful Session Over—Teaeb-er and Student Glad of ~ W e U l ^ a m e d JUsfa •"

Report cards, the happy

many bearing wurts "Promoted

grade," distribut«tt were amonglte^SarBtudenfa of Ben-natt grammas aehwl jeatcidaj' and the merry youngsters de-parted to enjoy a happy vaeatiwti.^

A successful year ig over aiut teacher and student are glad to-be out The teachers the past

Mre. C M. Larkff iT'^ principal, eighth grade; Miss iS. W Garth, seventh grade; Miaa A. Selina Taylor, sixth gwdtg:—" Miss Kate N. WOcaxon, fiftb

Limstrong^. Hattie B ^

a n d — ^ M ^

grade; Misa fourth grade; _ Willcoxnn. opi^^mif

Mrs, Templeton Hodge, instiruetor of music The promotiona fol>-^ i o a i .

-£coB)oted-to-highschooL=£adL Kincheloe, Tbomas Lynch, LesEe^ Menill, Clarence MootBO» Emotfc^ Ring n/^nyl^a P / » , ^ l Ay1o»fWa,

Athey. Elizabeth Buck, S i t» . Brown, Ella Garrfiift, "Roberttfj Haislip. Katherinft Larkin. Mar­garet ijewis.-Edith Merchaz^T Victorine Nicol, Sallie A o e -maker, MamieStede,GraceTbd^ll and Ruth Leith. ^ - . .

Fronwtted to eSghth — E l a e RoetnboHfcj, Lama Willis, Ella>-. beth <^K ftmlfae B ^ ^ l g f c , iauart4toa<»in»"", l]r•ll r» f VM*~

la Steele.

Leadunan, »Whie,Burchdl

liOonard. Utterbaek andRd&erCSaffer. " -

Ashby, Effi&Breeden, EhzabeA. Covington, Gtedys ^ o h n s o a . . Lanier Morah. Mary Rosaei,. Kathleen Spies, Jet>si« Weir. Uir Han Wheeler. Benham Aynaw. Thomas Carter, Wanoi Gol^nai^: ^ h a r d MiHTiB. Bay Rexrode; Charles Trimmer. J t o Wtown, Winfred Yoaog and Jooes Aupen. ,

Promoted to sixth — Border «st AUi^f;:JtBiriir:

&t>wn. Edwin C<HUKH-, Hareoart I^ckena. Vietcr Baydoii, R a ^ , T^mrn. Howard MrTioaren, ^ i -hprt Merchant Walter-^trid.. Marvin Rice, Beveriey Widker^ Harvey Toung. Blanche A m e i i ^

ley, Qriie Beaver8,lHicy Breedea, Macon Broaddns, Sadie Hixsoaw Myrtle Kinefaekw, l i lhaa Lir id iw

mer. PronK>ted

Utterback. to fifth - Richartf!^

R ^ o a h i ArmwyOdei iggaJ.£Kis,

(Mfb Lewis. Yuuiifc SmwMt P,


Oatber, l%(y)or Wi Maltha- R e x r o d e Shaver.

Promoted to-^iourth--^ Arey^ John Shaver, Georgia wILi« J^yna Sarah

Georgia Haa^

LuJt, mualatlr Sheeaiaker, Eope Fleming. Eliaa^ beth ComweU and George Larkia

Promoted to third-Roee RKCV OttiatineMoeer. " "' "" May BrownTSosan Ish Harrisea^ Ganvette Brown, Carieton Athey^ Paul Airingtcm and John Goodk.

ProoMted to second — Loaa Todd, Nftllip Whitgier,—Betw Payne, Madeline McCoy, L U Q T Larktn.Christine Bryant, Thelmai Bryant C l a u ^ n Hftwitt Wacr garet Bibbs, Elizabeth Coleman.. Margaret C<tfnwell, H(»«ee A d -amstm, Edgar Wason, Everetta ThQnuwsoB^Cbarles SoszeLHarry Rexrode, Glen O'Neil, Nicholaa

Ro<y informs us that IfBmMeQk is a literary graduate ot a Me-braska oc^ege, of the Omaha veatigation op to this time is de-

13ch(wl awl uf Lh« Coupa'Tdoped the ^ u E a t there seeqM[ matter be brought to the~atten^

^ . „ . . V ^ ^ , u OT Board and that they N ^ ^ u i i ' s ; , * ; ; ^ ^ Jun"^ ffl."HtjS^ G ^ e j X s o n WilUrd Proprietors, however, are} ?n?°*« »«*> compietea a course a0.G00 in Vuginia who needs such | be purged to adopt its provisoos a. m.. Oceequan: Monday, J u n e C ^ J o h n ^ r t S ^ e G a r i ^

_ to forward their names in Pratt Institute in the Juts and t Bssstanoe as would be provided. and provide for its rigid enforce- 29,7:30 p. in..BdIe Haven Church,' Baker and Dennis Bakel- - ^ and addresses in ordo- that they crafts work, has had eightyeara j in the proposed home. This: in«ot The^ iwactice of altowing Koi^,; Tuefsiay^ June 30. 7:30 p. j Promoted to high J r s t - Lul*'

Manassas; T5iursday. 7:aDp^m^Lewi8, Ashby Lewis; Wilmea-

tarn, urged

may be sure to receive copieg of of successful experience as a i statement is'mad*by a member"^"^'**"** <rf dead Miimala to be m.. Woodbine Baptist Church. -;BixsonrHart1Sa Haislip. Robbie -# »v- ..^__^w.^ \^#»^- ^ ; ^ 1 eKpoBBO at a "proHflT'THeBBB of"— ~ " *~ '" - • • - -^tiie-T^-Biatioas and be

with th& requirements. to observe the rejrulaiions i sa i 'misdemeanor. punLihable tn any,T<»nff woman o l high g1^a^»riprfed -by the cnnffilUeeJSZHxt^ES^olenu: court of proper ninM-irtii-"-. and strong-character." preliminary work. should be taken,

* ™ j ^ teacher of public school drawing land manual training,'and is "a

SprinkH, Archie Reid. -taurtn of the «>««"««« <tf»«f ^8«ng; KsMteringconti^^ja'dii^i^ ^1 -Apar ty from Manassas High Ih^t^' Leiia* over carefully aU of tJie data col-lover the community, specially SchooLspeatyfiSteniay at^^.Mud<i4«««i. , iuJ frttttttiDC^

TmmedwMT-actieB Run.—The trip-was made by'Everette Em; rey, Hawes I>avie» motor, • a«^ Etj-s-sr tte-**^

Page 2: BOARD OF HEALTH ACTS PORIie'S M is FOB …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...hilHt nuKte-by an AmqrieaH nnk Eliaabetti Lrfridn, Burke Sted^ way and mud> attentiott^


^^-IL-..- - j - - - , _ •• - . —'i:"'^'**^^ egg in add ^ _ _ _ _ _ '^ •'^•™ ** M»rfc«lii*i TkVI liira^ed sq^wnt^ in exeelsiof, 1 arFpleutiful and^beap

by p -culty

ing in the spring, when they Mftn^HmOQEF

cfMisfiilly by parcel post and that, this method frequently secures a |

Asoiu-] loraasnesach matgrigl. Any ai^ turnxi£ waterflass, w^uc^ eas be p«tw I f rvw g>a irarpoia , qmt« i riwinad at drag atoroa for 76 well. As for the cohtainCT" itself, cents a gallon, shoti^ be used thex-je .are maav kinds -on the i&r this gurpoae, each tjuart be-; market and the T)epartinent of^ ing HHiJled with with 10 quarts AifTiailtart lflv6fetigatorfe hk'ti I Pf watef whltt Tag <>66ir5glgg not attempted to decide which is, and cooled. The ^gSjshould be

fresher article for the consumer!"*^ ^ ' ; . / " ^ . ^ they refer in- packed instone jareor cn^cksand Tifc now-been-^emdnstrated t B 4 a m r e r s t p d ^ v a n q u 6 ^ e x p e r . , t h e 9 ^ o n ^ ^ or

iment stations which have avail- they may be eaz^rully placed in able informatioB-Qntbi&^««fitk>n, the, solution ea<A d«v ^gg*

ture. The Department w m d u c t e d " ' ' ' ^ ^ ™ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ? ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ^ tests that covered a period of^"^^.^"^^^ as is practHial i good but naturally tbey do not

five months. At the end of that f' ' '* ;" ^ " "' " ^"'^:;'^'°^^"^.^t^™T . ^'^u^^ °^ ^"^ bT ijvjia it ,.MU£ i<j tin ' • '• "'^ "^^ ^ ^ whifeh ' newly-laid. The shells sorae-

the satisfaction of the experts in tbelT. R. Dpnarrmentof A^rrirntl

that the parcel jxist was of par-, titular vaiue to the man whose

arelfi-egutar in shape, unusually •times break in boiling, but this kfflfiEXH- thin-shei'ed. Comatners^may be -avo id^ i^-


LumbfiC and. Planmg

i\m wu m m&ii bf WHA lives J^ :! "" ^"^V M'^UI^"',^ ^VT "^"-"'f '*^T-^"' ^'^^^^'^ too far from exprests u^^rvi ,„ P 'QI ^O eggs sho\M he replarfvl they are droppaH mte tho watai-

We kaef at, haad Lua^ts. lane, Omotm

pprmit him to ship Btrvice-TCT^

his eggs in the regular commercial case

by new ones wrapped as

and the neatly .as

package possible.

Theonly drawback to market-

In short every effort should be made to deliver as attractive a

ing eggs by parcel post appears to be the Lime an T trouble in^ volved in packing them. This

MonltiinaB Door «Bd ffiadow Fmom, P»M>« atk. Vanurii, EinfgM, Servw* and aU tad. »' BnilrtwK' H«rdwfe. MMI MJ* iiiwiMMjl-p^

which hole's 30 dozen eg^s. In the course of these experi- , . . . . , , , i.

iimuis Llie Dgpaiuueui shipped'P '' ^ - ' '' ''' ' '"*"" ' "" "i ^—" "''" ^ "''' y ^ * *^^^ 9.131 eggs in 466 lots. Of these ° ^ ^ ^".f, f *- , The extra ex-1 price that can always be obtained ! • L,„,a^ 327 or slightly less than 2.6 ner P^""^.^'" ^/'^f^f ^"' ^^^,^^ ^"f P ^ j ^ g L g r e absplutdy,S |K«Ayr

to be a* We iruarmntee priccii lowat anir

C«ilo«dL Le«»

"refiable. cenT w e ^ htaken^. but only 209 i '"''JT \" "-"=r^" ".-"^ K' ' '-- : 'y"**"'"- At bottom, therefore, | or sHghtJi kns.thim 2;3 p e r m r t - ^ - ^ ^ ^ im]i^lP~^»SSets~»^cm-^pej^^ v,-ere ateoliitW'wasted The "'^P^^'^*^*'^"'"*^^"^®"'^'"^^'I " P " *^*^*"^*^^^'^** ^^ safe-others. - t f ouKroken . could still • ^^ '=^^P^'' be can seH; his eggs. | guzrdsx^ reptrtation of'-Es"*-

used. breakage,

TB6 percentage .moreover, vpli'

-oF Within tho fijottmd Bacord i.uma 1 ploeUicUJl ' Satisfied" customers ofthe parcel post sgrvic , a pack. \ will -8obi»-build up his business

greatly iedQcMi it is said, w i s j / ^ ^ costs£ve^C€nt»: f or the first ffor him. Any Post Office wili the empIoYesrof the Past Office i ^ ° ° aar«n1y oSecent for each j tumish compjete information i hpmmeir""'""""'*-'nafldtohaiid; 'additional Img such fragile matter

That the,eggs should be prop-

LfefeJ pnnnfin TI at rl BB nlwnHy ctf ltf l j . the

eriy packed isjof coiirae essential -This impljpfi time, carp and some

[dozen, which with the additional eral State Experiment stations weight of the wrapping and^ean-1 have information in mgard

expense and is one reason why

market by parcel linest quahty:

pos^ any of « g j ^ fig

i»B«l» t; \ e prices. Moreove r, if tite customer who buys iti small lata firjds that any consideraUe POT-portion of his purchnBcs is oade Fii-able orl *V« i%&tClr*etii%~ln

be wiir not troaMc apppfi ranee, to ask fui' deductkms an lAnring his.Drders. Ilie i»odi}eer, tiiere-f nre, miiPt Mf to ft that, «H thg


This can o n ^ KP Arm^^cmd

ig iheai. Candling, TTbepfoe-

tainer, woiild make a package of j vMaous types of ^pping baxesL a dozen eg-gs weigh between two I'he results ot the U." S. (iov«m-and throe t*nnn4n. T).» lu^tm^ I TIWMI 'u U\vBefijfbHr.r^ /a=xs^


injtbejjffitaf^ tbf rp°*^g" *^H

If; ter have beep patJished in 'Faam-icdjorD' Ballctin 504, <rf"

mtf, 1>e tanjhp than 9 cents>4 insEtead of 7 ooits a dozoi ^:&

to tlie vahje of the eggs and the cost of pnf^^f m»at Ka .a^,^^

the cwt of fhe mnhincf and the wrapping., FOT two domw «ygs

Witti pnatijcoatftecntB, it »culd», tborefore, east 17 oeDts to matk^ two doeen egg&, or coils a dosfiSu eg-grs the postman delivers are

what he represaits than to be. , . ^;;;;;iritgtn^co^e«BbegatoeedtB4.7

1 ^ 5bip{kine:3n 10-doz^ kiits, it IB flatjmatiiwd tkat the onr-

ess of testing eggs by passing light thruuab Lhtiiu ao aa: to re^ veal the conditipfi e t tbe con­tents," is omitted by noany pro­ducers w h a ^ ^ o n care in eolleet-ing to eiimMjiteall bad 4^gs. i t is. howevi^. isaptiissibJIe to avoid an occasional accident and cand-Unrr if thoT-off>|-p advis i^t ieas an

txtra precaution. A simpieon f.: can be made c m t o f ^ "small nand lamp and an ordinary pagt* -1 *• r.oard box sufficiently large to be placed over the buyp, aftCT t ^ erds have been removed, .witJF^

Where; l iw cxmtainer can he |be naed nmre tisxarwr^, t^i"

ment ol Aitftemtuwi. -yteir

30,000 Pc

Over one JfaniredtJMaBani^kmmfi oBomfxxieA Voan'i EtAe;

F«r bftckacbe, kidney lils. Tkirty tiKmsaiid signed tiestimoniaiB

1 .Ageafygaring now Jp pnblic laint. -

No oESerremedv d«B^ Bach proof. Fcdlov this MgnnMiiT WCOIHUI'E ex-

atfipU • -'' • ,

cost can of eoorse be somewhat uiag E. Gkwdwin, Main St., IIU»B-redueed. Lar?ea2ed cc^tainersj BUS, Va., says: "I' do not hesitate to ™.;it r<„, j"f:, .7 I I ' I 'i r' ' i - - endorse Doan's Kidaw Pills, tiieyai'e Will stand from two to foor t n p s . | t t e owet satisfacto^ remedy I fea^e S h a l i ^ ' eaies ^tkr^ _ to five, ao ;:?''«r ised and I know to several ot^eis

is not tfae tli^test donfai in n f oatAmt tlie efficiency of J>oan's Kidney ^U|-iit ecriog iddne; compIazDt. I tHiuugiy" recommend taem for tUs treoUe."


ei Gare aboold be taken to employ on ali electri­cal wark none bat ihe mist e<MnpetBBt asd -capowanead ynraanc.—It k d>«B< am tm

When the insurance risk is electrically defectijoejtiaaubjoet to a opeeific advance in-mt^ and is dangaraM to life and praperty. We ^netly comply with the rules and will furnish a guiu-antee that the installation wili be done in aeccrdance with the National Electrical Ckxie. If you find careless work

" dbne oi^ecl ID tane as it may endangeryoiIr~ ._toHiLaDd_AiIL bfcja continuous trouble to the,

plaht'and l b operation. t^ctinutteB and expert

l^sfagtM Sdnrbai £ie(«i^. MANASSAS BRANCH:


M A N A S S A S ^ V A .

THINK OF ix'"*'^^*^*^ ^

Attrmffr- gTTTui \ii firm tinnr mit all uut

»ot i . dnsnaga

tiitt' ft' wffl psy the p'ludueei to ind &' %id customer to return the ecmtainers-poiodkally. "Hie

required for this is of ywirse dedoe

wder tirsnTF

the next ^pmeni. "Mthongh it is ofcvioosIy,advaB-

tageoQS both to the produeo* and rpnsnmpr that irfwaQgii! Svphippoa in large -quantities, and conse-

The above statement lauBtxarry coo q>c-faiILar;;TieTion to tbe atod af every reader.

"Don't sitHplii auk. fui k kidncj rame^

air to the «idosed lamp,, clies shouia Weatffl tbeedge !^«'^««'^«1

ecopcameally, it .must be in Uki

or. which the box rests. A round i ^ ^^^Jj^ -**^*' ^ ' r. le is thencnt^B the box « t the^?°^ **® grcata^^

L .-^-ILlli

—ask durttiictJy jPilU, tbe> *am6 had ^ tbe pom in

u a n a t . Boons.! ja.a.Eau«v. an .« . WAanEfcD. OMU«!^


UnrsD S u n s ,

raonis —DnUCCTOKS..

—-e. 1,. •aaoTBM.——». for Dom's Kich^ that JCBB Goodwin

timu OuL. PiBtiaj. DiUtaiu, M. *'Wh«ii Ttiir Etaekis Lame—BenieiB-

ber U j e N a m e . " ' 6-19-2t

of the ling done by holding eachiP<»^y for the prbdncer to s<a»d,

e_.rg against.thSTiofe wlsQe th«)*^ ^ oirtpirt to one cnstonjer, r >t of the room is in jjaifaetw, t w ^ c t n g h a p^tCT^wada. «>rt Tne light from die hanprevads ^" ° ° * ^ <* laeniy can i ie^axpo^ t Or contents of t h e e ^ a n d those "* •"*??»* ** **» « « « « a t o c f c ^ t at show any drfk* can be re-1*^ Tegnkr cnstosnersr These | -c:t'(i. - , ipoints most be gived due oonsid-

1' Pssihie r>Tgy mf.«yti}* '^8" " * ^ ^^ thf quantitioi! that. - :d be s^nt to market. Fer- '"^*° besi i«>Uaiateach seasim'

t e.&&v(klfiQ0D|t£J8iWdly JB-tj'j,^^^ . ^ I H I?^_ warm jBffwA— ••^•••jaayiaMMMaaMfeiJWH^^fcwaiJBfeJMM^^teerl

t - e nest or accidental e]q)9B«^8<>od method «f detemuning this :• a high itiiu{MaiiiBi afiy n o t ' " »** - r Kof;»T^ .Ttj f,pB^ the cg&te " ^ ^ " ^ °^ *''^" — ^ ^ " " ^ 1

?rK>il and iDJnwthe^uiicer's rep- Jn****^ and add to this a eertaia \ utation. It ia adviaaUc. there- n«»her of cents a docen &r the fore, to retara theTertifc egga ^^ ' ^ P»«** P « t egga. C«re>

IT dJPit'got pf thiuBi "fr"*^ ^ takfn, h<i>ws>wi« te see aoooe other way than t h z v c ^ that ihens 6FS6 peasibihty of « c m

the pared poist. of soiled never be wi for high-dass trade, process removes a zwtaral a u e k laginoQs coating aad qpeaa the pores of the ahell.

SeedFotatoes rokrALLCRor.

IWyUmiur^SeeJPbtetow iujuueiind July i w l e i f i . A tieai

fatinwa daixn that nicT Snre better crt^M planted at thb k a e than dtey do when piaated ia.tLaapnii«.- P o u t o o planted^ m Jane and jtdy iiiaHiw a the cool weadkcrof the'fall, aita time

are t i n c»ld Btorage eailf n

daa^ Tigofow conditioni. C r o p '


• v M f i e e M i

. fter thisthoroB^ elimination nf the unfit, the egga that remain shoukl ba carefully packed in a container of currugmlad ^nste-

«bi« aaateriaL f^ j w t

This is, also true niiswiderBtanding ariaii^ £ ^ aboukl ^"^ ^^ ^ * pri<!e. To ob-huH i"tffwJa<l ^^^^ ^^'^ ^"^ f[Bfft«tioTn pab-

tj^ tslred ra a ||Tlili lHi«S|mjM_5r Kme other aiadar aathority may beaoct ited. ! Of 15.000 rt^ls and beatt-

EgfB are acarcest and highest^—tifol Oesigns of Wall Pa­in Tie fan Oackcns ^xwld, i per to choose from at therefore, be batched eariy"^—fME^ WMi WtfB MOr enough to begin laying at this It will pay VOU to exaro-

MfflTOverhttiediffioiltj , me«*aek*and varices be»

a. a*aa.TKr OOOGLiASB B1T2AKT * ^ M i civea to ma hmalm m», i s -


a t t W afciHaf t t e f -

Jikeaa ante

ASK US Asotrr rr


nrMrjrr R A W P A U . CO.. . * M r f X > T


their {Hirr» ^^^^^ are ^uaranieeJ to be

—aB-wocJ —fast in CCJOT

—-London ^uunk;

A n d d ^ e i r ^ l e is auke on a par _ w^^ie^<pia]W^ i ^

blithe latent fafJt- 1 ^

chiding a(rft-roft-mg l a p ^ , ei^KT n o t c h e d o r

I AotJdert aa-^i-

Worth looking


z ^ s a s ^iK'^atiie'irii!

and up i---c_

B I D S WAHTZD .j Bidt will be recerrod by the School I Baud of Brentaville District natfl noon : ^Pliday. JBIM- 12. 1014. for the erectaoa I

and coTDpietkm at a six-rooai iritk \ ^ i t^k^ag at Nokesriile, Va.. in ' aceordaaoe with spediicatKinc and plana , •'rtga maj TM. mxii %r eairum m



THJ be exp«rieBced then in dis-,'

uffi i^^^!iif i °^ ^^^ ^ ^ output aad regruiatiors require this cor.ta;ner atiie to divert anv

unpront-ih" supply

fore placing your order.

FaiK^sWaiPa lIoBse

! «•• «f the Bwaaiben of the Board, vix. I , R. H. Davia, Biistow. Va.; J. T FWwy ! N<>ke«viUe. Va.. tw J. R. CooSe. Giy«»l i

t'*'>cti. Va^ Bids to bejoppned at a meet- I it^'SfawTtoiraTo be he« at Noke^

Jfflie TZ 7 p. m. T»* Board n- ' tb» rijrtit tr pej«dt any az>d aS '

i M'jf' I • ^ ^^ ••''^ meeting on tb«' atxive- , tnafned date, "tbe School BOETT} wffl a^o <

proeeed to the


JToegpa to the • H I W < » M I [ uf *tmAm* I — -

i . K- CooiX. Ck.tk.

t M k a i

And) rtaAndiaiirr,

Page 3: BOARD OF HEALTH ACTS PORIie'S M is FOB …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...hilHt nuKte-by an AmqrieaH nnk Eliaabetti Lrfridn, Burke Sted^ way and mud> attentiott^


f ifrHmragaag l nirritat THE MAN^aSAS JOPKWAL. mPAt. JUNE IS W i t

rrtxr macT-xmamoK wr ^ -'Fiffi MANASSAS JDURNAr^HTJSimjr.


COMPANY, Incorpomed

Q&ly a vety few yeus ago there was not «. tcrtiamay IB Vlfglntt. Mr. Smindeys. 5sreT>airy j and Food I r, after a tour of the State,

^Aerei at tbe Port Office «t M»n«—, VfaginUi. as Second says that tjm« are now being made in Virginia — — — 1—— ~ I ht^SSI^paaxt&W^Mter autmually. Mr. Saun-WOBS^HtPriOH.tt.6b A YEAB IN ADVANCE ders also makes the significant statement that

•ATC5 Fifty Cants an inch (artbefint iiaw linmiil Twartr-DT* Cmtt ior aaok

A l cuda of tfauki. fmna) nHfartanH. obituary iMticM OOMT t h n tiM ^ I M ^ ^ i — ^ i — > I t> i l

iJiacticaUy all jUUs y i i ^ i S a ^ u B w beir^ sold outside the State. This means that a j;reat d^d



Conioiantiiwi noiwapapoiio ohauiii bs ei«m t»

r,f "rxo^ Tvvr.n^y" jc U^i^^ K ,^^^ ,n|f, YJlxinJll

€Very year in payment for the product of our creameries. This is beUer than "swapping dol­lars" among ourselves; but«the fact should not be overlooked that hundreds of thousands of dollars afe gwngyit of Virginia every year f<M- twtter.

Wh y not have creameries enougt to suj^Iy our Why make butter &iexs in tJlha" give unq mlififlH endorsement to tJie agency of

nidium as a cure for cancer. The ntvt^es^ this! a+„7 ri „„, <.u *„• i.*- i. ^ r . • , . ^ . I states pay the freight on butter f; temble, and stili mysterious, disease lead its vie-tims to sean^ even more credulously for a pana­cea than do sufferers from tuberculosis. But t7«atment of tuberculosis is &tandardiz<^ od simplifiwi,-white treatJneftt for cauicer, saye in its cariy stages, is purely tentative—and less than

Hbeatj^^^ where-radium i s concerned. .-, _... All the radical profeasioiLknows ahout radium

Why make Iwtter eaters in Richmond . nd Noit foIE and Peterrfjurgand Lynchbutg and Daiville

in connection with cancer is that it appears to arrest cratain fonns of thedis^ise in indpieney.

z\ ~" Eadltm lias y^W'proveTts: WViHtagt^

ginia pay for the long haul of butter fi^^ West-em and lilorthwestem creameries?

We are interested in seeing our butter pro-dueers hold the outside markete which they iww have and coni5\)Ial9o €Be Virginia, market _ This

Wa^ington, July 22—Hayiog driven a team of Angora goats a distance of more than 4,000 miles, Captain V. Edwards, a ranch owner of San D i ^ o , Cai , a r n v ^ here from &in Diego yesterday. —News ItmR.-

would mean mwe creameries and more money forTjignSTdaiTymen. - —

ning to be fear that, in Boae cases, its influence^

t IsmOggMtliggMd. iLauljfirfif.iH?. ^ — ^ - — . Scientists sav that the use of the knife is the one asfaired h<ye of eaneer, and even here re-

— Mlti, iH>wfgfl--hggnBTOriypmTnign^ w>wn fhp iticr

^ ease has gone k>ng negJedgd <»• imsafippgted. Eariy and complete eyciaioiLio indicated, and umlei LIHSBC, jjihriitions the pcwcnuieo OT Jtopjfe. tarns is large aodeneoun^ling. ,

Radium may acane day assume its trae {gopw-tims as a faeaMi^ agBoi, in a large rai^;e 4if dis-eases jgodaeed by faaolh. Jjaetgetie expov WM-ntoTB 3»,TY <v»M*««it^y « m r l t i i y in aar«»riaiii-JtB:

jpose^iSses and tiimtl^^e^ BtttimtO ' ' diacldBed, it,ffi bad pi^ky to prasoadeany person

lor albope thaitaaff ywive jflusary.—^IHB>-^B-p**^*^

TEC REiufafiOF 'Tommir


Ilus is the BM^ii of onnm^Ksemensts^ and e v « 7 < ^ sdMdboy and evioy o^tege alnBums in

T i e country feels a gpaik of byuqmlLj IdmiMelir

Tbe dairying indiKtry JnVlrginia^ is"te~gwai3-dlix^ctotb^. The extraordinary rapidiiy wit-h which it has developed in the past few years leads us to predict that the day is not far distant when Viignia will bo ctonpod among tjw leading States of the Union in t3te value of its dairy IMO^ duettL- RamjiMid Jmuiial, June l^tfe-

This is alnrosr: as the man who recently drov^ a

nfLwii JUM anfl h&t^lakmg almost an entire day, to pay a ddW; of tefr dollars.

.Had he been one of nnr wiatnnwrs with a rhorV ;ir> v iint ho

could have-mailed the check for 2 ^ents^-postage,- saved his time, his horses and stfll have a neceipt for the.money paid.

The National Bank of 3^PER CENT PAID ON IW Eposrrs^

I.UIIIII.I.VM IkKlfhfiHLi! Wf MIDLi' nui


Ilie United States has never made mmA of a

Hie Coinmbian tedf-^trflar, ^ f oouise. i s . w ^ rPTnernbered. For HK S t luwu eAfweitioo a epedai goM duilar was etMBfld, though it negi^

Bot asande the govormiCTft has used postage stamps rstiho'

toalMnrimi the more pa»ved laethod of the tanfejtteai w d n s - f a n ^ ^

Row, hpwewa-, a Ml hag hewn oWcreiW^G^np^ ' gram providing for the ooining <rf a;sg>edaJ qoaBy •ter to commemorate tlie c^hihg of the Panama CaxmL 1%e sothcH' <^ tbe naeasaie j s Be;nesen-tathne Hetz, oT&ocdEfyn.. Hewould begib issu-%ig^ieiqpttzter«e tlie&Et; t^^estyearaBd-eoi tinae it exactly twehre months^ On <Mie le ie <rf

his hwast at ftisiime of the yearwfaoi he reads of tfae ednffatkwwl <yrMBM3ies, lag or little, that cany his miBd baidc to tlie day when he was siry-ing good4iy. to btfykoed. aei'ioua journey of life Dui.aie believe up othtar actMWasoc yaaaeat. as. the month will ajyeal so strang<y fe tins ffriing as the stoiylofJtPilMBra

= ^

pemBo&at PnacetoBr Satardi^ wHir his oidiodl-1 ^ firJeiKk «)d witii ha < ^ <rf 7 a Ani it <rlU do'aa bwaman li waa au hiunanand a> ajtma^

atttwtivcof die canaFa opeoii^ and on' the <oilier a desgn oddbnding the osalaay c^ peace hetwe^ the United St^es and Britain. - r -•at ^a te(re«iy to tefr iww p j^^vaa-i^

- TT%lf9(iiiioa will ptwrg. It oooim faawjly poaaifcte that tins bin can be qiaeted at theprfeentse»

ao free &am artificiality, so too led with the spirit and tiie sentiment thi^ ^iv^ybody onder-stands. It was not leafly PresideHt Woodrow

pomies and the yoan^ger gmeT^dioti w ^ the heary kwdnf ia^reis that iie has gathered since the gradoatiQg d i 7 ^ k q g ago. It tOTD xst 'TBuHuny** WUson, bringing bac^ with him *TommyV old heart and" sympathies, and a n x i ^ lo revi^^ie thot^ihtB s^iee^Bif^ of

aonjm jdew of _ tbs .^t^ of other aad more im­portant business, and the opraiing of the next sessiOD ^omes ao near the end of the year tJiat the guvemmem^wad ajeageely gri." narfy to coin: the new qoaitCT at jhe tjj™> gtipJuJatfiJ,

l^exe seeoK no pattiadar reaspn why postage atJipaps, r ^ i p tha^ «;a^^dwtdd^ p a t t e d - f o r f f t qommeuKnative pmpoaes. i f tiaeo(»ibeof lofr eaoog^ dgMPanaltioB to jgim it gemari ^tadik lian, ^sJesBon of fHUiJuLisnr would aecm to be as tSu^iffAy tKo^i as if iatrnsted lo a aticker 3fhic^ oidinazily finds its wt^ into aome waste hasket witfaoot* dday. At. k-ast the virtue ^

Bawcef, LawjFu OT'Oocfeoff •ay Jepead < • A i i aiad the bcil BO


M . ^ u aj I •Jlk S B 1 1 1 ITNG MfliJON^

Hmne peofJe a^ ist ymn ^\-

to bdk it ov^ and get our rates n r


We wager he eiqafyed Satoiday's re-thaaa^ylUng fermaay ayearpast,

mnA mfrmi^^r!3» aaaBXry i^ t ^ to note the re-tOTB of H^ . veiy dignified and io^ieaBve, hot

uStSS he does n> k f € 0 0 » IN TH£ HUMAN RACE

Ibe hmnan B a good


to belcMig tO.:^ It hm pieoty of vioea, and mai^ of tfaenHBej^ hard to be patient with. Bot it has magBifiocdlj S

Cgfc M k J IMi rf Ci iT PrtdKe r ^

virtaea. Ona that has just arrived in dovB mto a gu-filled hold

iBdamwlRiaUiBd. Omtaflgtoothwfajgejogi except a oeaaetefy widt dead moi . . A man is j went down, each to save the men who w a t be-dead when be is destiti^e of public a|Mrit,.<^pQBes fore, andeadi periahed,and the rest of the crew j S impiofifeMeBter ^»d- faids fault of thiiig» inj wuki havefuUciwed if thecaplaiig^had not inter- S" general. The only proper waj to deai with such; fered- : ^^*^ "TP *T>gy t ^ »* ^ *'*>^ >n«ta | | .

1'jmcnjsi to-take: thair^eL ISJ Jtey tJie2n;r:lSiaiju*OBeanLth£_bQd5 j ^ a>e jaext'JaaB fall fmiat t t also to self-respect is the man too lazy to wortc, tfie'TSHsras "be was uven3uuie,itzKl yrt: every ^ ^

fiakft-^R bf«u\i wao ready to face d a a i r n r t h e i S hold. —Phi i ade iph ia fwecr.rd.

Samer'sTVlarkfet ^ C O N N E R B U t L O m G

afttf iriv) theryhv^ if he is TTtamf>n u -\


Page 4: BOARD OF HEALTH ACTS PORIie'S M is FOB …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...hilHt nuKte-by an AmqrieaH nnk Eliaabetti Lrfridn, Burke Sted^ way and mud> attentiott^


—Mr. and Mrs. J. R. B. Davis

at the corner or C' tie streetr

After praeticftfir' having lAtHrdr: r ' V iiHii#fbf resoninip- -cavalry drills at Winchester this • o i l m fVI'Siia .rw«-t »ii Ji"^ » " J1 --m . » « * ~" i~ '*'

ABOUT PEOPLE WE KNOW' Mrs. T. C. Jor ^ Lyleu-

—Childrens Day will be ob-

IvfireTS. C . i s a g u S l of her tartBevana spent Sat-jmotfeer,"Mrsr R; g. Smith. She

r i l ^ ^ ^ ^ l I ^ S r ' ' ^ " jwiineaveto«»am».to v i ^ « i a . ' | ««««», u»e WW l^eoartmentt ^ j ^ ^^^ Round spent Wed-1 ^ ' ^ J ^ Washtogton. Baltimore j » makingarraiigementa tn H^VP T ^ - T ^ ^ ^ . "

:on. the middle of Juiv.

served at A3buiT"ir. E.^CfiurcTiT-^

-AH-are Hmted; iJ-EaaL turfe of

Mrs. W.M. MilneswasaWash-I ington visitor yesterday.

m g t o n viaitnr yoatyiTJay


C. E. Nash was a Wanh-


Rev. and Mrs. 0. G. Hutchi son leave this afternoon to be gliests of Mr. and Mrs: t5rA. f Hutchison "HT Hickory Grove.

MANY-T,r , t — — Manassag High School,

-The^members of the L. T. L. leaveg Monday for Covington are rfniipstpri tn mp. f at Graaalwhoi-o ho will UULU A^'iinilVmti M. E. Church next Wednesday, j during the summer months at June 24, at 3 p. m. [the State Normal School.

—MwsVirginiaValentineWalker I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Camper «ntertamed at a party Wednes- Master Billy and little Miss Mary day evening at her home on Anne Camper leave this aftor-^ t h ^ m ^ t r e e y ji^m tn ipftnH gama tfmo iwlF^.

„ . ^ .„ ~ pTfiey wiTTretum Monday to make Mias Lilhe M. Jones has re- their home in Smethport, Pa

turned from a visit to RhiPniont Mr. and Mm. J. V. Mallfre^

Mr. E. N. Pattie and son, of jpf Las Vegas,.Nev., and Mrrand Catharpin, were town visitors i Mrs. R. M. Matthew and son and I yesterday.

M^W - S. Athgy spent several days this week: visiting relativas in Maryland. _ _ _ _ _

Miss Clara V. Lamb is a guest

Miss Zenobia Sisler, of ^anoke, are spending some time at the hpme of Mrs. M; A, Matthew^ n^ar Stonft Hnuae

meirfind i t easy to make money but quite difficult to IJeep it. Their living expenses thftir pjimingfi

keep pace with tiSHally because

Misses Gladys Sanders, of I

- • • • V ' J — '

they have n_Q definite, systematic plan of caring for their income, of protecting it from the small pur­chase temptation. The men who are- making regular use of oUf Bank Account Plan find that it "fills tha bill" and is of matorial

I —^rs. W. H, Brown died of:

tubercujyMia thia morning -at her | hofT!fi neay Orlando.—She wasj about thirty years old.

ington. During their absence their West street residence will be occupied by Mrs. McElroy

of her sister, Mrs. RoberU Gu- Auckland, and Edith Smith, of lick, at Lenah. | Nokesville, who made their home

and daughter, of Georgia.

—Mrs. MaryP. Marsteller has, ,. has been quite ill the past weekr"^ •* ""'"< " »« busy arranging at lllH hUHitf Of Bftf daufTuir,'" '""•" *'*' ' ' ' " "' ' Mrs. Gilbert Lunsford. day, July-1. There will be spe­

cial attractions. Come, bring

Messrs. B. F. and J. P. Ti,^i„j /Aiir^. thew, of Stone House, were town

~rll^u^!l^ AU Saints^Cath-jvis'itors Tuesday. \ Mrs n n jtft

J. with the "Misses Smith on We^ ""•^ street whfle attending Manassas

High School, have returned to their respective homes.

- M i ^ Salhe M. Alien died your friends, have your fortune last Friday at her home at Gaines- told, help eat the -goodies, and vilie^__She. iiad-4>*«i- suffering fenjey the evening. Mofedefinffe from progressive paralysis.

—The young students of Ben­nett Grammar School yesterday f njoypd a picnic in the grove on

fin formation -wfll week.


tliH MlUpHftV W MY. Rnund:

- Mr. Cterenee W. Egan. gen^ eml claiiggient;of-ths-R Xr f K. R. Co.,.i8 U) deliver a unique

-Dy^mTte used JHThe sevs^t^**^^ trench on Battle street late yW-terday aftemotm played havoc with the poeteffice windows

-Dr, Sunday moroing in the FVesby-


Hall, the datfi nf which is to be announceid next weet. His sub-jectia "The Soul of the Animal Kingdom." OT^hristian Charity

Station, was the guest of friends here Wednesday.

Dr. H. M. Clarkson, of Hay-market, was a welcome t6wn visitor Wedngadftyr-'- -

Mrs. R. L. Galidc and son .George, of Lenah, spent Sunday with Mrs. E. Av Lamh.


assistance in helping them accumu­late a sum sufficient for future in-yestment.—We-feinksvou witi^-jtad--it helpful. Why not\J)egin now and give it a fa|r trial?

| s s ^ T^artdTlliea Wheat, Mrs. James May and Miss Louise May. of Dumfries, and Mrs. Ruth Embrey and little Ruth Virginia Embrey, of .Minnievilie, were ^goesfe tfiepast-week of DtranS Mrs, W. P. Merchant, of Battle street.

Mfs. George C. Round, Jr.,and B H w . ; . K p ^ - ^ I M a s t e r KriwarHT?,^,^^ ^ u „ v

been guests of Lieut, and Mrs, Howard Haislip. of Catharpin,


euteriaiuwl her young fritods at a party last Saturday ^^tbehwae of her grandmother, Mrs. B. J. Holden. '

TowartlDumbAhimals." Young and old will be delighted to h i? AsyciiyiiMM m near ~zz ——r~*' """^•, " " H ^ lawMMjL

be given fw the' Benefit of the 'Jempie Smith. Home Fond." aj

feittare to be erplainedJat^

-: —Rev. J.-F:DuxkH wiir -eom duct services ittTrinity. EiHscopel Church iieact Sdtiday at 8 pu in.. and atStAni.»'«Chnreh.Nob» ^ Z ^ J ^ ^ viiiA nt 11 - ».. * anthon&es behada -viil^at 11 a. m

—The poyee last oigbt were asked to locate Washingtcat rela­tives of Michad Berrv. fifty

were recent town visitors. Miss Naomi Cooper and Mr.

Grady Cooper left Tuesday t«i visit relativoa in Washington.—

Mrs. A. J. Hockraan visi^^—i^:--^j^jj her mother, Mr». John Molair. "

Misses Peari and Lily F o u n l ^ , ^oLBjatimare. are guests ia ffie

tJeorge C. Eouhd; lelt W e J a ^ day to visit Mrs, Round's rela-tives at Hemdon, after which they will return to their home in li^ndicott, N

L. Quarles ware odyiocd bsT table uf UiB

homo of Rev. and Mis. T. D. D.

jfarB-Qld. who wan jrf fcftH T p yestmlay by the town sergeant of MtoJissas, Va. Berry Is said to be iik H e t d d the M«n«Tflff

^aa{i.,.iB busi-


IGss M1UI7 Sosenberger leaves next Wednesday to attend *h«. universitv So^m«r .gU4wvJ «» CharlottesviUer.

arrival jn Liverpod of their son in-law aiHi daughter, P r o i a&d Mrs. C. R. BaBkervill, la»t Thuwday on the Uunanl


a*eamer, "AquitKua*' to spend seveial monthiB abroad.

MiHfl A R Kiik, hwd. of thi ""rmal

- i t IS our pleasure~T6 announce that our ice plant IS now m full operation and visitors are

-mo8t-eerdially received to inspeel the process.

trmning dapartnwnt ^ <B> .mnnftm improvgmwits^-monring a aanitafv uru-

I peas in (Center Market, and gave Utss lMiqr;sdiq»on,daagti- <ua address as 902 iateveftth:i&^

ter of Mr. and Mro. S. E. Shnp-

a Washington bo^ntitl, has -turned to Iker home here;.

-to re-

goothwcBfc Jlee

Inqoiry by the fr>. failed tu-Joegte the «>n af

any of these p L ^ - ^ Washington Herald. Berty is Still being cared fn-iiere. . -

Mr. L. W; Kasehag^ and l b s . ter JimmiV .y«BAh«pan iq.<rf.t

tjip Narinnal Capjiy,

Mian Nellie Boaenberger, of WashingtoD, was

her parents. <^»

Manassas High Sehool/leaves t$-day for her home in lUchmond. Through her vivid peraoaaKty a ^ .SOMeaifid aeliv^saa at -the higfcl, jtcbool. ahfi haa endeared 11 ber8eir"to a host of friends^ and her departure is a scmrceof d

Wcjire able now to supply vuu in auj/ auaiiUtv with mire ice manufactured from pure water with the proper machinery Jn the proper way.

doct which may be used with entire s a t i s f ^ t W m m p t , courteous SMTicie and deliveiy is the end w e aim to attain. m

We solicit« triat and J^^kfee satiafkctioir. GaO <M! ptmne i ^ ""^ '• —-—

Mr and

• —Memboa of Prince William L«dge, No. 27i, i; 0 .0:F. , are re-f —Representative and Mrs. H. quested to be presenfca^ the Hall D, Flood entertained ata diniwr next Monday at 7:36-0. m^.fw la^ nigfat at the Chevj 0t^i^ a special uwBUiqi-dqtrwi work.

—Miss Emily Jcimeon, Prince William county demonstrator, loavca Muudaj fuf Burkevffle where she will attend a meeting

Lh& dfttttonstatoiB ot the Vir -of

Club, when ' heir guests included Senator and Mrs. Key I^ttman, the assistant secretary of state and Mrs. Qsboum, Gen. Geoyag Pr Bamett, Miss Lucy Burleson, Miss Genevi«»vi. ClaA w « . n^^


-Mr. W. W. Davies is sooh to open a sanitary grocery and five and tPn i>pnfr tffl* in th^ W m building on West and C^trt^ streets, f<mnerir-j^e-irfaee of business of Mr. E. Wood Weir.

—The thirdSstrict Democratic pri m ry, pquivaleitt to elertiqu, held Tuesday/resulted man over­whelming vietisfy for X}«agresB-man Andrew Jtdaan Montague over State Sem^sv-LodaO. Wen-, denburg. - ' - *

lyn Naah. Miss Fkaa WilsdnTHi and Mre. Lorimer Uraham, MrsT Keelerof New York; Repres^it-ative Whalev, B^»resentative Connelly. Mi^ Vumua. ubiige d'affaires of Greeeej and -Mr. John W. ^ften.

week of Mis. G. W,

Miss Muriel Arey has returned from Cliftmi Forge where s ^ spent the past water with rda-MEg|w|ilt^j»tteiM|uw SK^^

Mrs. H. c . Linn and daughteiB, Misses Annie and Margaret Linn, of George Washington Paris, visited relatiyta here yesterday.


Mr. J. B.-JcdmstHi, Jr.> grad-

Eastoi €oB^ MANASSAS, V A

Tli« mgiit GoOege (erdke Irak^ ing of Yoaag Pettpl^

uate of

Splendidjiew bnikiingsw lege and Univ«Bity Trained

" " T w l S f L - ^ l ' i P ' ^ ' ^ * ' * ^ Utters superior degree f "" - J - . jhft^rts and" SeiCTces

News reached here yesterday of the death of Mrs. Eliza Shep-berd.Wi<low of Richard gu

Mrs. Shepherd {s a first cousin of Mr. James F. Gulick and Mrs.

-Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Jodik PB' 7r~^^'C-l*"i^ -.»'««:io,. ^uon r. cpived slight injuries last amday ^ S - ^ S ^ l ^ J i ? ^ W ? ? whiiedrivingonCentrevilleroadjS^''''V°'- Wadungton. D. C. Tnt > ngletree brdce and struck %\\Q horse' pitching, from the vehicle

The Kogidi recitals of the music students of Miss Margaret

j >>mpia Hopkins awts behekhhr Conner's Open House Monday and Tuesday, June- 29 and 36. On the

wbo died Sunday, miwiuag 1^ the home of her lxnther-ia.law Mr - n..^ . . . ^

VTlle .She toayes three 8bter8:+^** ^***^ Mahkm-Glascock, of this

shd stodait at WJatJagton and Iiee Universi^, is hnMhiar the holidays. — • o

Miss Marv Lewis W«M « eeean^L guest of Mm. C. E. Nash en roato from tho Harriaenbtuy commencement to'her lk»M at Montpelier.

Miss Louise L. WiAer-faas re-m Rrhtwr^ Coorses.

vilie Mn:

2 y & . . " H L r ? * S ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ! y t w e ^ f h > m t i . e n i t o i t o ^ " and Mrs. Henry. MyenToT Loo-doun, and-two brothers, John P

„ ^-js ^udujiu ul MiJg Margaret Tenpte Hopkfns are to appear I-ri^iy, June 26^1n a lit-Ue operetta, "The QoeM of the Pmk Ptaasol." The cast in-cludaaMisp Jessie Weu, tbeflUry queen; Miss Catharine Weir, Ruth; MfeBeBRoeeRice.Gamette

medahwi f f i?"^'n°**^ ^*^^ T**^*! i_ ...^ ^ ..r meaai wig Larkm (later poppy maid), Bet-^ 'warded to the primary lUFj^er-Fyytie. Helen Cannon and. dpnts. - — \ Margaret Ournwell, poppies-

. jMantmRiee, gawleuef msmiak -Rev. H. L. XJuarles has ar-iBeuUh Baker, queen's

nBe dter spending ^tta winter b o e as a « | a ^ «f ManepM

Mr. Chester A. Amos returned

Virginia and will 9 ^ the aom?. mer wiQi hk parentSr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Amos. •Miss Lou Moxley. fcamerly of

tteratore, Pedagogy.lTiisic Ei-iweaskm. Business and Domestic ^cnee.—Also excellent Krepik latoiy Department, fully equal te^ any-standard" HiglrSchool. ^>edal attention given backward boys and girls. Sataiday Art Claas. Nighl C o m m e r c i a l

Fw rate and other informatioB inquire <rf

fl. » » . Fi 0 , I I A «-19-3m.

Direct froiii>the factory—Imppstt, W to become stakJn the hands of the jobber • Sizes of packa ges from

Ifdaf. Misa M<niey wfl! B f o ^ take op ner TCnoenee oefe^

Miss Nancy Green, who spent the paat afwliftn with Mrs. J. 'Ti

x ^ , . „ . ** ^ u ^ i c o umo «r- «^««ni pwter, q u e e n s page. ran jed lo hold the usual Sunday "**''* *'e tt> b* sung by Hi^es evening ser^ye at Manaasas Dap» jpsifr Weir. Catharine Weir and tist church i t 7 p. m. next Sun. ih^^i . ^ ^ v ' *^^H '""' A^„ »!..* »!. — - -* "**^ ;«io?os« IS the song of day that the oongregation may happy children goingto a pic have the opportunity of attend- Among the children are Mi

Makntey, while attemfing Manas-High aebool, has retorned to

her home neir Paria, Ruiqaier eoonty.

Emily Tredeticksburg, returning


Oiit of Corporalaos of

1% to 5 pound hoTCtrW^^ir^ $1 per Dound. Thi, fine includes Norns^ Exquwte Candies, Uggetfs

ami Guth Chocdates-«Good» ^ " ^ ^ e r y %ifeekH>r two m smJl

*" msore'

m I

DowelPs Ph

rfoF later with beth Johnson, who t a u ^ t the

Among " ^ f f ^ a ^ i o n i p Jfag t)g*Uri>aaLB£ some " S t aty. _ _ icnic. Mrs. E. A. Lamb has returned

*•** from Lenah, Loudqiin county. — _ ^ ^ — _, — _v./^^ra- ™ . . « . . e ,^,ti v,niiuicn Brc m i a a e s •^ Mrs. Homland's temperance S,H*" Hutchison, EloiseGiddings. , . • -. j .. - , . " i S & r ^ ~ w « c f i r s c h « d B i a to be '• EI'z*beti» 0'Nei].l!ffi«betli Pope, "^^^ »*>« " ^ ^ ^ *>«• daughter, i ^ ddivered at T:SO'p. m. at Grace HiChodiatrEfHscopa] church. ' Kathleen S p i ^


The place contalM ibout t^ree acres of land and lazge t«i-room house with number 8f wtbuikl'"" mgs. There is an mchud, good i r a r ^ , containing strawbSry,

feet deq> of good soft water.

jttivasiljf iPTinmB Utt«,Sde«»c«, Liw, Medicine, Fnfiiwrinj

tOKV FDNDS AVATi *» i , y

(Mrs. Lamb. ' 1 ^ ^ Ayrea;VictoriaNiSfijMni.ItoberUGuBck. l i t t t e M t e i i - ^ ^ T ^ : S ; ? . r i 3 L . ! i * ^ ^ Lion, Mari<39,.Burks_andjiuIia Roszel enjoyed the trip with [ ^ • * V t ? f ^ w ^ ^

Mr. W. Parity W ^ w ^ . ^ ^ ^ ^ -


Page 5: BOARD OF HEALTH ACTS PORIie'S M is FOB …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...hilHt nuKte-by an AmqrieaH nnk Eliaabetti Lrfridn, Burke Sted^ way and mud> attentiott^

/SffeYED. - j H £ MANi^lBAS JOURNAL. J^^flrAYTTUNE l o ' ^ g i T

f oliowihg the-fati] accident on _ Satwdaj^^h^ Nokesriiiecommiu

~ ThTba^uet oTthe M. H. S ' * ' ' w^'^h destroyed the barn. alumni, to be given at Princel"!*^ ''^'."^^'^^^ ^"^ •™^<=' i"''

- 'ofrit-lcens and • htJgs; 'on the prop-lt)tti instant, will bring to a fit-] , . „ >•, . ting- ctose-the scj^imi uf 1913 14.''' ^ ^ of Darnel B.rmflso

••-•!•«. «» »•

V<»*^»2. r^'.^^i


Toasts will be responded to by ?' ""; ^ ® ^""^'^ " ^ awakened

Mr. W. M. Johnson, Mr. G. H. Lightner, Miss Sara Donohoe and the former presidents — Misses Lutu Metz, Emily Johnson and Edith Haydon. Toastmistress— Miss Ruth Rooad, prpai ^ont

I l l t l C . &v WX


FgrtY mRmhpri ara aypaatad, to be present, Miss Eugenia Os fcourn and Mr. Geo. G. Tyler be-ing among the special guests of honor. - At 7:30 p. m. the annual busi­ness meeting will take place at &iiss Osbourn's residence on West

became mstantly aware of th* flames that wei^ consuming the barn. It was then too late to check the blaze and soon all the farm buildings, with th* ftxcep-t ion of the dwelling, were reHiT<'pH . to ashes'

for avenue, when the offictrs 19I5-T5 will be elected. - At 8 : S 0 D . m. the banquet will begin, introducing many original

-Thahorses and cattle escaped — unharmed while grazing in the ^elA ,The_bariu only, was in -sured.

Mr. W. N. Lipscomb and Mr. George B. Jennings, special agent of the. Eoyal—Fire I«s«r ancc

The first time you get a whiff of Stag from some other


Mr. GrisBo and paid him in full

Winnie Holden anS hey commit-tee.

The officers for the present session are as follows:—Presi-

-tieftt. Miag Ruth Round: vice-president, Mr. Clarence Wage-i icr,~ ijecrtjiBry,

amitn, and treasurer, Mr. W. ST. Johnson.

Alumni members, 1886-1&14— 1896-Mrs. W.' W. Davieg; Mrs.

•the amount covered by his policy.


fftllnw's pipe, RFMFMRER that_Stag's taste is as good as its fragrance.

T r y a tlfT ar i f f g e t a n e w thfili-ia^moking. «it * ! ^ ^ ^

SilAQ Convenient Packages: Th« Handy H«lf-Size 5 -Cent T i n , the FuJUSize tO-Cent T i n , the Pound and

Hnlf.PounH Tin Hnmiflnr< anH fh^ PovinH ^ l « « Humieiar,


-a* saint."

Having determined to devote our Whole time to tke Real Estate and •Insnranrp hiifiinggy, wa hwibv solicit an property tor sale and ,.r~^. - c ^opcrty-^e- -U8l the Same with us promDtly. - ^ e promiM to <I«d fairly with all ami

win giT« UM bniJBOM o«ar ba»t attentien

Charles HardjF, Mrs. R. L. Gu-li>»1f a n H M r g Thnnrma T . , > ^ n ^

C J. M E F T y > A nr\

1900-Mr. b'nnk iden. 1901—Miss Lulu Metz. Mrs. B.

F. Noland. Miss Emily Johnson, .snd iiiSA AuitA ijoiniL. ' """ '•

1903—lliss Grace Moran, Mrs. D. B. S m i ^ Miss Winnie Holden

- and Meaarft'Vr. Gilmore Idea « t d

Offie*: M. L C. BuUmc H u u x u , Va.


Pehdiey JuUiiauu. 19Q&-4Ii8ses Edith H«ydoi^

ftbef^ Johnson, Ruth Smith fejsra. Joneph GnMrk aniflf^,

Wheatl^ Johnao&= - - - ^ ?^ • 1S06—Mn: 0. D. Wat«« and

Marvel Floiir


For Pipe artd Cigarette


>i rtrttef

Prince WiHiara, P t n ^ and othw brands. Groceries and Provi­sions.. All kinds of 6roun4 Feed. flraina and Hay. T^one your (h-ders—Godds delivered at Your Uooc. iliKtiette - ^ i e e paid^-lOT Country Prodoce m exchange for Gooda -

^ r a N Tt Wilaon.

|€iU&E:FISHER&S(»( . 1907-Mi8S Maris? Cctt.

1908—lir. Cbrenc^ Wagener. 1909—11188 WiUiette Myen and

Mr. HtmbHS OKX. • ^ ^ ^ • -laiO—MisB iRatii &mnd and " • * • " ^ ^ * • " • « . Ik- A Horse Show wMi HarneM, Sad<fie and Jamping Oasset.

Meaars. Edward tynch and Pac* - We vak^ a spedaJtF of soelr f***** '**f ** ^ * * ^ ^ **° ^^ ^ « ^ Hatf-mil* Track in Uie



Weir. ' 1911 —Miaaes I^lian Amo8> Beulafa Griffith, Minnie Swart and Mr. G<»don Lifirhtner.

1912—Misses Gertrude Button, -¥'^7 "" QhafMnan, N e v i l l < ; Bofiran, Nellie Leybom, Ifattie Naabi Peari Snow and MotiaBr


Clnailwi Amoni Bonnie JohnsMi, Allen Merdumfand-PtaTO it&t.

19ia-Mi8B Dorothy Haydon and Mesisrs. I'ercy Haydon, Earl Mprrin and Hnhffli_My>n ' ljfi4_Mioooo Muorev^&iarTeii, Sara Don^ioe, Kathmne Dono-

4ioe, Myrtle Johnaon. Mary Akers and Messrs. C^roirRioe, George Adamaon and Hmnah Stede.

NonnaV departtn^st — Grace MeU(.i)(xt)tiiy Haydon a ^ Alice M ts> - T r~i 7"""; \~^~

Associate members— Misses Charlotte &nitM, May Lei^maB and Messrs. Si^iu^JBaydtm and Marsh«}l Haydon.

Hon^tUT members^ Miss E. H. Osboum, Miss Imogren Pierce, Mr. Kenneth Meredith, Mr. H.

_K. PendtetoB. -Jfaa. - Geo. •Round.^kfr. 4 . G Geo. G. Tyler and Mr: J? Thrus-toB- Wolfe.

work and gu tioQ. Aopoj lon.^hoct-cali'on or


^ a t e ^ Brass Band in attendance. Trains to and from i k e Grounds. Adnussioa2Sc Horseand Vehicle 2 5 c fil«^ik^$I^. Grand Stand Ticki»i« on . . U Harness Shop from tJStluiiJune to 2nd Dayoif Jnl j .


OB Coiamercial Fertilizvm

GI^AfSON CLOVER Rtnl farman Bullmtin He. 579 m Crli

ItM fr— • AMn— U. 8- Dttt. of A grlmltmn WasklneWi, D. C.

AiitAir " XlMiAdut CiluaMrCIuvR Seed som vii tour


WashingtonV Leading Sfegre

- S i l v e r Wane, Etc.

Our snprenwcy in the toOami^

rtowest prices tor THEltEgr



Ptenjt allMtiBB g i y H v C w i — . P) M knr M ood Mrriee aad aatMial win orsr.; MrtaStf vkMMi «Hft*d to


ilVER P H I : ™ ^ Cure ^

C o n s t i p a t i o n , H e a d a c h e

B i l i o u s n e s s Dru^t Country Stores


R t C ^ - ' ^ ' O N D V A


IS Jtoassa^ IfMferCfc..

w s.

KnsofsnttndwUI increawthc , , 01 Cora or CoMan abeat tb« tune amount a* would rtoirofcaaqihtaiertlllnr appUcdattte n<»x<i StOlbi. per acre. AjtoodftandofCrtaaoBCloTCr twacd onder vriS cnfinarifer donMe flw yMd of tbe rnm which foOoir. ThephydcatcondmcBOftho «oa Is abo mat«»MBir bentfited. JThe SaXy Sptti wo faujj hiod JBtHnbnK and NHi<mfa Cootente.

I take pleasure in announcing to tbe public that I have given rny-pkiiL a thorough overhaiilnijrana~airnow in a position t&supply jore artificiai ice-in any qimntito at all times. Sfypfemt is not new, bat is eauibDed Willi an MODERN IMPBOVEMENIS. T ^ ^ t S which flows frwn our well is as clear as crystal and w i ^ furthcr-tmrifibd bv diotillalaen, funiisaes cubes of ice fit to place belc^ the most fastidious..

of na^ar In tbcsprtntf. cooClovcria vataaMe a* a Winter Oxer

"cnv. ftteoiiocUByvyaaMi in Qrdianii where t iscenenUy piomed ondcr a* a Cicoa maimie

oxvw. The Plant* retain, for tMaaeotOic trees the foOowing wason modi of the piaat ' «liidi would otbetwise kach ont of^Scc Jwteg the Winter and cartySpihw. Ai TA CriaasoB Clover not only mdacca tfc vtdtheipilljringoftiwiieldik'bnt on andytdds. th«Uoiga««fawsoaiv the wind k " ' ened. TSPhnti ahe»ew«to heUI M ^ extent than tftlMfiAl was k f t W n fteWh —

C M — T a b U ^ W ' TMmGUmwmm KAOAGUm.

'TaOalSal*,' ' -. .

^Mf iUlk%nii«it», Ac.



tcTdie Fknietn ^ ManasMS — Maftrtenal MBtnct' We will operate our t h m h m g ma-

chitie daring season of 1914 at 8c per bushel for wheat, •2ic T&r oats and 4c

Sommar Oonteraaoea, Bladt Mosnta^ N , aad S>dgtcra*t,-N. C , J n w l l to Atow

_We Offer Enormous Stocks

—cMiatmc DwarfE»»e«^^^^^ ' |> Sead tnrti iiii n< Cow

CLYOEMIU. .'Hiis wetJ known

institntion. recently re-i


AgMit* or write C. W W«tborr A««»«aat

Iimiyhwiti tiiil.


RirHwrtun V A , Tnn. a, l a i l Bida will be received at the Clerk'a _

0<Hee. Msiiagsaa.—Vi;;"untn Twetre '•««i«lAj^w,Wi«liinat<>n.Tr. o'clock noon. Thursday, June 25, 1914^ for the constraetion of two ntilea of

road betwaan. Mans isai aad

Plans and apecifteatioaa OM U* 'dt th« a e r k ' s CMRce. ManaMaa. Va., aad at this oflfSc*.

Specifications famiabed on ^ipbca-tioo to the undersigned. _

XlcerBHeS c b e * fisrtZSG not se-Jhe rifht ia reserved to reject a n y ^

all bids.

6-12-2t 0. P COI.EMAN.

-ut*" Hijfhway Commissioner

- - i^Wteier Radish. We tec* *i« otf murmtt9mt Wktm

N u l m Send two cents la iliiaw aad aaaat of this paper «re will send yoaa Hcent ririrMi tf BaMaae^sFmoos Kingot the Maaoaoth P i i i i MSMLalsoap*c<ufeo<BoWano-sCtMt Raw.

MUrih ue uf Nu, 1 curiL oou

'UJ AMffm I . Sanraer Coafereooea. WaraesriHe. X

iLska Jaaalaska;, J^y in toAogaat 25 r ^rmmit •'^t ilrnri laaiaasi ruafwLii.m

Scboob, tbe SoQthara Railway will have on sale at phncipal poiatB ia Vir-giaia, incladiaij tVaahiatTloa. I). C, «T«atl» redaowi Toand tare tiefceU with liber*! ]iraiu fl^wdid tkioagfa train sarrio* aad slaepiag ran Firr dataiUj iufuiuiatj«s—uuagutr

Sal an la j U w Waak «MI aad S u d a y

Faia^TiaSontiora Railway e»»nr aakio^^n. I)

Alexandria. V»,«n nale to 0.-toh*«- 4. 1M i. to Harnaonbori;. Sonwnwt, *W»rrenron ind istanaM)ial« Matvoa* with Sn«l rnrm Ifmrt tf> Toaaday follnwiaff date of aal* Similar ! tickcta will be on aaia from Harriaoohurg, SMMHM, Warmloa and interax^iiaw ata-


KRl set m fintt cJaas tioB, is.now beini: oposted by a ihiUer of yean' of ejt-peri^ice. .The Floar b^sf made at Has mitf, Fkacy imd

-Straisbt gnde, is givioff sat-' 4Bf»e«k« wh^ev^ aseo, ted iarapidtyatteaetingBew^ih

It is made of the best wheat and gnanm^ pure and-healthy. Bran,

Hiduings and other feed for


snfuc.t Aji orders inooiptly

merchants if de^ed. Phwia mMsag— to thsmni

Sealed bid* will be received by the andersirn«d eoamittee until noon Mon­day. Jjiij «, 1914, for the erection aad eotntjetkw of a Town Hall at Manaa-

JM^-V*.. itv *«ew<aiictf Witt pBPns a a g . i whick may IM seen at t S e t ^ P Town CJtfk


Comaaittee^ "JJajwpsax.'Va.. Juri*' 3. t^li . "6-d-4t,,

ties Administarad far Tam Trtractlor of Teeth. tK»a tC AkltDUi-ia and WaHhipoton t .erv . _ ^ » — I^nractlOn OT T e e t h .

Sstorday aad SuDdav For liSa'Vd iVfor- T I T ? ' 1 .1 W llCST^Cl^Tl

wnte C W W(«»tborT AwnKtant General M I. r


receive prompt attention. Eest market prices paid for

-grtm: 7-*—^ • '• — ADDRESS


• ? «

• " » • • " -

BIDS WANTED I will racaiva biJI to Jane 25. 1914 for

Pain I npftning road oa .Buil Bui. a ^ M ~ . Unld«n«; romd u> hr prK'iix' t»r> enlvefta^ —^

f-r t i B'Tf sione *iTJi">«i>.'r.i a nil <i»nd mnrt*r, nth£i » dry wall ^t.r.p • .- '. :,arf aeej Y^l&cf For TirtTier •ul,-,rr...i'. r "T"i5

Page 6: BOARD OF HEALTH ACTS PORIie'S M is FOB …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive...hilHt nuKte-by an AmqrieaH nnk Eliaabetti Lrfridn, Burke Sted^ way and mud> attentiott^




'tic Cko00 "wkov^ fond of frsit' tkis li OMe w«irth trylnc:

Chwry anrf Pineappta laMp. Otop* « my of low ctterriea <eaBA«d one* wtU amiwer u well). Cmt omt or two •M«t of BirnajBlf Into mfcot and iild

to Worti •« - n i ^ bay.

O p t i o n are atiii varr «TMed m to tka a4riaabUit£ of caCorciac in Paria the' "Saaame . giin^ay •ftOTBooii. Is Uua rrfmnfrttoi il U iBtereatlnK to recal) the id«aa of Na-

^:t Reprvduoad la Almaat A«jr

On the left of the mcoamf^nitrng c « t to a d a l n t j U u l e FVeaek {rack. v U k ^ pUid afcjrt, , ^ ^ ^ y f j , - , hnrHra and a tuUe cu lmpa. It could aas t ly

tmsmi—tB—OiiUUim. H e -ihai xka C^waefa aataoa waa no t

diat iacaiah«d ^ a a l a t a o d a r a t e l o r e

I " '-^-T r-it tHi-rnrn In ir ' '""T oi anflerloc from ovarwork. la 18«7,

bine aers*—the sUrt of the pteM—^la dark blue, green and a little red—tha


to the eberrlea. AM a enytal-or two of'grated iiineapple to the kene la at

—tfct ffcrmf niti wttHa l i f nf rtimi add a guart of w»tar aa4 oook 20 mln-< Btaa. MU haU a cap of lUfar w l U

-twe-toaapooflfala uf 'ai iuw TOTt/amt' •tlr tato the hot aoap. Cook ten mln-utea. oraiB a»i aet aaMa to eoel. or It mar bo MTfod hot. gamt«ha< with tho

.-fruit Huiit<n«to« Salad.—Chop ycry BBO"

• o » o white cabbage (there ibonid t>a

creaa ebeeoe to the cabba<«; mix well. SeaMW with aalt roU Into balla. •priakla wii Frooch dreaalnc on lettooe. •

Crab Moat and Red Peppera^-Re^ moTe the' ytrika from four bard cooked «ee«. mMMi and add two Ubleapoon-fula of fine bread cnucbB; chop the • i i i ie i

when the minister of public worship waa keaieced with complain ta fraa the biafaopa of the way in which work went AunoK the fetaa preacribed hy the Concordat, he wrote to the eaa-peror tor adrloe, and received the Mi. lowing reply, ^«racterized by'tke'cdm-

bodice of the plain blac aergfe. EBinp* BMia M mUm of mdL

file paOs in the rioetea can bo tt-fertod by nteana at tapwa. nw

liANSBTJEGa & BRO:; 420-26 Sevendi S t , WaatuBgCxw, D. C.

E V E R Y T i g B ^ l H g IS NEW AJtP!— il-HHIf-WHftE HID C O t 3 0 i ^ E r =

I B W g g i Jeon'a life:

"I .iki BOI force the iMlaata l«_slTft ahaoluticu) to tboaa w h o traaacreaa their preeeplis, but 1 wi l l not be obi lged by them to condemn to t h e n e t h e r re-eiona the p e a s a n t s w h o e b o o a e to work Qg tfiT day o r i a e » e c k t o kgeir themse lves and thair Caaaiilea. Bach-

Bile. lUU l l l i m alUi a latjlii spoonful and a half of red pepper finely chopped. T h e canned wOl d o nicely. Pnt lat/t » Mnrppmn fnirr f»-

'POOth -a .MlM a Htttr at C ^ O a ^ c u p of creaat . then add a cnpfni of crab meat , s eaaoa h ^ ^ y and' a e r r e In p*ttlea of o c eirelea •&! ba t t ered toast.

Climiy a cupful of MUgtr iifid wiier together until it threada. then


with me, but 1 am the law, and I give to my. people ODce and for all leave to work without Interruption. The moj=e"tEeyT?SFK~t5E M n ttmr^, c n A l f 1 hi^d-to take sidea. 1 should he against Sunday rest, for it Is enough to cast a glance 'ov«r the diSerent classe* of society to percelTe bow much more damaging thaa «ao-' tni is the obserraitce of B\m^tcf

w^^^^oem Both henusi>faereB have eoi^nbutod their best in this sbow-

*"r - f *Wm ••—I iftii Whftr snit TTiilnrfiff TfMh Fshriw Thr wealth of beuty , tiesiffn and eoianag, and the wonderfal dis-IMsy, complete in assortment and newness will amaxe yoa. CcMoe and see.

SL& AND COTTON MtOCAl}eS- - ir i^Oim wtaa. » flbee^eaifiH! * * « ^ " ^ « "U ShtMMad oolota; gsod SSc Talnaa- Speotal a yard

TAFFETA POTUNS—a • • • waafe. 28 iaches wula aad in all the aew i n i t M . n l r mr . r V „ l . I ~ , W l . L . . ; U . - ^ — V - . , - - . ^ . ^ | ^ | ^^|^^^ ^^


-2Sr • ^ * M 1<»I-CKCPE—iff ianlwa aids, ia afl u i w i Lit Vauwa. laa fu^g, lUM. iwoi-

herrj, laveudcr. ret«da, l i ^ Una, cadet, piak, c ceaa . whits awl Uaok;' ix

WHTTC B O X CKEPE—«6 lac^es wide; waisu; 39c viJuc. filarial a azd„

oasd (or saakiBft dresaes and

day of rest. And the e m p e n t r o o s c ^ d e i l h is let-

t e t w k h

aa a •^-"•an

in NapoJeoa's day t h e s t r n g i t e <ar- Hfe waa not nwarly an ardnoBa aa I t la to-

ia aa srSlIlW7' luH gBbSSpt aloe*«, paBed ap and tied, oa tho wrong BidflL MTten the gafaaje aoea

emtvoMered with hltw, is need ahimt the hnttKJn nt the skirt aai eabreiderr ia ased oa tlio walat. trock, ooald bo papi'eJatjul la j i

WHlIi: TRENCH CBOOOX CREre-40 iaches wide, and worth a yard, bpecaai a yard aair ; i

W W T E F K D t C H B A T B T E — s i l k fauab; 45 iacites wide, and worth 4«e « _ syard . Special a yard oaly. ' 25C



when cold ft^ la a lant^of jhteted cream. Add a Capfid of eraage joicer Put into a aaMB ooaerad paQ aad pack in ice and aalt fait "Sre hoara. Taia out uu a plallai and iiigid HflyttF eers all aroaad the awM^ each with a taudlej cligiiy i » mp. Mhd a g ^ g " chopped cherrtea aad itwnaai imT

* « - • - • • : : — - . •

h ^ i haagry'

Kary aad Jtartha. aeed &•« flr .alx. "Were playlar chiuth with" their .itnOs lUrih»'»>di^ waa a beaatlfal on* thaA • i'liii —iW lart h w t whBa Ma«T^ waa aaly a « 0 ( 4aD. Mai ly canted her ddOT A B 4 V«t her ia

e s t i M B jf-clove of garUe; U a a t h e h t n l w U h 1 « - J * ^ S l tuce. IHapoaa •• k l ieM oC-r p r i a U e j and onion ta 1 thin a l i ^ . o f i

1 With _ , flefyp (a^th S ^ e

tshlespooatala oC oBva aBL, ^ro af 1 on Juice aad aalt aad eitvhM -Uste.

rut baauas laan "to catter ' nuts, and with Frend'


i l f f ^ e i SI9-

fWICTHMUiKCTS iH WUiETY Alaw^-^#io-Cn^-^Q- jBw" 1

ftipwtyiw From Which

Mow that aeai^ e»wy \

~ with alao he ' 'W'T afcach to the tara^ flower pots there are i >ookiag. rec«n>ta<»a aC

1 ^ hnMlas -L




Watraa That ti>e wairaa ta raaldly aeartas

tntnc* r.;ii. present, iilm in hia


l.^brter Canapjoii—<%o9 a amaB oLJcc and fry B i t S a' deBeate toewm \z. a tablehpuwafal wf bat ter : a M " a buLch of w^ter creas fiaeiy eboppfd . c:.e rup of creaa^ « i d Mb' a a t B t t

.-rtasoB with a ^ . « a d p e * -V--.- a-Ld a pluCh u l idU'iy pbat ler . A M

,.!.-. cf minced lobster; aprcibd o a - :nd^ of buttered

i s t h e w a r a ^ a e a a d o d b y

aUiiglilAr oa^aed try o n e e r e w ta a ^Sjgle a e a s o a ^ Th«^ 5 * ^ . • | i > o * P ' ^ *•* 723, ' o f '' wiiidii i!M~ w a r e ' c o w s w i t t '

e r s h o t flwad a a d a e y e r reooTered. A-toll grown, b a n w a l r a s w e i g h s a t o a . i T h e w a l r o s ta a t a n p d a g ba i t t a t h e j

. hwBtPT beeamae ' ^ -the: amnnat o f j w m k h foBDd l a t h e ak ia . t h e edl a n d i

a y p e a i a a e e tS. t h e w a i r a a aMaas. tte i ertfaietlOB irf t h e .Bshtqeaa w h o « e - ' p e a d l a r g d y . o a t h i aapvi^. t a ^ l^tMK.

n fH lata aomy tf tha paS-*rffiiaatir-dy«d Nortfew^atera

a<a. as weO i|p


fa Whrt Yit Imffc to<t 11 he aslfpi iirti JEWEmr, WATOffa^ UJUUL!);, EYE



Two Carioiidt of

Masfna $45.M to $190.00

load of BliM fiibbcm Busfgies. andooe eu-ioad of the famous Hajtiticks^ ' garir TinHle »f U i e — -

very best material "arailable,

botwht in the white wood aad


Also ali kinds of



GRASS ^essy

It wUl be worth your while to

inspect our stuclL '

rxxssarsis; Manassas, Va.

J. O. JUDIK suc^ssosfoXXlnESr


^^l®EPS^¥©GItH0M&^ ^R£SH^


are Meal tor "accap" boUeia. aa t odi-m . Sai at two ai«es aad isaaiiai at the eada, aujr be aiirprndrj &a» t%a

or y o r t baskets !a attraetline eeiera ^ecejajHi 'aad-

r tartety. b ^ O e beat a n bo«4-»ed. >ery eapari—i aad ^Iwaya

*m^ am are their eolorfags that t * teiaa

i n s e w c a a -tie. bat it ia a good aehene to Ifaa theas wtth aoR plaia aSk. Coaapara-UTeJy few of the leaa eEpeaais* la-iOaa haskiKs have Bia. bat oac mar issilj,^bii lasUBi SJ g W ^ i a f a j ^ ^ hoard eireie with i la ia silk ^ r i attaeh-iat it by a ptaah! hiaca oT iftbaa.

Prtaer^aB the PaMic Moattii. The Kcw Torh Madteal Keeord

aotes ihat wtaie great ItapruiaMtat has beea aaade in i m U l c health thtoogheot the dTQised world in re­cent years it eaa not he doahted that

t a a mHTMMU Tfe« tt 16 be

U t d a Ceata, W H h O O M

JfaarJiag hy A^ Oajr


v . t t cayenne and browa tjaaTHT hot O - p L -•--,

Beet S a l a d . — i T T a a g e ^ e o e k e d h e e t S w h . - h h a ^ ' b S e e a t a e t y . c^a f^ed e a i>-t- j c e CoTcr' w i t h a half cagCal at. t i o L e j a c d tJTwly c a t a f f f n , thBiv-Jalth. z^ayocnaJse chopped capers, OT hard cooked e a t -

V.'bes m»kiag-"a^ c&k'> use the foUowiag fair a

P neappta F1Uin«.—Cook a eapt t t ot"i • ehooL r - . ' ; p .neappie with "a foarth of a^ S e o o a d B o T — T e a r-.7 - ' sugar l « i minatss . thea add a "Tea. We're

tho oons i s teaey l a i g i a M . - ' ' ' 1 S i i ~ ^ a ^ ? ^VB> hfa b* naed on tfip o f t h e

It if a d e l i e l o « t _ t t i w for a a « i l 1 & * • • • • K** e a J u hafcad ta l a y w a as iat a h i t ^ » 4 — ^ 3 ^

« pqoare o f Wr.„t ' V . > . . v . . . - y n r t ^ n . . t ^ . —> . -• mai] sqoar-ea a a d u»»ei .al l the teoe with the

^Whlta CalBe a f f t te t h e t k v M v d M » -.. . te t ia l Car c o a t a for bahiaa. ^ «*a tt«»»an«t tt to be » r r s i l ^ i a 5 r ^ a » e i , 5 * « daty^to eoaean hisMeU ia thia «oea- , ine cape, which atay be tloB the afraaea wcpid be man re- ] lMh| fiigb laia «r tehhed by

n e svcraCB cHlaea. how-^ . . . •»

totta Corday j the fari»ai^, of eoaiae, depeatfiag

I«~S»tar eolttUBatlMB and coat

F ^ siasple erery-day wtiar the pUa-• • »*• iiues. and the more easily it eaa be laaademd the aK>re ptacUcal tt win be. A dainty Bttle dress which

i n effect JiMi. 18^ 1^4, y b %aRM paWshad a

- ,*1

MAR\^LFtOUR MakeB aaore goqti breadjbo the. rflftlinary flnnrs—Ab8ohit«iy-pnni iind doctored—tever^lieathedi. ..Fam^'far its

jARicyi^^mr; DiSTRiBirroRsr

5rtMifhn, man, Spew mk (kmUd^hth^

- soGTtaousn Ho.i»—Daaylso^ S:JS

eanaetica at Oraatjs dai ft » o. Hi- i i r i^ '

B e . I l l — b e t ^ t Soaday, Local ior WanvM

• * - S o . « - B a a y i « S s * a p a t 1 f a a a

l9<>. l lS^£aDS]itSaaaigr , t :Sp.B. T w ^

P a B a i a P k r i v Cat. ***•**• ^ Ma. K^-^!aaap« fiaaiiay. i a e a ^ f n » W s ^ i n g " * » W » i i s > i s . ^ : H p . m . • ^ ^

I h - t t D a i l y i a c i i p f c U p..m. BoL U-r-Di^y «^-~-g'- t a i a , -Z14K^ i

s p f t l » i B l l r i a aad to taka V i A k S i

assa i sad WaakiB«to&.6:35 c. a . S o . JR—Daily throa^i) Um£. ecmAn-^^lF-^

Over ^

*7UtL^ 7K0.^^**^XC^ ^

ft»veE bookf MiM tor a tota l o f tZTT,-j M a i iha -Taianr Haa library a a i a Xjta.i i l_li isfle naDkJLjrere ° " - ' r i c a t

. s " • <^.\^Tt - P ^ V p-lTited ' ' • ' ••'- • • - • - » • , p n o e

H e r e w e h a r e ntthongh a a c h

Pnrchaae five-eightte of a yard diamafl ie p i m m m g C a t burk.« from c b C frarknm T h e a o - "lur tr .mii . .ng In rows rinaa to-

iCFiey^r^Y U e r , Sfagies, Ladis, Doors. Sa4

Kbidi and BiddHig MafemI ^ OF ALL KINDS.



» ^ ^ y kw»l. "-Ifla-m.


Dailv )«ea]

r jaaL^ iaa . jB ~'\^

traia h e i i Ko-

I .to 'WaaiiiafiUHi. T JM p. a I Soa. 21» a : aad 13 i

I l i n e tra^as Noa. S^ad l e , 1

• F Md Oaa. ;

115 N . Union Street. : '.11 y Liet Slreei .

i C . aO.Sai l* K.K. CWAPMAN g - H HAKr.-g".-y : .


AkCXANI/fiiA. *.-_ '•gect.

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it San Frai ^r

_'niifty-«ix i^the Woritfs Jajrig j m PartiBBatg DfBciafly Upon a Stupendbus Seate-WoricTt Most HftUa Architect Create Citv of Palacte the l^«. of Which itan H ^

Mfytr BthtM England U Ddtfctt.

Tke photogimphB npoo tkls paB« reTe»l just a few oJ t i * thousaada <rf n>art«l* that wffl h* m,^ t^ • i . - - « . BOBS who Tiiit Ute Paaama-Pactflc latcmaticnal Exporiti.ja in s ? ^ ^ « - ^ = ^ ^ r ^ ^ by the « n -

» - i ii-t.viuii i^xpuBiuija in bao fraacisco n a n year. Tb* <9eiunc ot the Paaama caaai i s regarded br tte nation« >« nnU «* •>, >. . .. • , -

> display of the wortd-g rrogress a« ha« ppT r h«M.a ^^n ^ ^ ^ ««UM »a aao t-Tacciaoo •oOi The news that England will exhibit at the Panama-Pacifir lnt»n»ti^». i i^™„.!. . __*j - ..

tae intetx^st that U «Ferrwh«« toien in America . P a n a ^ ^ L i T S ^ ^ ^ ^ " " " " ^ wWeaee of the a n « *

S ^ ^ ' ^ ^ - ^''""'°'"- S U « . Spam. S«e<to^ T « r k e , Cmguay. Veoeraela and t S r e a t ^ ^ S i n ^ S T n i t i ™ . tave appropriated enormous auma. The Argentina, for example. )uu a p p r o p r l f l »1 00.000 gold for ite d J S w ^

- , ^ ^ J ^ ! ^ ^ . r ^ clrtlixed couwpy «n «aiik wfl! be enafaiad at Sam Fraaeisco to behold a sorpaaains rtew •C the progress irf their natire Usui. -«>-»«. - *""' •^••"c " " "

T^^SEhont the Ooited States and to tBrelgn Undi mmton. OT peojde a i« pbomlng to Tistt the expoaltjon aezt : year. At a recent ™>etlng of the Transcoittinental Pafiaeager asaociattaa H .was decided to make great rednctkms '

and rltwei on Qoecmber 1, j^j fc -_ • Tb«> expoaW— t»day la tm* «f the alghts tjf Uiw •uiWl Ttaj t»a»mi.ui iai a utmatu t h f |,h a t Osidea Oata

^ •bMioldfi the vast domes of the expofiiUon palaces risiag ! & •

tEe 'Ibre t & main group of expositiaa palaces, w U d t a e * aorth upon the harbor for more than one mile, a great F'l mullMilfl IMB hm-acM <UIUMJ UilumHiW WffFWBSSL Ambm bnM^ht from distimt {Ruta of tbe worid. BarH onltttsdea win gBtker daiiag tli* ^xporitlaa « • f lew > r <ar the asaeaMad wandiips of *hm worid's -asrSEt i S a 1S~ a i t k t a woadertKi aariaa of eetored illuiiilHBliMM t l a M e -Iprtj o r Mty Maes away. The entire exyoeitioai groanda fmtiSIWS&^Vf^RJmji l u i l w foi alnnwt

UA^MHWB^^ Iggr-Qf a a y rinf^rita profBsely In colorB and girtng detailed descrlp-Tamr m lUe PMiama-piteiin! mmnuiuuim Etpy

«'QM> to >e heM iif San PraBcisop frcwi Fefanuiry 20 ^PMtt»^—^BF<ri H 8, mm uf LUB raiuuiunaiuu ijitt tha canal region. »iU be m a l l e d ^ f ^ ^ e Paaama-P»-wiflf. fct.iipw^n.i.ii.1 n. f...-ti I I iif i jmt i i HI 111

H m ^'ilsbMM^^^^^^^^ The huge Pala?e of Horticnitare Is set In the Soatfc^

f^nrrlang At thri ItaaBWa PaUJht limuiiauaaM faarnJTiltn i r f " Till be one i>f the iuiH,i l inking feaiures ae the T i s i n a ^ ^

s touwhlp eoald eaaQy be placed la ihla raat strDctnrc and «itk roo« ta

•* w*™ "•*•••• » < ""la «—iaitec nrTB i Fiingrrnrei 2t»0tVXiakXrKSSSSSirS~amm Doateadmc tks aoame at A * Jeft « | tke^^tetara ia the XOW«T of JeweW. r*M« i a * e

tts arekiteMKal Haas vmi*^ 'with rboaMnds of ghnCTln«t hand-p. ish*^ prn^als or mac

^ ' i l ! ^ * * ' ^ •""*" " * < « . t « ' > U> p*«»pe, » a y be eeea the two .i»t>4er tower, wh«h raard th»

» • U e U s - M ai { i e ,xr- ,« ,e W ^ . W 1 ^ l i e top of the ^r>" rh,1 /-rh of t ' . Ri ' tn , ? V n ^ « n l « > > w i r V ,

B H .»W^¥«»r'*-^PS*i.^ '*3^^ir- ' ^^'^ft l lFSW*,*^/^'

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eoit eoart ^eoonty wis asrun ID aessioD

COMMON LAW. Unrmmn Corhin

Voorbe^s —tn

s&^ AHxad K J

>-verj!i<:t for plaintiff. p \\9 P T re Spencer A. Buckner e t , J 5 C l I ' S t S f C S i CI

ai—Lucy C. Buckner and Gray-iwm Tyler Hppuiumd ifuawliaxiMof

Back-ner, Grayson Ty4er Buekaw and Artfaor H«rb«rt Bockoer, a«:ed

fl. D. HuUjiiaou TS. N«W York and Pennsylvania Company, a corporaticHi—removed for trial to next district court of the United" 8CaUe8 fw the EaslwH disUietrofT Virginia.

In re estate of Annie Liming— Ml motxMi of Mary Jane Valen-tSie. certilleate granted "U.'Xr Ctine for flbtaSliing Jetters of ad-nunistratioB « • personial estate of said Annie Liming. E. G. W. Keys. Witliam Cfbw and G: HT B^tdiffe ordered^' to vp^vSS^ goods «>d chattels of doeeaaed.


John Y. Itoaebyw et al

Betto'Thaii ETC* . -"GcHt«t yottf gWK •ctn^t. kcttifk no odxr. We muMT-

botfa in

thoroughly repaired and painted, ispow forsal^ ThedesoipCion of property la" as followa: Ix* about 90x120 f t . situated oo the eastade of Weat- ureet. vith the foltowingimpTOTV«»m«»nf-B- 1ft.fw»*in

antee it

house with cellar, heated by fur­nace, good well at back door, fine garden, nice tot of fniit. ice house andstorageBouie: nTce,^200i^

: laueasaaitbteteniK'Woald r»it 4»operty to good, careful family ] for |2S per mmitfa. C. J. Veetze A Company. & 9-2t

OUANHTY ami QUALITY .% Let as do iroanr baking.


=ca: Wilbur fi^ DUJKC tt al dwyis!!-: for s^tiement with distributees.

WjHmmt;. WUhamftind K^aac Williams, nis wite; iiessie-W^l-liams Taykte and Georfie Tayloe, Iter hasbaiid; J. Saoi Wffliaffw 4L1M1 LuwiB B. WillmiiiB vs.—iJr iK^e Mamn in his own right-«id

and Mary Mason, now Mary Masoa Crittep en — r ? w o v e^ fpr«» ASM, A^t^i jvoni; nf Qranf^

Mr.Lewis Bnntdl has nIAlned from:ajtaaLitf .9(ErssaljeifiiEBJB! Florida. '

Missl^eifteBeMt. ^Ottlett.is the goMt«{ iBss LiDiiB l4j^t> ner.


The bMt farm in Prince Wiitiam ' county for sale at the pnce. For $S4 per acre we can aell yitu one of the best improved farms in Prince William.connty, eoBMating

40a in cultivation this year. 55a in timber and small pine;new6-room frame house with 2 halls,2 porches ahd cellar; horse bafn,24x4Qi> with shed eidireTength of bani;> eow




boQse.8fa>rage bou8e,aod aflfliiier necessary outhuildings; gdBd well at hoose. and lastinsr water in evoy-fidd; pleaty-of ffuit.appkw,-peaches,charies. plums and pears l i miSes iEom railrQad.-lt asiks inan schooL,- This farm' excdient state of ccdtivatioB and will have to bo aaen tn ho appro

irraperty nuiMi aniT

^th a good p ^ p .

Wiiiiw -ir wrilii ftip pawlimlf 1^

H£BsesM||i7 Lioaise Kednranid^ MpJlio TUt^ctrarf^ •oisiting frileods in Wa^ngton.

Dr. W. Cif*jPoe aad Mr. Jade Gray metered to Qiariottesvflle last Satsrday aad anrrattendini: the finals at the Umrersity this wedE. -~

E naagn Al&ed. H. Tawresey is the goeatal tiie Mlaaes HalL

Thomaa of ChttiottesviBe, thdr gnuadfillie,; Jordan. —mr KTTTFV under the niMngemetit of St. Paul's Gold, at the Parish HaU Thonday was r and finawMty, pant<mine far FrogWhoWrT*iift ^WTlafflfl" y f w^i wtiich bef«e at tlie


' '' 'mg firry**^ Ocmh School. wa3 thusiastk "Mr. Pror"

The part of taken by Stuart

Ester £i«le; ^ TSravc Mr. Rat, who for PiMt fid atnd." by V i r s B V the "Cat


•S i i MM 111 REV dtflC BMK

'^-thawa many of Rich's faahions for men, WOOKB aad efalMWai inflywriair boy froBi' it with eveiy ;



V A .

TlugistheaeMOBtolookoyer uui uuuJa for Wire. KoDoer

NailirTtowB and Plow Re-paiurs, BoiklefB' Hanhrare, nanembtf, w^_ are lortfeejpfh

A VOLUME O E ^ E A U T I F U L , ^1 POEMS KN-rmfn


sale; if sold in 30 days, the eorii CI up win be thrown in at-tliB

•s good as this is adBng for t7&

Eatrayed last &Bday fio^i nay brown gnle.

Rewani of M. Lynch. 6 19

binder, earn cutter, heavy dpidile woric hamesSt heavy single work harness, adkyealtivator.mtaare spraader. Wiii aefl dieapor'ex-, chaave Hor sheep, coats wyoaBK' cattle. "Woodbon.*' G&ftoii, StatK».Va. 6-19-tf

Wat Sale.—Forty boshels eow-^2.86. QnicC. E.R.Caa-

htf. * B-iwr For Sale.—Biicyde,in good eon-

dition, d&QQ. Horace Poaoy, MaBasatt.Va. 6-12^t-*

V If that old faorae collar don't fit trade it for a new one at Aoatia^

Buggy hariMitis $7.'90 and np ^ $22.50 and aik—at

'a. *-Wr*t ^^ted.—To

m Prn tamg tiOB 25


Kopp. Va.

and caftaaXlLPdaieht

5^22-4t* Let n^ yoa






and Repitfra.

W. C yfdifiexkGr aSrs v ) B. nXfcaiX BAUAJKMtX.

- auucaasBa^ _VA

Mra. Baker, o f j^** V ' ^ " * " ^^^^^^f^" Lvadtbunr; Mra. Wiffia. of Roan- Membwr of ajr* on?«iiBstioc w u t ~7~^_*y^\^ ^^T^^ « • » » - , t„ j ^ f»rms «r farm iancfi in ti»» BMS tlice;—and -Mr. -Jaell—Gny.—of 1 lian. Only rwmnhlf nneed tamiR or. y--fc;-n-tni, Piana mlj i j t j . £«rJ'> l»iKi£_-»_ii. ^ cs>njn<iere<i, and titiea VT^nnr<**ar ' " ' " " " ^ ^ " i * 'tna« ^ f-uar«nte»»3 "by tfcp- owmmfx. Misaes Agnes H « ] aad l a n e Do- ' F«rm» ii!:t4><i witfc » win be mivcrtiwd

All the news of the county fi'Ty-:wo weeks for $ ; . O 0 - T H E CHARLES K

'.i-'.Tn:-' '".' Jlh Are



i jKrt fitseraliy tnic, as hits beCT^saitElIiaififfi^ JOURNAL does job work fernotliiiiff. but it


WASH I H C T O N . D. C , Il^JS. A^


For Coti SaaoBaar Drenco and Waists

New and

„ J.—IB bhie, htatk, btvcnder^ pink, brown, and m e n stnpes; al! a n goancBteed tub ^toci; strqwa wary m sae fnm nn ^ A . to Pekm strqie. At^yv^-. : : . . . JjC

_a]aa y>fa; rtKOTLiif^grBCD.

raooey or gire yoa new

afi the popular] •aaabbe bioe, tan

I shades;

Ifmatedal&deaTfat^ ^ 1> matenai At.3r«nl . . ^ . - ZUC 9

of theS tw^^adar^n ie^Mi uuleUal fta^fcirtB, i taitB. 50c value, at, yard.',

tenal f(M chddren'a drcoDot street dresses; dioioe of aiidc.

the ma-' -aad -play sKuts "also wutueu's ^teoseor t Q( green, uadc, and lavender

n^aal i Good Store-Street Floor r^l. P L • 3«ar«rfii rti.fc-* . tcr*.it re>»Ai;iEa: p

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