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Page 1: Boarders Handbook 2011



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Page INTRODUCTION 3 VISION and MISSION 3 BOARDING HOUSES 3 GENERAL: Boarding Staff 4 Pastoral Care 4 Communication 5 Daily Routine 7 Chapel 8 Weekends / Exeats 8 Medical / Sanatorium 12 Catering 14 Homework / Prep 16 TV & Videos 16 Tuck 16 Pocket Money 17 Passports / Valuables 17 Birthdays 17 CLOTHING: Laundry procedures 18 Hairstyles and jewellery 19 Lost Property 20 School Shop 20 BOARDING RULES 21 Should you have any suggestions or queries regarding Boarding, please contact the Head of Boarding at Clifton.

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INTRODUCTION Welcome to Clifton and to the boarding establishment. We trust that your time with us will be happy and memorable. This hand-book contains much information about boarding and is provided so as to make your child’s stay here easier. The experience of boarding will help your child to become inde-pendent and more confident as they will be responsible for their clothing, possessions and dormitory. Boarders develop long and happy relationships with their peers as they spend many busy hours playing and exploring the wonderful Clifton environment. CLIFTON’S VISION To be the ideal place to grow children. VALUES Clifton Preparatory School is an inter-denominational Christian school. We hold the values of love, honesty, integrity and tolerance at our core. In all areas of pursuit, fair play, good manners and wholehearted effort are encouraged. Good citizenship is developed in our children to assist them in becoming contributing members of whatever community they live in. BOARDING HOUSES Sutcliffe House for girls was opened in 1997. It is named after Mr Anthony Sutcliffe, a former Clifton headmaster, and accommo-dates up to 42 girls. Usher House for boys was named and dedicated to the memory and generosity of Lady Nora Usher and houses up to 68 boys.

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BOARDING STAFF Headmaster Head of Boarding Usher House Sutcliffe House Housemaster House Mother House Mother Intern Students Intern Students Pastoral Care: All the residential staff are involved in the general care of the children and play an active role in the lives of the boarders. Two boarding staff members (M.O.D.) are on duty each day of the week and over week-ends. The staff on duty deal with queries and visitors and supervise the general activities of the boarders on the Estate. House staff on duty are available after lights out for any emergencies. Dormitory mentors: All the Grade 7 boarders act as dormitory mentors and assist with basic routines, allowing them to develop and experience some form of lead-ership role. Dormitories: Boarders are usually grouped in dormitories according to their Grade. The Junior Primary boarders within each House stay in a dorm together for easier care by the House Mothers.

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COMMUNICATION Boarding Staff: The boarding staff can be contacted on the school telephone number 033 - 2666801/6802 between 16h00 - 08h00. In emergencies / after hours Head of Boarding 033 - 2668226 a/h Sutcliffe House Mother 033 - 2668210 a/h Usher House Mother 033 - 2668208 a/h The Head of Boarding can also be contacted via e-mail at [email protected] Children: There are telephones/call boxes in both Usher and Sutcliffe House, available for use by the children. These are operated by phone cards, which are to be purchased privately and handed in to the House Moth-ers at the start of each term. They must be clearly marked with the children's name. Phone numbers: (Dialling code: 033-) Usher House Incoming lines only: 2666383 / 2666783 Call boxes: 2666932 / 2666015 Sutcliffe House Incoming line only: 2666511 Call boxes: 2666496 / 2666227 Phoning Times: The most convenient times to contact boarders are: �� After rising bell until inspection �� 15h00 - 17h00 (Although they could be at sport) �� 19h30 - 20h30 We do not allow calls to be made or received after lights out. It is sometimes difficult to get through on the telephones. It may help to have a pre-arranged regular day and time on which to phone, especially over weekends.

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Telephone etiquette We do endeavour to instil telephone etiquette in the children when answering phones. Please compliment a child if they answer politely and confidently. PLEASE restrict calls to a maximum of 10 minutes as others will also be needing to communicate. E-Mail All boarders are given an e-mail address and taught how to use these. There is opportunity for them to check these daily. Post: Pupils may receive post through the school postal address: Clifton Prep School P/Bag X01 Nottingham Road, 3280 Pupils may send post from the School Secretary. Facsimiles: Faxes may be sent to children on 033 - 2666860 New boarders: Although we encourage regular communication between parents and their children, we ask parents of new children to have no personal contact with their child for the first two weeks of boarding. This is difficult, but it assists the child in the settling-in process. The House Mothers and / or Head of Boarding will keep in touch with parents during this period, until the child proves to have settled. If you are anxious, phone the House Mothers / Head of Boarding. Cellular Phones: Cell phones may not be kept in dorms / classrooms. Weekly boarders are not permitted to bring cell phones. Those boarders who travel long distances to return home may leave their phone with the Housemaster / House Mothers for safekeeping.

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GENERAL DAILY ROUTINE 06:15am Rising Bell 06:30am House Inspection 06:45am Breakfast/ Collect laundry 07:10am Surgery Time 07:30am Choir / Registration / Lessons 10:00am Tea on weekends only 10:30am Tea/ Collect laundry 11:00am Lessons commence 12:30pm - 1:00pm Lunch (Gr 1 - 4) 1:30pm - 02:00pm Lunch (Gr 5 - 7) 2:00pm Change for sport 2:30pm - 4:00pm Sport / Hobbies 4:00pm Tea / Free time / Hobbies / Project work Optional sport practice 3:30pm Tea on weekends only 4:10pm Tuck on Tuesdays and Thursdays only 5:00pm Junior Prep Gr 1 -3 5:45pm Dinner 6:30pm Senior Prep signing of home books 7:30pm Showers, dorm inspections, Junior boarders lights out 7:30pm Phone calls/free time 8:30pm Senior boarders lights out

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WEEKEND ROUTINES Friday Every 2nd Friday there is Youth Grades 4 - 7(optional) Saturday: 06h30 Rising Bell (Times vary due to sport fixtures) 07h15 Breakfast 12h30 Lunch 18h00 Supper 18h30 Organised evening activity 20h30 Lights Out Sunday: 07h00 Rising Bell 08h00 Breakfast 12h30 Lunch 17h15 Showers 19h00 Supper Boarders returning on a Sunday evening must be signed in by 19h00. 20h00 Lights Out Sunday School and Youth on Fridays is offered for all those boarders that spend the weekend in. WEEKEND EXEATS Parents must complete the “weekend arrangements” form (annually) and submit this to the Head of Boarding indicating whether your child will be a weekly or termly boarder. Weekly Boarders: The School will assume that your child will be out for the weekend. Please notify the School if your child will travel with someone other than yourselves.

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Termly Boarders: The School will assume that your child will be staying in for the week-end. Please notify the School Secretary by 14h00 on the Wednesday preceding the weekend should your child be going out with you or with relatives or friends over the weekend. Going out with a friend: Boarders must have parental consent to go out with a friend, which must be confirmed with the School Secretary. If no confirmation has been made, the child will not be permitted to leave the School. Unexpected Leave requests: Should a parent arrive unexpectedly during the week / weekend to take their child out, the Teacher on Duty must be informed and the child must be signed out. Times: Friday : Boarders may leave once Assembly is are finished (providing they have no pre-arranged school commitment) and before 18h00. Saturday : Boarders may leave from after breakfast. Return times: Boarders may return by 18h00 on a Sunday evening, or 07h15 on a Monday morning. If a child returns on Monday morning, they must have time to change, send dirty clothing and Greys to the laundry etc, before school starts. Late arrival causes a chaotic start to the week! Dress: Boarders in the Senior Primary must leave and return in their greys If a child has played sport on a Saturday morning, they may leave in their sport kit, taking their greys with them. Junior Primary boarders must leave in their workday uniform and track-suit.

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Start of terms: At the start of each term, ALL boarders are required to return by 19h00 the evening before School starts. (See the term calendar). Half Terms: Boarders MUST be collected or the relevant transport arranged with the School to go home on the Thursday by 12.30pm of Half Term. (See the term calendar for dates and times) After half term, boarders must not be returned before 15h00 on the Monday, or they may arrive on the Tuesday morning by 7.00am Signing Out: ALL boarders MUST be signed out by an adult collecting the child, on departure, and then signed in on return. The signing out register is in the foyer of each House for weekends and a signing out book is available for week day exits. Your child may ONLY be collected from the Houses / Bell area. Do not ask your child to wait at the main school gate or on the road near the chapel. Transport: Travel arrangements must only be made with the School Secretary, the Head of Boarding or Housemothers and any necessary travel docu-ments must be left with these staff members. The School must be informed two (2) weeks prior to half-term / end of term with travel plans, if the parents are NOT collecting their child. The School MUST be informed if someone other than the child’s par-ent is collecting. PLEASE inform the school if travel plans / times change suddenly or there is an unexpected delay.

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Jhb / Durban Bus: Boarders requiring transport on the Johannesburg / Durban bus must fill in the form and handed to the School Secretary at least two weeks prior to half-term or end of term. A form for the Johannesburg bus is enclosed in the end of year envelope which needs to be filled in and returned to the School. Flights / Airport Arrangements: All flight details must be communicated to the School Secretary at least two weeks prior to the flight. If a child is travelling as an unaccompa-nied minor, please give the travel agent / flight company all possible contact details for yourself and the School. Parents away from home: If you are going to be away from home for any reason, and particularly if you are out of the country, please inform the Head of Boarding. Children do get anxious about parents being away from home and pan-ic if they are unaware and suddenly not able to contact their parents . Closed Weekends: The first weekend of every term is a closed weekend and all senior pri-mary boarders (Gr 4 - 7) MUST remain at school. Except for the first weekend of the year, parents may visit for a picnic lunch on the Clifton Estate on Sundays. Permission to go off campus for lunch will not be permitted. Junior boarders (Gr 1 - 3) may go home only after Saturday school, in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th terms. (In the 1st term ALL boarders are required to stay in for the first weekend)

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HEALTH and MEDICINES Sanatorium: Clifton has a well equipped surgery which is staffed by two Nursing Sisters, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The children receive attention for immediate injuries and all their med-ication is kept and issued at the surgery. Should children need to stay over for special care, there are rooms within each House where they are accommodated and monitored. If possible, the children will continue with school work / prep. The surgery and sanatoriums are out of bounds unless a child has been admitted by the Nursing Sister on duty or if they are visiting a friend. Surgery Times The surgery is open three times a day for the issuing of medicines, oth-erwise the Nursing Sister must be called for any other emergency. Contagious diseases Children with contagious diseases will be sent home. Doctor There are local doctors who may be called in by the Nursing Sister if required. Medicine All medicines / pills of any nature MUST be handed in to the Sanatori-um for safe keeping and issuing. Medical forms A school medical report form must be completed by your family doctor and returned to Clifton. The Nursing Sisters MUST be informed of any change of medication or Doctors visits that may have occurred during holidays or half-terms.

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Sick children

PLEASE do not send your child/ren back to School if they are sick.


Injuries sustained while away from school need to be dealt with by the parents before returning the child/ren to School.

Appointments PLEASE make doctor / dental appointments during school holidays or over half-terms. This avoids disruption to the academic programme.

Tetanus Your child must have an up-to-date Tetanus injection before commencing school.

De-worming You are encouraged to have your child de-wormed every six months.

Medical Queries Any medical queries regarding boarders must be made directly to the Nurs-ing Sisters / House Mothers.

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CATERING All the School catering is done by Capitol Caterers. Dieticians have produced a balanced diet, meeting the RDA of children, based on the age range and physical activity carried out by our children. The menu generally works through a four week cycle. The kitchen is equipped with gas stoves and a steam-combo oven, al-lowing for a good quality food product. A hygiene, health and safety audit of the kitchen, dining room and food is done quarterly and children are required to wash and spray their hands with a sanitizer before every meal. Food Committee A small committee of elected representatives from amongst the board-ers meet regularly with the catering manager to discuss food issues. Meals All meals are supervised by the teachers on duty and the Grade 7’s act as table mentors. Attention is given to table manners. Special Diets Special dietary requests (including vegetarians) must be made to the Head of Boarding. Should you child need a set diet for medical reasons, please supply a list of foods which he/she may and may not eat. Special spreads or additives as well as special foods for intolerances (e.g. soya milk) must be supplied from home.

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Table Tuck The Grade 7’s have the privilege of bringing “table tuck” (spreads, sauces, milk additives etc.) from the third term. Attendance at meals Boarders that are on campus MUST attend meals, even if they are not feeling hungry. Dress at meals During the week: Full work day uniform with shoes are worn. Their school tracksuits may be worn from after showers if it is cold. Over weekends: Reds and blacks with takkies or strops / slops may be worn to breakfast and lunch. Full work day uniform is worn to supper. A full home T-shirt may be worn to breakfast and lunch on Sundays.

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HOMEWORK / PREP All boarders complete their prep in the houses on a desk, under the supervision of the Housemaster, Housemothers and Intern teachers. The Junior boarders are supervised by the Housemothers. Reading is encouraged in the evenings. Children who forget their prep are disrup-tive, so will in future get three (3) black marks and will then be gated for the weekend. TELEVISION The television is only available during the week in rainy weather. Over weekends the viewing of programmes or videos will be at the discretion of the teacher on duty. VIDEOS Videos from home must be checked by the teacher on duty before screening. TUCK No tuck may be kept in the dormitories or the Houses. Please do not bring tuck in to your child during the week as it causes numerous problems. Tuck kept illegally, if found, is confiscated and will not be returned. TUCK BOXES Boarders may bring a small tuck box with their own tuck. This is kept in a tuck box room and the Teacher on Duty over weekends will moni-tor consumption. These may be re-filled at half term and end of term from home. Tuck should include various small items that your child can enjoy over weekends, with about 3 items per taking. Please avoid all perishable products!

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POCKET MONEY Boarders may not keep money in the dormitories. Amounts of up to R100.00 must be handed to the House Mother / Head of Boarding for safe keeping, should a child require money if they are going out with a friend for the weekend. PASSPORTS / PERSONAL DOCUMENTS These must be handed to the Head of Boarding for safekeeping at the beginning of each term. VALUABLES Walkmans, i-pods, hand held computer games etc are not permitted at school. Experience shows that these often get damaged or lost and we will not be held responsible for their safekeeping. Cameras for school excursions etc should be handed to the House Mother / Head of Boarding for safekeeping. BIRTHDAYS Should your child be having a birthday during the term, a birthday cake may be ordered from the kitchen, through the school receptionist. The-se must be ordered at least one week in advance and will be charged to your account.

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CLOTHING Laundry: Dirty clothing must be placed into the laundry bag daily. These are tak-en to the collection point every Monday, Wednesday and Friday before inspection each morning. Cleaned laundry may be collected dur-ing the day. Bed linen is changed every Wednesday / Thursday. The children keep their own clothing in their lockers. Name tags: ALL clothing and other items MUST be labelled / marked. Handwritten and stamped names tend to wash out in the laundry, and iron on labels tend to peel off after time. Labels should be placed as follows: Shorts, pants, underwear - inside back of waistband Shirts, jerseys, tracksuit tops - inside of collar Socks - inside top fold Sheets - on an outside corner Pillow slips - on the fold ALL CIVVY clothing MUST be labelled. Clothing purchased during the year will be labelled at school, through the school shop, and charged to the child’s account. Damaged clothing Torn or damaged clothing must be repaired at home or sent to the school shop for minor repairs. Civvies / Home clothes Termly boarders may bring a small bag of home clothes for use when going out for weekends. On Sundays a full home T-Shirt may be worn for the day.

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Trunks/Tog Bags Trunks/Bags must have the child’s name printed on both ends. A com-plete list of clothing sent to school must be included in trunk/bag, for checking purposes at the end of year. The trunk / bag is kept at school until the end of year, unless requested otherwise. Camping kit All camping equipment, as indicated on the clothing list, is kept in the camping room for issue as required. HAIRSTYLES Girls Hair must be neat and kept out of the eyes with clips. No hair dye may be used. Alice bands/scrunchies may be red, black or white. Girls hair MUST be dried before going to supper in the evenings. Braids might be removed for hygiene reasons if necessary. Boys Hair must be neat and short. No steps are permitted. No hair dye / bleaching may be used. Boys hair must be cut before start of term and at half-terms, or when necessary. A hair dresser does visit the school on occasions for those boys that do not conform to these standards. JEWELLERY Girls Only one stud per ear. A wrist watch Boys A wrist watch

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TOILETRIES The boarders must each have: Soap and shampoo Sponge / Face cloth Toothbrush and toothpaste Hair brush Sun block Aqueous cream / lip ice Deodorant (Boys: Gr 7’s only may use spray; others roll-on) All toiletries must be in a toiletry bag. LOST PROPERTY Boarders are essentially responsible for their own belongings. Should something go missing they MUST report it to the House moth-ers immediately. Items found lying about are sent to the lost property box. It is the child’s responsibility to check this collection point for missing items. If the child does not collect his/her lost property by Friday they will be charged R5. The Head of Boarding MUST be informed immediately should valuable items be missing. Unlabelled clothing is displayed weekly and if not claimed then it is put away until the end of each term. Thereafter it is given to charity. SCHOOL SHOP The shop supplies school clothing, sports equipment and basic toilet-ries. All items purchased are charged to your school account. Any items with a value over R50.00, requested by a child, will require notification from parents.

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BOARDING RULES We are all entitled to a safe, clean, well ordered and friendly environ-ment so this requires a responsibility of respect and care for all other people, their possessions and property of the school. We expect our pupils to act in a sensible and responsible manner at all times. 1. Manners: Children stand to greet staff, parents and visitors of

the school, directing them to the reception if required. 2. Foul language is not accepted. 3. No selling or buying of personal possessions may take place at

school. 4. Any books, magazines or pictures of an inappropriate nature are

not permitted at Clifton, along with video’s and music with foul language.

5. Knives, BB guns and air guns or any other article which is deemed dangerous may not be brought to school. This includes infra-red lasers.

(Small pocket knives for whittling sticks etc are permitted and encouraged.) 6. Matches, cigarette lighters, candles and fireworks are not permitted at Clifton. 7. Boarders may not leave the estate without the permission of the Teacher on Duty. 8. Areas OUT of BOUNDS - Classrooms (except during school time or with a staff member present.) - Intern Teachers rooms - Main Gate area - Kitchen (except with permission) - School workshop (except with a staff member) - Laundry room - Labour Staff Village - Staff Houses (except with permission)

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- Staff work room - Offices (unless a staff member is present) - Staff / Visitor toilets - Swimming Pool (unless a staff member is present) 9. Boarders may visit the stables over weekends, however, the

Teacher on Duty must be informed and there must be at least 3 pupils. Boarders may not ride horses without a qualified staff member present.

10. Boarders may camp out on the Estate over weekends, with the permission of the Teacher in Duty.

11. Boys may not go into Sutcliffe House dormitories and girls may not go into Usher House dormitories.

12. Pupils may not take keys to any facilities without a staff mem-bers permission.

13. Roller blading / Skateboarding may be done with protective head gear in areas where there are no people walking about.

14. Scooters may be used on the roads except in the morning before school or when there is excessive traffic. Scooter riders must be aware of pedestrians, motor vehicles and horses. Scooters may not be used indoors.

15. Termly boarders may bring a bicycle to school, with permission from the Head of Boarding.

16. No bullying; physical, verbal or of any other nature , will be tolerated at Clifton. 17. Boarders may not run or conduct any over boisterous games indoors. 18. No bunking out of dorms after lights out. 19. Any damage to school property will be to the parents account. 20. No ball games may be played in the dormitories. 21. No tins with propellant gases (including deodorant) may be kept in Usher House. Boys may use roll-on deodorant.

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22. No heaters may be used in the Houses due to safety hazards. 23. No swimming is permitted without a staff member present. 24. Dormitories are out of bounds during the school day so that

cleaning can be carried out. 25. Visits to the local shops is not permitted. 26. Hot water bottles have been found to be dangerous in a boarding

environment and should not be used. An extra blanket helps in the winter months.

27. Beds and lockers in the dormitories may not be moved around at will.

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