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The Boca Raton Tribune East /West Boca Raton, Highland Beach , Delray Beach FL - October 6 through October 13, 2010 •Year I •Number 016

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See this article on page 11




See this article on page 4

October is Breast Cancer

Awareness Month

Youngsters visit Boca Fire Rescuefor National Fire Prevention week

A Gift for Gloria$10 million

for Boca Raton

Regional Hospital

See this article on page 5See more on page 24

Page 2: Boca Raton Tribune- Edition 16/2010

2 - October 6 through October 13, 2010

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By Paul PaquetPaul Triviabits

How to Place an ObituaryDeath notices placed through our Classifields Depart-

ment include 7 lines of text, which includes:

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Copyright 2010 by The Boca Raton Tribu-ne. All rights reserved by The Boca Raton Tribune. All submissions and published materials are the propery of The Boca Raton Tribune. This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express written consent from The Boca Raton Tribune. The publishers reserve the right to edit all submissions and to reject any advertising or copy they regard as harmful to the publication´s good or deemed to be libelous. The publisher is not responsible for the articles written by its columnists. The publishers are not responsible for ty-pographical errors, omissions or copy or photos misrepresented by the advertiser. Liability shall not exceed the cost of the portion of space occupied by such error or advertising items or information. All edi-torials are intended to reflect the position of the publisher and not of any individual editorial writer. Signed columns, on the other hand, reflect the opinions of the author and not necessarily those of the publisher. The advertiser and/or the advertising agency is responsible for all content and will assume responsibility resulting from publication of said advertisement in The Boca Raton Tribune.

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BriefsThe Boca Raton Tribune

Events in OctoberThe rod and rebuke give wisdom, But a child left to himself brings shame to his mother. - Proverbs 29:15

Safety tip from Boca Raton Police

Jefferson Davis had big plans for when the Confeder-acy sent the Yankees running. In particular, he laid out plans to conquer Mexico, Cuba and Brazil. The South had seen expansion southward as a way to compensate for non-slave expansion to the west. During the war it-self, the Confederacy sent agents to destabilize Mexico by fomenting revolution, and after the war, thousands of die-hards fled to Brazil, which still had slavery. What company encourages tourists to visit Chocolate World in Pennsylvania? A) Cadbury B) Hershey C) Mars D) Nestle

Previous answer: Hershey runs Chocolate World.


Q: What should I look for in a Closed Circuit Televi-sion system?

A: At a minimum, you should have cameras with a resolution of 480 x 640, clear lines of sight, overlap-ping coverage and storage of at least 30 days. I would recommend seeking professional advice before mak-ing a purchase or for answers to technical questions. As with any purchase, get at least three quotes and ref-erences you can contact.

Crime and safety questions are answered by officers from the Crime Prevention Unit. For more informa-tion, visit www.BocaPolice.com.


- Filipino American History Month - National Arts & Humanities Month - Domestic Violence Awareness Month- Breast Cancer Awareness Month - National Cyber Security Awareness Month - Fair Trade Month1. Contemporary ‘Alice in

Wonderland’ tale takes de-lightful Burtonesque twist2. Miami Dolphins to kick off season with pep rally Thurs-day at Amphitheater in Boca3. Founder of Boca Raton Regional Hospital celebrates 80th birthday4. Delray Beach Playhouse opens 64th season with pro-duction of ‘Any Wednesday’5. It’s first and goal for new football stadium at Florida Atlantic University

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- 3October 6 through October 13, 2010for news 24/7 go to bocaratontribune.com


Municipal NewsThe Boca Raton Tribune

Palm Beach County dedicates bridge to community leader Herman C. McCray Jr.

The Palm Beach County Commission on Sept. 25 dedicated the Congress Avenue Bridge in Riv-iera Beach to community

leader Herman C. McCray Jr.Commissioners had voted in August to dedicate the bridge, which was request-ed by McCray’s family.The dedicat ion honors McCray’s community leader-ship in West Palm Beach and Riviera

Beach. As the operator of McCray’s Barbeque Restaurant, he distributed dinners and other meals to the sick and shut-in, the

elderly, and the homeless. When he taught students of the Suncoast High Community School the art of establishing their own business, McCray encouraged the youth of the community to work for themselves as well as for others. He has been a driving force in the fight for civil and equal rights for all citizens.The dedication ceremony took place in the Palm Beach County Govern-mental Center in West Palm Beach.

Palm Tran announces newtransportation disadvantaged bus fares

Beginning this month, the cost of Palm Tran’s Trans-portation Disadvantaged (TD) 31-day fixed-route bus pass has increased. The pass is currently sold to eligible customers for $5 and is available only to persons with a household income at or below 150 percent of the federal pov-erty level.Effective October 1, per-sons with a household in-

come at or below 100 per-cent of the current federal poverty level started paying $10 for Palm Tran’s TD 31-day bus pass. Those with a household income between 101-150 percent of the fed-eral poverty level are pay-ing $15.Customers must qualify to purchase the discounted TD bus pass by providing proof of household income and household size. This

information will be verified prior to certifying current customers or enrolling new customers in the TD pro-gram. This action was one of sev-eral recommended by the Palm Tran Service Board (PTSB) and approved by the Board of County Com-missioners as part of the county’s budget reduction strategies. These actions resulted in no service dis-continuation to Palm Tran’s fixed-route operation or loss of service to any Palm Tran Connection customer.For more information about the TD bus pass program, call Palm Tran Connection at 561-649-9838 or toll free at 877-870-9849.

Families of two Lynn earthquake victims donate funds for 2011 service, studies

BOCA RATON - Following the devastating earthquake in Haiti that took the lives of two Lynn University pro-fessors and four students, the parents and families of those lost wanted to help other students who shared their loved ones’ passion for helping others. All the families have esta-blished ways to honor their daughters, and the Crispi-nellis and Gianacacis cre-ated funds that will begin to help Lynn students this year.In March 2010, Stephanie Crispinelli’s family created the Stephanie Crispinelli Endowed Memorial Scho-larship to honor Steph’s life and love of education and service. The scholarship will be awarded to students who emulate Steph’s enthusiasm for reaching out to help oth-ers and commit themselves to responsible citizenship in the global society. The funds will provide tu-ition and travel assistance for selected students who wish to participate in hu-manitarian courses ap-proved and sponsored by Lynn. As an endowed fund, this scholarship will live on in perpetuity. The first scholarship will be awarded in the 2010-2011 academic year.Christine Gianacaci’s pa-rents, in honor of Christine’s life and love to help others, especially children, crea-ted the Christine Gianacaci Journey of Hope Award. This award will fund two students’ travel costs for the J-Term humanitarian mis-

sion trip.Lynn President Kevin Ross affirmed Lynn’s dedication to international travel and service. “I have been asked many times if we plan to carry on with our commit-ment to international educa-tion and send our students on service trips to other countries,” said Ross, “and my answer is a resounding yes.”Also in March 2010, the university established the Lynn University Global Ci-tizenship Memorial Fund in memory of the faculty members and students who lost their lives in the earth-quake while providing ser-vice and care to the people of Haiti. This fund will provide money for students to expe-rience university-designed and approved educational and service opportunities which focus on communi-ties in need at the interna-tional, national and local levels.The Crispinelli family has also established the Stepha-nie Crispinelli Humanitari-an Fund to continue Steph’s dream of helping the poor and underprivileged. Their goal is to combat poverty by providing education to children in need. Early this summer, in part-nership with Food for the Poor, they constructed an elementary school in Jamai-ca called “Steph’s Place,” which is currently provid-ing an education for 87 students. Stephanie’s fami-ly hopes to have continued support so they are able to build a “Steph’s Place” an-

nually. For more informa-tion visit StephaniesMis-sion.org.Christine Gianacaci’s pa-rents, John and Jean, foun-ded the Christine’s Hope for Kids Foundation, whose mission is to continue Chris-tine’s spirit and loving qua-lities, to help less fortunate children and to support lo-cal community agencies in the U.S.A. that work with and benefit children. The foundation not only wants to raise money to support their mission, but it also wants to teach and communicate the idea that every person can make a difference each day by help-ing others and being kinder.Christine’s passion for help-ing children led her to par-ticipate in the Journey of Hope trips to Jamaica and Haiti. Christine’s Hope for Kids Foundation will pro-vide the necessary funds to allow other Lynn students participating in service or-ganizations and humani-tarian classes who want to participate in these trips and have life-altering experi-ences while servicing oth-ers. The foundation has already helped more than 700 chil-dren and has donated over $50,000 that has allowed kids to go to summer camp, learn to swim, have a new pair of baseball shoes, filled backpacks with new school supplies or helped teens attend leadership confer-ences.For more information on Christine’s Hope for Kids Foundation, visit Christine-shope.org.

Page 4: Boca Raton Tribune- Edition 16/2010

4 - October 6 through October 13, 2010

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The Boca Raton Tribune MUNICIPAL NEWS East/West Boca Raton, FL

BOCA RATON - Boca Raton Firefighters recently wel-comed special visitors at Fire Station # 1 at 1151 North Federal Highway. The visit was in preparation for National Fire Prevention Week Oct. 3-9. Students from MECE Pre School and Kindergarten classes stopped by the station to learn about fire safety. The 5-year-old students learned to “Stop, Drop and Roll”, “Know Two Ways Out” and “Stay Low and Go”. Teachers, parents and students toured the fire station and were given a close-up look at the fire apparatus and medi-cal unit. The highlight of the visit was when Firefighter/Paramedic Chris Neville showed the students that a firefighter looks different when they are fully dressed to fight a fire. “Al-though we look different, firefighters are your friends,” he said.

Youngsters visit Boca Fire Rescue for

National Fire Prevention Week safety lesson

Firefighter/Paramedic Chris Neville

From left are Driver Joe Ramsey, Firefighter Scott Kovi and Fire Captain Lange Jacobs

Credit: Photos by Frank Correggio

BOCA RATON- In a pros-pective study published in the European Journal of Nu-clear Medicine and Molecu-lar Imaging, researchers at Boca Raton Regional Hos-pital showed that Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) and breast MRI had comparably high ability to detect cancerous lesions. The prospective study en-rolled 182 women with recent biopsy-proven pri-mary breast cancer and also found that PEM was not impacted by meno-pausal status, breast den-sity or hormone replace-ment therapy making PEM a valuable alternative. PEM scanners are high-re-solution breast PET sys-tems that show the location as well as the metabolic phase of a lesion. The met-abolic view assists phy-sicians to make the opti-

Radiologist at Boca Raton Regional Hospital lead author on new breast cancer study

mal cancer care decision by providing an unpre-cedented ability to distin-guish between benign and malignant lesions, what researchers term “specifi-city.” PEM is different than X-ray mammography in that it is currently not used as a screening modality, but rather to confirm extent of disease in a patient already diagnosed with a primary breast cancer. “We were very pleased to find that PEM and MRI had comparable ability to detect cancerous lesions regardless of type or seve-rity of the tumor,” said Kathy Schilling, MD, Boca Raton Regional Hospital radiologist and lead author on the study. “In addition, the data showed that PEM is a fantastic alternative for women with dense breasts

or where timing of an MRI due to menstrual cycle is challenging. The next step is to understand how PEM and MRI compare when differentiating between be-nign and malignant suspi-cious lesions.” Results from a separate NIH-sponsored clini-cal study [NIH Grant 5R44CA103102], recently presented at the 2010 So-ciety of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, compa-ring PEM and breast MRI help answer Dr. Schil-ling’s question. The multi-site study of hundreds of women with newly diag-nosed breast cancer shows that PEM demonstrated a 6 percent improvement in specificity, ability to dif-ferentiate between malig-nant and benign lesions, suggesting that PEM may reduce unnecessary biop-

sies. These results are particu-larly significant for wo-men who cannot tolerate an MRI exam and require an alternate imaging tool. The study is slated for publication in the Decem-ber issue of the journal Ra-diology.

Kathy Schilling, MD, medi-cal director, Breast Imaging

and Intervention, at the Insti-tute for Women’s Health and

Wellness - The Center for Breast Care at Boca Raton

Regional Hospital.

BOCA RATON - With help from police in Toledo, Ohio, Boca Raton authori-ties have located a suspect in connection with the Sept. 19 knifepoint rob-bery of a clerk at Sally’s Beauty Supply, 1950 NE 5th AvenueDuring the initial investi-gation, Boca Raton Police Detective Hanley circu-lated a photograph of the suspect, taken from sur-veillance video. A member of the Boca Raton Police Tactical Team saw the photograph and notified Detective Hanley that the suspect’s name was Toby Berry, 45, with no listed

Boca beauty store armed robbery suspect nabbed in Toledo

address.The police officer had spoken to Berry Sept. 16 during a routine street en-counter in the parking lot of the Fifth Avenue Shops. During that encounter, Berry had a gold and silver medium size folding pock-etknife in his possession, and said he was staying with a friend at Boca Man-or Apartments on North Federal Highway.Berry was arrested Sept. 27 in Toledo. Boca’s Pub-lic Information Officer Sandra Boonenberg said Detective Hanley filed for a warrant for Berry for the charge of robbery with a

deadly weapon. She said the investigation revealed that Berry had previously lived in Toledo, Ohio and still has family there. De-tectives notified officials in Ohio that Berry might be heading to their juris-diction. Berry was arrested in Toledo without incident.Boonenberg said Boca Ra-ton detectives went to an apartment at Boca Manor and spoke with the resi-dent, who said Berry had been staying with her for the past week. The resi-dent identified Berry as the person in the surveillance video at the beauty store.

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- 5October 6 through October 13, 2010for news 24/7 go to bocaratontribune.com

The Boca Raton Tribune MUNICIPAL NEWS East/West Boca Raton, FL

Story, photos by Dale M. King

BOCA RATON - Gloria Drummond celebrated her 80th birthday Sept. 30.And it was a heck of a birth-day. Not only did hundreds of people turn out to honor the woman most respon-sible for organizing and leading the drive to create a hospital in Boca back in the 1960s, but local philan-thropist Christine Lynn was on hand to donate $10 to BRRH in honor of Gloria Drummond.The crowd packed the lobby of the Harvey and Phyllis Sandler Pavilion in the Eugene M. & Christine E. Lynn Cancer Institute of Boca Raton Regional Hos-pital to hear Lynn announce her donation.Officials from the Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation said the dona-tion will name the Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. The gift will be utilized to construct a new, state-of-the-art facility for women’s services, creating an at-tractive and comfortable setting with an emphasis on clinical excellence, ef-ficiency and privacy, said Jan Savarick, president of the Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation.“We are so appreciative of Christine’s generosity,” said Savarick. “This lead gift for the Women’s Health & Wellness Institute will further define the scope and impact of our women’s pro-grams and help Boca Raton Regional Hospital fulfill its

A gift for Gloria - $10 million for Boca Raton Regional Hospital

mission of providing ad-vanced medical excellence to the women of South Florida. The gift launches a campaign to raise addi-tional funds to support the services and technology of the Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute.” The transformational gift, they said, is an important step in the creation of a re-gional destination for wom-en’s health services at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. The Institute will serve as a “centralized address” for women’s health care needs and information, providing a convenient one-stop shop for women, with coordinat-ed access to the broad spec-

trum of services at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. A comprehensive array of integrated services will be specifically targeted to women as they pass through the continuum of health care issues during their lifetime, from repro-ductive years and maternity care through menopause and aging. According to HealthGra-des®, the leading indepen-dent health care ratings organization, Boca Raton Regional Hospital’s wo-men’s services are ranked in the top 5 percent na-tionwide for 2010, with advanced patient care, edu-cation, access to cutting

edge research and support groups. The Institute’s Cen-ter for Breast Care performs more than 90,000 detection and diagnostic procedures each year. Speaking at the podium, Lynn said her gift honors Drummond, founder of the hospital. “I know that Gloria shares my wish that women in our community be afforded the finest, most advanced health care,” Lynn said. “With the qual-ity of our physicians, the superb staff and the dedica-tion to emerging technol-ogy, the Institute will con-tinue to make a significant difference in the lives of women throughout South Florida. I am so pleased to have my name associated with the Women’s Health

Christine Lynn, the Boca philanthropist who donated $10 million to Boca Raton

Regional Hospital this week in honor of founder Gloria Drummond’s 80th birthday.

Mayor Susan Whelchel with former hospital president, Steven Ladika.

Gloria Drummond, seated left, with friends Elaine Johnson Wold, center, and Kristen Alley.

Boca philanthropists Barbara and Richard Schmidt, who have given many donations to Boca Raton Regional Hospital.

Boca Raton Regional Hospital CEO Jerry Fedele, right, with Richard and Dotti Dufresne. Dottie is an administrative as-sistant in the volunteer office of the Debbie-Rand Memorial

Service League.

& Wellness Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hos-pital.” Lynn is one of the nation’s leading philanthropists. In-spired by her late husband, entrepreneur and philan-thropist Eugene M. Lynn, Christine E. Lynn’s legacy of support for the commu-nity began years ago, and she has generously contrib-uted to causes throughout South Florida. A member of Boca Raton Regional Hospital’s Board of Trust-ees, Lynn has made the hospital a priority and has played a significant and on-going role in its success. Crowds flocked to a chair where Drummond was sit-ting, enjoying a piece of her birthday cake. In 1962, the Drummond’s

two children, Debra Ann and James Randall, died after drinking f1uid from a milk container that was later found to have been tainted with arsenic.The children died during the half-hour ride to the nearest hospital, Bethes-da Memorial in Boynton Beach.The deaths led Drummond to spearhead a campaign to create the Debbie-Rand Foundation and, in turn, the Debbie-Rand Memorial Service League, the fund-raising arm of the founda-tion.She organized a group that raised money with numer-ous events and, in 1967, the non-profit Boca Ra-ton Community Hospital opened, with 104 patient beds.At her party, Drummond offered tearful thanks to those who have supported the hospital through the years.

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6 - October 6 through October 13, 2010

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The Boca Raton Tribune EDITORIALS & LETTERS East/West Boca Raton, FL

DOUGLAS HEIZER, PublisherEditorialDALE M. KING: Managing EditorPEDRO HEIZER: Associate Editor


EDITORIAL Letters must be signed with name clearly legible along with a phone number and complete address. No unsigned or anony-mous letters will be con-sidered for publication. The Boca Raton Tribune reserves the right to edit

All letters to the editor should be sent to: The Boca Raton Tribune,

P.O. Box 970593 - Boca Raton, FL 33497

the letters for spelling, grammar, news style, good taste and available space. Letters from the same au-thor will not be published more often than every 60 days. E-mails to columnists may be used as letters to the editor.

Letter Guidelines


The Boca Raton TribuneFounded January 15, 2010

Letters to the Editor


Online EditionPEDRO HEIZER: Online EditorLUANA GONCALVES: Associate EditorDONOVAN ORTEGA ANDERSON MANCEBO: Software Manager

By Dale King

The Boca Raton Tribune online bocaratontribune.com

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It was with no small amount of regret and sym-pathy that we said good-bye last week to former Palm Beach County Sher-iff Ed Bieluch.At age 68 - young by most standards - the ex-lawman succumbed to cancer, cer-tainly not an ending befit-ting a man who left the top law enforcement spot in the county to become an Anglican priest.I didn’t see Sheriff Bieluch much, but I do remember an afternoon some time ago when he and his fel-low officers visited Boca Raton.As I recall, it was a hab-it of the sheriff to visit neighborhoods all over the county. When he was in

Sheriff Ed Bieluch was a big man in many ways

Boca, people came out to greet him. We all had to look up. Ed was a big, big, man, tall and imposing, typical of the traditional man with a mission to en-force the law.I remember that Ed and his officers passed out candy bars to the kids - not just any candy, but specially wrapped ones with the Palm Beach County Sher-iff logo and information on the wrapping.As I recall, I left mine in the car, and went back lat-er to find a melted choco-late puddle.Sheriff Ed yielded his seat to another wise and hardworking lawman, Ric Bradshaw. Both are fine examples of people who

have the safety of resi-dents in mind.We’ll miss you, Ed, and we offer condolences to his family.

Changes at City Hall

I was a little shocked the other day when I visited Boca Raton City Hall.Gone are the metal detec-tor and the guards who used to issue passes to visitors.I did a little digging around and discovered that a lack of money in the budget forced the city to get rid of its security detail at City Hall.I remember when the of-ficers first arrived. It was some time after both 9/11

and the anthrax scare in Boca Raton back in 2001. Because of the dual threat locally, Boca buttoned down its municipal gov-ernment. It shut down the after-hours tax drop and the library book return. Everyone who came to City Hall had to get a pass. They used to be color-cod-ed by floor.Now, visitors can say hel-lo to a receptionist. No badges. No metal detec-tor. Hopefully, there will be someone to maintain crowd control at meetings that become crowded.As I said in last week’s col-umn, these are some of the things that are passing into history because of budget reductions.

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- 7October 6 through October 13, 2010for news 24/7 go to bocaratontribune.com

By Douglas Heizer


The Boca Raton Tribune EDITORIALS/LETTERS East/West Boca Raton, FL

By Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr.POSITIVE LIVING

Dr. Synesio Lyra, Jr. is a Florida resident who, for many years, was a professor at the post-graduate level. He is a writer, a sought-after conference speaker, a man who lived in five continents of the world, having

received his education in four of them. When he resided in southern California, he wrote a weekly column for the daily “Anaheim Bulletin,” which was carried for about six years, until he moved to south Florida.EDITION 16

The People You Meet on Earth

Humans are social crea-tures! All persons who occupy planet earth are thus interdependent. Even those whose personality causes them to prefer soli-tariness more than com-munity, cannot advance in isolation from others.Individuals grow in fami-lies, in villages, in cities; they also meet neighbors, school mates, play mates, co-workers, and a multi-tude of those providing the services one needs and seeks, available in most societies.People cannot avoid peo-ple, even if they might opt for total distance from others. Human creatures, as social beings, are fully interdependent in life. And because each individual is unique, everyone has a contribution to make, and everybody can benefit from the opinions of oth-ers, the activities of others, even the mere presence of other fellow humans at certain life moments!Nevertheless, the very fact that persons are different, also brings its problems in human interaction. Some people are bossy, some in-

sist on their way in every-thing; there are liars, dis-honest people, individuals on whom one cannot de-pend, even for the simplest promises they may make.This leaves you with a choice: you either cling to some people or you simply avoid them. Avoid unnec-essary confrontations and futile disputes; go after more receptive people – those with whom a healthy interaction is possible and meaningful.The experience of any person with others is usu-ally very similar when it occurs: some people are worth knowing more inti-mately, and the effort can be made to effect that real-ity. Some can be the object of our loving care and as-sistance without any fear of them taking undue ad-vantage of us. A few will become peers on projects of common interest. No doubt, there will be those who become closer than a brother!But there are also persons to be avoided by all means: individuals whose values can become an embarrass-ment to us, persons whose

daily practice and reputa-tion could easily mar our own if we became too close to them. Not to men-tion the brutish, the nega-tive spirits, and the self-seeking men and women whose only agenda item is their own self!Indeed, any day or any year, the people you meet on earth will appear in dif-ferent sizes and shapes, with open or hidden agen-das, with good or evil in-tentions, eager to build you up, or drive you into non-productivity, if not total failure. Jealousy, disloy-alty, and other evil char-acteristics may dominate their outlook and practice!Your best choice is to cling to persons who will ensure mutual benefits (yours and theirs) in any association you establish with them. T.S. Eliot once declared that there are people with whom one speaks with difficulty, as there also are those with whom one speaks in vain. I would still add those with whom one speaks with difficulty at first, but also in vain, af-ter all prior efforts. Avoid all these if you can!

When we first sat down months ago to come up with a plan for the Boca Raton Tribune, we asked ourselves: what does the community want to read about?

Lots of ideas came out of that session. Politics, meetings, the social scene, achievements, awards, city government and the like.

But a subject everyone agreed on was student sports.So the Tribune is doing its best to cover Boca’s high schools sports teams. We are using student interns to cover games. In fact, in what is probably a first for a community paper, this week’s edition offers two stories about the Boca High-Olympic Heights football game - one story from the Boca High point of view, the other from the Heights.It may seem like a duplica-tion, but each school has a story to tell. Each school has its own assessment of the team. And each school has its own heroes to hon-or. Both deserve notice.

Student athletes get plenty of coverage in the Boca Raton Tribune

Our desire to cover schools isn’t just restricted to sports. We are looking for news from all areas of Boca’s schools. We want to know what the clubs are doing, what the classes are studying and which stu-dents are thinking outside of the box with new and different ideas.

Just think. The holidays are coming up, and that’s a perfect time to showcase schools. Undoubtedly, stu-dents will be making proj-ects for Halloween, help-ing out in the community in advance of Thanksgiv-ing and collecting gifts and cash for needy kids and families for Hanukkah and Christmas time.

Send us your news. Send us your pictures. We can use them in the paper or online. Send them to [email protected]

Actually, one seasonal e-vent has already been held. The Boca Raton Historical Society held its Oktober-fest at the Count de Ho-ernle Pavilion (the former

FEC railroad station) on South Dixie Highway.

There was plenty of Ger-man food and drink to go around. Historical Society members made big, fancy cakes and pastry for a bake sale and there was music by the Sheffield Brothers Band.

Yes, that was the Tribune’s own entertainment guru, Skip Sheffield, performing with his brothers Richard and John, and keyboardist Mark Winans, providing music - not all of which was German. But they did offer a nice version of “Roll out the Barrel” that pleased the crowd.

The Oktoberfest is actually a prelude to the Historical Society’s biggest fund-raiser of the year, the Boca Bacchanal scheduled for early next year.

Watch for stories about all the upcoming events here in the Boca Raton Tri-bune, now being published weekly.

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8 - October 6 through October 13, 2010

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Community NewsThe Boca Raton Tribune

Boca Regional Hospital names ‘Partners in Pink’ honorees for Town Center Style show presented

by JM Lexus

BOCA RATON - Boca Ra-ton Regional Hospital has announced its “Partners in Pink” honorees that will be celebrated at the VIP char-ity reception kick-off to Town Center Style Presented by JM Lexus’ premier fall trends showcase on Friday, October 15. The “Partners in Pink” hon-orees are individuals and organizations which have made a difference by raising funds and generating aware-ness about breast cancer for Boca Raton Regional Hos-pital’s local Go Pink Chal-lenge. The Challenge is a fundraising initiative to sup-port the hospital’s Institute for Women’s Health & Well-ness/Center for Breast Care. The honorees are: Alan Mitchell Eye Center, Alene Too, Bliss Designs, Inc., Bloomingdale’s Boca Raton, Blue Martini Boca Raton, Boca Grove Golf Tourna-ment, Boca Raton High School Soccer Team, Boca Raton Observer magazine, Broward Preparatory School – PSTA, Cutting Edge Fit-ness, Level Five Fitness,

Marta I. Rendon, M.D., Mi-chael’s Body Scene, Morgan and Friends, Nail Depot, Neiman Marcus at Boca Raton, Pink Ball, Power of Pink Luncheon, Regency Collection, Royal Palm Card Party, Sak’s Fifth Avenue Boca Raton, South Florida VIPs, St. Andrews Card Par-ty, The Gym of Boca Raton, Think Pink Rocks, Tomas-so’s Pizza, Woodfield Tennis Tournament and Zumba for a Cure. The early evening VIP re-ception will feature food and spirits courtesy of The Capital Grille, Legal Sea Foods, Stir Crazy, Pinon Grill (coming soon to Town Center) and Blue Martini. At the event, attendees will be encouraged to participate in a group “text to donate” campaign and will have an opportunity to purchase a signature event item – also to benefit the Center for Breast Care.Town Center Style Present-ed by JM Lexus, a new sig-nature event, was designed with a touch of pink in honor of National Breast Cancer

Awareness Month and will deliver a snapshot of fashion and lifestyle trends. On Sat-urday and Sunday, October 16 and 17, various compli-mentary style, home décor, gourmet food and other live demonstrations by partici-pating Town Center at Boca Raton retailers will take place from noon to 4 p.m. on a special pink-themed stage area in Center Court. Select retailers will also host in-store events throughout the day including trunk shows, meet-and-greet with prod-uct/clothes experts, wine/food tastings, giveaways, makeovers and more. Attendees can also expect an interactive take on trends from retailers such as Aveda, Crate & Barrel, The Capital Grille, Custo Barcelona, Go-diva, Origins, Lilly Pulitzer, Pottery Barn, Rossi, Saks Fifth Avenue and Williams-Sonoma. Children will also have their chance to participate as they partake in pretzel-making workshops with Aunt An-nie’s and a cake demonstra-tion with A Passion for Pas-try.Boca Raton Regional Hos-pital’s Kathryn Krickstein Pressel MammoVan will be at Town Center at Boca Raton for this event. If you are interested in making an appointment for your annual mammogram on the Mam-moVan, call Ruth Acevedo at (561) 955-4325.For more information about Town Center Style Pre-

sented by JM Lexus, please call (561) 368-6000 or visit www.simon.com.Town Center at Boca Raton features 220 specialty stores. It is owned by Simon Prop-erty Group and is located at 6000 Glades Road in Boca Raton. The Go Pink Challenge was created by the BRRH Foun-dation to raise public aware-ness and philanthropic sup-port for the programmatic, technological, educational and research needs of Boca Raton Regional Hospi-tal’s Institute for Women’s Health & Wellness/Center for Breast Care. All proceeds from the Go Pink Challenge are used in the fight against breast cancer, right here in the community. BRRH’s primary goal is to reach out to women through-out South Florida to increase public awareness and com-munity education about breast cancer prevention and the importance of annual screening. The Foundation’s annual “Go Pink” Luncheon is the Challenge’s signature event, reaching hundreds of women with educational in-formation and philanthropic opportunities. In addition, individuals, businesses and commu-nity groups are joining in the Go Pink Challenge by hosting fundraising and awareness-raising events; the number of communi-ty-based events support-ing the Challenge increas-es daily.

Author and narrator David McCullough to

speak at Lynn as part of Dively lecture series

David McCullough

BOCA RATON - David Mc-Cullough, one of Ame-rica’s most acclaimed authors, essayists and nar-rators, will be the keynote speaker at Lynn Univer-sity’s Dively Frontiers in Globalization Lecture Se-ries Wednesday, Nov. 17, at 6:30 p.m. He will re-view aspects of his various works and examine histor-ical themes while relating them to current events.McCullough has been widely acclaimed as a “master of the art of nar-rative history,” and “a matchless writer.” In ad-dition to his two Pulitzer prizes, in 2006 he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian award.McCullough’s most recent book, 1776, was the num-ber one New York Times national bestseller in both hardcover and paperback, with more than three mil-lion copies in print. His previous work, John Ad-ams, remains one of the most critically acclaimed and widely read American

biographies of all time, and in 2008 was turned into a seven-part, award-winning HBO mini-series produced by Tom Hanks and starring Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney.His work has been pu-blished in 10 languages and, in all, nearly 9 million copies are in print. None of his books has ever been out of print-a rare feat in pub-lishing. His current project is a book about Americans in Paris.Tickets are $25 for the lec-ture. Order tickets online at www.lynn.edu/tickets 24 hours a day, any day of the week or order by phone at 561-237-9000, Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.In his career, McCullough has been an editor, essay-ist, teacher, lecturer and familiar presence on pu-blic television - as host of Smithsonian World and The American Experience and as narrator of numer-ous documentaries, includ-ing The Civil War. His is

Continued on page 9

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- 9October 6 through October 13, 2010for news 24/7 go to bocaratontribune.com

The Boca Raton Tribune COMMUNITY NEWS East/West Boca Raton, FL

also the narrator’s voice in the movie Seabiscuit.McCullough has won the prestigious Francis Parkman Prize, and for his work over-all has been honored by the National Book Foundation Distinguished Contribution to American Letters Award and the National Humanities Medal. He has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Letters and has received more than 40 honorary de-grees.In the words of the cita-tion accompanying Mc-Cullough’s honorary degree from his alma mater, Yale University, “As an historian, he paints with words, giving us pictures of the American people that live, breathe, and above all, confront the fundamental issues of cour-age, achievement and moral character.”McCullough’s other books include The Johnstown Flood, The Great Bridge, The Path between the Seas, Mornings on Horseback, Brave Companions and Tru-man.Thanks to a grant from the

George S. Dively Founda-tion, Lynn University brings to its campus outstanding individuals who have dem-onstrated exceptional lead-ership in world markets. Fostering an educational tradition where students have a rich multicultural ex-perience and develop global awareness in the heart of a dynamic urban community, the Dively series strength-ens Lynn’s academic life through opportunities for dialogue and interaction be-tween students, faculty and prominent speakers.The Dively Frontiers in Glo-balization Lecture Series is sponsored by Lynn Univer-sity’s board of overseers and the R. A. Ritter Foundation. Guest lecturers have includ-ed Meet the Press host Da-vid Gregory, law professor Alan Dershowitz, columnist George F. Will, security and terrorism specialist Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, innova-tion guru Tom Kelley, and Presidential advisor David Gergen and television jour-nalists Wolf Blitzer, Ander-son Cooper, Judy Woodruff, Ron Insana, Tucker Carlson and Soledad O’Brien.

David McCullough... Continued from page 8New Boca Raton Symphonia Allegro Society raises awareness of city’s world-class orchestra

From left are Vivian Greene, Fran Kaye, Deborah Sokol, Mimi Sadler, Luz Aristizabal, Sonya Cremin.BOCA RATON - The Boca Raton Symphonia an-nounces the establishment of the Allegro Society, a women’s volunteer auxil-iary group whose mission is to promote and broaden the Symphonia’s musical and cultural presence in South Florida to expand the Symphonia’s audience, vis-ibility, and appeal. Recognized by critics as a gem of an orchestra, now in its sixth year, the mission of the Boca Raton Sympho-nia, Boca’s “world class or-chestra,” is to perform and to make accessible classical music through concert per-formances and educational outreach programs featur-ing nationally and interna-tionally acclaimed conduc-tors and soloists. The Allegro Society was conceived and founded through the dedication and passion for classical music from eight women: Sonya Cremin, Fran Kaye, Mol-ly Foreman Kozel, Mimi Sadler, Marlene Samu-

els, Deborah Sokol, Edith Stein and Catherine Zie-man. The groups’ objective was to generate expanding awareness of the Boca Ra-ton Symphonia and its pro-grams. It has evolved and grown into a larger volun-teer auxiliary group of 35 women with new members joining as they hear about it. “Our goals are to develop liaisons within the com-munity and build relations with other organizations and schools and to actively encourage support of clas-sical music performances,” noted an Allegro Society founding member Debo-rah Sokol. “By working together, we can build a community enriched with artistic expression benefit-ing the lives of individuals, families, and students. Since its inception, the Al-legro Society has assisted the Boca Raton Symphonia attain a record 450 sub-scriptions (670 households) for the 2010-2011 Connois-

seur Concert Series which will feature the orches-tra’s new internationally-renowned Principal Con-ductor and Piano Soloist Philippe Entremont, one of the most recorded artists of all time who has served as music director of Vienna Chamber Orchestra, Israel Chamber Orchestra, New Orleans Philharmonic, and the Denver Symphony. Also featured are accom-plished Pulitzer Prize-win-ning composer Guest Con-ductor Gunther Schuller,

who has received two Gug-genheim fellowships; and Guest Conductor David Commanday who has con-ducted the National Sym-phony, Israel Philharmonic, the American Symphony, the Louisville, Belgian Ra-dio, and Vienna Pro Arte Orchestras, and the Seattle, Atlanta, and Richmond Symphonies. Concert solo-ists for this season include Itzhak Perlman protégé and cellist SuJin Lee, mezzo soprano Daniela Mack, violinist Ludwig Mueller, cellist Christophe Pantil-lon, and pianist Soyeon Lee.The society is also having its first fundraiser Nov. 12. The proceeds from the lun-cheon will go toward sup-porting the important Boca Symphonia educational and musical programming. For more information about the Boca Raton Sympho-nia, its Allegro Society, and sponsorship opportunities or to purchase subscrip-tions and individual con-cert performance tickets, visit www.bocasymphonia.org or call the Boca Raton Symphonia at 561-376-3848.

Founders of the Allegro Society, from left, are Fran Kaye, Deborah Sokol, Sonya Cremin and Mimi Sadler. Not pictured are Molly Fore-man Kozel, Marlene Samuels, Edith Stein, Catherine Zieman.

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The Boca Raton Tribune COMMUNITY NEWS East/West Boca Raton, FL

Story, photos by Barbara McCormick

BOCA RATON - Soroptimist International of Boca Raton/Deerfield Beach will host the Women of Distinction 37th Annual Awards Breakfast Wednesday, October 13 at the Boca West Country Club, 20583 Boca West Drive, from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.. Thirty-plus area women will be recognized for their pro-

Boca/Deerfield Soroptimist Club to host awards breakfast

fessionalism, leadership roles and commitment to their community.Kathy Adkins, an active member of many chari-table organizations in Boca Raton, has been chosen Honorary Chair. Kim Champion and Mari-ela Montgomery will act

From left are Rosemary & Ben Krieger, Dr. Marta Rendon and Dr. Patricia Rooney

Shown from left are Helen Babione, Janice Williams, Jan Savarick and Kathy Adkins, Honorary Chair

From left are Mariela Montgomery, Co-Chair; Kathy Adkins, Honorary Chairperson; Kim Champion, Co-Chair and Lorry

Herdeen, President.

as Co-Chairs. Committee members include: Lorry Herdeen, President, Helen Babione, Maureen Burke, Cynthia Cummings, Marie Leible, Emily Lilly, Teri Martin, Pat Reed, Rhoda Rubin, Elke Schmidt, Con-nie Siskowski and Carmen Uceda

Official sponsors sharing the Platinum Level Com-mitment for 2010 are Dr. Marta Rendon, Boca Raton and Dr. Patricia Rooney, Fort Lauderdale.Proceeds from the event benefit local charities and Soroptimist projects.Club members strive to ad-

vance the needs and status of women and children.Tickets are $45 per person. For reservations and infor-mation call Mariela Mont-gomery at (561) 912-8181 or email [email protected]

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- 11October 6 through October 13, 2010for news 24/7 go to bocaratontribune.com

The Boca Raton Tribune COMMUNITY NEWS East/West Boca Raton, FL

BOCA RATON - Running a marathon is a tough e-nough task.But three people associa-ted with a Boca Raton-based addiction treatment center, Caron Renaissance, left Sept. 30 for Egypt to take part in a 150-mile ultra marathon in Africa’s Saha-ra Desert. During the race, they will be carrying all their provisions and camp items on their backs.On Sept. 30, the last day of National Addiction Reco-very Month, Michael Her-bert of Delray Beach and Afshin Karnama of Lake Worth, joined 57-year-old grandmother, Linda Quirk, in her Run7on7 mission to raise scholarship dollars for Caron Renaissance.Hebert is a member of Ca-ron Renaissance’s clinical team. Karnama, a branch manager for PNC Bank, is a member of Caron Renais-sance’s board of directors. Both men have volunteered to support Quirk, who is a fellow board member and parent of a Caron Renais-sance alumnus.Caron is a nonprofit addic-tion treatment center that helps those affected by al-cohol and drugs and their families begin a new life. Linda’s stepdaughter, Ka-therine, began her journey from methamphetamine ad-diction to recovery at Caron Renaissance in Florida, so-mething Linda said she is forever grateful for.Herbert and Karnama are two of seven volunteers who have joined to run one of the four deserts with Linda. The volun-teers were tasked to raise

Three associates from Boca Raton treatment center will take on Sahara’s heat to run in 150-mile ultra marathon

a minimum of $5,000 for the scholarship fund and to train extremely hard to prepare for the journey ahead. Some have never run a half-marathon, let alone 150-miles. Those who want to track the runners can visit www.run7on7.com for additio-nal background as well as facts about this race. The Sahara Desert is con-sidered one of the world’s most amazing places. It’s the largest hot desert, stretching more than 5,000 kilome-ters across 13 countries. The course for the Sahara Race 2010 passes through the Valley of the Whales (locally known as Wadi El-Hitan). It is a UNESCO world heritage site which means that it is protected and not many people are permitted the opportunity to visit. Runners will li-terally be passing whale fossils and other sea life remains from more than 8,000 years ago.The race is divided into six sections. There are check-points approximately ev-ery 10 kilometers (six mi-les) where volunteers and a medical doctor are sta-tioned to give water. Each checkpoint also has a tent providing shade. Course temperatures can reach as high as 50°C (122°F) - with lows of 10°C (50°F) at night.The terrain is largely sand - a mixture of soft sand and hard-packed sand as well as many sand dunes.Runners are required to bring a hydration system that is capable of carry-ing at least 2.5 liters of

water. The standard water allocation is 1.5 liters at each checkpoint along the course and 4.5 liters at the final checkpoint of each stage (which is at camp), but it is possible that run-ners will be required to leave a checkpoint with up to 2.5 liters of water if the temperature is particularly hot.The runners will also be carrying sleeping bags.

Linda Quirk

Afshin Karnama

Michael Hebert

Story, photo by Dale M. King

BOCA RATON -What the Federation of Boca Raton Homeowners Associations said would be a debate Oct. 5 between congressional candidates Ron Klein and Allen West turned out to be a one-man show.West had the floor all to himself, and used it to castigate Democratic in-cumbent Klein for what he called negative advertising that was annoying his fa-mily. He also said Klein’s policies are “destructive” to the nation.Klein, congressman from the 22nd District since 2006, and West, an Army colonel, faced each other in 2008, with Klein com-ing out the victor. The challenge will replay itself on Nov. 2.As to Klein’s presence at the debate, Melissa Silver-man from his campaign office said the congress-man had told the Federa-tion a long time ago that he would be unable to attend.But Federation President Gene Folden said he had

Congressional candidate West has floor to himself at Federation ‘debate’

talked to Klein’s campaign manager and received no specific word about the incumbent’s attendance. “I asked him to send some-one else if the congress-man could not come,” said Folden. No one from the Klein camp came.Folden said he was “not surprised” the incumbent didn’t show because Klein left early from a Federa-tion-sponsored debate with West in 2008.As to Klein’s so-called negative ads, the Republi-can challenger said he was particularly miffed about a mailing “sent on the eve of Yom Kippur” that includ-ed West’s Social Security number and his wife’s em-ployee ID. “He’s not talking about issues, he’s trying to destroy me.”Asked why he doesn’t re-spond to Klein’s barbs, West said, “That’s not what it’s all about. I want to get the message out. When people can’t stand on is-sues, they smear. I have more honor in my little toe than Ron Klein has in a lifetime. The campaign is not about this nasty stuff.”

He said that when Klein took office in 2007, un-employment was at about 4 percent. It has risen to nearly 10 percent national-ly and about 13 percent in South Florida. “Ron Klein sits on the House Finance Committee under the tute-lage of Barney Frank.”The GOP hopeful said “we need people in Washington who will stand up for fiscal stability.” He said the cur-rent administration seems to be trying to “demon-ize those who get out and work.” West added that the small business community will not hire more workers “un-til the economy is stable and predicable.”Taking Democrats to task for financial programs he said they have not worked, West noted: “The greatest stimulus package is put-ting dollars back in your pockets. That’s how to stimulate wealth.”Currently, he said, the ratio of pay in the public sector compared to the private sector is 2 to 1. He said the financial situation has cre-ated a boom in Washington where “you constantly see construction cranes. One of the [new buildings] is for the IRS and its new 16,000 IRS agents.”President Obama’s health care program, he said, has created 166 new govern-ment agencies and 11 new taxes.During his appearance, West received two stand-ing ovations from the au-dience.Congressional hopeful Allen West addresses an audience at

the Oct. 5 meeting of the Federation of Boca Raton Home-owners Associations.

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12 -October 6 through October 13, 2010

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By Pastor Sandy

ColumnistsThe Boca Raton Tribune

Pastor Sandy Huntsman - Administrative Pastor Boca Glades Baptist Church - 10101 Judge Winikoff Rd. Boca Raton, FL. 33428 - www.bocaglades.org

Michael H. Gora has been certified by the Board of Specialization of The Florida Bar as a specialist in family and matrimonial law.

This is the second in a se-ries considering the issue of “God.” We discussed previ-ously that God was a prima-ry, not a secondary issue. In essence, life cannot be lived in a state of suspended ani-mation. When a crisis comes in one’s life, he either prays to God or he does not. He cannot remain suspended between two opposite opi-nions. Either there is a God or there is not. The necessity to act requires that a stand be taken.We were also very care-ful to point out the fact that attempting to study an incorporeal God by cor-poreal means was like try-ing to measure radioactiv-ity with your pencil or pick up a phone signal with a fork... one doesn’t measure the other. L.S. Keyser once wrote: “Let us remember this fact: Human reason cannot prove the Christian faith to be true. It can only show it to be more reasonable than unbelief.” (A System of Christian Evidence, pg. 31). That being said, Be very clear we are not saying there is no evidence for God or faith! Harvey Everest said it well: “We cannot believe unless belief is more ratio-nal than unbelief. We cannot believe at will, arbitrarily, or against reason. Reason, meaning thereby the whole mental power for the ascer-tainment of truth, must be

Consequences of God(Part 2)

our guide. No one insists upon this more earnestly than the defender of Christi-anity. Reason and faith are not antagonistic, but rather coadjutors. No faith is wor-thy unless it is justified by the severest use of reason.” (The Divine Demonstration, p.13) While I have no qualms a-bout providing evidence for my faith, I am often amazed at how quickly and mind-lessly we accept statements “as fact” when given from an atheistic or agnostic po-sition. To be fair, we need to require the position of faith and non-faith to ac-cept equal responsibility to produce evidence. You see, evidence does not neces-sarily prove. It constitutes proof only when the mind is open and honestly consid-ers the evidence. Two boys had a contest to see who could scare the most rats out from under the barn. The first boy placed his friend on the opposite side of the barn, took a long pole and rattled it loudly beneath the barns. Rats scattered in ev-ery direction. The first boy called to his friend, “Did you see any rats?” “No,” he responded. How was that possible? The boy had seen rats running from eve-ry direction visible to any-one who would look. The boy ran around to see his friend with his eyes tightly

closed. He had seen no rats, not because there were no rats to see, but because he didn’t want to see them. Sometimes the evidence for God and faith is ineffec-tive, not because there is no evidence, but because we are not willing to evaluate it with an open mind or we don’t like the philosophical implications if they are true.

According to Homer Hai-ley (Evidence Quarterly, IV,1, 4) the acceptance of evidence depends upon five things:1. The weight of the evi-dence2. The clarity with which the evidence is presented3. The honesty of the exam-iner4. The logical ability of the hearer5. The background preju-dices of the hearerOver the next few weeks we will look at the scope of evidences which pertain to reality by reason of its factuality. We will try to distinguish between an hy-pothesis (preliminary idea about something); a theory (a hypothesis with suffi-cient supporting evidence); and a fact or law (a theory which has been demonstrat-ed over and over again). Perhaps we will conclude, as Voltaire: “I shall always be convinced that a watch proves a watch-maker, and that a universe proves a God.”

Question: I have read ar-ticles in your newspaper, and others, over the last few years regarding a con-troversy over sealing files in divorce cases to prevent the publication of marital settlement agreements and other financial information in public court records.My wife and I are doing a good job in cooperatively working toward a fair set-tlement in our case that in-volves the division and dis-tribution of about 36 million dollars of assets. We have houses in different states and countries and non-re-tirement and retirement as-sets in the stock market.Most of the assets were ac-quired during the marriage as we developed a well-known nationwide business in which we both worked. The business sold for cash, creating a good deal of our present liquidity. We recently moved into South Florida where we are flying below the radar financially and would like to stay that way to avoid constant so-licitation for one thing or another. Our lawyers tell us that Florida law makes it un-lawful for a judge to grant an order sealing court files without filing a separate case to do so, and notifying newspapers. Is there any way around this problem?

Answer: Recently it has

Sealing of divorce records not necessary in Florida to keep financial information hidden

come to the attention of the Florida Supreme Court that existing rules governing the sealing of records by judges throughout Florida have been largely ignored in cer-tain counties in South Flo-rida. Many, but not all such incidents, involved financial records in divorce cases.The court asked the Florida Bar, through its Board of Governors and committee system, to review the exist-ing rules and recommend changes. That process is well underway. The court sent a clear message to trial judges throughout Florida to apply strictly the current rules.Current rules appear to re-quire notice to be given to newspapers in the event that a trial court has sealed a file, or plans to seal a file, and allow the newspapers the opportunity to go to a court of competent juris-diction, a circuit court, to unseal the files, or stop the process. The changes will make it harder to seal files in Florida.However, before a litigant has to be concerned about the sealing of a court re-cord, the record you want to remain private has to become part of a court file. Florida Circuit Court judges seem to have no problem in cooperating with attorneys in allowing agreements to keep certain financial infor-mation out of court files, to

maintain the confidentiality of client records.Marital settlement agree-ments often refer to “side letter agreements” which can hide the core financial agreements between the two of you.Financial affidavits are re-quired to be exchanged and filed in all Florida divorce cases, except the simplest cases where no financial re-lief is being sought. Gene-rally, at final hearings, in settled cases, the marital settlement agreement end-ing the case is filed in the court records.When asked, however, many judges are willing to waive the filing of these documents, in order to al-low parties to maintain financial secrecy by agree-ment of the attorneys for the parties to maintain the-se financial documents in their office files, and not the court files.In a democratic and open so-ciety that cherishes freedom of the press, there is public purpose for open court files. There seems to be no par-ticular public purpose to re-quire civil litigants to open up their financial records to the general public merely to get divorced. Handled in the right way, it will not be necessary for you to seek the sealing of your court records, as the important documents will not be there.

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- 13October 6 through October 13, 2010for news 24/7 go to bocaratontribune.com

The Boca Raton Tribune COLUMNISTS East/West Boca Raton, FL

By Dr. Daniel ManASK DR MAN

Dear Dr. Man, My tennis partner told me got some-thing called Tickle Lipo. Did I misunderstand her? Sounds strange. What is it? All I know is that she looks great.

Answer: You heard cor-rectly. Named for its slight “tickling” sensation, Tick-le Lipo uses a specially designed cannula that pro-duces a unique vibration referred to as “nutational motion.” This is what produces the sensation many patients report as a “tickling” sensation.Tickle Lipo differs from other methods of tumes-cent liposuction because the cannula is activated by air pressure, causing a whirling movement, in-frasound and gentle vi-brations referred to as “nutational” motion. This patented technique pro-vides faster infiltration of the tumescent solution

It’s no joke. Tickle Lipo will give you a body worth smiling about

– 25 percent faster than other liposuction technol-ogy, shortening the length of the procedure. A selection of specialized cannulas used in the Tickle Lipo technique allows the physician to better ma-neuver through fibrous or harder to reach areas of fat, enabling precise body contouring. The ease of maneuvering of the special cannula allows for high definition body sculpting. It is more effective and safer, removing deeper fat, as well as superficial fat ly-ing just under the skin with ease.

The benefits of Tickle Lipo are as follows:

• Local anesthesia – Pa-tients can be awake be-cause general anesthesia is not needed.• No heat damage – less bruising. Unlike other li-posuction techniques that

utilize the heat of laser or ultrasound energy, the surgical cannula used in Tickle Lipo stays cool, eliminating the risk of heat injury to tissue. • More precise/better re-sults – Because of its ease of movement, Tickle Lipo is more precise. It can be used to safely and more effectively remove deeper fat pockets, as well as su-perficial fat, providing “high-definition” sculpt-ing. • Cuts down on surgical time. Faster results – be-cause there is less bruising and swelling, patients see results almost immedi-ately.• Less downtime – patients recover faster.• Fat harvesting - The phy-sician can also harvest the patient’s own fat, which is removed during lipo-suction, for use as a long lasting natural facial filler, instead of using synthetic injectables.

Dr. Daniel Man is a board-certified plastic surgeon who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people look younger and improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery. He is a noted author, artist, inventor and educator. Dr. Man has been featured on major

television networks, as well as national and local magazines and newspapers for his work as both a plastic surgeon and an artist.

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14 -October 6 through October 13, 2010

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The Boca Raton Tribune COLUMNISTS East/West Boca Raton, FL

By Jennifer Natalie OrtegaTROPICAL UPDATE

Tropical Updates

Jennifer Natalie Ortega is a recent FAU Journalism Graduate, interned with CBS 12 and NBC 6 in the Weather/News departments.

After the storm always comes the calm. The Na-tional Weather Service says the five-month rainy season has officially come to an end two weeks earlier than expected.Who would have known once tropical storm Nicole brushed through the region she would have brought in

Enjoy the weather. It’s getting cool and dry in South Florida

a lasting cold front that’s delivering cooler, drier air for the entire South Florida area?. And Floridians have been raving about how beautiful the weather has been since the last tropical storm of September.It’s the beginning of Oc-tober, and South Florida is

surely going to be feeling a bit cooler this Hallow-een. Those carved pump-kins that seem to last only a couple of days in humid, sticky South Florida might just last you a couple of weeks extra this spooky holiday. But for all you Floridians that actually use winter

wear as more than just fashion in South Florida due to the lack of cold sea-son, don’t start whipping out your fuzzy boots and scarves yet! Temperatures are going to be kept in the low 80’s dur-ing the day and mid to low 70’s during the night, with nice cold breezes.Compared to cities like New York and Chicago, which right now are ex-periencing lows of 50’s and high 40’s, we are still keeping very warm in the southern region with our beach-ready temperatures.For all you winter lovers,

you might just be in for a treat this season. It’s pre-dicted that by early No-vember the region might start feeling its first cold conditions as more cold fronts start descending from Canada bringing cooler weather to Florida.As for now, a couple of possible tropical storms linger in the Caribbean. They appear to be taking a hard turn towards the northeast back into the open Atlantic, but they are no threat to Florida and are taying clear of the Baha-mas.Although there’s no im-

mediate threat, we are still keeping our eyes wide open. Even though we’re in the late parts of hur-ricane season, it doesn’t mean we’re out of the woods. In October, we are still prone to potential hur-ricanes.Other than that, it’s smooth sailing! We’ll remain sun-ny and dry under a large area of high pressure as humidity and temperatures keep dropping. You don’t have to worry too much about rain, maybe a few local showers in the south region, but otherwise look forward to spending more time in the cool outdoors.


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The Boca Raton TribuneBoca Life & Arts

At the Top of the Bridge


7th Annual Go Pink LuncheonBenefiting the Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital

The 7th Annual Go Pink Luncheon Committee

See this article on page 19



NBLots of people will be wearing pink around the Pink City this month

See this article on page 21

Like or unlike, “The Social Network” is one good movie

See this article on page 20



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The Boca Raton Tribune B - BOCA LIFE & ARTS East/West Boca Raton, FLSPOTLIGHT

1- The Very Rev. Michael T. Driscoll, Susan Haynie, Helen Babione; 2- Flossy Keesely, Carol Wagman, Countess’son-in-law Richard (left) Countess’daughter (right) Carol Wagman; 3- Henrietta Countess de Hoernle waves to her guest from her royal throne; 4 - Councilwoman Susan Haynie, Countess, Councilman Anthony Majhess; 5 - Dale King - Editor Boca Raton Tribune, Countess de Hoernle, reading the special edition featuring the Countess’98th Birthday; 6- Jacob & Elizabeth Wald, assisted with unveiling; 7 - Will “Uncle Willie”Mercier, musician; 8 - Crys-tal Rigot, Estefania Reyes, student at St. Jude School, Patricia Ciasulli (long time friend of the Countess); 9- Penny Morey - Museum Board Chairwoman, Poppi Mercier - Children’s Museum Executive Director; 10 - Emily Lilly - City of Boca Raton events specialist and Rebecca Coleman - Society Columnist - Boca Raton Tribune

1 2 3

4 5

6 7 8



Children’s Museum hosts Countess at afternoon tea

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The Boca Raton Tribune B - BOCA LIFE & ARTS East/West Boca Raton, FL

BOCA RATON - Beer, strudel, big chocolate cakes and wiener schnitzel were present in abundance at the Boca Raton Historical Society’s first Oktoberfest held Oct. 2 on the grounds in front of the De Horne Train Pavilion.It was the first such celebration for the organization whose main fundraiser is the Boca Bacchanal Winefest & Auction held annually in March.The event included a German food buffet and German beer, entertainment by the Shef-field Brothers Band and an old-fashioned bake sale.

Boca Raton Historical Society celebrates season with Oktoberfest

Historical Society President Debbie Abrams displays a yellow cake that was part of the

bake sale.

Yvonne Boice welcomes visitors to the Okto-berfest

Joyce DeVita, a member of the Historical Society board, shows off the cake she made,

which was among those sold at the bake sale.

Jody Baade, a volunteer from the Junior League of Boca Raton, fills a mug of beer.

County Commissioner Steven Abrams at-tended the Oktoberfest with his son, Arthur,


Performing for the Oktoberfest crowd is the Shef-field Brothers Band - from left, Richard Sheffield

on lead guitar, John Sheffield on drums, Skip Shef-field on bass & Mark Winans on keyboards.

“Cancer Schmancer.”

It’s the name of actress Fran Drescher’s best-selling book about her experiences as a cancer patient. You’ll be able to hear Fran tell her story in person on October 28th at the fabulous 7th An-nual Go Pink Luncheon at the Boca Raton Resort & Club. Fran will make you laugh, she’ll make you cry, but if you don’t hurry and buy your table or tickets, you’ll miss out on what is sure to be the biggest and best Go Pink Luncheon ever! South Florida’s premier event for women’s health education and wellness, the Go Pink Luncheon is an annual sell-out. Tickets are priced at $125 and tables and sponsorships are avail-

able. All proceeds benefit the Christine E. Lynn Wom-en’s Health & Wellness Institute/Center for Breast Care and the Lynn Cancer Institute at Boca Raton Re-gional Hospital. Luncheon attendees will be amused, amazed and ultimately inspired by Dre-scher’s positive outlook and passionate advocacy for women’s health. Best known for her role on the ‘90s hit series “The Nan-ny,” Drescher was diag-nosed with cancer in 2000; she successfully underwent surgery and has been can-cer free ever since. Today, Drescher is an outspoken advocate for cancer aware-ness and early detection as well as patient knowledge and empowerment. Louise Morrell, MD, medical di-rector of the Lynn Women’s

Health & Wellness Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital and a nationally known genetic researcher, will be special guest speak-er. Luncheon Committee Chair Patti Carpenter is assisted by Honorary Chairs Barba-ra Gutin, Jo Ann and Rose Proccaci, Thea Stoneman and Elaine J. Wold. Helen Babione reprises her role of Honorary Advisory to the Luncheon Committee. Behind the celebrity speak-er, the fabulous Mercedes Benz of Delray Pink Daisy Pick Raffle, the delicious luncheon and the excite-ment-filled and very “pink” atmosphere, the Go Pink Luncheon is a serious fun-draiser for a serious cause. One out of every three women will be told she has cancer in her lifetime, and it is critically important that every woman to be aware, to be vigilant, and to be em-powered to seek informa-tion and help.The Go Pink Luncheon is the signature event of the Go Pink Challenge, a community-based initiative through which businesses and individuals hold a va-riety of fund-raising events to benefit the Hospital’s Center for Breast Care. The Center is one of Florida’s leading breast cancer cen-ters, performing more than 90,000 diagnostic proce-dures annually. For information, please contact Kimberly Read at the Boca Raton Regio-nal Hospital Foundation, 561.955.4142 or [email protected], or visit www.brrh.com and click on the Foun-dation tab.

Join Fran Drescher at the 7th Annual Go Pink Luncheon

Benefiting the Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital

Fran Drescher

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Like or unlike, “The Social Network” is one good movie

Christopher Ryan and Cory English in “Young Frankenstein” at the Broward Center for the Arts.

Preston Truman and Christopher Ryan in “Young Franken-stein” at the Broward Center for the Arts.

Are you on Facebook?Many people are still hold-outs, although FB claims a membership of 500 million and counting.“Social Network” will leave FB naysayers declar-ing “I told you so.”You could call “Social Network” the ultimate Re-venge of the Nerd.That nerd is Mark Zucker-berg, played with prickly precision by Jesse Eisen-berg.We meet Mark in the fall of 2003 at Harvard, where he is an undergraduate. Mark is dumped by his girlfriend Erica (Rooney Mara), who has had enough of his short attention span, social awk-wardness and obsession with computer programs.Reeling from Erica’s rejec-tion, Mark plays a cruel Internet prank that infuri-ates the female population of Harvard and crashes the university’s computer servers.Perversely, the handsome, identical Winklevoss twins (Cameron and Tyler, both played by Armie Ham-mer), who are in every way Mark’s opposite, are im-pressed with Mark’s pro-gramming genius, and ask him for some help with a social dating network for Harvard students.Mark accepts the challenge and goes one step further to create his own social network, which he calls The Facebook. He takes on as a partner his roommate

Eduardo Savererin (An-drew Garfield) a wealthy Cuban-American from Miami who puts up $1,000 as seed money.The Winklevoss twins, who epitomize the W.A.S.P. i-deal, will spend the rest of the story using their wealth and privilege to force a le-gal judgment again Zucker-berg.As the film’s slogan goes, “You can’t get to 500 mil-lion friends without mak-ing a few enemies,” and Zuckerberg proceeds to wrong his best friends on his way to becoming the world’s youngest billion-aire and worldwide cul-tural phenomenon.Based on Ben Mezrich’s

book “The Accidental Bil-lionaires,” Aaron Sorkin’s screenplay is clever, sus-penseful and ironically co-mic, with Eisenberg reci-ting complicated computer jargon with the speed of an auctioneer.Some of the choicest com-edy comes via Justin Tim-berlake, who plays Nap-ster founder Sean Parker. Mark clearly develops a man crush on Parker, who is Mark’s gregarious, co-caine-fueled, womanizing opposite.Parker was just another stepping stone for Mark, who can’t be bothered with the high life.This movie was directed by David Fincher (“The

Curious Case of Benjamin Button”) without any cooperation from Facebook or Mark Zuckerberg. Some have called it a hatchet job against Zuckerberg, but I don’t think so. If anything, it will only increase public admiration for the distant, mysterious Facebook creator.I don’t think it will change any minds about Facebook. There are plenty of people who couldn’t care less about what other people are doing, and there are even more who use it as a tool for their own self-promotion.So like it or unlike it, “The Social Network” is a heck of a good movie that should enter-tain even the worst skeptics.Four stars

“Young Frankenstein” at Broward Center“Young Frankenstein,” based on the Mel Brooks comedy classic of the same name, has opened for a run through Sunday Oct, 17 at Broward Center for the Arts, 201 SW Fifth Ave, Fort Lauderdale.Tickets are $25-$69 and may be reserved by calling 954-462-0222 or visiting www.broadwayacrossamerica.com.

“Six degrees of Separation” at FAUFlorida Atlantic University’s department of theater and dance presents John Guare’s “Six Degrees of Separation” through Oct. 10 in the Studio One Theater.General admission is $20 and students, staff and children are $12. Call 800-564-9539.

“Ice Cream Social” at Lynn UniversityJan McArt’s Theatre Arts Guild presented its fifth annual “Ice Cream Social” Sunday, Oct. 3, starring Steve Ross and Barry Ingham as “Two Men About Town,” performing the music of Noel Coward, at Lynn University.

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The Boca Raton Tribune B - BOCA LIFE & ARTS East/West Boca Raton, FL

It’s October and that means Pink Month. We’re going to be wearing it, walking it and rocking it for the next four weeks in an effort to stamp out breast cancer.In the four years I’ve been covering philanthropy in Boca Raton, I’ve watched Breast Cancer Awareness month events grow on an unimagined scale. This Saturday’s “Think Pink Rocks” concert line up is worthy of an MTV Awards Show. Founders Stephanie Robin, Elizabeth Welprin, Amy Seidman and Kathy Fleishman are celebrat-ing their third annual ben-efit concert at Mizner Park with some of the top names in the music business. I remember my first Boca Raton Regional Hospi-tal’s “Go Pink” Luncheon - 800 women crowded into the ballroom at Boca West wearing every shade of pink imaginable. I was wearing what has become an annual tradition - SAKS Fifth Avenue’s Key to the Cure fundraising T-shirt. The T-shirt is tradition-ally pink except the year superstar Karl Lagerfeld designed it in blue and red - obviously no one asked him why it wasn’t pink! This year we can rest easy. Donna Karan has designed a feminine pink rose de-sign. The T-shirts are avail-able for $35 from SAKS at Town Center. Talking of Town Center, I’ve been invited to be a judge for the Style Wars

Lots of people will be wearing pink around the Pink City this month

competition on Oct.16, part of the weekend-long Town Center Style Event by JM Lexus. I’ll be join-ing local magazine editors and TV reporters judging talented design students’ fashion creations from The Art Institute of Fort Lau-derdale. They’ll be cre-ating and then modeling their work live on the run-way. My fellow Brit Simon Cowell of American Idol fame and fortune has given British judges a bad name. I hope I’m not booed! The Mizner Park Amphi-theatre is being put to good use this month. After using our ears for “Think Pink Rocks,” we’ll be using our feet for the American Can-cer Society’s annual “Mak-ing Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk. And here’s something hot off the press: Yes, there will be a Festival of the Arts BOCA next year! More in my next column.

What a difference three years makes. The Go Pink luncheon has moved to the Boca Resort & Club and over 1,000 women will be there and the star of the show will be “The Nanny” star Fran Drescher. At the time of writing there were still tickets available. I caught up with “Go Pink” chair Patti Carpenter at the March of Dimes Signature Chefs event and she told the luncheon has a wait list every year! Quite an achievement. I’ll be there this year, wearing my T-shirt, count-ing the shades of Pink and praying that someone somewhere finds the cure--soon!

And that is life in Boca…


Go Pink Luncheon Chair, Patti Carpenter (left) with friends Gerry Cafaro and Jean Grabill at the March of

Dimes Signature Chefs Extravaganza.

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BusinessThe Boca Raton Tribune


By Barry EpsteinBARRY’S BUZZ

Barry Epstein, APR, is a noted public relations, marketing and political consultant based in Boca Raton, and is president of the West Boca Chamber of Commerce (www.westbocachamber.com).

His website is www.publicrelations.nu

Gerald J. Sherman of Sherman & Perlman LLC is a marketing and public relations person and has written several books and articles on these subjects.

In my last column, I dis-cussed specific character traits and behavior patterns that I have found to be vital for success in sales. Here’s a test that you can use to evaluate your own success or that of your current or prospective sales people. However, other factors do enter into the equation, such as a person’s passion for sales and their ability to get along with people. This is a brief rundown of some of the characteristics to look for:Empathy: Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes. Ego Drive : Success driven and the ability to bounce back from failure.Appearance: Dress for su-ccess!Assertiveness: Enterpri-sing, a go getterIntegrity: Being ethical and telling it like it is!Creativity - Finding a new way or better way to do the job.Emotional Maturity: Ne-ver taking it personally. So let’s evaluate your po-tential:This exercise was devised

to identify the qualifica-tions of candidates for sales positions. How do you rate against others in necessary selling charac-teristics? By rating your-self honestly on each of the criteria, you will gain an awareness of how you compare with success-ful practicing salespeople. In short, you will know whether a position in sales is right for you. To the right of each char-acteristic place a number which you feel best re-flects the degree to which you possess each of these characteristics. Use the following scale:5- possess to an extreme degree4- possess to own satisfac-tion3- possess to some extent2-possess an insufficient amount1- don’t possess at all 1. Empathy - (x5) =_____2. Ego Drive - (x4) = ____3. Appearance - (x1) = ___4. Assertiveness - (x4) = __5. Integrity - (x3) = _____6. Creativity - (x2) = _____7. Emotional Maturity - (x1)

= _____ Total _______To determine your score:(1) Multiply your rating for each characteristic by the weighing factor along-side it in parentheses;(2) Add the resulting pro-ducts to obtain your total Score. Apply the follow-ing ratings to your score;90 - 100 = excellent sales potential80 - 90 = good sales poten-tial; some improvement needed70 - 80 = satisfactory po-tential; need improvement through practiceUnder 70 = does not show adequate potential; needs considerate amount of work to master the selling processSo there you have it! If you rate 70 and over you have the potential of being successful in the selling profession.Excerpts from the book, WOMANPOWER IN TEXTILE & APPAREL SALES, Jerry Sherman & Eric Hertz, Fairchild Pub-lications, N.Y.

A test to measure your potential as a successful sales person

- October is Breast Cancer A-wareness Month. Wear pink to show your support.- Elections are Nov. 2. You can vote absentee or early also. If you have any questions re-garding election information, you can contact the Super-visor of Elections office in West Palm Beach by phone at 561-656-6500 or by email at [email protected]. or visit the website: www.pbce-lections.org. - Office Depot headquarters has received gold-level certi-fication from the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership for Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance rating system.- Congratulations to West Bo-ca Boy Scout Zach Winograd on achieving Eagle Scout rank.- Congratulations to Boca re-sident Deborah Bernstein on winning Mrs. U.S. Continen-tal title.- County Commissioner Ste-ven L. Abrams announced that the Board approved a contract for the installation of new guardrails on numerous roads throughout Palm Beach County including along canals on Military Trail and in West Boca. In addition, the contrac-tor is a Palm Beach County business with 100% of the work to be performed by them and their in-county subcon-tractors. “While cost is impor-tant in the bidding process, the county remains committed to hiring local businesses,” add-ed Abrams. The project will also include the resetting of some existing rails. - Boca Raton Regional Hos-pital received a $10 million donation from Palm Beach

County philanthropist and businesswoman Christine E. Lynn to create a woman’s health center. The hospital board member’s gift estab-lished the Christine E. Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute. - The National Fire Preven-tion Association has declared October 3-9, 2010 as Fire Pre-vention Week. Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Depart-ments Community Education Section offers many programs to assist in remin-ding and teaching all of us what we can do to stay safe and avoid the dangers of fires that can threaten our families and our homes. For more information, you can either contact Fire Rescue’s Community Educa-tion Section at 561-616-7033 or visit their website: www.pbcfr.org.- The Department of Visual Arts and Art History at the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters invites you to the Florida Atlantic University Fine Arts Festival Saturday, October 9 through Sunday, Oc-tober 10 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Visual Arts Center and Schmidt Center Gallery Public Space, Boca Raton Campus, featuring art and design work by FAU students and profes-sional artists. For more infor-mation, call 561.297.3871 or e-mail [email protected] Clive Cholerton, Artistic Di-rector of the Caldwell theatre has a terrific line up for the season. First up, this Satur-day Oct. 8 is Club Caldwell. Then the season opens with Vices: A Love Story from Nov. 7-Dec 12; Clybourne Park, Jan. 2-Feb.6; Next Fall, Feb. 20-Mar.27; and God of Car-nage, April 10-May 14. Get your season tickets NOW! Call 877-245-7432 or visit www.caldwelltheatre.com. Group rates are also available.- The Boca Raton Wine &

Food Festival: A Culinary Af-fair is Sunday, Oct. 10 from 5 pm to 10:30 p.m. “in the heart of Boca Raton”, on East Camino Real. Ticket prices include all wine and food tast-ings, 70 of South Florida’s’ top Chefs, celebrity Chefs, live entertainment, etc. Pur-chase tickets online at www.bocaratonwineandfoodfesti-val.com or call 338.7594.- Congressmen Ron Klein and Ted Deutch will “Report From Washington” at the October 12 second Tuesday breakfast of the West Boca Chamber of Commerce sponsored by Sachs Sax Caplan at Boca Lago Country Club. Costs and information is on www.west-bocachamber.com. RSVP to [email protected]. The October 28 network will be at Southwinds Golf Course and the Nov. 9 breakfast, sponsored by ebarbershop.com will feature noted politi-cal consultant and Lynn Uni-versity professor Dr. Robert Watson on what the election results mean to us.The Soroptimist International of Boca Raton sponsors the 37th annual “Women of Dis-tinction Awards Breakfast” on Wednesday, October 13th, 2010, 7:30am to 9:30am at Boca West Country Club. Tickets are $45. For further information, visit www.so-roptimist4women.org. The Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce sec-ond Thursday breakfast is Oct. 14 at the Country Club of Boca Raton. Details at www.bocaratonchamber.com or call 395.4433.Movies opening this week include Waiting for Super-man, Let Me In, Secretariat, Life As We Know it, It’s Kind Of A Funny Story, You Will Meet A Tall Dark Stranger, My Soul To Take 3D, Never Let Me Go, Nowhere Boy and Buried.

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- 23October 6 through October 13, 2010for news 24/7 go to bocaratontribune.com

The American CenturyThe Boca Raton Tribune BUSINESS East/West Boca Raton, FL

Carlo Barbieri - Economist Political AnalystPresident of Oxford Group

Continued on page 25

The pessimism that pre-vails in this country is amazing. It is not the eco-nomical war that America is losing, it is the psycho-logical one. Given the cur-rent movement towards globalization, the world as a whole must expect to undergo some changes. Every country will experi-

ence some economic fluc-tuation as it adapts. Much like plants, which grow stronger after pruning, our economy will emerge from this downturn more pow-erful than ever. The econo-my may seem bare at pres-ent, and without bloom it looks ugly, but soon we will bear witness to yet another American heyday - a golden age to rival all others. As George Fried-man asserts in his recent book, The Next 100 Years: “The U.S. is a young and barbaric country,” and she is still in the process of maturation; balance and stability will come only with time.Though it may not seem like it, the U.S is on

the brink of yet another boom of productivity and growth. The former eco-nomic boom, which took place in the final decade of the last century, occurred largely due to the public release of military tech-nology, such as the inter-net, which revolutionized business management and boosted both productivity and revenues to unprec-edented levels. Moreover, the end of the Cold War saved hundreds of billions of dollars, allowing the country to spend less as it made more. The resulting economic surge produced an ideal situation in the U.S. for some time. Unfor-tunately, no measures were taken to ensure that this

growth was maintained, and in the last year of the Clinton administration the country went into a rapid decline, with economic growth falling from almost 7% to around 1%. This sit-uation was aggravated by the terrorist attacks of Sep-tember 11, which exposed the deep hole in homeland security that had been caused by budget cuts in intelligence. To make mat-ters worse, government agencies were downsized to compensate for the cost of wars, while other wars became necessary due to a lack of government intelli-gence! These are the costs of immaturity.While these issues must be taken seriously, they

do not have to alter the bigger picture: the U.S. is still the largest exporter in the world, and may even hope to double its exports within five years. More-over, the U.S. has the larg-est expanse of arable land in the world (China’s, for example, constitutes only 9% of it), and it possesses the technological and de-fensive means to dominate the oceans entirely. Its defense budget is greater than that of all of the oth-er countries in the world put together, and its GDI is larger than Britain and Germany combined; all of world’s trade routes could be under U.S. control. We should be aware, however, that this potential hege-

mony will be very difficult to maintain throughout the upcoming century. One of the challenges we will face, of course, is the de-clining population. We all know that the upkeep of a stable society is passed down through generations; the social security of one generation depends upon the contributions of an-other. As population de-creases, this contribution decreases, causing major economical instability; therefore within another decade or so we will begin to encourage immigration – a process for which we will need to develop an ag-gressive and selective im-migration policy. Germa-

The Boca Raton Tribune is proud to announce a new columnist, Carlo Barbieri. He has degrees in econom-ics and law, and has taken many postgraduate courses in the United States and overseas: administration at Harvard, management at MIT, finance at Chicago. French culture at the Sor-bonne and business admin-istration at Mackenzie Uni-versity.

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This week at Boca Raton Daily Deal

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The American Century Continued from page 23ny, for example, is now offering awards to companies that attract qualified immigrants. Technological and educational leadership are other challenges that lie ahead. If our schools are increasingly subjected to the tight-fisted tyranny of teachers’ unions, tomor-row’s Americans will not be able to respond to the technological challenges of a chang-ing world. Without these tools, the U.S. will be condemned to failure. In the same vein, it would be extremely beneficial for the U.S. to welcome the wisdom of older nations: by encouraging qualified scholars and professionals from other cul-tures to join our ranks, the U.S. gains their perspective and experience without having to invest in their educations. This cuts costs, while increasing our chances of success as a young, leading nation. The U.S. has natural advantages: population, geography, military power and a strategic position to lead the world. No other nation or group of nations can compete with the U.S. in the coming decades, as long as it is governed with care. In short, the only real threat to the U.S.’s leadership this century is posed by the U.S. itself.

The Boca Raton Tribune BUSINESS East/West Boca Raton, FL

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GamesThe Boca Raton Tribune

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Pet SocietyThe Boca Raton Tribune


There are all sorts of won-derful things to be said for having more than one dog. They can be friends. They can keep each other compa-ny. They won’t get lonely. They’ll wear each other out. Some of those things might even be true. But none of them trumps what Albert Einstein said: “The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.”Notwithstanding Octomom, there’s a reason why wo-men have only one child at a time. And there’s a reason why nature built in a healthy nine months be-tween them.Having two dogs in the house can be richly reward-ing - if it’s done right. Go-ing from no dogs to two dogs in one fell swoop is not doing it right. Bringing a dog into your house is a big responsibi-lity. You have a new per-sonality to get to know. You have things to learn about each other, things to teach each other, and you need time to bond. This is a one-on-one process. Having two dogs doesn’t change that. It just means you’ll have to devote more time in each

Double-Dog Day Afternoon

day to doing it - twice as much time.Dogs, like people, are in-dividuals. They have their own personalities, their own likes and dislikes, their own way of relating, their own needs. Having two dogs doesn’t mean having two dogs that are exactly the same. That’s impossible.One of the problems that arise from getting more than one dog at the same time boils down to pecking order. Dogs are pack ani-mals. It is the dog owner’s job to establish him or her-self as the alpha. But many people fail to realize this or don’t know how to ac-complish it. And if the dog owner doesn’t step up, one of the dogs will. Someone has to be the leader of the pack.It is much easier for you, the dog owner, to secure that role if you only have to convince one dog at a time. Another problem that co-mes with getting two dogs at once is fear-aggression. One of the dogs will in-evitably develop a shy per-sonality. When coupled with his more assertive, dominant “friend,” he’ll tend to withdraw. This, in turn, leads to a lesser de-

gree of socialization for the shy dog, which often results in fear-aggressive behavior as the dog grows into his personality and his role in the household.All of this is not to say people should not have more than one dog. But as Einstein implied, timing is everything. For people who know they will always want a dog in their life, it’s a great idea to have more than one. It makes the eventual loss of a dog easier to bear if you have another to care for. The ongoing relation-ship can be a great comfort and will help heal the deep wound the loss of a long-time companion inflicts. The key is to space them out. When should you get your second dog? About two to three years after getting your first. This gives you ample time to get to know and bond with your first dog and to establish your-self as the leader of your little pack. It also gives him time to develop his perso-nality unfettered and learn the rules of the house. It’s much easier to train a se-cond dog when you aren’t also trying to train a first.And when the time comes, the second dog should be the opposite sex of the first. Bringing two female dogs home on the same day is a set-up for your very own double-dog day afternoon. But dogs of the opposite sex spaced out by a couple of years will make for a continually harmonious household. Woof!

Story, photo by Pam D’Addio

Hi, we’re Jake and Louie, and we’re all the ‘family’ we have left after being surrendered here when our human family lost their home. (Jake is a 4 year-old male yellow Lab, neutered and 65 pounds. Louie is a 4 year-old male English Springer spaniel, about 50 pounds.)This is quite an adjust-ment, but we’re optimistic and eager to find our new forever family. We’re both housebroken and friendly. Jake is just a bit shy till we “meet and greet” you. We can live with kids and other dogs. Although we will split up for happy homes, we’d re-ally love to stay together if possible. It’s important to have buddies, after all. Could you use two new wonderful best friends? Ask to meet us!

Jake and Louis are looking for a loving home - or homes

We’re available for adop-tion at Tri-County Hu-mane Society, a no-kill animal shelter located at 21287 Boca Rio Road in Boca Raton. The shelter is open for adoptions Tuesday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Adoption fees for companion animals are $110 and up. Animals are heartworm-tested and up-to-date on vaccinations. Included in the adoption fee is one year of free of-

fice visits to Regency Vet-erinary Clinic.Please visit us to find a lost pet or to consider add-ing a shelter dog or cat to your family. We have pup-pies and kittens, too! Call (561)482-8110 or view many of our available ani-mals and volunteer oppor-tunities at: www.tricounty-humane.org. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter at ‘TriCounty Humane’.

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SportsThe Boca Raton Tribune


Article and Pictures by: Jon Gordon Ricco

Friday night happened to be one of the most beauti-ful nights of the year, but it would play out to the dis-advantage of the Boca Ra-ton Bobcats. Boca would take the opening kickoff for a touchdown, but the

Bobcats fall short to Olympic HeightsArticle and Pictures by: Orlando Greenwald

Both teams coming in to Friday’s matchup had the driving urge to win: last week resulted in mu-tual losses for Olympic Heights and Boca High, and both against district rivals. Putting last week behind them, however, the two teams approached this game with zeal: all week at Olympic Heights the focus has been on the rival Bob-cats.The game started out with a kick return touchdown by the Bobcats’ Ced Bry-ant. This is the second time this season that a game has begun with a return by the opponent. Just like the first time, however, the Lions did not let it determine the end result of the game. After the return, the Lions went on a 13-play drive that ended with a 5-yard touchdown carry by Tavon Jenkins. This turned out to be just a taste of what would follow.The Lions were able to run their way to victory. Picking up just over 350 yards in rushing, Tavon Jenkins and David Tanis sparked tonight’s win. Ta-von ran for 148 yards on 12 rushes and scored two touchdowns, one being the game decider. David took the team record to a new high: 155 yards on 21 carries, with one run re-sulting in a 60-yard touch-down. Despite battling an early leg injury and pain

Olympic Heights runs over Boca Highthroughout the night, Da-vid fought through adver-sity and led the team effort. The defense as a whole had their own way all night: the Bobcats only had 45 rushing yards as an entire team. Zach Slaf-sky was able to recover a fumble, and junior defen-sive back Damani Wallace had the game of his life. He recovered two fumbles and had one key deflection after jumping a route. Wal-lace sums up how he felt in one word: “Amazing.” Speed to the ball, pres-sure on the quarterback, and an obvious win on the defensive line allowed the Lion’s defense to dominate the “explosive” Boca High offense.Late in the fourth quarter, the Lions had a choice to either kick a field goal on a fourth down and extend the lead to nine, or go for it. Coach Henghold called a play for senior, Tavon Jenkins, illustrating his confidence in him. Jenkins

hit the corner and scored, giving the Lions a lead of 28 to 14 after a two point conversion by Matt Kelly.All in all, four rushing touchdowns and the big plays on their defensive game gave the Lions an enormous win over a 6A powerhouse. Coach Heng-hold comments after the game: “I’ve been here for 6 years and it’s our first win against them, it feels great.” For all the seniors on this team, this fourth meeting with rival, Boca High, gave them the win they all were hoping for. The team broke out in chants and excitement dur-ing the breakdown after the game, and the Coach yelled, “Ya just beat Boca High!”The next game is on Fri-day October 8th against Archbishop McCarthy, a district game that may ar-guably be called the single most important game of the Lions’ season.

Lions of Olympic Heights marched down the field to tie the game on an 80 yard drive without a single pass thrown. This, it turned out, would be a precursor to the rest of the night. The score at the end of the first was tied at 7. After an impres-sive drive to start the sec-ond quarter, the Bobcats

fumbled the ball over. The Lions then fumbled on that drive, giving it back. The Bobcats lined up for a field goal to take the lead, but it was blocked, spar-ring an emotional drive for Heights. During the next play the Bobcats had a 56 yard rush for a touchdown to take a 14-7 lead. During the rest of the second, the Lions showed their size as they pushed Boca around, going into the half for a lead of 14-7. The Bob-cats came out fired up on defense, giving up only 4 yards to the Lions. After a controversial muffed kick return that should have been a Lion’s touchdown, the Bobcats tried to capi-talize on their luck only to drop three straight passes. The next Heights drive, the wishbone, just kept the beating up throughout the third quarter, and go-ing into the fourth the lead had risen to 20-7. With a bomb to the left to start the quarter, the Bobcats brought the game to 20-14 with new emotion. The Lions would then go on to run some the clock out and punched a late touchdown and a 2-pt conversion to build their lead to 28-14. Boca would score late, bringing the score to 28-21 with 21 seconds to go, but it wasn’t enough.

See more pictures on page 30

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Olympic Heights runs over Boca High

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The Boca Raton Tribune SPORTS East/West Boca Raton, FL

By Pedro Heizer


LeBron James and his bu-siness partner, Maverick Carter, told CNN’s Sole-dad O’Brien that race was a factor in the backlash he received after announcing that he was “taking his tal-ents to South Beach.”“Do you think there’s a role that race plays in this?” asked O’Brien, “I think so, at times. It’s always, you know, a race factor,” replied James.LeBron, this is probably one of the dumbest comments you have made throughout this entire ordeal. Listen,

Was Race A Factor in “The Decision”?

let’s get one thing straight: I like LeBron James, but he has been making some pretty bad decisions since joining the HEAT on July 9.To say that his race is the reason that people are burning his jerseys, cur-sing him everywhere he goes, and making him the sixth most hated athlete in America is pretty silly and immature. It seems to me like a last resort response to all the people who are questioning him. People don’t hate him be-

cause he’s black; people hate him because he humi-liated the city of Cleveland, the entire state of Ohio, and let the drama explode at the last possible second; he just had to do a one-hour special to announce that he didn’t want to be on a losing team, and that he was joining the HEAT? Why couldn’t he just make an announce-ment on Twitter, and then have a quick interview on ESPN like Wade and Bosh? Nothing majestic: just fast and to the point. LeBron will try to tell us

that he did a great thing because he raised money for the Boys & Girls Club; but in reality he could have just given that money to them instead of indulging in a one-hour special about himself.Hey, I’m completely cool with his decision to join Miami. No problem. I just don’t like the way it was handled. Here’s what I think, LeBron: fire all these so-called friends, posses, or whatever you would like to call them, and hire real P.R. people. Hire people who are qualified to give you real advice that won’t make you look like a fool. You are too good a player to have the bad public im-age you have right now.

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HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL SEASONSee this article on page 31

See this article on page 29

East /West Boca Raton, Highland Beach , Delray Beach FL - October 6 through October 13, 2010 •Year I •Number 016


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