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Page 1: Body Language presentation  by Gabriel Larotta Florez



(Elements of communication)






Feedback Response



• Facial movements

• Body movements.


• Concept, structure and use of space and distance bet. Participants of the

communication process.


Graphic representation of an object


Representation through a social agreement (dressed in black when mourning).

Graphic languages:

Written languages that use images to

represent reality (Hieroglyphics)

Musical:Melodies do not necessarily have lyrics in order

to create an environment; Metal, Jazz, etc.

Page 2: Body Language presentation  by Gabriel Larotta Florez

Body Language

• What is it?– The language spoken by the body in terms of facial expressions, hand gestures, postures and other

body movements.

– The use of non verbal communication: B.L. expresses a persons inner thoughts and feelings; frowning signals one is worried or displeased. Turning one’s back and moving away implies avoidance.

• Is it limited to the expressions or movements of specific parts of the body?– Body Language covers a wide variation of gestures, body positions, even the distance that we consider

safe or acceptable when in the communicational process. Also; hand signals, finger signals, hand positioning, making faces, etc.

• Is Body Language the result of a certain type of aesthetics, or is it a natural phenomenon?– We communicate primarily nonverbally, not verbally; our early ancestors communicated effectively

through the use of nonverbal forms of communication: Physiological changes (flushed face), gestures (hand gestures), Noises, and facial or body reactions.

Page 3: Body Language presentation  by Gabriel Larotta Florez

Non verbal communication

• We communicate to others how we feel and what we sense.

• It is a fact that we use nonverbal communication primarily; in our written communication we use emotional icons profusely.

• If we stopped to think for a minute how to react to every perilous encounter, we might not actually be very successful at surviving as species.

• We learned to react and not to think (The freeze, fight, flight response)

Page 4: Body Language presentation  by Gabriel Larotta Florez

Understanding Body language

•Our Brain has created the channels to perceive and responses to give to our surroundings when we feel comfortable or uncomfortable. This we communicate primarily through our bodies.

•E.g.: Taste something gone bad, somethingthat is in the process of decay andeveryone around you will know instantlyfrom your expression, they do not need totaste it.

•Body language is quick, authentic andreliable.

• But it is not only about threats orsurvival, or our time of reaction, our Brainalso telegraphs our intentions.

•Behind all this are our needs, intentions,emotions, feelings, thoughts.

• All this is processed elegantly throughthe ‘Limbic system’ of the Brain. It doesn’thave to think it just reacts, in real time.

Page 5: Body Language presentation  by Gabriel Larotta Florez

Understanding Body Language

• When we receive bad news, there is a series of physical signals, reactions happening in our bodies; our lips compress, we clench our jaws, nervously rub our necks, we squint and lower our chins.

•This are discomfort displays that the limbic Brain has perfected over millions of years whether we are in China or Chile..

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Understanding Body language

• There are changes happening in our bodies; when we see somebody we like or love, the body displays changes that are communicating our emotions and feelings.

• Our bodies do not have to do that yet we have been reacting like this for a long time. Why? Because we are social animals that communicate both verballyand non verbally.

• Is this essential for us humans? Think about children who are born blind; having never seen this behaviors will also perform them.

• Luckily for us, this behaviors are hard wired.

Page 7: Body Language presentation  by Gabriel Larotta Florez

Understanding Body Language

•Whether in business, at home or in relationships, we can always be sure that true sentiments will be reflected in our Body Language through displays of comfort and discomfort.

• A binary system of communicating how we feel, it has stood the test of time, it helps us also through its simplicity.

• It can be very effective in determining how other people feel about us; when people sense that something is wrong in a relationship, what they are sensing are changes in Body language displays.

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Limbic system functions.

•Emotions, Motivation, memory and learning.

•Controls mood and attitude.

• Stores highly charged emotional memories.

• Controls appetite and sleep cycles.

•Makes us better to adapt our behaviors flexibly in response to our changing environment.

Page 9: Body Language presentation  by Gabriel Larotta Florez

Some myths revisited…

• Generally speaking people think they know it all about Body language, they think for example that to spot a liar is easy; that is a myth (Ekman, P.).

• What are often mistaken as signs of deception (Nose touching, mouth covering, eye closing), are really pacifiers that help us relieve stress.

• These pacifier behaviors are used both by the guilty and the innocent to relieve the stress of a meeting.

• A second myth is that eye aversion is an indicator of deception.

• During interviews or conversations Eye avoiding is wrongfully interpreted as an intent to deceive. This is a myth.

Page 10: Body Language presentation  by Gabriel Larotta Florez

Age, cultural bias, emotional input.

Recent studies have shown that age is negatively associated with the accuracy of decoding facial expressions.

Facial expressions play a central role in the quality of interpersonal interactions because they convey important information on the emotional states of our interaction partners.

Erroneous interpretations of facial expressions may lead to misunderstandings and impair the quality of interactions.

Page 11: Body Language presentation  by Gabriel Larotta Florez

Useful behaviors in meetings

• Respond to questions immediately, without hesitation, speech errors, throat clearing or time fillers.

• Body position when interacting at an interview; Head lightly tilted to the side.

• People want to see hands, make sure others can see them (specially if you are talking) Make sure your hand gestures are wide and smooth.

• When making a point; emphasis palm down, fingers spread on the table surface. This registers confidence strongly.

• If it is something specific you want to emphasize –a ‘precision grip’ (index finger against the tip of your thumb) is good to make your point.

• If you have to point to an object or to call onto someone to speak, do so with the hand (fingers extended palm up) Never point with a finger, not even at a chair.

• Give ample space to others; do not crowd them at the table or shared spaces. This can potentially cause Psychological comfort or discomfort





Take into account:

Page 12: Body Language presentation  by Gabriel Larotta Florez

References and Bibliography:

• Morris, Desmond. (1985). Body watching. New York: Crown Publishers.

• Morris, Desmond. (1969). The human zoo. New York: Dell Publishers.

• Morris, Desmond. 1994. Bodytalk: The Meaning of Human Gestures. New York: Crown Trade Paperbacks.

• Navarro, J. (2008). What Every Body is Saying. New York: HarperCollins.

• Mara Fölster, Ursula Hess, Isabell Hühnel and Katja Werheid; Department of Psychology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Rudower Chaussee 18, Berlin D-12489, Germany

Page 13: Body Language presentation  by Gabriel Larotta Florez

Body language presentation; General guidelines and suggestions.

• The intention of this work, is to present the students interested in acquiring knowledge about Body language with a brief but reliable information on the topic, something that can give them orientation about the basics of: Body non – verbal communication (Body Language) and at the same time will enable them to create their own strategies for a job interview or any other type of interview , reassuring them in a way that will reflect positively, diminishing the pressure of stress or controlling emotional expressions that can disrupt the flow in communication.

• An interview can sometimes seem like a very complex situation. It is then, of great importance to understand the basics about the most common form of communication and be able –to some extent- ‘predict’ or better; anticipate the possible scenarios they can meet at a job interview from a more general perspective.

• It is suggested that this material be managed in an interactive way with the students; building concepts from the experiences they have already had, also, possible situations and anecdotes can be handy as long as they are related to the material presented in the slide. As we all have been in situations from positive to awkward, there are always stories relatedto our reactions, our communication and miscommunication events. From there, we can find common ground where to start the presentation of this material.

• To create a context, The material presents the differences between verbal and non verbal communication, then goes to explain what is body language and give examples of BL in common situations, facts about BL, and information related to Physiology that explain why and how these things happen in our bodies. Where in our bodies this happens and how, nowadays we understand it.

• A few myths are revised very briefly and explained why they no longer constitute reliable concepts. Also, the relation of thegood and bad within BL with our social performances is very briefly mentioned.

• The information comprised in this presentation is brief and to the point due to the fact that it is a very broad topic and itcan’t be presented in half an hour. It can be successfully shared within that time frame though.

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• Slide # 1:

Parallel between verbal and non verbal communication. (Creating a context)

• Slide # 2:

What is Body Language? (BL) A few related questions. (examples from everyday situations, students might share their own)

• Slide # 3:

Nonverbal communication (Context for the development of the material)

• Slides # 4, 5, 6, & 7:

Understanding BL: What happens when… why, how and where; Informally sharing Physiological facts related to our bodily responses .

• Slide # 8:

Where all happens, the place in the brain where all is controlled.

• Slide # 9:

Myths revisited: Important to emphasize the difference between ‘word of mouth science’ and facts being the result of ongoing studies and research.

• Slide # 10:

Cultural bias and other facts. (Very recent study from the Humboldt University, Berlin.) Highlights the fact that many reactions may have the bias of culturally acquired attitudes and traditions and the effect of age in our views and interpretations.

• Slide # 11:

Final advice and recommendations made, points to take into consideration in order to clarify personal concepts related to the main topic.

• Slide # 12:

Bibliography and references.

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