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  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


    Nitin Chandra 2010127

    Kunal Ji Baranwal 2010098

    Bolt Pattern Design Optimization


  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


    Optimization Problem

    The goal of this problem is to find the boltlocations that maximize the force P that can be

    carried by the bolted joint before it fails.

    Failure occurs when the shear stresses in any

    one of the bolts exceeds the yield stress of the


    In order simplify the calculations, we will

    reformulate this problem as an equivalent

    optimization problem, which is to find the bolt

    locations that minimize the fraction of the force P

    that is felt by any one of the bolts.

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


    Formulation of Objective


    The shear force, from the applied load, on eachof the bolts:

    The applied force vector for the force pulling the

    plates apart is:

    = 1/ 2 1/ 2

    The direct shear load is distributed evenly

    between the three bolts in the direction of theapplied force. This force on each bolt is given by

    the equation:

    =/3 1/ 2 1/ 2

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


    Forces induced by the effective moment between

    and the centroid of the bolt pattern also exist

    (). In order to find these forces, the moment vector,


    Where is moment arm, or position vector fromthe centroid of the bolt pattern to the applied load:

    = +



    and =


    Finally, substituting and we get:


    [ + ]

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


    we can now calculate how it is distributed among

    the three bolts. This can be done by first finding the

    moment arm between each and the centroid ofthe bolt pattern:

    = +

    These moment arms are then crossed with the

    vector to find the direction of the moment forcefor each bolt:


    ( )



    [ ]

    Additionally, we must know the magnitude of each

    of these forces, which can be found by using the

    following equation: .

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


    Now that we have both the magnitude and

    direction, we can use their product to find



    With both and known, we can now find themagnitude of the resultant force on each of the


    = +

    = ||

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization



    To ensure that the bolt pattern does not fail bytear out (the bolts being too close to the edge of

    the plate), a safety factor of 1.25 diameters

    should be used.

    1.25d < , < W1.25d

    Additionally, to ensure that the bolt heads do not

    interfere with each other, we will add a constraint

    that the distance between any two bolts must beat least as great as the diameter of the bolt


    > for i , j =

    1 2 3

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization



    = 1.0 in

    = 4.75 in

    P =1 (assume unit force for optimization problem)

    Length of steel plates, L = 5:5 in Width of steel plates, W = 2 in

    Bolt diameter, d = 0:25 in

    Bolt head diameter,

    = 0:5 in

    Minor bolt diameter area, A = 0:0269

    Minimum bolt proof strength, Sy = 85kpsi

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


    Solution Methods

    Gradient Based Methods Generalized Reduced Gradient Method ( GRG )

    Evolutionary Methods

    Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO )

    Genetic Algorithms

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization



  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization



    Our Code

    MATLABs PSO toolbox

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


    PSO Algorithm ( Pseudo-Code )

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


    Genetic Algorithms

    Our Code

    MatlabsGA toolbox

    Fitness: To evaluate the fitness, each design must be analyzed to

    evaluate the objective f (minimized) and constraints gi

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


    GA: New Generations The genetic algorithm goes through a four-step

    process to create a new generation from the currentgeneration:

    1) Selection1) Tournament Selection

    2) Roulette Wheel Selection

    2) Crossover1) Blend crossover

    3) Mutation1) To introduce diversity into the population of designs.

    4) Elitism1) Children must compete with their parents to survive to

    the next generation.

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


    GA: New Generations

    The genetic algorithm goes through a four-step process to createa new generation from the current generation:

    1) Selection1) Suppose our tournament size is three. We randomly select three designs from the

    current generation, and the most fit of the three becomes the mother design. Then werandomly select three more designs from the current generation, and the most fit of thethree becomes the father design. One may vary the fitness pressure by changing thetournament size.

    2) Crossover

    1) A crossover probability is specified by the user. A random number between zero andone is generated, and if it is less than the crossover probability, crossover isperformed. Otherwise, the mother and father designs, without modification, become

    the two children designs.

    2) 3) Mutation


    4) Elitism1) The new generation is combined with the previous generation to produce a combined generation of

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization



    MATLAB Tool Box Results

    Genetic Algorithm (0.860372 seconds) PSO (1.042512


    [1.6875 0.3125 1.6061 0.3125 1.6875[ 1.6875 0.3126 1.5898 0.3132 1.6875


  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization



    Our Code

    [ 1.55216 0.57395 1.47057 0.40754 1.53735 1.68749]


  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization



    An improved particle swarm optimizer formechanical design optimization problems


    S. He , E. Prempain & Q. H. Wua

    Department of Electrical Engineering andElectronics,

    The University of Liverpool, Liverpool

  • 7/27/2019 Bolt Pattern Optimization


    Thank You

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