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  • 8/13/2019 Bombas Volute Centrifugas0001


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  • 8/13/2019 Bombas Volute Centrifugas0001


    PageInstallation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 46Starting of pump unit o 47Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48Taking pump out of operation for a long period o 48Fault finding and remedy o.................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48Dismantling 49Reassembly . : : ' 50Technical data : :.;................ 50Ordering of spare parts, parts ist .: ~o ', ~ 0 . 50


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  • 8/13/2019 Bombas Volute Centrifugas0001


  • 8/13/2019 Bombas Volute Centrifugas0001


    -.3. Maintenance; 3.1 Pack inq-type sluf ting boxFor lhe firsl start-up 01 lhe pump lhe gland

    :'ShOUldnly be l ighlened moderalely so .Ihal enough Iiquid can leak out in order lor ~ ' [ i: ~ : ~ : ~ i ; i ~ ~ / ' ;ubricale lhe packing and shatt. When lhe'sluffing box casing and gland have nearlyreached lhe pump casing temperature

    dur ing operal ion, lhe running- in 01 lhepacking is linished. 11 lhe sluff ing boxdrlps 100 much, lighlen lhe gland slowlyand evenly durlng operallon. For conslanllubr lca lion, lhe sluf ting box should always

    . g ~ ; : S : I . . ;. , ', slighlly drlp in arder lo avoid damage lopacking ar lhe shaft sleeve. ,:. ,.;;;:):~J':'';-lfhe l eakaqe becomes excesslve and lhe

    gland cannol be ligh lened any fur lher , newpacking rings should be pu in. The rings are,. slil, and prior lo putting Ihem around lhe, ,; : : ;: shalt, Ihey rnust be opened out slightly ..

    2 '; ': ,>: ';i: ( Aller s lipping Ihem over lhe shaft , bend lhe rings back lo Iheir original shape so that lhe: bevel cul ends [ust touch. A gap or an over-, ; l h :. ~ - : ., 'Iap mighl cause leakage. Push each ring sln-'gular iy inlo lhe box using lhe gland, slaggerjoint butts by 90. Repacking of lhe wholestuffing box requires par ticular care. Any

    'old packing musl be removed complelelylirsl... repacklng, check that lhe shaft can',,'be lurned by hand. The runnlnq-in. prccedure is as above. ~ ~ : [ : . : :r.2 Mechanlcal seal

    Mechanical seals are rnalntenance-treeand are designed lo work wilhout leakage loss. When considerable and increasing, leakage is taking place, lhe mechanical

    seal must be attended lo immedialely. 11 the -seal faces are damaged, lhe wholemechanical seal must be changed. Treatlhe mechanical seal with utrnost care.Dismanlle as per para. BearingsThe pum pilas slurdy main lenance-I reeanlifriclion bearings, which are greasedfor li/e wilh high-Iemperature grease.


    14. Taking pump out ofoperation for a long periodWhen lhe pump is no operating for a longperiod, lhe shalt should be lurned by handaI regular intervals lo preveni lhe reterbinding. 11 Ihere is danger 01 trost, thepump should be drained complelely. Tolhis end, remove the drain plugs and openlhe venl plugs ar cocks,

    5. Fault finding and remedy t~VErollaQ@ causes: Rem ed'L:al No pump discharggAir pockets in pump Prime again andand suction pipe. carelully vent pump

    and pipe. Whenpump works wilhsuct ion li ft, suctionpipe must be ln-slalled wilh a gra~dual rise lo pumpor, in case 01 posl-tive suction head,provide an airbleed-off petcock ailhe highesl point.Check pipe larlighlness.Place 10 01 valvedeeper (observemax. suctlon lift) AOpen lully ali valve~in suct ion pipe.Throtlle discharqegate valve lo reducepump capacity,Check for cloggedsuction pipe, foolvalve ar pump andclean Ihem. lnstallsuction pipe oflarger diameler. In-slall pUlllp unildeeper.

    Waler leve i in wel lar suclion lank fallsbelow Ioot va lveVacuomelric suctlonlift 100 high(vacuum gaugereading)


    Vacuometric suctionlift too tligh (va-cuum gaugereading)Pump has wrong di-rectlon of rotationExisling total headhigher than raling(compare vacuurn~ nd pressur e gauge~eacJings with capa-cily plale of pump)

    Thr otte cJischargegate valve to reducepump capacity: forlhe rest, see above.Reverse eiectricmotor by changingpolesAsk your supplierspecifying purnp se-rial No. and motorsize, whether ar, im-peller o a largerdiarnctcr can be tit-ted.Check and cleandischarge plpe andvalves.

    Discharge pipeclogged ar in-crusted (symplorn:pressure gaugereadinq hlqher thandischarqe head asper pump capacilyplate)Impeller clogged Dismantle and clean(syrnptom: low va- impeller.cuum and pressuregauge rcadings)Q L OverloaL releaseslrjQMolar overloadedbecause existingtotal head of systemlower and conse-quent y pump ca-,,,,.:.pacity higher than',-_,,~ump rating (com-pare total mano-metric head withcapacily plale ofpump)Pump and molarare hard lo turn(cannot be lurnedby hand freely ornot at ali)Voltageloo lowFailure of phaseMotor winding da-maged

    Throttle discharqegate valve untu per-missible power con-sumption isreached, or turndown impeller dia-meter lo suit exist-ing conditions.

    Loosen stufting box9land. Separatemotor trem pump.Repair pump ormotor.Consult electrician.

    Purnp and motor Locsen S8;-e har d to turn 9~2;~:...1' : ' : ' ~ f(cannot be ~urn8(i rnc.or tJ ouby hand Ireely or Se;: ; j, ;.'\1not at ali) motor.Forliquids pumpsd CO~-lS~~jt ~'other than water: r;ller lo: ~specilic gavi~yar 8.C~~(C8.viscosity hiJherthan ratlog mavcause motor 0\'8i--load

    6.1 The purnp C -f.iifi nC:2c f\C/ bfrom lhe base p u~_e~ncl car: L.:pipa worx.6.2 n the case o 8 st::r~c2(d SSl;,) ;:ar must be cosenec on :1Ie tE.:~pusned oack su~:icjer ~'y ~e ti I~rotor with be2lfnj b;'ElC:\8: can i;cthe esse ot a Sp8C8~ cO L: :;: l s], tLremain in position O l the base /) iurealinrnent wil] nct D e : 'iecr;SS~l(6.3 Dismantlinq o: purno rotor 'cornplete. Scr ew OL t. c:rai r ; p: ug t oand 8.~SO vent pum 21t;~:e38rl18 :jinut (920.1) and dtsmant.o thc pUj-Ihe purnp casinq {1C 2 } iJy r r 2E nscrews on U18 nt~:rn'8tj(, i8 bl{.lC.4 Disrnantling (pz.c;;l: lg -tYDC : ~Remove irnpeller nut (922) d(554.1) to taxe of impeier (233purnp shaft (2 1) For turthor Ckmove lhe nuts (920). 'im\.. U1cover ( 63) IOg8'113; with tnepacking can be taken o ' . R8l711screws (9H.1) 30e: tal:e oll lhe ibracket (132) rom ihc~b88rin:_l CPull oft shalt slecve (52:~) \vith O-and Ierrule (52~.1) Irorn pumpDo not drop lhe loci-:ing pin (325)screws (914) \.vith a screwc.Ivcrand iake ali lhe two bearjng CNow carefully pu OU the p:..:rnto\.vards the drive sido. Use a ppressed against H~e inlier face c lbearing.

  • 8/13/2019 Bombas Volute Centrifugas0001


    . > .\6.50ismntling (mechanlcat seal)1 1 .existinq, dismanlle lhe bypass pipe.

    Dismanlling ollhe pump should be carried:out as descrlbed under 6.4. Alter> , :,,;c disinantling . lhe impeller, proceed as

    P T i \ F . lollows: Purnp with bypass pipa.

    .', Remove lhe seal cover and dismanlle lhedischarge cover. Remove the guide bush:',> (pay speclal allenlion lo lhe locking pin).'. Now lhe spring wilh lhe rolary elemenl; 'can. be removed and lhe stattonarv

    elemenl can be pushed out of lhe bearingcover.



    .. ',

    : . .Pump without bypass pipaPull oft lhe spring and lhe rotarv elemen .

    '. Remove lhe discharge cover and press.'out lhe stationarv elernent. Furlher prece- dure as descr ibed under 6.4, 7. Reassembly.7.1 Reassembly (packing-type stuHingbox) ..' '.Reassembly is lo ali inlensive purposeslhe reverse 0 1 lhe above sequences

    slartlng by '1llIlng lhe pump shafl (211)'., with lhe antifriclion bearings trem lhedrive rslde.. Slick lhe outer race 01 lhe

    bearing using Omnifit 80. Screw on lhebearing covers (360) togelher wllh lhe'gaskels (400.8) In such a way that lhe oilbares will not be covered (observe lherecess in lhe covers and in lhe seals.

    '., Then connecl lhe Inlermedlale brackel(132) wilh lhe bearlng cas lng (350), pushlhe errule , O-ring and shaft sleeve wilhlock ing pin onto the pump shat. Now pushthe slufting box gland (452) along lheshall up lo lhe bearlng caslng and put lhesealing cover (163) into lhe inlermedialebracket, when lhe Impeller (233) 1 5 fl\tedand relained by means 01 lhe nut (922)and washer (544.1) lhe purnp reter andbearlng Is complele and can be filled Inlolhe pump casing.

    .7.2 Reassembly (mechanical seal)The lilling basical/y has lo be dane In lhe50

    ~ ,~;..:.'

    )f' di I' .ever se oruer rom rsrn ant Ing. In prin-cipie lhe following poinl should beobs erved. Ali componenls should be cleanand the utmost care should be taken inassembly. The running surlaces 01 theseal laces should only be exposed direcllybelore they are assembled. Oamagelo lheseal laces as wel/ as lo the O-ring sealsrnust be avoided. Clean the shaft and lhestationary elemenl in lhe discharge cover,respectively remove any deposits car e-fully. ~~7.3 Before filting the pump reter ancr-bearing, put.in a new gaskel (400.1) andafler reassembly repack lhe sluffing boxas per para. 1I lhe driver had been removed Iromthe base plate, realign the unil in accord-ance with para. 1.3.8. l'echnical dataCasing pressure max. 10 bars (= positivesucton head + pump head againsl closeddischarge vatve)Temperature0 1 liquids: - uncooled sluffing box

    -30 C to +120 C- uncooled mechanica l seal

    -30C lo +140CLiquids handled:Clear ar lurbid liquids withoul abrasiveand sclld or fibrous foreign matters, whichcould attack lhe pump malerlal rnechancally or chemlcally, 'Direclion of rotation:Clockwise, viewing from drive side.9. Ordering of spare partsWhen ordering spare parts please specify:9.1 Purnp ser ia l number, type (see pumpId. plate) or oruer No.9.2 ParI No. and description (as per Iist ofspare paris and seclional view)9.3 Requested melhod of transport.

    )10. List of spare partseM 32 - lo 65 - 12532 - lo 80 - 16032 - lo 80 - 20040 - to 80 -. 250

    Part No. Description I102 voute casu.q I32 intermediate br ack et I ~163 dischargc cover

    I183 support toot211 purnp shalt233 impeller321 deep-groove ball bearing I25 locking pin - shat350 bearing casing I60 bearing cover400.1 gasket - casing400.8 gasket - bearing cover I11.1 gasket 22/ 16.5 x 1.5411.2 gasket 18/13 x 1.5 I412.1 O-ring - shaft I12.3 O-ring - seal caver424 shaft seal / V-ring I52 stulfinq box gland458 locking ring461 stuffing bax packinq

    170 mechanicat seal, KPL471 seal caver - mechanical seal I78 spring - mechanical seal I84 guide sleeve - mechanical aeal502 wear ring, voute caslnq I502.1 wear r inq, discharge cover I07 thrower524 shat sleeve524.1 terrule - snatt I550 disk - mechanical seal I54.1 washer - impeller.N ... 70 1 tube I'712.1 lang nipple720.1 T-piece ,I31.1 GE screwed canneciian I01 hex. head bolt902 threaded stud I902.1 Ihreaded stud903 plug 1/2903.1 plllg 3/3903.2 plug 1/4914 Atlen scr ewo 1 4 .1 Atlen scr ew I920 he x. nut

    I920.1 hex. nut922 hex. nut - shalt940 key - impeller940.1 key - coupnq

    eM 100 - 200100 ,- to 25 o65 - to 15 0 -'100 -- o i50 -. C J

    I Part-f\j-o-.lr----- r.~~.:.)-li(~-1-0-2--,ll,f-,-,o- -U-O-C-'-.s;-,,-'---------160 ::';831C0VC - c:t~C;;,:i:1 ...~i 51 .:Jiscli'irjC CO'''.J(183 SUPPOI fr,c'211233 impe ,321 deep-']roov2 b2i ~h'::Jri1'330 bcarinD c: Si~l~l360 bearina cc.'v}r400 casino ~Ja,,:,(,\400.; gaskct - ~h(i;1400.2 g8S\[d .- :~'82inQCVl~:400.3 gas\c~ -. se a: cov er411 g8s}-~et2;~/;6.5x 15411.1 gas ,Jt i f~ ./13 x .5

    1411.4 1 9a5i\e 26/21X.51411.7 gas:,etl7i~3x15t 421 shat slecveI .

    433 I mechan.ca se al, cOn'l.:kil452 stufiing 00:\ g anciI 458 cckir.g rinu, 41 suf fjnQ tJ O X pact.:ilrJ502 I wear ring, vclu'e casu'f]I 502.1 : wear rino disshlrQC: COV507 I thrower\. 23 I , i gL ide si/ceve524 shat s.ecve560 dowel olnI 710 tube

    1731 GE screwe d connecuon801 hex. he ao oc lt90 .1 hex. head boiI 902 thr eadao stuc

    1902.1 Ihr eaced stud903 piug 3/8;;903.1 plLg 'I'.


    903.4 plug 1i2913 plug 1//'920 ne x o nu920. i hcx. :~ItI G< >2 he x. :1 ['- shi930 lock wasnor - s l:}i, 930.1 100 11 locl, wusiicr1 ,9 9~.00.1 key - irr.oclir-r~ key - c-ou.l ng

    Il _


  • 8/13/2019 Bombas Volute Centrifugas0001


    00./ . '/~1, '~~. 3\ 9( ' W\08 3r/ S.lJ/,-: ',\ \ \ I.. ;01 . r < - ' :: 1 ' \ . } ' J j, i ] ' i; \\ O \1 \ \ ,m -, \\:..,~o \ I. , , ~ , > : i l ; j ' ; , . ' } K \ \ J \ j r f

    I ~ L I ~ ' n \ . ~ 1 J911 I - ' ' ' - q~ .~ ,,--: ::t~ ~ ~ lr,I ~ I = 'l1,l, > 0 [ 1 1 > 4 0 }55 ,11 , , :( F r i , 'nHI t=~ J I ~ T I ,I,J ,,01 II ')' 'c., .52 > \ . /' ; ~ ' f ' ~r, /'1 ), I. / , ~ I61 ,.' r~:= 1' 1 7 '- - ~ ). ......:.,. ?/,; l ,701 -v n \:1/; [ ~I / //,~16J .1:;,.' ~l'-::l ' : ' / /// ,,;uw \ 1 f f' I f r lJ ~- ;jC:l ,j /~ / i ~r I I a u ~l r - , I1 , J / / . : / m~40 I li j 1'\ r lm l\ ~ \ :~ d J ; .rfP 7~ /// /,/- ,-,,' --,Lr;;) \(211 ' -- / -- '~ - - I / ,922 11 L~I~::.::.-,lkfi-:'~llj '1~i1AlIl:1 / ~~J (.J;\ . ~ _ , = = l ..A > 'lI o .f ' 1 L - - -, , - - f . : i: . : . ', J r _c__ 1 1 - ' ' I II , I /~[]',;17;1 . ''' ;' : ;'''1 r , . -, , J , , , , , ' ij , . : : , - - I__ L ~ 77 7~( I ,,-'~~- 'l'~': .. fi ' 7,=_,A , \ 1 : 1 : ' : ; :, \;y ----- -, r , : : ,( - - - -- ,so : rF,l. ,: .g,- l E B l 1 i : 1 -' .1f1. \ \' i-IIU - ' j , W \ \ \ \ '// [, ' ) 'r:' ,_' \ \ f i ' ,c;/ v ' ;tZ ,;):' \ o

  • 8/13/2019 Bombas Volute Centrifugas0001


    ( 1O'l- 200iOO-260125 - 250

    p;-:c:~:ng-lypc~;liifJ:ng L:fJX ;tndn icchanicai S8()

    ,>l ',:i

    '? :; : il - : : ; :; 1, ;' :1



    I, /902' ( l , ; B92C: ;21\ 90 9JC 903l.z n z , 903.1L11: 400

    940 42: t e : ; J3G 7 4O C:G 2 292G; 91.0'16' 903l.1': 5026. .~eM 65 to 150 - 315100 to 150 - 400 } _:::acutionpacking-type stuffing boxand mechanical seal


    : :~ ;~ : L11 9201 92032' 903 150 9023 523 110 rol11,-..J; :.. 9202

    '. ~ ~ 5IJ '. 03ll.OCl3;9022. '61' 400. '- '

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