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    Making an Error

    Free Worksheet

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    Dear reader,

    In front of you is the bonus chapter Making an Error Free Worksheet.

    This bonus chapter is an addition to The Excel Expert Handbook. You can find

    and download the full Ebook at www.TheExcelExpertHandbook.com.

    Enjoy this bonus chapter!


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    Chapter 9: Making an Error Free Worksheet

    y now you must have gotten a fair idea on how formulas are created and

    references are linked. While working with these, you need to be careful as

    one error or misplacement of an argument can produce errors in the entire

    worksheet. Surely you would not want to make the entire worksheet again just

    because of one wrong entry or any other mistaken clicks.

    This chapter tells you how you can locate the source of error and rectify it, in

    order to save your efforts from going down the drain. Just like one incorrect entry

    or referencing can affect all the resulting cells, the reversal of the misdoing can

    rectify all of it at once.

    Starting from the types of formula errors, auditing tools and error trapping

    techniques, this chapter helps you make a perfect and completely error free


    Fixing the Formula Errors

    While working on spreadsheets containing complex and interlinked formulas, one

    minor change may produce a massive ripple effect and produce errors in all the

    referenced cells and other linked formulas. And this is not something that you can

    prevent from happening! Formula errors are very common in Excel and you are

    bound to encounter one while working on interrelated and lengthy formulas.


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    Types of Formula Errors

    The trickiest thing when it comes to formula errors is that if the underlying

    formula is interlinked to other formulas in the workbook, then you need to

    identify the source of error and then deal accordingly. Changing the resulting

    value manually wont be enough; on the contrary it may complicate the error in

    other referenced formulas.

    Being said that, the rectification process depends upon the type of error you

    encounter. Following is a brief description about the general categories of

    formula errors that you may encounter while working in Excel.

    Syntax Errors: As the name suggest, syntax error occurs when there is a problem

    in the syntax of the underlying formula. In other words, you may encounter this

    error when you fail to follow the syntax and argument structure of a function.

    The most common type of syntax error is mismatched parentheses. It occurs

    when the number of right parentheses is not equal to the number of left

    parentheses in the formula. The next common syntax error occurs when you

    enter incorrect or incomplete arguments.

    Syntax errors are the easiest to identify. In case of mismatched parentheses, Excel

    does not let you enter a formula.

    Incomplete Calculation Errors: This error occurs when the formulas are not

    calculated completely.

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    To make sure that your formulas are completely calculated, press

    Ctrl + Alt + Shift + F9 on your keyboard.

    Semantic Errors: This error normally occurs when you spell a function incorrectly.

    Excel attempts to interpret it as a name and displays the #NAME? error.

    Logical Errors: Logical errors are difficult to identify as they are not displayed

    overtly. They occur when a formula contains a logical error which in turn causes it

    to produce incorrect or imprecise result.

    Array Formula Entry Errors: This error occurs when you press Enter instead of

    Ctrl + Shift + Enter while entering an array formula. Depending upon the function

    and structure of formula, Excel may display an error alert or it may produce

    incorrect result.

    Incorrect Reference Errors: This error occurs when you enter incorrect cell

    reference in a formula.

    Circular References: A circular reference occurs when a formula refers to its own

    value, or when a cell reference(s) is dependent upon the underlying formulas

    resulting value.

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    Get To Know the Common Error Values

    Error values mostly occur when you enter any invalid or incorrect formula thus

    rendering Excel unable to perform the specified calculation.

    Error values are of many types, each corresponding to a different source of error.

    Following is a brief description of all the error values including their meaning and

    possible causes.

    Every error value spurs from a different cause and the only way to

    rectify the error is to identify the source of it and then edit the

    formula accordingly to make it right.


    Mathematically, you cannot divide any number with zero. It is an invalid

    operation. When you try to perform this in Excel, it displays the #DIV/0! error.

    This error occurs when you perform a division operation containing 0 (zero) or a

    blank cell reference.


    This error occurs when a lookup formula is unable to return the required value.

    Many users type this error value manually in a cell to indicate unavailable data.


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    As explained previously in this book, the intersection operator in Excel is a space.

    The #NULL! error occurs when you put an intersection operator in a formula

    where it is actually not available in the worksheet. In other words, when you refer

    an intersection of two cell ranges in a formula that actually dont intersect, Excel

    displays a #NULL! error.

    This error also occurs when you mistakenly enter a space instead of a comma in a

    formula, as latter is the argument separator. So when you put a union separator

    instead of an argument separator, Excel displays the #NULL! error.


    The #NAME? error occurs when Excel is unable to recognize a cell or range name.

    This could be due to any of the following reasons:

    The formula contains a text value that is not enclosed in double quotation


    The formula contains a misspelled function name. This also falls under the

    category of semantic errors.

    The formula refers to range of cells but the range address does not contain

    a colon between the cell addresses.

    The formula contains a deleted name range.

    The formula contains an advanced or add-in function that is not installed in

    the current version of Excel.

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    Excel is comparatively less advanced and smart when it comes to

    using name ranges in formulas. If you use a name range or a named

    cell reference in a formula and then delete the name later on, Excel

    displays the #NAME? error. It does not automatically replace the cell

    address with the corresponding range or cell.


    The #REF! error occurs when a formula contains an invalid cell reference. This

    could be due to any of the following reasons:

    When the row, column or the cell containing the cell reference is deleted.

    Suppose you entered the following formula in a cell:


    Now if you delete Column C, D or B or any of the rows containing the

    mentioned cell references, Excel will display the #REF! error.

    When worksheet containing the cell reference is deleted.

    When copying a formula to any other location invalidates the cell

    references in it.

    When you cut and paste a cell to a cell already containing a cell reference.

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    This error occurs when a function contains a wrong or invalid argument, or a

    wrong operator is used in it. This could be due to any of the following reasons:

    When an argument in a formula contains invalid or incorrect data type.

    When the argument refers to a cell range, whereas it should refer to a

    single value or cell only.

    When you press Enter instead of Ctrl + Shift + Enter while entering an array

    formula. This is also known as Array Formula Entry Error.

    When a customized function does not perform the calculation. You can hit

    Ctrl + Alt + F9 to force a recalculation.


    The #NUM! error occurs when there is some issue with the numerical value or

    number format in the formula. For example, this error occurs when an argument

    contains a text or logical value whereas it is supposed to be a numeral, or when

    the resulting value is too large or too small to fit in the corresponding cell.

    When a referenced cell in a formula returns an error value or when

    a cell containing error value is referred in a formula, the formula

    returns the particular error value as well. When this happens, the

    error value spreads like wildfire throughout the workbook and all

    the cells that are in anyway linked to the underlying formula. In

    such cases, it becomes very difficult to identify the cell from where

    the error value originated so as you can rectify it.

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    The Phantom Link Error

    The Phantom link error occurs when the links contained in a workbook are


    Figure 9.1 shows the Excel phantom error alert window.

    Figure 9.1 - Phantom Error Notification Giving You the Option to Update the Links

    The phantom links are mostly created when a worksheet containing names is

    copied to any other workbook.

    If you want, you can update the links however there are two other methods that

    you can try to resolve this issue.

    First, select File > Info > Edit Links to Files to display the Edit Links dialog box.

    Now one by one select each link and click Break Link. If the phantom links issue

    still persists, try the second method, explained as follows.

    Select Formulas tab > Defined Names > Name Manager. This will open the Name

    Manager dialog box. Scroll through all the names and if you see any name that

    says #REF!, delete it.

    If your Name Manager dialog box contains numerous names and scrolling

    through all of them would take up a lot of time, you can use the filter option

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    located at the top right corner of the dialog box. To do so, Click Filter and then

    select Click Names with Errors.

    Using Conditional Formatting to Hide Errors

    At times the error values wont be much of a concern to you and you may just

    want to hide them, you can do so using Conditional Formatting. You can set a

    conditional formatting rule that can render all the error values invisible.

    Following is the step by step process on how you can do that:

    1. Select the cell(s) containing error values that you want to hide.

    2. Select Home tab > Conditional Formatting > New Rule. This will open the

    New Formatting Rule dialog box.

    3. In the Select a Rule Type box, click Select the Format Only Cells That


    4. Click the Cell Value drop down list and select Errors.

    5. Click the Format button to open the Format Cells dialog box.

    6. Click the Color drop down menu to open the color palette. Select White

    color and click OK. If the selected cells are shaded, then choose the same

    color in the color palette.

    7. Click OK to close the New Formatting Rule dialog box and return to the

    worksheet. All the error values in the selected cells would have disappeared

    from the worksheet.

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    Formula Auditing Tools

    If you are unable to trap the contagious errors that seem to have spread

    throughout the worksheet, you may have to check all the linked cells to find the

    source of error. At times the errors become so viral that you may have to recreate

    the entire worksheet; even in this case there is no such guarantee that the

    previous errors wont occur again.

    So the best solution out of it is to find the origin of error and rectify it once and

    for all. Fortunately, Excel 2013 contains some very advanced and smart formula

    auditing tools that can help you track down the cause of error.

    The Formula Auditing tools are located in the Formula Auditing group on the

    Formulas tab of the Ribbon, as shown in Figure 9.2.

    Figure 9.2 - The Formula Auditing Tools in Excel 2013

    Before we explain the applications of the formula auditing tools, you need to

    understand two terms pertaining to them. First is Direct Precedents, which refer

    to cells that directly feed the formulas. The second term is Dependents which

    implies the cells that depend on the results of the formulas.

    Following is a brief description about the formula auditing tools available in Excel.

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    Trace Precedents

    When you click the Trace Precedents command once, Excel puts arrows to the

    direct precedents; that is, the cells that are referred to in the formula in the cell.

    Clicking the Trace Precedents command again cause Excel to add a tracer to the

    arrows that identifies the cells that are referred to in the formulas in the direct


    Choosing the Error Checking Option

    The Error Checking tool performs a complete error-check and tells you the nature

    of the error in the selected cell. It also offers help on the particular error and

    allows you to trace its precedents.

    When you will click the Error Checking drop down list, you will see that there is

    another option by the name of Trace Error. Clicking it will cause Excel to find the

    cell that holds the underlying formula containing the error.

    The third option in the Error Checking drop down list is Circular References. It

    carries a continuation menu that tells you the cells addresses of all the cells

    having circular references in the current worksheet.

    Trace Dependents

    The Trace Dependents tool traces all the cells that currently are or have been

    directly or indirectly linked to the underlying formula. When you click the Trace

    Dependents command once, Excel puts arrows from the selected cell to the direct

    precedents; that is, the cells that are referred to in the formula in the cell. Clicking

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    this Trace Dependents command again will cause Excel to add a tracer to the

    arrows that identifies the cells that are referred to in the formulas in the direct


    Evaluating the Formula

    The Evaluate Formula tool evaluates each part and item of the selected cell.

    Select the cell that you want to analyze and click the Evaluate Formula command

    in the Formulas tab. This will open the Evaluate Formula dialog box. Here you will

    see the complete evaluation of the selected cell.

    Removing Arrows

    If you dont have time or want to rectify the errors and just want to remove the

    errors from the view, you can do so by clicking the Remove Arrows button in the

    Formulas tab.

    Figure 9.3 - The Remove Arrows Commands in Excel

    As you can see in Figure 9.3, the Remove Arrows command contains a drop down

    list with three options, briefed as follows:

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    1. The Remove Arrows command removes all the arrows on the current


    2. The Remove Precedent Arrows command removes all arrows that were put

    up after you clicked the Trace Precedents button

    3. The Remove Dependent Arrows command removes all the arrows that were

    put up when you clicked the Trace Dependents button.

    Window Watching Tool

    The Watch Window command opens the Watch Window dialog box, which shows

    the current workbook, worksheet, cell address, range name, value in the

    underlying cell and formula in the cells that are added in the watch list.

    If you want to add a cell to the watch list, select the particular cell in the

    worksheet, click Watch Window to open the Watch Window dialog box and then

    click Add Watch in it.

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    publisher. The replication or republication of any part of this book in any form, or

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    otherwise, is strictly prohibited without getting the consent from the author of

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    Notes to the Reader:

    The author of the book does not contradict any other information found about

    the subject of this book on any other source. This eBook is solely for educational

    purposes and should be taken as such. The author takes no responsibility for any

    misappropriation of the contents stated in this eBook and thus cannot be held

    liable for any damages incurred because of it.

    While the author of this book has made utmost efforts to obtain updated and

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    cannot be held liable for any damage or loss caused by the content of this book.

    The advice presented in this book may not be suitable for everyone. This book is

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