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Erini Lytr ides-Michael

Erini Lytrides-Michael Take the inner journey for buildinga truly sustainable business

Spiritual Quest


piritual Quest

This book is about the new rules of the business world now that the energy in the universe is changing. It can help you achieve business sustainability and business success by guiding you to take the inner

journey in order to redefi ne your product and service. You can also gain a diff erent perspective about your employees, suppliers, and customers.

Th is is a workbook with cards to draw for each chapter, indicating the areas you need to work on for your growth.

Enjoy the Journey!



ERINI holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and a master’s degree in business administration. She has over twenty years of experience in the corporate world. Her passion and success lie in consulting businesses and in guiding them to develop their business, sales, and marketing strategy.In just the last year alone, Erini has consulted with 120 companies and has been able to help them in redesigning their business strategy and defining a path for them, to

achieve success despite the economic crisis. In helping these companies achieve success, Erini has found that the key in almost all instances was the requirement of the CEO to take the “inner journey”. In writing this book, Erini is hoping to help new businesspeople or existing businesspeople to take the “inner journey” in order to build a business that will be sustainable and thriving.

Apart from her passion for economics and the business world, Erini has a passion for spirituality. In writing this book, Erini is linking her two worlds together. She is also known to her friends and work associates as being psychic. Erini lives with her husband and two children in sunny Cyprus.

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Take the inner journey for building a truly sustainable business

E r i n i L y t r i d E s - M i c h a E L

Ques t

Businessspiri t ua l

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Copyright © 2012 Erini Lytrides-Michael

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

ISBN: 978-1-4525-6496-8 (sc)ISBN: 978-1-4525-6498-2 (hc)ISBN: 978-1-4525-6497-5 (e)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2012923293

Balboa Press books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting:Balboa PressA Division of Hay House1663 Liberty DriveBloomington, IN 47403www.balboapress.com1-(877) 407-4847

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The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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Balboa Press rev. date: 12/05/2012

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Learn about the new energies and the new

rules of the game!

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Introduction� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ixThinking of starting your own company? Chapter 1 - What Product or Services might you provide? � � � � � � � � � 1

EmployeesChapter 2 - � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 13Create with LoveChapter 3 - � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 25CustomersChapter 4 - � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 35SuppliersChapter 5 - � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 45PriceChapter 6 - � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 53SellingChapter 7 - � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 63ManifestationChapter 8 - � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 75Game of LifeChapter 9 - � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 85

Tricks to use along your journeyChapter 10 - � � � � � � � � 95

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in t r o d u c t i o n

“Care more than others think wise. Risk more than others think safe. Dream more than others think

practical. Expect more than others think possible.”Howard Schultz, CEO Starbucks Coffee

I am writing this book because I see and feel the change in energy that is affecting us all including the business world� The rules of the game are changing and things will need to be done differently now after 2012� The strong successful companies of the future (after 2012) will be the companies that care about their customers, employees, suppliers and about the products that they produce� They will be companies that respect and give back to the environment and the animal kingdom� The economic crisis and the huge conglomerates that we know of today will go under unless they go by the new rules of the game! Conduct such as greed, lies, wanting more, will not be the

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determining factors for success; actually the companies that continue to abbey by these rules will eventually seize to exist� The lighter higher frequency energy companies, companies that will rely on energies such as love care and respect for every human aspect, these companies will rise and create success�

Personally I am able to write this book because I have two passions (ok three including my family-husband and two adorable children), one for the business world and another passion for the spirit world and with the help of God/Universal Force, I am combining the two�

For the past year I have consulted some over 120 companies, and now at the beginning of 2012, I have seen many business owners confused and frustrated by the economic crisis� They are not sure in which direction their companies should move into? If you think of a company being the human body, the starting point to heal the body is to first and foremost heal the soul and then the rest will follow� Hence, for a company or business the same thing needs to happen – that is the soul of the company needs to be healed and its direction will be found� Once the soul is healed, then corrective measures like improving marketing, dealing and making operations more efficient and cutting unnecessary cost will follow�

As I am writing this book I am enjoying myself as this is an expression of my passions as explained above� I am mainly writing this book for our young entrepreneurs, our young people that are coming out of universities and cannot find employment and hence their future will require them to create their own companies�

Remember open your parachute –let the new ideas sink in� Jump in to your new life and never look back let your warrior spirit out�

Enjoy!Love and LightErini Lytrides-Michael

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ch a p t e r 1

Thinking of starting your own company? What Product or Services might you provide?

“Don’t die with your music still inside you”Dr Wayne Dyer

D o you have a passion of providing a product or service to the world? Do you have a burning desire of providing a product or

service that you would like to share with others?The old energy prior to 2012 supported the companies that

thrived on sheer business competitiveness; companies that were more competitive would win in the business world� After 2012 we see a shift in energy� We see the strong going under –just look around you what is happening now with the banking system (major banks are suffering economically)� Anything that was built on values such as corruption,

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unfairness, dishonesty will eventually go under� The companies that tried to keep an honest business providing the best products and or services to the world, well these companies will rise; they will be the future success stories�

Companies that are offering part of the services to the world for example, just look at the success of companies like “facebook” these companies are succeeding and growing momentum� If they continue to run a clean honest business, giving back to society with Socially Responsible Programs and continuing to charge a fair price for the cost of placing ads on their webpage, well then the new energy will continue to support them and make them even stronger�

So if you are thinking of starting your own company, or you have your own company, let me share with you the new rules of the game�

Rule No 1: Provide the world with a product or service that stems out of your need to express yourself so that it is coming from your heart.

So the question remains what Product or Service to provide the world with?

Note that I am using the term world as opposed to selling to your community only because with the use of the World Wide Web, you are now able to sell your products and services to the whole world with of course a little creativity.

Prior to 2012 the successful companies did business plans after business plans until the numbers indicated a niche in the market or high volume in providing a service or a product� Basically the approach was to look outside and understand what would be successful�

After 2012, the companies that will rise above will be the companies that have or will be created out of the need of individuals to express their creativity in producing a product or service and offering it to the world (for a fair fee)� So in seeking what product or service to provide, the answer is look inside you� Take the inner journey� What

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is it you have to offer to the world? God/Universe (whatever you want to call him/her) has created you with unique gifts� If you tap into these gifts and offer these to the world, then you are at the beginning of creating a successful company� Hence, the journey or shall we call it quest in identifying what product or service to offer to the world should be an inner journey, not an outer journey�

I was raised by a father who believed that the world was tough and so he would teach me to always take the hard road� So if I were good at art, he drove me to focus on my physics so that I could be good at that� However, by picking always the harder road, so much energy was wasted and in the end I am not sure if I got to do what I came here to do� When you tap into your inner resources and your gifts, these are the things you do easily and enjoy, and by default you will be successful in offering these items or services to the world� So remember life is not supposed to be difficult� Remember the song “Row row your boat gently down the stream”. If you are struggling with something, try to understand why� Perhaps your heart is not into this, or you need to make peace with something before you can move forward, or you need to look inside you to identify if this product or service truly represents you� If not, you have the permission to change your direction� Remember this is your life, don’t waist it on pleasing others, if you have not pleased yourself first�

I had a client once that in discussing this subject, admitted to me that he was only successful with his bicycle riding career once he realized and accepted the fact that he was a great sprinter� Once he realized this, he stopped trying to improve his riding uphill skill (which lacked) and instead he focused on improving even more his sprinting which he was already successful� Once he focused and started improving on his strength, in the end his team started to win competitions� It seems so easy to just focus on what we are good at, however many of us have been conditioned to do just the opposite� So give permission to yourself to take the short-cut do enjoy the things

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you enjoy as the main objective is to experience Life as lightly and as enjoyable as possible� With regards to the items you don’t enjoy doing but you need to do in order to complete your job or project, well then find people you like working with that are good at doing those other things� If we all just focused on what we do best and accept to work with others on things we do not do so well, we would manage to move even further with our accomplishments� So decide today to take the inner journey and discover what you are good at providing and offer this to the world� Complement your inabilities by finding a team to complement you�

Exercise 1: In deciding what product or service would be ideal for you to provide to your customers in the world, think of the following:

What are your unique talents? »

What work would make your heart sing every day? »

What are your hobbies? »

What is your uniqueness when comparing yourself with »others?

What did you enjoy to do when you were only 4yrs old? »

What is it you do and time just flies without you »noticing?

Exercise 2: If exercise number 1 above, indicates/hints out (silent whispers) of what occupation/job –product/service would make you happiest, what would this be?

Exercise 3: Once you have identified what your heart would love to provide as a product or service to the world, now use your mind to get you producing this in the best possible way� So for this exercise, do all

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the investigative work using the internet by trying to find out as much information as possible?

Is there another company providing this product or »service?

If yes, who are these companies? »

What exactly are they providing in terms of product or »services?

For what markets? »

At what price? »

Exercise 4: If you have found on the internet or by researching your market directly that other companies are providing this product and or services, then think of ways that you could differentiate yourself� For example, just look at Airline Company Easy Jet in Europe� They entered a very stable airline industry back in the 90s but because they had a different business model that was based around more fair pricing and simplicity, well they managed to enter and take a significant market share�

Would your fair pricing, be lower than competition? »

Could you extend the product and or service to include »other modules/features? Perhaps the product/service needs an enhancement that you can start off providing with this feature�

Perhaps you will be providing this service or product to »a different market?

Identify how you could be different from this company? »

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Exercise 5: Write down the Product or Service that you intend to provide and take the below questions to see if you score highly on the Spirituality Test�

5�a Will this service or product enhance someone’s life? »Yes / No

5�b Can customers easily purchase my product or services »or do I have a complex distribution and or selling process? Yes /No

5�c Will you be able to charge for a fair price for this »service or product? Yes/No

5�d Is your product or service beautiful or creative in »nature in any way? Yes/No

If you score Yes in 3 out of the above questions, then your product or service has light and positive vibration energy which increases its possibility to sell in the market�

Summary: The journey in identifying what product or service you can provide to the world is an inner journey of expressing yourself. So once you have identified what would make your heart sing, then use your mind (cleverness) to get you there. Conduct research using the internet to fine-tune what product or service you will provide so that you are providing a better more enhanced product or service than the existing product or service currently provided for in the market.

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Card Game

The card game is suggested to help raise your consciousness� You can copy the paragraphs below, cut them out and select 3 paragraphs at a time to work on� Enjoy!

Name your hobbies� What hobbies do you have today? »What hobbies did you have as a child?

Think of three people you admire and explain why you »admire them?

If you did not have to worry about money, what would »you love to spend your life doing?

When is your soul the happiest at work? When is your »soul happiest at home, doing what?

Look at your bookshelves and describe what type of »books do you enjoy reading?

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If you were an animal, what animal would you be? Why? »Connect with the totem of this animal�

If the world is a puzzle, and every piece fits perfectly, then »what did you come here to do on this earth to help and complement others?

How are you different from your brother & sisters? What »did your mother use to tell you that you would be when you grow up?

What did you use to dream about that you would be when »you grew up?

Name your hobbies� What hobbies do you have today? »What hobbies did you have as a child?

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Draw /Color

Below draw yourself using any colors you want� Draw a rainbow over your head� Draw yourself in a Purple circle and then a Golden circle with a banner that says: “All is well I am always safe and protect.”

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ch a p t e r 2


“Take good care of your employees and they’ll take good care of the customers.”

J. Willard Marriott

I n setting up your business, at some stage you might require help� The help can be provided to you in the form of part-time

employees or associates (that is work that you subcontract out) at the beginning that can transform into full time employment, based on whether or not there is enough revenue coming in to support these employees fully� In seeking these people, consider the fact that it is best if you find like minded people� People that when you share your passion, are also passionate about the work they will provide to you� Just having people work for you for the exchange of money is not good enough- it won’t be good enough with the new energy of 2012�

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Rule No 2: Attract employees that will help you along your path, employees that will treat your customers with love and care.

Ideally you would like to find people that share the value system of your company so that the majority of the enjoyment comes from the actual work performing and not the pay cheque (that needs to occur but it just happens)� With regards to pay cheque, if you pay fair money for their services and a little more, you will almost guarantee lifetime employment from them� So it is important to understand the value system of the potential employee and to identify if their value system will matches your company’s value system� A lot is said on this by Dr Demartini Institute� If yes, then make them a good offer and stick to the offer� Pay the salary that you have negotiated with them and on time always� It is very unprofessional and very bad energy to not pay your employees on time� If you do so, immediate you are creating stress in their family but at the same time you will be cutting your company short of attracting money into it� Due to the late salary payments, your employees will not be providing with passion their services; instead they will be working with fear and stress, creating bad energy into your company which will be subconsciously felt by your potential customers that will halt from buying from you due to this� So in the end you will suffer potentially much more�

It is important to understand that there is a reciprocal effect on everything and every action� Everything is connected and there is a chain reaction to your actions� One act of fear and you are sending this negative energy off in various directions and ultimately your company will suffer� Work and act out of a position of care and love and honesty and fairness and you will attract the right employees and the right associates and customers� With regards to payment, if you attract the right kind of customers (they are usually be a reflection of your behavior-so if you are professional you will attract professional customers), they will pay you on time so that you can pay

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your employees on time� If your customers pay you on time, but for personal expenses and personal reasons you decide to act selfishly and to not pay your employees on time, then the next month you might start attracting customers that won’t pay you on time and you start a viscous circle that will require a lot of work in order to remove this negativity and to turn things around�

So I advise you to respect your employees; see them for who they truly are as perfect individuals (made in the likeness and image of GOD/Universe) and remember that they have showed up in your life in order to help you out with your plan� If you take care of your employees well, they will in turn take care of your business and your customers� Also remember that who we attract we attract because they mirror us in some way� You can read up on this by reading up on Eckhart Tolle’s work on “The Power of Now”�

Your company will have a better possibility of being successful if you make the human aspect a priority (ie make your employees feel really good about themselves and about their work)� It will help if you make team spirit a priority and try to make every employee see their position and importance in the team�

Training is also important for a company� Don’t expect your employees to do their job well if they haven’t been shown how to� They deserve to be sent on training to constantly improve on their skills, keeping them active and giving them confidence to provide a great service or product to your customers�

Profit sharing schemes are also great tools that help provide a team spirit environment for your employees� This tool will permit them to feel that they have some control of their destiny and it will provide them with incentive to stay with the company for years; as they know that when time has come for them to retire they will be able to cash in some money out of the profits of the company from the profit sharing scheme�

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Resolving employees’ problems is important in creating a spirit of wanting people to work for your company� Make it easy for your employees to come up and discuss their problems with you and even if the problem cannot be resolved immediately, at least give your employee the time and acknowledgment that they deserve (just listen to them)�

Setting up a system to permit employees to resolve and deal with personal problems such are taking care of sick children or elderly parents� Programs such as flexi hours and even giving them the option to work from home or even permitting them to “buy” days off to take care for their children or elderly parents provides them with a sense of control and at the same time the company will be providing them with the ability to take care of their personal problems�

Exercise No 1: Write the values your company value system?

Exercise No 2: Write down the profile of your ideal employee for each position�

State the Job Position: »

Profile of this person for this position: »

Age of this person for this position? »

Competencies’ of this person for this position? »

Exercise No 3:Do some investigative work either by reading a newspaper or the internet to see what the salaries for the job positions you have or will have and investigate whether or not you can afford to give these amounts to people? If yes then offer to give a little higher that the average market price salary levels�

State the Job Position: »

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Profile of this person for this position: »

Average Salary offered in the market for this position? »

What will your proposed salary be? »

Any other bonuses that will be provided for? »

Exercise No 4:What systems will you put in place to achieve the following?

Training – how will you make this a priority? »

Profit Sharing Schemes – what and how will this be set- »up?

Systems to permit employees to be able to voice their »issues?

Systems to permit them to deal with their personal issues »like young children and aging parents–flexi hour, day care system, permission to take days off ?

Exercise No 5:When you will have employees, remember to be thankful and to feel blessed that you have such and such a person working for you offering their time and energy for your company�

Summary: Find employees that will share your company’s passion and value system with yours. Love and care for these people. Set-up systems to keep these good employees by providing the following for them:

Training »

Profit Sharing Schemes »

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Systems permitting them to voice their issues »

Systems to permit them to deal with their personal »issues –flexi hour

Keep making team spirit a priority in your company. Every day voice to yourself the fact that you feel blessed to have these people help you along your journey of creation.

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Card Game

The card game is suggested to help raise your consciousness� You can copy the paragraphs below, cut them out and select 3 paragraphs at a time to work on� Enjoy!

See your employees in a golden bubble of light and send »them your love�

Consider the fact that your employees have been sent to »you by God to help you� How can they best serve your customers?

See your employees in your mind when they were young? »What hardships did they go through then? Today what hardships are they going through?

How can you possible add an element of game, creativity »and play at your work?

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Scan each of your employees in your mind and rate them »as to how much they are enjoying their work: Low? Medium ? High ? Can you help change this?

Name 3 things you don’t like about your employees? Can »you help them with these? Or can you just learn to accept them?

How can your company be a better place for people to »work at? Make it an attractive place to work at�

What are the value systems of your employees? Do they »match those of your company’s?

What are the value systems of your employees? Do they »match those of your company’s?

How can you help your employees today to do a better »job?

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Below draw yourself using any colors you want� Draw a rainbow over your head� Draw yourself in a Purple circle and then a Golden circle with a banner that says: “I bless these people for helping me with my Life Path.”

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ch a p t e r 3

Create with Love

“It is the space between the notes that makes the music”Dr Wayne W Dyer�

E verything is energy� In fact we are more empty space than mass- proof if you study quantum physics� Hence, everything

carries energy� There is energy around a product and service while it is being created for a customer� If you are providing a service and on a specific day you are having a miserable day, customers will pick–up on this subconsciously and your sales will be lower than if you were happy or even thrilled during the creation of this� Hence, while producing products or service always do this with care and love so that you send this energy onto the product or service in order to attract the right customers that will be “magnetically “drawn to your products and or services�

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If you have decided to provide a product and or service that makes your heart sing, then it is most likely that you will be creating and producing this product and or service with care and love� This positive energy will resonate and attract like minded customers to you� How many of you know or have acquaintances, that are servicing people and have never needed to advertise because these people are so connected while producing that they just attract customers like magnets�

Rule No 3: Create your products and services with care and love.

It is also important that your employees are providing your products and or services with care and love – however in order for them to be doing so, you might review the previous chapter on how you need to take care of them so that they can take care of your customers�

Also remember that nothing Moves unless there is a Problem� So your products and or services need to be offering a solution to a problem� In view of this try to understand what solutions you are providing to customers and see if you can improve on the products and or services you are providing them with�

At the beginning of starting your company the products and services that you will create will be the ones that you have come up with� However as you provide these services and or products to your customers, start to understand each and every customer to understand what solution your products and or services are providing them with and see if you need to re-design these better help your customers even more�

In understanding that really what your company is providing is a solution to a problem, and this solution might be different to different customers� Hence, listen and observer your customers carefully to understand the benefits you are providing to them� By doing this you will achieve two things: 1) You will be able to enhance your

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product and or service to make it even more appealing to your existing customers, hence this might lead to increased sales 2) You will be able to understand the profile of the customer that is buying your product so that you can create all your PR messaging in order to attract similar like minded clients to your business so that you can again grow your company’s revenues�

The best products that have been designed are the ones that have been produced by companies that have stopped and really listened to their customers about their needs� In fact complaining customers that complain about some aspect of your product or service are really doing you a favor as they are pin pointing some flaw/s relating to your product and or service that if you improve you might be able to come up with an even better product and or service that will attract even more customers to your business� So complaining customers are actually a “gift” to your, so handle with care, love and respect�

Exercise No 1: Outline what solution your products and or services providing to your customer/customers? Note: One product/service might be providing more than 1 solution to a different type of customer, which is fine, write both separately so you can identify areas of improvement for each profile customer�

Exercise No 2: Can you suggest any improvement to your existing products and or services to make the customer solution even more (without adding to the cost of providing the product/service)?

Define your product and or service »

Define each customer profile? »

Think about what solution is it providing to this customer »profile?

Enhancement for this solution ? »

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Summary: Provide your products and or services always with love and care and listen to your customers. Learn from each and every customer as to what solution are you providing to them with and see if this can help you create even better products and or services or an enhanced product.

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Card Game

The card game is suggested to help raise your consciousness� You can copy the paragraphs below, cut them out and select 3 paragraphs at a time to work on� Enjoy!

What products or services do you love to create? »

How are your products or services helping the world? »

Can you add more functionality to your products or »services so it helps people even more?

If you could lower the cost of developing your products or »services so you could offer it at a lower price, how could you do this?

If you could add an element of design to your product or »services, what would this be?

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If you could add an element of fun and adventure to your »customer experience, what would this be?

Can you package your products or services in a different »more attractive “package” making your offer better aligned to your customer need?

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Below draw yourself using any colors you want� Draw a rainbow over your head� Draw yourself in a Purple circle and then a Golden circle with a banner that says: “I offer these products or services to all human beings- they are the form of my creativity. God Bless these to be offered for the highest good of all.”

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ch a p t e r 4


“Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends”.

Walt Disney

A s mentioned in the previous section, all is vibrating energy� If you hate your customers or you talk badly about

them, since a thought is energy and nothing is lost in this universe, subconsciously your customer will pick up on this and they might not want to buy from you again or they will want to minimize or stop totally from buying from you� Instead feel blessed with the customers you have and they will in return provide you with a lot more than you imagined�

Rule No 4: Love and Care for your customers.

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Customers that feel loved and cared for will also provide you with the following:

Referrals, they will introduce you to other people »(potential future companies)

They will inform you if there is something wrong with »your products and or services in order to improve on them�

Hence, if you listen to your customers, you will be able to obtain ideas about what new products and or services to expand into and or how you can improve on your company� On this note, always remember that every bad experience in your business is an opportunity for you to accept as a gift and try to learn the lesson from this so that because of this bad experience you will be in a better position than previously� So when faced with a bad situations, always try to see the positive side of things and learn from this�

Every person that comes into our lives is an attracted by us� If our heart and soul are in good alignment we will attract like minded customers� So again the journey in correcting things is taking the inner spiritual journey� In order to be able to attract the right people as customers to your business, you must be in alignment between your spirit and your heart� Actually the order is you think about something, then you say it in your mind and it comes you’re your heart�

Exercise No 1: In viewing what products and or services you are providing to your customers, write down the profile of your ideal customer and why they would come to your company for your products and or services? What do you need to do in order to attract more of these ideal customers?

Define your product and or service� »

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What Customer profile and I currently attracting? »

What Customer profile do I want to attract? »

How to attract more of my ideal customer profile? What »do I need to do differently in order to attract them?

Exercise No 2: Count Your Blessings: Wake up every morning and bless your existing customers� Thank the universe for bringing them to you�

Summary: You need to be thankful for the customers you are attracting and align with the universe to send you more customers with the profile that you seek.

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Card Game

The card game is suggested to help raise your consciousness� You can copy the paragraphs below, cut them out and select 3 paragraphs at a time to work on� Enjoy!

Describe with as much detail as possible what your ideal »customer would look like?

See how you are helping the lives of your customers by »providing them with your products/services?

How can you attract more similar people/customers to »obtain your products/services?

How can you start listening more to your customers? »

How can you keep helping your customers in order to »maintain continuity with them? It takes more energy to find new customers than to try to find a few ways to continue working with your existing customers�

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Imagine a complaining customer that you have had in »the near future and see how you can turn this incidence to your benefit� Is there is a lesson to learn? How could you take measures in order to avoid this from happening again?

If you consider your customer to be your friends, would »you do things differently? Explain How?

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Below draw yourself using any colors you want� Draw a rainbow over your head� Draw yourself in a Purple circle and then a Golden circle with a banner that says: “My company is blessed with the best ever customers.”

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ch a p t e r 5


“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

Henry Ford

T he successful cooperation with the new energy of 2012, will help companies that sign for fair agreements with the

suppliers for true Win-Win relationships� Up until now, companies might use this term in their writing, but behind the scenes many companies have been trying to maximize their profits at the expense of the other company- so in reality very few companies really enter into a true win-win situation�

So setting up a win-win relationship, includes paying your suppliers fairly and upon the agreed time-regardless of who is more powerful�

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In seeking for suppliers, seek for honest companies that share a similar value system to your own company� To these suppliers provide them with a fair pay so that they may feel your positive intention and in return they will offer high quality products and or services to your company�

Rule No 5: Love and Care for your suppliers.

Think of your suppliers as an extension of your company� In negotiating with them, have an open agenda (with no hidden costs) with the objective of finding the middle ground so that both are happy with the intention of creating win-win situations� If the result of the negotiations is not a win-win scenario then the products and or services that your company will sell will not have as much success in sales as it could have�

Trust needs to be built in the relationship between your suppliers and your company so that you can freely discuss issues that might arise in order to again find a win-win solution�

Exercise No 1:Count your blessings with your suppliers� See them one by one in your mind and bless them for providing you with the products and or services they are providing your company with�

Exercise No 2:Be transparent and share profit gains that they you have earned due to their assistance in providing quality products�

Summary: Bless your suppliers. See them as an extension of yourself, so that they may create products and services of excellence.

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Card Game

The card game is suggested to help raise your consciousness� You can copy the paragraphs below, cut them out and select 3 paragraphs at a time to work on� Enjoy!

Your suppliers are associates� Think of them kindly� »Think how you can improve your relationship for win-win scenarios?

What values are important for your company? Do your »suppliers share the same values as you do? Could you find new suppliers that match your values?

Can you work with your suppliers to produce new »products? Think of sharing the profits with them�

Do your suppliers know about what your end products/ »services are? What if you informed them could they also become a customer?

Every time you pay your suppliers, bless them for the »products /services they are providing to your company�

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Below draw yourself using any colors you want� Draw a rainbow over your head� Draw yourself in a Purple circle and then a Golden circle with a banner that says: “My suppliers are an extension of my company and I am blessed with the best Suppliers.”

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ch a p t e r6


“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business.”

Henry Ford

T here are various price formulas that many use or have used in their business� However the most fair price equation

is the formula that calculates your true Cost and afterwards places a Mark-up that is fair� This equation, provide you with a Fair Pricing policy�

PRICE = Cost + Fair Mark-up

Rule No 6: Price = Fair Price.

If you do not go with a Fair Price as your price strategy, then you are leaving the door open for others to enter the market due to the

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high profit you signal that this product or service is very profitable� The name of the game here is about TRUTH! The truth is the best policy� If a service or product costs you more to produce due to higher quality, you can place your mark-up (fair mark-up 30%) and then you can communicate this to your clients� You use labels or social media or any other form to communicate the high cost of production if this is the case� However, you need to confirm that your suppliers are charging you a fair price for the supplies and that your employees are not being lazy and raising your costs up� Every piece of the puzzle needs to do their fair job in order to produce a product and or service that can be priced fairly in order to attract customers that are willing to pay for these products and or services�

Currently despite the recession my friends who own an organic store in our city are having double digit growths, despite the fact that their food is more expensive� The reason being that their customers have been informed that organic food production is more costly due to the fact that pesticides are not used, hence 1sqm of farm vs organic farm produces as output much more produce than the organic farm� Hence, this is reflected in the price� Plus farmers are paid a fair salary vs conventional farming which does not respect the producer and it is always the middle man or the supermarket that makes the fat profit�

So charge your customers a fair price, but you need to continuously monitor your suppliers about their costs and prices through-out the life time of your relationship and you can discuss with them the need to always be offering you their best possible price� Note that at the beginning of a cooperation the supplier might have higher costs due to the “learning curve”, however after of about 6 months into production, the supplier will have figured out how to produce your produce/service more efficiently� Hence at that point you can discuss for a price reduction� If you continuously keep an open form of communication with your suppliers, you will be able to monitor and confirm about your company receiving a fair cost for the services

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or products that your company is purchasing� Similarly from your side, you need to also reflect this drop /savings from your supplier in dropping your final price to your customers so that you are fair with your pricing policies�

On the other side of the story, selling below your Cost is not healthy as you might gain market share, however that is not the objective� If you continue to sell below your true cost you will drive your company to go bankrupt�

If you need to sell at a lower price than your existing price, reflect back on your premises-do I need this land or can I produce at a cheaper setting? Do I need so many employees? How do I introduce efficiencies? Can I automate processes to minimize time and increase quality so I can justify for premium price?

Do not set you price relative to competition� The old rules of the game included this solution� You can look at competition for benchmarking purposes, however if you can provide the same service and or product at a lower price, good for you-ideally you will attract even more customers�

If you are more expensive than your competition, that is your products and or services are of lower quality than competition you need to re-evaluate your costs and see where you can make cost savings�

Exercise No 1:Summary: Calculate your mark-upSelling Price = Total Cost x (1 + Mark-Up Percent)Selling Price = 2�00 x (1 + 0�27)Selling Price = 2�00 x (1�27)Selling Price = 2�54

Therefore, if you want a mark-up of 27% (a profit equal to 27% of total cost) the selling price must be set at 2�54� Mark-up percent is the proportion of total cost represented by profit�

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Exercise No 2:Having a fixed selling price and calculating the mark-up percent.

In some instances, the selling price may be set based on the comparison of the cost of production with the price that the market will bear�

For example, if cost of production is €2�00 per unit and the market appears to support a selling price of €2�60, the selling price may be set around €2�54� These numbers can be used to determine the mark-up percent� In this scenario, the formula for the mark-up percent is:

Mark-up Percent = (Selling Price - Total Cost) ÷Total CostMark-up Percent = (€2�54 - €2�00) ÷ €2�00Mark-up Percent = €0�54 ÷ €2�00Mark-up Percent = 27%

Summary: Provide your products and or services at the fair price (price +mark-up). Don’t try to “rob” your customers by charging more nor try to sell below cost as this will penalize you. Money is just an exchange method for the goods you are providing for.

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Card Game

The card game is suggested to help raise your consciousness� You can copy the paragraphs below, cut them out and select 3 paragraphs at a time to work on� Enjoy!

Do you feel that you are charging a fair price for your »services or products?

Are there products/services that you are selling below »cost? What would happen if you charged the right price reflecting the true cost for this product/service?

Think about creative ways that you could communicate »to your customers about your fair pricing policy�

Communicate to your employees and suppliers your »policy about your fair pricing policy�

If you sold double the amounts for each of your products, »would your costs go down? Could you then lower your prices?

Does your price mirror the true cost and effort in »providing your product/services?

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Below draw yourself using any colors you want� Draw a rainbow over your head� Draw yourself in a Purple circle and then a Golden circle with a banner that says: “My Company is always abundantly provided for.”

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ch a p t e r 7


“I have never worked a day in my life without selling. If I believe in something, I sell it, and I sell it hard.”

Estée Lauder

W hen trying to sell your products and or services to customers, the focus should be about the benefits your

products or services are providing to people as opposed to what the actual products or services are� What results do your customers get from using your products or services?

Remember nothing moves or happens unless someone has an issue that he/she is trying to solve� So a customer will not buy unless they have a need� By probing the customer as to how they intend to use your product and or service, you are indirectly trying to understand what need is they are trying to satisfy (or what problem they are trying

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to solve)� Once this is understood, then you can find the product/service that best meets their need and explain to them how their need will be met if they had or were using your service/products� At this stage you can take out of your hat of stories and refer to a similar requirement from another customer that purchased your product and or service and tell them about how their life is today (ie� Now that they have purchased your product/service how problem has been solved)�

So it is key is to focus on the product and services BENEFITS RESULTS when selling to your customers, do not focus on what the actual product or service are- NOT FEATURES� For example if you were selling printers, customers aren’t not so much interested about the features as they are about the solution that this printer will provide to with�

While the customer is talking to you about their needs on what their problem seems to be, really LISTEN! Listen and try to get a clear picture of what their problem is� You can keep asking your customer questions until you have a clear picture of what the customer is looking for� Once you have probed and listened and have obtained the bigger picture of what problem your customer is trying to fulfill, then go in your head and scan your product/services that will best meet their needs and suggest this to them (remember using stories like I just had a similar need and they have purchased X and now they have resolved their problem)�

Never try to force a sale� Focus on win-win situations with your customers, that is make it your intention that you are interested in building long-term relationship rather than making a quick sale with your customers� If a product and or service is not just right for your customer, then let him know� He or she will appreciate it and most likely think of you next time he or she needs something that he or she thinks that you can provide to him/her� So remember if you want repeat business from your customers, or if you want them

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to recommend you to their friends, don’t ever push customers into making a purchase they don’t really want� Customers that were pushed into making a purchase realized this at some stage after the purchase and they felt violated, hence they will not buy from you again nor will they tell their friends to buy from you� So don’t lose the opportunity to build long term relationship for one quick sale once off!

Rule No 7: In selling it is all about matching a need to a problem to a solution, so listen carefully to understand the real problem or need expressed by your company.

When opening or while driving to work every morning set the intention that “Today Will Be a Good Day”� I will help people with my product/services to meeting their needs so they can move forward in their life to where they need to be� Remember that it is not about you but about your customers and their problems� It’s not about making you rich as it is about servicing the world and by focusing and doing this by default you will become financially safe�

Remember: Caring is the most powerful marketing strategy there is. We will have success if we truly and deeply care for our customers and our larger audience� That’s why we strive to deliver 10x the value in everything we do�

A prayer that might help you remember this is the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi:

The Prayer of Saint Francis is a Catholic Christian:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.Where there is hatred, let me sow love.

Where there is injury, pardon.Where there is doubt, faith.

Where there is despair, hope.Where there is darkness, light.

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Where there is sadness, joy.O Divine Master,

grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;to be understood, as to understand;

to be loved, as to love.For it is in giving that we receive.

It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.


Think about your product/services in alignment to how these are helping people move ahead in their life� Once you see it in this perspective and communicate it in this way then you will be able to attract the customers that you need to attract in order to have a viable business�

Over the past year alone I have consulted 120 customers on a subject� Prior to going to my appointments, I do not worry about rehearsing or preparing my material (that I know), however just before going the customer’s office I breathe deeply 4 times (our breath is the gift of God that we take for granted) in and out in order to relax and then I say “Lord make me an instrument of thy peace”� Then I would remind myself that it’s not about me, but rather the meeting is about them and their needs� I remember that at this point I am just an instrument helping them move to their next point forward in their life� So once I have shifted the focus on them, then the ideas just flow out of me and what needs to be said for their highest good gets said� Every time I remembered to do this, I had an excellent session with my customer�

Remember your product/service is an expression of you� But when it comes to the point of selling and offering it to the world then the shift is about the customer� How can this product/service help them in moving on their life path? How can it bring more beauty and joy into their world? How can it help simplify their lives?

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Exercise No 1:Think of your products/services and write down the reasons that customers are buying these products/services?

Exercise No2:By understanding exactly the reasons why your customers are buying your products/services, think of understanding the PROFILE of your customers and see how you can easily communicate to these people�

Exercise No 3:Identify where people with similar problems might be handing out (either on the physical word or on the world wide web –internet)�

Exercise No 4:Make a plan to advertise your product/services by placing an advertisement or making yourself/ visible in these locations that your potential customers hang out�

Summary: Selling is about matching a problem to a solution that your product or service is providing for the right price that your customer is willing to pay. In wanting to sell more, the key is to listen and understand why and how your existing customer buys so that you can replicate this success with other potential customers. So listen carefully to your customer’s problem and then communicate some more to the right set of people the solutions and the benefits they will have in order to increase your sales.

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Card Game:

The card game is suggested to help raise your consciousness� You can copy the paragraphs below, cut them out and select 3 paragraphs at a time to work on� Enjoy!

If your products/services did not exist, how would »this affect the lives of the people using your products/services?

When you wake up bless the universe for your health and »creativity to be able to help provide this service/products to the world�

What legacy do you want to leave behind after you have »left this earth for your children or the next generation? What do you want to be remembered as?

Think of the last time you sold your products/service to »a customer� How did your products/ services help your customers?

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What were the products/services you started to sell »during the first years of the company and what products/services are you selling now? Rethink about what solution you are really providing to your customers?

Think of how you can easily generate continuity with »your existing customers so that they continue buying from you?

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Below draw yourself using any colors you want� Draw a rainbow over your head� Draw yourself in a Purple circle and then a Golden circle with a banner that says: “I am helping upgrade my customers’ lives.”

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ch a p t e r 8


“The power of intention is the power to manifest, to create, to live a life of unlimited abundance, and to attract into

your life the right people at the right moments.”Wayne Dyer

S o how do you manifest success for your business?The first thing you need to do to manifest success is to first

see it in your mind� Paint a picture in your mind of what it is you would look like, if you were successful and the more detailed the picture/sound/feeling is, the better� So start picturing/hearing/feeling your happy customers, customers you would love to service� So picture, hear or feel your happy customers talking about your product/services to friends� Picture or hear or feel in your mind your customers coming back to get more� Also place a picture in your mind about having

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satisfied employees wanting to help you even more and suppliers that just love working with you� The more vivid you put this picture in your mind, the more you increase your possibility of making this happen- every time you imagine this it is like engraving this into the future and increasing the possibility of it happening� Athletes use this technique of seeing themselves winning and practicing this in addition to training�

The more vivid and the more colors you add and if you can add emotion (ie feelings of happiness and loving to serve your customers), the more energy you are giving this so that it can easily manifest�

Unless you can see it in the picture of your mind first it won’t manifest� Once you have a vivid picture of what exactly you want to manifest, then keep repeating that picture and keep cleaning it up fine-tuning the picture until your body is excited and you get goose bumps by just having a visual of your success� Once you are at this vivid state, then get a pencil and a paper and start writing the steps that you think will help you get there� And then act upon those steps�

Remember our mind can be our best friend or it can play tricks with you� Learn how to manage your mind� Fear and doubt all negative keep us from manifesting� Your mind is like a garden, remember to daily pullout the weeds (weeds= doubt & negativity)� If you catch yourself having negative thought, acknowledge the thought, sit with it and ask yourself if this just a negative thought or if it is trying to tell me something? Try to understand if there is something to learn or something to make a point that the negative emotion is trying to give you, obtain the message and then let it go� Most often negative thinking doesn’t go away easily so acknowledge it for what it is (ie just a negative thought) and then take your mind into a garden of beauty� Decide from before on what kind of pictures make you happy (it could be a beautiful garden, shopping, your children or your pet) and make a point to go there in your mind when the negative comes in� So if

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you fill your mind with the positive light inside, then the darkness just goes away!

Rule No 8: You need to first Paint the Pictures in your mind in order to be able to You need to first Paint the Picture in your mind in order to be able to Manifest Success.

Once you have painted the picture in your mind and have pinned it there, then go back and see where you now are� You are at location A and you want to go to location B� Now write down the steps that come in your mind as to how to get to B�

Getting from A to B:

Who are the people that will help me get there? »

What actions in need to take to get to B? »

Keep writing on actions that you need to take and then make a time plan�

What Actions do I need to take? »

By Whom? »

Start Date? »

End Date? »

Expected output deliverabl? »

Steps in Manifesting:

Shield your mind from negative thinking� Just remove 1� it by starting to just count the furniture around you

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until you can bring in the positive pictures that you have created�

Be Positive� Go to the place in your mind where you put 2� up about your business success� Go to this place often and every time you might fine-tune this picture a little more� The more you add emotion the better�

Take massive action on the Action Plan you have 3� created�

Summary: Remember that the game of life in general is more a mind game that anything else. If you don’t have the right mind set you might have the best products/services but via your attitude you might be repelling customers away due to your negative thinking. People don’t want to do business with negative people. So change your perspective be happy be positive and try to give the best you can offer the world and success will be yours.

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Card Game

The card game is suggested to help raise your consciousness� You can copy the paragraphs below, cut them out and select 3 paragraphs at a time to work on� Enjoy!

If you had to find a new friend that is good at manifesting, »who would this be?

Think about connecting to the universe and manifesting »your heart’s desire? Can you see yourself? How do you feel? How does this smell?

What would make you jump out of bed in the morning? »Can you seek this? Why not? If you can see it in your mind or feel it, it can happen�

Remember that everything before materializing shows »up in the energy field as a thought� So see your success in the picture of your mind and let it happen�

What activities make you feel like a billionaire? Schedule »something this week to trigger your feeling of being rich�

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Below draw yourself using any colors you want� Draw a rainbow over your head� Draw yourself in a Purple circle and then a Golden circle with a banner that says: “I drink from the abundant river of life that has enough for all of us. I am always abundantly provided for.”

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ch a p t e r9

Game of Life

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”Mae West

C reate a life that you love and enjoy living! What do you really want out of your life? If you remove ego driven thoughts,

really what we want is to live a peaceful life and to be happy� When I talk about peace, I don’t mean mediating by the beach all day, but I mean being in peace with your soul-peace of mind� We all came here to do something� That something is written in your hearts and souls� If we don’t follow our heart/souls’ desire then we will feel “edge” and until we manage to find out what that is what our dream is and find a way to express it, we might always have this feeling of “I am not doing what I came here to do!”� As quoted in Chapter 1 by renowned

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motivational speaker, Dr Wayne Dyer “Don’t die with your music still inside of you!”

Think of your life as being a house� And think of the furniture you put in your house as being the experiences and accomplishments in your life� The logical thing to do is to fill your house with furniture that you love-right? Well then why do so many of us fill out houses with furniture we just hate? We often make the wrong decisions because we are so focused on either pleasing others or doing what others are doing that we just end up living a life that doesn’t make us happy! If this is the case, well visualizing the kind of furniture that you would love to have� Use the internet to help you� With the internet as a catalogue of trying out different lifestyles, search it and find the life that would make your soul sing! Find out what is that your heart is desiring /longing to have bring into your life and if this has been placed in your heart, accept it and the way for making it happen will unfold� Once you get in alignment with your dream, dormant forces will become activated so the universe will move things so that you can manifest your heart’s desires� It is unbelievable how the universe will bring synchronistic events to you, in order to make your dream a reality�

Do what makes you feel most alive! What makes your heart and soul excited?

Remember your life is not supposed to be hard� Just like in nature the water tries to flow smoothly along its course� Hence the song “Row-Row your boat Gently Down the Stream”� If you are in a position in your life where you feel that you are struggling, then perhaps you need to change your direction so you are flowing gently down the stream not forcing yourself to go upstream�

Rule No 9: Dare to dream of the life you want to manifest and let it just unfold.

Mr David Brooks (journalist) conducted the “LIFE REPORT” were by he asked people to comment about “ If you are over 70, I’d like

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to ask for a gift” he wrote, “I’d like you to write a brief report on your life so far”� From people’s replies, no body regretted the life changes they made, even when they failed, he wrote�

There just comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it� You surround yourself with people who make you laugh, forget the bad and focus on the good� So love the people who treat you right and forgive and think of good of the people who don’t treat you so right� Life is too short to be anything but happy�

Summary: Live your life to your full potential by being positive and making daily choices that bring your closer and closer to being able to express yourself and to be doing what you came here to do�

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Card Game

The card game is suggested to help raise your consciousness� You can copy the paragraphs below, cut them out and select 3 paragraphs at a time to work on� Enjoy!

Think of one or two people/friends that are living their »dream and they are happy� What would you do if you imitated them?

For 21 days try Louise Hay mirror work-look yourself »in the mirror and tell yourself “I Love You” and see how your life is transformed�

If you had a magic wand how would you transform your »life? What would you remove from your life and what would you add?

As of today carry yourself lightly let go of all the burdens »of the past and just take a leap into what your heart and soul desires�

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If you had to remember “Row Row Row your boat gently »DOWN the stream” what activities in your life you would have to leave behind if you were to carry yourself lightly and more positively?

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Draw /Color

Below draw yourself using any colors you want� Draw a rainbow over your head� Draw yourself in a Purple circle and then a Golden circle with a banner that says: “My life is unfolding daily into a very beautiful life for me and my family.”

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Personal Notes on the Subject


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ch a p t e r 10

Tricks to use along your journey

“If prayer is you talking to God, then intuition is God talking to you.”Dr� Wayne Dyer

A fter 2012, due to the new energy people are able to tap into their supernatural capabilities� It only takes a small belief

and the willingness to be open in order to start using these tools for your benefit�

TAP INTO THE FUTURE: You can tap into the future in your mind and bring back with you a solution to a problem you are trying to solve� To do this just concentrate on your breathing (breathe deeply 1-5 times) and think about the going to the pool of knowledge of the universe�

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MAKING DECISIONS: If you are faced with making a difficult decision, think first in your mind as to what is your objective? You will know you have defined the correct objective when you feel excited or satisfied by your objective definition� Once your objective has been set, see it in your mind and feel it in your heart� After you see your objective (mind speak heart) then start defining the path to obtain this objective� The key in moving forward is always to state your objective�

I had a friend that called to ask for my advice� She was wondering what to do about her job as she felt not very happy and was thinking about going to another department and she was not sure how to go about this task� My friend described me her issue and once she stated it I suggested we define first of all her objective�

What is your objective? Where do you want to be in your »life in 1 year,2years or even 5 years down the line? How do you want to feel? (Remember to set the intention of meeting your objective –for the best outcome for all involved)�

Once the objective has been defined find one way of »getting there (easiest way)� See the path of getting there in your mind� Try to see in your mind, who will be able to help you etc�

My friend replied I just want to be feeling like I am doing important work� At this stage, I asked back if this important work could be at her existing department� And she said yes, she didn’t mind�

Her idea was to go and talk to the other manager that was opening a position first to see if she was to move to that new department� However, since she replied that she loved her existing manager and she didn’t mind if she stayed in her existing manager as long at there was important work to be done, then I asked her about the character

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of her existing manager� Based on the fact that “actions talk louder than words”, did he care more about his team’s emotions rather than the business? Did he help people or suppress them/back stab them? Her reply was his actions indicated that he was a great caring person that people could trust� So I advised her to first talk to her existing manager and inform him that her objective was to just do more meaningful work and that if her department did not have any work coming their way that sounded motivating for my friend that she should perhaps move to the other department? Either way either her manager would help her by staying and providing her with work that she found meaningful or he would help her have a smooth transition to the other department� When working go into the zone and let time expand so you can produce more in less time�

INTUITION: We’ve all had experiences with intuition� This is our little voice deep inside of us� Some call this their God Voice� Call it what you like� It will work for you if you listen� We can ALL tap into our intuition if we only learn to listen to it� When you get that feeling deep inside you that you just KNOW what’s going to happen next� Or you just KNOW you shouldn’t go down one street, but another, your first impression will never steer you wrong� Whatever your intuition tells you is going to be right� Even if something horrible happens after you’ve listened to your intuition� It’s very possible that your intuition led you to this situation to learn from it, and/or led you away from an even more horrific experience� Never doubt� You will put fear into it and over think what your intuition tells you� Just go with it� By opening this little voice inside you and listening you are also opening up your psychic awareness� Intuition is unique for everyone� The trick is to decipher your thoughts and feelings from your intuition� If you are hearing anything negative, this is NOT your intuition� Your intuition is non-emotional and will give you information in your own unique way� Maybe you feel something physically warning you of danger� Maybe you feel it from deep within, a gnawing action in your stomach

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and maybe you also hear and see and feel what your intuition is telling you� Do not think too long on the message, then your thoughts will get in the way of the message and totally mess up what your intuition was trying to tell you from the start� ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS go with your FIRST feeling and/or intuitive thought!!! I can’t stress this enough� Do NOT doubt yourself� You are right the first time! There are so many stories of people who said, “OH I KNEW IT! I should have done --such and such-- like I first thought!” So please go with your first impression, it is correct� Psychic abilities will also go along with your intuition; they are almost one in the same�

PSYCHOMETRY: Every living thing has an aura, or energy field surrounding it� Though auras are constantly changing and moving, stored within them is everything about that person, animal or plant, from the moment they were born to the present day - all they have experienced, thought and felt (past lives WILL come into play at times)� It’s all ready to be tapped into� Also important to remember is that an individual’s energy can remain with everything it ever touches; it can even be captured in a photographic image� So to find out something about someone (even an animal) you can start by holding something belonging to the person; a piece of clothing, rug, photo (a collar or even a piece of hair)� This is psychometry� Try to have a pen and paper to write down everything that comes into your mind� Simply hold the item, be open and receptive, and see what happens� Be ready for a quick result� The longer you sit and ponder, the more your own thoughts will interfere� Just let it come and do NOT let thoughts or expectations interfere� Do you immediately sense a feeling? A thought? Sense a smell? See something within your mind’s eye? Write it down, even if it seems like nonsense� What you are doing is “tapping into” their energies which is FULL of information, and as you do that, you are connecting with the person too, and may well suddenly find yourself receiving a communication from them�

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Personal Notes on the Subject


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Personal Notes on the Subject


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Prayer 2012 and Beyond

I have a vision where all people are at peace, fed and housed, every child is loved and educated to develop their talents, where the heart is more important than

the head and wisdom is revered over riches.In this world justice, equality and fairness rule.

Nature is honored, so the water flow pure and clear and the air is fresh and clean.

Happiness and laughter prevail and all animals are respected and treated with kindness.

Happiness and laughter prevail and humans walk hand in hand with angels.

Thank you for the love, understanding wisdom courage and humility to do my part to spread the light.

May all the world ascend so be it.

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The End

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Erini Lytr ides-Michael

Erini Lytrides-Michael Take the inner journey for buildinga truly sustainable business

Spiritual Quest


piritual Quest

This book is about the new rules of the business world now that the energy in the universe is changing. It can help you achieve business sustainability and business success by guiding you to take the inner

journey in order to redefi ne your product and service. You can also gain a diff erent perspective about your employees, suppliers, and customers.

Th is is a workbook with cards to draw for each chapter, indicating the areas you need to work on for your growth.

Enjoy the Journey!



ERINI holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering and a master’s degree in business administration. She has over twenty years of experience in the corporate world. Her passion and success lie in consulting businesses and in guiding them to develop their business, sales, and marketing strategy.In just the last year alone, Erini has consulted with 120 companies and has been able to help them in redesigning their business strategy and defining a path for them, to

achieve success despite the economic crisis. In helping these companies achieve success, Erini has found that the key in almost all instances was the requirement of the CEO to take the “inner journey”. In writing this book, Erini is hoping to help new businesspeople or existing businesspeople to take the “inner journey” in order to build a business that will be sustainable and thriving.

Apart from her passion for economics and the business world, Erini has a passion for spirituality. In writing this book, Erini is linking her two worlds together. She is also known to her friends and work associates as being psychic. Erini lives with her husband and two children in sunny Cyprus.

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