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Page 1: Book of Nurgle v3.0

Army Special RulesMark of NurgleThis works differently than in Codex: Chaos Space Marines. It has replaced standard “icons” on particularly units and every model counts as having the mark, simply as Plague Marines squad. This changes Toughness to T(T+1), decreases Initiative by 1 (included in all profiles), confers Fearless and Feel no Pain Universal Special Rules and Blight Grenades (must be specified in the units wargear), if the unit may have any of these.

SummoningGreat Unclean One follows the summoning rule for Greater Daemon and Plague Bearers follows summoning rules for Lesser Daemons, listed in Codex: Chaos Space Marines.

Armoury of Nurgle

Daemonic GiftsGreat warriors of the Dark Prince are often blessed by their patron with strange and horrible gifts brought to them from the depths of the Warp and Daemonhood. These give unnatural powers and among other cultists are symbols of might . Here is the list of gifts that Slaanesh offers to his most favored.

Daemonic Resilience (Replaces the T(T+1) with a T+1 ) Nurgles Touch (Attacks made by the unit are poison (4+), if the unit already has that ability, poison Attacks wounds on 1 better then normal) Blessing of the Rot (The wielders Feel No Pain is 1 better than normal).

Nurgling InfestationA horde of Nurglings is swarming on marine’s armour and around his feet, in close combat this unit gets D6 Attacks with following profile: WS2 S3 I3.

Plague BannerA hideous fabrication of rotting hides which flap in a pestilent wind. Except being an icon for summoning warp creatures, there is a horrible curse held in it. Once per battle in your shooting phase you can be unleash that power. All enemy units in 6” from the banner takes D6 wounds (poison 4+) with no cover or armour saves allowed. Vehicles take one automatic glancing hit.

PlaguebringerThe scythe of Nurgle. Its rusted, corrupted blade has been dipped in the filth seeping from the very throne of Nurgle. Wounds caused by Plaguebringer are poisoned and wounds on 4+ regardless of the target toughness. The scythe is a power weapon adding D6 Attacks to its wielder.Special Rule:Daemon weapon: If a 1 is rolled on a D6 when rolling for additional attacks, the daemon bounded inside the weapon rebels and causes an automatic wound on the wielder with no armour save allowed.

Plague SwordThe Plague sword drips with venomous pus. It is a poison, power weapon, wounding on 4+ regardless of the target toughness.

Palanquine of NurgleThis can take form of parasite that infested the body and armour, mutating it and changing it into some grotesque, horrific but incredibly relentless form. This steed confers +1A and +1W. This model can be transported in a Land Raider but counts as two models.

Vehicles upgrades

Mutated HullThe vehicles armour is infested by giant insect swarming from all rifts, tentacles, Nurglings or covered with some kind of daemonic carapace. AV of each its locations is +1 to a maximum of 14.

Plague CarrierThe vehicle is equipped with smoldering censers which release blowing clouds of sickly smoke in its wake and has the same effect as Nurgles Rot.

The HiveDreadnought is enveloped by a swarm of giant insects that pours form the rifts and vents of its armour, flies into eyes, ears , mouths, crawling under the armour and clothes of nearby enemies. This has the same effect as blight grenades.

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Psychic PowersAll Psychic powers allowed to take by a Sorcerer with the Mark of Slaanesh, are listed in Codex: Chaos Space Marines. In addition, powers listed below can be taken:

Hand of DoomThis is a psychic shooting attack with a range of 18”. Chose an enemy model (but not vehicle). On a roll 4+ that model suffers a wound with no Armour or Cover saves allowed.

Cloud of FliesPlace the small blast marker at any point within the psyker’s line of sight, not further than 24". It scatters only D6. Any enemy unit with models under the template suffers a -1BS penalty during their next shooting phase.

VomitThis is a psychic shooting attack. It resolves the same way as firing a template weapon with a following profile:S1 AP3 Assault1, Poison(2+).

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HQTYPHUSSee Codex: Chaos Space Marines for details.

GREAT UNCLEAN ONESee Codex: Chaos Daemons for details.

If your army includes at least one HQ choice taken from this army list, you may take up to one Great Unclean One, taken from Codex: Chaos Demons.


WS BS S T W I A Ld SvDaemon Prince 7 5 6 5(6) 4 4 4 10 3+

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Unit Type: Monstrous Creature

Number/Squad: 1

Wargear: Daemon Prince always counts as armed with

a single close combat weapon.

Special Rules: 5+ Invulnerable save Daemon Mark of Nurgle

Options: May have Wings for 20pts. May be given Nurgling Infestation for

15pts May take any of the following:

- Daemonic Resilience for 15pts- Blessing of the Rot for 20pts- Nurgle’s Touch for 10pts.

May be a Psyker by taking one of following psychic powers:- Doombolt for 10pts- Nurgle’s Rot for 15pts- Hand of Doom for 20pts- Vomit for 30pts- Warptime for 25pts- Wind of Chaos for 30pts- Gift of Chaos for 30pts.


WS BS S T W I A Ld SvNoise Lord 6 5 4 4(5) 3 4 3 10 3+

Unit Type: Infantry

Number/Squad: 1

Wargear: Power Armour Bolt pistol Close combat weapon Frag grenades Krak grenades Blight grenades

Special Rules: Independent Character 5+ Invulnerable save Mark of Nurgle

Options: May replace his bolt pistol

with a plasma pistol for 15pts

May be given Nurgling Infestation for 15pts

May replace close combat weapon with one of the following:- Power weapon for 15pts- Power fist for 25pts- Single lightning claw for

25pts- Plague Sword for 20pts- Pair of lightning claws for

30pts(replaces also the bolt pistol)- Plaguebringer for 40pts

May take any of the following:- Twin-linked bolter for 5pts- Combi-weapon for 10pts

May take any of the following:- Melta Bombs for 5pts- Personal Icon for 5pts

May take any of the following:- Daemonic Resilience for 15pts- Blessing of the Rot for 20pts- Nurgle’s Touch for 15pts.

May take one of the following:- Jump Pack/Wings for 20pts- Bike for 30pts- Palanquin of Nurgle for 30pts

May instead replace all wargear with terminator armour, twin-linked bolter and power weapon for 30pts. In this case may only chose options from the following list:

May have a Personal Icon for 5pts

May replace twin linked bolter with combi-weapon for 5pts

May replace power weapon with one of the following:- Power fist for 10pts- Chainfist for 15pts- Plague Sword for 5pts- Single lightning claw for

10pts- Plaguebringer for 25pts

May replace twin-linked bolter and power weapon with a pair of lightning claws for 10pts.

May take any of the following:- Daemonic Resilience for

15pts- Blessing of the Rot for 20pts- Nurgle’s Touch for 10pts.

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WS BS S T W I A Ld SvSorcerer 5 5 4 4(5) 3 4 3 10 3+

Unit Type: Infantry

Number/Squad: 1

Wargear: Power Armour Bolt pistol Force weapon Frag grenades Krak grenades Blight grenades

Special Rules: Independent Character 5+ Invulnerable save Mark of Nurgle

Options: A Sorcerer is a Psyker and must take

one of the following:- Doombolt for 10pts- Nurgle’s Rot for 15pts- Hand of Doom for 20pts- Vomit for 30pts- Warptime for 25pts- Wind of Chaos for 30pts- Gift of Chaos for 30pts

May take one of the following:- Jump Pack/Wings for 20pts- Bike for 30pts- Palanquin of Nurgle for 30pts

May replace his bolt pistol with a plasma pistol for 15pts

May be given Nurgling Infestation for 15pts

May take any of the following:- Daemonic Resilience for 15pts- Blessing of the Rot for 20pts- Nugle’s Touch for 10pts.

May take any of the following:- Melta Bombs for 5pts- Personal Icon for 5pts- Familiar for 5pts

May instead replace all wargear with terminator armour, twin-linked bolter and power weapon for 15pts. While wearing terminator armour, he can be given all of the options listed in this entry except melta bombs, plasma pistol, jump pack/wings, bike and palanquin of Nurgle. In addition, he may replace hit twin-linked bolter with combi-weapon for 5pts.

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Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Guard 26 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 1 10 3+

Plague Champion +10 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+

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Unit Type: Infantry

Number/Squad: 5-10

Wargear: Power Armour Bolt pistol Frag grenades Krak grenades Blight grenades Close combat weapon Bolter

Special Rules: Infiltrate Mark of Nurgle

Character: One model may be upgraded to a

Plague Champion for 10pts. If the unit is 7 man strong then

one model may be upgraded to a Plague Champion for free.

He may be given one of the following:- Daemonic Resilience for 15pts- Blessing of the Rot for 20pts- Nurgle’s Touch for 15pts

Icon: One model may be given a Plague

Banner for 20pts.

Options: Unit may take Nurgling

Infestation for 15pts

Any models may have melta bombs for 5pts per model

Any models may replace their bolter with twin-linked bolter for 5pts per model.

Up to five models may chose one of the following options:

Either replace their bolt pistol with plasma pistol for 15pts per model.

Or replace close combat weapon with one of the following:- Power weapon for 15pts- Plague sword for 20pts- Lightning claw for 25pts- Power fist for 25pts

Or replace bolt pistol and close combat weapon with and bolter with a pair of lightning claws for 20pts per model.

Or replace bolter with one of the following:- Combi-weapon for 10pts- Flamer for 5pts- Melta for 10pts- Plasma gun for 15pts

Transport: The squad may have a Chaos Rhino

dedicated transport vehicle.

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Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld SvTerminator 36 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 2+

Plague Champion +10 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 3 10 2+

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Unit Type: Infantry

Number/Squad: 3-10

Wargear: Terminator Armour Power weapon Twin-linked Bolter

Special Rules: Mark of Nurgle

Character: Any model may be upgraded

to a Plague Champion for 10pts.

If the unit is 7 man strong then one model may be upgraded to a Plague Champion for free.

He may be given one of the following:- Daemonic Resilience

for 15pts- Blessing of the Rot for

20pts- Nurgle’s Touch for


Transport: The squad may have a Chaos

Land Rider dedicated transport.

Options: The unit may be given

Nurgling Infestation for 15pts.

Any model may replace their power weapon with one of the following:- Plague Sword for 5pts- Lightning claw for 10pts- Power fist for 10pts- Chainfist for 15pts

Any model may replace their twin-linked bolter with a combi-weapon for 5pts per model.

One model may be given:- Reaper autocannon for 25pts.- Heavy flamer for 5pts

If the unit is in full strength (10 man strong) then a second model may have one of the weapons listed above.

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Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld SvPossessed 28 4 4 5 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+

Possessed Champion +10 4 4 5 4(5) 1 3 3 10 3+

Unit Type: Infantry

Number/Squad: 5-20

Wargear: Power Armour Possessed count as

equipped with a single close combat weapon.

Special Rules: Mark of Nurgle 5+ Invulnerable save Poison (4+)

Character: One model may be upgraded to a

Plague Champion for 10pts. If the unit is 7 or 14 man

strong then one model may be upgraded to a Plague Champion for free.

He may be given one of the following:- Daemonic Resilience

for 15pts- Blessing of the Rot for

20pts- Nurgle’s Touch for 15pts

Icon: One model may be given a

personal icon for 5pts.

Options: The squad may be given Nurgling

Infestation for 15pts.

Transport: The squad may have a Chaos Rhino

dedicated transport vehicle.


ArmourWS BS S F S R I A

Dreadnought 4 4 6 12 12 10 3 3

Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker)

Wargear: Smoke launchers The Hive Searchlights Dreadnought close combat weapon

incorporating a twin-linked bolter in one arm.

Special Rules: Crazed Mark of Nurgle

Options: The other arm must be armed with one

of the following:- Multi-melta for 10pts- Twin-linked heavy bolter for 15pts- Plasma cannon for 15pts- Twin-linked lascannon for 35pts- Additional dreadnought close combat

weapon incorporating a twin-linked bolter for 10pts. This will increase dreadnoughts Attacks by 1.

May have mutated hull for 25pts.

May have Plague Carrier for 20pts.

May have extra armour for 15pts.

A single twin linked bolter may be upgraded to a heavy flamer for 5pts

Base close combat arm (along with its twin-linked bolter) may be replaced with a missile launcher for no additional cost. This will reduce dreadnoughts Attacks by 1 and if the other arm is a range weapon, it is no longer armed with dreadnought close combat weapon.

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Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Plague Marine 23 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 1 9 3+

Plague Champion +15 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+

Unit Type: Infantry

Number/Squad: 5-20

Wargear: Power Armour Bolt pistol Frag grenades Krak grenades Blight grenades Close combat

weapon Bolter

Special Rules: Mark of Nurgle

Character: One model may be

upgraded to a Plague Champion for 15pts.

If the unit is 7 or 14 man strong then one model may be upgraded to a Plague Champion for free.

He may replaces his close combat weapon with one of the following:- Power weapon for

15pts- Plague Sword for 20pts- Power fist for 25pts

He may replace his bolt pistol with a plasma pistol for 15pts

He may replace his bolter with one of the following:- Twin-linked bolter for

5pts- Combi-weapon for


He may have melta bombs for 5pts

Icon: One model may be given a

personal icon for 5pts.

Options: Up to two Plague Marines

may replace their bolt pistol for a plasma pistol for 15pts per model, or replace their bolter with one of the following:- Plasma gun for 15pts- Melta gun for 10pts- Flamer for 5pts

Transport: The squad may have a

Noise Marines Rhino dedicated transport vehicle.

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PLAGUEBEARERS OF NURGLESee Codex: Chaos Daemons for details.

If your army includes at least two Plague Marines squads, then you may add up to three Plaguebearers of Nurgle units, taken from Codex: Chaos Demons, for each Plague Marines squad included in the army.If the unit is 7 or 14 man strong, the squad gets +1 to rolling for arriving from reserves.


ArmourBS F S R

Chaos Rhino 4 11 11 10

Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)

Wargear: Twin-linked bolter Smoke launchers Searchlights

Fire Points: 1

Access Points: 3 – side and rear hatches

Special Rules: Repair

Options: Mutated hull for 25pts Dozer blades for 5pts Plague carrier for 20pts Extra armour for 15pts Daemonic Possession for 20pts One of the following pintle

mounted weapons:- Twin-linked bolter for 5pts- Combi-weapon for 10pts- Havoc launcher for 15pts

- Transport: Chaos Rhino can carry up to 10

models. Models in terminator armour

and summoned daemons can not be transported, even if they are infantry.

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WS BS S T W I A Ld SvSpawn 3 0 5 5(6) 3 2 D6 10 -

Unit Type: Beast

Number/Squad: 1-3

Special Rules: Slow and purposeful Mindless Mark of Nurgle Poison (4+).

You can include any number of Spawns of Khorne units in your army. They do not use any FOC selections but are otherwise treated as Fast Attack choice. Spawns must be divided into as few units as possible.

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Pts/Model WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv

Plague Marine 20 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 1 9 3+

Plague Champion +15 4 4 4 4(5) 1 3 2 10 3+

Unit Type: Infantry

Number/Squad: 5-20

Wargear: Power Armour Bolt pistol Frag grenades Krak grenades Blight grenades Close combat weapon Bolter

Special Rules: Mark of Nurgle

Character: One model may be upgraded to a

Plague Champion for 15pts. If the unit is 7 or 14 man

strong then one model may be upgraded to a Plague Champion for free.

He may replaces his close combat weapon with one of the following:- Power weapon for 15pts- Plague Sword for 20pts- Power fist for 25pts

He may replace his bolt pistol with a plasma pistol for 15pts.

He may replace his bolter with one of the following:- Twin-linked bolter for

5pts- Combi-weapon for


He may have melta bombs for 5pts.

Icon: One model may be given a

personal icon for 5pts.

Options: Up to four models may replace

their bolters with one of the following options:- Heavy Bolter for

15pts- Missile launcher for 20pts- Lascannon for 35pts- Flamer for 5pts- Melta for 10pts- Plasma gun for 15pts

Transport: The squad may have a Chaos Rhino

dedicated transport vehicle.


ArmourBS F S R

Noise Marines Predator 4 13 11 10

Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)

Wargear: Turret-mounted autocannon Smoke launchers Searchlights

Options: Upgrade the turret’s

autocannon to twin-linked lascannon for 35pts

Take side sponsons with r heavy bolters for 30pts, or lascannons for 60pts

Mutated hull for 25pts Dozer Blades for 5pts Plague carrier for 20pts Extra armour for 15pts Daemonic Possession for 20pts One of the following pintle mounted

weapons:- Twin-linked bolter for 5pts- Combi-weapon for 10pts- Havoc launcher for 15pts


ArmourBS F S R

Chaos Vindicator 4 13 11 10

Page 17: Book of Nurgle v3.0

Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)

Wargear: Hull-mounted demolisher cannon Smoke launchers Searchlights Dozer blades

Options: Mutated hull for 25pts Plague carrier 20pts Extra armour for 15pts Daemonic Possession for 20pts

One of the following pintle mounted weapons:- Twin-linked bolter for 5pts- Combi-weapon for 10pt- Havoc launcher for 15pts


ArmourWS BS S F S R I A

Defiler 3 3 6 12 12 10 3 3

Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker)

Wargear: Two dreadnought close

combat weapons (extra attacks included in profile)

Battle cannon Reaper autocannon Twin-linked heavy flamer Daemonic Possession Smoke launchers Searchlights

Special Rules:


Options: The heavy flamer may be replaced with on of the following:

- Close combat arm (+1 Attack) for free- Havoc launcher for 5pts

Reaper autocannon may be replaced by ode of the following:- Twin-linked heavy bolter for free- Close combat arm (+1 Attack) for free- Twin-linked lascannon for 20pts

May be given:- Mutated hull for 25pts- Plague carrier 20pts.


ArmourBS F S R

Land Raider 4 14 14 14

Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)

Wargear: Two sponson-mounted twin-linked lascannons One hull-mounted twin-linked heavy bolter Smoke launchers Searchlights

Options: Mutated hull for 25pts Dozer Blades for 5pts Plague carrier for 20pts Extra armour for 15pts Daemonic Possession for 20pts One of the following pintle mounted

weapons:- Twin-linked bolter for 5pts- Combi-weapon for 10pts- Havoc launcher for 15pts

Transport: Ten models. Models in terminator armour counts

as two models. Summoned daemons can not be

transported, even if they are infantry.

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