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Presented by Sean Cranbury Books on the Radio, Real Vancouver Writers’ Series, The Interruption [collab with 49th Shelf] email: [email protected] cell: 778-987-8774 twitter: @seancranbury instagram: @cranbury



By way of an introduction

My name is Sean Cranbury and I am a life-long independent bookseller.Here’s some stuff that I do/have done: - Executive Editor of Books on the Radio: radio show, blog, podcast, incubator for literary projects. - Founder, co-Artistic Director of Real Vancouver Writers’ Series: curated inclusive independent literary programming since 2010. - Steering Committee for Canada Council’s National Forum on the Literary Arts


Consider this approach to generating awareness

The author is the first point of contact for readers and fans in real life and online, the publisher puts the author on display via media, reading series, festivals, industry contacts. Both parties agree to cross-pollinate.

This scenario can work only when:- everybody is committed to the success of the book.- the time-bound promotional strategy is clearly articulated ahead of launch. Is collaborative. Roles are assigned and understood.- everybody is committed to communicating clearly and being responsive to opportunities.- the author and publisher are both present and responsive in the ubiquitous communication channels that support and promote books and literature. In real life and online.

Publishers support the book & writer

Create the strategy, connect the writer to media, support the writer in all phases, help the writer succeed on their own.Publishers can help the writer by:- creating an awareness strategy that starts 6 months BEFORE the book officially launches.- drives traffic to the author site via promotion and social media support.- work with the author on a collaborative and responsive strategy that develops over time and includes discussion of analytics.- prepare shareable media like video or audio links that help friends, fans, colleagues, media to generate awareness and tell the story of the book and the writer on your behalf.

Activating Authors to connect

Authors are the centre of the strategy. They have all the details. They are the creators. They know where the book came from and how it got to where it is. They need help in getting it to where it can go next.

Authors should…- have an up to date personal website- be connected to and active on at least one major social media channel [fb, twitter, instagram, etc…]- take responsibility for being visible, active, and present during all stages of marketing and awareness generating strategy.- be willing to learn and maybe even master the arts of talking to the media and giving a good public reading.- care about the public life of their book and the reputation of their publisher.- remember their limitations

Authors on the web

Stay active and up to date, share other people’s work, collaborate, do things that benefit the whole community, participate in the conversation.

After the creative cycle an author should:- join their publisher in generating awareness of their work on the web and IRL.- have an active and up to date website (yourname dot com) & social media channels.- ensure that readers can buy ebook or real book from site with minimal clicks.- cultivate relationships with media and independent taste makers.- reach out to reading series, festivals, arts groups- support other writers and literary projects to increase awareness and reputation.

The Public Reading

Be prepared, be yourself, have fun, say thank you.Fundamentals of a good public reading:- thank the host before and after the reading- thank the host by name during the reading- thank the volunteers who sell your books- make eye contact with the audience- speak into the microphone, don’t wander- do not EVER go over your allotted time- introduce yourself to the other authors- meet audience members that you don’t know- share your contact information- tell people where they can find out more about you online and elsewhere

Speaking to the media

Be prepared, stay loose, speak in complete sentences, say thank you.

Fundamentals of a good media interview:- mention the book title- mention the publisher- thank the host- clearly articulate what the book is about- practice describing the book in three simple sentences- know how to describe why you wrote it, where and when, for whom- prepare stories about creative process, collaborators, the editorial process, etc…

The elegance of the podcast: simple to create, easy to share

Simple, shareable contentAudio is a powerful way to provide friends, fans, and media with a taste of the author’s work. Creation, editing, posting can all be done with a smart phone.

The elegance of the short video: audio + visual cues for audience engagement

Simple, shareable contentVideo is a powerful way to provide friends, fans, and media with a taste of the author’s work. Creation, editing, posting can all be done with a smart phone.

Thank you for your kind attention

I am a very easy person to get in touch with:

Connect with me and/or my projects:email: [email protected]: @seancranburyinstagram: @cranburyweb: seancranbury.com


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