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Page 1: Bookmarking Your Life

Bookmarking Your Life

A guide to add more fun, fulfillment and joy to your life.

Prepared by Claire Miranda

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So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.

--Morrie Schwartz from Tuesdays with Morrie

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ROOTS Name one thing you always wanted as a child,

but never received. Name a childhood activity you’d like to do

again. Name a member of your extended family you

would like to know better. What was your favorite book? What was the most memorable family trip you

ever took?

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Meet my childhood hero Write a family tree Go to a highschool reunion Draw yourself as a superhero Spend the day with another

generation Build a robot Rewatch my favorite kid TV


Invent a nursery rhyme Make a Halloween

costume Buy a toy from your past

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EXPLORE This section is about seeing something with

your own eyes… Swapping stories on a long train ride Experiencing different cultures Taking photos Not knowing what you have just ordered on the

menu Breathing in new smells

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EXPLORE Name a destination you feel you would need to visit

before having children. Name a place you would encourage a friend or a family

member to see for themselves. If you could work abroad for a year, what country

would you choose? If you could take 3 months off, where would you travel? What view in all the world would you most like to see

with your own eyes?

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See the Sistine Chapel Witness an active volcano Sleep on a beach Party at Mardi Gras Visit all 50 states of America See the redwood trees of

California Dance on a vat of grapes in

the Napa Valley

Pilgrimage in the Holy Land

Mass at St. Peter’s Hike to Macchu Pichu, Peru Eat sushi in Tokyo Walk away a winner in

Vegas Straddling a border

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EXPERIMENT This section is about feeling the exhiliration of

trying something new… Going to the left instead of right Shaking up the routine Doing something just because Reinventing the way you see the world Satisfying a curiosity

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EXPERIMENT Name one totally unfashionable thing you would like

to do. Name a food you’ve never tried that you’d like to

taste. Name one thing you would not be willing to try. If you used a false name, what would it be? Name an activity you could try that’s located between

work and home. Name one thing you just have to do everyday.

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Give up TV for a month Take a mud bath Live by candlelight for a

night Redecorate my room Sleep under the stars Try makeup Wear a wig

Ride a helicopter Watch the sunrise Examine something

through a microscope Treat myself to an

extravagant lunch / dinner Grow my own vegetables

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CHALLENGE This section talks about putting yourself to the test… Fighting back fears Feeling your limbs ache Feeling your pulse race Taking the leap Crossing the finish line Breathing a sigh of relief

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CHALLENGE Name a physically dangerous experience you’d

like to try. Name something you would like to train for. What’s the furthest you’ve ever walked?

Jogged? Biked? What’s the biggest physical risk you’ve ever

taken? Name a sport you would like to get better at. Name one thing you would still like to prove

you can do.

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Run a marathon Rappel down a cliff Swim with sharks Build a house Play a sport in front of

spectators Stand on the observation

window of Willis Tower, Chicago

Go run with the bulls in Spain Go to the Tomatina Festival Climb a tree Take the stairs Break a habit Do 20 push ups every

morning Climb a wall in Mexico Go on a hike

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GIVE This section talks about putting others first… Backing the underdog Volunteering your time Surprising someone with a gift Helping someone through a hard time Making sacrifices Making a difference

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GIVE Name one person you know who might need your help

right now. What’s the best gift you ever received? Best one you gave? Is there anyone you owe an apology to Who embarrasses you with their generosity? How can you

return the favor? Is there someone in your life who is difficult to forgive? Name something or someone you know you take for


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Give blood Teach a child to read Support my family Work with the homeless Join a protest march Make a donation Build a school

Mentor a child Organize a community

project Surprise a friend / loved

one Do a random act of

kindness for a stranger Make at least one person

happy everyday

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LEARN This part talks about the need to know more… Asking questions Exploring different points of view Teaching yourself Brushing up a skill Starting from scratch Connecting the dots

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LEARN Name one skill you could learn that would benefit your

career. What’s the most recent thing someone has taught you? Name one thing you could teach someone else how to

do. Name a foreign language/musical instrument you would

like to learn. Name one thing you wish you could learn instantly. What book would you recommend to a friend?

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Learn tango / dance Learn to fix my own car Read a compass Get a diploma Learn a new language Read a book a month Become an expert on wine Identify different


Learn about stocks Design a website Cook an unfamiliar dish Learn to knit Bake a cake Build a piece of furniture Refurbish old furniture

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EXPRESS This section talks about speaking your mind… Trusting your gut Setting yourself apart Finding a voice Digging deep Collaborating with others

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EXPRESS Name a creative ambition you would like to

pursue. If you could own any painting in the world,

which would you choose? What have you seen or heard recently that

made you think, “I can do better than that!” What have you seen or heard that has inspired

you to make something of your own? What form of expression gives you the best


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Illustrate a children’s book Write a screenplay Have a photo exhibit Audition for a play Get a tattoo Write a letter to the editor Spend the day naked Watch a play / musical

Draw a self-portrait Organize a festival Direct a musical Write a poem Paint a mural Keep a sketchbook Take a pottery class

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LOVE This section talks about making plans

together… Losing track of time Hanging out with friends Offering a shoulder to cry on Getting family together Really knowing someone.

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If you were getting married, who would you pick as your maid of honor / best man?

Which of your friends makes you laugh the most? Name someone you’ve lost contact with who you’d like to

call today. What’s your idea of a perfect night out with friends / loved

one? What’s your favorite family photograph? Name something you would like to see your brother or

sister accomplish?

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Spend a night out on town Ask out a total stranger Choose a theme song for

each of your friends Write letters to friends

more often Throw a surprise party for

a friend Start a family

Call my parents Watch my kid perform on

stage Surprise my partner Set up a friend on a date Get married Give birth Renew vows in a foreign


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WORK This section talks about brainstorming ideas Working as a team Taking pride Taking a break Earning as much as having fun

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WORK If every job paid exactly the same, what would you choose

to do? If you could dedicate half as day each week to different

work, what would it be? Name a friend whose career you envy. What job would you most like to have 10 years from now? Name a job you would do for free. Name the proudest achievement of your career so far. What’s your definition of success?

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Work from home Start a business Open a bookshop Change my career Be a food critic Design a toy Be my own boss Pay off my loans

Teach in Japan for a year Open a flower shop Become a shepherd Quit my job Retire in another country

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LEGACY This section talks about leaving something behind after

you’re gone… Helping the next generation Growing old Making your mark Keeping traditions alive Passing stories on Looking back at what you’ve done Saying goodbye

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LEGACY What words of wisdom would you pass on to your children? What music would you like played at your funeral / words

written on your tombstone. Name one person who is no longer around but has inspired

you. If you had your ashes scattered, where would you choose? Name one thing you really would regret not having done in

your life. What has been the best day of your life so far? If you were buried with three items, what would they be?

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Continue a family tradition Watch my children grow up Witness a birth Fund a scholarship Keep a journal Write a will Plant a tree Make a family cookbook

Be around to see my grandchildren

Sew my children’s costumes

Be surrounded by people I love when I leave

Bury treasure

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Don’t ask what the meaning of life is……You define it.

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