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JUNE 1, 2020 Call to Order / Silence for Meditation / Pledge of Allegiance Green Tree Borough Council met on Monday, June 1, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. via a Zoom Virtual Public Meeting due to the state and federal quarantine restrictions from the coronavirus. The link to view the meeting had been publicized via the Green Tree website, Facebook, Twitter, the weekly email mailings from Green Tree Borough. A posting of the meeting's agenda was also placed on the doors of the Green Tree Municipal Center advertising how to access and attend this meeting. Mr. Sampogna reminded those in attendance who wished to make a comment to use the "Raise Hand" button on the Zoom program. People would be called on to speak in the order they have used the "Raise Hand" button. Per Mr. Molinaro's request, Mr. Sampogna stated that Council had met in Executive Session via Zoom on Wednesday, May 6th to discuss personnel issues. Mr. Sampogna asked for a moment of silence in memory of all victims of racial injustice and to remember last week's passing of long-time Green Tree Volunteer firefighter, Mr. Fred Conroy. Mr. Conroy was a long-time Green Tree resident and a former officer for the fire company. ROLL CALL Members Present: Also Present: Edward Schenck, Mayor W. David Montz, Borough Manager Mark Sampogna, President Peter Molinaro, Jr., Borough Solicitor Rino Lindsey Deborah N. Gawryla, Stenographer David Lorenzini John Novak Ron Panza David Rea Arthur Tintori APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES May 4, 2020 Motion: Mr. Novak made a motion, seconded by Mr. Lindsey, to approve the May 4, 2020 minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously. May 18, 2020 Motion: Mr. Lindsey made a motion, seconded by Mr. Novak, to approve the May 18, 2020 minutes with the following amendments: p. 8 - Correct Mr. Novak's statement from "Mr. Novak said he did think the pool should be opened this year," to "Mr. Novak said he did not think the pool should be opened this year." Mr. Rea asked if Mr. Novak's change was during the actual roll call vote. Mr. Novak said it was a statement he made prior to the actual vote.


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p. 13 - Change the statement, "Mr. Lorenzini hoped Council would be able to hold its regular meeting and adopt the revised Zoning Code in the next several months," to "Mr. Lorenzini hoped Council would be able to hold its regular meeting next month and adopt the revised Zoning Code." Motion carried unanimously. HEARING OF THE CITIZENS Shannon Barron, 8 Pocono Mrs. Barron asked if there would be an update tonight on when the Green Tree Public Library would reopen and the furloughed library employees would be called back to work. Mr. Sampogna said that information would be covered during the Library Report portion of the meeting tonight. Amy Cesario, 1134 Greentree Road Mrs. Cesario said she was disappointed that there had been no report at the last meeting regarding the costs, dangers, litigation procedures, and requirements that would be needed to open the pool. She said that the pool manager had not been called upon to discuss some of these issues. Other Council reports tend to be more thorough with more information and details. Mrs. Cesario asked Council to look at the issues she mentioned and to get additional information from the pool manager. Mr. Sampogna asked if Mr. Rea to speak about this issue. Mr. Rea said that at the May 18th Council meeting there had been a motion to table the decision about whether to open the pool this summer. That motion failed. Another motion was made after that to close the pool for the summer and that motion passed. Mr. Rea said there had been no discussion. Several days later, Governor Wolf said that pools in Pennsylvania could open under the yellow phase, which was new information. After that, the issue of the opening of the pool moved from the Recreation & Community Affairs Committee to Mr. Rea's committee, Public Property & Equipment. Mr. Rea said he spoke with Mr. Montz last week and drafted some guidelines for reopening the pool. Mr. Montz had several discussions with the pool manager who offered additional guidelines. Mr. Rea said he took the guidelines and, on his own accord, he sent a survey to people who had purchased pool passes last year. Mr. Rea said that 281 residents completed the survey. He asked people to list their names and addresses and he took out those who were non-residents. Mr. Rea said that 89% of the respondents were in favor of opening the pool. This morning, Mr. Montz sent Council a draft of pool opening guidelines based on recommendations from the Public Property Committee and the pool manager using CDC guidelines. CDC guidelines say that pools can open, but they encourage certain protocols to take place. This afternoon, the Public Property & Equipment Committee met with Mr. Montz and the pool manager and talked protocols that need to take place in order for these rules to be implemented. Mr. Rea said that the pool manager had indicated that he was confident that the pool could be opened this year and he had confidence that his staff could maintain a safe environment under the CDC guidelines. There have been individuals that have submitted applications to work at the pool, but the borough has not yet hired anyone. Mr. Rea said he was confident the pool could be opened, but it would take another week to drill down on the recommendations. Mr. Rea said he would be suggesting during his committee report to have another vote about reopening the pool this summer, based upon the overwhelming response from residents and based on the pool manager's confidence to open the pool following


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the CDC guidelines. He said he would want to wait to vote on the decision to open the pool until next Monday, June 8, when he would making a motion at that time to reopen the pool this year. Mr. Rea encouraged those residents who were in attendance to speak about the pool if they wanted, even though Council would not be voting on opening the pool this evening. Aaron Colf, 105 Sheldon Mr. Colf asked that the pool be opened this summer. He said the guidelines presented in the survey by Mr. Rea were completely reasonable. Mr. Colf said he would personally sign a form for the borough absolving the borough of any sort of responsibility if that was needed. Mr. Colf felt if safety measures were available the pool could be opened safely. Other area pools are opening and it would be a shame for Green Tree residents to be denied the opportunity to enjoy the pool. Mary Beth Kenny, 1036 Norsis Mrs. Kenny said she supported the reopening of the Green Tree Pool. She felt it was shortsighted of those Council members who opposed tabling the idea. If other pools in other communities, housing plans, hotels, and resorts can safely reopen, then Council owes it to its constituents to look into how Green Tree can do it as well. Jennifer Psomas, 110 Ringold Ms. Psomas said that Mrs. Kenny, who spoke before her, had expressed her feelings. Ms. Psomas said she has two small children and their routines and lives have been altered. One thing she has relied upon was the pool. When she thinks of the community, she thinks about the kids in the community. Ms. Psomas said it would be a shame to take that away from the kids since they have already had so much taken away. Other communities are opening up their pools. The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources are opening up their beaches. She said the opening of the pool needs to be reconsidered not just for the residents, but also for the children. The children need the social interaction. Jaime Rea, 33 Elmhurst Mrs. Rea said she wished to voice her support for opening the pool. She said she understood that it is a difficult decision to make and Council has the residents' interests in mind and wants to keep Green Tree Borough safe, but the survey had indicated that there was an overwhelming response in favor of opening the pool. She said she knew that Council would make the right decision for the people of Green Tree. Michele Rea, 16 Crestmont Ms. Rea said she was in favor of opening the pool this summer. She believed that people need to start coming together and living their lives normally again. She has been a Green Tree resident for 43 years and she looks forward to going to the pool every summer. Jason Swiech, 1002 El Rancho Mr. Swiech said he agreed with the ideology that decisions should not be made out of emotion, but with facts for the general welfare of the neighborhood. He was in favor of opening the pool safely if it was possible. He said that at the last vote, there had not been enough information and Council should have chosen to wait patiently until there was more information as the county moved from the red to the yellow phase. It takes humility and patience for Council members to say that they do not know everything and to wait to determine a course of action. The timeline did not call for urgency, but a call to logic and rational thinking and hope. Instead that hope was


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disrupted by disdain and impatience. He hoped that this is not the way Council makes other decisions. Mr. Swiech said that he did not hear that money was a cause for not opening the pool at the last meeting, except that there would need to be some hiring layers. Subsequent to that, in light of there being the first tax increase in Green Tree in years, it would be interesting to hear how this might impact the decision to open the pool. Mr. Swiech said that other pools and recreational facilities are opening in other areas and Green Tree should study the feasibility to do the same based on data. Bryan Clinton, 1104 Glencoe Mr. Clinton said he was in favor of opening the pool this summer. He said that kids need to have voices in this meeting too. With school and sports being shut down, he said it would be a great opportunity to open the pool under the guidelines of the state. Lynne Nestler, 1006 Dale Mrs. Nestler said she has been a Green Tree resident for the majority of her life. She said she supported opening Green Tree Pool. She was impressed by the draft guidelines that were presented by those who received the survey and they were well thought out. Mrs. Nestler said she has written the reopening rules for the company that she works, following the CDC guidelines. Mrs. Nestler said the opening of the pool is for the kids, but it is also for all ages of Green Tree residents, including senior citizens that enjoy the pool. Anna Nicka, 1095 Tomaino Ms. Nicka was impressed by Mr. Rea's survey about opening the pool. Ms. Nicka said she is a healthcare provider for over 11 years and served with civilian and military medicine and has kept abreast about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic throughout the country. Ms. Nicka said she has had family and colleagues work on the COVID-19 floors in Pittsburgh and she felt she has a good first-hand account of what is going on in Pittsburgh. She said numbers have been dropping due to the social distancing. She felt that opening the pool is doable as long as Mr. Rea's guidelines are followed as well as the guidelines from the CDC. Jennifer Puleo, 307 Veri Mrs. Puleo supported the opening of the pool this summer safely. Mrs. Puleo asked when the Green Tree Farmers Market would open. Mr. Sampogna replied that the Farmers Market would be addressed later in the meeting. Kara Martorella, 179 Arla Ms. Martorella said she supported the opening of the pool this summer. She said that Mr. Rea has done a fantastic job of following the CDC guidelines and mapping out a plan for the community. She said that her parents are also Green Tree residents, are senior citizens, and are also supporting the opening of the pool. She asked Council to think about the children in the community and put their needs first in realizing how important and vital Green Tree Pool is to them. Ms. Martorella said she has been a Green Tree resident for 36 years and proud to be raising children in this community. She hoped that the pool could be opened for the children and the senior citizens. Pete Garretson, 1163 Tranter Mr. Garretson supported the opening of the pool this summer. He said that his family, including his three daughters, spends a lot of time at the pool every summer and they were disappointed in the hasty decision made last week. Mr. Garretson said he appreciated the effort made to try and postpone the decision. He looked forward to the board reconsidering the decision and opening the pool.


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Mr. Garretson said that with the possibility of some sports starting up in a few weeks, he said it would be nice to have the pool open as well, considering that the kids of the community lost the last 2-1/2 months of their school year. He hoped they would not lose the entire summer. Ryan Hall, 161 Parkedge Mr. Hall said that everyone has made a lot of good points about opening the pool, but he implored Council to keep the pool closed. He said children might not be aware of all the issues surrounding the pandemic and they could be taken to the pool by adults who are in favor of its opening. Mr. Hall said he would like to speak on the children's behalf to make a decision that is known to be the safest, even if it is not the most fun. If keeping the pool closed this summer makes residents feel as if they are being cheated, it is a small price to pay to make sure that Green Tree is safe. The CDC regulations regarding pools are strong and will help to keep things safer, but to make it even safer still would be to keep the pool closed this year. Mr. Hall said that he has a son who would love to play at the pool, but he does not feel that should be an option for him or others during the COVID-19 pandemic. Don Gawryla, 1105 Greenlawn Drive Mr. Gawryla felt that the only responsible action that Council could take would be to keep the pool closed this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. People coming together at the pool could create a small epidemic in the borough with one case at the pool transmitting it to many others. He cited other incidents at other swimming areas where this had occurred. He did not see how social distancing could be successfully maintained at the pool and the virus could be spread outside of the pool through contact with others since it can take up to 14 days for the COVID-19 symptoms to show. Mr. Gawryla said another recent article had shown the although chlorine can help destroy the virus it does not always work as effectively as people think it will. Its effectiveness depends upon a number of other factors. He agreed with the previous resident, Mr. Hall, that the only way to safely proceed this summer would be to keep the pool closed. Kay Andrews, 1011 Dale Drive Ms. Andrews asked when the borough planned on opening the Green Tree Farmers Market. She asked if there would be concerts in the park this summer since they are held outside with plenty of room for people to maintain social distancing. Ms. Andrews said she was in favor of opening the pool this year. She said she has a senior pool pass and she did not receive Mr. Rea's pool questionnaire. She asked why seniors had not received this survey and information. Paul O'Donnell, 103 West Manilla Mr. O'Donnell said Green Tree was fortunate that the number one issue in the community was whether to open the pool this summer. Mr. O'Donnell said his family would be at the pool if it was opened, but his family would also be fine if Council would choose to keep the pool closed. Mr. O'Donnell said he was more concerned whether the regionalization of the police department might be impacted by the decision to open the pool. He asked Council to make sure that all financial measures are considered when making a decision to open the pool, such as bringing back furloughed borough employees and not consolidating the police department. He felt it was more important for the borough to bring the furloughed employees back to work and retain the Green Tree Police Department in the long term than opening the pool for one summer. He asked Council to consider the finances before making a decision about opening the pool. He said he


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would voice his concerns about the police department and the furloughed employees at every meeting in order to keep these issues in front of Council. Mr. O'Donnell said that the Green Tree Athletic Association (GAA) Board is working with the borough to put together guidelines to open baseball, softball, and soccer for shortened seasons. Jennifer Meloy, 219 Arla Ms. Meloy said that her family is in favor of opening the pool this summer. She is the mother of two small children who want to see their friends this summer. She was impressed with Mr. Rea's guidelines and agreed with many of the previous speakers. She said that those people who were opposed to opening the pool have a right to express their opinion, but they also have the right to stay home and not go to the pool. Ms. Meloy said she would sign any COVID-19 waiver that the Council would require in order to open the pool. Cheryl Bakin, 884 Greentree Road Mrs. Bakin said she was in favor of opening the pool, but also in favor of opening the library, the athletic fields, and getting residents' lives back to normal. If there is a need for sanitizing the library and the ball fields, or if help is needed in getting these places open, Council needs to inform the community and area businesses. As a businessperson, Mrs. Bakin felt that this was a waste of precious assets and the community and the children are suffering because these assets cannot be used at this time. The CDC and State of Pennsylvania guidelines are changing almost daily and, as a businessperson, she has been trying to keep up with the changes. She urged Council not to make hard and fast decisions that would be in place over the next three months. Hannah DeWesse, 1131 Greentree Road Mrs. DeWesse said she was in favor of opening the pool, the library, the ball fields, Famers Market, and all of the great amenities in Green Tree. Mrs. DeWesse said she had two young children that are anxious to get back out and enjoy these amenities. Jennifer Sakolsky, 109 West Manilla Ms. Sakolsky said that Council's decision to close the pool and not table this decision was done too quickly and it should have been tabled until additional information could be obtained. Now that the county has moved into the green phase of reopening, she felt that the pool could be opened safely. Ms. Sakolsky said that her daughter has been a lifeguard at the pool in the past and she was hoping the pool would open so she could be employed this summer. Her daughter has a great camaraderie with some of the other girls who have also worked at the pool in previous years. The pool manager has stated that he has faith in them and she felt that there is a group of former employees of the pool who would be interested in coming back to work this summer. Opening the pool gives children and others something to do in the summer. She hoped Council would revisit their decision. Judith McNeely, 888 Greentree Road Mrs. McNeely said she has lived in Green Tree for over 44 years. She was in support of opening the pool this summer. She said that she and her husband are senior citizens and are considered to be in the high-risk category for COVID-19, but she was comfortable with the borough allowing the pool to open. Mrs. McNeely said that taxes were raised so funds should be available to open the pool. Lori Fairclough, 1003 Norsis Ms. Fairclough said she was surprised that only two people have spoken about the regionalization of the Green Tree Police Department. She said she would like to know more


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about the DCED study that the borough was considering. She asked what other community was interested in consolidating with the GTPD. Mr. Sampogna said that the topic of the DCED study was not on tonight's agenda and it will be discussed when Council is able to hold face-to-face meetings. Joseph Tortorea, 62 West Manilla Mr. Tortorea felt that the pool could be opened safely with CDC guidelines. He said that someone who does not feel safe going to the pool does not have to go. Many Green Tree residents use the pool as a community-gathering place for themselves and for their children. With so many other events and activities being cancelled this summer, the pool would be a good release for the residents. The pool is a great place for kids to burn off some steam and get together with their friends. Mansoreh Coyle, 1013 El Rancho Mrs. Coyle said she was in support of opening the pool this summer. She has three young children at home and getting them back to some sort of normalcy would help them. Her children love to go to the pool. Jennifer Mentz, 74 Victoria Circle Ms. Mentz said she does not support consolidating the Green Tree Police Department with another police department. She does support opening the pool this summer. She said that residents all have to make choices as the community opens up. She felt the pool could be opened safely with guidelines. Everyone has a choice and each individual can choose what risks he or she wants to take each day. Ms. Mentz said that she was surprised about how many groups she has seen traveling through the borough in clusters. As the borough moves forward, she felt that the pool could be opened safely and hopefully everyone will remain healthy. If someone becomes sick they should stay home. She felt that an adult should do screening at the pool entrance. Parents of small children should chaperone their children to make sure they are following the rules so it is not the lifeguards' responsibility. If everyone wants the pool to be opened and the state says it is going green, then the pool should be opened and individuals can make the choice. Danielle Kozarian, 43 Rhodes Mrs. Kozarian said that everyone else who has spoken in favor of opening the pool tonight has spoken for her. She would be willing to sign a waiver to enter the pool. She said that people who were not in favor of opening the pool are entitled to their opinion, but said the guidelines put forth by Mr. Rea and the CDC guidelines are great and can be done. Mrs. Kozarian said that parents have a limited time with their children when they are growing up; if the pool is not opened this year, that is one year wiped off the slate for them. It is one year of memories at the pool that cannot be recouped. Those people who are not in favor of the pool opening do not have to go to the pool. Although the virus could spread at the pool by one person, Mrs. Kozarian said she has also gone to Lowe's, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, and every store that has been opened during the pandemic out of necessity and she could have caught COVID-19 just as easily at those locations as at the pool. Mrs. Kozarian said that she needs to get on with living her life, but everyone needs to be smart about it. She reiterated that she was in favor of opening the pool this summer. Thomas Velto, 96 East Manilla Mr. Velto felt that opening the pool this summer would be the right decision. He asked what residents would be showing their kids if the pool was not opened. He asked what parents would have for their kids to do if the pool was not opened. He felt that not opening the pool would be the easy thing to do, but they should try to open the pool. The guidelines have been laid out and


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will keep everyone safe. The State of Pennsylvania has been very conservative and has laid out guidelines. Allegheny County has been careful and done things well. Opening the pool would be a reward for everyone who has stayed inside for the past couple of months. Cara Piagessi, 256 Banbury Mrs. Piagessi said she was in favor of opening the pool for those who are in favor of using it. Chris Cratsley, 69 West Manilla Mr. Cratsley said he supported the opening of the pool this summer. He said he personally might not utilize the pool since he has children who are immune-comprised, but he felt that people should have the choice to use the pool with proper social distancing and following the guidelines. Mr. Cratsley said he support the Green Tree Police Department and he did not want to see them combined with another police department. He said he moved out of the city and has had to call 911 several times for his immune-compromised children. He has found the GTPD to be very responsive. The officers have come to know his home and know his children's issues when responding. They understand the situation before they get there and often the same first responders arrive repeatedly. It makes a tough situation easier. MAYOR'S REPORT - Mayor Edward Schenck A. Mayor Schenck said that the primary election would take place tomorrow, although many

people will be voting by mail. There is only one location for all Green Tree residents to vote in person and that is at the Green Tree Fire Hall on Poplar Street. The County decided to consolidate polling locations with most municipalities only having one polling place open.

B. Mayor Schenck said that a number of peaceful protests on Saturday night "went south". In

Green Tree, the Verizon store on Greentree Road had a window smashed. Fortunately, the police were on patrol and they heard the window being broken. An officer arrived there shortly after it occurred and called for back up. A second officer arrived in 30 seconds. A chase ensued, but was called off because of the high speed and the suspects fleeing the municipality. It did not appear that the persons who broke the window managed to get away with anything.

C. The Green Tree Police Department has a new officer who should be starting on June 8th.

His start was delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. D. Mayor Schenck said that Ms. Sara Welsh from the Keystone Oaks School District started a

fund to help families in the school district who have been having difficulties during the pandemic. Mayor Schenck advised the police department that he was willing to donate and the officers all chipped in and donated $1,000 to this fund. The owner of Brutus Monroe, Christopher Alan Cropp, matched the GTPD's donation with an additional $1,000.

E. Mayor Schenck thanked the residents for speaking about the pool issue this evening. In

reviewing the many comments he summarized what he felt were the pros and cons of opening the pool:

Pros: • Freedom of choice. • Provides recreational activities for adults and their children. • Risk could be kept to a minimum with CDC guidelines being enforced. • The pool provides sunshine and chlorine to combat the virus and is outside.


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Cons: • Difficulty in enforcing the CDC guidelines that are stringent about sanitization and social distancing. • Health risks even if CDC regulations can be enforced. Even the best efforts in preventing the spread of the disease cannot reduce the risk of infection to zero (0%). • The pool could hasten the spread of the virus if one pool patron comes to the pool with the virus, and the virus could be spread to non-pool users. • The pool regularly loses money. If the pool is limited to residents only and additional staff is required to regularly clean and sanitize the restrooms and other areas it would add to the cost. • Many other communities have chosen to close their municipal swimming pools this year. Mayor Schenck said there are many things to consider in making this decision and it is no

"slam-dunk" decision. He felt it would be prudent for the borough to err on the side of safety and not open the pool this year.

PRESIDENT'S REPORT - Mr. Sampogna A. Mr. Sampogna reported that he had attended the Allegheny County Hazard Mitigation

Planning Webex where risk assessment and mitigation strategy were discussed. Any incidents of flooding, sinkholes, or subsidence should be submitted to the Allegheny County Hazard Mitigation Committee. Each municipality must have at least one mitigation action in its plan for each of the profile hazards for which the municipality has outlined. There will be subsequent meetings on this topic. The County Hazard Mitigation Plan will be submitted to FEMA on October 31st.

B. Mr. Sampogna attended a webex with the State Boroughs Association. New and revised

labor laws with regard to emergency responders during the pandemic were discussed. C. Mr. Sampogna attended a CONNECT Infrastructure and Utilities Working Group meeting via

Zoom. Topics discussed included the Pittsburgh Energy Consortium and the steps involved in Creating an Eco-District in Your Community. Another online CONNECT meeting was held regarding municipal finances and tools for analyzing and estimating tax revenue losses during the pandemic.

REPORT OF BOROUGH COUNCIL COMMITTEES Mr. Sampogna stated he would be changing the order of the committee reports this evening to present the most important discussion: the proposed, revised Zoning Code. A. PLANNING & ZONING - Mr. Lorenzini 1. Ordinance #1820 An Ordinance of the Borough of Green Tree, Allegheny County, repealing in its

entirety the current zoning code of the Borough and various appendices, repealing the current zoning map, and adopting the new comprehensive Zoning Code and new Zoning Map for the Borough.

Mr. Lorenzini thanked all the people who had worked on this project over the past ten years, from the Planning Commission, Council, Mr. Montz, and members of the administration, and the minutes secretary for keeping the notes from the many meetings up to date. Although the priority for the public was the pool, this project has been underway for a much longer time.


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Motion: Mr. Lorenzini made a motion, seconded by Mr. Lindsey, to place Ordinance #1820

on first and final reading by title only. Mr. Sampogna agreed with Mr. Lorenzini's comments by thanking everyone involved in

the process of revising the Zoning Code for Green Tree. He thanked Mr. Lorenzini for devoting many years of his time towards this revision, which is important in both the short term and the long term of the borough.

Mr. Tintori agreed with the comments and stated that there had been a lot of people

working on this project for a very long time and it would be good to see this project reach completion.

Mr. Rea said that Mr. Lorenzini did a fantastic job as did the Borough Manager. He

thanked them for their dedication and leadership. Mr. Lindsey thanked the Green Tree Planning Commission who did a lot of the initial

heavy lifting in getting this project in motion. It has been a long time coming and has been a lot of work, going back to the Comprehensive Plan.

Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Molinaro read Ordinance #1820 by title only. Motion: Mr. Lorenzini made a motion, seconded by Mr. Lindsey, to pass Ordinance #1820

by title only. Roll Call Vote Mr. Lorenzini Yes Mr. Lindsey Yes Mr. Tintori Yes Mr. Rea Yes Mr. Panza Yes Mr. Novak Yes Mr. Sampogna Yes Motion carried unanimously. Motion: Mr. Lorenzini made a motion, seconded by Mr. Lindsey, to authorize the proper

officers to sign Ordinance #1820 and that it be advertised according to law. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Lorenzini thanked Council and Planning Commission for their work on this project. B. PUBLIC SAFETY - Mr. Lindsey 1. Mr. Lindsey said that the newest full-time police officer would be starting in a week.


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C. STREETS & PUBLIC HEALTH - Mr. Novak 1. Motion: Mr. Novak made a motion, seconded by Mr. Lindsey, to authorize the Borough

Manager to advertise for bids for the installation of the sidewalks along Mansfield Avenue, between Holiday Drive and Trumbull Drive, noting that 70% of this project will be funded with a PA Multi-Modal Grant.

Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Novak said the work on the sidewalks on Greentree Road would resume this month. D. PUBLIC PROPERTY & EQUIPMENT - Mr. Rea 1. Pool Mr. Rea thanked the residents who made comments tonight. Mr. Rea said he also

appreciated his colleagues on Council that have requested additional information in order to make an informed decision.

Mr. Rea said he had done the pool survey of his own accord and Borough Council had

not approved it. He had wanted to gather community feedback to make sure that he was making an informed decision on how to move forward. Had the survey shown that people did not want the pool open, there would not be a need for this discussion. The feedback was overwhelmingly in support of opening the pool, as was the feedback from the residents who spoke this evening. Mr. Rea asked that the results of his survey be entered into the official record. [Attached]

Mr. Rea said he was not in favor of opening the pool while borough employees were still

furloughed, or until consideration was given to bringing back furloughed employees. He said he realized the financial impact of opening the pool while the borough is under financial constraints. Mr. Rea said that in the Borough Manager's Budget Summary this past year it was stated that Green Tree Borough has an AA+ municipal bond rating, which shows the borough has good financial health with cash reserves. It is a testament to past Councils and administrations as well as the way Mr. Montz has managed the borough's finances. Mr. Rea said he has asked Mr. Montz on his opinion on opening the pool under the current financial status.

Mr. Rea said that the recommended guidelines that he put on his survey were in draft

form based upon CDC considerations and also in alignment with discussions with the pool manager and Mr. Montz. Mr. Rea said that the information provided by the CDC is sometimes referred to as "guidelines" and sometimes as "regulations." Mr. Rea read the opening from the CDC website regarding "Considerations for Public Pools, Hot Tubs, and Water Playgrounds during COVID-19":

"As public aquatic venues open in some areas, CDC offers the following considerations for the

safety of those who operate, manage, and use public pools, hot tubs, and water playgrounds. Public aquatic venues can be operated and managed by:

• city or county governments • apartment complexes • membership clubs (for example, gyms) • schools • waterparks • homeowners' associations


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All decisions about implementing these considerations should be made locally, in collaboration with local health officials. Operators of public aquatic venues can consult with local officials to determine if and how to implement these considerations while adjusting them to meet the unique needs and circumstances of the local jurisdiction. Their implementation should also be informed by what is feasible, practical, and acceptable."

Mr. Rea stressed the word "considerations" and said that the CDC was "encouraging" the

use of masks for patrons, but it did not say "mandated" or "required." He said these are not regulations that must be enforced; they are considerations that need to be encouraged to maintain the safety of the public and public swimming venues.

Mr. Rea noted that Mr. Montz has been in communication with the Allegheny County

Health Department and the borough is continuing to gather feedback in making informed decisions. More concrete information is still needed and a detailed plan needs to be in place in order for Council to take an informed vote on opening or closing the pool this year.

Motion: Mr. Rea made a motion, seconded by Mr. Lindsey, to reconvene Council next

Monday, June 8 at 7:30 p.m. to vote on opening the pool this year. Mr. Lorenzini asked for specifics regarding the need for next week's meeting. Mr. Rea

replied that Council would reconvene next Monday to have another vote on whether to open the pool this year.

Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Rea asked Mr. Montz to speak about the financial implications of opening the pool.

Mr. Montz said he and the Public Property Committee had discussed the budget of the pool. In 2019, the pool had a deficit of $180,000, which is not unusual. Mr. Montz said overall the borough is doing reasonably well with earned income tax (EIT) and real estate tax collections, because at this point the borough has not yet felt the effects of layoffs, which would reduce the amount of EIT in the future. The overall economy is coming back quicker than originally anticipated. Mr. Montz said he has reached out to the state to try and find out how many residents have been impacted by layoffs or furloughs in Green Tree Borough, but he has been unable to find out the amount of unemployment in the borough. In order to estimate future tax losses, he has only been able to speculate on the amount of unemployment in the borough.

Mr. Montz stated that business privilege tax (BPT) is down about $200,000. The borough

does have healthy capital reserves and the capital reserves would be used for shortfalls in the budget. Budget shortfalls would probably be more apparent in 2021 BPT collection.

Mr. Rea asked what an AA+ municipal bond rating means. Mr. Montz replied that the

borough shares that rating with about four other municipalities in Allegheny County. Mr. Rea said that some of the guidelines recommended for the opening of the pool would allow pool passes to be sold to Green Tree residents only. There would be only annual, or possibly weekly, passes available for sale. No non-resident passes or guests would be permitted at the pool at this point. Mr. Rea said that if pool attendance drops off later in the summer, the borough might consider non-resident guests on a limited basis.


COUNCIL MEETING June 1, 2020 Page 13

Mr. Rea said that the CDC states that communities should work with local health officials. In Green Tree's case, that would be Allegheny County Health Department (ACHD). The ACHD has indicated that only 50% of the pool's standard occupancy would be allowed, which would be 215 patrons at the pool at one time. Mr. Rea said he did not want to create a situation where Green Tree residents might have to be turned away from the pool because of the 50% occupancy limit if the pool was opened to non-residents.

Mr. Rea said that the original consideration was to keep the concession stand closed, but

it may be able to be open for the sale of water or small snacks. The tables and chairs around the pool would have to be removed this year. Although Mr. Rea had originally recommended the pool patrons could bring in their own coolers, he realized that they would not be permitted since the Pool Manager had indicated that coolers have never been permitted at the pool.

Mr. Rea said the entrance to the pool would be where it normally has been positioned.

The pool exit would be at the pump house gate. The Pool Manager is considering a procedure on high traffic days where an employee would be stationed at the entrance and another at the exit. The employee at the exit would radio to the entrance attendant to allow additional people in as others left.

Mr. Rea said that the Public Property Committee would be meeting later this week. He

invited Mr. Sampogna to the meeting to help the committee refine the regulations and recommendations. He hoped that Council could come together next Monday and vote to open the pool.

Mr. Lorenzini said cost was not mentioned anywhere in Mr. Rea's survey. Mr. Lorenzini

asked what people would be paying for pool passes this year. Many people spoke up at this meeting without knowing what a pool pass might cost based upon loss projections. The pool lost $180,000 last year even with increases in pass costs. Mr. Lorenzini asked Mr. Montz to give an estimate of what the 2020 pool loss would be, based upon implementation of the proposed guidelines and regulations, as well as total loss of revenue for the borough in 2020. Mr. Lorenzini felt that cost should be considered as part of the equation. Mr. Rea said that the pool loses money every year. Mr. Lorenzini said that residents might not be aware of the financial responsibilities that the borough needs to be taking in these unusual times. Mr. Rea said that although the pool does not make any money it is a community gem. Mr. Lorenzini said that the borough has had good budget controls throughout the years. He asked that financial considerations be part of the equation regarding whether the pool should be opened this year or not. He said the public should also be made aware of the financial burdens that it might cost this year.

Mr. Lorenzini said that Mr. Swiech's comment about Council making an emotional and

rash decision had been incorrect. He said that in the years he has been on Council there have been debates, discussions, and disagreements, but Council has never made emotional arguments and rash decisions.

Mr. Rea said that things have changed in the two weeks since Council made a decision to

close the pool and he felt that Council might have passed the motion to table the vote if they had known what they know now.

Mr. Lorenzini said that if finances are difficult, perhaps the borough should go to the

business community and ask for assistance or charge an extra fee with the purchase of a


COUNCIL MEETING June 1, 2020 Page 14

pool pass. Other communities charge extra fees for garbage collection, so perhaps the borough could do a one-time additional fee for the pool to help minimize the borough's losses. Mr. Lorenzini said that if Mr. Rea conducted an additional survey he should ask if those wishing to open the pool if they might consider paying an additional fee to do so. Mr. Rea replied that some individuals taking his survey had mentioned that they would be willing to pay more for pool passes if needed.

Mr. Rea said that someone had mentioned that they had not received the survey. He had

sent it out to previous pool pass holders that had indicated an email address on last year's pool registration. Senior pass holders did not receive a survey. The survey was posted on social media and there were a number of senior pass holders who had responded.

2. Mr. Rea said that he was in favor of maintaining the borough's own police force. E. FINANCE - Mr. Tintori 1. Motion: Mr. Tintori made a motion, seconded by Mr. Novak, to ratify the actions of the

Borough Manager in paying the May 2020 invoices from the General Fund totaling $11,322.86, and Payroll Account totaling $142,483.69.

Mr. Lorenzini asked about the invoices for the pool on the bill sheet. He asked if these

items should be held until it is decided whether the pool will open or not. Mr. Montz replied that the pool charges that appear on the bill sheet were for work on the pool that had already been completed. There is routine advance pool preparation that must be done each year in anticipation of opening the pool. The only expense that might be held would be the bill for the concession stand permit and he would follow up on that.

Motion carried unanimously. 2. Motion: Mr. Tintori made a motion, seconded by Mr. Lindsey, to approve payment of the

June 2020 invoices from the General Fund totaling $446,194.00 (includes ALCOSAN payment of $338,602.28), Sanitary Sewer Maintenance Fund totaling $232.70, and Capital Projects totaling $11,911.93.

Motion carried unanimously. 3. Mr. Tintori reported that he had attended an Executive Meeting and a Board Meeting for

the Local Government Academy (LGA). The LGA helps trains local elected officials and provides other training for officials. Over 86 participants graduated this year. The LGA works with officials from Allegheny, Washington, Beaver, Butler, and Westmoreland Counties. The LGA encourages people to step up and become involved in local government and is set up for educating elected officials to help make the right decisions.

F. RECREATION & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Mr. Panza 1. Mr. Panza said he had received several emails after the last meeting from residents

stating who said they were disappointed that Council was trying to open the swimming pool before they were permitted by the State. Mr. Panza said that he and other Council members had voted to delay any decision until more information was available from the State. Council would not consider opening the pool before it had permission from the


COUNCIL MEETING June 1, 2020 Page 15

State. However, no one knew that the governor would allow pools to be opened four days following the last meeting. He had been only voting to delay the decision on closing the pool for the summer, but not to open the pool at that time.

Mr. Panza said he wanted to make sure that things would be safe if the pool opens. He

would not want the pool to be open if the County was in the yellow phase and would only consider it when the County was in the green phase. The County is scheduled to enter the green phase, so he felt that this issue should be reconsidered and the majority of the Recreation Committee of Council is in favor of opening the pool.

Mr. Panza stated that almost all the recreation events that occur under his committee

have been cancelled this summer. He felt that the pool could be opened safely now that the governor has indicated that pools could be opened. The Recreation Committee of Council does recommend the opening of the pool this summer.

LIAISON REPORTS A. MRTSA - Mr. Montz Mr. Montz said that MRTSA paramedics are in the front line of the pandemic. MRTSA has

adequate supplies of personal protection equipment. There is a reduced volume of people requesting transport to the hospital and that is how MRTSA makes its money, so MRTSA has had reduced revenues. He recommended that people view the video on the Green Tree website that was made by MRTSA medics regarding information about going to a hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Mr. Montz said that MRTSA operates under 501(c)(3) and was able to apply for payroll

protection with a $542,000 loan. MRTSA was pleased to be able to obtain this loan. B. Char West COG - Mr. Novak Mr. Novak said the COG held a Zoom meeting last Thursday, but there was not a lot to be

discussed. C. Library - Mr. Sampogna Mr. Sampogna said the Library Board met via Zoom on May 18th where election of officers

took place. New Library Board officers are: Mr. Ed Giles - President Ms. Chris Zakrzewski - Vice President Ms. Amy Bittner - Secretary/Treasurer Discussion took place regarding the reopening of the library. The Library Director returned to

work today and she is working on plans on reopening the library as soon as it is permitted. The library is under the authority of the State Department of Education as well as in consultation with the State Department of Health. Neither of these state departments has given any indication of what the guidelines might be for reopening libraries. The permissions have not been issued at this time.

Mr. Sampogna said that new glass protection is being installed at the checkout counter

between the library staff and the library patrons. There is no further information regarding timing for opening the library or new procedures when it does open.

SOLICITOR'S REPORT - Mr. Molinaro Mr. Molinaro had nothing to report at this time.


COUNCIL MEETING June 1, 2020 Page 16

MANAGER'S REPORT - Mr. Montz A. Mr. Montz said the sidewalk work on Greentree Road between Pocono and Orchard would

continue in another week or so. State work, such as this sidewalk program, had been shut down because of the pandemic, but should resume soon. Work on the upgraded three-lane signals along Greentree Road between Mansfield and McKinney Lane should continue soon. It was also on hold due to the pandemic.

B. Green Tree street sweeping will take place in June. The borough was unable to provide

street sweeping in April. C. Mr. Montz reported that park restrooms would be reopened this week. Public Works' work

schedule has been adjusted and a furloughed employee will be brought back to sanitize the restrooms at least once a day, seven days a week.

D. The president of the Green Tree Athletic Association (GAA) is formulating a plan to bring

back some sports back. E. The Library Director has returned to work. Mr. Montz said that the goal is to get the library up

and running as quickly as the regulatory agencies will allow it. The library is working on setting up a contactless pick-up program outside of the library until it can open. Glass protection for the library employees is being installed and other personal protection measures are being put into place.

F. Mr. Montz said that one furloughed employee returned to the administrative office today and

another one should return next week. He hoped that all the employees who were furloughed would be back to work by the end of the month.

G. Mr. Montz said the Green Tree Farmers Market Committee has been reviewing the rules and

working on complying with them to start the market. Volunteers are needed to help with the running of the Farmers Market.

H. Mr. Montz said he has been working as best as possible to try to project finances as a result

of the pandemic. Every community has been struggling with the same issues and it is difficult to make projections since much of the data is still unavailable. Green Tree will have to deal with the issues of real estate tax appeals, diminished office space rental, hotel closures during the pandemic that will impact business privilege tax collection. Mr. Montz said he would be working on financial plans for Council's review, taking into consideration the status of the paving program and the replacement to the Trumbull Drive Bridge. He asked for patience in the process. Although the County will be entering the green phase on Friday, it does not mean that everything will open up. There are many issues that have to be reviewed before they can move forward. New work rules will have to be implemented and followed as employees come back to work.

Mr. Lorenzini asked if the borough planned on hiring any part-time summer employees.

Mr. Montz said the borough is still operating on a limited basis and there have not been any decisions made regarding that issue. The new policy for Public Works is one person per vehicle and there are plans to review that in the future.

Mr. Lorenzini said that there had been gas and water line work on East Manilla and Banbury

and those roads are in bad shape. Mr. Montz said that Banbury Lane would be repaved by


COUNCIL MEETING June 1, 2020 Page 17

the water company at no cost to the borough and work should begin within the next few weeks. East Manilla was a joint project between the water company and the gas company and it will be paved by the water company except for a small area at the start of the street where the borough will pay for the repaving. Mr. Montz explained the required street opening permit procedure that requires utilities to provide repaving curb-to-curb.

I. Mr. Panza asked Mr. Montz when he thought that Council would return to regular meetings.

Mr. Montz said he had not consider this issue. Mr. Panza asked who would be making the decision to return to regular meetings. Mr. Montz said it would probably be Council's decision and he would provide the recommendations for holding meetings for Council's review.

J. Mr. Sampogna asked for additional volunteers for the Farmers Market. He said there are

currently only a handful of helpers each week, with most being senior citizens who are the most at-risk during the pandemic. More volunteers are needed.

K. Mr. Sampogna reported that Council would be holding an Executive Session on Wednesday,

June 3 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom to discuss personnel matters. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Mr. Panza made a motion, seconded by Mr. Lindsey, to adjourn the meeting until Monday, June 8 at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. Motion carried unanimously. ___________________________________ Mark Sampogna, President ___________________________________ W. David Montz, Manager dng


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99.30% 282

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Q1 What is your name and address?Answered: 284 Skipped: 0





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ZIP Code


Email Address

Phone Number


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2 / 26


1 Angela Bonini 6/1/2020 9:35 PM

2 Jaycie Adamski 6/1/2020 8:21 PM

3 Valerie Cross 6/1/2020 8:20 PM

4 Melissa lancia 6/1/2020 7:14 PM

5 Peter Haywiser 6/1/2020 6:16 PM

6 Peter Garretson 6/1/2020 4:59 PM

7 Ashlee 6/1/2020 3:00 PM

8 Don Gawryla 6/1/2020 2:26 PM

9 Jennifer Mentz 6/1/2020 2:04 PM

10 Frank Fingers 6/1/2020 1:22 PM

11 Yidong Mao 6/1/2020 12:01 PM

12 Gina McCafferty 6/1/2020 9:10 AM

13 Mel 6/1/2020 8:59 AM

14 Inga Baravik 6/1/2020 8:43 AM

15 Jason Robosky 6/1/2020 7:07 AM

16 Marisa Kopas 5/31/2020 11:13 PM

17 Russ & Shannon Barron 5/31/2020 9:39 PM

18 Paul Wren 5/31/2020 8:35 PM

19 Kylee Gavlik 5/31/2020 7:28 PM

20 Linda Diskin 5/31/2020 6:07 PM

21 Beverly Brown 5/31/2020 6:00 PM

22 Tricia Barilla 5/31/2020 5:22 PM

23 Jennifer Dinovitz 5/31/2020 5:21 PM

24 Dana Leung 5/31/2020 4:50 PM

25 Bill 5/31/2020 4:46 PM

26 Janelle Kennedy 5/31/2020 4:08 PM

27 Lou boettner 5/31/2020 4:04 PM

28 Brian shipper 5/31/2020 4:01 PM

29 Joyce 5/31/2020 3:58 PM

30 Joe Smith 5/31/2020 3:47 PM

31 Tom Davis 5/31/2020 3:24 PM

32 Paula Barlock 5/31/2020 2:43 PM

33 Regina 5/31/2020 2:16 PM

34 Melissa Munnell 5/31/2020 2:08 PM

35 Stanley Fischer 5/31/2020 2:07 PM

36 Bill & Fran Irvine 5/31/2020 1:43 PM

37 Jack LaQuatra 5/31/2020 12:18 PM


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38 Pat L 5/31/2020 11:53 AM

39 Joy Manslow 5/31/2020 11:45 AM

40 Amanda Barilla 5/31/2020 11:22 AM

41 Ruth Schultz 5/31/2020 11:18 AM

42 Cailin 5/31/2020 10:48 AM

43 kelley perry 5/31/2020 9:46 AM

44 Lynn Michalek 5/31/2020 9:41 AM

45 Jim Eaborn 5/31/2020 9:19 AM

46 Joseph S. Tortorea 5/31/2020 9:03 AM

47 Jessica Santillo 5/31/2020 8:52 AM

48 Melissa Sprankle 5/31/2020 8:20 AM

49 Annie Fithen 5/31/2020 8:14 AM

50 Lynne Zapadka 5/31/2020 8:03 AM

51 Chelsey LaQuatra 5/31/2020 8:02 AM

52 Sarah Thurston 5/31/2020 8:01 AM

53 Stacey Roberts 5/31/2020 7:04 AM

54 David 5/31/2020 5:09 AM

55 Tami Foley 5/31/2020 12:47 AM

56 Diane Coombs 5/31/2020 12:12 AM

57 Kim Malesky 5/30/2020 11:58 PM

58 Lorie Berrick 5/30/2020 11:57 PM

59 Tera Psomas 5/30/2020 11:15 PM

60 Bret Cunningham 5/30/2020 10:53 PM

61 Terri Molnar 5/30/2020 10:06 PM

62 Allie schlafman 5/30/2020 9:54 PM

63 Lisa 5/30/2020 9:45 PM

64 Andra Mooney 5/30/2020 8:58 PM

65 Patti 5/30/2020 8:47 PM

66 Lisa Alward 5/30/2020 8:44 PM

67 Allison Bean 5/30/2020 8:42 PM

68 Beverly Saulnier 5/30/2020 7:40 PM

69 Jeanine Ryan 5/30/2020 7:22 PM

70 Arleen Hobaugh 5/30/2020 7:15 PM

71 Donda Snell 5/30/2020 6:42 PM

72 mary duffy 5/30/2020 6:32 PM

73 Gabrielle Davis 5/30/2020 6:07 PM

74 Lori 5/30/2020 6:05 PM

75 Kimberly Rojas 5/30/2020 5:56 PM


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76 David Gerlach 5/30/2020 5:54 PM

77 Karen Cimino 5/30/2020 5:48 PM

78 Bob Serakowski 5/30/2020 5:47 PM

79 Tara Wockenfuss 5/30/2020 5:40 PM

80 Tom Davis 5/30/2020 5:38 PM

81 Marilyn Obiecunas 5/30/2020 5:25 PM

82 meredith stewart 5/30/2020 5:12 PM

83 Brian Mathie 5/30/2020 5:11 PM

84 Samantha OBrien 5/30/2020 5:07 PM

85 Lisa Alward 5/30/2020 5:01 PM

86 Brian Mathie 5/30/2020 4:52 PM

87 Dorothy Heinz 5/30/2020 4:47 PM

88 Helen Salamon 5/30/2020 4:26 PM

89 Dani Sakulsky 5/30/2020 4:18 PM

90 Jen Sakulsky 5/30/2020 4:06 PM

91 MaryAnn Compomizzi 5/30/2020 4:03 PM

92 Gary White 5/30/2020 3:20 PM

93 Debbie McGinnis 5/30/2020 3:17 PM

94 John erdely 5/30/2020 3:00 PM

95 David Schmid 5/30/2020 2:46 PM

96 Donna Erdely 5/30/2020 2:40 PM

97 Francis soen 5/30/2020 2:37 PM

98 Jodi Thomas 5/30/2020 2:34 PM

99 Kayla Brownlee 5/30/2020 2:28 PM

100 Elaine coppler 5/30/2020 2:28 PM

101 Joyce Nolte 5/30/2020 2:22 PM

102 Susan Trebilcock 5/30/2020 2:18 PM

103 Devin Rosato 5/30/2020 2:15 PM

104 John S. 5/30/2020 1:52 PM

105 GABBIE 5/30/2020 1:45 PM

106 Aaron Colf 5/30/2020 1:29 PM

107 James 5/30/2020 1:23 PM

108 Amanda OFarrell 5/30/2020 1:21 PM

109 Dan eichinger 5/30/2020 1:18 PM

110 Kirsten 5/30/2020 1:10 PM

111 Debra Farrier 5/30/2020 1:00 PM

112 Scott Trowbridge 5/30/2020 12:59 PM

113 JoAnn Connolly 5/30/2020 12:57 PM


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114 Stacey Cleary 5/30/2020 12:56 PM

115 Ken and Diane Mutchler 5/30/2020 12:56 PM

116 Laura Norwicke 5/30/2020 12:55 PM

117 Ryan 5/30/2020 12:53 PM

118 Kelly Bittner 5/30/2020 12:53 PM

119 Debbie Gawryla 5/30/2020 12:42 PM

120 Mary Beth Kenny 5/30/2020 12:34 PM

121 Cynthia Murray (Turocy Family) 5/30/2020 12:33 PM

122 Sarah Foti 5/30/2020 12:30 PM

123 Tom Santillo 5/30/2020 12:16 PM

124 Ed ODonnell 5/30/2020 12:05 PM

125 Dana White 5/30/2020 12:05 PM

126 Lindsey Brennan 5/30/2020 12:03 PM

127 Kelly Connolly 5/30/2020 12:02 PM

128 Kevin schwartz 5/30/2020 12:00 PM

129 Janeen Ferguson 5/30/2020 12:00 PM

130 Kenneth Nolte 5/30/2020 11:58 AM

131 Tracie Tarr 5/30/2020 11:57 AM

132 Carol Horgan 5/30/2020 11:53 AM

133 Cassy Rosato 5/30/2020 11:52 AM

134 Cathy Turner 5/30/2020 11:43 AM

135 Paula Barlock 5/30/2020 11:41 AM

136 Marsha Kirley 5/30/2020 11:33 AM

137 Stacy Palmer 5/30/2020 11:31 AM

138 Jaclyn Walsh 5/30/2020 11:30 AM

139 Cheryl Kocay 5/30/2020 11:27 AM

140 Steve Psomas 5/30/2020 11:21 AM

141 lindsey perry 5/30/2020 11:19 AM

142 Alexis Pierce 5/30/2020 11:15 AM

143 Joshua Watson 5/30/2020 11:11 AM

144 Makenzi Henefeld 5/30/2020 11:03 AM

145 Caitlin Lucas 5/30/2020 11:01 AM

146 Amanda McGrath 5/30/2020 10:59 AM

147 Jessica Eberlein 5/30/2020 10:58 AM

148 Elissa Bryan 5/30/2020 10:49 AM

149 Randi Daffner 5/30/2020 10:35 AM

150 Roy Humphrey 5/30/2020 10:22 AM

151 Walter Jandrasits 5/30/2020 10:16 AM


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152 FREDERICK ZINGER 5/30/2020 10:13 AM

153 Melissa Munnell 5/30/2020 9:59 AM

154 Brian Dolan 5/30/2020 9:54 AM

155 Eugene Barilla 5/30/2020 9:47 AM

156 Gina Dedig 5/30/2020 9:40 AM

157 Nancy Psomas 5/30/2020 9:26 AM

158 Jessica Wadowsky 5/30/2020 9:06 AM

159 Jason Swiech 5/30/2020 9:06 AM

160 Lisa Gray 5/30/2020 9:03 AM

161 Gwen Kvederis 5/30/2020 8:54 AM

162 Sharon davis 5/30/2020 8:49 AM

163 Jessica Cagle 5/30/2020 8:34 AM

164 Ed Scott 5/30/2020 8:27 AM

165 Jaime ReA 5/30/2020 8:23 AM

166 Beth Robosky 5/30/2020 8:23 AM

167 Celly Surmacz 5/30/2020 8:11 AM

168 Jocelyn Fani 5/30/2020 8:10 AM

169 Hannah DeWeese 5/30/2020 8:10 AM

170 Alexandra shipper 5/30/2020 7:46 AM

171 Cara Piaggesi 5/30/2020 7:40 AM

172 Todd Schrader 5/30/2020 7:25 AM

173 Jennifer Edwards 5/30/2020 7:25 AM

174 Terry 5/30/2020 7:11 AM

175 Bryan Clinton 5/30/2020 7:08 AM

176 James McGuire 5/30/2020 7:06 AM

177 Janice Adamski 5/30/2020 7:04 AM

178 Anna Nicka 5/30/2020 6:57 AM

179 Thomas Velto 5/30/2020 6:57 AM

180 Joe Tortorea 5/30/2020 6:55 AM

181 Victoria Diaz 5/30/2020 6:13 AM

182 Janice Adamski 5/30/2020 5:21 AM

183 Jessica Smith 5/30/2020 12:14 AM

184 Robert Kozarian 5/30/2020 12:07 AM

185 Sheila Ladner 5/29/2020 11:35 PM

186 Andrews 5/29/2020 11:28 PM

187 Brenda Briley 5/29/2020 11:12 PM

188 La Tasha Chomba 5/29/2020 10:35 PM

189 Paula Duffy 5/29/2020 10:25 PM


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190 Ashley Rieg 5/29/2020 9:39 PM

191 Tracy Coyne 5/29/2020 9:13 PM

192 Larissa 5/29/2020 9:05 PM

193 Kari Penascino 5/29/2020 8:54 PM

194 Heather LeVeck 5/29/2020 7:32 PM

195 Wendy Buckley 5/29/2020 7:17 PM

196 Sabina Hosko 5/29/2020 6:43 PM

197 Elizabeth Mary 5/29/2020 6:36 PM

198 Mary gunshall 5/29/2020 6:24 PM

199 Carol Paul 5/29/2020 6:21 PM

200 Luke O’Brien 5/29/2020 5:56 PM

201 Maryellen Moorehead 5/29/2020 5:56 PM

202 Ann Marze 5/29/2020 5:53 PM

203 Patricia Wilhelm 5/29/2020 5:43 PM

204 Emily Lottes 5/29/2020 5:42 PM

205 Schneider Family 5/29/2020 5:31 PM

206 Michael Rittler 5/29/2020 5:30 PM

207 Jennifer 5/29/2020 5:30 PM

208 Mary Nagorski 5/29/2020 5:27 PM

209 Vera Agnew 5/29/2020 5:25 PM

210 Jen Yim 5/29/2020 5:24 PM

211 Mark Kaufman 5/29/2020 5:19 PM

212 Carolyn Gimigliano 5/29/2020 5:17 PM

213 Gdovic 5/29/2020 5:14 PM

214 Lindsay Anderson 5/29/2020 5:11 PM

215 Barb Grabowski 5/29/2020 5:02 PM

216 Jodi 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

217 Meg Colf 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

218 Terri Reidell 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

219 Paul O'Donnell 5/29/2020 4:51 PM

220 Dawn christy 5/29/2020 4:48 PM

221 KATHLEEN STEWART 5/29/2020 4:45 PM

222 Roxanne Boyer 5/29/2020 4:39 PM

223 Colleen Tortorella 5/29/2020 4:36 PM

224 Duane Zaborowski 5/29/2020 4:32 PM

225 Jason Chippich 5/29/2020 4:31 PM

226 Michele Rea 5/29/2020 4:23 PM

227 Claire Beezhold 5/29/2020 4:23 PM


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228 Tammy Feeney 5/29/2020 4:09 PM

229 Erin Bosniak 5/29/2020 4:07 PM

230 JohnDalessandro 5/29/2020 3:54 PM

231 Tracee Burrell 5/29/2020 3:49 PM

232 Kate Kucinic 5/29/2020 3:47 PM

233 Jennifer Psomas 5/29/2020 3:47 PM

234 Teresa Fuchs 5/29/2020 3:46 PM

235 Cindy Gaynard 5/29/2020 3:39 PM

236 Susan Wuenstel 5/29/2020 3:38 PM

237 Shirley Popovich 5/29/2020 3:33 PM

238 Ann Pfeufer 5/29/2020 3:31 PM

239 Erin Altenbaugh 5/29/2020 3:30 PM

240 Kelly McKeen 5/29/2020 3:21 PM

241 Marlene Bertiaux 5/29/2020 3:20 PM

242 Michelle Shuey 5/29/2020 3:18 PM

243 Kara Martorella 5/29/2020 3:17 PM

244 Krystle granite 5/29/2020 3:14 PM

245 Robert Flynn 5/29/2020 3:12 PM

246 Jennifer Houtz 5/29/2020 3:12 PM

247 Rachel Velto 5/29/2020 3:12 PM

248 Jill Garcia 5/29/2020 3:11 PM

249 Jessie VanSwearingen 5/29/2020 3:10 PM

250 Robert Collins 5/29/2020 3:09 PM

251 Kenneth Nolte 5/29/2020 3:08 PM

252 Amy Bittner 5/29/2020 3:07 PM

253 Valerie Bochicchio 5/29/2020 3:03 PM

254 Lynne and David Nestler 5/29/2020 3:02 PM

255 Kathryn Ross 5/29/2020 3:02 PM

256 Amber Shaffer 5/29/2020 2:59 PM

257 Jamie Barbin 5/29/2020 2:58 PM

258 Jenna Clinton 5/29/2020 2:58 PM

259 Joseph Lombardo 5/29/2020 2:56 PM

260 Jen Mathie 5/29/2020 2:55 PM

261 Lori O'Toole 5/29/2020 2:53 PM

262 Phyllis Timbario 5/29/2020 2:53 PM

263 Jessica Swiech 5/29/2020 2:52 PM

264 Kristen Knouff 5/29/2020 2:51 PM

265 Kristy Jandrasits 5/29/2020 2:51 PM


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266 Cheryl Bonds 5/29/2020 2:50 PM

267 Melissa Stump 5/29/2020 2:48 PM

268 Cynthia Keefer 5/29/2020 2:48 PM

269 Juline Babajanov 5/29/2020 2:48 PM

270 Mark Hensler 5/29/2020 2:46 PM

271 Diona Mower 5/29/2020 2:43 PM

272 Shannon Stahl 5/29/2020 2:41 PM

273 Lisa Verbene 5/29/2020 2:39 PM

274 Jessica Wadowsky 5/29/2020 2:38 PM

275 Nina Nelson 5/29/2020 2:38 PM

276 Shelby Misencik 5/29/2020 2:37 PM

277 Emily and Kevin Schwartz 5/29/2020 2:37 PM

278 Jaclyn Mcdine 5/29/2020 2:37 PM

279 Jackie Thomas 5/29/2020 2:36 PM

280 Casey Stewart 5/29/2020 2:35 PM

281 Lisa Kaminski 5/29/2020 2:34 PM

282 Jess Tsangaris 5/29/2020 2:33 PM

283 Jenn Altenbaugh 5/29/2020 2:33 PM

284 Jaime Rea 5/29/2020 2:32 PM


There are no responses.


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1 22 Robinhood road pgh pa 15220 6/1/2020 9:35 PM

2 1134 Greenlawn Drive 6/1/2020 8:21 PM

3 44 w. Manilla Ave 6/1/2020 8:20 PM

4 1192 Hillcrest 6/1/2020 7:14 PM

5 151 Arla Dr 6/1/2020 6:16 PM

6 1163 Tranter Ave 6/1/2020 4:59 PM

7 181 W. MANILLA Ave 6/1/2020 3:00 PM

8 1105 Greenlawn Drive 6/1/2020 2:26 PM

9 74 Victoria Circle, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 6/1/2020 2:04 PM

10 1183 School St. Pittsburgh PA 15205 6/1/2020 1:22 PM

11 1040 Greenlawn drive 6/1/2020 12:01 PM

12 146 Sheldon Avenue 6/1/2020 9:10 AM

13 Green tree 6/1/2020 8:59 AM

14 128 Sheldon ave ,Pittsburgh 15220 6/1/2020 8:43 AM

15 1018 Dale Dr 6/1/2020 7:07 AM

16 1142 Glencoe Avenue 5/31/2020 11:13 PM

17 8 Pocono Drive 5/31/2020 9:39 PM

18 1119 Glencoe Ave 5/31/2020 8:35 PM

19 162 Sheldon Ave 5/31/2020 7:28 PM

20 33 Rhodes Avenue 5/31/2020 6:07 PM

21 215 OakBrook Circle 5/31/2020 6:00 PM

22 231 Sheldon Avenue 5/31/2020 5:22 PM

23 1174 Greentree road 5/31/2020 5:21 PM

24 1001 Avacoll Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15220 5/31/2020 4:50 PM

25 Irvine 5/31/2020 4:46 PM

26 1016 Avacoll Drive 5/31/2020 4:08 PM

27 228 parkedge rd. 5/31/2020 4:04 PM

28 36 Rhodes avenue 5/31/2020 4:01 PM

29 Schmid 5/31/2020 3:58 PM

30 589 Manila Ave 5/31/2020 3:47 PM

31 1049 Mckenna Avenue 5/31/2020 3:24 PM

32 204 Sheldon ave 5/31/2020 2:43 PM

33 1379 Glencoe Ave 5/31/2020 2:16 PM

34 1034 lowenhill ave 5/31/2020 2:08 PM

35 1381 Glencoe Ave. 5/31/2020 2:07 PM

36 127 Evandale Dr 5/31/2020 1:43 PM

37 275 Parkedge Road 5/31/2020 12:18 PM


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38 105 Susan dr 5/31/2020 11:53 AM

39 115 Leon Road 5/31/2020 11:45 AM

40 159 Shiela Dr Pittsburgh pa 15220 5/31/2020 11:22 AM

41 11 Leon Road 5/31/2020 11:18 AM

42 127 Evandale Dr. Pgh PA 15220 5/31/2020 10:48 AM

43 164 parkedge road 5/31/2020 9:46 AM

44 136 Susan Dr. 5/31/2020 9:41 AM

45 1075 Tomaino Dr. 15220 5/31/2020 9:19 AM

46 62 West Manilla Avenue 5/31/2020 9:03 AM

47 189 Sheldon Ave Pittsburgh Pa 15220 5/31/2020 8:52 AM

48 1020 Avacoll Drive 5/31/2020 8:20 AM

49 1451 Glencoe Ave 5/31/2020 8:14 AM

50 186 Sheldon Avenue 5/31/2020 8:03 AM

51 275 Parkedge Rd 5/31/2020 8:02 AM

52 1022 Avacoll Dr 5/31/2020 8:01 AM

53 [email protected] 5/31/2020 7:04 AM

54 Nestler 5/31/2020 5:09 AM

55 113 Sheldon Ave 5/31/2020 12:47 AM

56 272 Ringold Avenue 5/31/2020 12:12 AM

57 208 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 11:58 PM

58 1180 Greentree Road 5/30/2020 11:57 PM

59 102 Rothesay 5/30/2020 11:15 PM

60 214 Arla Dr 5/30/2020 10:53 PM

61 1151 Greenridge Lane 5/30/2020 10:06 PM

62 2160 Greentree road 5/30/2020 9:54 PM

63 1383 Glencoe Ave 5/30/2020 9:45 PM

64 108 Bergen Place 5/30/2020 8:58 PM

65 Zanetta 5/30/2020 8:47 PM

66 160 W Manilla 5/30/2020 8:44 PM

67 24 Robinhood Road 5/30/2020 8:42 PM

68 98 Poplar Street 5/30/2020 7:40 PM

69 890 Greentree Road Pittsburgh pa 15220 5/30/2020 7:22 PM

70 1327 Spreading Oak Drive 5/30/2020 7:15 PM

71 1084A Greenlawn drive 5/30/2020 6:42 PM

72 713 reamer drive carnegie pa 15106 5/30/2020 6:32 PM

73 1049 McKenna Avenue 5/30/2020 6:07 PM

74 [email protected] 5/30/2020 6:05 PM

75 201 Hawthorne St 5/30/2020 5:56 PM


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76 962 Glencoe Ave 5/30/2020 5:54 PM

77 225 Arla Drive 5/30/2020 5:48 PM

78 1083 Greenlawn Dr 5/30/2020 5:47 PM

79 1027 Greenlawn Dr 5/30/2020 5:40 PM

80 1049 Mckenna Avenue 5/30/2020 5:38 PM

81 8 Potomac ave 5/30/2020 5:25 PM

82 266 woodridge drive 5/30/2020 5:12 PM

83 1013 Dale Drive 5/30/2020 5:11 PM

84 237 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 5:07 PM

85 160 west manilla avenue 5/30/2020 5:01 PM

86 1013 Dale Drive 5/30/2020 4:52 PM

87 212 5/30/2020 4:47 PM

88 109 West Manilla Avenue 5/30/2020 4:26 PM

89 109 east Manilla ave 5/30/2020 4:18 PM

90 109 East Manilla Ave 5/30/2020 4:06 PM

91 312 Veri Dr 5/30/2020 4:03 PM

92 105 West Manila 5/30/2020 3:20 PM

93 106 Kenmore Place 5/30/2020 3:17 PM

94 126 evandale dr pgh. P a. 15220 5/30/2020 3:00 PM

95 84 West Manilla 5/30/2020 2:46 PM

96 126 Evandale Drive 5/30/2020 2:40 PM

97 8 Leon Road 5/30/2020 2:37 PM

98 1254 Glencoe Ave 5/30/2020 2:34 PM

99 1005 Avacoll drive 5/30/2020 2:28 PM

100 57 Rhodes ave 5/30/2020 2:28 PM

101 162 Parkedge rd 5/30/2020 2:22 PM

102 7west Manilla Ave 5/30/2020 2:18 PM

103 2445 Pin Oak Place 5/30/2020 2:15 PM

104 Sheldon 5/30/2020 1:52 PM

105 GLENCOE AVE 5/30/2020 1:45 PM

106 105 Sheldon Avenue 5/30/2020 1:29 PM

107 Arla Drive 5/30/2020 1:23 PM

108 318 Veri Drive 5/30/2020 1:21 PM

109 1150 tranter Ave 5/30/2020 1:18 PM

110 273 Parkedge Road 5/30/2020 1:10 PM

111 232 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 1:00 PM

112 159 Parkedge Road 5/30/2020 12:59 PM

113 123 Kenmore PlCe 5/30/2020 12:57 PM


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114 1016 Dale Drive 5/30/2020 12:56 PM

115 193 Parkedge Road 5/30/2020 12:56 PM

116 161 Parkedge Road 5/30/2020 12:55 PM

117 161 Parkedge Road 5/30/2020 12:53 PM

118 1126 Hillsview Terrace Pgh Pa 15220 5/30/2020 12:53 PM

119 1105 Greenlawn Drive 5/30/2020 12:42 PM

120 1036 Norsis Drive 5/30/2020 12:34 PM

121 194 Sheldon Avenue 5/30/2020 12:33 PM

122 1130 Hillsview Terrace 5/30/2020 12:30 PM

123 189 Sheldon Avenue 5/30/2020 12:16 PM

124 1056 Arbor Drive 5/30/2020 12:05 PM

125 105 West Manilla Ave. Pgh, PA 15220 5/30/2020 12:05 PM

126 1180 Greentree road 5/30/2020 12:03 PM

127 123 Kenmore Place 5/30/2020 12:02 PM

128 40 warriors rd 5/30/2020 12:00 PM

129 1003 Dale dr 5/30/2020 12:00 PM

130 162 parkedge 5/30/2020 11:58 AM

131 150 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 11:57 AM

132 1052 Greenlawn Drive 5/30/2020 11:53 AM

133 2445 Pin Oak Place 5/30/2020 11:52 AM

134 66 Clifford Drive, pgh Pa 15220 5/30/2020 11:43 AM

135 204 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 11:41 AM

136 213 Silver Oak Drive 5/30/2020 11:33 AM

137 109 Hanover pl 5/30/2020 11:31 AM

138 130 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 11:30 AM

139 2 Trailvue Drive 15220 5/30/2020 11:27 AM

140 110 Ringold Avenue 5/30/2020 11:21 AM

141 164 sheldon ave 5/30/2020 11:19 AM

142 107 Ringold Avenue, Pgh, Pa 15205 5/30/2020 11:15 AM

143 15 leon road 5/30/2020 11:11 AM

144 149 Arla Drive 5/30/2020 11:03 AM

145 105 Susan drive 5/30/2020 11:01 AM

146 994 el rancho dr 5/30/2020 10:59 AM

147 171 arla drive 5/30/2020 10:58 AM

148 1190 Hillcrest Avenue 5/30/2020 10:49 AM

149 1120 greenridge lane 5/30/2020 10:35 AM

150 1040 Norsis Drive 5/30/2020 10:22 AM

151 96 Ringold Ave 5/30/2020 10:16 AM


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152 133 SHELDON AVE 5/30/2020 10:13 AM

153 1034 lowenhill ave 5/30/2020 9:59 AM

154 199 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 9:54 AM

155 231 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 9:47 AM

156 7 Elmhurst Road 5/30/2020 9:40 AM

157 185 Kenmore Place 5/30/2020 9:26 AM

158 846 Rocklyn Drive 5/30/2020 9:06 AM

159 1002 El Rancho Drive 5/30/2020 9:06 AM

160 105 Evandale Dr, 15220 5/30/2020 9:03 AM

161 1108 Glencoe Avenue 5/30/2020 8:54 AM

162 1049 McKenna ave 5/30/2020 8:49 AM

163 183 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 8:34 AM

164 1325 Glencoe Ave. 5/30/2020 8:27 AM

165 33 Elmhurst rd 5/30/2020 8:23 AM

166 [email protected] 5/30/2020 8:23 AM

167 1084 Greenlawn Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 5/30/2020 8:11 AM

168 215 Silver Oak Dr 5/30/2020 8:10 AM

169 1131 Greentree Road 5/30/2020 8:10 AM

170 36 Rhodes avenue 5/30/2020 7:46 AM

171 256 Banbury Ln 5/30/2020 7:40 AM

172 87 Poplar St. 5/30/2020 7:25 AM

173 5 Robinhood road 5/30/2020 7:25 AM

174 Muffi 5/30/2020 7:11 AM

175 1104 Glencoe Ave Pittsburgh PA 15220 5/30/2020 7:08 AM

176 163 Sheldon Av 15220 5/30/2020 7:06 AM

177 1134 Greenlawn 5/30/2020 7:04 AM

178 1095 Tomaino dr 5/30/2020 6:57 AM

179 96 E Manilla Ave 5/30/2020 6:57 AM

180 20 Clearview Drive 5/30/2020 6:55 AM

181 886 Heckler Drive 5/30/2020 6:13 AM

182 1134 Greenlawn 5/30/2020 5:21 AM

183 49 RHODES Ave 5/30/2020 12:14 AM

184 43 Rhodes Avenue 5/30/2020 12:07 AM

185 138 Sheldon Avenue 5/29/2020 11:35 PM

186 54 West Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 11:28 PM

187 1165 Greenridge Lane 5/29/2020 11:12 PM

188 66 W Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 10:35 PM

189 713 Reamer Drive 5/29/2020 10:25 PM


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190 68 w manilla ave 5/29/2020 9:39 PM

191 1433 Willoughby St Pittsburgh PA 15205 5/29/2020 9:13 PM

192 241 silver oak drive 5/29/2020 9:05 PM

193 116 Rhodes Avenue 5/29/2020 8:54 PM

194 115 Rothesay Ave., Carnegie, PA 15106 5/29/2020 7:32 PM

195 190 Sheldon Ave 5/29/2020 7:17 PM

196 9 Terrace Drive 15205 5/29/2020 6:43 PM

197 1208 School Street 5/29/2020 6:36 PM

198 212east elmhurst 5/29/2020 6:24 PM

199 95 East Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 6:21 PM

200 152 Sheldon avenue 5/29/2020 5:56 PM

201 79 West Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 5:56 PM

202 1115 Greenlawn drive 15220 5/29/2020 5:53 PM

203 151 Parkedge Road Pgh PA 15220 5/29/2020 5:43 PM

204 84 E Manilla Avenue 5/29/2020 5:42 PM

205 1000 Glencoe Ave 5/29/2020 5:31 PM

206 1036 Glencoe Ave 5/29/2020 5:30 PM

207 Meloy 5/29/2020 5:30 PM

208 897 Cherry Street 5/29/2020 5:27 PM

209 208 Silver Oak Drive Pittsburgh PA 15220 5/29/2020 5:25 PM

210 70 W Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 5:24 PM

211 100 Churchill Road 5/29/2020 5:19 PM

212 204 Arla drive 5/29/2020 5:17 PM

213 10 Crestmont Drive 5/29/2020 5:14 PM

214 11 Terrace Dr 5/29/2020 5:11 PM

215 45 Pocono Dr 5/29/2020 5:02 PM

216 81 Clifford Drive 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

217 105 Sheldon Ave 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

218 47 W Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

219 103 W Manilla Ave 15220 5/29/2020 4:51 PM

220 1091 tomaino dr 5/29/2020 4:48 PM

221 266 WOODRIDGE DRIVE 5/29/2020 4:45 PM

222 184Arla Drive 5/29/2020 4:39 PM

223 184 Sheldon 5/29/2020 4:36 PM

224 6 Trailvue Dr 5/29/2020 4:32 PM

225 171 Sheldon Ave 5/29/2020 4:31 PM

226 16 Crestmont Dr 5/29/2020 4:23 PM

227 55 Rhodes Ave. 5/29/2020 4:09 PM


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228 110 west Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 4:07 PM

229 174 Parkedge 5/29/2020 3:54 PM

230 28 Elmhurst road 5/29/2020 3:49 PM

231 3 Pocono Drive 5/29/2020 3:47 PM

232 110 Ringold Ave 5/29/2020 3:47 PM

233 1219 Akehurst Road 5/29/2020 3:46 PM

234 85 w manilla ave 5/29/2020 3:39 PM

235 105 Bergen Place 5/29/2020 3:38 PM

236 1005 Glencoe Avenue 5/29/2020 3:33 PM

237 122 West Manilla Avenue 5/29/2020 3:31 PM

238 [email protected] 5/29/2020 3:30 PM

239 82 E Manilla ave 5/29/2020 3:21 PM

240 53 Terrace Dr 5/29/2020 3:20 PM

241 1049 Greenlawn Dr 5/29/2020 3:18 PM

242 179 Arla drive 5/29/2020 3:17 PM

243 1088 greentree rd apt 101 5/29/2020 3:14 PM

244 100 Poplar St 5/29/2020 3:12 PM

245 96 E Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 3:12 PM

246 1059 Norsis Dr Pgh, PA 15220 5/29/2020 3:11 PM

247 219 Banbury Lane 5/29/2020 3:10 PM

248 101 Namy Drive 5/29/2020 3:09 PM

249 162 Parkedge rd 5/29/2020 3:08 PM

250 177 Arla Drive 5/29/2020 3:07 PM

251 1131 Greenridge Lane 5/29/2020 3:03 PM

252 1006 Dale Drive 5/29/2020 3:02 PM

253 19 Rhodes Ave 5/29/2020 3:02 PM

254 1108 Greentree Road 5/29/2020 2:59 PM

255 1004 Norsis Drive 5/29/2020 2:58 PM

256 1104 glencoe Avenue 5/29/2020 2:58 PM

257 241 Silver Oak Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15220 5/29/2020 2:56 PM

258 1013 Dale Drive 5/29/2020 2:55 PM

259 1100 oriole drive 5/29/2020 2:53 PM

260 70 School Street, Pgh 15220 5/29/2020 2:53 PM

261 1002 El Rancho Drive 5/29/2020 2:52 PM

262 10 Clearview Drive 5/29/2020 2:51 PM

263 96 Ringold Avenue 5/29/2020 2:51 PM

264 219 Oakbrook Circle 5/29/2020 2:50 PM

265 988 Glencoe 5/29/2020 2:48 PM


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266 87 Poplar St. 5/29/2020 2:48 PM

267 103 Hanover Pl 5/29/2020 2:48 PM

268 1050 McKenna Ave 5/29/2020 2:46 PM

269 175 Parkedge Road 5/29/2020 2:43 PM

270 1384 Glencoe Avenue 5/29/2020 2:41 PM

271 214 sheldon ave pgh 15220 5/29/2020 2:39 PM

272 846 Rocklyn Drive 15205 5/29/2020 2:38 PM

273 80 W Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 2:38 PM

274 851 Rocklyn drive 5/29/2020 2:37 PM

275 40 Warriors Road 5/29/2020 2:37 PM

276 1128 hillsview terrace 5/29/2020 2:37 PM

277 217 Silver Oak Drive 5/29/2020 2:36 PM

278 1312 spreading oak drive 5/29/2020 2:35 PM

279 99 ringold avenue 5/29/2020 2:34 PM

280 110 Evandale 5/29/2020 2:33 PM

281 996 El Rancho Drive Pgh Pa 15220 5/29/2020 2:33 PM

282 33 Elmhurst Road 5/29/2020 2:32 PM


There are no responses.


There are no responses.


There are no responses.


There are no responses.


There are no responses.


There are no responses.


There are no responses.


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51.67% 93

48.33% 87

Q2 Did you purchase a pool pass last year?Answered: 180 Skipped: 104




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%





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89.08% 253

9.15% 26

Q3 Considering the following DRAFT regulations, should Green Tree Poolopen this year? Only Green Tree residents holding pool passes will be

admitted. No guests - including Green Tree residents not holding passes,and non-residents. Pool passes must be purchased through the Borough

office. Only annual and weekly passes available. Only Green Treeresidents are eligible for pool passes (i.e. a resident cannot purchase apass for a non-resident grandchild). Pool passes will not be sold at poolgate. Social distancing signs will be posted. Entry to pool will remain the

same. Exit will be at the gate adjacent to pump house. Concession standclosed. Drinks and snacks brought from the outside will be allowed. Nopatio tables or chairs will be available. Encouraged to arrive dressed to

swim in order to limit use of locker rooms. Limited use of locker roomshowers. Pool occupancy could be limited in order to maintain proper

social distancing. Lifeguard stands and handrails will be sanitizedregularly. Locker room and restroom facilities will be sanitized regularly.

Answered: 284 Skipped: 0


Open the pool.

Do not openthe pool.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Open the pool.

Do not open the pool.


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1 Guest passes should be allowed 6/1/2020 8:21 PM

2 2 items for consideration. 1- Allow grandparent to purchase passes for non-residentgrandchildren. Only seems right to respect our older residents who now provide childcare fortheir grandkids by allowing them access to the pool. 2. Offer invites to non-residents whopurchased full season passes last year to purchase passes again. That number has to beinsignificant, but represents people who are committed and supporting members of our poolcommunity despite having their pass rate raised to a seemingly unnecessary amount last year. Ipersonally feel strongly about this as I have Non-resident family members who have been aregular part of the pool community over the past several years and have have supported thepool through purchasing passes and shopping at the snack bar. My family is part of what Iwould consider a small group of regulars who attend the pool almost daily. In my experience,except for a handful of days each year, pool attendance is extremely low. Restrictingadmittance to pass holders will drop that even further. Please consider allowing the exceptionfor non-resident who purchased passes last year. I really appreciate the efforts to open our poolthis season. It is a big deal for my kids and family and we would love for it to open. Thank you.

6/1/2020 4:59 PM

3 I would ask that residents can buy a daily pass, not just weekly, please. Thanks 6/1/2020 3:00 PM

4 By sending this survey only to pool pass holders you already skewed the results in favor ofopening the pool, as pool pass holders are the most likely to be passionate about having thepool back this year. Since my home did not receive this survey directly, I would assume you didNOT send it to retirees who have senior lifetime passes. Retirees would be more likely to avoidthe pool during the COVID-19 crisis as the disease is more deadly among that demographic.Looking beyond those two groups, this is a community-wide health issue -- potentially affectingthe spread of Coronavirus throughout the community, not just to people who use the pool. Soany results of this un-scientific survey need to be taken with a grain of salt. Just one infectedperson can turn an open public swimming facility into a local epidemic. This story is a goodrepresentation of what could easily happen here: https://www.kmov.com/news/positive-covid-19-patient-was-at-crowded-lake-of-the-ozarks-bars-over-memorial-day/article_1323619a-a1fe-11ea-a359-3b819511eb8c.html

6/1/2020 2:26 PM

5 Pools are low risk. We need to open the pools. It can be done safely . 6/1/2020 2:04 PM

6 I don't mind if they finally decide to open the pool but I will not go this year. 6/1/2020 12:01 PM

7 Please, open the pool! 6/1/2020 8:43 AM

8 On paper, these draft regulations look great for considering reopening the pool. However, fromwhat I have seen of people over the past weeks, these types of social distancing guidelines areinterpreted very loosely as suggestions only, are not practiced to the intent of the regulations,and are not enforceable. While I would love to see the pool opened, I would not be sufficientlyconfident that these regulations would be followed and would not be comfortable visiting thepool.

6/1/2020 7:07 AM

9 Did not purchase passes last year due to work schedule however this year I would, as I amhome indefinitely.

5/31/2020 11:13 PM

10 I have a senior pass but would like to bring my grandkids who are not residents. 5/31/2020 8:35 PM

11 I do not go to the pool anymore. Management NEVER addressed kids being disrespectful .Splashing others, Running , throwing balls hard around grass area. I got hit a few times. Noneof the Covid rules will be enforced I’m sure.

5/31/2020 5:21 PM

12 Will not buy a pool pass this year 5/31/2020 4:50 PM

13 Open the pool and let everyone decide for themselves if they want to use it. It is time to quittelling everyone what is good for them Give us back our freedom of choice. If you don’t feelsafe, stay home.

5/31/2020 4:46 PM

14 Not too many activies for the children right now. 5/31/2020 4:04 PM

15 I am a non-resident pool season pass holder who grew up in GreenTree. I have purchasednon-resident pool season passes for 10+ years. I think that season passes should be offered toprevious season pass holders, both residents as well as non-residents. The increase in non-resident passes last year were not for a family pass of $260, rather $300 for EACH pass. If wehave been faithful pool season pass holders then why not offer to non-residents this season?

5/31/2020 2:08 PM


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16 I feel this can be done safely. These children really need some type of recreation for thesummer months. Each person can make their own decision if they feel they are at risk they canchoose to stay home. I think we need to get back to some type of normalcy.

5/31/2020 1:43 PM

17 Open the snack bar. 5/31/2020 12:18 PM

18 The people who don’t want the pool open should just stay home if they don’t feel safe. Childrenneed to have activities like swimming. Pool should be open to residents only

5/31/2020 11:45 AM

19 Open the pool and if people do not want to go, they don’t have to. 5/31/2020 11:22 AM

20 I have a senior citizen pass and enjoy using the pool. 5/31/2020 9:41 AM

21 I am a senior citizen resident of Green Tree and have lived here since 1971. I have alwaysenjoyed using the pool and know that it is absolutely necessary to open the pool this year. Ouryoung and senior citizens need to have recreation such as this pool available to enjoy. I believethere is no need to close the pool for the summer.

5/31/2020 9:03 AM

22 If the pool was open this year, I would purchase a pass for our family 5/31/2020 8:20 AM

23 My only question is with these restrictions, can the pool operate in a cost neutral state? If thisscenario makes the pool operation cost the borough huge amounts of money, then I do notthink it should be opened

5/31/2020 8:01 AM

24 I would pay on weekends to go to the pool b/c it was not wise to purchase a pool pass! Asmuch as I would like to get on in life, I am apprehensive about the pool opening. This cannot bean emotional decision-the pool costs the BORO Money to operate. With many businesses notbeing able to pay their share of taxes and with the tax appeals that the BORO lost it might notbe a good idea to open the pool! There are many what if’s: a law suit by a pool patroncontracting COVID19 could be devastating! I grew up in GT and spent my youth at the pooleveryday! My grown children spent their summers at the pool! Do you have adequate staff thatare willing to clean restrooms, hand rails, police the trash from the brought in food, provide firstaid, CPR! Yes the pool is FUN and the best kept secret in GT! But at this time and with manyuncertainties It is not financially responsible for the BORO to operate the pool for 90 days ofsummer! Other local pools (Scott, Mt. Lebo, Crafton, Dormont) have taken a stance b/c ofconcerns of staffing, cleaning, etc. I appreciate you reaching out to all for their input! Good luckin rendering a decision that is good for the entire community!

5/31/2020 12:12 AM

25 There is NO reason not to open the pool. It provides a benefit to many! 5/30/2020 11:57 PM

26 Please open the pool! 5/30/2020 8:58 PM

27 Please Open!!! 5/30/2020 8:44 PM

28 No reason the pool cannot be opened if the governor has given the green light & we putprecautions into place. I have thought for years the pool should be limited to Greentreeresidents so I am fully on board with whatever stipulations need to be put in place. Please openthe pool!

5/30/2020 8:42 PM

29 I don’t understand why this is even a question given the science, the data and where we standtoday - very low risk, green area and also the fact that this is an outdoor activity. All outdoorrecreation should be encouraged.

5/30/2020 7:40 PM

30 I would like to still have the ability to buy guess passes at the boot bldg and so I can bringfamily with me.

5/30/2020 6:42 PM

31 I need a job 5/30/2020 6:32 PM

32 The pool should be opened with the restrictions above! 5/30/2020 5:48 PM

33 What about Senior Passes, I’ve used mine for years, thank you green tree for that benefit 5/30/2020 5:47 PM

34 I have a senior pass. Please open pool. The chances of getting the virus between the sun andpool chemicals. Plus following the guidelines.

5/30/2020 4:26 PM

35 I have been a lifeguard at the pool for the last 2 years and I know that my fellow guards and Iwould really love for the pool to open and we would be prepared to enforce the guidelinesstated above successfully.

5/30/2020 4:18 PM

36 My daughter has been a lifeguard for 2 years at the pool. She will work if the pool opens. Other 5/30/2020 4:06 PM


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lifeguards that she knows are also willing to work and are actually all very eager to work. Thankyou for revisiting the opening of the pool.

37 This sounds like a good idea, 5/30/2020 2:46 PM

38 Even with the limitations, I think the regular users (other than myself) who have bought passesin prior years, would appreciate the pool opening. The life guards would probably appreciatethe income. I think, however, that it is also reasonable to make the opening contingent on Xnumber of passes being pre-sold to make sure there is interest to justify the effort.

5/30/2020 2:37 PM

39 I don’t personally use the pool but my husband and grandkids do. Since he is their babysitterthey look forward to going to the pool during summer break. The kids need something to do.

5/30/2020 2:34 PM

40 As long as the guidelines are strictly enforced and adhered to I think it’s a good idea to openthe pool

5/30/2020 2:28 PM

41 I'm a senior. Those who fell the pool is not safe do not have to go to the pool. I feel that I couldbe safe.

5/30/2020 2:22 PM

42 That list of regulations is an impressive effort to keep us all safe and I applaud that. If we takethat effort just one step further and we arrive at the right thing to do: keep the pool closed forthis year. Thank you for all that you do for Green Tree.

5/30/2020 1:52 PM


5/30/2020 1:45 PM

44 My family visits the pool almost daily during the summer months. Last year my son learned toswim in the Green Tree pool, a skill that all children should learn. Having spoken to many otherresidents, we understand the risks of being in a public place, but these risks can be mitigated ifthe guidelines listed above were followed. Thank youi for reconsidering.

5/30/2020 1:29 PM

45 Why is this survey not on any of the boro's official channels if it is an official survey? Thisseems like a sad attempt to create an argument not grounded in actual public opinion, but aballot box stuffed by friends of David Rea who he knows will support his argument. This is nothow government should be run. Greentree is better than this. Also public opinion doesn't matteras much when safety is at stake. If the boro opens the pool it is as though they are saying thereis no risk which is not the case. I would like to see the boro stand by the good decision theymade to keep the pool closed and keep residents safe and stop wasting time and public fundson things that are bad for its residents.

5/30/2020 1:23 PM

46 Being outside, at a pool with a lot of built in space, which already sees less pools than most inthe area presents plenty of protection for myself and family. I would likely frequent the poolMORE often given these circumstances (Less people and less options for other recreationalactivity) and would absolutely Purchase a pool pass and go often!

5/30/2020 1:18 PM

47 This was already voted on and the arguments for keeping it closed remain the same. Spendsome time thinking about how to help people instead of how to distract or entertain them.

5/30/2020 12:59 PM

48 I am a senior in our Boro so I already have my pass. 5/30/2020 12:57 PM

49 While we'd all love to be doing the fun recreational activities we enjoy, with a global pandemichappening it's just not a smart move to allow reckless risks to take place, and as Art Tintoriarticulated during the last meeting, it's council's responsibility to keep residents safe. It is soupsetting to see parents advocating for irresponsible activities such as opening a pool right nowfor reasons such as they want their kids to have something to do. This represents makinghazardous choices for their children who really can't make those choices for themselves, andit's very disheartening. It was a relief to see the borough make a smart decision, even whensome of its residents aren't able to do the same. As a taxpayer, I would have been extremelyupset to see my tax money support such a risky and unnecessary activity during these times.As the parent of a two-and-a-half year old and another one on the way, we are taking as manyprecautions as we can, and being able to explain to our toddler that things are closed right nowmakes for less arguments, as I'm sure our son would be upset if he saw the pool open and wastold that we can't go there. Please, please do not open the pool this summer.

5/30/2020 12:55 PM

50 Please do not open the pool and put kids who are too young to make their own safety decisionsat risk.

5/30/2020 12:53 PM

51 Safety and health of the residents are much more important than opening the pool. No otherpool in the area (Mt. Lebanon, Dormont, Crafton, Pittsburgh) has been opened, only beaches.

5/30/2020 12:42 PM


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Social distancing and mask wearing cannot be safely maintained at a pool. Kids from differentfamilies will not keep their distance and it will be impossible to determine family units and keepthem separated. The CDC rules for public pools will be difficult, if not impossible, to enforce.And, no, I did not purchase a pool pass last year, but I have a lifetime senior pass, but therewas not a checkbox for that. Also, Green Tree has never sold "weekly passes" for the pool, only"guest passes" for non-resident visitors of residents. It is truly an unsafe measure to open thepool this year.

52 I think the ability to bring 1 family member/guest would be nice, but understand why that mightnot be possible.

5/30/2020 12:34 PM

53 I am concerned about the borough's liability if there are infections. Also, it is too much to expectyoung lifeguards to enforce social distancing. Could private two hour pool parties for boroughresidents of no more than 25 guests be considered? Several parties could be scheduled perday. There are still concerns about liability issues and enforcement, but the adult(s) sponsoringthe party could be held accountable for violations and the party ended if they don't cooperate inenforcing the rules with their guests. A list of guests would be kept, and guests that aren'tobeying the rules would not be permitted to attend another party. This may give the childrensome opportunity to swim this summer and allow better control of the facility. It has thedrawback for children and parents that don't have the social network to organize or be invited toa party. That seems unfair, but I don't an an answer for that.

5/30/2020 12:33 PM

54 One challenge may be keeping distance between younger kids in the pool, maybe addstatement to reinforce parents watching their kids closely to maintain the distance.

5/30/2020 12:00 PM

55 People who are nervous about the virus could choose not to go. 5/30/2020 12:00 PM

56 Pool should have never been up for a vote in the first place.. keep it to Greentree residents onlyshould never ever allow outsiders to use the pool in first place..open it up!!. Kids need to have aplace to bring them back from this mess.

5/30/2020 11:41 AM

57 This issue still needs to be discussed weighing the costs of opening the pool several weekslater in the year. How long it takes to actually open the pool. The pressure that you are puttingon the guards to maintain distancing at the pool. Will police presence be at the pool area attimes? Also, how to address a non Green Tree resident caregiver who cares for a child inGreen Tree and has taken this child to the pool for a number of years.

5/30/2020 11:27 AM

58 With allegheny county going into the green next week there is no reason the pool shouldremain closed. It's full of chlorine for crying out loud. Everything else is opening up at 50%occupancy and I dont see any reason as to why the pool cant do the same

5/30/2020 11:11 AM


5/30/2020 10:13 AM

60 I grew up in GreenTree but do not live there now. I have purchased pool passes for the last 10+years as a non-resident, my children swim for the Great White Sharks swim team. Why limitpasses to only residents when non-resident passes are so much more the money-maker for theborough (as seen in the large rate increase last year?). If we as non-residents are willing to paythe high price for season passes, why not take that money to support the GreenTreecommunity?

5/30/2020 9:59 AM

61 I have bern going to GT pool since I was 5 years old. I think this will definitely work out ifeveryone follows those rules and works together. Looking forward to another great season atGT Pool

5/30/2020 8:49 AM

62 Suggestion: Add lawn “6 feet” indicators to help families setup towels and chairs 6 feet apartfrom each other.

5/30/2020 8:27 AM

63 Edwards’s family says yes!! 5/30/2020 7:25 AM

64 Our children need this physical & emotional outlet for their health and ours. In the long run,even on a limited basis, I truly believe it is worth the effort & expense!

5/30/2020 7:11 AM

65 Great idea. GT residents only with safety guidance in accordance with CDC recommendations. 5/30/2020 6:57 AM

66 I believe the decision to close the pool indefinitely for the entire summer was extremelypremature. A well thought out plan in accordance with regulations and guidance can besuccessfully implemented for risk reduction and attending the pool would be based onindividual choice and acceptance of risk. It is unclear if those opposed to reopening the pool are

5/30/2020 12:07 AM


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waiting for complete elimination of risk for COVID transmission which is highly improbable,even if vaccine etc are developed. Most residents I have discussed this issue with are in favorof opening the pool in some capacity.

67 I would like guests permitted because I enjoyed bringing my grandson swimming last year.Consider like other communities allowing one guest per pass

5/29/2020 11:12 PM

68 I feel it would be difficult to maintain distance once in the water. It would be difficult as far asface coverings while swimming. Also, keeping bodily fluids and mucus from entering the waterwould be hard to do as well. My family loves the pool but I don’t feel it is time to open just yet.

5/29/2020 10:35 PM

69 I am not a resident but have held a pool pass for 11 years. My two children are life guards and Ibelieve that if you take the precautions and practice the social distancing the pool can open. Mythought is have a disclaimer signed by both the employees and pool pass so that you are notliable.

5/29/2020 10:25 PM

70 The kids need somewhere to be this summer. Closing the pool will just lead to kids being boredand getting into trouble.

5/29/2020 9:39 PM

71 I totally support opening the pool and believe the plan in place to manage keeping thecommunity safe is prudent. I live about 1/2 mile from Green Tree pool but my address is inPittsburgh. I have regularly patronized the pool every summer for about 25 years. I purchased apool pass last summer because I was working from home and would swim almost daily. Areyou willing to consider allowing someone like me to buy a pool pass again this summer? If soplease call me at 412-334-4690

5/29/2020 9:13 PM

72 Allowing a resident to sponsor a non resident pass would be helpful for those that have aperson who is a caretaker of their children during the week or a grandparent to accompany afamily to the pool . I realize limiting access to the pool to just greentree residents limits thenumber of people at the pool, but there should be a way for a limited number of non residentsto accompany a resident especially when it involves a person /grandparent/relative thatprovides childcare for a greentree resident family.

5/29/2020 9:05 PM

73 Anyone that bought a pass last year at those outrageous prices should be given the opportunityto buy this year. I’ve lived in Greentree for 40 years and I should be allowed to bring mygrandchildren.

5/29/2020 6:24 PM

74 I think the showers don't need to be open, I used many times in the past years, but I don't thinkthey are necessary to be open this summer.

5/29/2020 6:21 PM

75 This should be modified. Residents should be able to buy daily passes and should be open toKeystone Oaks residents. Older students have friends from all three communities. The olderstudents also have summer commitments, they may not be able to get full use of a seasonpass but still go on occasion.

5/29/2020 5:56 PM

76 Very much would like to see pool open. 5/29/2020 5:31 PM

77 This is an excellent idea. Thanks for asking for our input. 5/29/2020 5:30 PM

78 I would make only toilet and sinks available. No showers or changing areas. Less exposureareas and areas to clean. Some people will still change in the toilet stalls though.

5/29/2020 5:02 PM

79 I would love for it to open but understand that everyone’s safety is the priority. 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

80 Based on the costs associated with opening and operating the pool as presented by theBorough Manager in the last meeting, I would suggest those funds be allocated to the re-hiringof furloughed Borough employees and re-instating police overtime pay before opening the poolis even considered.

5/29/2020 4:51 PM

81 Please hope in the pool I use it everyday can and I want to leave something to Greentree in mywill for its upkeep but I will not if it doesn't stay open and it's not maintained. When I heard itwasn't going to be open I started making plans to sell my house and really want to remain agreentree resident!!! The bottom line is, please open the pool!

5/29/2020 4:45 PM

82 Only annual membership should be sold. No weekly passes should be sold. 5/29/2020 4:39 PM

83 The pool is a service provided by the borough to its residents. As a community we need to getOVER the fact it costs community money. It’s NOT a fundraiser. It’s a comminity identity. Ifpeople want to socially distance that’s fine there is a responsible way to do that. Not openingthe pool is a reflection of people who don’t value it’s true purpose. And quite honestly i find it

5/29/2020 4:36 PM


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lazy on the part of the borough and hiding behind safety. I don’t buy it. I am very appreciative ofthis survey thank you for taking the time to ask residents their opinion. I will absolutely buy apass for my family!

84 Not worth the health risk and no revenue is going to be generated. Wait until next year after wesee how things turn out in other areas that are opening too soon.

5/29/2020 4:32 PM

85 I feel the guidelines you have provided are definitely feasible. There is plenty of space to socialdistance in the grass.

5/29/2020 4:09 PM

86 It would be nice if a grandchild was a loud if the numbers work out for social distancing 5/29/2020 3:54 PM

87 those worried about covid can stay home. Open the pool. 5/29/2020 3:46 PM

88 Please please please open the pool! 5/29/2020 3:38 PM

89 Pool needs to open. Pass holders can be made to sign waiver to protect the Borough 5/29/2020 3:33 PM

90 There are other pools in the area and in other states that are opened and are following the CDCguidelines. I don’t believe that handrails need to be wiped down after every use- just daily orfrequently. Kids and neighbors are already socializing in the neighborhood. So this is goodexercise for them instead of playing inside or on electronics. If there is a lot of interest, perhapshaving a reservation system every 2 hrs so that lots of families could use the pool every day.Maybe this would best on the weekends.

5/29/2020 3:31 PM

91 This is a necessity to our community children. Please open! 5/29/2020 3:17 PM

92 Even before council voted, my family decided not to purchase pool passes this year. Weexplained to our young daughter that it wasn't a safe environment. Our thoughts and feelingshave not changed. Based on what I've seen in the community this far (large groups at thebasketball courts/tennis courts, no mask wearing and people using the playgrounds) I do nothave faith in the staff at the pool and the fellow pool goers to be able to maintain safe socialdistancing and cleanliness practices.

5/29/2020 3:12 PM

93 It seems like these safety measures are reasonable and will allow for much needed recreationfor children and families who are missing friends, playgrounds, school and other play facilities.This would be a compassionate move*

5/29/2020 3:12 PM

94 but only if you have the personnel, the authorities, monitoring and courage to carryout thespecific and critical controls to manage people, children who may not recall or strictly commit tothe serious attention and respect for the regulations and to match their behavior to theregulations.

5/29/2020 3:10 PM

95 People are capable of maintaining distance from others. 5/29/2020 3:09 PM

96 The pool is one of the greatest assets of living in this borough. If it can be done safely I'd love tosee the pool open and I will swim.

5/29/2020 3:08 PM

97 We agree with all guidelines to open the pool. 5/29/2020 3:02 PM

98 I believe there should be extreme limited use even by pass holders. I would limit admittance fargreater than government standards to ensure safety.

5/29/2020 3:02 PM

99 We strongly agree to opening the pool !!! 5/29/2020 2:58 PM

100 All for it. We can so it safely with the restrictions you mentioned in the survey. 5/29/2020 2:56 PM

101 The pool has no adult management. The safety features will never be upheld. Most parents ofolder children send their children unsupervised. You will never be able to check the validity ofpeoples claims that they are legal residents of the boro. Everyone will say they forgot their IDand the 15year old working the gate will allow entrance. If Dormont keeps their pool closedgreen tree needs to follow.

5/29/2020 2:53 PM

102 If locker rooms have minimal use and people bring their own food this should minimize thechance of spreading viruses. Perhaps it would also be good to take temperatures of residentsthat are coming in the pool and if that person has an elevated temperature they will beinstructed to go home.

5/29/2020 2:53 PM

103 A few additional questions to consider: 1. Will swim lessons be offered in some capacity? 2.Will private parties be an option (within CDC guidelines re: number of attendees)? 3. Could weconsider opening at 11, rather than 12, to create more opportunity for people to come if a

5/29/2020 2:51 PM


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decision is made to limit pool occupancy? 4. Will the slide and/or diving board be open? Thanksfor asking for community feedback!

104 Thank you for considering re-opening the pool. While safety will always be a concern, cancelingeverything so quickly was not in the best interests of the community. Just two comments: 1.Because so many younger members have close friends in Dormont and Castle Shannon, Iwouldn’t be opposed to offering passes to those residents, but if that is not an option, the aboveproposal would be good. 2. I think having the concession stand open, even if with limited items,would be fine and could be done so with safety in mind. (Just thinking of all the teens who hadhoped to work there over the summer.) Once again, thank you for sending out this survey andasking the residents their thoughts.

5/29/2020 2:48 PM

105 Children in this community need the pool opened and something fun to look forward to everyday.

5/29/2020 2:48 PM

106 Open the pool but later in the season after the effects of moving to green and relaxing socialdistancing requirements are better known.

5/29/2020 2:46 PM

107 This should be an option for those who want it. Those who don’t want to use the pool are free tostay home. I would like the freedom to swim with these precautions.

5/29/2020 2:43 PM

108 The kids need a way to safely socialize after being cooped up without their teachers andclassmates for more than 2 months. It's imperative for their mental and emotional well-being tohave outside interactions with other kids/adults with whom they are familiar with but maybe notenough for their parents to be scheduling playdates. Thank you fur your consideration!

5/29/2020 2:38 PM

109 Yes please!!! 5/29/2020 2:38 PM

110 With proper restrictions we believe the pool should be opened. We would be comfortablesigning a covid-19 waiver in the same manor that real estate is using such waivers for showinghouses. The pool was rarely overcrowded last summer and if the same amount ofmemberships are sold social distancing should not be a challenge. Anyone attending the poolunder your pla. Would be aware of the risk and happy to go.

5/29/2020 2:37 PM

111 If I can’t bring my grandkids (who are non residents), then keep it closed. 5/29/2020 2:36 PM

112 Those are great and fair regulations, Please open the pool! 5/29/2020 2:34 PM


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Q1 What is your name and address?Answered: 284 Skipped: 0





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Phone Number


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1 Angela Bonini 6/1/2020 9:35 PM

2 Jaycie Adamski 6/1/2020 8:21 PM

3 Valerie Cross 6/1/2020 8:20 PM

4 Melissa lancia 6/1/2020 7:14 PM

5 Peter Haywiser 6/1/2020 6:16 PM

6 Peter Garretson 6/1/2020 4:59 PM

7 Ashlee 6/1/2020 3:00 PM

8 Don Gawryla 6/1/2020 2:26 PM

9 Jennifer Mentz 6/1/2020 2:04 PM

10 Frank Fingers 6/1/2020 1:22 PM

11 Yidong Mao 6/1/2020 12:01 PM

12 Gina McCafferty 6/1/2020 9:10 AM

13 Mel 6/1/2020 8:59 AM

14 Inga Baravik 6/1/2020 8:43 AM

15 Jason Robosky 6/1/2020 7:07 AM

16 Marisa Kopas 5/31/2020 11:13 PM

17 Russ & Shannon Barron 5/31/2020 9:39 PM

18 Paul Wren 5/31/2020 8:35 PM

19 Kylee Gavlik 5/31/2020 7:28 PM

20 Linda Diskin 5/31/2020 6:07 PM

21 Beverly Brown 5/31/2020 6:00 PM

22 Tricia Barilla 5/31/2020 5:22 PM

23 Jennifer Dinovitz 5/31/2020 5:21 PM

24 Dana Leung 5/31/2020 4:50 PM

25 Bill 5/31/2020 4:46 PM

26 Janelle Kennedy 5/31/2020 4:08 PM

27 Lou boettner 5/31/2020 4:04 PM

28 Brian shipper 5/31/2020 4:01 PM

29 Joyce 5/31/2020 3:58 PM

30 Joe Smith 5/31/2020 3:47 PM

31 Tom Davis 5/31/2020 3:24 PM

32 Paula Barlock 5/31/2020 2:43 PM

33 Regina 5/31/2020 2:16 PM

34 Melissa Munnell 5/31/2020 2:08 PM

35 Stanley Fischer 5/31/2020 2:07 PM

36 Bill & Fran Irvine 5/31/2020 1:43 PM

37 Jack LaQuatra 5/31/2020 12:18 PM


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38 Pat L 5/31/2020 11:53 AM

39 Joy Manslow 5/31/2020 11:45 AM

40 Amanda Barilla 5/31/2020 11:22 AM

41 Ruth Schultz 5/31/2020 11:18 AM

42 Cailin 5/31/2020 10:48 AM

43 kelley perry 5/31/2020 9:46 AM

44 Lynn Michalek 5/31/2020 9:41 AM

45 Jim Eaborn 5/31/2020 9:19 AM

46 Joseph S. Tortorea 5/31/2020 9:03 AM

47 Jessica Santillo 5/31/2020 8:52 AM

48 Melissa Sprankle 5/31/2020 8:20 AM

49 Annie Fithen 5/31/2020 8:14 AM

50 Lynne Zapadka 5/31/2020 8:03 AM

51 Chelsey LaQuatra 5/31/2020 8:02 AM

52 Sarah Thurston 5/31/2020 8:01 AM

53 Stacey Roberts 5/31/2020 7:04 AM

54 David 5/31/2020 5:09 AM

55 Tami Foley 5/31/2020 12:47 AM

56 Diane Coombs 5/31/2020 12:12 AM

57 Kim Malesky 5/30/2020 11:58 PM

58 Lorie Berrick 5/30/2020 11:57 PM

59 Tera Psomas 5/30/2020 11:15 PM

60 Bret Cunningham 5/30/2020 10:53 PM

61 Terri Molnar 5/30/2020 10:06 PM

62 Allie schlafman 5/30/2020 9:54 PM

63 Lisa 5/30/2020 9:45 PM

64 Andra Mooney 5/30/2020 8:58 PM

65 Patti 5/30/2020 8:47 PM

66 Lisa Alward 5/30/2020 8:44 PM

67 Allison Bean 5/30/2020 8:42 PM

68 Beverly Saulnier 5/30/2020 7:40 PM

69 Jeanine Ryan 5/30/2020 7:22 PM

70 Arleen Hobaugh 5/30/2020 7:15 PM

71 Donda Snell 5/30/2020 6:42 PM

72 mary duffy 5/30/2020 6:32 PM

73 Gabrielle Davis 5/30/2020 6:07 PM

74 Lori 5/30/2020 6:05 PM

75 Kimberly Rojas 5/30/2020 5:56 PM


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76 David Gerlach 5/30/2020 5:54 PM

77 Karen Cimino 5/30/2020 5:48 PM

78 Bob Serakowski 5/30/2020 5:47 PM

79 Tara Wockenfuss 5/30/2020 5:40 PM

80 Tom Davis 5/30/2020 5:38 PM

81 Marilyn Obiecunas 5/30/2020 5:25 PM

82 meredith stewart 5/30/2020 5:12 PM

83 Brian Mathie 5/30/2020 5:11 PM

84 Samantha OBrien 5/30/2020 5:07 PM

85 Lisa Alward 5/30/2020 5:01 PM

86 Brian Mathie 5/30/2020 4:52 PM

87 Dorothy Heinz 5/30/2020 4:47 PM

88 Helen Salamon 5/30/2020 4:26 PM

89 Dani Sakulsky 5/30/2020 4:18 PM

90 Jen Sakulsky 5/30/2020 4:06 PM

91 MaryAnn Compomizzi 5/30/2020 4:03 PM

92 Gary White 5/30/2020 3:20 PM

93 Debbie McGinnis 5/30/2020 3:17 PM

94 John erdely 5/30/2020 3:00 PM

95 David Schmid 5/30/2020 2:46 PM

96 Donna Erdely 5/30/2020 2:40 PM

97 Francis soen 5/30/2020 2:37 PM

98 Jodi Thomas 5/30/2020 2:34 PM

99 Kayla Brownlee 5/30/2020 2:28 PM

100 Elaine coppler 5/30/2020 2:28 PM

101 Joyce Nolte 5/30/2020 2:22 PM

102 Susan Trebilcock 5/30/2020 2:18 PM

103 Devin Rosato 5/30/2020 2:15 PM

104 John S. 5/30/2020 1:52 PM

105 GABBIE 5/30/2020 1:45 PM

106 Aaron Colf 5/30/2020 1:29 PM

107 James 5/30/2020 1:23 PM

108 Amanda OFarrell 5/30/2020 1:21 PM

109 Dan eichinger 5/30/2020 1:18 PM

110 Kirsten 5/30/2020 1:10 PM

111 Debra Farrier 5/30/2020 1:00 PM

112 Scott Trowbridge 5/30/2020 12:59 PM

113 JoAnn Connolly 5/30/2020 12:57 PM


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114 Stacey Cleary 5/30/2020 12:56 PM

115 Ken and Diane Mutchler 5/30/2020 12:56 PM

116 Laura Norwicke 5/30/2020 12:55 PM

117 Ryan 5/30/2020 12:53 PM

118 Kelly Bittner 5/30/2020 12:53 PM

119 Debbie Gawryla 5/30/2020 12:42 PM

120 Mary Beth Kenny 5/30/2020 12:34 PM

121 Cynthia Murray (Turocy Family) 5/30/2020 12:33 PM

122 Sarah Foti 5/30/2020 12:30 PM

123 Tom Santillo 5/30/2020 12:16 PM

124 Ed ODonnell 5/30/2020 12:05 PM

125 Dana White 5/30/2020 12:05 PM

126 Lindsey Brennan 5/30/2020 12:03 PM

127 Kelly Connolly 5/30/2020 12:02 PM

128 Kevin schwartz 5/30/2020 12:00 PM

129 Janeen Ferguson 5/30/2020 12:00 PM

130 Kenneth Nolte 5/30/2020 11:58 AM

131 Tracie Tarr 5/30/2020 11:57 AM

132 Carol Horgan 5/30/2020 11:53 AM

133 Cassy Rosato 5/30/2020 11:52 AM

134 Cathy Turner 5/30/2020 11:43 AM

135 Paula Barlock 5/30/2020 11:41 AM

136 Marsha Kirley 5/30/2020 11:33 AM

137 Stacy Palmer 5/30/2020 11:31 AM

138 Jaclyn Walsh 5/30/2020 11:30 AM

139 Cheryl Kocay 5/30/2020 11:27 AM

140 Steve Psomas 5/30/2020 11:21 AM

141 lindsey perry 5/30/2020 11:19 AM

142 Alexis Pierce 5/30/2020 11:15 AM

143 Joshua Watson 5/30/2020 11:11 AM

144 Makenzi Henefeld 5/30/2020 11:03 AM

145 Caitlin Lucas 5/30/2020 11:01 AM

146 Amanda McGrath 5/30/2020 10:59 AM

147 Jessica Eberlein 5/30/2020 10:58 AM

148 Elissa Bryan 5/30/2020 10:49 AM

149 Randi Daffner 5/30/2020 10:35 AM

150 Roy Humphrey 5/30/2020 10:22 AM

151 Walter Jandrasits 5/30/2020 10:16 AM


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152 FREDERICK ZINGER 5/30/2020 10:13 AM

153 Melissa Munnell 5/30/2020 9:59 AM

154 Brian Dolan 5/30/2020 9:54 AM

155 Eugene Barilla 5/30/2020 9:47 AM

156 Gina Dedig 5/30/2020 9:40 AM

157 Nancy Psomas 5/30/2020 9:26 AM

158 Jessica Wadowsky 5/30/2020 9:06 AM

159 Jason Swiech 5/30/2020 9:06 AM

160 Lisa Gray 5/30/2020 9:03 AM

161 Gwen Kvederis 5/30/2020 8:54 AM

162 Sharon davis 5/30/2020 8:49 AM

163 Jessica Cagle 5/30/2020 8:34 AM

164 Ed Scott 5/30/2020 8:27 AM

165 Jaime ReA 5/30/2020 8:23 AM

166 Beth Robosky 5/30/2020 8:23 AM

167 Celly Surmacz 5/30/2020 8:11 AM

168 Jocelyn Fani 5/30/2020 8:10 AM

169 Hannah DeWeese 5/30/2020 8:10 AM

170 Alexandra shipper 5/30/2020 7:46 AM

171 Cara Piaggesi 5/30/2020 7:40 AM

172 Todd Schrader 5/30/2020 7:25 AM

173 Jennifer Edwards 5/30/2020 7:25 AM

174 Terry 5/30/2020 7:11 AM

175 Bryan Clinton 5/30/2020 7:08 AM

176 James McGuire 5/30/2020 7:06 AM

177 Janice Adamski 5/30/2020 7:04 AM

178 Anna Nicka 5/30/2020 6:57 AM

179 Thomas Velto 5/30/2020 6:57 AM

180 Joe Tortorea 5/30/2020 6:55 AM

181 Victoria Diaz 5/30/2020 6:13 AM

182 Janice Adamski 5/30/2020 5:21 AM

183 Jessica Smith 5/30/2020 12:14 AM

184 Robert Kozarian 5/30/2020 12:07 AM

185 Sheila Ladner 5/29/2020 11:35 PM

186 Andrews 5/29/2020 11:28 PM

187 Brenda Briley 5/29/2020 11:12 PM

188 La Tasha Chomba 5/29/2020 10:35 PM

189 Paula Duffy 5/29/2020 10:25 PM


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190 Ashley Rieg 5/29/2020 9:39 PM

191 Tracy Coyne 5/29/2020 9:13 PM

192 Larissa 5/29/2020 9:05 PM

193 Kari Penascino 5/29/2020 8:54 PM

194 Heather LeVeck 5/29/2020 7:32 PM

195 Wendy Buckley 5/29/2020 7:17 PM

196 Sabina Hosko 5/29/2020 6:43 PM

197 Elizabeth Mary 5/29/2020 6:36 PM

198 Mary gunshall 5/29/2020 6:24 PM

199 Carol Paul 5/29/2020 6:21 PM

200 Luke O’Brien 5/29/2020 5:56 PM

201 Maryellen Moorehead 5/29/2020 5:56 PM

202 Ann Marze 5/29/2020 5:53 PM

203 Patricia Wilhelm 5/29/2020 5:43 PM

204 Emily Lottes 5/29/2020 5:42 PM

205 Schneider Family 5/29/2020 5:31 PM

206 Michael Rittler 5/29/2020 5:30 PM

207 Jennifer 5/29/2020 5:30 PM

208 Mary Nagorski 5/29/2020 5:27 PM

209 Vera Agnew 5/29/2020 5:25 PM

210 Jen Yim 5/29/2020 5:24 PM

211 Mark Kaufman 5/29/2020 5:19 PM

212 Carolyn Gimigliano 5/29/2020 5:17 PM

213 Gdovic 5/29/2020 5:14 PM

214 Lindsay Anderson 5/29/2020 5:11 PM

215 Barb Grabowski 5/29/2020 5:02 PM

216 Jodi 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

217 Meg Colf 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

218 Terri Reidell 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

219 Paul O'Donnell 5/29/2020 4:51 PM

220 Dawn christy 5/29/2020 4:48 PM

221 KATHLEEN STEWART 5/29/2020 4:45 PM

222 Roxanne Boyer 5/29/2020 4:39 PM

223 Colleen Tortorella 5/29/2020 4:36 PM

224 Duane Zaborowski 5/29/2020 4:32 PM

225 Jason Chippich 5/29/2020 4:31 PM

226 Michele Rea 5/29/2020 4:23 PM

227 Claire Beezhold 5/29/2020 4:23 PM


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228 Tammy Feeney 5/29/2020 4:09 PM

229 Erin Bosniak 5/29/2020 4:07 PM

230 JohnDalessandro 5/29/2020 3:54 PM

231 Tracee Burrell 5/29/2020 3:49 PM

232 Kate Kucinic 5/29/2020 3:47 PM

233 Jennifer Psomas 5/29/2020 3:47 PM

234 Teresa Fuchs 5/29/2020 3:46 PM

235 Cindy Gaynard 5/29/2020 3:39 PM

236 Susan Wuenstel 5/29/2020 3:38 PM

237 Shirley Popovich 5/29/2020 3:33 PM

238 Ann Pfeufer 5/29/2020 3:31 PM

239 Erin Altenbaugh 5/29/2020 3:30 PM

240 Kelly McKeen 5/29/2020 3:21 PM

241 Marlene Bertiaux 5/29/2020 3:20 PM

242 Michelle Shuey 5/29/2020 3:18 PM

243 Kara Martorella 5/29/2020 3:17 PM

244 Krystle granite 5/29/2020 3:14 PM

245 Robert Flynn 5/29/2020 3:12 PM

246 Jennifer Houtz 5/29/2020 3:12 PM

247 Rachel Velto 5/29/2020 3:12 PM

248 Jill Garcia 5/29/2020 3:11 PM

249 Jessie VanSwearingen 5/29/2020 3:10 PM

250 Robert Collins 5/29/2020 3:09 PM

251 Kenneth Nolte 5/29/2020 3:08 PM

252 Amy Bittner 5/29/2020 3:07 PM

253 Valerie Bochicchio 5/29/2020 3:03 PM

254 Lynne and David Nestler 5/29/2020 3:02 PM

255 Kathryn Ross 5/29/2020 3:02 PM

256 Amber Shaffer 5/29/2020 2:59 PM

257 Jamie Barbin 5/29/2020 2:58 PM

258 Jenna Clinton 5/29/2020 2:58 PM

259 Joseph Lombardo 5/29/2020 2:56 PM

260 Jen Mathie 5/29/2020 2:55 PM

261 Lori O'Toole 5/29/2020 2:53 PM

262 Phyllis Timbario 5/29/2020 2:53 PM

263 Jessica Swiech 5/29/2020 2:52 PM

264 Kristen Knouff 5/29/2020 2:51 PM

265 Kristy Jandrasits 5/29/2020 2:51 PM


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266 Cheryl Bonds 5/29/2020 2:50 PM

267 Melissa Stump 5/29/2020 2:48 PM

268 Cynthia Keefer 5/29/2020 2:48 PM

269 Juline Babajanov 5/29/2020 2:48 PM

270 Mark Hensler 5/29/2020 2:46 PM

271 Diona Mower 5/29/2020 2:43 PM

272 Shannon Stahl 5/29/2020 2:41 PM

273 Lisa Verbene 5/29/2020 2:39 PM

274 Jessica Wadowsky 5/29/2020 2:38 PM

275 Nina Nelson 5/29/2020 2:38 PM

276 Shelby Misencik 5/29/2020 2:37 PM

277 Emily and Kevin Schwartz 5/29/2020 2:37 PM

278 Jaclyn Mcdine 5/29/2020 2:37 PM

279 Jackie Thomas 5/29/2020 2:36 PM

280 Casey Stewart 5/29/2020 2:35 PM

281 Lisa Kaminski 5/29/2020 2:34 PM

282 Jess Tsangaris 5/29/2020 2:33 PM

283 Jenn Altenbaugh 5/29/2020 2:33 PM

284 Jaime Rea 5/29/2020 2:32 PM


There are no responses.


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10 / 26


1 22 Robinhood road pgh pa 15220 6/1/2020 9:35 PM

2 1134 Greenlawn Drive 6/1/2020 8:21 PM

3 44 w. Manilla Ave 6/1/2020 8:20 PM

4 1192 Hillcrest 6/1/2020 7:14 PM

5 151 Arla Dr 6/1/2020 6:16 PM

6 1163 Tranter Ave 6/1/2020 4:59 PM

7 181 W. MANILLA Ave 6/1/2020 3:00 PM

8 1105 Greenlawn Drive 6/1/2020 2:26 PM

9 74 Victoria Circle, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 6/1/2020 2:04 PM

10 1183 School St. Pittsburgh PA 15205 6/1/2020 1:22 PM

11 1040 Greenlawn drive 6/1/2020 12:01 PM

12 146 Sheldon Avenue 6/1/2020 9:10 AM

13 Green tree 6/1/2020 8:59 AM

14 128 Sheldon ave ,Pittsburgh 15220 6/1/2020 8:43 AM

15 1018 Dale Dr 6/1/2020 7:07 AM

16 1142 Glencoe Avenue 5/31/2020 11:13 PM

17 8 Pocono Drive 5/31/2020 9:39 PM

18 1119 Glencoe Ave 5/31/2020 8:35 PM

19 162 Sheldon Ave 5/31/2020 7:28 PM

20 33 Rhodes Avenue 5/31/2020 6:07 PM

21 215 OakBrook Circle 5/31/2020 6:00 PM

22 231 Sheldon Avenue 5/31/2020 5:22 PM

23 1174 Greentree road 5/31/2020 5:21 PM

24 1001 Avacoll Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15220 5/31/2020 4:50 PM

25 Irvine 5/31/2020 4:46 PM

26 1016 Avacoll Drive 5/31/2020 4:08 PM

27 228 parkedge rd. 5/31/2020 4:04 PM

28 36 Rhodes avenue 5/31/2020 4:01 PM

29 Schmid 5/31/2020 3:58 PM

30 589 Manila Ave 5/31/2020 3:47 PM

31 1049 Mckenna Avenue 5/31/2020 3:24 PM

32 204 Sheldon ave 5/31/2020 2:43 PM

33 1379 Glencoe Ave 5/31/2020 2:16 PM

34 1034 lowenhill ave 5/31/2020 2:08 PM

35 1381 Glencoe Ave. 5/31/2020 2:07 PM

36 127 Evandale Dr 5/31/2020 1:43 PM

37 275 Parkedge Road 5/31/2020 12:18 PM


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38 105 Susan dr 5/31/2020 11:53 AM

39 115 Leon Road 5/31/2020 11:45 AM

40 159 Shiela Dr Pittsburgh pa 15220 5/31/2020 11:22 AM

41 11 Leon Road 5/31/2020 11:18 AM

42 127 Evandale Dr. Pgh PA 15220 5/31/2020 10:48 AM

43 164 parkedge road 5/31/2020 9:46 AM

44 136 Susan Dr. 5/31/2020 9:41 AM

45 1075 Tomaino Dr. 15220 5/31/2020 9:19 AM

46 62 West Manilla Avenue 5/31/2020 9:03 AM

47 189 Sheldon Ave Pittsburgh Pa 15220 5/31/2020 8:52 AM

48 1020 Avacoll Drive 5/31/2020 8:20 AM

49 1451 Glencoe Ave 5/31/2020 8:14 AM

50 186 Sheldon Avenue 5/31/2020 8:03 AM

51 275 Parkedge Rd 5/31/2020 8:02 AM

52 1022 Avacoll Dr 5/31/2020 8:01 AM

53 [email protected] 5/31/2020 7:04 AM

54 Nestler 5/31/2020 5:09 AM

55 113 Sheldon Ave 5/31/2020 12:47 AM

56 272 Ringold Avenue 5/31/2020 12:12 AM

57 208 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 11:58 PM

58 1180 Greentree Road 5/30/2020 11:57 PM

59 102 Rothesay 5/30/2020 11:15 PM

60 214 Arla Dr 5/30/2020 10:53 PM

61 1151 Greenridge Lane 5/30/2020 10:06 PM

62 2160 Greentree road 5/30/2020 9:54 PM

63 1383 Glencoe Ave 5/30/2020 9:45 PM

64 108 Bergen Place 5/30/2020 8:58 PM

65 Zanetta 5/30/2020 8:47 PM

66 160 W Manilla 5/30/2020 8:44 PM

67 24 Robinhood Road 5/30/2020 8:42 PM

68 98 Poplar Street 5/30/2020 7:40 PM

69 890 Greentree Road Pittsburgh pa 15220 5/30/2020 7:22 PM

70 1327 Spreading Oak Drive 5/30/2020 7:15 PM

71 1084A Greenlawn drive 5/30/2020 6:42 PM

72 713 reamer drive carnegie pa 15106 5/30/2020 6:32 PM

73 1049 McKenna Avenue 5/30/2020 6:07 PM

74 [email protected] 5/30/2020 6:05 PM

75 201 Hawthorne St 5/30/2020 5:56 PM


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76 962 Glencoe Ave 5/30/2020 5:54 PM

77 225 Arla Drive 5/30/2020 5:48 PM

78 1083 Greenlawn Dr 5/30/2020 5:47 PM

79 1027 Greenlawn Dr 5/30/2020 5:40 PM

80 1049 Mckenna Avenue 5/30/2020 5:38 PM

81 8 Potomac ave 5/30/2020 5:25 PM

82 266 woodridge drive 5/30/2020 5:12 PM

83 1013 Dale Drive 5/30/2020 5:11 PM

84 237 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 5:07 PM

85 160 west manilla avenue 5/30/2020 5:01 PM

86 1013 Dale Drive 5/30/2020 4:52 PM

87 212 5/30/2020 4:47 PM

88 109 West Manilla Avenue 5/30/2020 4:26 PM

89 109 east Manilla ave 5/30/2020 4:18 PM

90 109 East Manilla Ave 5/30/2020 4:06 PM

91 312 Veri Dr 5/30/2020 4:03 PM

92 105 West Manila 5/30/2020 3:20 PM

93 106 Kenmore Place 5/30/2020 3:17 PM

94 126 evandale dr pgh. P a. 15220 5/30/2020 3:00 PM

95 84 West Manilla 5/30/2020 2:46 PM

96 126 Evandale Drive 5/30/2020 2:40 PM

97 8 Leon Road 5/30/2020 2:37 PM

98 1254 Glencoe Ave 5/30/2020 2:34 PM

99 1005 Avacoll drive 5/30/2020 2:28 PM

100 57 Rhodes ave 5/30/2020 2:28 PM

101 162 Parkedge rd 5/30/2020 2:22 PM

102 7west Manilla Ave 5/30/2020 2:18 PM

103 2445 Pin Oak Place 5/30/2020 2:15 PM

104 Sheldon 5/30/2020 1:52 PM

105 GLENCOE AVE 5/30/2020 1:45 PM

106 105 Sheldon Avenue 5/30/2020 1:29 PM

107 Arla Drive 5/30/2020 1:23 PM

108 318 Veri Drive 5/30/2020 1:21 PM

109 1150 tranter Ave 5/30/2020 1:18 PM

110 273 Parkedge Road 5/30/2020 1:10 PM

111 232 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 1:00 PM

112 159 Parkedge Road 5/30/2020 12:59 PM

113 123 Kenmore PlCe 5/30/2020 12:57 PM


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114 1016 Dale Drive 5/30/2020 12:56 PM

115 193 Parkedge Road 5/30/2020 12:56 PM

116 161 Parkedge Road 5/30/2020 12:55 PM

117 161 Parkedge Road 5/30/2020 12:53 PM

118 1126 Hillsview Terrace Pgh Pa 15220 5/30/2020 12:53 PM

119 1105 Greenlawn Drive 5/30/2020 12:42 PM

120 1036 Norsis Drive 5/30/2020 12:34 PM

121 194 Sheldon Avenue 5/30/2020 12:33 PM

122 1130 Hillsview Terrace 5/30/2020 12:30 PM

123 189 Sheldon Avenue 5/30/2020 12:16 PM

124 1056 Arbor Drive 5/30/2020 12:05 PM

125 105 West Manilla Ave. Pgh, PA 15220 5/30/2020 12:05 PM

126 1180 Greentree road 5/30/2020 12:03 PM

127 123 Kenmore Place 5/30/2020 12:02 PM

128 40 warriors rd 5/30/2020 12:00 PM

129 1003 Dale dr 5/30/2020 12:00 PM

130 162 parkedge 5/30/2020 11:58 AM

131 150 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 11:57 AM

132 1052 Greenlawn Drive 5/30/2020 11:53 AM

133 2445 Pin Oak Place 5/30/2020 11:52 AM

134 66 Clifford Drive, pgh Pa 15220 5/30/2020 11:43 AM

135 204 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 11:41 AM

136 213 Silver Oak Drive 5/30/2020 11:33 AM

137 109 Hanover pl 5/30/2020 11:31 AM

138 130 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 11:30 AM

139 2 Trailvue Drive 15220 5/30/2020 11:27 AM

140 110 Ringold Avenue 5/30/2020 11:21 AM

141 164 sheldon ave 5/30/2020 11:19 AM

142 107 Ringold Avenue, Pgh, Pa 15205 5/30/2020 11:15 AM

143 15 leon road 5/30/2020 11:11 AM

144 149 Arla Drive 5/30/2020 11:03 AM

145 105 Susan drive 5/30/2020 11:01 AM

146 994 el rancho dr 5/30/2020 10:59 AM

147 171 arla drive 5/30/2020 10:58 AM

148 1190 Hillcrest Avenue 5/30/2020 10:49 AM

149 1120 greenridge lane 5/30/2020 10:35 AM

150 1040 Norsis Drive 5/30/2020 10:22 AM

151 96 Ringold Ave 5/30/2020 10:16 AM


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152 133 SHELDON AVE 5/30/2020 10:13 AM

153 1034 lowenhill ave 5/30/2020 9:59 AM

154 199 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 9:54 AM

155 231 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 9:47 AM

156 7 Elmhurst Road 5/30/2020 9:40 AM

157 185 Kenmore Place 5/30/2020 9:26 AM

158 846 Rocklyn Drive 5/30/2020 9:06 AM

159 1002 El Rancho Drive 5/30/2020 9:06 AM

160 105 Evandale Dr, 15220 5/30/2020 9:03 AM

161 1108 Glencoe Avenue 5/30/2020 8:54 AM

162 1049 McKenna ave 5/30/2020 8:49 AM

163 183 Sheldon Ave 5/30/2020 8:34 AM

164 1325 Glencoe Ave. 5/30/2020 8:27 AM

165 33 Elmhurst rd 5/30/2020 8:23 AM

166 [email protected] 5/30/2020 8:23 AM

167 1084 Greenlawn Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 5/30/2020 8:11 AM

168 215 Silver Oak Dr 5/30/2020 8:10 AM

169 1131 Greentree Road 5/30/2020 8:10 AM

170 36 Rhodes avenue 5/30/2020 7:46 AM

171 256 Banbury Ln 5/30/2020 7:40 AM

172 87 Poplar St. 5/30/2020 7:25 AM

173 5 Robinhood road 5/30/2020 7:25 AM

174 Muffi 5/30/2020 7:11 AM

175 1104 Glencoe Ave Pittsburgh PA 15220 5/30/2020 7:08 AM

176 163 Sheldon Av 15220 5/30/2020 7:06 AM

177 1134 Greenlawn 5/30/2020 7:04 AM

178 1095 Tomaino dr 5/30/2020 6:57 AM

179 96 E Manilla Ave 5/30/2020 6:57 AM

180 20 Clearview Drive 5/30/2020 6:55 AM

181 886 Heckler Drive 5/30/2020 6:13 AM

182 1134 Greenlawn 5/30/2020 5:21 AM

183 49 RHODES Ave 5/30/2020 12:14 AM

184 43 Rhodes Avenue 5/30/2020 12:07 AM

185 138 Sheldon Avenue 5/29/2020 11:35 PM

186 54 West Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 11:28 PM

187 1165 Greenridge Lane 5/29/2020 11:12 PM

188 66 W Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 10:35 PM

189 713 Reamer Drive 5/29/2020 10:25 PM


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190 68 w manilla ave 5/29/2020 9:39 PM

191 1433 Willoughby St Pittsburgh PA 15205 5/29/2020 9:13 PM

192 241 silver oak drive 5/29/2020 9:05 PM

193 116 Rhodes Avenue 5/29/2020 8:54 PM

194 115 Rothesay Ave., Carnegie, PA 15106 5/29/2020 7:32 PM

195 190 Sheldon Ave 5/29/2020 7:17 PM

196 9 Terrace Drive 15205 5/29/2020 6:43 PM

197 1208 School Street 5/29/2020 6:36 PM

198 212east elmhurst 5/29/2020 6:24 PM

199 95 East Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 6:21 PM

200 152 Sheldon avenue 5/29/2020 5:56 PM

201 79 West Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 5:56 PM

202 1115 Greenlawn drive 15220 5/29/2020 5:53 PM

203 151 Parkedge Road Pgh PA 15220 5/29/2020 5:43 PM

204 84 E Manilla Avenue 5/29/2020 5:42 PM

205 1000 Glencoe Ave 5/29/2020 5:31 PM

206 1036 Glencoe Ave 5/29/2020 5:30 PM

207 Meloy 5/29/2020 5:30 PM

208 897 Cherry Street 5/29/2020 5:27 PM

209 208 Silver Oak Drive Pittsburgh PA 15220 5/29/2020 5:25 PM

210 70 W Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 5:24 PM

211 100 Churchill Road 5/29/2020 5:19 PM

212 204 Arla drive 5/29/2020 5:17 PM

213 10 Crestmont Drive 5/29/2020 5:14 PM

214 11 Terrace Dr 5/29/2020 5:11 PM

215 45 Pocono Dr 5/29/2020 5:02 PM

216 81 Clifford Drive 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

217 105 Sheldon Ave 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

218 47 W Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

219 103 W Manilla Ave 15220 5/29/2020 4:51 PM

220 1091 tomaino dr 5/29/2020 4:48 PM

221 266 WOODRIDGE DRIVE 5/29/2020 4:45 PM

222 184Arla Drive 5/29/2020 4:39 PM

223 184 Sheldon 5/29/2020 4:36 PM

224 6 Trailvue Dr 5/29/2020 4:32 PM

225 171 Sheldon Ave 5/29/2020 4:31 PM

226 16 Crestmont Dr 5/29/2020 4:23 PM

227 55 Rhodes Ave. 5/29/2020 4:09 PM


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228 110 west Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 4:07 PM

229 174 Parkedge 5/29/2020 3:54 PM

230 28 Elmhurst road 5/29/2020 3:49 PM

231 3 Pocono Drive 5/29/2020 3:47 PM

232 110 Ringold Ave 5/29/2020 3:47 PM

233 1219 Akehurst Road 5/29/2020 3:46 PM

234 85 w manilla ave 5/29/2020 3:39 PM

235 105 Bergen Place 5/29/2020 3:38 PM

236 1005 Glencoe Avenue 5/29/2020 3:33 PM

237 122 West Manilla Avenue 5/29/2020 3:31 PM

238 [email protected] 5/29/2020 3:30 PM

239 82 E Manilla ave 5/29/2020 3:21 PM

240 53 Terrace Dr 5/29/2020 3:20 PM

241 1049 Greenlawn Dr 5/29/2020 3:18 PM

242 179 Arla drive 5/29/2020 3:17 PM

243 1088 greentree rd apt 101 5/29/2020 3:14 PM

244 100 Poplar St 5/29/2020 3:12 PM

245 96 E Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 3:12 PM

246 1059 Norsis Dr Pgh, PA 15220 5/29/2020 3:11 PM

247 219 Banbury Lane 5/29/2020 3:10 PM

248 101 Namy Drive 5/29/2020 3:09 PM

249 162 Parkedge rd 5/29/2020 3:08 PM

250 177 Arla Drive 5/29/2020 3:07 PM

251 1131 Greenridge Lane 5/29/2020 3:03 PM

252 1006 Dale Drive 5/29/2020 3:02 PM

253 19 Rhodes Ave 5/29/2020 3:02 PM

254 1108 Greentree Road 5/29/2020 2:59 PM

255 1004 Norsis Drive 5/29/2020 2:58 PM

256 1104 glencoe Avenue 5/29/2020 2:58 PM

257 241 Silver Oak Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15220 5/29/2020 2:56 PM

258 1013 Dale Drive 5/29/2020 2:55 PM

259 1100 oriole drive 5/29/2020 2:53 PM

260 70 School Street, Pgh 15220 5/29/2020 2:53 PM

261 1002 El Rancho Drive 5/29/2020 2:52 PM

262 10 Clearview Drive 5/29/2020 2:51 PM

263 96 Ringold Avenue 5/29/2020 2:51 PM

264 219 Oakbrook Circle 5/29/2020 2:50 PM

265 988 Glencoe 5/29/2020 2:48 PM


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266 87 Poplar St. 5/29/2020 2:48 PM

267 103 Hanover Pl 5/29/2020 2:48 PM

268 1050 McKenna Ave 5/29/2020 2:46 PM

269 175 Parkedge Road 5/29/2020 2:43 PM

270 1384 Glencoe Avenue 5/29/2020 2:41 PM

271 214 sheldon ave pgh 15220 5/29/2020 2:39 PM

272 846 Rocklyn Drive 15205 5/29/2020 2:38 PM

273 80 W Manilla Ave 5/29/2020 2:38 PM

274 851 Rocklyn drive 5/29/2020 2:37 PM

275 40 Warriors Road 5/29/2020 2:37 PM

276 1128 hillsview terrace 5/29/2020 2:37 PM

277 217 Silver Oak Drive 5/29/2020 2:36 PM

278 1312 spreading oak drive 5/29/2020 2:35 PM

279 99 ringold avenue 5/29/2020 2:34 PM

280 110 Evandale 5/29/2020 2:33 PM

281 996 El Rancho Drive Pgh Pa 15220 5/29/2020 2:33 PM

282 33 Elmhurst Road 5/29/2020 2:32 PM


There are no responses.


There are no responses.


There are no responses.


There are no responses.


There are no responses.


There are no responses.


There are no responses.


Green Tree Pool Survey SurveyMonkey

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51.67% 93

48.33% 87

Q2 Did you purchase a pool pass last year?Answered: 180 Skipped: 104




0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%





Green Tree Pool Survey SurveyMonkey

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89.08% 253

9.15% 26

Q3 Considering the following DRAFT regulations, should Green Tree Poolopen this year? Only Green Tree residents holding pool passes will be

admitted. No guests - including Green Tree residents not holding passes,and non-residents. Pool passes must be purchased through the Borough

office. Only annual and weekly passes available. Only Green Treeresidents are eligible for pool passes (i.e. a resident cannot purchase apass for a non-resident grandchild). Pool passes will not be sold at poolgate. Social distancing signs will be posted. Entry to pool will remain the

same. Exit will be at the gate adjacent to pump house. Concession standclosed. Drinks and snacks brought from the outside will be allowed. Nopatio tables or chairs will be available. Encouraged to arrive dressed to

swim in order to limit use of locker rooms. Limited use of locker roomshowers. Pool occupancy could be limited in order to maintain proper

social distancing. Lifeguard stands and handrails will be sanitizedregularly. Locker room and restroom facilities will be sanitized regularly.

Answered: 284 Skipped: 0


Open the pool.

Do not openthe pool.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Open the pool.

Do not open the pool.


Green Tree Pool Survey SurveyMonkey

20 / 26


1 Guest passes should be allowed 6/1/2020 8:21 PM

2 2 items for consideration. 1- Allow grandparent to purchase passes for non-residentgrandchildren. Only seems right to respect our older residents who now provide childcare fortheir grandkids by allowing them access to the pool. 2. Offer invites to non-residents whopurchased full season passes last year to purchase passes again. That number has to beinsignificant, but represents people who are committed and supporting members of our poolcommunity despite having their pass rate raised to a seemingly unnecessary amount last year. Ipersonally feel strongly about this as I have Non-resident family members who have been aregular part of the pool community over the past several years and have have supported thepool through purchasing passes and shopping at the snack bar. My family is part of what Iwould consider a small group of regulars who attend the pool almost daily. In my experience,except for a handful of days each year, pool attendance is extremely low. Restrictingadmittance to pass holders will drop that even further. Please consider allowing the exceptionfor non-resident who purchased passes last year. I really appreciate the efforts to open our poolthis season. It is a big deal for my kids and family and we would love for it to open. Thank you.

6/1/2020 4:59 PM

3 I would ask that residents can buy a daily pass, not just weekly, please. Thanks 6/1/2020 3:00 PM

4 By sending this survey only to pool pass holders you already skewed the results in favor ofopening the pool, as pool pass holders are the most likely to be passionate about having thepool back this year. Since my home did not receive this survey directly, I would assume you didNOT send it to retirees who have senior lifetime passes. Retirees would be more likely to avoidthe pool during the COVID-19 crisis as the disease is more deadly among that demographic.Looking beyond those two groups, this is a community-wide health issue -- potentially affectingthe spread of Coronavirus throughout the community, not just to people who use the pool. Soany results of this un-scientific survey need to be taken with a grain of salt. Just one infectedperson can turn an open public swimming facility into a local epidemic. This story is a goodrepresentation of what could easily happen here: https://www.kmov.com/news/positive-covid-19-patient-was-at-crowded-lake-of-the-ozarks-bars-over-memorial-day/article_1323619a-a1fe-11ea-a359-3b819511eb8c.html

6/1/2020 2:26 PM

5 Pools are low risk. We need to open the pools. It can be done safely . 6/1/2020 2:04 PM

6 I don't mind if they finally decide to open the pool but I will not go this year. 6/1/2020 12:01 PM

7 Please, open the pool! 6/1/2020 8:43 AM

8 On paper, these draft regulations look great for considering reopening the pool. However, fromwhat I have seen of people over the past weeks, these types of social distancing guidelines areinterpreted very loosely as suggestions only, are not practiced to the intent of the regulations,and are not enforceable. While I would love to see the pool opened, I would not be sufficientlyconfident that these regulations would be followed and would not be comfortable visiting thepool.

6/1/2020 7:07 AM

9 Did not purchase passes last year due to work schedule however this year I would, as I amhome indefinitely.

5/31/2020 11:13 PM

10 I have a senior pass but would like to bring my grandkids who are not residents. 5/31/2020 8:35 PM

11 I do not go to the pool anymore. Management NEVER addressed kids being disrespectful .Splashing others, Running , throwing balls hard around grass area. I got hit a few times. Noneof the Covid rules will be enforced I’m sure.

5/31/2020 5:21 PM

12 Will not buy a pool pass this year 5/31/2020 4:50 PM

13 Open the pool and let everyone decide for themselves if they want to use it. It is time to quittelling everyone what is good for them Give us back our freedom of choice. If you don’t feelsafe, stay home.

5/31/2020 4:46 PM

14 Not too many activies for the children right now. 5/31/2020 4:04 PM

15 I am a non-resident pool season pass holder who grew up in GreenTree. I have purchasednon-resident pool season passes for 10+ years. I think that season passes should be offered toprevious season pass holders, both residents as well as non-residents. The increase in non-resident passes last year were not for a family pass of $260, rather $300 for EACH pass. If wehave been faithful pool season pass holders then why not offer to non-residents this season?

5/31/2020 2:08 PM


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16 I feel this can be done safely. These children really need some type of recreation for thesummer months. Each person can make their own decision if they feel they are at risk they canchoose to stay home. I think we need to get back to some type of normalcy.

5/31/2020 1:43 PM

17 Open the snack bar. 5/31/2020 12:18 PM

18 The people who don’t want the pool open should just stay home if they don’t feel safe. Childrenneed to have activities like swimming. Pool should be open to residents only

5/31/2020 11:45 AM

19 Open the pool and if people do not want to go, they don’t have to. 5/31/2020 11:22 AM

20 I have a senior citizen pass and enjoy using the pool. 5/31/2020 9:41 AM

21 I am a senior citizen resident of Green Tree and have lived here since 1971. I have alwaysenjoyed using the pool and know that it is absolutely necessary to open the pool this year. Ouryoung and senior citizens need to have recreation such as this pool available to enjoy. I believethere is no need to close the pool for the summer.

5/31/2020 9:03 AM

22 If the pool was open this year, I would purchase a pass for our family 5/31/2020 8:20 AM

23 My only question is with these restrictions, can the pool operate in a cost neutral state? If thisscenario makes the pool operation cost the borough huge amounts of money, then I do notthink it should be opened

5/31/2020 8:01 AM

24 I would pay on weekends to go to the pool b/c it was not wise to purchase a pool pass! Asmuch as I would like to get on in life, I am apprehensive about the pool opening. This cannot bean emotional decision-the pool costs the BORO Money to operate. With many businesses notbeing able to pay their share of taxes and with the tax appeals that the BORO lost it might notbe a good idea to open the pool! There are many what if’s: a law suit by a pool patroncontracting COVID19 could be devastating! I grew up in GT and spent my youth at the pooleveryday! My grown children spent their summers at the pool! Do you have adequate staff thatare willing to clean restrooms, hand rails, police the trash from the brought in food, provide firstaid, CPR! Yes the pool is FUN and the best kept secret in GT! But at this time and with manyuncertainties It is not financially responsible for the BORO to operate the pool for 90 days ofsummer! Other local pools (Scott, Mt. Lebo, Crafton, Dormont) have taken a stance b/c ofconcerns of staffing, cleaning, etc. I appreciate you reaching out to all for their input! Good luckin rendering a decision that is good for the entire community!

5/31/2020 12:12 AM

25 There is NO reason not to open the pool. It provides a benefit to many! 5/30/2020 11:57 PM

26 Please open the pool! 5/30/2020 8:58 PM

27 Please Open!!! 5/30/2020 8:44 PM

28 No reason the pool cannot be opened if the governor has given the green light & we putprecautions into place. I have thought for years the pool should be limited to Greentreeresidents so I am fully on board with whatever stipulations need to be put in place. Please openthe pool!

5/30/2020 8:42 PM

29 I don’t understand why this is even a question given the science, the data and where we standtoday - very low risk, green area and also the fact that this is an outdoor activity. All outdoorrecreation should be encouraged.

5/30/2020 7:40 PM

30 I would like to still have the ability to buy guess passes at the boot bldg and so I can bringfamily with me.

5/30/2020 6:42 PM

31 I need a job 5/30/2020 6:32 PM

32 The pool should be opened with the restrictions above! 5/30/2020 5:48 PM

33 What about Senior Passes, I’ve used mine for years, thank you green tree for that benefit 5/30/2020 5:47 PM

34 I have a senior pass. Please open pool. The chances of getting the virus between the sun andpool chemicals. Plus following the guidelines.

5/30/2020 4:26 PM

35 I have been a lifeguard at the pool for the last 2 years and I know that my fellow guards and Iwould really love for the pool to open and we would be prepared to enforce the guidelinesstated above successfully.

5/30/2020 4:18 PM

36 My daughter has been a lifeguard for 2 years at the pool. She will work if the pool opens. Other 5/30/2020 4:06 PM


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lifeguards that she knows are also willing to work and are actually all very eager to work. Thankyou for revisiting the opening of the pool.

37 This sounds like a good idea, 5/30/2020 2:46 PM

38 Even with the limitations, I think the regular users (other than myself) who have bought passesin prior years, would appreciate the pool opening. The life guards would probably appreciatethe income. I think, however, that it is also reasonable to make the opening contingent on Xnumber of passes being pre-sold to make sure there is interest to justify the effort.

5/30/2020 2:37 PM

39 I don’t personally use the pool but my husband and grandkids do. Since he is their babysitterthey look forward to going to the pool during summer break. The kids need something to do.

5/30/2020 2:34 PM

40 As long as the guidelines are strictly enforced and adhered to I think it’s a good idea to openthe pool

5/30/2020 2:28 PM

41 I'm a senior. Those who fell the pool is not safe do not have to go to the pool. I feel that I couldbe safe.

5/30/2020 2:22 PM

42 That list of regulations is an impressive effort to keep us all safe and I applaud that. If we takethat effort just one step further and we arrive at the right thing to do: keep the pool closed forthis year. Thank you for all that you do for Green Tree.

5/30/2020 1:52 PM


5/30/2020 1:45 PM

44 My family visits the pool almost daily during the summer months. Last year my son learned toswim in the Green Tree pool, a skill that all children should learn. Having spoken to many otherresidents, we understand the risks of being in a public place, but these risks can be mitigated ifthe guidelines listed above were followed. Thank youi for reconsidering.

5/30/2020 1:29 PM

45 Why is this survey not on any of the boro's official channels if it is an official survey? Thisseems like a sad attempt to create an argument not grounded in actual public opinion, but aballot box stuffed by friends of David Rea who he knows will support his argument. This is nothow government should be run. Greentree is better than this. Also public opinion doesn't matteras much when safety is at stake. If the boro opens the pool it is as though they are saying thereis no risk which is not the case. I would like to see the boro stand by the good decision theymade to keep the pool closed and keep residents safe and stop wasting time and public fundson things that are bad for its residents.

5/30/2020 1:23 PM

46 Being outside, at a pool with a lot of built in space, which already sees less pools than most inthe area presents plenty of protection for myself and family. I would likely frequent the poolMORE often given these circumstances (Less people and less options for other recreationalactivity) and would absolutely Purchase a pool pass and go often!

5/30/2020 1:18 PM

47 This was already voted on and the arguments for keeping it closed remain the same. Spendsome time thinking about how to help people instead of how to distract or entertain them.

5/30/2020 12:59 PM

48 I am a senior in our Boro so I already have my pass. 5/30/2020 12:57 PM

49 While we'd all love to be doing the fun recreational activities we enjoy, with a global pandemichappening it's just not a smart move to allow reckless risks to take place, and as Art Tintoriarticulated during the last meeting, it's council's responsibility to keep residents safe. It is soupsetting to see parents advocating for irresponsible activities such as opening a pool right nowfor reasons such as they want their kids to have something to do. This represents makinghazardous choices for their children who really can't make those choices for themselves, andit's very disheartening. It was a relief to see the borough make a smart decision, even whensome of its residents aren't able to do the same. As a taxpayer, I would have been extremelyupset to see my tax money support such a risky and unnecessary activity during these times.As the parent of a two-and-a-half year old and another one on the way, we are taking as manyprecautions as we can, and being able to explain to our toddler that things are closed right nowmakes for less arguments, as I'm sure our son would be upset if he saw the pool open and wastold that we can't go there. Please, please do not open the pool this summer.

5/30/2020 12:55 PM

50 Please do not open the pool and put kids who are too young to make their own safety decisionsat risk.

5/30/2020 12:53 PM

51 Safety and health of the residents are much more important than opening the pool. No otherpool in the area (Mt. Lebanon, Dormont, Crafton, Pittsburgh) has been opened, only beaches.

5/30/2020 12:42 PM


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Social distancing and mask wearing cannot be safely maintained at a pool. Kids from differentfamilies will not keep their distance and it will be impossible to determine family units and keepthem separated. The CDC rules for public pools will be difficult, if not impossible, to enforce.And, no, I did not purchase a pool pass last year, but I have a lifetime senior pass, but therewas not a checkbox for that. Also, Green Tree has never sold "weekly passes" for the pool, only"guest passes" for non-resident visitors of residents. It is truly an unsafe measure to open thepool this year.

52 I think the ability to bring 1 family member/guest would be nice, but understand why that mightnot be possible.

5/30/2020 12:34 PM

53 I am concerned about the borough's liability if there are infections. Also, it is too much to expectyoung lifeguards to enforce social distancing. Could private two hour pool parties for boroughresidents of no more than 25 guests be considered? Several parties could be scheduled perday. There are still concerns about liability issues and enforcement, but the adult(s) sponsoringthe party could be held accountable for violations and the party ended if they don't cooperate inenforcing the rules with their guests. A list of guests would be kept, and guests that aren'tobeying the rules would not be permitted to attend another party. This may give the childrensome opportunity to swim this summer and allow better control of the facility. It has thedrawback for children and parents that don't have the social network to organize or be invited toa party. That seems unfair, but I don't an an answer for that.

5/30/2020 12:33 PM

54 One challenge may be keeping distance between younger kids in the pool, maybe addstatement to reinforce parents watching their kids closely to maintain the distance.

5/30/2020 12:00 PM

55 People who are nervous about the virus could choose not to go. 5/30/2020 12:00 PM

56 Pool should have never been up for a vote in the first place.. keep it to Greentree residents onlyshould never ever allow outsiders to use the pool in first place..open it up!!. Kids need to have aplace to bring them back from this mess.

5/30/2020 11:41 AM

57 This issue still needs to be discussed weighing the costs of opening the pool several weekslater in the year. How long it takes to actually open the pool. The pressure that you are puttingon the guards to maintain distancing at the pool. Will police presence be at the pool area attimes? Also, how to address a non Green Tree resident caregiver who cares for a child inGreen Tree and has taken this child to the pool for a number of years.

5/30/2020 11:27 AM

58 With allegheny county going into the green next week there is no reason the pool shouldremain closed. It's full of chlorine for crying out loud. Everything else is opening up at 50%occupancy and I dont see any reason as to why the pool cant do the same

5/30/2020 11:11 AM


5/30/2020 10:13 AM

60 I grew up in GreenTree but do not live there now. I have purchased pool passes for the last 10+years as a non-resident, my children swim for the Great White Sharks swim team. Why limitpasses to only residents when non-resident passes are so much more the money-maker for theborough (as seen in the large rate increase last year?). If we as non-residents are willing to paythe high price for season passes, why not take that money to support the GreenTreecommunity?

5/30/2020 9:59 AM

61 I have bern going to GT pool since I was 5 years old. I think this will definitely work out ifeveryone follows those rules and works together. Looking forward to another great season atGT Pool

5/30/2020 8:49 AM

62 Suggestion: Add lawn “6 feet” indicators to help families setup towels and chairs 6 feet apartfrom each other.

5/30/2020 8:27 AM

63 Edwards’s family says yes!! 5/30/2020 7:25 AM

64 Our children need this physical & emotional outlet for their health and ours. In the long run,even on a limited basis, I truly believe it is worth the effort & expense!

5/30/2020 7:11 AM

65 Great idea. GT residents only with safety guidance in accordance with CDC recommendations. 5/30/2020 6:57 AM

66 I believe the decision to close the pool indefinitely for the entire summer was extremelypremature. A well thought out plan in accordance with regulations and guidance can besuccessfully implemented for risk reduction and attending the pool would be based onindividual choice and acceptance of risk. It is unclear if those opposed to reopening the pool are

5/30/2020 12:07 AM


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waiting for complete elimination of risk for COVID transmission which is highly improbable,even if vaccine etc are developed. Most residents I have discussed this issue with are in favorof opening the pool in some capacity.

67 I would like guests permitted because I enjoyed bringing my grandson swimming last year.Consider like other communities allowing one guest per pass

5/29/2020 11:12 PM

68 I feel it would be difficult to maintain distance once in the water. It would be difficult as far asface coverings while swimming. Also, keeping bodily fluids and mucus from entering the waterwould be hard to do as well. My family loves the pool but I don’t feel it is time to open just yet.

5/29/2020 10:35 PM

69 I am not a resident but have held a pool pass for 11 years. My two children are life guards and Ibelieve that if you take the precautions and practice the social distancing the pool can open. Mythought is have a disclaimer signed by both the employees and pool pass so that you are notliable.

5/29/2020 10:25 PM

70 The kids need somewhere to be this summer. Closing the pool will just lead to kids being boredand getting into trouble.

5/29/2020 9:39 PM

71 I totally support opening the pool and believe the plan in place to manage keeping thecommunity safe is prudent. I live about 1/2 mile from Green Tree pool but my address is inPittsburgh. I have regularly patronized the pool every summer for about 25 years. I purchased apool pass last summer because I was working from home and would swim almost daily. Areyou willing to consider allowing someone like me to buy a pool pass again this summer? If soplease call me at 412-334-4690

5/29/2020 9:13 PM

72 Allowing a resident to sponsor a non resident pass would be helpful for those that have aperson who is a caretaker of their children during the week or a grandparent to accompany afamily to the pool . I realize limiting access to the pool to just greentree residents limits thenumber of people at the pool, but there should be a way for a limited number of non residentsto accompany a resident especially when it involves a person /grandparent/relative thatprovides childcare for a greentree resident family.

5/29/2020 9:05 PM

73 Anyone that bought a pass last year at those outrageous prices should be given the opportunityto buy this year. I’ve lived in Greentree for 40 years and I should be allowed to bring mygrandchildren.

5/29/2020 6:24 PM

74 I think the showers don't need to be open, I used many times in the past years, but I don't thinkthey are necessary to be open this summer.

5/29/2020 6:21 PM

75 This should be modified. Residents should be able to buy daily passes and should be open toKeystone Oaks residents. Older students have friends from all three communities. The olderstudents also have summer commitments, they may not be able to get full use of a seasonpass but still go on occasion.

5/29/2020 5:56 PM

76 Very much would like to see pool open. 5/29/2020 5:31 PM

77 This is an excellent idea. Thanks for asking for our input. 5/29/2020 5:30 PM

78 I would make only toilet and sinks available. No showers or changing areas. Less exposureareas and areas to clean. Some people will still change in the toilet stalls though.

5/29/2020 5:02 PM

79 I would love for it to open but understand that everyone’s safety is the priority. 5/29/2020 4:52 PM

80 Based on the costs associated with opening and operating the pool as presented by theBorough Manager in the last meeting, I would suggest those funds be allocated to the re-hiringof furloughed Borough employees and re-instating police overtime pay before opening the poolis even considered.

5/29/2020 4:51 PM

81 Please hope in the pool I use it everyday can and I want to leave something to Greentree in mywill for its upkeep but I will not if it doesn't stay open and it's not maintained. When I heard itwasn't going to be open I started making plans to sell my house and really want to remain agreentree resident!!! The bottom line is, please open the pool!

5/29/2020 4:45 PM

82 Only annual membership should be sold. No weekly passes should be sold. 5/29/2020 4:39 PM

83 The pool is a service provided by the borough to its residents. As a community we need to getOVER the fact it costs community money. It’s NOT a fundraiser. It’s a comminity identity. Ifpeople want to socially distance that’s fine there is a responsible way to do that. Not openingthe pool is a reflection of people who don’t value it’s true purpose. And quite honestly i find it

5/29/2020 4:36 PM


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lazy on the part of the borough and hiding behind safety. I don’t buy it. I am very appreciative ofthis survey thank you for taking the time to ask residents their opinion. I will absolutely buy apass for my family!

84 Not worth the health risk and no revenue is going to be generated. Wait until next year after wesee how things turn out in other areas that are opening too soon.

5/29/2020 4:32 PM

85 I feel the guidelines you have provided are definitely feasible. There is plenty of space to socialdistance in the grass.

5/29/2020 4:09 PM

86 It would be nice if a grandchild was a loud if the numbers work out for social distancing 5/29/2020 3:54 PM

87 those worried about covid can stay home. Open the pool. 5/29/2020 3:46 PM

88 Please please please open the pool! 5/29/2020 3:38 PM

89 Pool needs to open. Pass holders can be made to sign waiver to protect the Borough 5/29/2020 3:33 PM

90 There are other pools in the area and in other states that are opened and are following the CDCguidelines. I don’t believe that handrails need to be wiped down after every use- just daily orfrequently. Kids and neighbors are already socializing in the neighborhood. So this is goodexercise for them instead of playing inside or on electronics. If there is a lot of interest, perhapshaving a reservation system every 2 hrs so that lots of families could use the pool every day.Maybe this would best on the weekends.

5/29/2020 3:31 PM

91 This is a necessity to our community children. Please open! 5/29/2020 3:17 PM

92 Even before council voted, my family decided not to purchase pool passes this year. Weexplained to our young daughter that it wasn't a safe environment. Our thoughts and feelingshave not changed. Based on what I've seen in the community this far (large groups at thebasketball courts/tennis courts, no mask wearing and people using the playgrounds) I do nothave faith in the staff at the pool and the fellow pool goers to be able to maintain safe socialdistancing and cleanliness practices.

5/29/2020 3:12 PM

93 It seems like these safety measures are reasonable and will allow for much needed recreationfor children and families who are missing friends, playgrounds, school and other play facilities.This would be a compassionate move*

5/29/2020 3:12 PM

94 but only if you have the personnel, the authorities, monitoring and courage to carryout thespecific and critical controls to manage people, children who may not recall or strictly commit tothe serious attention and respect for the regulations and to match their behavior to theregulations.

5/29/2020 3:10 PM

95 People are capable of maintaining distance from others. 5/29/2020 3:09 PM

96 The pool is one of the greatest assets of living in this borough. If it can be done safely I'd love tosee the pool open and I will swim.

5/29/2020 3:08 PM

97 We agree with all guidelines to open the pool. 5/29/2020 3:02 PM

98 I believe there should be extreme limited use even by pass holders. I would limit admittance fargreater than government standards to ensure safety.

5/29/2020 3:02 PM

99 We strongly agree to opening the pool !!! 5/29/2020 2:58 PM

100 All for it. We can so it safely with the restrictions you mentioned in the survey. 5/29/2020 2:56 PM

101 The pool has no adult management. The safety features will never be upheld. Most parents ofolder children send their children unsupervised. You will never be able to check the validity ofpeoples claims that they are legal residents of the boro. Everyone will say they forgot their IDand the 15year old working the gate will allow entrance. If Dormont keeps their pool closedgreen tree needs to follow.

5/29/2020 2:53 PM

102 If locker rooms have minimal use and people bring their own food this should minimize thechance of spreading viruses. Perhaps it would also be good to take temperatures of residentsthat are coming in the pool and if that person has an elevated temperature they will beinstructed to go home.

5/29/2020 2:53 PM

103 A few additional questions to consider: 1. Will swim lessons be offered in some capacity? 2.Will private parties be an option (within CDC guidelines re: number of attendees)? 3. Could weconsider opening at 11, rather than 12, to create more opportunity for people to come if a

5/29/2020 2:51 PM


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decision is made to limit pool occupancy? 4. Will the slide and/or diving board be open? Thanksfor asking for community feedback!

104 Thank you for considering re-opening the pool. While safety will always be a concern, cancelingeverything so quickly was not in the best interests of the community. Just two comments: 1.Because so many younger members have close friends in Dormont and Castle Shannon, Iwouldn’t be opposed to offering passes to those residents, but if that is not an option, the aboveproposal would be good. 2. I think having the concession stand open, even if with limited items,would be fine and could be done so with safety in mind. (Just thinking of all the teens who hadhoped to work there over the summer.) Once again, thank you for sending out this survey andasking the residents their thoughts.

5/29/2020 2:48 PM

105 Children in this community need the pool opened and something fun to look forward to everyday.

5/29/2020 2:48 PM

106 Open the pool but later in the season after the effects of moving to green and relaxing socialdistancing requirements are better known.

5/29/2020 2:46 PM

107 This should be an option for those who want it. Those who don’t want to use the pool are free tostay home. I would like the freedom to swim with these precautions.

5/29/2020 2:43 PM

108 The kids need a way to safely socialize after being cooped up without their teachers andclassmates for more than 2 months. It's imperative for their mental and emotional well-being tohave outside interactions with other kids/adults with whom they are familiar with but maybe notenough for their parents to be scheduling playdates. Thank you fur your consideration!

5/29/2020 2:38 PM

109 Yes please!!! 5/29/2020 2:38 PM

110 With proper restrictions we believe the pool should be opened. We would be comfortablesigning a covid-19 waiver in the same manor that real estate is using such waivers for showinghouses. The pool was rarely overcrowded last summer and if the same amount ofmemberships are sold social distancing should not be a challenge. Anyone attending the poolunder your pla. Would be aware of the risk and happy to go.

5/29/2020 2:37 PM

111 If I can’t bring my grandkids (who are non residents), then keep it closed. 5/29/2020 2:36 PM

112 Those are great and fair regulations, Please open the pool! 5/29/2020 2:34 PM

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