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Page 1: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Botswana Red Cross Botswana Red Cross SocietySociety

Botswana Chamber of Mines MeetingBotswana Chamber of Mines Meeting

1010thth May 2012 May 2012

Presentation by:Presentation by:

Mr. Titus L. MakoshaMr. Titus L. MakoshaDeputy Secretary GeneralDeputy Secretary General

Page 2: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Background of BRCS...

The Botswana Red Cross Society(BRCS)established as an independent society by an

Act of Parliament of the Republic of Botswana in 1968 as an International requirement from the Geneva conventions (N.B: National Society status).

The National Society was recognized by the International Committee of the Red Cross(ICRC) in February 1970 and was admitted as a member of the League of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (now the Federation) in 1971.

Page 3: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Background of BRCS cont...

According to the Act, BRCS plays an auxiliary role to Public Authorities in humanitarian services ( this means the Government including Local Authorities). ‘The Society is hereby recognized as a voluntary aid society auxiliary to public authorities both for the purpose of the Geneva Conventions and otherwise and shall have the right in conformity with the Geneva Conventions to use the heraldic emblem of the red cross on a white ground, formed by reversing the Swiss Federal colours.’’

The Geneva convention and International Humanitarian Law, dictates that Humanitarian service is a direct responsibility of government, and therefore BRCS is only playing a supplementary role.

Page 4: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Background of BRCS cont...

BRCS previously survived through funding from International donors, but since the classification of Botswana as a middle income country donors have since pulled out.

The support from local partners is therefore very important for BRCS continued survival

There is need to review and assess the relevance of the National society and its auxiliary status for possible collaboration with various humanitarian arms of government, hence the objective of this presentation

Page 5: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

But what and who is Red Cross?

Page 6: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

A long time ago ……

One battleOne manOne idea


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International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


a battle...a battle...

... a man... a man

Page 8: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent SocietiesYEAYEA



Henry DunantHenry Dunant, a businessman, travels , a businessman, travels to to SolferinoSolferino (Northern Italy) to seek (Northern Italy) to seek support for his business which was not support for his business which was not doing so well.doing so well. On the way, finds Austrian army in battle On the way, finds Austrian army in battle with armies of Francewith armies of France 40,000 dead and wounded across the 40,000 dead and wounded across the battlefield. Military medical services non-battlefield. Military medical services non-existent. Doctors and nurses considered existent. Doctors and nurses considered combatants.combatants. With the help of women from nearby With the help of women from nearby villages, HD tried to help the wounded villages, HD tried to help the wounded regardless of their uniform and/or regardless of their uniform and/or nationalitynationality "MEMORY OF SOLFERINO":- spurred by "MEMORY OF SOLFERINO":- spurred by the need to ensure that the terrible the need to ensure that the terrible sufferings witnessed never occurred again.sufferings witnessed never occurred again.

Page 9: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

One book...One book...

... two ideas... two ideas

creation of volunteer medical services to help wounded on the battlefield

an international agreement to protect the wounded and all those attending them

Page 10: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

International Federation of Red

Cross and Red Crescent Societies


The International Conference of the

Red Cross and Red Crescent

Every 4 year

States parties to Geneva


National Red Cross and Red Crescent


The International Committee of the

Red Cross


Page 11: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


1864 – Red Cross

1876 – Red Crescent

2005 – Red Crystal

Page 12: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

7 Fundamental Principles Humanity Impartiality

Neutrality Independence

Volunteerism Unity Universality

Our mission

Principles of behaviour

Organizational Principles

Page 13: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies



Page 14: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


To bring help and relief to all victims of disasters whether natural or man-made and/or to protect such victims from the effects the disasters howsoever caused;

To carry on and assist in the work aimed at the improvement of health, prevention of diseases, reduction or elimination of suffering throughout the world.

To support the government in their humanitarian tasks according to the needs of vulnerable people

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International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


Page 16: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

BRCS Programmes

Information Dissemination and Tracing Branch development Youth development Disaster management First aid Health and HIV/AIDS Rehabilitation for people with

disabilities Refugee health and social services in

collaboration with UNHCR.

Page 17: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


DISASTER MANAGEMENT: It is one of the key competency areas of the RC movement

HEALTH AND HIV/AIDS WITH PARTICULAR FOCUS ON ORPHANS AND VULNERABLE CHILDREN: BRCS has piloted models such as the “Bonkgonne” which can assist communities better address OVC

Community Based Rehabilitation: the rehabilitation of People with disabilities is the portfolio responsibility of the Council and BRCS has competencies in this area, from which the Council can resource. BRCS is operating Centres for people with disabilities

Page 18: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies


FIRST AID: It is a very important skill that can save lives especially during accidents and it is a key competency area for BRCS.

BRANCH DEVELOPMENT: Red Cross functions through well trained volunteers within communities that are also a strong target beneficiary of the mines CSI programmes. There could therefore be a Win-Win partnership where mines discharge their CSI programmes through RC volunteer base, which is likely to be more efficient in terms of costs and effective in terms of outcomes as volunteers better understand community circumstances while RC has mastered the art and developed tools of touching the souls of needy

Page 19: Botswana Red Cross Society Botswana Chamber of Mines Meeting 10 th   May 2012 Presentation by:

International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Requested Resolutions

The BCM is requested to Consider and Approve partnership with BRCS in the following areas:

Support to Community Based First Aid including branch and divisional first aid competitions

Support for the establishment and training of Disaster Response Teams with emphasis on BRCS branch volunteers

Extend administrative, technical and financial support to RC divisional structures in the respective districts/divisions

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International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies




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