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Page 1: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Bowmen and DeerCliff Painting

Los Caballos, Spain,10,000-9000 bce


Page 2: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

MESOLITHIC PERIODbegan 12,000 bp

Mesolithic tool kits were based on chipped stone Hunter-gatherers began to store food in containers Relied less on large mammals for food -- more on fish

and small game Domestication of animals began with domestication of

dogs Rock art paintings and carvings increasingly depict

human communal activities as well as animals

Page 3: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Tassili N’Ajjer Algeria

8000 years ago, the Sahara Desert used to be a fertile land with rivers full of fish and rich grassy hills full of game .

Cultures followed one another leaving their own records Era of Hunters : 6000 to 4000 B.C. Era of Stockbreeders: 4000 to 1500 B.C. Era of Horse : 1500 B.C. to 1st century A.D. Era of Camel : from 1st century on

They left painted or engraved testimonies making one of the most complete catalogs ever found about prehistoric life .

Page 4: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Tassili People

Page 5: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Tassili Animals

Page 6: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Tassili Hunters

Page 7: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Tassili Dancers and


Page 8: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

GobustanAzerbijan Gobustan (the territory of Gobu): a plain situated between

the south-eastern slope -of the Greater Caucasian Range and the Caspian Sea.

Over 6000 rock carvings, settlements, and tombstones, the oldest from 12,000 bce are in the mountains of Gobustan .

Page 9: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Gobustan People



Page 10: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Gobustanis dancing the Yally

Page 11: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Gobustan boats attracted the attention of

Thor Heyerdahl

Page 12: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.


Bhimabetaka, is located 45 km to the south-east of Bhopal near a hill village called 'Bhiyanpur'.

“Bhima's sitting place” is the literal meaning of Bhimabetaka

Atop the hill a large number of rock-shelters contain more than 130 paintings.

Page 13: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.


Page 14: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Bhimabetaka bison and elephant

Page 15: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Bhimabetaka dog

Page 16: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Bhimabetaka hunters

Page 17: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Bhimabetaka warriors

Page 18: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.
Page 19: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

Bhimabetaka dance

Page 20: Bowmen and Deer Cliff Painting Los Caballos, Spain, 10,000-9000 bce MESOLITHIC PERIOD.

As the nomadic hunter-gatherers domesticated more

animals and began to cultivate crops -- wheat, rice and corn -- around the world, Mesolithic

cultures entered into the Neolithic Revolution

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