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Going to Extremes Service is our mission

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PSG Plastic Service Group offers hot runner

and control systems. These products are de-

veloped, manufactured, and tested under real-

life scenarios at four sites in Germany. We guar-

antee the highest quality, fast availability, flexible

solutions, and swift response times. Our focus

is on the plastic processing industries where we

provide extensive sector know how and where

we contribute more than 50 years of experience.

Also, you can find our control and temperature

management systems in the food industry,

facility management, the metals industry, and

others... in short, in situations where tempera-

tures and pressure need to be controlled.

Even though price is a main criteria for applica-

tions, the sophisticated standardization of PSG

makes the products highly attractive versus any

competitive offering anywhere in the world.

For demanding applications we offer Premium

solutions. By working together early during the

design/conceptualization phase, PSG can bring

all its experience to bear in order to fulfill the

highest application-specific quality expectations

of our customers.

Made in Germany and successful all over the world

Global availability of products andservicesPSG has a global network, and we offer one-

stop, competent advice for global projects. We

ensure this through our own staff, along with

partners in over 30 countries in Europe, Asia,

and America.

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Extreme flexibilityWithin PSG Plastic Service Group we have a wide

range of well-qualified staff available along with

the right equipment and training ready to get

the job done. We can work with you to solve

problems and implement special solutions when

the need arises.

Reliability through long-termcooperationMany of our customers and employees alike

have long-term relationships with PSG. There-

fore, you will have one point of contact for

years, if not for decades, who simply knows

what counts for you.

Our mission statementWe develop, manufacture, and market techno-

logy for the production of plastic products to

achieve optimal fulfillment of our customers’

requirements. To ensure this, we retain a target-

focused, competent staff throughout our opera-

tions around the world.

We deliver a broad range of innovative, reliable

products for versatile applications and economic

production processes.

Within close reachOur management team comes from operations

and maintains direct contact with our customers.

When special cases arise the necessary resources

are quickly accessed, to address special develop-

ments or to find solutions requiring fast action.

Service is our mission

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From the smallest nozzle “Nano” to the big-

gest nozzle “Big Shot” we offer an extremely

wide range of nozzles with suitable manifolds.

Services and know-how beyond thehot runnerIt is not all about the nozzle or the hot runner, it is

about your project success. Injection molding is a

very complex process. Therefore we look ahead so

that your application will meet the specifications.

To round it all up, we offer you a complete program

of hot runner controllers as well as control- and


PSG offers you total solutions from one source

and so assures you that all components matching

properly. This simplifies your project planning,

shortens start-up time, and provides advantages

during service.

Guaranteed cycles of shotsPSG offers long-lasting, high-quality hot runner

products. This increases your production reliability

and delivers a high degree of productivity for your

injection mold tools. You save money by avoiding

additional investments to maintain your hot runner


Hot runner technology:A wide range of products from 0.1 to 10,000 g shot weight

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Flexible delivery schedules accordingto customer requirements Out short delivery time assures your tool deadline.

Maintenance-friendliness asa principle of designThis includes: Front-sided heater mounting, ready-

to-install units, precise needle positioning through

axial movement control, an adjustable needle (to

0.01mm) on the reverse of the control unit...

just to show a few examples how you can avoid

work-intensive repair work from specialized ser-

vice personnel.

Automotive, Medical, Packaging, andTransport These markets are where we focus our core com-

petencies, including technology transfer. It is not

uncommon for us that a technology, such as Mu-

cell®, long glass fiber processing, common in the

automotive sector, for example, can be applied to

other sectors.

Special solutions We focus our developments according to your

specifications so you can improve your perform-

ance range without time-intensive efforts of

your own. We develop solutions for your applica-

tion-specific quality requirements during the

planning phase. This is how we help you fulfill

the individual requirements of your customers.

Service is our mission

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Since PSG produces both hot runner controllers

and hot runner systems we know the demands of

hot runner technology in detail. The close linking

of product design, product development and man-

ufacture are optimum prerequisites for maximum

flexibility and rapid reaction to the requirements of

an ever-more demanding market. At PSG, fast re-

action time means that customer requirements are

identified during discussions and are directly trans-

lated to the functionality of our products. Prior to

market introduction, all upgrades as well as new

developments are tested in our own laboratory un-

der real life conditions.

This assures you that PSG hot runner controllers

are tested to the core and that they are technically


User-friendliness equals trouble-freeoperations. PSG is not satisfied to have impressive functions

alone. We support operators with our InfoBoard

to have an optimal use of functionality on those

machines without a touch-screen. And for all

those who do not wish to consult the manual, we

offer an integrated multi-lingual help-function.

This shortens the learning curve and prevents bad


PSG Hot Runner Controllers: Perfectly balanced temperature management

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Transparent processesThe MoldStat shows the journey through the hot

runner. You obtain all process-relevant data, also

in documentation format, for your quality assur-

ance. It shows you whether you are on track, if all

parameters are in the green range and all of your

quality requirements are fulfilled. In the event of

any deviations the system will trigger an alarm, e.g.

in the event of melt leakage.

Close contact from consultation tostart-upEven for consultations we bring in our multi-zone

controllers. You may immediately screen the qual-

ity and user-friendliness of our products. Whether

front panel or touch screen, the simple handling

concept of our hot runner systems will convince

you upon first contact. Put us to the test!

Easy maintenanceOur service team has practical operating knowledge

to trouble-shoot quickly and effectively, whether

over the phone, remote-controlled, via the Internet,

or on-site.

The inexpensive alternativeFor basic hot runner functions we offer an easy-to-

handle reliable solution, which you can configure

over the Internet: www.econ-trol.com

Service is our mission

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Controller Technology:

From serial products to unconventional solutions

PSG offers extensive controller technology solu-

tions: From standard products to customer-specific

solutions. The close ties between product design,

product development, manufacturing, and service

guarantee the utmost in flexibility and fast response


For more than 5 decades we have been successful

in the most diverse sectors:

In plastics processing, in chemicals, metals indus-

tries, facility management, or in the food industry.

Our solutions are found in hot runner technology,

extruders, refrigeration systems, swimming pools,

breweries, etc.

Single- or multi-channel controllersfrom 1 to 128 zones Several thousand sysTemp© controllers are in use

worldwide and guarantee the highest operating

security along with variable solutions. Through our

close cooperation with customers we have conti-

nuously responded to new customer requirements

with improved functionality. As a result, sysTemp©

controllers are offered for a multitude of specifica-

tions. Flexibility and the fulfillment of customer

requests is our strength.

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The multi-zone control system withthe sensitivity of a finger tipIn temperature control, ideas are an important

part of our business. Our engineers contribute

sector and industry competence during the plan-

ning phase of new developments and production

site modernizations. To achieve your objectives,

such as process reliability, cost reduction, on-time

production, smooth start-ups... flexotemp© control-

lers can be employed anywhere there are heating

and cooling operations and scaled exactly to your


Unconventional paths to fulfill yourrequirementsFor example: A water-cooled output controller with

bus control. PSG achieves this by combining all

available technical possibilities (all cooling

device technologies as well as all output

controller technologies).

Our inventive spirit is looking

forward to demanding


Serial and customized control cabi-nets “Made in Germany”Production with our own and qualified staff guar-

antees tested quality. We implement your specifi-

cations directly and with quick response times ac-

cording to international requirements around the

globe. In addition, PSG provides the entire project

planning and documentation.

Service is our mission

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Certain things cannot be compromised, like our

support! It is part of our name, our thinking,

and our action. There is no 8-till-5 routine. That

means, should there be an “event”, we will be

on-site fast and without bureaucratic hurdles.

Whether in Germany, the USA, or in China. We

are not everywhere but we get there fast when

we’re needed.

Prevention is better than cureWe prefer to offer managed support services that

make unexpected service calls redundant:

During customer workshops and training we show

your staff how to avoid expensive production

down-time. When your machine operators recog-

nize potential problems ahead of time, they can

be resolved quickly before they evolve into serious

complications. This improves your production reli-

ability and economics.

24-hour-Hotline You can reach us 24 hours on 7 days per week to

quickly resolve your problem.

Flexible service

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PSG SpeedCAD: All CAD data imme-diately available online Reduce your production times with PSG Speed

CAD. You have direct access to online technical

data for nozzles and manifolds. You can load the

so-called WID file with its structure-tree directly

into all commonly used CAD software and entirely

process it.

Our own technical laboratoryWe perform application-specific trials, test of next

generation plastics, sampling of new PSG hot

runner developments, and new PSG temperature

controllers in-house. You are on the safe side with

well-proven and tested PSG solutions.

Experienced support teamOur applications technicians know the require-

ments and processes surrounding hot runner,

controller, and temperature management tech-

nology in different industries. As problems may

have many causes and many factors influence

the result we are able to provide extensive know

how and we reduce servicing times to a mini-


Upgrading, maintenance and repairWe carry out maintenance work at our production

site swiftly and professionally, e.g. turbulence sand-

bed cleaner, melt-channel polishing, etc.

Service is our mission

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PSG Plastic Service GmbH I Pirnaer Straße 12 - 16 I 68309 Mannheim I Germany I Phone: +49 621 7162-0 I Fax: +49 621 7162-162 I Mail: [email protected]


Please find list of all our agents online at www.psg-online.de

It is our pleasure to consult with you - worldwide Service is our mission

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