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In This Issue:

• From the Chairman• From the Principal• The Core Competencies• Short Reports of Board Meetings

• Dyslexia• ASHA Conference• Calendar Update• Credo Aid Update

Volume 30Issue 5Jan. 26, 2018

The purpose of our parental Christian School is to educate our children to develop their individual potential and toacquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for a life of responsible stewardship in God's Kingdom.

Page 2: BRANCHES - files.credochs.com · 16Book Week (Feb 19-23) Assembly 2:30 pm gym 21“Seniors” Dress up day March 5Opening Assembly 8:45 am gym 13Report Cards 15, 16Student-Led Conferences


From the Chairman....Tim Bontkes

As this is the first issue of Branches for 2018, Iwould like to welcome everyone back and wish youall God's blessing in the year ahead! During myreflections leading up to this report I can't help butmarvel at how much cooperation and selflessaction I see within the CCES community. Thisleads me to the question of what does Communitymean to us as members of CCES? Wikipediadefines community as "a small or large social unitwho have something in common, such as norms,religion, values, or identity. Communities oftenshare a sense of place that is situated in a givengeographical area or in virtual space throughcommunication platforms. Durable relations thatextend beyond immediate genealogical ties alsodefine a sense of community. People tend todefine those social ties as important to theiridentity, practice, and roles in social institutions likefamily, home, work, government, society, orhumanity, at large."

I bring this up and ask this question because asthe Board embarks on another year of governanceI am continually reminded and impressed by thesense of community we have not just at CCES butacross the Valley, up north and south of theborder. Our common mission and purpose, ourstrong reformed identity and our cohesive andstrong relationships allows us to be truly defined asa thriving community and one we can be veryproud of being associated with!

As 2018 comes upon us, the richness of the CCEScommunity is already amazingly clear to me. Students are engaged in various academicprojects, fundraising initiatives, sporting events andsocial engagements. Parents are engaged involunteer opportunities on committees, inclassrooms, in the gym and many other placeswithin the school. In addition to the task ofeducating our children, teaching staff are spending

countless of hours on various extracurricularactivities for the balance of this school year. OurPrincipal is spending time with our teaching staffencouraging them as they move forward with theirtasks all the while ensuring that we are preparedfor not just the present time but also for the2018/19 teaching year. We have a very dedicatedgroup of parents, teachers and staff and I want tothank you all for this!

The CCES Board also has an integral role increating a sense of community at CCES. TheCCES Board Manual states that "A Christiancommunity must always be one that ischaracterized by humility, gentleness and patience(Eph. 4:2, 3). This means that the school board,elected by the Society, must always be'approachable' and cultivate harmony amongparents, teachers and students." We haveopportunities to do this in many ways at CCES. Board/staff socials, Christmas lunches,acknowledgment of staff milestones through theBoard's public relations initiatives, school visits byBoard members and the annual Board-staff visitsare examples of opportunities the Board has tosolidify relationships with the staff at CCES and tocontinue to build up the sense of community atCCES. We have so much to be thankful for within theCCES community and should not take for grantedthe harmony that exists between all those involved. As Board we continue to ask for your prayers andencouragement as we continue to govern thisschool community and also encourage the staff,parents and students to also continue to stayengaged and to continue to build each other upand to hold each other up in prayer. We wish youGod's blessing for 2018 and as we continue on intothe second half of the 2017/18 school year!


Page 3: BRANCHES - files.credochs.com · 16Book Week (Feb 19-23) Assembly 2:30 pm gym 21“Seniors” Dress up day March 5Opening Assembly 8:45 am gym 13Report Cards 15, 16Student-Led Conferences

January 26, 2018

From the Principal....Otto Bouwman

Welcome to another issue of Branches - the first of2018. Though we are well along already with asubstantial start to another calendar year, I'll still takethe opportunity to wish each of you readers theLord's blessing in this new year. There is muchencouragement in the awareness that also this yearis another "year of our Lord."

Events in the SchoolEvents at school continue to proceed smoothly. Justbefore Christmas, the students again enjoyed theannual skating tradition, where it was great to seemany parents and grandparents as well. Thank you,Credo Aid, for enabling us to continue this traditionand wrapping it up with some hot chocolate at theschool! One of the really encouraging things that Inotice at such events is the willingness of our olderstudents to provide assistance to the younger ones.What a great opportunity for the older students toshow this type of leadership; keep it up, please!

On the last day of school in 2017, we could attend abrief assembly, where we were invited to reflect onthe many blessings we have been given by ourSavior. How easy it is to journey through life withoutfully appreciating the gifts we have been given. Mayour lives give bountiful evidence of our thankfulnessfor the salvation we have been granted - also givingincentive to others to glorify and praise our Creator'sname along with us.

On the first day of school in 2018, we could attendanother brief assembly, where we learned about thework done by the Salvation Army's Gateway of Hope.Currently the students are collecting funds for thisorganization, as they learn more and more aboutsuch local needs and opportunities. On Saturday,February 24, this initiative will wrap up at the"Coldest Night of the Year" walk. Visithttps://coldestnightoftheyear.org/location/langley formore information as well as to register. Note thatthey have made a specific request not only for foodbut also for adult socks.

By and large, instruction in the different subject areasin the second term has been proceeding smoothly.Because of the resourcefulness and dedication of

our committed teachers and EAs, each of thestudents at Credo is able to receive meaningfulinstruction. The staff is also thankful for thecontinued support and encouragement of our parentcommunity, some of whom come to the schoolregularly as volunteers. Often teachers are remindedby parents that they are being held up in prayer bythe parents. Since we teachers are unable to do ourwork without the Lord's blessing, we genuinelyappreciate that and covet your continued prayers.Along with the teachers, please remember also otheradults who interact meaningfully with the children,including our capable educational assistants and ourbus drivers.

For those of you who appreciate a "heads-up" noticeabout upcoming school programs, please be awarethat we hope to have a program performance onFriday evening, April 20. The program will focus onour school theme for the year: "For by him all thingswere created, in heaven and on earth….. all thingswere created through him and for him." Mark yourcalendars; concert preparations are beginning.

Though this largely happens "behind the scenes,"this year the Education Committee is taking adeliberate look at the Bible curriculum in the school.In due time some recommendations will go to theboard and a report will be shared with the communityabout this work that this committee has been doingthroughout the year. Last year's curriculum studywas helpful for the staff, and a similar outcome isanticipated again this time.

Core CompetenciesElsewhere in this issue you'll find something elseabout Core Competencies again. You'll be hearing afair bit about these competencies in the comingmonths. An important aspect of these skills is thatstudents are required to self-assess theirperformance related to core competencydevelopment. Evidently, during the school year,teachers will be teaching the students the languageof core competency, and will help students tosomewhat accurately reflect on their own abilities.Student self-assessment should not intimidate us; wewant students to be able to reflect on how they are


Page 4: BRANCHES - files.credochs.com · 16Book Week (Feb 19-23) Assembly 2:30 pm gym 21“Seniors” Dress up day March 5Opening Assembly 8:45 am gym 13Report Cards 15, 16Student-Led Conferences


doing and then be deliberate about seeking toimprove their skills. Imagine a young hockey playerwho doesn't realize which particular skills he needsto intentionally develop so that he can become abetter asset to the team. He will likely be flounderingfor a long time. Then imagine the player who knowshe needs to improve his ability to skate backwards,or to stop quickly, or to increase his puck control.The second one will be more intentional, and willlikely be able to comment intelligibly on his skilldevelopment. The latter scenario is what we aremandated to be working on in our classrooms.

For more information related particularly to theCommunication Core Competency, please ask oneof your children about something they learned in theassembly on this topic that we had the other day.Mrs. VanSpronsen had an interesting exercise that

made it clear to all students that communicatingincludes speaking clearly and listening carefully.

Wrapping Up We are rapidly moving toward the time of year thatwe need to make concrete decisions about nextyear. At this point, it looks like ongoing class sizechallenges will continue to test our capacities. Thiswill result in interesting discussions at a variety ofmeetings in the coming months.

I know it's only the end of January, but enjoy thetransition to spring! Marvel at God's faithfulness asyou witness his creativity in the warmer weather andnewly-emerging buds and flowers. May his blessingbe evident to all of us.

Calendar Update

February 5 Opening Assembly 8:45 am gym

9 ProD Day no school

12 Family Day no school

16 Book Week (Feb 19-23) Assembly 2:30 pm gym

21 “Seniors” Dress up day

March 5 Opening Assembly 8:45 am gym

13 Report Cards

15, 16 Student-Led Conferences

19-29 March Break no school

30 Good Friday no school

April 1 Easter Sunday

2 Easter Monday no school

3 School reopens

3 Opening Assembly 8:45 am gym

20 Spring Program 7 pm church


Page 5: BRANCHES - files.credochs.com · 16Book Week (Feb 19-23) Assembly 2:30 pm gym 21“Seniors” Dress up day March 5Opening Assembly 8:45 am gym 13Report Cards 15, 16Student-Led Conferences

January 26, 2018

The Core Competencies....Jennifer Onderwater

Over the last three years the staff and students ofCredo have been interacting with the British Columbia'sredesigned curriculum and assessment. CoreCompetencies are a big piece of this new curriculumand are the focus of our curriculum work this year atCredo. Core Competencies are sets of intellectual,personal, social & emotional skills that all students

need to develop as they learn and grow. Thesecompetencies are not an add-on or a new subject. TheCore Competencies are integrated into all subjects andgrades. They are embedded into all curricular areasand allow students to develop and connect to these keyskills. The Core Competencies are divided into threebroad areas:

Each month, from January to June, we will focus an aspect of these Core Competencies in order for staff andstudents to grow in these areas and become more familiar with the language and expectations of the curriculum.

CommunicationIn January we highlighted the Core Competency ofcommunication. Since communication is foundational tohow we interact with others, share our learning, gatherinformation and tell our stories, it is important that we allare effective communicators.

As a Christian school, we see communication in thelight of scripture. It is especially important that weunderstand and communicate God's Word. We seek toacquire knowledge and express our learning as weengage with our world as children of God.Communication involves listening, reading, writing andspeaking. We seek to grow in all of these facets ofcommunication as life-long learners and followers ofGod:Listen to, and engage, with others < Proverbs 18:13 - don't answer before listening < Proverbs 18:15 - listen actively - don't just receive

but be engaged and ask questionsRead with comprehension< 2 Tim 3:16 - Understanding God's Word, is the key

to knowing Him better and growing in righteousness< Prov. 1:1-6 - reading comprehension is a key to

growing in wisdom< Daniel 1:17 - Understanding other literature and

learning is a blessing from the GodWrite effectively < Eccl 12:9-11 - effectively communicating what

we've learned involves seeking out just the rightwords

Speak God's Truth to the world< 1 Peter: 3:15 - we need to be ready to speak< Col 4:5-6 - we need to speak with grace, seasoned

with salt< Acts 19:8 - speaking persuasively is tied closely to

speaking boldly (or courageously)This broad skill of communication was be the focusedon in an assembly. Teachers and students havecontinued to work with communication throughclassroom activities, assessments, self-assessments,and portfolio pieces. We are learning to connectbetter with others, present our learning, workcollaboratively and reflect and change. We are gaininga better understanding of this competency ofcommunication and moving forward in our curriculumwork.

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord my rock and my redeemer." (Ps. 19:14)


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Short Reports of Board Meetings

Short Report of the Meeting of the Board ofDirectors of Credo Christian Elementary SchoolNovember 6th, 2017

• Opening and Welcome: The Chairman, TimBontkes, opened the meeting by reading fromPsalm 8 and prayer. He welcomed all theDirectors, Directors-elect and Principal OttoBouwman to the meeting.

• Agenda Approval: The agenda for the regularboard meeting was approved.

• Minutes and Short Report: The Minutes andShort Report of the October 2, 2017 Boardmeeting were adopted. The Minutes of theOctober 25, 2017 Membership Meeting wereapproved for publication. A previous Boarddecision to extend offers of employment for EApositions to Lisa Devries, Yolanda Hoogstra,and Meagan Lewis was ratified.

• Incoming/Outgoing Correspondence: Oneincoming letter was received from the CCRTCrequesting a letter of support for theiraccreditation process.

• Principal's Report: Otto Bouwman presentedthe Principal's Report for November 2017 andprovided updates on the new EA hires,program delivery planning for 2018/19, and ITmatters. Revisions to the Board Calendar werereviewed and approved.

• Chairman's Report: The Chairman's report forNovember 2017 was received for information. Tim Bontkes reported on his activities aschairman.

• Education Committee: Bob Huttema reportedthat the committee intends to review the Biblecurriculum this year. A new Library ResourcesPolicy was reviewed and approved.

• Board Assignments: After being givenopportunity to speak, the departing Director,Bob Huttema, left the meeting. Otto Bouwmanoffered a prayer of blessing on the upcomingboard year. Following due process, thefollowing roles and functions were assigned toBoard Directors:< Chair - Tim Bontkes< Vice-Chair - Ron Scheper< Treasurer - Oliver Hansma< Secretary - Will VanOene< Education Committee - Deanna VanDyke

< Finance Committee - Oliver Hansma / NeilDykstra

< Membership Committee - Neil Dykstra< Fundraising Committee - Neil Dykstra< IT Committee - Tim Rook< Special Education Committee - Erica

Feunekes< Credo Christian High School representative

- Erica Feunekes< Maintenance Committee - Ron Scheper< CCSTA Representative - Tim Rook< Board-Staff Relations Liaison - Erica

FeunekesThe Governor Letter of Commitment wassigned by incoming Board Director DeannaVanDyke.

• General Business: The October membershipmeeting was reviewed and reports werepresented on the recent SCSBC Conference.

• Membership Committee: Neil Dykstrareported on the work of the MembershipCommittee. Two enrollment requests werereviewed and discussed.

• Fundraising Committee: Neil Dykstrareported that he is in the process of findingwilling community members to serve on thecommittee and intends to form the committeeby January.

• Finance Committee: The income statementfor September 30 and October 31, 2017 weresubmitted and reviewed. The financialstatements were passed on to W. VanOene forthe archive. It was noted that Angela deBoerand Deanna VanDyke were appointed asreviewers and discovered no concerns. O.Hansma reported on the status of the five-yearplan, reserve fund investment and salarycommittee work.

• Maintenance Committee: Ron Scheperprovided an update on the work of themaintenance committee, which is currentlyfinalizing some items that are outstanding fromthe recent HVAC upgrade.

• CCSTA: Tim Rook reported that the CCSTA isconsidering the implementation of new policiesand procedures to deal with rider behaviour onthe busses.

• IT Committee: Tim Rook reported that thecommittee has made upgrades to the school's


Page 7: BRANCHES - files.credochs.com · 16Book Week (Feb 19-23) Assembly 2:30 pm gym 21“Seniors” Dress up day March 5Opening Assembly 8:45 am gym 13Report Cards 15, 16Student-Led Conferences

January 26, 2018

internet service and has improved wirelessconnection issues at the school. Ryan Sikmaand Nic Vanderven were appointed to thecommittee.

• Special Education: Erica Feunekes reportedthat there has been a positive response fromthe membership to the new "Connect" initiative.

• Ad-Hoc Valley Wide High School PlanningCommittee: Tim Bontkes reported that thecommittee is commencing SWOT analysis of

the current high school facilities, and still plansto report to the Boards in April.

• Next Meetings / Events: The next regularBoard meeting is planned for December 11,2017, which will be preceded by a LegalAuthority meeting with members from theCCHS board.

• Closing: Neil Dykstra offered a prayer ofthanksgiving. Tim Bontkes closed the meetingand thanked all for coming.


Short Report of the Meeting of the Board ofDirectors of Credo Christian Elementary SchoolDecember 11th, 2017

• Opening and Welcome: The Chairman, TimBontkes welcomed all the Directors andPrincipal Otto Bouwman to the meeting. Therewas no official opening, as this meeting waspreceded by the Legal Authority Meeting withCCHS.

• Agenda Approval: The agenda for the regularboard meeting was approved.

• Incoming/Outgoing Correspondence: Oneincoming letter was received from the CCRTCproviding an annual report of their activities. Aletter was sent to the CCRTC in support of theiraccreditation process. A reply letter was sentto a family regarding enrolment.

• Principal's Report: Otto Bouwman presentedthe Principal's Report for December 2017 andprovided updates on program delivery for2018/19, library matters, and SpecialEducation. Revisions to the Board Calendarwere reviewed and approved.

• Chairman's Report: The Chairman's report forDecember 2017 was received for information. Tim Bontkes reported on his activities aschairman, and provided updates on recentRCDC and CCC meetings.

• Membership Committee: The MembershipCommittee minutes were submitted andreviewed. Neil Dykstra reported on theactivities of the Membership Committee andnoted that the committee is currently workingthrough formalizing the process when dealingwith enrolment applications from non-memberfamilies. A decision was made on anenrolment application.

• Education Committee: The Education

Committee minutes were submitted andreviewed. Deanna VanDyke reported on theactivities of the Education Committee andnoted that the committee is beginning work onBible curriculum review and is consideringvarious grade scenarios for the 2018/19 schoolyear.

• Fundraising Committee: Roger Aikema wasappointed to the committee.

• Finance Committee: The income statementfor November 30, 2017 was submitted andreviewed. Oliver Hansma reported on theactivities of the Finance Committee includingwork being done by the Salary Committee. Adecision was made on a tuition request.

• Maintenance Committee: Ron Scheperprovided updates on the activities of theMaintenance Committee and reported on arecent water test that was completed at theschool building.

• CCSTA: Tim Rook reported on the activities ofthe CCSTA and noted that the committee iscurrently testing onboard video surveillance onthe busses.

• Special Education Committee: SpecialEducation Committee minutes were submittedand reviewed.

• Ad-Hoc Valley Wide High School PlanningCommittee: Committee minutes weresubmitted and reviewed. Tim Bontkes reportedthat the committee is has completed SWOTanalysis of the current high school facilities,and will moving into option development.

• Next Meetings / Events: The next regularBoard meeting is planned for January 15, 2018.

• Closing: Tim Rook offered a prayer ofthanksgiving. Tim Bontkes closed the meetingand thanked all for coming.


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Presenting at an American Speechand Hearing Association (ASHA)

Conference in Los Angeles:

I had the privilege of being accepted as aco-presenter with Rosslyn Delmonico atthe ASHA Conference in L.A. Thisconference is attended by 10,000 speechand language professionals. We weregiven 1½ hours to present on teachingsocial language in schools. It was a greatopportunity to share some of the researchI did for my thesis and also learn fromRosslyn's expertise as an author andspeech and language pathologist. Besidespresenting, I could attend this largeconference and learn from experts inlanguage and speech.

Jennifer Onderwater

Heather Dykstra, Resource Dept. @ William of Orange Christian School

What is dyslexia? The most common answer is thatdyslexics are people who see things backwards:reversing b/d or p/q. While it is true that somedyslexics struggle with reversals, this is not the casefor all. The actual definition of dyslexia, as definedby the International Dyslexia Association, is "a deficitin the phonological component of language." To putit simply, dyslexics do not have an ear or eye for thesounds of speech. Dyslexics have a harder timeprocessing the individual sounds that make upspoken words and they have a harder time mappingthe sound to the written letter.

The brain of a dyslexic is not wired efficiently forlanguage. It takes them so much longer to processwhat they are hearing, reading, or writing. Think ofthose moments in which you've said "it's on the tip ofmy tongue". How frustrating it is when you can'tseem to retrieve the word/letter that you know is inyour brain. A dyslexic individual experiences thismuch more frequently. This has a major impact onthe fluency of reading/writing and is why a dyslexicrequires more time to complete their work.

Dyslexic students face significant challenges when itcomes to their daily schoolwork. The effort it takesfor a dyslexic to read and write can be compared tothe effort it would take to attend a school beingtaught in a foreign language that has not beenmastered. Everything you read and write would haveto be translated in your head as you go along. Itwould be mentally draining to have to do this all daylong.

It's important to know that while dyslexia impactslearning, it's not a problem of intelligence. Kids withthis issue are just as smart as their peers. Manypeople have struggled with dyslexia and gone on tohave successful careers. If your child has dyslexia,he/she won't outgrow it. But there are supports,teaching approaches and strategies to helpovercome the challenges.

If you question whether your child has dyslexia, oryou'd like to learn more, please attend the seminarthat the Connect group is hosting on this topic.


Page 9: BRANCHES - files.credochs.com · 16Book Week (Feb 19-23) Assembly 2:30 pm gym 21“Seniors” Dress up day March 5Opening Assembly 8:45 am gym 13Report Cards 15, 16Student-Led Conferences

January 26, 2018


Page 10: BRANCHES - files.credochs.com · 16Book Week (Feb 19-23) Assembly 2:30 pm gym 21“Seniors” Dress up day March 5Opening Assembly 8:45 am gym 13Report Cards 15, 16Student-Led Conferences


Credo Aid Update....

Credo Aid Shop Easy

The first quarter of the year is behind us already and a lot has been happening with Shop Easy.First we would like to say farewell and THANK-YOU to Marcia for her years of service as a rep in Langley. Her dedication to serving her customers and keeping a balanced spreadsheet were greatly appreciated. Enjoy your "free" time on Sunday!

In connection with that, secondly, we would like to welcome a new member to our team: Mary-AnneVanderhorst. Welcome, and thanks to you for volunteering your time to help us out. We look forward toworking with you!

Thirdly, we would like to let you know the profits in the first quarter for both this year and last year as acomparison:

2016:September $1428October $2233November $2411December $3885

Total profits: $9957

2017:September $1780October $1952November $1845December $4450

Total profits: $10,027

The profit margin is slightly higher this quarter from last year due to a HUGE Christmas rush this year. Thanks so much to all the businesses who made a point to order through us. We sold almost $87,000worth of gift cards in December alone!

There was a slight dip in the monthly profits in Oct and Nov. We are holding steady at around 65 faithfulparticipants, but a new year is a perfect time to try it out if you haven't done so before. We encourage youto try the post dated system with just a few cheques or ask to be put on a reminder email list so we canhelp you remember. We would LOVE to serve you!

We accept cheque, cash or e-transfers. Please contact your rep with any questions, or hopefully yourorder.

Langley: Deanna Van Dyke [email protected]

Langley: Mary-Anne Vanderhorst [email protected]

Aldergrove: Meagan Vandergriendt [email protected]


Page 11: BRANCHES - files.credochs.com · 16Book Week (Feb 19-23) Assembly 2:30 pm gym 21“Seniors” Dress up day March 5Opening Assembly 8:45 am gym 13Report Cards 15, 16Student-Led Conferences

Name: Date:

Phone: email:

Name % $ # Total Name % $ # Total

IGA 5 50.00 Starbucks 5 10.00

Safeway 8 25.00 25.00

50.00 Tim Hortons 5 10.00

100.00 25.00

Save-on-Foods 8 25.00(Pricesmart) 50.00 Name % $ # Total

100.00 HBC 3 25.00

Superstore 5 25.00 100.00

50.00 Walmart 2 25.00

100.00 100.00


Name % $ # Total Name % $ # Total

Boathouse 5 25.00 Home Depot 2 25.00

50.00 100.00

Boston Pizza 5 25.00 Rona 5 25.00

50.00 100.00

Brown's Social House 5 25.00

50.00 Name % $ # Total

Cactus Club 10 25.00 American Eagle 5 25.00

50.00 Canadian Tire 3 25.00

Earl's 5 25.00 50.00

50.00 Chapters 5 25.00

Keg 5 25.00 Mark's Workwearhouse 5 25.00

50.00 50.00

Kelsey, Milestones, 3 25.00 Options: Gap, Old Navy 5 25.00

50.00 Shopper's Drug Mart 3 25.00

Moxie's 10 25.00 50.00

Old Spaghetti Factory 5 25.00 100.00

Olive Garden 5 25.00 Spa Utopia 5 50.00

Red Robin 5 25.00 100.00

Subway 5 10.00 Sport Chek 3 25.00

25.00 50.00

White Spot 5 25.00 Winners, Marshalls, 5 25.00

50.00 HomeSense 50.00

Grocery Stores (always available)

Department Stores

Credo Aid

Gift Card Order


Specialty Stores

Home Improvement


Coffee & Treats

Send your form to the school (marked Credo Aid)

Page 12: BRANCHES - files.credochs.com · 16Book Week (Feb 19-23) Assembly 2:30 pm gym 21“Seniors” Dress up day March 5Opening Assembly 8:45 am gym 13Report Cards 15, 16Student-Led Conferences


In This Issue:

• From the Chairman• From the Principal• The Core Competencies• Short Reports of Board Meetings

• Dyslexia• ASHA Conference• Calendar Update• Credo Aid Update

Volume 30Issue 5Jan. 26, 2018

The purpose of our parental Christian School is to educate our children to develop their individual potential and toacquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed for a life of responsible stewardship in God's Kingdom.

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