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B R A N D I D E N T I T Y & S O C I A L M E D I A S T R A T E G I E S F O R M A N A G I N G B R A N D S I N T H E S O C I A L P L A T F O R M S

Freelance marketing & digital strategy consultant. I run digital communication projects and strategies; I manage teams, contents and investments in online communication. I collaborate with private companies, SMEs, e-commerce and startups.

The main companies I work / worked with: Gruppo Togni, Adv Media Lab, Arredoclassic, Kreba Store, Promopharma, Visure Italia, Warehouse Coworking Factory, Università di Ferrara, JCube Incubator, Dago Elettronica, Tripsy and others.

I held lessons and workshop at: H-FARM, Bologna Business School, ISTAO Business School, Università di Bologna, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Università di Urbino.

Before: 4 years Experience in marketing & e-commerce in PMI’s. Academic research activities in the field of experience economy. Abroad studying experiences (Copenhagen Business School). Master Degree in Marketing & Communication (Urbino University).

Marketing & Digital Strategy Consultant

www.simonemoriconi.com [email protected]


Source: vincos.it

Source: vincos.it

Facebook 12h20m

What’s changing

Source: thinkwithgoogle,com

Micro-moments: a new paradigm

Most downloaded app in 2015

1. WhatsApp Messenger 2. Facebook Messenger 3. Facebook 4. Instagram 5. Clean Master 6. 360 Mobile Security 7. Skype 8. YouTube 9. UC Browser 10. Snapchat

Source: App Annie

Most downloaded app in 2015

1. WhatsApp Messenger 2. Facebook Messenger 3. Facebook 4. Instagram 5. Clean Master 6. 360 Mobile Security 7. Skype 8. YouTube 9. UC Browser 10. Snapchat

Source: App Annie


Most downloaded app in 2015

1. WhatsApp Messenger 2. Facebook Messenger 3. Facebook 4. Instagram 5. Clean Master 6. 360 Mobile Security 7. Skype 8. YouTube 9. UC Browser 10. Snapchat

Source: App Annie

Social media & messaging


New targets: Generation Z

• Born after 1995-2000 • Mobile-first generation • 40% of total consumers in the world by 2020 • 33% watch online tutorials • 20% read books on tablet • 25% abandoned Facebook in 2014 for other more

inclusive social media (Snapchat, Whisper, Instagram)

New targets: Generation Z

• Creating instead of curating • Images instead of text

“All-native” Keyboardless Selective

Generation Z: 8 seconds / 5 screens

Source: Marketo

New targets: Generation Z

• Doing instead of watching • Influencers instead of celebrities

How-to UGC Entertainers


• Know your target • Understand and analyze their habits • Learn to use new tools and platforms • Stay open


Twitter decline

The number of tweets per day created by Twitter’s users has fallen by more than half since a peak in August 2014.


Instagram has over 300 million members who share more than 70 million photos and videos each day.

Instagram: brand engagement

User engagement of branded content on Instagram is much higher than other social media.

Earned or paid media?

Link: http://www.inc.com/jeff-bercovici/facebook-sharing-crisis.html

Original broadcast sharing (posts consisting of users' own words and images) fell 21 % from 2014 to 2015, contributing to a 5.5 % decrease in total sharing.

Sharing content publicly: motivations

1. Strengthen bonds with others (I’m not telling

you like it, I’m telling you that I like you too)

2. Define collective identity (es. Star Wars fans)

3. Reinforce personal identity and status (finding

it first, being the person that share funny


“Traditional” social networks are still the place of conversations?

Private life (authentic conversations) pass always more through messaging apps, where users can select addresses and layers of privacy.

From fan pages to groups [and more…]

Need of sharing useful information, reinforce [small and large] communities, organizing contents and topics…

• Facebook Groups • Whatsapp • Telegram • Slack

From fan pages to groups [and more…]

• Facebook Groups • Whatsapp • Telegram • Slack

Social Chat apps

Escape from invasive communication, undesirable users, undesirable content…


• Brand awareness is about visual more than ever • User engagement has a lot to do with money

invested on media channels • Facebook is still the place where everybody is and

spend most of the time but… • Conversations are moving to social chat apps


Video: broadcasting and sharing

• Facebook Video 360° • Facebook Live • Periscope • Merkaat

Facebook > Platform for video

Everyday Facebook counts 8 billion video views (2015). More than 70% of video views are mobile.

Video content on Facebook

• Autoplay • Higher audience reach [but engagement?] • Interest-based • “Discover more” (drive to website) • Video channels

Who are we really interested in?

Brand vs. entertainers

Gif mania

Average life of a piece of content

• Instagram: 21h 36m. • Facebook: 14h 42m. • Twitter: 4h 4m.

Costs for producing a piece of content?

• Video • Gif • Graphic post • Image

* a content is considered “dead” when it has reached 90% if interactions. Source: OverGraph

* a content is considered “dead” when it has reached 90% if interactions. Source: OverGraph

Average life of a piece of content *

• Instagram: 21h 36m. • Facebook: 14h 42m. • Twitter: 4h 4m.

Costs for producing a piece of content?

• Video • Gif • Graphic post • Image

* a content is considered “dead” when it has reached 90% if interactions. Source: OverGraph

Average life of a piece of content *

• Instagram: 21h 36m. • Facebook: 14h 42m. • Twitter: 4h 4m.

Costs for producing a piece of content?

• Video • Gif • Graphic post • Image

Quality stuff is 90% of good branding


• Content in social media is iper-fragmentated • Posts and updates have short life / exposure

compared to other media • “Shareable” content requires higher investment • People are no more interested in what brands have to

say… • …unless you become really interesting [for your target]!



Give useful information



1. Fix a budget for your social media activities (content production and advertising)

2. Avoid homemade stuff (apart if you want to give a sense of real time)

3. Consider your brand as “inviolable” 4. Keep an eye on hot topics, but don’t chase

the “in” thing: everybody’s doing it!

Branding in social media

Starting points

1. Be loyal to your “core” elements (mission, values, differentiation, USP…)

2. Identify what you want to communicate (key messages) 3. Monitor how you are perceived by users (positive,

negative, neutral) 4. Define a visual line (social brand identity) 5. Set the “tone of voice” (legitimating, ironic, easy /

friendly…) 6. Work on macro-themes (from values to contents) 7. Set up tools & practices for managing and share content

across organization (editorial calendar, meetings…)


Brand identity Tone of voice Irony & sarcasm Real-time mktg

Brand values / message alignment




Troubled users’ sentiment Communication campaigns not [always] aligned Riding the “wave of the moment”



Ca’ del Bosco

Visual strategy Clear Identity Format coherence Topics & categories

Message / target fit


Monthly topics Drive-to-store Suggestions

Objective: conversions e-store / offline


Evocative images Product in aspirational environments High user engagement

Instagram for branding

Erin Condren

Mission expressed through images Boards with inspirations Community engagement

Niche / channel fit


• Marketing works when people can attribute it back to something memorable: avoid memes or funny photos that say nothing about the brand

• Don’t be afraid of featuring products [30-40% of total content is ok]

• Think about making 1 or 2 hi-quality posts a week and drive up their reach [social ads]

• Listening and responding to comments can help shape strategies and building positive perceptions


1. Set goals for social media overall activity and expected returns (ROI)

2. Choose which social media are better to manage and invest in

3. Align content and messages of all social media (integrated strategy)

4. Keep coherence among online & offline marketing activities (advertising, events, unconventional…)


• Story Matter Most • First Five Seconds • Emotional Roller Coaster • Surprise, don’t shock! • Title and description • Call-to-action

Spreadability of a piece of content

Viral elements: content

• Engagement Plan • Influencer & Tastemakers • First 48 hours • Video seeding • Think Mobile

Target 1 to reach 100!

Viral elements: distribution

• Paid Media • Advertising Plan • Social ads

Know your digital audience!

Viral elements: promotion

Mercedes: build you own GLA on Instagram

+100.000 likes + 20.000 new followers Younger target

Viral campaign to specific digital target group

WWF: the last selfie on Snapchat

Consciuosness topic Hashtag #LastSelfie Bounced to other social

Use peculiarity of the specific media

PESO model

Social Advertising

Facebook ads

Facebook Audience Insights

Facebook ads

Facebook ads

Facebook ads


• Create the audience before the campaign • Have a clear objective in mind • Consider Lookalike audiences • Work always on building a targeted

community • Test different audiences and message

combinations (text / images / call-to-action)

Instagram ads

Every platform has its ad service

Every platform has its ad service

Every platform has its ad service


• Invest in other ad services only if you have a strategy for that platforms [your audience is really there?]

• Monitor CPC and conversion rates • Make multiple test [adapt messages to channels] • Don’t focus only on single-platform results • Track with Google Analytics!

Social media crisis

Source: Adv Media Lab

A social media crisis has an immediate and strong impact on brand reputation. Damaging control is the key.

Negative chatter…

Small crisis [opportunity?]

Monitor the sentiment Generate a flame A bit of irony

Social media crisis [damaging]

Corporate crisis [almost irreparable]

Crisis FAQ

Eni vs. Report: live reaction on Twitter


1. Be ready to possible crisis [where they could come from?]

2. Acknowledge (“yes, we recognize our mistake…“) 3. Be sorry [sincerely] 4. Give immediate response 5. Reassure users 6. Prepare an action plan for managing future

conversations [re-establish trust]

Final notes

• Don’t think about a Facebook/Instagram/Youtube/Snapchat strategy if you don’t have an overall digital strategy

• Then, decline your strategy to specific media / channels [Which social is better for what? How can I reach my goals? How should I communicate?]

• Follow your objectives before setting any editorial calendar and advertising / media plan

Never betray your brand!

Thank you



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