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examining our brand identitybranding guidelines and graphic standards

understanding the Welch Allyn brand



Peter H. Soderberg, President and Chief Executive Officer


4 Brand potential

8 Company values

9 Expressing the brand

28 Putting the pieces together

If you’re reading this, it’s because you are one of

the few being trusted with the care and feeding

of arguably the most valuable thing we possess—

the Welch Allyn brand. Ours is a brand that

has been nurtured for nearly a century by your

predecessors and colleagues who helped establish a

reputation for quality and a legacy of relationships

that are unsurpassed in our industry.

As we work to express the brand in new market

segments and new geographies around the world, we

need to draw on the strengths of the past while being

mindful of the opportunities of the future. In doing

so, we will continue to build our business consistent

with the values of a family-owned company and in

harmony with our corporate vision for the future.

Caregivers in frontline settings worldwide will look

to the people of Welch Allyn first for solutions to

their patient care problems.

the Welch Allyn vision

brand potential

What does the Nike swoosh mean to you? The Mercedes star? McDonalds’

golden arches? When you see these brands, you know instantly what they’re

about—performance, luxury, and convenience, respectively. And users of

these brands recognize something—they identify with the principles that the

brands stand for, which fosters brand loyalty.

Brand management is good business. By developing a more complete

picture of what the Welch Allyn brand stands for and communicating

it clearly and consistently, we will enhance the value of our company.


a strong brandcommands higher prices

increases market share

generates customer loyalty

delivers new opportunities

draws attention to industry leadership

saves time, money, and energy

is a corporate asset

Today, the world’s most successful companies identify and

manage every point of interaction the customer has with the

brand—every experience. More than just the logo or an

advertisement, the brand extends to the products themselves,

building signage, trade show booths—even phone greetings.

In other words, everything we say and do is an inseparable

part of the Welch Allyn brand.

Powerful brands are built on consistency. The more times our

customers come into contact with the Welch Allyn brand and

have the same feeling and emotional take-away, the more likely

they are to remember our messages. When everything works

together, we present a clear picture of who we are. And that

builds not only a sense of community, but builds our brand as well.



Coca-Cola $70.45 billion

Microsoft $65.17 billion

IBM $51.77 billion

Intel $31.11 billion

Nokia $29.44 billion

Notes: Based on a 2003 valuation by Interbrand®. Global corporations with extensive brand portfolios, such as Johnson & Johnson,

were ranked separately. Several business-to-business brands, such as Cisco Systems, SAP, and Goldman Sachs, rank in the Top 50.

The World’s Most Valuable Brands

A well-managed brand is, quite literally, a business asset. Building our

brand equity allows us to command premium pricing and contributes to

improved economies of scale. More broadly, it creates a profitable cycle in

which customers actively seek to purchase Welch Allyn branded products,

which in turn leads to increased market share and brand loyalty.

While brand valuation methodologies vary, they parallel the principles

used to measure tangible assets. Brand valuation is factored into such

business decisions as determining the terms of an acquisition, a license,

or efforts to secure financing.

These figures are based on the value of the brand alone. No patents,

no people, no plants, no products—just the ability to use the brand

on products and services. Amazing.

brand value


different people, different cultures, one voice

As colleagues who live and work on every continent, we may speak

different languages, but we’re saying the same thing. Bound by a

common mission and shared values, we at Welch Allyn are working to

support our local medical communities—helping doctors, nurses and

other professionals deliver the best possible healthcare more efficiently

than ever before.

Although the ways in which we interact with our customers—and the

settings in which they provide care—may differ from country to country

and region to region, we’re building from a common foundation of core

values that continue to drive our business.


customer focus

integrity & respect for others

innovation & change


superior, profitable growth

Our customers’ needs drive everything we do—inspiring every product and

service we develop, and shaping every interaction we have with others.

Ethical behavior matters, and is rooted in a heritage that values and respects

the individual while fostering a spirit of teamwork and collaboration.

We recognize that change enables progress—so, as a company, we have an

open mind, an inventive spirit and a passion for continuous improvement.

Every commitment is a promise—that’s why we take each one seriously and honor

obligations to our customers, our colleagues, our communities and ourselves.

By consistently executing our business strategies, pursuing our company vision,

and living our core values, we will achieve sustainable growth and build a

solid future.

These values fuel our company vision, which articulates our purpose and relates

directly to our revitalized brand.


company values

expressing the brand



Welch Allyn is the only company that focuses its efforts entirely on helping

frontline practitioners work more effectively, efficiently and empathically

with their patients at the point of care.

We apply innovation in ways that help caregivers:

deliver more advanced and comprehensive care

optimize their time and skill

enhance their relationship with patients

focused innovation

The spark at the center of the Welch Allyn brand is our brand essence,

which is Focused Innovation. Focused Innovation is a way of uniquely

characterizing Welch Allyn and the work we do. Rather than pursuing

innovation for innovation’s sake, our efforts are concentrated and efficient,

directed specifically at improving performance in a discrete segment of the

healthcare market—the frontlines of care. Based on extensive global research

and reflection, we are expressing this in a brand positioning that states:

brand tagline

The tagline we choose to be the anchor of our communications is an

extremely important expression of our brand. It should sum up and put

an exclamation point on all of our communications to customers, channel

partners and employees alike. It should be succinct enough to express an

attitude and point of view that are at once aspirational and yet grounded in

the reality of what we can deliver today. It should be flexible enough to be

applied in a meaningful way across the broad spectrum of our businesses.

Our tagline—like any tagline—does not exist in a vacuum. It will always

be used as part of a comprehensive communications effort. And it will

reinforce the key messaging concepts being communicated through a

thoughtful, integrated program that consistently reinforces these messages

at every point of customer contact.

Advancing Frontline Care



brand voiceOur voice (or tone of voice) is the written or spoken expression of our brand identity. The

brand voice is not so much what we say (the content), but how we say it—its manner and tone.

We recently examined our competitors to get a sense of the voice each employs, and what

we found was encouraging: they all say virtually the same thing in the same way. That, of

course, presents an opportunity: we can further distinguish ourselves by using a character-

istic tone of voice, one that can become associated with the Welch Allyn brand.

As much as we like to emphasize innovation and technology, practical business decisions

and prudent operational practices, we need to keep in mind that people choose particular

brands because of the emotional connection they make. Our voice, then, is charged with

energy. It conveys an understanding of our customers’ commitment and passion—traits

we comprehend because we’re committed and passionate ourselves.

Our voice is clear: no ambiguity, no distractions. Clarity in and of itself illustrates efficiency

and shows respect—because who has time to wade through dense copy?

Using a collaborative voice means treating our audience as equals. We aren’t telling them what

Welch Allyn can do for them as much as we are involving them in the process of understand-

ing how we can best work together.

A compassionate tone communicates the notion of shared experience, which in turn helps to

create a community comprised of Welch Allyn, the doctors and medical professionals we

serve, as well as their patients. Word choice is an important part of developing a compassion-

ate tone, so use words, phrases, and idioms that emphasize understanding and connection.

By familiar, we mean that we understand both the nuances of industry and the day-to-day

realities of our customers in frontline medical settings. Having served this market for nearly

one hundred years, we’ve gained credibility; continuing to dedicate ourselves to leadership in

meeting their needs keeps us current and vital. Take care not to let the familiarity in our tone

edge into the realm of presumptuousness: the former demonstrates a subdued confidence

gained through experience, while the latter is just plain arrogant.

Finally, our tone is eloquent in its grace and brevity.






When developing communications pieces and delivering presentations to support products and services that carry the Welch Allyn brand, weconsistently use a brand voice—a way of writing and speaking—that is:



The mood created by photography is that of cap-turing an intimate moment between caregiverand patient. The image should appear soft,friendly, and with a great deal of sensitivity.

colorA simple clear, soft blue and green color palette relates the images to our brand. Theimages instantly associate themselves with the Welch Allyn brand.

compositionShots should be elegantly simple; reduced tominimal elements. Spare, clean shot design usinginteresting angles and cropping will become easily recognizable as a Welch Allyn image.

selective focusUse of a very short depth of field and selectivefocus draws the viewer to the point of care.

lightingLighting should be soft and natural.

props and wardrobeWhen selecting props, wardrobe, background or setting, strict attention should be paid to theadherence to the Welch Allyn secondary colorpalette. Every effort should be made to keep all objects and materials selected for the shotwithin this color family.

product photographyAll products should be photographed in the most attractive angles possible to show off the products’ key features. Products should befocused with all of the pieces or componentsthat you will need to operate the product so that readers can quickly ascertain what comeswith the product and how it works. Backgroundsshould be white so that they can easily be sil-houetted out during retouching. The Welch Allynlogo should also be clearly visible, if possible.

Approved photography for products and applicationsis available at www.welchallynimages.com.14



The Welch Allyn corporate wordmark is the cornerstone of the Welch Allyn

identity. This single wordmark represents our company at all levels. Consistent

use of our name will result in increased recognition in the marketplace.

worldwide signatureThis single wordmark represents our company at all levels; it is essential that we preserve andprotect it. These guidelines establish a legalstandard for use; alterations of letter forms, proportions or weights are not allowed.

communicative nameAlthough not the legal name, “Welch Allyn” isour communicative name. It should be used inspeech, correspondence, body copy and printedmaterial to refer to the worldwide company orany of its business units or affiliates. The nameof our corporation is spelled as two words withinitial capital letters, Welch Allyn.

The company should always be referred to intext by the full name “Welch Allyn.” Never shorten the name, e.g., “WA.”

reproduction artReproduce the Welch Allyn wordmark only fromauthorized printed or electronic reproduction art.

The letter forms used in the wordmark are customgenerated; they cannot be redrawn or recreatedby conventional typesetting methods.


legal registration

The name Welch Allyn can be used as a “tradename” to refer to the company

(Welch Allyn, Inc.) or the group of Welch Allyn-affiliated companies. It also can

be used as a “trademark” linked to a product description (e.g., Welch Allyn

Halogen Ophthalmoscope).

When using Welch Allyn as a tradename on items such at stationery, business

cards, invoices, labels, manuals and sales brochures, do not include registration

information (®).

The name Welch Allyn, when used as a trademark, is a registered trademark of

the company in the United States and around the world. In these cases, use the

®-symbol on the Welch Allyn wordmark every time it appears in all printed

materials. When the wordmark is used prominently (e.g., trade show signage),

the ®-symbol may be left off for aesthetic reasons as long as the registration

information appears elsewhere in the document, or in the case of a product,

appears on the product label or packaging.

If there are questions concerning the correct use of the company’s trademarks,

contact the Welch Allyn Legal Department.


use over dark backgroundOver a black or a dark background (over60% gray scale in value), use logo in white.

use over light backgroundOver a white or light background (under 20%gray scale in value), use logo in full color.

The Welch Allyn corporate wordmark’s graphic impact results from its

simplicity of color. The wordmark should be used in Pantone® 355 Green

and Pantone® 281 Blue whenever possible.

wordmark color


cmyk: 100, 0, 91, 6

rgb: 0, 152, 101

spot color: Pantone® 355

web: 009933

cmyk: 100, 72, 0, 38

rgb: 29, 47, 104

spot color: Pantone® 281

web: 0033cc


Color is a powerful tool. When used properly, a simple,

clear color palette differentiates the Welch Allyn

brand. Welch Allyn wordmark blue (Pantone 281)

and green (Pantone 355) are to be used in the word-

mark only. More subtle blues and greens are the

dominant colors of our brand, with more emphasis

given to the blue hues over the greens. Our secondary

colors were chosen to complement the Welch Allyn

wordmark blue and green and to work harmoniously

with one another.

Pantone 549cmyk: 52, 6, 0, 25

rgb: 99, 153, 171

Pantone 550cmyk: 38, 4, 0, 19

rgb: 140, 176, 191

Pantone 551cmyk: 27, 3, 0, 13

rgb: 166, 194, 204

Pantone 552cmyk: 15, 0, 0, 9

rgb: 191, 209, 214

Pantone 5503cmyk: 29, 0, 10, 14

rgb: 168, 196, 196

Pantone 5513cmyk: 18, 0, 7, 5

rgb: 196, 214, 209

Pantone 622cmyk: 24, 0, 19, 4

rgb: 196, 209, 196

NOTE: Color swatches shown are printed in cmyk process. RGB values should be used for web applications and should be “web safe” (over 256-color bit settings).

secondary color

Pantone 621cmyk: 13, 0, 10, 2

rgb: 217, 224, 212

W height W height

W height

W height

W height

separate the wordmark

For clarity and impact, keep a clear space around the Welch Allyn wordmark.

Placing it too close to type or graphic elements interferes with its recognizability

and diminishes its protectability.

Tagline set in Univers 57 CondensedRegular in a point size equal to 1/2 the size of the W height. The tagline,which should be used as a sign off on all communications materials, must appear in Welch Allyn blue.

W height

W height

W height

W height

1/2 W height

W height

W height

Advancing Frontline Care™



minimum sizeReproduce the Welch Allyn wordmark in offset lithography no smaller than the specified minimum size for optimum reproduction.

no confining shapeThe Welch Allyn wordmark should be usedwithout the appearance of being enclosedin a shape. Apply the signature to an arealarge enough to be perceived as a generalbackground, rather than a confining shape.


questionsFor questions regarding the application of these standards or for additional reproduction art, please contact us at:

Welch Allyn, Inc.4341 State Street Road PO Box 220Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0220 USA800.535.6663 ext. 3696

download filesAuthorized reproduction art is available fordownloading on the Welch Allyn corporate website. These files may be accessed at:www.welchallynimages.com

reproduction art


The Welch Allyn wordmark should only be reproduced from authorized

reproduction art.

incorrect usage

Do not change the arrangement of words

Do not alter the size relationship between components

Do not create a box or border

Do not render wordmark in all blue

Do not render wordmark in all green

Do not change the order of colors

Do not alter the color

Do not place over opposing backgrounds

Do not render any of the components in outline

Do not render the wordmark as a repeat pattern

Do not render at an angle

Do not add graphic elements

Do not screen wordmark

Do not set the words in typefaces22

use over light image areaOver a white or a light portion of an image (under 20% gray scale in value), use logo in full color.

wordmark over images

Special care is necessary when the Welch Allyn wordmark is used over

photographs or backgrounds with varying tones. The wordmark should

stand out clearly on all backgrounds.

use over dark image areaOver a black or a dark portion of animage (over 60% gray scale in value),use logo in white.

use in black and whiteIn black and white applications, the logo must always be used as 100% black—never gray, black/gray or two-tone.

Advancing Frontline CareTM




Typography helps to establish a distinctive look for Welch Allyn. Univers

Condensed Light, Regular and Bold have been selected as the sans serif

font family for use in headlines, callouts, captions and bullet points. Sabon

is the selected serif font for use in highly informational and lengthy text.



Univers 47 Condensed LightClean and professional with timeless modernity,Univers Condensed Light is used in body copy,callouts and bullets.


Univers 47 Condensed Light ObliqueUnivers Condensed Light Oblique is used in conjunction with Univers Condensed Light tocall attention to specific words in text.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzUnivers 57 Condensed Regular

Univers Condensed Regular is used to addemphasis to headlines and subheads.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzUnivers 67 Condensed Bold

Univers Condensed Bold is used sparingly to give added emphasis to subheads.




SabonSabon is a formal, serious font for use in highly informational body copy.


Univers 47 Condensed LightClean and professional with timeless modernity,Univers Condensed Light is used in body copy,callouts and bullets.

Univers 47 Condensed Light ObliqueUnivers Condensed Light Oblique is used in conjunction with Univers Condensed Light tocall attention to specific words in text.

Univers 57 Condensed RegularUnivers Condensed Regular is used to addemphasis to headlines and subheads. It canalso be used online for graphic elements only.

Univers 67 Condensed BoldUnivers Condensed Bold is used sparingly to give added emphasis to subheads.

SabonSabon is a formal, serious font for use in highly informational body copy. It is not recommended for online use unless in agraphic format. The nearest typeface for online use to Sabon is Times Roman.

ArialWhen HTML generated text is required, theArial type family should be used. These fontsshould never be used over 18 pixels or under10 pixels in height. Legal text may go as low as 9 pixels and no larger then 12.

typography palettes

Our fonts can be used in different combinations to tailor each message

to its audience. The following examples are provided to help you select

a type option for your application.

For example:

Disposable One-Piece Blood Pressure Cuffs

A level of quality only Welch Allyn can offer.

For nearly a century, Welch Allyn has made blood pressure instruments

with unmatched quality. So, when we began manufacturing One-Piece

Blood Pressure Cuffs, we adhered to the same standards the healthcare

community has come to expect.

• Validated for use on multiple monitors

• Meet latest AHA and AAMI sizing guidelines for accurate readings

• Designed to last longer than other leading brands

• Patented flat-port tubing eliminates leakers

• Hook-and-loop stands up cycle after cycle

Palette OneHEADLINE:Univers 57 Condensed size/leading: 23/27 kerning: -3align: left

SUBHEAD:Univers 57 Condensed size/leading: 13/16 kerning: -2 align: left

BODY COPY:Sabonsize/leading: 11/19 kerning: -1leading after paragraph: 12 pt.align: left

BULLETS:Universe 47 Condensed Lightsize/leading: 10/13kerning: 0leading after line break: 3 pt.align: leftindent: .2”


•NEO 1 (3.3-5.6 CM)•NEO 2 (4.2-7.1 CM)•NEO 3 (5.4-9.1 CM)•NEO 4 (6.9-11.7 CM)•NEO 5 (8.9-15.0 CM)•MULTI-PACK



one-tube(10 pack)

two-tube(10 pack)

neonatal soft disposable cuffs

address formats

Address copy must always appear in the Univers family of typefaces. The type

weights are specified for location names and addresses on all communications.

Address signoffUnivers 47 Condensed Lightsize/leading: 9/10 kerning: 0align: right

Align top line of address withthe bottom of the “h” in thewordmark and position one Wheight away from wordmark.

Advancing Frontline Care™4341 State Street Road, PO Box 220, Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0220 USA

800.535.6663 www.welchallyn.com

W height

Palette Two chartsCHART HEAD:Univers 57 Condensed size: 13 kerning: -2align: left

COLUMN SUBHEAD:Univers 57 Condensed size/leading: 9/9 kerning: 0align: left

COLUMN COPY:Univers 47 Condensed Light size/leading: 9/12 kerning: 0align: left



The elements of our brand identity—wordmark, tagline, typography, colors,

photo style and copy voice—when used consistently, present a unified view of

the Welch Allyn brand without necessitating a strict layout grid. By allowing

for flexibility in the application of these brand elements, we allow the brand

to evolve, and let individual communications pieces take on the characteristics

most suitable to their intended use and audience.

The examples on these pages show just a few ways these elements can blend

together and be appropriately used for communications across channels and borders.

US Franchise Catalogs

United Kingdom Catalogs

Asia/Australia Catalogs

putting the pieces together


United States Acute Care Advertising

French Medical School Poster

Defibrillator BrochureDirect Mail Dealer Sales


European Blood PressureLiterature

French Emergency Services Mailer

Welch Allyn registered product names and trademarks


The company maintains many trademarked brand names in addition

to the Welch Allyn brand. The ® or ™ symbol should be used on

the signature and in the first mention in body copy on an individual

piece. If a portion of the printed piece can easily be removed from the

original piece, it must also carry the appropriate ® or ™ symbol

on the signature and in the body copy.

In copy, Welch Allyn trademarks should appear as adjectives followed

by the generic name of the product after the Welch Allyn brand. For

example, the Welch Allyn PanOptic™ Ophthalmoscope. Welch Allyn

trademarks should not be used as verbs or in the plural or possessive form.


Acuity® Central Monitoring Station

Acuity® LT

Advancing Frontline Care™

AED 10™

AED 20™

AM 232™ Manual Audiometer

Atlas™ Monitor

AudioScope® 3 Screening



AutoStep® Coaxial Ophthalmoscope

Axial PointSource™ Optics

CardioPerfect™ Workstation


CompacVideo™ Otoscope

CP 10™ Multichannel


CP 20™ Multichannel Electrocardiograph

DuraShock™ Sphygmomanometer

Elite® Stethoscope

EpiScope® Skin Surface Microscope

Exam Light III™ Fiber Optic Light


The Flexible Monitoring Company®


Frontline Flexible Monitoring™

Halogen HPX™

Harvey™ DLX Stethoscope

Harvey™ Elite® Stethoscope


KleenSpec® Disposable

Otoscope Specula

KleenSpec® Disposable

Vaginal Specula






MicroTymp® 2 Portable

Tympanometric Instrument

Mobile Acuity LT™

Networked Acuity™


PanOptic™ Ophthalmoscope

PIC 30™ Monitor/Defibrillator

PIC 40™

PIC 50™




Shown here is a partial list of trademarks that Welch Allyn has registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office. In addition to these registered trademarks designated with the ® symbol are a number of common law trademarks designated by the TM symbol that Welch Allyn has cleared but not yet registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office.

Propaq® CS

Propaq Encore®

RL-150™ Rhinolaryngoscope

SensorTech™ Technology



SofSpec® Reusable Diagnostic

Otoscope Specula


Spot Vital Signs®


Unidirectional Occluder


SureSight® Autorefractor

SureSight® Vision Screener

SureTemp®, SureTemp® Plus

Electronic Thermometry

TM 262™ AutoTymp®


Other products:

Braun ThermoScan® Pro3000

Ear Thermometer (® should be

base aligned when possible)


The layout, positioning and alignment of all elements, including the typed or

word-processed information, that appear on all stationery items have been carefully

designed to convey and reinforce the professionalism of the Welch Allyn identity.

All stationery items are designed to function together as a cohesive system.

The letterhead is one of the most visible items used to communicate to our customers

and other audiences. Therefore, the consistent application of all visual elements will

help establish a positive impression of Welch Allyn. Note the recommended margins

and alignment of typed or word-processed information have been specified on the

letterhead examples on the following pages. Overprinted information should appear

in Times New Roman font.

address block typography

The correct use of the typesetting specifications will assure a consistent and distinctive

“Welch Allyn” appearance from one piece to another. The typography used in the

address block is Univers 47 Condensed Light and Univers 67 Condensed Bold. Set

address block type in 9 point on 10.5 point line leading, flush left, caps and lowercase,

Univers 47 Condensed Light. Personal or departmental slogans or graphics are not

allowed on Welch Allyn stationery items. The first line of the address block must

always contain the full legal name of the company or subsidiary, set in Univers 67

Condensed Bold. Division names, if required, will appear as the second line of

information, set in Univers 47 Condensed Light. The use of group names in the

address block is not allowed.


letterheaddomestic: 8-1/2” x 11” international: 210 mm x 297 mm

wordmark1-1/2” or 38 mm width

legal name9/10.5 pt. Univers 67 CondensedBold, caps and lowercase, flush left, ragged right

address block9/10.5 pt. Univers 47 CondensedLight, caps and lowercase, flush left, ragged right

stockStrathmore Writing Recycled, 24 lb. Bright White

colorWelch Allyn Wordmark Greenand Blue

1-7/16” / 38 mm

5/16” / 8 mm

1 5/16” / 33 mm

Welch Allyn4341 State Street RoadP.O. Box 220Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0220 U.S.A.Telephone: 315.685.3361Fax: 315.685.0054


Welch Allyn4341 State Street RoadP.O. Box 220Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0220 U.S.A.Telephone: 315.685.3361Fax: 315.685.0054


Welch Allyn4341 State Street RoadP.O. Box 220Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0220 U.S.A.

Welch Allyn4341 State Street RoadP.O. Box 220Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0220 U.S.A.

To Be Opened by Addressee Only

Welch Allyn4341 State Street RoadP.O. Box 220Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0220 U.S.A.

wordmark1-1/2” or 38 mm width

legal name9/10.5 pt. Univers 67 CondensedBold, caps and lowercase,

flush left, ragged right

address block9/10.5 pt. Univers 47 CondensedLight, caps and lowercase, flush left, ragged right

stockStrathmore Writing Recycled, 24 lb. Bright White, wovefinish or comparable

colorWelch Allyn Wordmark Greenand Blue








7 mm

32 mm

38 mm

envelopesdomestic: 9.5” x 4.5”international: 220 mm x 110 mm


Welch Allyn4341 State Street RoadP.O. Box 220Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0220 U.S.A.

First Class Mail

envelopesoversized: 6” x 9” or larger

wordmark1-7/8” or 48 mm

legal name10/11.5 pt. Univers 67 CondensedBold, caps and lowercase, flush left, ragged right

address block10/11.5 pt. Univers 47 CondensedLight, caps and lowercase, flush left, ragged right

“First Class Mail” typography 14/16 pt. Univers 67 CondensedBold, caps and lowercase, flush left, ragged right

colorWelch Allyn Wordmark Green and Blue

5/16” / 8 mm

1-5/16” / 33 mm

2-1/4” / 57 mm

1-1/2” / 38 mm


Welch Allyn4341 State Street Road, P.O. Box 220Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0220 U.S.A.Telephone: 315.685.3361Fax: 315.685.0054Email: [email protected]: www.welchallyn.com

Dana SmithNortheast Sales Manager

business carddomestic: 3.5” x 2”


personalization10 pt. Sabon Bold, Caps and lowercase, flush left, ragged right

company name8/8 pt. Sabon Bold, Caps and lowercase, flush left, ragged right

address block7/8 pt. Sabon, Caps and lowercase, flush left, ragged right

stockStrathmore Writing Recycled,80 lb. cover, Bright White, wovefinish or comparable

colorWelch Allyn Wordmark Greenand Blue

card back address block(optional)

7/8 pt. Sabon Bold/Sabon, Caps and lowercase, flush left, ragged right

Residential Contact:8405 Hickory LaneGaitherburg, MD 20579Telephone: 704.667.8940







Welch Allyn France814 Rue Charles de GaulleMareuil Les Meaux, France 771000 1 6009 3366Fax: 0 1 6009 6797Email: [email protected]: www.welchallyn.com

Pierre LeBlancNortheast Sales Manager

28 mm

7 mm

35 mm

12 mm

International 90 mm x 55 mm

Note: For Welch Allyn employees whowork out of their homes, residentialcontact information may be added to the back of the card.


international address listingLOCATION:

Univers 67 Condensed Boldsize/leading: 9/10 kerning: 5align: right, set in all caps


Univers 47 Condensed Lightsize/leading: 9/10 kerning: 0align: right, set upper- and lowercase

WELCH ALLYN4341 State Street Road, PO Box 220, Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0220 USA

800.535.6663 (in USA) 315.685.3361 fax 315.685.0054

WELCH ALLYN7420 Carroll Road, San Diego, CA 92121-2334 USA

800.535.6663 (in USA) 858.621.6600 fax 858.621.6610

WELCH ALLYN8500 SW Creekside Place, Beaverton, OR 97008-7107 USA

800.289.2500 (in USA) 503.530.7500 fax 503.526.4919

WELCH ALLYN1000 Asbury Drive, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 USA

800.462.0777 (in USA) fax 847.520.0303

WELCH ALLYN CANADA LTD.160 Matheson Blvd. East, Unit #2, Mississauga, Ontario L4Z 1V4 Canada

800.561.8797 (in Canada and USA) or 905.890.0004 fax 905.890.0008

EUROPEAN CUSTOMER SERVICENavan Business Park, Dublin Road, Navan, County Meath Ireland

+353 46 906 7790 fax +353 46 906 7754UK Telephone: 0 207 365 6780 UK Fax: 0 207 365 9694

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0 207 365 6780 fax 0 207 365 9694

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0 02 6699 291 fax 0 02 6671 3599

WELCH ALLYN GERMANYPostfach 31, Zollerstrasse 2-4, 72417 Jungingen Germany

0 7477 92710 fax 0 7477 927190

WELCH ALLYN FRANCE814 Rue Charles de Gaulle, 77100 Mareuil Les Meaux France

0 1 6009 3366 fax 0 1 6009 6797

WELCH ALLYN IBERIA Leopoldo Alas Clarin 8, Local 7, 28035 Madrid Spain

0 91 386 3047 fax 0 91 386 1029

WELCH ALLYN AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.Unit 5, 38-46 South Street, Rydalmere NSW 2116 Australia

02 9638 3000 fax 02 9638 3500

WELCH ALLYN CHINAUnit 1011 Central Plaza, No. 227 HuangPi North Rd., Shanghai China 200003

21 6327 9631 fax 21 6327-9632

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3 3219-0071 fax 3 3219-0074

WELCH ALLYN SINGAPORE10 Hoe Chiang Road, #19-03/04, Keppel Towers Singapore 089315

6419 8100 fax 6291 5780

WELCH ALLYN PTY. LTD, S. AFRICA394 Surrey Ave., Ferndale, Randburg 2194 South Africa

0 11 777 7509 fax 0 11 777 7501

Welch Allyn Facilities supportedby European Customer Service

at Welch Allyn Ltd.,-SSC. (Ireland,France, Germany, Italy, Iberia, UK) 37

dimensional adaptations

Three-dimensional objects require special care to ensure that the brand retains

its integrity and communicates the same consistent company image.

colorsColors should match Welch Allyn blue (Pantone 281) and green (Pantone 355).

signage backgroundsSigns need to project a quality image from agreat distance. The size, color and locationsof signs need to be determined by sight lines,viewing distance, zoning codes, traffic patterns,and lease agreements.

Recommended backgrounds for the Welch Allynwordmark are white, Pantone 552 and silver.


4341 State Street Road, P.O. Box 220, Skaneateles Falls, NY 13153-0220 USA(P) 800.535.6663 (F) 315.685.0054 www.welchallyn.com

©2004 Welch Allyn Printed in USA SM2673 Rev BNellcor® is a registered trademark of Nellcor Puritan Bennett Inc. ThermoScan® is a registered trademark of Braun GmbH.

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