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What is a Brand?Definition: “A brand is a product that adds other

dimensions that differentiates it in some way from

other products designed to satisfy the same need.”

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Why Do Brands Matter?


Identification of Source

of Product Assignment of 

Responsibility to Product


Risk Reducer

Search cost Reducer

Promise, Bond, or Pactwith Maker of Product

Symbolic Device

Signal of Quality

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Why Do Brands Matter? (Cont)MANUFACTURERS


Means of Identificationto Simplify Handling or


Means of Legally

Protecting Unique


Signal of Quality Level

to Satisfied Customers

Means of Endowing

Products with Unique


Source of Competitive

Advantage Source of Financial


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What Can Be Branded? Physical Goods


Retailers and


Online Products

and Services

People and


Sports, Art andEntertainment



Ideas and Causes

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Branding Challenges And Opportunities Savvy Customers

Brand Proliferation

Media Fragmentation

Increased Competition

Increased Costs

Greater Accountability

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The Brand Equity ConceptBasic Principles of Branding and Brand Equity: Differences in outcomes arise from the “added value”

endowed to a product as a result of past marketingactivity for the brand.

This value for a brand can be created in many differentways.

Brand equity provides a common denominator forinterpreting marketing strategies and assessing thevalue of a brand.

There are many different ways in which the value of abrand can be manifested or exploited to benefit thefirm.

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Strategic Brand

Management Process

Identifying and Establishing Brand Positioning

and Values

Planning and Implementing Brand Marketing


Measuring and Interpreting Brand Performance

Growing and Sustaining Brand Equity

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Sources Of Brand EquityBrand Awareness

Consequences of Brand

Awareness Learning advantages

Consideration advantages

Choice Advantages

Establishing Brand


Brand Image

Strength of Brand

Associations Favorability of Brand


Uniqueness of Brand


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Building A Strong BrandThe Four Steps of Brand Building

1.Identity (Who are you?)2.Meaning (What are you?)

3.Response (What about you?)

4.Relationship (What about you & me?)

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Judgments Feelings

Performance Imagery





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Customer-based Brand Equity Pyramid

(Cont)  Brand Salience: This

relates to aspects of awareness of the brand

Brand Performance: Thisrelates to ways in whichproduct/ service meetscustomers’ needs

Brand Imagery: It’s howcustomers visualize abrand abstractly, with no

relevance to what thebrand actually does

Brand Judgments: Thecustomers’ personalopinions and evaluationswith regard to the brand

Brand Feelings: Thecustomers’ emotionalresponses and reactionswith respect to the brand

Brand Resonance: Theultimate relationship &

level of identification thatthe customer has with thebrand

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Brand Positioning

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Positioning is owning a piece of consumer’s mind

Positioning is not what you do to a product

 It’s what you do to the mind of the prospect 

You position the product in the prospect’s mind

‘It’s incorrect to call it Product Positioning’ –   Ries & Trout 

Source: Al Ries and Jack Trout, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind.

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ColgateColgate is ProtectionProtection

Lux Lux  is GlamourGlamour

Pond’sPond’s is ConfidenceConfidence

 Axe Axe is Sexual AttractionSexual Attraction

GilletteGillette is QualityQuality

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Three-Way PositioningA company needs to position itself in relation to three

value disciplines: Product leadership, operational 

excellence, customer intimacy.

Four rules for success:

Become best at one of the three value disciplines.

Achieve an adequate performance level in the

other two disciplines.

Keep improving one’s superior position in the

chosen discipline so as not to lose out to a


Keep becoming more adequate in the other two

disciplines, because competitors keep raising

customers’ expectations about what is adequate.

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Five-way Positioning

A company needs to position itself along five attributes:

 Product, price, ease of access, value-added service, and

customer  experience.

A great company will dominate on one of these, performabove average (differentiate) along a second, and be at 

industry par with respect to the remaining three.

Assign a number from 1 to 5 to each attribute: 5

(dominant), 4 (differentiated), 3 (on par with industry),

2 (below par), and 1 (poor).

Source: Fred Crawford and Ryan Mathews, The Myth of Excellence: Why Great Companies Never Try to Be the Best at Everything  (NewYork: Crown Business, 2001).

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Five-way Positioning (Contd)

A great company will exhibit the pattern 5, 4, 3, 3, 3.

Anything less than a 3 on any attribute is not sustainable.

To be dominant or differentiated on more than one

attribute is excessive and reduces profitability.

Being on par requires a company to match its industry’s

average performance; a company must not let its standing

drop below 3.

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The assault on our mind…

The media explosion

The product explosion

The advertising explosion

So little message gets through that you ignore the

sender and concentrate on the receiver

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The Mind…

Like the memory bank of computer , the mind

has slots.

But with a difference , computer accepts all

things but our mind does not It rejects information which it can not

“compute” , it accepts only that new

information that matches current state of mind.

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An Inadequate Container

Humans reject information which does not match

their prior knowledge or expectation.

According to Harvard psychologist Dr. George A.

Miller, the average human mind can not deal withmore than 7 digits at a time like 7 wonder of world,

seven days etc.

If asked to name brands of any category, no one

can name more than 7 and that too if its their

interest category.

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An Inadequate Container(Contd)

To cope with complexity , people have

learned to simplify everything.

People can often remember positioning

concepts better than names.

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The Product Ladder

To cope with product explosion , people rank 

products and brands in the minds.

On each step of a ladder is a brand and each

different ladder represent a different category.

A competitor who wants to increase share of the

business must either dislodge the brand above or

somehow relate its brand to the other company’s


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Today competitor’s position is as important as your own


“ Avis is only no.2 in rent-a-car, so why go with us? We try

harder .”

People assumed they try harder.

Avis was successful, as it related itself to Hertz.




Those little ladders in your head

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The “Against” Position

Time magazine followed the same lead.

Frustrated with competition they adopted

“We try damned Harder.”

Later, found the word offensive and the accounts

executive was fired.

If the company is not the first then must occupy

second position.

Those little ladders in your head (Cont)

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Conventional Logic – find your conceptinside yourself or your product.

Not true, must look inside prospect’s mind.

7-Up positioned itself as the uncola drink &sales increased drastically.

Mc Cormick Comm. acquired WLKW andpositioned it as the unrock radio station &

became no.1.

The Uncola Position

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The Oversimplified Message

Today the best approach to take, in our over

communicated society is to simplified message.

“ you simplify the message, then simplify it somemore if you want to make a long lasting impression.” 

-Al Ries and Trout 

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The easy way to get into a person’s mind is to befirst

 Xerox, Kodak, Polaroid, Sun TV, The Hindu, F&L

If you didn’t get into the mind of your prospect

first, then you have a positioning problem

 Better to be first than be best 

In the positioning era, you must, however, be

 first to get into the prospect’s mind 

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The basic approach is not to create something newor different, but manipulate what’s already in themind

To find a unique position, you must ignore

conventional logic

Conventional logic says you find concept insideproduct Not true; look inside prospect’s mind 

You won’t find an uncola idea inside 7-up; youfind it inside cola drinker’s head

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Start by looking not at the product but at theposition in the market that you wish to occupy, in

relation to competition

Think about how the brand will answer the mainconsumer questions

What will it do for me that others will not?

Why should I believe you?

Try to keep it short and make every word countand be as specific as possible

Vagueness opens the way to confused executions

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Keep the positioning up-do-date

Give as careful consideration to change as you did to the

original statement 

Look for a Key Insight  Key Insight !

An ‘Accepted Consumer Belief’ ‘Accepted Consumer Belief’ 

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What is key insight?

Key Insight is ‘seeing below the surface’ / ‘seeing inside the consumer ’

Insight expresses the totality of all that we know

from seeing inside the consumer

An insight is a single aspect of this that we use togain competitive advantage

By identifying a specific way…That the brand can either solve a problem or 

Create an opportunity for the consumer 

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Key InsightKey Insight

‘ ‘  I wish to get  I wish to get 

married to amarried to a

handsome prince’ handsome prince’ 

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Key InsightK ey Insight

‘ ‘ Fragrance of my current talcFragrance of my current talc

does not last long and I missdoes not last long and I miss

opportunities to enjoy life’ opportunities to enjoy life’ 

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Key InsightKey Insight

‘ ‘  Soap leaves my Soap leaves my

skin feeling dryskin feeling dry

and tight’ and tight’ 

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The 3C’s of positioning

Be Crystal clear

Be Consumer-based

 Be relevant and credible to the consumer 

Write in consumer language and from consumer’s view point 

Be Competitive

 Be distinctive

Focus on building brand elements into powerful discriminator  Be persuasive

 Be sustainable

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And then…

The brand name!

The name is the first point of contact between the

message and the mind

‘ ‘ The brand name is a knife that cuts the mind to let theThe brand name is a knife that cuts the mind to let the

brand message inside’ brand message inside’ 

 –  Ries & Trout  Ries & Trout 

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It’s not the goodness or badness of the name in anaesthetic sense that determines effectiveness

 It’s the appropriateness of the same

Name begins the positioning process, tells theprospect what the product’s major benefit is

Fair & Lovely

Close Up


 Head & Shoulders

Vaseline Intensive Care Body Lotion

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Checklist: Brand name

Should be simple

Should be acceptable in all key languages

Should be appropriate when geographically spread

Should be amenable for easy registration

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“Forgot what made them successful” 

After being sold to ITT, Avis adopted,

“Avis is going to be No.1”  No frequent increase in revenues and campaign was


7-Up also fell in the trap and adopted.

“America’s is turning 7-Up” 

Sales fell and now Sprite has 50% market share.

The F.W.M.T.S Trap

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 Hindustan Petroleum

 positioned it as the best 

refill available for LPG cylinder in the country.

Brand Positioning – Subrota Sengupta

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Forhan was the first 

to position its

toothpaste with,

“Like a breadth of  fresh air”.

Brand Positioning – Subrota Sengupta

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