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Our holiday to South Africa

March 15th to April 20th 2013

Our passports

Our luggage!

Leila & I in the airplane. It was a 12 hours flight…a very long time! When watched a movie & then slept all night long and when we woke up – we were almost in South Africa.

We stayed with my cousins Kaydon & Kieran in Johannesburg.

We loved playing outside!


Jungle gym!

We played lots of games…

Grandma Romy showing me how to hold a cricket bat

Even Tigger wanted to play!

Kaydon showing me how to play on the leap pad

Dinner Time

Watching a movie

Our Easter egg hunt

We went to Gold Reef City

And enjoyed lots of fun rides…

And had ice-cream!

We travelled to DURBAN

And spent lots of time at the beach…

A big family reunion at La Mercy beach chalet

I took this picture with a special remote control!

Water park at the Wild Coast

We went to PILANSBERG game loge




I tried rock climbing with Kaydon but it was quite scary at the top!

And bush golf


A BBQ in the bush…

Leila & I loved dancing to the beat of the African drum around the warm camp fire.

Sun City – a man made beach!

Predator World Porcupine

Tigers at play



And my favourite….

Simba & Nala


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