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  • 1.Brazil a non European Region

2. Brazil the Southern Superpower Fifth largest country in the world by area and population Population (2011) 190 million Young 2/3 of pop is under 30 Huge natural resources (e.g. Amazon Rainforest) Huge cities Rio de Janeiro has a pop of over 11 million but is only the second biggest city in the country Can you name the biggest city in the country? But does it deserve superpower status? 3. Brazil compared to Europe 4. Name these world leaders 5. A superpower? Brazils wealth is very unevenly distributed 60% of its population live in poverty Militarily it is relatively weak (much smaller military than Germany or Russia, who are smaller in population) Good at football, but.. Leaders are not instantly recognisable (President Dilma vana Rousseff) So why do people talk about it being a Superpower? 6. An emerging economic giant 7. An emerging economic giant Brazils economy is growing rapidly huge population means it is set to become a major power in the world economy Massive natural resources Massive human potential Brazil exports lots of food, raw materials (esp timber) and energy this makes it increasingly important in the 21st century Ireland is working to gain a slice of this emerging market 8. Brazil and the environment Brazils importance in the struggle against Global Warming has grown in the past few decades Amazon Rainforest is the worlds largest carbon sink Simply put, the world needs Brazil to fix Global Warming 9. Ireland and Brazil http://www.rte.ie/news/2010/0512/agriculture.html http://www.idaireland.com/news-media/featured- news/why-ireland-for-brazil/ 10. Relief, Climate, Drainage p 383-84 Brazil is divided largely into two geographical areas Southern half is the highlands (Brazilian Plateau) In the North is the Amazon basin home of the rainforest The Amazon river (largest river in the world) drains much of the country Climate Amazon is equatorial, southern highlands tropical and North east is semi arid Sketch 2 maps relief and climate 11. Rainfall Large parts of the country are equatorial Warm, moist air rises at Equator - convectional rainfall hence Amazon rainforest South East Coast receives relief rainfall North East very dry 12. Soils p 386 Terra Rossa Italian for red earth a fertile soil, contains plenty of humus (organic material) red from iron oxidisation (rust) Occurs in Sao Paulo Excellent soil for agriculture 13. Soils P386 Latosol soil underneath the tropical rainforest A rather infertile soil only organic material is at the surface, rotted down quickly Very little humus beyond a few inches If rainforests are chopped down, soils can become badly leached (nutrients washed away by rainwater) 14. Leached latosol (laterite) 15. Natural Vegetation - Amazon 16. Natural Vegetation 17. Savanna/Cerrado 18. Thorny Scrub/Caatinga 19. Workbook catch up Q1, 2, 4,5 and 6 page 126 - 128 20. Brazil Agriculture Agriculture 25% of GDP 60 million hectares of land is devoted to agriculture the area of the whole of Ireland is just 8.5 million hectares High level of mechanisation and specialisation Main Crops Corn, Soya and Sugar Cane World leader in beef production (to the disgust of the Irish Farmers Association) Biofuels seen as the new growth potential 21. Biofuels and Brazil 22. Biofuels making Brazil into the New Saudi Arabia 23. .and helping Brazil make some new friends. 24. but it all comes at a price 25. Coffee 26. Brazils farming story in 5 minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhiEJOC_-kc 27. Forestry Brazil has obvious huge potential (Amazon Rainforest) Also has man made forestry for low grade use Massive land area massive potential But also massive problems Amazon deforestation causing difficulties much of the timber from the Amazon is cleared illegally Big demand for Teak and other tropical hardwoods 28. Forestry 29. Mining Like Chile, Brazil has large copper reserves (1.8% of world) Also becoming a major source of rare earth metals (metals for specialised uses, eg mobile phones) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-12631102 30. Secondary Activities in Brazil (p389) Like Ireland, Brazil is a late developer in terms of Secondary Activities underdeveloped until relatively recently Development came in stages after WW2 and then again recently Massive Debts have slowed the countrys economic development until recently Countrys large population means there is a ready market for industrial products Energy Production a huge part of Brazils economic development 31. Location of Industry Concentration of Industry 32. Brazil Economy Special report http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co1cwVXhHQc 33. Tertiary Activity in Brazil P 390 - 392 Transport Brazil is underdeveloped in this regard Roads poor, trains limited it acts as a brake on the countrys development Brazil (like Ireland until recently) is under pressure to improve its transport infrastructure Investment in education, healthcare means that employment in these areas has grown But the single biggest driver of Tertiary activity in Brazil is Tourism 34. Tourism Rio Carnival 35. Iguacu Falls 36. Beaches 37. Pantanal 38. Human Resources (p393) Contrary to some perceptions of a jungle nation, Brazilians are mostly urban dwellers Also live close to the Atlantic milder climate and ease of access Due to poverty, many Brazilian cities have favelas (shanty towns) as the countrys economy grows, money is being invested in improving these areas. Brazil is moving from stage 2 to stage 3 of pop cycle however significant levels of poverty mean it will be some time before it moves into stage 4 39. Human Resources Brazil Today 40. Brazils Cities Brazils major cities grew rapidly until recently as people arrived from rural areas looking for work However this has led to the creation of shanty towns called favelas unplanned urban areas with poor services Brazils recent economic growth has led to the improvement of the favelas and also to some migration back to rural areas as the rural economy grows 41. Favelas 42. Life in the favelas isnt always easy 43. Native Populations 44. Brazil as melting pot p396 Migration often from poor North East to richer South East Also from Rural to Urban Planned Urban to Rural migration in the 60s ended in failure later migration driven by a developing rural economy was a success Immigration from other countries and the descendants of colonial migrants means that Brazil is a melting pot of different cultures. 45. The Rich/Poor Divide 46. The Rich/Poor Divide 47. The Rich/Poor Divide 48. Colonialism and its impact 49. Deforestation 50. Reasons for Deforestation Cash crop production (e.g. coffee) and cattle ranching Logging Demand for wood and fuel Construction of large dams Mining and Industry Government organised colonisation schemes 51. Deforestation 52. Slash and Burn agriculture 53. Slash and Burn Agriculture 54. Deforested area growing biofuel crops 55. Itapu Hydroelectic power station 56. Itapu Hydroelectic power station

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