+ All Categories
Page 1: Breafl, Gale anfl GonfBCtMery mmmmm · JTol/xlvi, No, 23, Hightstown, N. J


JTol/xlvi, No, 23, Hightstown, N. J<m:^m

. Otaooanil Buldsnoa, opp. Poilillo InitlMo, :B u u i a . j i a J K , RJiiSBT, H ; O K T B T O W K .MOB Hearif—1 to i A.M., M to.!, and a to T JS K.


. No. 50, I. Q.O.F- "* .HUM In ODB FBLLOWiJ^HAJ.'-. HlghHtOWPf OB

B i i i g s a( i u h wools, nb e oirook, ' •

K, «., NORTON, Noble Grand,F, U. BVDLONO, K.floo'y. ... . iy


Justice of the Beaoe,



*- ~ -'F. D. DUDLONQ, A, M., Frinolpiil.

Oalgnil^ tor 1890,91,

1st term opens sejit, Sil. oloiei NOT. iota,IdtecD openi Nov. n t h , oloioi JUin, Mtii,

- • - • - — ' •- -—. anareloiQi Ayrllad,

_8etHl for

DENTIST.ami raanuniqLiirof et inoormptliilB M B 'ioeth,

Ulnae nest floor to raildanea. Main street,, a,lnht|tpwn, N. J , * . ,

IBKTH BITBAOTIB HltBOut pftlB, jhj tBo USB Of?= IjiiUglilnk (3US, .. *,- ^

N. II,—The no# patontUum Huso, io.yiilmi.blBor Its llglifcnoas, ouiahirt and. oleMinneis, i§ also

ipiiiloil. An oiiimtnLKIon la invltail. apr 1-iy




Uuroi any Bore or Weak Eyos, not Uatarael,fUll JIAN OH UBABT,

8* ointsperboltla, Largoriottlesfer veterinary

1 3, U, MOItlUS, aiendolfi, MTTTEurjiila atrOonnlngiianiitani

%mi SA.UTER,aup Taxidermist,

•i »ifla*lillaiBSt.,nearFranklora,: ' i ICBW ' '

Purtloularpainstaksn in monutliiK petbltdianil,animals.

Large stock of Qroupi), HlrJi, Deer Hoadi and-stieh as-uounell BIrlKe,BuekMoufitalBT Hontj

lirooit, &e,A ^ood lupply for tue-Hotall Trade oohfinnii}-,litiiin

Alafgo' nHBntlty of R a j Carpet on hand for6nlo»8_i4«°a o» oan bo purpliaaeil In any mai-Kuituf E1I8 lowoat inirknt prlsui. .


r yf-iy


'11 Oreetie Btj, 'I'BBjitoni W. * •

- ,,jh».W«tpl»MWtMHioU io the State,

PBpDINOB itntjiatlUi* fiirnliliod- with Sal

J 6liisdM.eati, IlscsfatBU 'S&IiBoBvIjftriieii tiriaioUotfaaand udooolate, .loo Uretiuii, Iqoi und Seal

aiio, paitrj,,Noui<at and .spun 8u«af Uontreg B U l e a t l y n o , (Haos HoBboni, OoituniB

bl W r i r i S L u a l euonieqoBHooka tttfd

leatlynorf, (Haos HoBboni, O, l-rult, Table Ware, riowBri.SLuale\»iiltern, • nprtj.lytl,


Hardware, Furniture,

Willow Ware, Gil Cloths, Hopes, &o -. :

rtojjftiJJt ireiniSe* To^Kpr#Mliidnlplilif,»8»qrtinent»of Furftriujmonsy by»aillili im ift baforo BureliialiiK,

fob l-ly .


•Tborouffcttfltiool;Fall Torin begins

| _ — PronaretMinlintiJor-aOf Coll

Oust por year In all the Solid Uranohos fflb.Two rrom one lumily (200,

Tttttloa for Way Scholars, »i to (ri.so por fin>« f Fjpenla.1 tnmiiUiyjageeiiiiiBnt. Bend for Out-

— • J o g *B. SiilJOHT, A. B,,:



Attorney and Qounielor at Law,Solicitor and Maiter in Olmnoeiy,



MgfrtairBftifaiilQiiireiUBawamfHutl^BoltniBi. > tpeoliity, ?•

BTATIMINT, M'at'3'sss.- ':;-*;.^ •tl.OOO.O'OO



CTmadmlnlitofeJ. anr 1-ly

George .-P.-. Dcjilsir In .

r, , Fine flours a speoialty. •

Gold Standard, Pride of Trpn-. ton,, fioldon

-Prompt .attention and quick delivery tojryinirt of tnvfnaiven to nil orders. Your

faction guaranteed.OKO, P. JONKH, ,

- — — - P o a r o u ' i lialUUulldfnBiMorrison St., nenr Moreor,

mrSTlyr Hlghtetuwn, N,,T.



tlio Ucnltad HutlrQiuIg 01 J^uw J


Call on or addross,




Bost} Lafgest and Oheapeat

Breafl, Gale anfl GonfBCtMeryHII OIIUIIPB. fobl-t!

Early!s Coal Depot,niUIITBTOVVNjN, J.


s w i n i i j p r o B o T n o i t h r l a F i f o Tsmall quBiitltlL.a, will Onil It to tholr IntoreeltoBU'o me u niilL . . _ . , . . , - - •; .


nprt-tf JAllilHSAJLJ

Illustrated Floral Gnlde,A buiiulliul work ISO pages. On!) Colored flowerFhito.aiiJ 601) lllualrlUiuns, with licicriplioiisiilM a j M t J i i u H u r a U V i i M f l t t m ' '

V W i t ' B BJiBWS a re t he BO«t in ' l a s wprlOullta lor iiuslttge will buy t h e I'lOttAS.tol l ing how to g a t t b e m , - . - • ; . • .

Tlio i'tOWSII AKD VKaKTiljLH O A H D I H , 171 Pn41nlurua F.iatoji, and man hUBdred ~En-

iietbn, n.uu in'di to 'n i iu inIn clermiLn or

iCKe lLLnarkATSDAl01irnLY M A d A i i s y B iPaifos, a Uoloroa r l a t o In ovary nutnbor Hm) miuiytlno qnitrnvlBisi. Prlpo j l . a s a year rPlTo-Oopi t itur'|!§.OQ, gpyeitiiun NuuJl igrssontfor 10 eQHtlf 3tr ia l qypiea Inr Scents , AcIdrQii • — --===

3 A M B B V I C K ,

inlJ.lT : HoAiiaTMn, N Y.

Odor of the Forest!

The Sparkle oi the Stream !/ l f V IJ Mir A T I T i s ir-':—, - -•-'

, Flulil Sport ami AdvontBro Fruttlcai In.itruetliin and Infiirinullon. ;

'-JL—LjW-U O W BITE F 0 It 1 TJf—-Amdiijf Its Imniiraus 01 Oorroijioniluiitg afo nil.

jdMaa Mjjiuljuwyefi, Fnnniiri. Phynliilum, 'four.

WHAT IB ITS TONE ?oadlrijf "Hportlmf

ita tons ii iijghi| its roadlrijf "aml aliyertisiri^aBOMiuan . It la nm n ••Hportlmfii biifta •.Spnri..

Terms, $4 por yon r, in ad*snee, Beit for exam,(nation to any new, nddrysi, a wooka, for m cents"^""Sifoif and streuifi Pnbliil'iOK Uompony,o « 2 6 - u . r * | i "'•;" - SB Psi Sow,Sew York

Hightstown Markets.

•ihur..li.y, Aug. 14lh, tSOO.


hMt.ner haa'afea ....tatint.ner haa'area.1 20


•iilUd'," '*• — - • • Q U A I N ,or bushel... i BO

patwfJ. i-i »**--• At.,,„.,,.,, 41Oati, n , . , , . . , , , , . , : . ; „ BO


.**<** *_lll:.eti

v " ' : •STOCK . :.'

this uclmol llwi"Mrs.

inauTSTOwy, $, J.^aqjjljgBf|hgjifc^»i>i**#•**££f^*ji^***-^'is$4 ?5


Sally iper t o n • . . . . . + . , , . , . ( * . . » v $\o 00





»S, 3O AND 39 ItlliUt-IIAIITH' ROW,

West Waihinfton Markit, H. "T.SOlltl-'ly




A. J..-ASH.TON-M B S n S t nun .lJiiBUBi-£illl

TWN, -N. J.-Aguod-aaiertnient' alwitys -on bund at the

liOwoat i'riyya.apr i-ly

[JENKY WELLEll,Wlioloialgand Rotnil Dqiiloi'lnand Muauluetur-

, er-qf


mmmmmMAIN 8T11EET;


MRS. 11. It; FOR MAN,


PIANOSArriinneiuentf'eiiri bi? msjile fur thoiigQ of Pedal

iJri^an lit tlie liuugs, — - -

M i K n T F O I l

The "KWABE55 ¥iano^Portes,

Ulloiiualod In Tone, Touch, Durability and

• • ' . . • • • AND THE '


Knabo Wublni! Uruna pinnound a UurUct

S tocktdii St., H iMh' mmu


Fresh Briip and Medicines

r,iKfii; U P


• Special inilueemi'iitB* foi( a'rnor?, nnd ur-rnng£'inyntk*iiiiiile wilii iboiu living nul ul

• • t a W y - > * ; - ' '•; "

jiiBo i s ir ;:.jigntstown, w.J.

7^r f^sSsmOne by rmu, (t»; the (lays ^ j by,Tolcnrn our lufaoiis wffbftvely tfy

For every hour sjume.taik ia gut, ,DifBcnU, uusy, sliort, orjiiK,And w hotliur wo como

'Somehow or otliur it ut.bo mut.

Qmdod well is' ihiii'geliqojUit ours,EiuMi niuj'g iliittes witliltij&la iiowurti,r

, Ami hia tusk tin; thing tliai lie needsJoknow; • y • ' ,

And iviimy a liihe doqstli^ugegrow dim,And before tirgtl eyes t^o bard %¥orf,ls'

swim, ' 'ft.And (lie hoiira go by ibttow, BO slow.

ViirioiiH ugoH lire giil

riiiglut anil tliln gray~ JrAlikij_ niUjJj'jjr thu jeaB^; books;

Ant! oftcu tlie littla ones Kusjh in jjl™~At the beautiful words thobriglit CJUH SI

^Vliild the old ^it;luokH, .

Skillful tcticlicri nssI'ulifiitly liiljor, jour by yuiir,

Nuvurmlstiiko hi their work WHS known ;Only tliu Hulioliirs, Svuiiry, viixuil,lillc, iiiijiniiyiu, tired, pcrirtexi.iil, a ... . ,

"JlTarHlfHirtr-mnrtP-^tiiitriilmtit- -nisoiiitit- -us, •wns riilriiliiU'il li) riinlii'iii us in imr liiimtlUty. For ' wlicii llii' HUlllt'tt i"iiiiiiilitiiu>il,siitiie nnc WIIH"wlii'ipi'd fortliwith. wilhoultrial iir liciH-inir.

The Spirit tenches the higliuat ilnsii;..Time tukeh iilliis Lliey ou^Y.iitd puss:

Joy is claimed by the hapjiy [ « ,While care, experience', Ittbur, pain,T of kiiinvludjjy-Uelii us sain,

Ami ciiiiistiulice iionduotH' tlii: grand-review,

Jiut iimieiitly learning diiy.by • day,A V l i

Tluit our Hcl'iotiUdays here nrr liniiu :Ami lifter tliu liM Inilj; turm slml! ]msTo-be traiiHfcrrod to Mint Upper class' In which this advanced work la bou-

Quean 'Liibeth,

FiSrly years ajro'Uii! vreiieiH ''Meadownvemie" of. Van liiiren wnH thu "Old ISnckroiid," It aklrled i\ bro:ul »tr«ttli of niiirHliwhich -WBH' e.ovcru<l in Hummer'with aclumpy Browtli'cif ruHhex nnd coarse.-grans,except whure llttlu iircmiontorlea of iiiirtiiil•uplimd'-'3<itted--.itg-r-ussl-Vuly--mil—inl-i>- 41n^luurnh, mid held Ihc ij'nsillon with tunjileiiiiefense5.pf swiimp-muiile, bliicjk- ulilur undcut-briar. • .'. ,

V A dozuiiior•llfte.un..acres of mieii-tiispiiledterrltorj-.liKjhiHed liie old vHwanip J'ollnKe1'on tlirt'U sides, ond w»a •lliii only phiy-groimel .provided for I ho young people whoiivnitcA thoiuselvei) of the disadvutitngeswjiich_tliu aehoiiiso olivious tlml tliu imme, Mwiimp C'ollugi1,liiivliig hvun niK'u'irouit'iilly' iippllud'to it,was regiydgi! HS aiieli II,'hnppy. hit that ~ii

When I wris niritfiiiiliited ul thu institu-tion, Mr, EUpliiilet Qibbs was Its president-and fuculty, lTu bud-been old- nnd iineiirisiro^irtroira^rflieTlrtirtriToslt-tmi, mul hy wliatwnlity.liyo yimra nlilpr ii.nl f,u..my-[j>.,.

us queer'when1 he reliiiijiilshud it ji'ndentered mi liiKtitiitioii for the nged mid

•innrin. __-„ - ___ _.

I_rogrot thnt I luvye not .space .to.describeMr.GlbCi, nor liii~imHhT)(rS*"oT"tcnciiliijf,iior-the ohl-stjhool.hoimcrtlHii was HO-BUIUIlible. a Butting for so riiry mi educator, 'thaimy younger renders may compare .their,own school advantages with llioau of theirpilreiits..

My clmm nt the college -of course you•anJeratnud-that i t mm 'iinifitly1^--eliiiil,'^.

MoKotwnyrFii tnmt Stnrprson's hired.boy. TOIIVB wiigt's wcrc-board,'ulothiug nnd a day's 'Bclioolinir' "now' nndthen, nnd Ills duties were tliose , of man,

MHt'nn-mul tiny llii toimtlmf-— Hn-niMiudiwiird, plain, biully-drcsscd even for thoseiliiVH, und —H° Mrs. SimpKnii gald^llrciilTiiiettwiiWnii lilTi tiiriilu'.'** Tii wlileirupiiiTnn

pher jijilgmijiit was hotter tlittn horgraiiiiiiiir,

for Tom was buc.kwiird, ubitolutely findrelatively, too^eoiupiireU WUJHJVCH BwMnpCo!!o;{e stiiiidiirdg.

I hud been no uiifortunnte HM IO enter Jtr.

ineiita almilnr to those of the iitlieft woro."Htore elothes,'1 and I suppose—Ihope, at uiiv Tuto—that I wore spmopf theinnnncrg of oivilized society, for ray gentlqmother, until her death, a short Uine before,Innmo with my unelo at Vilti llurou, hndbeeu my tunehor. Porlnips shu had guardedui^QO .carefully, for I wn» i\ tliorou'gbly.siirprisqd boy whaa I found inysulf aur-rouudecl ^y Sir. aibbs' dolluL'lioii of humannnlmnli, lill uiieagod and untctlicrcd.

nW,"dandy" tnd "MigaNauey," anilDrohably have laid violent hands upon nwhad not Tom como to my reseue.

goes to huntlii1 jo' this 'ore little;.greenyafore he lorni to hot his own row. .'11- Uavoinn tn lmnrilf," litiil nftnr Hint t wn. mi.molested. • " : • . . .

Thbro wns lip reason for Tom'i eliiirn.pi<in«hlp ofi d l l

those days no weak and needy thing cameInto bigi-way thnt he did not befriend it.He would stop in the midst of tha moatesoiting gaine *o life B turtlo out o l aWagen-nit-atid heiidlt towards tileiwampsand iBfetjr, and',Jia ieoniud to do such

yltiiQUt thinking, a^uaturalfy ao ho

Slle bud luarned t« bur coat tliilt treupun thu, upluud ,wuwj suuiimirily... dj-uHwith, and, ueuQiiliiigly, she, ..sediiUyisij-.henilcd oil her Ccrilhi'red fninlljvwlieiieyisr

y turned theitiiiUs in tlml direction.IJiit tliv, road iiml tin' awiimp slli.1 con.

aideft'd as theirs, anil defended their rights

n the load,wern appro-


to the last wag of luir wleKmiUfeuursis-sliu rc^ardtil Ih

Interlopers. If iliry playPilahu took the view that' theypriatinj; the «and.Walh« of hej" i-h'u-keiithey—sphiHiMid~t.lir(i(iw4i—UUS—KUMUIVJI,—Hiiithey weru ivripasaiiig .lipcm the liiiiillug-groiihdii of lier ducks. '

Hingiilaiiy emmuh, the elilldrell, duHpileher mnny •unjust accusations, were milllis|in>-|..l tn !••• ' V-iflnllM. ' l l . , l I- ii. n,,v..|-

exiift\med,'wlt!i dnn-

iliiii^tiron.-ily in Hlglti offii:;[yTriiHrrii|miiiiis t'liiliiuiilt? " ^ ~


occurred to us thai we had any ri;jhiswbere (liii-ks or jjeese or eLiirkeus- weve

^UjWji_tlu-..t.i-ijr mi' iiiliu^iiij) mi_tliii_ntrliiK."Hi1 gul •nit ul" my »iglil In-fore we ruiicli-

i!il. I lit* Hiiiiri' iiml when IVntuu up to it Inistoiul, with limiils.in pockuts unit mouthluu'lifivd inlii mi iiiiviiiruil wliisliis mi/inj;

Klill he wiia not a very cruel man, (illsfunny old master nf ours, lie lu-lahnrcilIlls pupils for the sake of coneiliatlnij Mrs.Sklllctt, of whom he was. even niori' afnildthan we were, iiejjiaiisjieeuiijiejjliiliki: us.

Tom fonnil iiH" OIH1 iliiy trylnj; to H-l (IHiuireio rutiiii a mliliil . 'i'iiin \vn used todo-by liemliiij; a aiipliiijt iiml fitsli'niiig iintop tii tlie ground, mid Hum Httiifliiug l a itii lilnd (if noose tliroiiitli whicli mi iiidiiuilmust put its lii'iid in orili'r Id. grt. a t | | ic

llSI.il. Till1 lllllIlll'.Df till' jrilllll' Hpflllljf 1|>(«trap, nnd llrclrei! ri'biiiiinlcd Uiils posilion,I'urfyii'ijj willi it the vlt'llm hun^i-il lihjli iniiir, . ' .

"Vim wiiii'l ciUi'li (IIIII, ,M:i\,"-miid Tiilll,"ThiMii.ulmiis from Now Vurk In,'/. IUTIIj'l.iiiihiii' tiiis pliicii with ii pm-li »' iiiiiindsfiir ii wi'i'k (Hi1 ninri1.'1 _

".Well, it'll do no linrm to set. liu; snuiv,liny wiiy. l loid down the tli'i1, I'lin'l you,wliile 1 |ix tiiii s t r in j : . "

" i Vow, Jliix, if ilii'ri; wns uny chiincii o1

•vimri-.Ut'li'lilii1 -•ii— r-tililiil-,—-1—wHwWii1!—l«4|-i-'•^h,

^ ,jiway to"ftitTeiT

1 siiid hi1, settiiiiu; iipon mu1

iiij; In llu> woiU,THTT and

hciiiling to the wVit¥."~.'.• Kf ~ihere's ri litITT>rolloii.rali left, I 'd like to.see him git, fairplay." . • - , ' " •

I had lnailir olio ur two uiisui'ce.'isfii'lt i t lempls to adjust Iliu s tr ing, when Tomsuddenly allowed the tree to ily hack toposition, and exclaimed ; "Le t ' s make itn 'k ing-snare , J I I I K ! TI)rtPe'« 11 lhumpin 'j j u m ^ b m j i tiiiii'il belhl like u biilriish ' "

In 11 imiinent he_ WHS liiilf-way up thetree he had ' 'po in ted , out ; then, swingingHis fet'i.nsvay frtnu r'nn ijok1, bu , biiiHUovur^handed toward the lop, .coining nearer to

• iiiollier-.e.a.i:l.l.i_.w..!'tli:."cvj*ry1.'-nicasui1(iiue.|it- anltic Blender jileiii lieiil with his weight .When iiis feu! imiehed terra lirnm I wnsable to help, ami togeilicr we 'brought thetop Io Hie ground and adjusted I he string.

1 laid. 'plans for -an early visit to theswamp on (he niiM'i'osv. lest ;M:SIIU! oilier boysth'oul i discover ami steal the prize which

,:1 fdl••".urj'.of hayjijg lakcii wllh thc_ snare.;..m i l c a n y on. uiux h h ' i a i l l ; r iny iinciu \jl'i!=

(jUuBU'd me io lUH'ompany h i m to U i d t o w h ,

our nearest market, saying IliaL he wouldlnll.yii-.rH' ;il-lli(. si'lltliil mi i i i n n i r linmn

]lv the -time wn reueiieiU 1 lie-tmy-ii .ins*

mlibll limV•iicciUiH! n ifidity lliiit wi^igliiid

nol h'SH tliiiii niiiy piuiiids. I r iui lr ivcd In

ndd to my niistmy by iiii|ii'irinjj of a IIOUIIT

what iiiliiiils worn "wiiftli n pound , " ami 1

wiindijri'd wliiit Ilic men li K'linip whu hud

i»ot iniiii; would do willi the nioiiey,

• 'riimi 1 siiiddi-Tilj' ri'inciiilitTi'iI' iinrn l'tj~

j;itii(l rijjlitri, T o m was iMitilled to Imlf ihr

ilVilils. 1 difiiidud to iHTur him Uni'i'.tjiiiir.

l e r so f it if lit! svoiild lisjiisi. me in (•iinipull-

ing tlie tit Iff ID illri.niir.nl1, .

I restilvi'il t lml wlieii I wns li-fl lit, tin;

school,liousi; iitKir r^v iudU uiiiHu ;i living

i!X!'iirs!i)!i IuTf)~nni swiiuTpVTT) HIM)

gaUmhiifl {'onie to tiinHliiini; liirt, Io

dis i ippoin lmiMitmy uueie ;TOI oui of Iliu

sviigoii, iiuciomptuiiiHl iiie io this...dour, ami

tiApllllUl'd U> -jll'. Ulblii, thy- t';iTtsc~trf-



luO.saw Tom ill w-uik-iiuiiiiifiiAuiiiu£,_Avltli ld*i_

i'rijipled old jark-kliifi", iiiluinturi* bliskiilrf

iifLpciiii'li,, MtoiiiM for dis t r ibut ion among

'How about that rab'bltj"^VJjat-riiblilt?"" he asked,


other inliiule Tolii and 1 wore creepingiiinse under 11 if , windows, iiml slinkingaway Into the bushes. Once out of sight*t—intirl^ArjHHl—mmiU'r—wf—HAnipcfiulbogs and through briers, lDD.liiirriud.ly fo •general eoiiveiv-iilion, but i iiiantigcil to tellTom of my iiiipiiries at the market , "andwhatever it brings, Tom, half is youra, youknow," ' »-

"WiiVi I aiii'l not- no -claim onto it,Cireeny I" lie called buck, for lie was dis-

ul uiii' of Mr.i, Hkilic'lt's lii^ gray ycuai1.

" H is well fiiryiiii, Tn in , " I thought , " t h a t

you luivf ulrr.'iily iviniflisitcil ill! jirojicieloi^

shlji in thi! king siniriil" We walked

uNi-aviiliMi riuil of - a


ITere t h e

loriue,! n high, Hard path,'T looks's if I'd got'.myself into "hot

-water wilii--my hhiuicl uhl klug-sirure'."lie said. "1 can siau1 (ilbli's lickln' an'Mi'.Hk'dieirs jiiwjii', ijiil Himpsou's onlywiiilin' for a ciiioicc to get red o' me wllli-oiil 'sliowiu' up too small Jiiinm;; the neiirhWIN, fur they all know that. I've workedtnii'liiiii TiniiiTnr all summer, ,VVK!ilin blow nbinit Jli ' Hkilleirs \\\v gtime nil'iigiiiii-liiit he'll -iiless 4hnt lli>nduiie ef she co!!i[i];ilus an' gets him a Vusefur sacking me jist as wiuler coiuin' on.lu summer a hoy klii.-4i:wi\r up liis iiiii 'mostany wares, Tiul in winter It's dilTru.nl."

lie siouped CM:1!! Uieii and threw out aIciif plank to a ilmwuing grusshopper.

I tried io assume a sliurc of Hie respiiu-sihiljly. Iiiii lie h^ni)rcil nu^ us if 1 Inul heeii


1 intbf—Hirt-e years.

uiii'le was uimpproiH'huiiH1, 1 was xrurcrly

iicipi.-iintcd wit l rbi i i i , mid-1 fulliisfrlendlush

as Tom himsrlf.

As we .'sldiiil there wu hi'iird voices fur.

ther up iiie di tch. It IKIM recess, mid our

cniupiiiiiiins were serirnliing I'cH' Us, , We

went io nii'i'l tIII-III und led them oil the

xceiit of our giinie.

\S'e hail iieeiial Hcliool nn hour, ju>riinpi<~.

amlTi i in and I were still .lajiing our iieiids

tOjruliiur Io ilVtliti! lifiiill u eullfhe of aetliill,

when there wii's a jji'i'i'riil uprisiiijj nnd look.

Ing dill of tin; w i n d o w s . ' '

A-lii'Tii- u swaiiip••- pa th - KiillWped MrjC

Hkilh'ii, lifsirinir liowll on tin.1 srhiiol.liouse

1B.C an avi ' i igii igfiiry, Om-liiuid jjnisped

HIM ni'rk of Ilial liu'iileM ffooserwhlie iiie

iUhrr iii-1:i in nli'iim a d i l l , ' ntttfmtntt4

f he threw opeii a cloor sviili a bti'ug ihat'

nvi'iiurncd iibeifi'l! svlumcoc'cupauts gciier-

idly kep t It w n r u r i n g in u n s t a b l e - c i p i l l i -

upon the thi'-ir in viifiiiiis poshires nf frigliiami auiuKuineul.- Tlieu Bhu whlrliid hur-sclf across ,the room, a n d - w h e n Hint oldguiMc denceiideil VTprnl the ' master'A desk.


iiumbiei- posiliiiu, ••She opened her mouth i indlliu cyclone

' l "The |imir old mas t e r ! No w'omlnr lie

hehl on |o ilia wig, us if he cxpecied it to

No wonder IIIN sii iveiii ig yoiee played him

false ii:, lie i'inue down oiir l i i ie from hoy to

hoy inijuirin.^ who luid set the trap,

KspreHsioiiH of relief liugiin Io peer, outof tije~furrows.of Iiis \vorriiMi fiu'e us hav .

'w-i'lh ilohials,, Tie siippjiscl lhal-*Bonie of,ua were lying, but he- could easily forgaveus,;so linxio'nx was liu to evade the rcspoi)'-siliiliiy wliicji lie would Incur with iiur

1 \v. cHUU^ in Uie.• il.in

1 rap-

Then I h

mcaiil Io: caich a

ii'Iii'f Ili'ii tii eover, for, by vir.

elolI i e n i i u s e j l l i i e M e i i l p t i i l e , f r o u i I l i e r o n g i i e r

( l i K c i p l i l l c o f t l i e s c ' h i m l , l i i i t T o m p r o .

ml no riglits, no relatives, iio distinction

thu sgiisoii whun thu woods wear that"suiiHliiiiu of their own" which glowsbrljjhleHt and rlchi-Hl in the low luiiil full,UKe. 3[y OyeB WUIIIILTUII out of tli(! win.

dow.nloiis the path Lji(nl,luken tliellay be-"fore whim 4 tut out on my trsippln^ us.pedllloli, • • '

Just whereiliarstiiid leiii ir irrlniied, uskeleton nt'n miiguilirent feast of fOIiu^e,I had tufiied oil liiti) the "ilimHer tlneket.

jof any kind tiiiit any boi ly wim bound lo

1'eHpeet. ,

"Ijiltle Greeny didn't own Hint snare,"

said' lie, NcfiuTnig . friglitfiilly, " i t

wiiK lily tree, 1 louliil i t imMieliLJuluwil ,

an' I sol llie miui'e, 'lui' the wliolu buniiiesa

wiiH mine." • . .

X LielieVi:!-! kiitiw Uiiit—I tried to--ruinini-

slriite, bill Tom wan dnijjgqil out in Iliu

iiri'imiii front of Mrs; SHkillett. And MIIIS

A little fiirtliiir on. wa« the. inuple I hnd nil,aueeusbfiilly trlcd-to betiii, and 1

—rngptrrlror—fncir—1'laKtng^lier—cjint-m null liiii* flatH.tbrimhlne thu air.

Sty snare wiia just .beyond. H had beenOHO of ft group whoBe yellow tops, ft littlt:liitflinr tlinn .their liulirliliofh'. I coiilil wu

waving lassBy iu the quiet breesiu. Therewas QuOMop, I noticed, wlileh was notquite so ycllpw^iis the others, having piirtlyboeii atripped of iu lenvoS. It hud iftae£uliar_.JUdtiQU of itR own i it bent HIMLbentngain, and—could It bo that a weijtTJt•was pendant from it?

Supporting myself upbn my elbows, aadmy elbowi iipon the form before mo, %managed to alter my nngle 6f vialoii

Something was hanging to—no, not—yes.

' Instantly X lowtrea inyselt (1 j'amnitilanflibow into Tum'iifee, Hli eyoi iuotInto mine, and, with thorn, out.flxer the.

ittn viernmy

ii, and I am •rlud llial I can iiou, liiough, hlig~pmd IV.I.H thi


didn't "show up with aiiothqr ggoau beforehi; was ah hour, ohlor she'd IOIS that he

!|Urrut iiMolliir night,"

Just then two or three empty hayricksjwciitj4iUling by, routiiig a prdtosting floek_of poultry. She grubbed by the legs her

weeks in the fuiure—rnul brought ftthumping about Tom's ears once, twice,and then rushed out to the Tesque of itsaqUttlling BUrvivora, ^ ,

Qibb'ti vyqabuiary of ubuBe was, someagre fn eomparisqii with tbatof the re-tiring jflrjnagttnt that bo did not aUomDt tofollow her lino ofUp a gfont'iilekdryIngltln avory'druel wny. .'. ~P,

All eyei were upoa htm, ahd no-onu

•fnHurmgly 'toward- the- itage- of action^,-.-t u l i l li tiny trmuWing forni OKnlnst '

eoiit with tiiu.oiher,TTTJT hot HOTIRO nor—no woa sti l l ~

ji« Iiiii hru?e little- ertiihrre- Btcppcd to. •wliere slie coiild look d i r e c t ^ up Into t heangry, distorted faei that, from her lilllpi-

a Jtplijch, m ^

I—I wonltf.glve Tomrny my Queeniin'_(in»ho eoulil give Irer to Mi*Qiiferi 'LlKbetlrt wenl pwetty,


Jill white," she went an, Ihu color iljislilnjfonly once m twice into her buby.whita-fiu'L',-iin'ulre'agot awed wibboii weuud'yy iivt|k, iin* I—I WIMIUI glvo Tommy the

Tlie inasrRrloTilteil'iTiTKKlea.'TJiit BeckyiSuild, !i bin, giHHl.lialilrmr girl, jumped tttbur feet, snapping her lingers for pyrmii.fim^roirpWit ""'*'— "" * '" '— •

"I know, Mr. Gibbs," HIIO crioil, ^'Uzbeth'a a big tame goose o* IlarBibny's.It fulliTB nil nrouiut uiul eats out'n herhand, 1 'spue;' she w.iuiUto ulyjj It to giti'um i)\iVu tlila iicriipu,"

Littiu lliirmony giiilud eloao to Tgin^mid stroked pitifully his ragged sleeve..She WHS so pale and shook ao that lie for.got himself und hia Ulinger, nnd, »tooping,lifted iiur to a bench. Hut she could notsit still, and slipped to liur feet agnin ni theUiiisler riiiid i ,

"The goose miiybo 'yours to play with,little girl, but I guess* aliEIlin't yoiirH togive uwiiy. I Kuess your,futher'd lull yonthiil mighty quit-k.^V, ' -

•'(Jueuu 'i/ixbuth'a my very own, Ihringeil 'er up my own self ever since, shewus on'y--on'y ao bljj.V holdlUK tlie tipi ofher liny index lingers only hiilf an ilinhapart, und gradually increasing tlig dls-taiiee bclweun them aa her triuhfiillnessovercame her eagerncMs, "i'apa'll let me

jjivejiier to 'ro

girl,"> aald

••roll,", put iiijleiiky , "Cushmnn'il givo

llnrmony II cow If shu wanted it!""May 1 go lioim; and jjlt—"'.Kin I go with her'*" Interrupted Becky,-

nager to be tliij llrst np|illcnnl for u poKSUble honor,. As usual, without waiting forpermission, she jumped ii poll thu bunch

vviiite, and haying Iiml it over Ilnrmony'spretty head abo look UiC-iUillil'iUutoil andled her out.' A .half-hour afterward It wtis telegrapheduround thi!..«!!iioo! thnt IJouky wtt,(.-ireturn.••iiig, and''when slie opened tho door, anfldepositing ii (Treat basket Inside, liftedHarmony iu-bcslde It, there waft no hick ofiilleiil'ioii. mi tli« part of her audlonco..JSVIUHIIH; tliij log.eiibui by thu itringa shupantcil a speech, the, hurdun of whieh W!i«!hilt "Cusliuiiiii siiid Queen 'Liiabeth wiis

anil thirt-nlii-i iirt.H if sin; waitii inln'-Ui,"

Lillle Harmony ineniiwhtlo tugged at thobiisket vnilil she got it "at Toin's'feet, aridritmovud tliu cover. Qiiecn 'Kllziibetlii)liiiiditn;d out upon the 'Boor "where Trimwent "jJUdiin'ii alKiiit, eliurljing iipoii thepupils iiidiBerlinlniitely, streliililiig nut liorinn.H neek with ita gay de'comtiiin, and hratt.

u ii wiiy thiii ereuteil quite'if liiinic.At tiiu cdiiiuiiind of tlie mastgr Tom re.

captiireil her, mid held her while he je -

Skillclt.' No line wiia behind him but Har-mony and I, nnd iionu but I saw tho I'lilleerealiire stroke softly Queen 'Llxabeth'g|ifeliy whilewlujj!) iiml hiy her face againstthem, Koiu! but 1 sass1 iwo or three brlghllears roll ""nil. tile gjpssiy:"ieaiiiera,ana -1,durpTit tell Toni for fifiVrnuTwoijIircarryllie jjoiiHe Ijiiek lo'Ciiiilrliinn'ii. .

Thu i.v!nijeschool waited on JIi>s. Bkillett,aiul thii uiii.ster watched ny from^ the door, ,

Kiilly Hkilli'ft "jawod," of eourBO, butI UIII rT4-i*i -trwijL1 ijyijlll irr IJtiili l \y Lit OClj

[Juueii ;Iilziibelh oli_ber_ webs, "Ilold her-st if I ii miiiule, Max, will yoliV" he saidinnd while I pimonod llie strong wings he

nulled ihulien

'wed wibbon."

lie cupllvohe went phinjjing and squakliig about tho •

her, and her new owaer slowed a little toWilteli '1 ier,

"Mrs. Skillelt," I shouted; taking nd.%'antage of tlie lull, "If you make troublofor Toni up at Simpson's, we'll eiitch thatHOMO Uiid'ear-OLJieLbiiek to CuBhniftn'g^Won't we, fellLnvaP"

1 had called upon them at a venture, but

pwith a purfec^'pi w wow of tlirtati." "Tneywould "cram the swamp - with* snores,"

Tthey woilhl "Imiijr evnry funthorljlig cuamd

if she over peached,!' And she didn't. ,

'"What is tho mutter, Alice? You look

" I am, It'a too rncan for anything!Thono roses Imfe ]t«t comb withvB dart;"Wett»-the»e~lorTfttelt,' and I don't ki

whether they are ftdih : tho Jiick I bi te itthe one I like. It 's too horridP' -•'

a, maater^jriftsbn

some change a eopper^eenl wlrttif '^4:*' ••.•'stamped with Iiis inl t i idi 'w»i ;p^i^; iH^^ ' ; . ' • '•[••'latioii' . ftbout flfty .'yi«wv.jij|^-13;J^p.jjjii^:^J'?alwaym hoped %o get it book itgUKt^i^^i^:.•would not part wljlji It, h8Vdwta^i^ftt*;r•::'-

'•IfiavooBelftttr Bt-t'£*'

^•s^mifk^T^'^:' > k1) y" ^MXiy^-:..

'\ it" y •tK;'"-;"-*Kfiw'

Page 2: Breafl, Gale anfl GonfBCtMery mmmmm · JTol/xlvi, No, 23, Hightstown, N. J


KqltfeJ *nbo Pert yiee «(t Htaamoin, in* < -- nssM-sMtanitUH,


* )1 1 I I • 12

fig 100 8 6" 4 10 SOD tin» s S80 TOOIOUO -TOO HB*I,IBIlIBlI6S6og 18,

t t m w * * * ™U POI, 0 QU^IIUU *« dn i% B» I» on *D *.«*J* in in in ca inn.-i-i eii RSCUJWI© r.


wn N i

, ilao.

i Short Items.qln iu the Optra IIIIUSL nxxt

< 'npt-May nnil fmntftt-t——• "

1 In burn, w7i];onhnii>'i niiil t nnliiiu'-i "1Jnlm U'fTnllumiraOTurlboro wtTt liunii itnrThfirsibiy m-hl A l n l nf huj, Krnni

-hatnusajirtLfctyi FttL»


day nljjht _ _ _

Partlnni in Inillilinj; a rtar t Ui n«ltni I"

Iim fnut attire on Main Hint t

The BanliHt Church nt I'tnn* Wt t k ht IdThe Bntil _n Mircemful harvestIrani-•> thtrrilu^ TKiiTiT

wiii'g Bund fiirnlilii'd Iho musitProf T" ri Budhms's Scmin irv mill

Ilckli QrnHdv'i*( lir.i.l fnr linj M WI riTfopuml on Tiitsd '3

John Purnj t.i has imnhnt i l llir \UIW-Inccupkd hv Jiilm "Ftml, on Mm Kum ftrrrl» n , i . . . i i m f . . > n I t t n l n » l n t u t n r A * - i " m l ' i i

Park neit wetk

~ A Trip to Bar Harbor.After i n uh'-tnrc of trfii « t t k « I nm nlilt

to report for diilj again We piilh i l -mt nf-uf-Hre flip In N Y harbor, im Tni_*day-,

AURuit 10th with t iplnln Kin" his mute1

nnil n f n l l c r t w , with X 1] WvUnff mltJ II Nnrtiin luvih il JJIII >.!», fur n -nil m t!unoble grhuoner, N I . Nt » h n r \ , lminul luMt Tlcor t , (in tin- rorst iif M nm " n

w i rhind

ht v t

bor, on the 8oiitliwL»tLrH-pnrtjif_thi_ishWe had vcrj ealm weather the i m-t of thew a r , b u t h t a d wlmls fmm r o m t Judith tiGay Heail, K IvlnS IIK n wliiile. m^hf* »iuupon TOHTII i,ta», but at ili^li^lit ]«i itf ie Vlnejnrd l eav ing d i p t Cod wihtruck a course fnr Mt l)i i rt anilmere than l « u ilajs uul nf ,1 ;ht nf111 fact, fnrpiirt of onr ilns nnil inswere nlinn»t 01 t nf »ij{hl nf em h " t l u r itin fo» w is 'ii i k m i ii to Inuk iiinri 1 Ia snliil t l iu ' t iwill Hi in nm tiling tl • '•would hi u l i t i i luf IM fur n«lnlt mill th inwe would be 111 it fur mill s with >'"melnJimiR fug horn t milmmillj cniiiilin,Afl tr nwliilc* n r uinirjinl uitu II" Infill l l f

n beautiful dm , ami with our gim\ m fullview, Our mjnal fnr « pihit » n iin«"i rtil

New Jersey News.Dr. D. D. Ingenoll, of Maj"t Landing,ioliBB been 111 with cancer of the fare,

died on Saturday.Dr. WUwnnj1, Bell, of Ktwnrk, dtt tl onrldny, at Avon by-tht Sen l i t Wan 08

years old, and linn betn 111 for t«o montlnsHew Sheriff* will Ko Intti office tlila full

n nil hut llifti of tin- twLiilj'-iiiH riiuntu-sif the Mult*' ~Tflu.T."vcTiinoinrTrrt

\%L.rt Ut-SLT-li^tlL,

T i n i i i t i v t n i M i l fur ii i m i i i u r i i i l In t i n hi t i

id Iiirl.t r, twi te yuvtrmjcjiUiJ lust it t «ftht hiipiimi Court, i* Kitimif Snlorapid* .mil will hi tukt n up

-3'liiThnniiiillil iiiilliniUliiUM_iiii tin f»i»'of f\liT LUi", i i«t inl 1>} Iht OmUl i«intililur Vmit iilnnii, « i r s il islii i \nl li% lirimi TliurMilii} n l jh t Tlitri «im mi nmir

TinTiriifT3"0!K>-HTi tiii—tHin cif Hit Hi*. H ujil limvii

A h n k i t "f himill K r L L n pun hi.H ihiliitiil nl ()riiii"i us %wirth fl'ltlOOlmskit is tin i n i i n \ i i l i l "I l lm

T in

t i n p u t im nn Ii inl In Wist Onin.'t fnrajjit h I limn is \ im t nl ri fu til mi tilCi r nfy% IK)U lust Spring

Tin t'liluiltn f'uuiui is uiillinrit\ fnr theMnry Unit ii ki l t i_i_,lil fit Mu.jh lifii.il t« »Titlli. dtHHii Rmii-buJttnbiHiLlt u j i x t fruinHit iTiiunil u ni^ht nr twti 11411 Hit bo>wen Mnrlin Lvn\ , ,Tr , nnil Unlpli \pph


l'> unnt ivt flslu nnim. who tonk i n urouml~4oJ*rottj 3Inrt.il- Durbar- Finillujl—UU«- H

•w uiild tuUt t m or twt-'vr tl u -i tn lu 11 t inve«'il , Mr WjeknlT nnil I tnnt Unit 1 t"return to In nil

We too l ' r t« iv i \mi te ricrn •% Hit mumtain uniltr llii Ji ' iilnntt nf 1 J filing 1 "1}Miss Ubtr, for S W lliirbiir, d111t.1l amithen tooli s t ramtr fnr I! ir Iliirhnr moiiinlthe I»land,_mnrhl i i j nt m 1 rnl j i n in t s

Englelnke, tlitn b} MLUTI er tu fmil "flnnmitnln, the nrc up Hit tli ^ ill il rn 111 SSTfeUto the summit w h t u i t hml l'utiownlng iftewsuf tin trip ^ u l n t s i b nn turiniiH- i-tonn Ijruki upun tin iiluct anilwe, ^ t r t oblijfiil tn n 111 iln overwfre ra th t r trlntl In bt Un 11 us « L <.n« thirock bound t nn«t laslitd in furv In H"

mnelln ' fu- spnn *>up tht iinlun

unlj b \ thf brt iiUm^ uf n 'tit k 111 ll» kilt

I ilHiiril Hue kit % rLs|ilin^ in Snul,

*1 ri iitun \MIS fishing finm 11 rut k 111 tin*

, 1IL1U« tin L' lni i^hunii i

nn tpilipllt Ht mil fLll nvt rliuuril livTuTnnl JiTil TiTild ITTWiis 111 IIIL ttiltcr fnrsivtrul t t tui id^, nnil prnmpt m u t s u n stttrt I11I 111 to ri-.nn him l i t 'was taKt 11out nnil riMi u t iltil Hi was mib,t-q m n t h taktn liunii in a t iirriii't

]»i i lc tn iu is ut Mount Hull* WLIL tininvnhmtiirj mtnisi- ia of u Hull ing " I " ' -l ink lust » t i l Aninrr i i i l 1 nlnrt il ri 1tkuL «,is p i - . n n Ins tiwn linii^L with 1iIiiHlnii^ i t l l i ^ <|iri un his arm wlitn InH ifi iklil 1 I nut nf tin iluur mill turt I M ripirtit li nf 1 Inl ill 11A fiulll tl I pi r 1111 nf tilljirl hln "-Innd he nil Uni t fnr 1 iniiiiitiitill 11 hi^iiimlir luiiiii il hi r Ins t u i ! , a nihi mul l h t r t 1 upt tiliinil uf 11 i iut t t l t;

At the Op v i House.Barlow Bros' Minitrel* will porrorm In

lutchinmn's Opcni IIoiino nn Saturdayivemilj*. The tinrtnnatl Snqutrg)-tay» ofliym•*NotwltIi«tnnniiiff11)'1TBrha'i bcrinrmrplTnpf mlllHtrtls at the dilTtrtnt thtalcrK In the11) In IIIL paht fffW wetka th!a pojinlarIOIIHL htltl j 1 Htt-nlBN t»n aiitlirnrc4 tliut

I nliiplLll h pill kdl It Ilinl llinst CIltlUlHlIIHtlmlly iipplautltil tho mllre hill Thdrt'STrTTio t limluuth, t-vi.ii Ihu jokts iif tho

dthWrim Ti JUustiUa imitH. a

argt uutlitiiciH inil ?ht( r from ti

kt.pt_tlni.fniilliiutniii mar of

om tirn to lust In the first partlit ".m^in^r nf the IM Heliu-Quiiitttj-tinletV-j lli* »underfill Inn Miprunn M l

Fnrr*i"TI'1rrT~wmrHir •ftmtrTfe—Inlit llnrltm linilhi rs win. tin ftatnri?f j t tlit. wtiutkrful Juggling nf AilruMi, Hitimsklil spteiultlti ofUHnwayitrtlMeLcod,

tin, hpttlaltim of EugtnL Slink anil theinjti plii^iiijjalid »a>imjH of Prank Arm-

ldpliltinp_fiirrtH 11111I pliiiitiititiustituti- nil enli rtiiiuiug

Niw Jersey Crops. _The reports reeeived for lart week indi-

cate that the weather conditions have notbeen favorable to the vine crop. The cooland damp night hav e, to dome extent, pre-

' d - t h t r itniTuf iBg~Br Tontttoii—atiiIn nil the r,[ OPBn i B

pntntoes ling hetn most satisfactory andthe quality c^eUlcnt In tlie vlLinlty ofFrtthold, Monmontli county, over 10,800biirrds liavo been shipped during tho

tin, crop In Bait m toimtj wIUj icld fromRn tiijr»u)vd tenfiTpt.r~Tic.re I" tlnrvlrmily nj T.iHmlK rlUl'f, ~"iinti?nTon cniinty,there ureilireo huntlrctl Berqs pluntLtl andHit jli-lel IH rtporlt d to bo e-sdtllent Tl]eC'riilibtsry 'A«u~nciilli5ii 'rtporln that tlic>ield of berries this JCST will eieecd Jast

' j ear'n crop by about fifteen per cent Con

General News.ikt,!! f irintriii 11 hulina, ICuimus,

iiu"-ait—»m-'"''l'----ful .lttfmpt, tp_Kill Ins «ift liuil tlitn eoinuutttil mmidelit lire tl ut his « ift, but h ' iL f*-H t° l ' l e "nornnil tin built t 1.111.1I h\ hlnks tUnuglitthi Him ilcad

~ ;S t«n bus hi 1 n r r i i H u l in btothttm,( iilifurniiij nf 11 tni|£ttH nl Wtst Puint, 11

tuun 111C iihivtras t uiint^ A inlin

IKllllir iilllhi^hTT slmt In1* wifi- futiill^ ,I lllid hit tun >iiir.nlil siin, mid llitn com.rmtti tl ^iut nit l i t hud bixn drliikiiijj

lishlonn bilnii,{ni-? to John I1 l"iiglj#Ii Thtbiulilin ' wns i t tni l i j i and burniil In Hit

nrniiiitl with Hit cunttnts, wine 1 emi<<i tutlnf I1113 , grmn, Iiurnuss and farimnj impli -1111 IIIM Tht, building hi"! j»Bi bt tn H\t J

sidtratlle lmi beentiie-w«;k-nnd-tlic< quality o l - t o wheat-isrtportnil to I K Biioil, while the jieltl1 willfull scscrar-iiaTita bclim £ r ^ ^ '

it onlmiifs to Uo wtll, both ig_atalk und i?nr,but ftnrs are tntt^imietl that unless favnr-abli mftturinji t oudttionqrontinuo throughout tht month nf September the lute sowncorn will not ripi.11 tht c ir


Lnw n t i i . Hl li lUndtrd, FIRnn tcaaheri,oiisiact progrou. S»nlt*rv »TtmBB*n»nu pit,

ftct Hsth-rasni and nil nooouurjippolntitenlii,lloth I H H (trinldntml troni i n n ! an rn

H K. HLWOIIT, A M..Vrlnslpiit

Lloyd W, PuUen,


«J l j Coal is carefully selected from' the

host mines tot Jumilj purposUB—*rajMfnF^aBh and will be sold at tlie BwCITmarket prices fop eartl Crnil by the carfrom mines to suit the purchaser, at pop

E. T. CUNNINGHAM, JR,»__ ___ Successor


Mam Street, Hightstown.

on,,WHAT A coumiWill you lut t l tht wiirnlng The signal

pcrhupB nf tin sun nnpnuith of that nitin.ti rrilile ihwnsi C niisumpliun Auk ^oilrit lvtiif j uu can afford for the anl o or Bavinc 00 ctstn run th i nsk anil do nnlhing fnr It Weknuw from expineiici that 8I1II0I1 a Cure willC un your Cough It uevtr fails '1 bis 0*.plums why moie than a Million bottles were

-aald.pngLyi.tt^ Jt, ruhtvtB Croup and .Whoop111 Cnujjh at onct' Jlnthtrs do not be without it Fur Limit Urn k hnle or Lbisl iiauSUIIUU'B Torous I'ln^ttr Bold by L3 II Cunnin_liiini 2

tuiiti nli Miru wnrthfur ~UU0

Gttirjfe l l t nd l t j , a pntltr, tmpln^cd 111thi- Lntirprist J 'ul l i r j , Trillion, «ua shutlatt Momlij ni^ht, jn-l tint nf I l t l / t l ' sUrovi, bj NOiiif tmkniivii pcrstm Hiswoiiml WHS nf suth a strumsc haratltr that

I iixl 111 *M itlititin lit 2 n't link w tut tn J h tht rmni is llospitul to ILIM. Ins null mnr

II HI Hllltt jpt lit. _

1'rt 1 liiild ltrmanat, "ttrs () tu r litibin-Him Iiii a vim in h t r g l r t l tn , Hit, " t t d nfwhit h wns sent to l u r li> Hr Nussnu, -KIIIIin •.t.ilitintil aa iiii-sitiniiry on Hit C imjor m r , 111 Afnt 1 Tl i l luWLri htll sh iptduf 11 bt-nuliful sh itlt of blui « i lh 11 i l ihtalcSflliiNV t tn te r , ami l c . n n b ! ^ nfinitwliitt


Hard Wood Lumber,Peter H. Danser, Hightstown,

Oak, Chestnut, Hickory Timber,gunoil or tn the lug, la any qq mttly requIrQil,

Locust, Walnut, Chestnut and Oak Posts

Ulatk Oak Fenre Buurd^ at about samepntL us lltmlock

Dimension Timber frnm f 30 00 to f B0 00ptr thousand

WhttlM right Lumber, White Oak Plank,Tongues and A\les, juiaomil and housed

This space will be taken by

g JE



ffQtfl i5 fent^ per dD£0Q, up

For Sale

, ,; p ptnlii Hltf to tilt lilmirutinn of IIIIIIIIILIIS 111

W i ^lllrti il lmmi « unl '1 Inir-ilinthrtiilijli M lint , 101 r1 nj; 111

i r t i l l i All Mist I

I'lu srt- i t 1'iurot Iho lliirliiijiimnt.iiltiiiiil c n t i n \ «i l l hirliLhl n r JInuii

llullv - i p t i i n l i i r 8lh ()tli loih 11 Hi imUlli ' I I I I J ^rinl t ••hibiliu" nf Inn slot klirutlutt". uf fnim, _;iiriltn, nri liiird 1(1ilurs linsmjiiM 1 fm M urs a repiitiil onii|iuil tn tlnit nf 1111 kinilrid 1 spu ititin 111tin Ku-.lt 111 Ll itt II 1111 i rn \ i 1 n i lh ».;tnnil this ^ 1 ir ninth III it is m i und in insfinturis that 11 t i i u h ill IJL lutitidui t d

Tilt L \ | i r l i n m t nf ~miiin_; tub it ru uutin K i d ' lu l l farm, Su j-i \ tuiii i ts , tinTfinr, li 1 hti n a 1 urn,ilt !i ^1111 "i mid thti m p WHS ^ut ii ri t Iu>-t wit-It H i t n i mlt\L mid M \ u r n s wi rt plimttd mi l t i i rn \ tTtiimrHublj Vhu liliint nvi rn^iii^ Tnur f t t l111I1114I1I Whin ill m l tin i m p will ULI11 ' h l n 11 l i ins w'lneli will lit Hiirih fnimi i ^ l i t i i n l n t\Miiti l i \u t in t^ pi r puimil

-HMMilluJLtlfJltilQ tn the arrt 'I In t \ -

Cheap!1 Lculhtr Top Urn,','}, 1 Icathur Top

mink 111 the hm itt riiiU }\ ill


CIIUMII\, I'nitsinoiitli, KffliBiiiem," Lynn, Boiton at 8 4(1 »r™t f i r

wtlh tin uterim Dr ' •pi '

mil' diij Wi t'iiHi"! TI ill hud Hit pit 1 11 (h

dijimlnitnt nf ll e ""In tnin (nut nf I'

llurniiiii's 1U *j In l'rnf M-i- hull, %h

\yr j tlioraii^ij *4« inn a i r 11 r1 ' 1* 1 r ' l l n

iirlieltsof iLtnrt t from Itiinbo t ' n«n lit'lo m l ' t t'mj nuir t l nf nun'il l 1 h hptn lTTnT~aiif~«Tni ^ t r and MTT-^T nnnn - turl-Hiirttd fur htiine b . i l un ln y in-ninj lit 7u'tlouk via I'uifnn mill ^11. nj h in ttou thui^ nt Wor t th t t r , P p r n , ' i t l l J t t lH I T , Hartford, Ntw I l i n n l l rn l ' t p«il ,h*utli Korfi Ik, A t » "iurl J t i i>_ C I1

pt i nm n! \\ ill hi. t n iliimi-il iniulhtr 11 ilr

Pt t i r s Utr_rt 11 who \\i\* knm, 11 tlifoui^h-1111I ]S!« J r r L\ us fu I M I tiiuijiitl

our s « r i t p t ' i 'I hi vim 11 a vi^ornimiFftiW^r biif" ~t lnwrrs^ pltiwlv I t "rtj^j**s 1 If 1 in Afrit a

Ktv 1 I1 SliCulIoii^h, a Hipt i t p i turnf M n i k K \ , win luri . l i i i t i m ' ^ p "•.tahli m Is i« l i n k t i l s , a ft « il IJ t HJU

IJ un iitlw ilisc nit ul ininniiiK.111^ 11 b irjiiin11 liiirsLllLsli, but willn tlie toujlm thought

Iht j hml him h t quit tlj i l n w 11 m o l v t ruml lhr i i i t in t 1 lu hln \ t it ruuf till nf iinjif tbxm t h a t IllttrflTt^d^YTth- him The>

l t l him _o out uuinuli -.tud — _ —

hi vt nil nf t in fumdj of Iiiiii lolph P t t t j ,"uf H i n \ i l Hill, hnvt l i n n uiiidi. ill hituh ,nnil tht fiiull wii siippnsiil Hi b t 111 IIILwul t r from thr wi l l , iiiid us IIIL HitinbtiKif I nn o lh t r fnmH'L- we t nlso nfftilt.il it

win llit nli il tu b n \ i tin will t i t aiinl Thiswn- ilnnt un Fruhiy At Hit butlnm nf tinwill , nlliitheel tu a p l i t i nf lend pipe, was

i st iminnui and of goo 1IK^IIIII \ur> rt 11011 ililt-

AnnU to

til giureliiisa stimling Ltmbor l,y traot or treesictti 1 BUitiiliiQ !ur tliu libtive pur|iui!ii«


lJeneo un nirtn neur TjncU4t Uiirnor,infill cm, Hlglilftown N J

oritnr ilti-il at hi» Iituue ntur SIHMIr_\illi_

I liur>.dii> ni^Iit Mr lit rjri 11 «us nuru 111Ho) ct-lielil, on JIiiri.h Dili, 1H18 He re.iiivLt! u tumninn ihnul r lilt ilinn lit

1111 tMirnt t l l ipuhl i t in i ninliH'^itm^ of lmportnnt 1 _ t n — ^ m

upmi.11 r t \

Pi piiblii inv ' I luiL is Imnlh 11 srlionlliull 1 ill ^HI % h r - ! \ tli it llf I11I1 lint Utluif !• 111 im 1 111 i v t r v purt nf !•»• hlaln, lifmL 'Mi fiiui linr tu llii ptnpli Two sonsn r \ i \ t lni i 1 1 ink I ' l l ' in fnrmtiU f i t ,i o u i u l fur t l ' 7 i l t t l i r in I Ur T, 1 I I t n . i uof Iii h i It it

T l i T u Hi \rilifi\ in 1 \ \ iinilhild rt. Hudroitl bus h t m mt in p o n t u l in 1st w Ji r « \In uflltir nf t'ic I'LII i"\K 1111 Ho ill Tli

lihjif 1-4 of the romp m^ 1 1 tn b ul 1 11 ru n

111 T 20 P M , v il i i u 1 t ' i ' i 1 .1111 uf lh tI.io-l d t l i^h l tu l t u p nf t MI w i l l s 1louii«tcoii mn;i out %\ 1 f t t l i ' it it « i '

- - t-'nwl -forHiii Ui-bt tin rt and w ill IDH^ reJ It Ntn,i isme, he- '•' e trip

Constitutional Elaotion.T h e p r e p a r a t i o n s fnr the* C n n - t i t n l tuuil

AmendniLi i t uluctuin tin Hi p i t nl 1 r ,50 urte n r n p l i t e i l n u t l f i e linlltit « i l l bt-t HUB SM.uk This i l t t - t i im Mill in-

Vulve a considerable c\ptn»t mid i---—- —Itttlf anmiymg-iu citlt

T fh

ihniil nni" mill Ion, ; frit-n I t< j i in t t i tn illit I*i i i i i - s ' i iu i i 1 « it Ii f u C i n l t n l nf Nt MI i r I N , lit r Vcr t l l Amli tn In tilt p i m t i n jnf lht 11111 r rn ul ^ it Ii Hit* Nt'tt 1 nrVf.i-ng" H " i " f l ' n t f1)' I " " " 1 Hi 1 ilr—ri4brwl 0 t h u s u n i i i - ! t ln»Pi i i i i s>lMii i in 1111 tUyijU'ltlU lint tn i t" u n i n i i l i i i n m i l l

j h S - im JOHN W

a i un of l'TiTli j n LII rimstii;itliniiIn tintl llit pi rsim whii put the poison 111tilt mil , but it will be ciiutini td, 1111 1 it is

rl Tlint ilif-ru-i ill mil lit, lint IIVI n tl.

e \ t . u r« l i ) i i t r a m u e i r D u n k i i k , "inrk.

Pult a

In 1 Hit train sluppud atnfitml rush fnr leutt wn«.

mink *M 1. \ I n l im iilUiiuid Hupnl .Tleii"Mith , hi il ]ii-t i-Liili tl bun t i r when n r

v is inliliiil b^ t u i 11111 (lln htlil him^ l n l t _ t l i t o t h t r tnnk his pot k t t book

Sfstowi>7TJ". J.,Near Cannfng Factory.

I ha\e limit 11 in (iiiiiujt mid w 15011f it tn's and I am niiiH anil prt-pnrt il tn tinill kind nf tun 111'i und wnjun np i inn j ,Hlitel«ri^htin^ mil blncksmithing Ciirn,i!;i irlii\niirr:» irndiiixmting I»j-«Tinittitiil[iinTilir Cumuli s uml wa|ona_Imilt toinijtjjintl ftii will, ii]Jo«j)Uti*s IL_}u»tliink nf bnl in.' or li mn^r rt puirinj dontIt WlJI p l j JOII tULIllI

JOJ, Clllt lhriFF[lj S4-2m __ _ Knrth Mum ht


Look ! Look ! Look !Having rented the building

on SIOCKTON STREET run as a res-

taurant and boarding house byItostecn Walton, in connectiontheFePwiirbe kept n choice line ot


Confectionery, Cigari. Tobacco,Fruits, l^uts, Bdtea' CelebratedIce Cream. Orders receivedfrom fairs and febtivals will re-ceive prompt attention at thelowest figures. Oysters servedirflifiy-style, mealsliF all hours,A share-of your patronage is so-licited. Heap, yours, -


HilJM llL^THUl'IION I 81M1

Unth then tli nppt irtil Tit rubhLr\ wu,ilunt su ipntklj 111 il .InrUsiiu h ul no lnnutn jnjjit jiBi_o.'U« rj _AJL thr_siiiiiB time•Mis Jiihn hi ipt, ni Dunkirk, M Im was inHit. nt \ l rar Ll 1 id, wiis rnlihuel of iporkt t

bonk tiiiiluliuii^ in Hit -unit miiiiuti

Sirs John WUiir, ofCnmdtn, mi SuturLij tlitibtil IILI iniiL iniintli uhl hub} put.rin the couch, mul "t'nt <t 111 th.ir^iMi,f I in.

u. ; l i t i t u r c i l d w « . fm 11 11 11;

:<mdikiil> tit to 11'i slipptd fro 11 ti t j;rii pnf llit bnj und rnllttl into the s t in t in

nf_H pun nf linr ts uunrhtd tji Juliu

I'm !) im HUM ••nthi , win 11

1 • «i in ii *. nun mul Inliiir,



0OLL.EG&affnfil- tht ven best facilities for acquiring

thorough, prattled mstnittitm in the

O rp tian s r Xou r t,MAI 1L.KM lull

1 Iluhi lo 'howt1 lufi; Inl SAll fif

rijiiii.ig iu P113J lieli «

Ihi Kilt \ h i i l n l r l rn i r l \ l ini i J. 11 11 lo m i l 01

In tljn m i n t t r oft ho i»li|ilII ,1 , i LlllLlJni 1 HvMl

, l,,i!n-ii i n in !Jtji,iK«

(mill 11 I ,1 1 n il

fitiiiS Ilriint'Ii lino, ' l h t I'tuim^lVHivlft now |11 i s tilt ( I'lllrul nfnbuiit tiiit 1 1 1

.1 11 lift t u u n , _ .i 1 tiuiii i l*ili |» r^ii (il > 4 lp ul mill *l,i CHCL 1, in*lur us £li t in list 111 r IIIL * 1,1 u 11 I U HIM u irlniril 11 inn 1 i« n i l M m ill «nll il c 1 f id l< In'••III hint 1 1 1 1J l i l j » 11 ilutit*, nn I I fis.li 1? tiiu 1 i h•I in I n u n I 1I0 1 r mlin-j.—Uiu 1 111m i h t r e i |i m

r i n , 1 p | l 1 U f t . . i i » I1.H..W.U.I In Ik

graph} nud T^pewnting,

kmd and ctnirtuauK trcitment for nil

4D0 SIUpiMTS 1HB0LLIDthe p.ist 3 ear (names not counted twice "5

Be sure to^end fnrourh.uidRome catnlognoBEQIS& MOXDA"i, SEPT 1,1800



The "new1 lints of gootli for both Lady and Gentleman for Spnng

wear are calling much attention. Among the great specials ore the

entirely—new Rooda^£iir_Latliei_jwear. "Cashmere Umbre" and_

rrineetta Cloth. Jersey Cloth Jackets from ffrOO up French

Satccni, 1312c _

Beady Made Clothing In spring and summer ityles now ready

Specialty alwaja in Children's Kneo Buita, from $3 00 upf

Men a Backs and 8-Buttoa in fancy Btripea, blues and blaelsii.

All wool ClieTiots, latest erama In blues and "ilnck fancy plaids

and stripe pants.

Wts keep good matcrinl m RBJM

"Tliere is no fancy-ninrgin- with us Our long porsonal-Bquaro

dealings w Ilh Ihe trade, in gwlng Iionest goods and honest Jpnces—

lower than most competitors—Is our too well established reputation

mid BO needs no fuithcr proof We WTiteToa to drop in and seo us



Tlectlon ofheers ill" necciLar\will be flight vnlc IH HlCyrtliuT prnliibh,forthd intcrt.«t in tht milifnt 11 luiijui 1There is is t%t rj prubnb.lilj Hit nnj n 1mtnl will he lost and no tint will lm\eniJJ- occn1- tin to irourn, e\t t'| Iim; Hint lht1 ttirnpt tiratnintl Hit "ctliFlifTillon-riinnldnolbn\e bet 11 mndt, in unc nf the nmncr.orB directions m w'lnc Ii it nc-c Is rivmrniNo nlher omemlmtnl tan nchs he subinilted for five 3 tnra

t If mtirt limn .1 ri lit h it r t pu l t t fnr Mr

-Ttelickela in fnrm anil tt^sl ore ai ful-lowi-


•for all -proposition*, tin tlilt. Inllnt w hitli- i i i t itultiuuttlka »all I11K UJ 1 d

eancollo 1 —J"or 1Uf proposed .imi'mlnitnt to urtitlo

foUri.i<rtutu -ei?cn, dilute 4vMr,mibdivi»iontlirpt, wWch reads iln foiiufth, • leguhit.nj

~ I B | I I I l i } t t g j l r a t)f towmrnnd-eotniticaM locil nfflrflraTtTntrmminwiTnritlltf munletpiil llffiUrs" by omilllnp

Eflirt;E3i,OT(lwpfd '-pfflc*ii" lo "ofneert "

i l f r f i r Y r t • ^ i i tlo ofneert «» t m t tin-

rt •^fipointmir l»fnl r.fflt ert.10 rcjp-latt mutilLlpal

l amendment to articleri,. clitdhO'tAti. by "luit-

ordSli i i l l be Appointctl bv t.m0,. iQBticltul A-ux-nilly I" 3—»'

time tin ['ami: sluil

llfn mi Hill ilis i,r aitiLoinborII mil UlOj llii

f irm w iiyim Tin mnthc-, w ho w usut»r b j , ^«\c out si rtnui mid stun I trnn»

Tlit lior-us rtartil an 1 jilnnjlrt nt ll I In 1 mil) «f Sli l» r, ullliuld uul In mill tit wi 1bl lrt d t 11 iudebt, or 111* r.aiuus

I iif Hm ,-ii-e inn^ rsqiifruI ll LUHNI I.I

>-u 1 1? lo nnil Ijurli ul tlii- uijilIn \ 11 \ II

Hi iho I uil

1 'hi nf Hit much-and xliHlttl- u i -hub", was thrown \1IHltr-th1 fett of thu

m n , ont of which sieppt'd upon its head

kill IU it liistiintU

Thtrt is con1-! Itruble e^ciltnitnt imonj

mail ill nm 1

1 lit 1111 i l 1 MII

lht lSonkiilnwn I n lunTin over tlit actioniiii»ni{{

lorttlnrtpr nu tin etuis fion u I'll I ululpliiiinnmctl Del mo—Hnmi thrct s t tka past ihtrt1 his bten a niimhtr

G0MPT20LLIS OP T-Iluiio *as ri provt I fnr \11I11 of nijiiils tanvassin!; amonj tiitf fnrnitT»,tliiinimg lo rt[)rescnt 11 supply hoiist on W A S H SOTIIV AB^^ ' t W Ii 15QQ

W I M ' I I I - * H Us mi Inn l u l l j » i i k n t « |iri>ai.iilrilto tliy uml i3 ifllifl H I n " 1 gi.11 mania I , R H i a i r

far hi N ontl human rnpntit\ luitl 111 nu

New York Glothing Co.Wi Ui Hlrcct l'lulildclphiit, who areIs fnlltnM il I L jiiovnl luni- i

1 hm Hi" 1111* >in»T iN*rni>iAi IUIIC nilJ linvisions at wholtsale pritti to Ihe In Iho linr-imh ul JliMliuluvn, In II10

Itntn ul N'w .IOMOJ, t i lGrun^irs On Fnil IV aftcrnnnn the ordtr»lit tlitn rt^i^ntil, bill Liiinpliiil willi All llm I>r ivulmi? ur iho Aet nf

l l N l l l H l \ lwtrt shipped lo tue Washin^lon House, pi)njcr>«i i i m lilu Null •mil Hm. ln j ,\.«mgl 1

l O l l l [ dnf t'ie nimj mj ' s lcs t ion Im torn hi wus l Oi_lr ei!I|iiimli_ oil [niira iii.d_iiirrom- nil—nuarlerM—of—thtj-ii nli il tu ri tnli f lht 11 1111

M TIH,IU.EP_iO, 1 dW IT 1Tni- Jotnl tracleicoiinti -s\i.rc on lnin.il

nun lmvo marUetl tlie Eruckmen WHO muilthi! purtluiNCs, Hiid tnoy dtclurethey will

mit lm> Hit Ir trurk 1,. in Inn, »ufrB.tlun bit thn

The rnntcst bctwetn ll>e MoiithernBailwaV and those uf it, cujiuttra wl»i|iremembtrsof the nrothtrhooil has


n .in So|iHi»ili. r a iyiu — —. wlinrpa mv tinnd anil

t i l ul yinBu Ll,i"-0>li Jn> ul AUiruft,

Mam Street, aext to B. P. Stout'sbt,t\sicn the UrolTici hcioil oEngineerB and the Brotherhood of Locomo- ia BailicjadJt came >ibout in this way A FULL STOCK OFn Tl tehie, who iva»mppointe:dgiuter of 11 paasen^tr inuD

t the Hrothorliaod-of-EngliiEcm

Trains Leave Hilihtttown at Follows

qf Pullniiin cars ww jibput topull out of the J t r ey t i t} ftitlon foj

tiWttne-lBtcranl' ngnirn rif- -^yngrffagtoir-n-^eon^tnbia qirelly levied bn-

MH) HJltll OIll}*ui*ndnit-nJ 1 f x

i^ht f-iiui hi i \ | i ili«tlnr_;til, fnr u m it _r in which ht 11 mul lo 11a in larywiM iiut-pithl-44nt——,Af4i>r-

lu t'allt'il upnn Ihetn t l tn t fnri-hl^monc^, hut it %% us ' 'aid not:o hn mi haml IJtlano qui t lH iiiul thatlie would c\i iect i t to he p nil 11! 1111011, l t f t

him In t e i / t a trmn At 1-1 o'clockhe mAtto n written ilt'nmnd for Ills money,wh ' t l i W B I nol fnrtlifoiniiijj An the after, un. Firemen,

;1m-ff«nr~—M—Hiree Titrlofkra elicete—way -iQ-shnndeii Jlel4iio, aud he lcfU having provedh*mcolf lo be pust-t*st*<til of more j^rrt thanid nuuully found In nrnii w ho arc iu theemploy of till Pullman I ompuny

.CONSUXIPI1ON CLUB•Ihii'ightytmd ojitBtion tue lnoat sucGCsaful

t'wtigh Mert'iJtie:wBNi;iTi;"eTVTi anlilt • a fewwigttTHidi iaC»TnVaTrilI uyCniur. wid Uronchliin. »hik; iiB

tliu cure ol'dinsuoiiitton la witbutil" n lilalory of jjjctl tint) Since

11 member1 of Hint 0rgani7 i l i n The enHirei.ru demiiiuled that he be rt nnved nnda iiiembtr of t h t l r Hrntlierhooil bt> put inh k plat.li Tina the road rtfu<;td to doThe eiiKiueers bnvt cent oil a < tmimittce InHuu Francisco to roiifor'With the BrotherIiootl of the toas t , and if their ptttnd l».ndorted uritl Uie toad rctaatia to }lald,thBy

K011 I'M 11, »!>!£!,«U w mm ; >3 r M

•ill f M -I *1 '

F . .n I . t iMi r t i e*Hc i t -Al M l A H. ,FOB l »

Aimie Ifooney nnd^ McpiUty. k t I verybody


iay tllt,y ftiUBtilkQ and ntjafetweon KeW-OrteanB nnd S»n Froliciaco.

Sow the BrnHicrliooif of Locomotive Fire-

ry, tti JO TnJ

tl«e- -tt'e flwt ilwcovury It bl>« been x>lct on a^guuraa-

fctottt the jeweler keepsiliem ftiid every-—.

' that line.*llilirBeBort- „ , .


iat opened. To be BOM with

» t r . r ' i - l • , * , ' »

- -. Call and we the iocfeS^^VureoT'EKGil

Page 3: Breafl, Gale anfl GonfBCtMery mmmmm · JTol/xlvi, No, 23, Hightstown, N. J

Hightstown Gazette.TITOS.]!. AFPtESET,

Terms, §51.50-per Annum,Oasli in Advance,


"The Tf6nt™0f~'AndcrHOii'ir-butcher shopglistens with a new coftt of paint.

J. K Lonqhtrtct lms ln.nif making somerepmrB »t IIIB ton) office on Main street

M L Ojborn, in the fH7trjF buildljfg,is Belling sonic of the flHest" and* cheapestoystcrf that ever came out of the shell

l'xof. Epoch FojTiUK, of Buokncll Uni-versity, prrai hell an t,\ccllu«t iLrmon inthe B iptut ChiiTch liibt Sunday morning

fiUpcriiitondenta ]RiiiiTiirrd "and BurtiThay« arranged for tho uyiull number.-of

^excursion trains' to the Ml. IlQlly Fairnext week.

Auctioneer Rogers will sell householdgoods for the heirs of Airs. Ainy Laird, atlier Into residence on Wood' street, unSaturday lit 2 o'clock.

Mrs. Elizabeth Fraiieis, ooloredv died ntIn r residence on Mercer strict, »n Monday,ngeil—'1H yduTS. Thb funeral -w-us—Imkl-yesterday at the house.

Mrs. Amy Luird, died nt the residence ofher son, Jasper T. Laird, -uged (58 years, onSunday last. Her funeral was held on1'iiLi.daj \\Mi •-c.rvjLLa nt the IIQUM.

The business card of IS. T. Cunuiiighftni,reul estate aud iusurantie agent, appears intliia issue. Give him a eull if you want tolmow liow to invest or how tomoney

rdnn WllltnmM nf Dutch

r Miller fined Charles Cdhk *8 fordisorderly conduct on Thursday night

As "wo go to press wo learu that MrsEluior 15 Dey, of Princeton, died Wcdues-jlttj afternoon _

Linn Frtnj, aged 7 >ears, a littli Hrooklyn girl, w ho had been sent to the cftuntrjlo recover froin au att u.k of pneumonia,and was boarding ill Milton J I\is', du_don Sundivj, nfter "bting here four <IIIJHHer motliir was with her, aud relumedwith the rcluams Tuesday

The coiitroct~~far~thc HarnsOTi organ forthe I'rcabj terian Church hasjieen signedThe curved pcw> liavcj>cen decided upon,but tho order has not Jet been giveu U m"nOTV propoMwl -—to>—biHkl— to the ri ftrof Ihi, cUttrUi In addition to tin or^nnrecent, % kUt hen and conihiitlt e room, andto put in an apparatus for he iliug both thuchurch and lecture room

Tho Freehold Transcript completed itssecond yiar with its last weekN editionFoTTT two >ear old it Is remarkably lively;and moii than limit shows exi i lit nt sta}ini? inialitiis We i on_;ratuhHe theMorcau brolhi rs on tlieir sutii.ni in therace with lliclr many Aloumoulh count)competitors

The fall sesaiou of the Publte hehoolcommented on Mouda> with i luri_,t attendance— PrtnctpilGreen-nutl—his -owpiof cffli unt leiieher alnadj have tin usualstudies « i 11 under w iv and the little oni san enlTiTr«ni ttlc allv prepiinn^ lor iinolinricar of hoiifst work

mid Mins Matilda CoJIiniui, of lli^htiitown,—vvCTtrnmrrie'd-WH—A+ij ust 20th,-at--UiP Ht.James A. M. E. church parsonage by E«v.D. S. Hayard.

At a congregational meeting held onMonday tlic Man.nlnpan PresbyterirtiiOliiircli' emtendcjl a call to Itev. GeorgePorter, of Newark, Del., a brother of the]att pasldr elti t

Extensive improvements huve beenmade on the interior of the- Second Presbytcrian Church lit Cranbnry. The wall;liAVO ) een .newly prepared n)id tlic wood-work neatly painted anfl oiltd

M^essrs. ^bangle- & Son are pushing thesale of their Paris grcon sj>rinklers, whichare highly endorsed by lending farmers•\\here\er tin y ha\( betn mtiotluc<dThese lnaehincs 'will be on exhibition At theMt. UoUy fair.

Bo a little careful about Inking speciefroio people you don't know. The urreaLof an actor in Trenton this week with hispocket full of bogus coin, wills attention tothe faet that atrangers are shoving thequeer throughout the Btale.

Cornelius WyckofT, "while working atElmer Vnndenburg's, on Monday, fell froma hay stuek and injured his thigh. Dr.Titus wu& called and found that the thigh-bone was fractured, and tho friends of theColonel will be sorry to hear that his rapidrecovery, is not probable.

William IT TtiiniiliT, u freight brakeman, had his legs crushed on Mondaynight, at Trenton, by a collisioriiof a freighttrain and a special with Superintendent J,

Township --Committee"; Mooting.On ritf"*dft"v 'lown^litp Comiuiltn men

Auiimivrh mi, T.pdiKe and Y hittii k nut ton ceive shiop lull*" Tin followin\\<_rt prtsi lit* d and ordi rt d pudVshu Appli 4iiU., shci_p killed

l 'e l tr l 1 ttilson t inklesfames DIVIMIII, lit rp Killed AKx[Hinsc8 of commilte'e................Five dog liataAh'-i.siiinj nnd i

.13 "io7 50i) 00T fiO

'1 otal~~Oli motion "thr-ncw—rt'tin foot of "Wai d strut atross the pondihrouLjii tin propi rt; of Aslu i \pple_Mttand others to the Timi in iHc piLt, w iuctepled b> tin ( omiuillii

'I In do^ tn\ fur Ihi township was li\ei'at 00 m i l s in i head

'Midi liLiui; ni) [in tin r business tin CommiHee udjuurni d

Common Council.The Common ( mined un t in tiie Town

Hull on ruesda\ in'l it Mn> or Jlilh ipit billed, und Count dun ii M inlovi, ]i nnmil t nl( aud ferriin lnswtrtd to (IK milAfter reading of 1 hi minute bnl i iluiouiilin,; ti> •p\H2 2!) were passt d us follow >jI hjah (Jiinlon wotU . •jIJ 7^Ld Hampton, work

The Ninth Regiment.'1 he coming reunion of the Hinth Reglent. Now Jersey Volnntcerd, to lake placei Iliglilstuwn, "on September Kith, will,

give, an additional inloie»t to Hit followingnolei mj^girtl to the history of that regi-ment * " " - -

The Ninth Ilegimcnt was rained under aspecial order of the' Wnr Uepurlmeul early'in 1SMI1, authorizing the organisation of ftrilli rtgimilit In linn Matt ' T«t l \ t torn;mnies were mustered, the first on Seplem-licr 12lh mid the lust on October 15th, IBM.It had a full complement of 1,108 ollicersand men, with the uniform trimmed withgreen ami aimed with tin hprnuriuhl nlli i ,tlion the. best ntm in the service... After,two months'drill nt Trenton, and o n e atWashington, tin rtgumnt wii-< tt'si^nttl toIti no'n lirignde. aud on Jununr> Utli emburked , u » pUrt of the celebrated Itiirn.tide liv)MMUt«)n, at-AuHtipiiliH.—It- HUH atdlffircnt time-, ntlm lied to n \ difltrmtiorp-1 and in ten brigades and took part inthirty cngngKiunts In Novunber 1K(U,tlie regimont wa» reduced to ten com-panic-t, Compttnii s V aud L bein^ di^bnud-ed, and their men hi/ing dlstrllnitotl anujngHie other i onip inn t, tlie designation of<. onipnny M bcnu; t hanged to (. oinpanj AIn iaii3 Lhn_}ixeatLr pmt of the mi n rt •cnlistLdjnthc Ik Id for.thi. war, ami the lintof its nun«tr i ' limstt rid out Jul\ IJllISO") The total number of nit n lit Foulito thtifiiuth dliMiij; tlir win »«b 2«0U

Of/lliB Held Jind stall otlkera, Col. .1. W.j was drowmtl at Hntterim, ( ol

! A llcekmun wan four mouth-, aprisoner, and then niiidii a Hrigudier Gen-eral, and is now living in Philadelphia,Colonel Abruni Zubrlskio wns mi>rtallywuundud aUJreiv-ry'a Blull; Cultun-1 .lanirsStiwait J r , i \ * s jn nh a Bngudit r ( i nend bus since bun Cluif of Pohee IUPhiiadclphia, w)iere he now liyv*; f^e]^(maul f iilont 1 Uilliuu it Tiirlis i-ni\ in^at Pennlngton; Lieutenant ('uloiicl SumuolIlufty at Camden; Major Thomas II.A p p l f i t i l lliirlilhtou'n,, VdjulautJL^ bf airoll M ' kilkd nt Dn wrj'h ltlufl Ailjut mts I 0 ( i i U e u n d r %\ \ \ i Ktt tl urehtill liMiU,, tjuniterin isti is Simmil l \ t \ sand Itiehard J. Bordim are also liviii?Sursrcon I1'. S. Wi'llcr was tlrown nt. Hat.t inu Surgeon Vdtlisou s >Vui)dliull hastin d sime tin ^Mir Sinj;toii I1 li dili titwill deliver the oration here this year: anilAsH.'iistunta Surgeons L. Bniuniiiud J. M.

JJiivles are^st^llviu!;nn'j nT llw K i tun ill \wro

Peddie Notes.Yes, those new chapel scats arc hue, but,

in ordei lo appreeiatc you need to metin in If, how*\cr, jovi »ro unabh to visitthe Institute juat now, then »flk some mem-ber of the Y W C T U lo toll >ou aboutthem, as tliev had Hit honor of u^ini; themfot tin ni-fll time, InuIng-hccn hiMtidhistMi|>nd i) neni i ig h> Mm fllauglil In holdIholr regular meeting In the C'hapi 1 Timat ills an the very best live plj velieeropera thairs, and wire, put in by the An-drews Manufacturing Company of New^ork (. it\ uliuli is one of tin HigthlIhms of thckilnlin thr country Chairs nfthe Mini*, killd, e\eelit with Ihe iMtnsiniiarum for writing, will he placed this weekin the Sen lici-elnvt-room m thu nt w build-ing. Tin same llrm ilso furniihid tin new

"Outfit, for tin lin^llih i l a s room wdlibwill hi octupicil b> Mils 1't.tnbroke Hhe'Is delighted will) Un ri nth ilciiinl di sks•inrt'•Tttci<; nnrli inouc who-nouhHikp-trr - j .nn l imitat ion loom ntlld In the "UiOstmodi in nud (oitmidb\ \ i i i . ,

fourth lloor, rear mil and at tht iiunetune it will bu LOiivmunl to glami m thuothei seven lar^e, will lighted and Iliutj(itUdila s rooms on tin fourth anil thirdlloors, the new sonety hall nud ^ SI (' A T h oroom on tin lifth tloor, aud now



The budget of good

things which -we have

ready for to-day have

seldom* if ever be n,

brought before the peo-i iii.nil mud In the TriOst f \ _ , „ • _ ™-rt *nnpkh inaiiiief will be re Vpl)e Of T R E N T O N .cj tint, mum, whit h Is on [hti /

m irshul


t dt)_^sfor T8V)




1 11

I !00(,02,Pi)



ooso0000i i

"A AmliTsnn;—of the-' Hclmf—iJp^mi'tmt'itt,—Jrtm~livand his fimiH on board JIIP And* r,onAMIS bruibcd imd John 13trUlll, of Li mlx rt-villtr, rcrrivtd a sralp ^oiind

The V. "\V, C. T. U. had a _yerE

(. lm <> IiL\lm_ct issisUi itI nibk> IMilUn, workJ I' ( 4)iniiii(L, in ir h dr \v pniN it wittk^John W i iiliip workJohn 1* }\i < k i, woikIj A\ Fullt n w oi kR M .J Sniitli pinuinrCliu* nnin^ li-^hlnij; JunNobli Doijiitll workL Jm i ~\\i ( hc^iu \ , <. iIt InnV V I)ifU<-M, tO 11II \ } j( (A T Skillmau, laniii-,1) W Miiisur.ill, oil ite

iin uiotii>u tin treasurt r w us onli ud loborrow ^300 to um t tin lioron^li t \ j enstsuntil l.i\e-i should be lecened

A petition fiom ,St liiints A "W ljChun h was read pui"\ Iii_c foi stu el 1 imps,one at the Church and another at Die paieonagc The H-quc^t Mai granted, withthe under landing Hint the e\pen^i of oilmill li^htiu^ should hi borne b^ theC hurt h

On motion, tin "Ma}oi appointt d ( lm(T Iddiii-^, Is islturt Inur h il nut wore

, staircusea>rtl\ti n r w i y tiltffl j l t t r i n t l t ^ r i f ^ 111! t i l l ' w i l y l i p111 l l l L N u ' t ' ' -™* ^ j - * I V _ J J ,

Tlu i i i iw rcciliition room w t s (-.pidiillvd m ^ u t d for the acioinmodntTOir nf d'ljpupils, of whom, In the w » \ , i t i i prtihi^hie there will far more, this year than ever"before. The dormitories bid fair, (on, tobe entirely tilled, us. there are nearly sixtynew boarders registered nud applications

^ in iMr \ thi> It m i i i i d 1 i»ltMtHMit w lieu tlml-ltM1s*1-t hi—i « i nl

out Hint with the usual number of thosewho dificfintinuc. it would be most im-Iirolmbli that the gap hoiiltl 111 Illliit tinfull but uion than the oitlllinrj numbt iof old pupils are to return, and with thisvet-y large influx of new ones, I'eddie will

-fairly swarm with—activity HHS year.—-Onuof the most encouraging features about thematter is that so many who were here, lustJiar arc JaJiLin,; back tin ir_hrolht l t insisters oi othi i nlnliM1"" KotabH In tinsline are Mr. Demurest, of Palerrttin, whosedaughter has been here^four yeurs mid.rrudiiiited last June, and 'who now wisheslo sentl another dudghter to prepare forcollege; Miss jMerriiiuin of Lakewood willbring_her sister; Misa Marey (.'rnblr.ee,

i " l ' F ' f d l

Coi set.

Cilii j o'i do bttfer than to trade


meeting in thu Petldie C hapel on Alomlayjilght The spec! d ft itures, after thtdevotional exercises by Charles Nortonwere readings bj Mrs II E blauglit, C< Uhwivelt and Waller Ulnek, untlr a solo-"Sparii my child," by Jlrs. A. P. Job. Thekind invitation of Mrs. Slaught was appro-

"priutcly udenowIcd^cd, and future xneetInga there were arranged for.

Senator Carter will lecture here on "TheHew Ballot lUJorm Luw,li.i}ii AVotlncaduy,September 34lh, under the iiu&piccs of theIiuj>rovcment Association. An admissionfee of 3>> cents will be ehnrged, aa it is tlie<leaire of the Association uot only to giveour .people a good. :lccture, but to make a

Wm. Ilutehinst)u pelitioneil for :i newh t r i e l l a m p n e l r I n s i t ' i i d t n t ( t>n \ i i ( l t i n \street.. The matter was referred to tlie1

-propel". couimiUee- 'Thtr fntlmyiiH'; r^milntiiwi \t:im pr/-^t.nt|Ml

1)3 ( ouuellmuii l ' n n u t ind Mils puist d \>ytlie Council

''WHKIIKAH, Hits vcttjriniii of the Ninth N.,'J. Volunteers Wi l l lu^ld their annuitl reiiiuou in thu town on 1-t (itt inlTi l Ibth

.Bli |'|" virmir vimL friml the -CO4U.mon_Cauil-

ble* It is also" announced that good vocal.imd instrnment^U music . will add-to thtiattraeti\eness of the evening1* progriimnie

Emerson I'liUeJi, of n«aralthough <it tlie flrst of the

Ibut binaeaabu he

nearly * *barrels of line fruit They brought from$8 to $12 per barrel in the Jioston marketsHe is now with his bitither, Winlield bPollen, budding peach trt es in bussev

-eemrtyr-vriteTCT^Hhe-mity,—rt-*<H'etM»!***J km] fiv'iiui lire part, of

daily bill of fare. ~Wo are indebted to Secretary of l^tatc

KelSEy for a valuable pamphlet cntitltd,*'In8truction Kclative to tlio Duties ofOilltcrs and Voters as Hequircd by theNew Jersey Ballot Xlefonn I^w." It «lVcsnil needed information on this much vexedquestion in a most thorough and concisemanner, and its careful and accurate com-pilnUou sljowS a muster hand. Wo «ru_ not

_auipriiied'tb_lcaia_UiaUit-l* tho work: ofJames B Yard, of the Monmouth

that aorno of onr local eporis-

eil tender to them mid others the freedomand hospitality of the Borotigh, and reqicst thnl our nti / t ' is einbiuc thii op^nrtimity to hhow^theirappiuciutiorr-rif theevent by dect>nit|iig their rCHitleiiees nndplaces tif business, and aiding in tht! ejitt-r-tiiinineut of the'visitor

Vfter a short talk i>n tin sid(_\\ ilk tp t st 'onTln fouiRil move 1 tint pioptit\owuera yliouUi be notilietl that nil pave-ments, that had been ordertrd improvedmust be in good repair Of undergoing re.pair by October 1st, or action would betaKen b> tlie Horough ,

())i null u ^ r l ] TVl

r u i s t d in d l l l c i e n t p i u t b of t h e b t u t e ' H i eI n b t ( o m p i i i n \ C a p t a i n H u m p f ( o n if n t n >/ < i m t a i n l>elmi>t (-(-H-niptwiv-K", C 4ipti in I 1, D r n k e , a n d ( o i n p n i v L ( u pt a i n * I I J . r b , w i n n n s u l a r o u n d I l i / uhi t b " N i w a i l u n d J e i s e i < il \ ( o n i | i a n \\\ ( u p t u r n L A\ ( n t in r h a i l i d f i o m i \ t «I l i u i i s n i i k ( oinpiiii 'v V ( ip t iu i i ( 15l l o p k i i i s i i n \ M I S l i o u i t i n I I I N M I p a r t of tlietit ill u n d of 111 i i ( ' i m p i i m A\ illi u n \ i i nB u r n t of I I I rlil l i m n w i s I n u t i n u U( on ip i i i i } I>, C a p l i u i 1' W M i d d l e l f m ,n o w j i ro ' - ccuNi i of Oi 14in i i n m ! \ w a s i a i ^[ (1 i t r m m H i u i ( u p t u r n 1 I l i m nw h o u u s K i l l i d in l ln l i r I b i t t h l a i s i d( o m p i n \ JI u t I ' l i d l i p s l i u i ' (. oniptiTi\ I s ,( a p t t in W 1! <. u r l i ^ l iuih il f i o m I't n niii_, ton n u t M I mi l \ a m i ( o n i p i i n j 1 ( u pl a m II I 1 t l i e n w i n r u r i i i t i d in S o u l hh r s ( >

t o i i i n a m M i f l e rw i r d s ( a l i i il I o iup i i nvV h id u p<< nil u in i ; in u i n l il-> histor% l

limn—lt>< nl I t w i i i in i m i | i n l h II i n u l l di n Muld l i i v I O I I I I M l in t l l n \ u i n i U ofl l u h l s l i i t t i i mi l I ' n n i e t in f i i i n i l i e d . i n m \of i M i u i j u l ' i It wtiM m i i d l imi t l th t

I l l l h l l I islll i f lilt < t l h u l l l l _ l _ I Io l l l l l( T n > w r ]»hoto i i j i n r t int l m i ill in mi lu l e n i t r - i i h l l i i l ut 1 u n i o n it w i s u p1 i c d t h It It w tin hi f n in u [ m l ot HutIt i -. J l n ^ u d t Po i sn in i i i i u - i h o w i \ i r< T I I I M I i n i u p Hit i oi i i in m i l m i l it w is, o i n e d lo t i n N n i l ' i K i ^ i m t i f l I t s t n s t( i p t i m l o t ph M Mi ( h e m i w is w o u n di d il i N i u l i i i n p i o n n i t i d t o i ( i i l n n t It \ of"Ntirlli ( i i idl i i i i l e l iue i i t u u l d i i l il t ini lo-i. of (hi N>UI 'I l io inn I S i i i t h a n i l\ n d r i \% 1 ( n n i the t w o o r i g i n a l l n u t i i i

n u l h ri 1 _11( (1 t in (111.> i i l t i r t l n I l l s ! b u l l l iT n v i i l t l h o n u i s 1$ \ p p l i _ ; ! l• L l ^ t u u t Ul t e r i m t si i mi l l 111 IIl i r I l l i u t l l l i n t it 11U-, i i ^ I l i i t n l i i l i | u j t l i ri n i s t i r ^ V Vd(ill m t Gi in in) ("npund Mujtn I ' lu i i t t John V JI•niiti p r n i i H i l i d t h i o i i " h rt u l ii s in ! t •- iont o 111 t lit ut< luini p n \ i l i V I) \ p p l t r i lt o s t m i n l I n u t t n i i i t p i i M i l i J o h n M

D l V l l i t O l M l^tlllll S l i r r (OI l P l U l l t t l \i iI l i m l i i i i i t o h e e u p t i i n I ' m i i l e ( h i r l e s \V

TTTinu tToinltn rTFTTTm—fn\*-rte—A 1I ilwuid lo he 11 uinl l i t uti n nit 1'riMileH \ V Wood to bi i ioi i r l In iitiiiuiit\ i in ii_r tin noil i ummr-suiiHii ollh t is itnti

- p r u ites ^ l i o ( H u m s will m p i i f.imili.iTT i n niin>"iTr t it in iiniuii^ ouf ho t ioudtkiid ind m i i n tit tlie in u u o n ^ our bi te i t i / i n s we mime Tohn.<T Mount N t i m nB m u U l o S M I I I I H I 11 '•tillwill Divul (( l u l o U "Muhliii l)i ( imp ( o i i u h n s ItIIoii^l ind Itihu VppU^et \ \ llluini I IlT7~mt\ V itriiim i lu^ ion lTon u d T t>nt»\t r,I horn is Dublin 1 lint Diniiiiiiiuiri ( . i ihmIloii^huul < i h b llullish W i l h i m l l Hue,

.1. l \ e . . fspaHriid Ji.rxijii

bi in l i n i h i n j will li'turn to grtitlunti thisyear, mid her sister will come loeiitvr upon

f 1 I + J 1 I U l i i L

The S. O^hns a groat chum

ii]K)ii tbo lovern of a perfect lit

ting, gi.ice.ful, coinfortalvle Cor-

set. The -iiLis-ps—ire-8iiHj>l«- in

eoiiatriictujn, having double the

stipngth of oidm.iry cliihpn, can

be hooked and unlionkcd in the

usual manner; the greatest ad-

vantage is tho caby m whicli they

can be unkookud by simply pull-

\ntt tt Htriiitf T!II>V <ifif)i i n lili

I Dllll II y-m in \Mnit n V"L

npt unlt

of Mt IIollj who hid one BOII Inn 1 »"t•Mar will send tun this Hi ^ l l iur \( i o s s of M inasipmu who had lwi> * n ih t u shows his opinion of Ihe M hool Ini inliiij; his d m^hti r t lm jcar nud Mr

1) ( WUN, of I't mbtiton, sends tuo lni>sand n j;irl !No IK ttir word can be -.pokinfoi an\ si ho j] than tlmt its putitni-. ion1 unit, f o r ^ u i n i u -dit teMsioii, antl nil the'Inni _;iow moii mil more entluisiu In

Tin teiu hers are j;ettiii^ re.id\ lo n turnund nil stt m in ^ood pirits nud ri nl\ forthe work Profxssor Root , tin ••LIIIKLli it hi l, bus u l i ind\ bei n here this uin-mei mill iirrmi-,id tin apiiarntus fm tinin w huildin^ Snne hi was here ( urpi n-t t i D i a l s hus put in a lur^e dt sk ft t thet l u loom i out l ining iiiiiiioioiK dmwi r»,httMii^ sin fat L Miltlt n u t for pi rfiiiiinn nilphilosoplm id i \ ] i r n i u i i i t s before-the finis—ami Liitlotin ' a i i ipar i tun lank bin il nitl ihi uv> sin t t It ml for the J I nerutioii of _; i -n Vlsolllt opi lntlll ' d i s k s for lln t In inmil luhoiii(iir\ l u \ e bien comph tt d midlln ttltMOpt h i IK en-mounted shun^liiS. "sou di e r i e r ' i t it t m i l l for tht i \ t t l l t liti iirk whn li tin \ did in makiii j ; lln liiuilurtl following tin diret IIOIJM of I ' l intipid•sluu^ht so ii i i(full \ und pirformini ; tinwork of iitiinin^ anil t i nn ing tin t islin^ wiin t umi l h t h u it WIIS put in pi it i witlioula biiMle hilt li, mid stood a ri^nl t f - l lustr n d i i s i vt ninj; win n tin I 'r intipiil i \ luli-ltid^rt foi t in lust turn and found it to

^jvork to hi-, i nl in Mttifcfui lion '1 hi mostbiilluuit M^ht ju^t now un ions tin M u s islup i t i r who st mil out u pninui i i i i lh inHit lnirtht ist just afti r HiiiitiL \1 11 \ i mismil tin "moon w i n obj ie l s of ^n at utlmirutioij^to ulLpij-si n t It li the hrst timii uniipprojin i t r phu t h i s bt t n iiifortltd foriisinr. tins Inn in^t i HUM nt und it mu> bit i n t tin P r m n i il wlio li i^ put a gooddi i l n f i u i M ftnii in all (In nen bui ld inghut hits hi • n i p t i i i l h l o n t i i n c d of latew it li moiiulin ' uinl udjiistin the leli si opt"t r int a litfIf more cthtttmt-etl—ove*i- tUmui hietenient fortln j>i t --t ut it bust , thanwith tin IUUII> othtr f tu luns of the new

inptant. Comes in slate, ccm

and white. To mhoduee them

we shall null them to day at

49c.Regular pi ice, 7oc.

Another make of -75c.glimmer Cornets to-day at



1,000 pieces Lndico'Uiuleiwear, all kinds, at


ordered tt) jirotiure biihtiug autl tieeornlt:the Town Itidl in u bci*)minj!; nmimtr forthe Kith. It was IIIBO decided Hint, theCommon Council should ht)hl u specinlmeeting_on tin; 10th in?'l, to urran;;t; furthci'TTetiuli foi the ret I'ption of the veltl insThe council then iidjourned

- Roufiion—Arrangements.At the-adjourned meeting of this com-

inilteo of arrangements for the J! inth Hei?"i-inent, held on Monthly evtning Maj7)iMilh r presithng, tlie following eoniuutti.1 swere apjiointed

On pTusnniinH«i -tmtl— pilrade—W, T.

Ptjrrini', Alf.i'ctl Perrine. Thomas Pc'rrini!C'hnrlcs Petty, Hamucl Wcbsler, John.lte-iiincr, Hichard Snedel;er, Suiter S.StullsSimeon Htiillfi, Albert Witcrnft, Jiilui Witm i l t Lukuii. Clnnan^Jatellh-J Jenilhon,I mob 11 W C M U Willmni 11 isihirs, all

of whom were of this vicinity, as well asin in\ nion who t names wi do not nowrtdill Tins ( ouipuii} ]M, iiftnu lids A-was t. jjtt mils tliillttl for skirmishing milu ii ilh found its pint i on the atlvantelmtnnrnn-KUithw'^ i'\-pccirtl ttnairrttitrpoMtiou nhMi 'I In pint of the tornI any as wt'il us the regiment WHS e?;ti"euity clone aijd uiTeelioutile, antl the liest of

relations -were unlcrliiineil between thea-_ciujnioLis ,hnvu—been-

inarlied with thnl pleasure -which true andtrusted friends und comrades display afterlong iiupniatlun, anilMIm hiiruioiiy -of—fclte-ussociutiuli lia» been brokeii-«

ps pAckerson, II. G. .Vim JMarter, F.

E S l l a J J a f d l. Hud-

HazardOn tutertainment und finance—W I

J^orton, R I'J Anilert.011, C (J Ulauvelt, IIM Perrine H A Norton, It It Forinnn,J K Allen, Ji P bitout, H C .lolines, Get)M Dry, hamuel Yr$ er, hernm Rbau/le, I>H. CunnlnKlinm, J F Johnson, ¥ behoen,tbo Ladies Relief Corps and other ladles

Reception committee—Tht Ma^or andCommon Council, J V D Hcckman, RevL O Manchester, Joseph Mellurran, RevT TVack, llev. O P Jjiclita, Rtv 8Phillips, Milton Ivcn, W. L. Cole, Rev ji

"THorrlH, THeo Gfien7lt~jH J TSUilCli, ~Ar~" "W ckofF, Llojd Wilbui, -Albert

. E Titus, -J-tt "NoTtop, Charles/Thomas Mason,-John Jemison

squirrel out tif Reason, Borough Clerk Pu1-lon wrotetp the,39fretary of State, asking*• r!L' "J"'•+ of the law tliat was aald to haveboon ptt

^ tho season for this game.-The jptyof Mint olllclal was TnaV(nr~lBgn!iatTOn-onSquirrels Was enacted last winter.t h f j I k V

ty owith a p-killed Htt


$20 fof 'each squirrel

.The picnloTinil meeting

Jcomiuilteo un nnt«rtnwmeiit_MrcH- -Johie

l t to ter tto provide for music, ileUoTil"tiong and llie entertainment of tbc Ninthand its guests, Veterans and Soni ofVeterans, tht speakers and musicians, theFiT<c CoTiipaiiieR, and delcgkllons from th^

„ , - _ , beforv September 10th. T-jirnirTttnifnn rninmittee were ordered toinclude in their arrangeiuentB the follow-.

Assembly of the Ninth at 11 00.Keception byHajoratid CitizeuHal 11 80.

ae tu~fnu"rCidu llvcepiion CofcnttiUtCCV

)fiis largely AttendedDr. Q, IL Franklin

And. made an nddreaa, and was. O. 8dnBon, R 8.

blleporta from tho

ana,, Fire Company, and atjch delegationsfront orders,-eocietiea, ^chdbls, etc, as canbe arranged.

Dinner at 12 :SQ.,' •Assembly at 3 700.Public meeting at 2 JO. Address by Dr.

JJmfyd-Wlbor,* owtlou by Su^eon'F. B.Gillette, addresses by other veterans of tho

"\Iii Margarethiil better

Porsonal-Ivonover isi thoii/ht to bi

~Jlrs 1 li lhorlmtn ind ehiltlnn haA

Ippcut(he blimmtr with fiiends in iScw "iorkMilt Piotessor Ili^ums his viMtcd m N i wEn^liiiitl, I'loft or Wdliuiiis has b u n utIns IIDIUI m Hamilton iS 1 1'rofessoil'ullen is now \ w t u i ^ fniniK it Iiuhi\sIJJVUI Mj_sllaj hum hteu ii^iHinni; lit iu il th in tht mivnnluiir, ot PtnnsiT\iuiiii

Mis1* Sluiiiiton has sptnt tin sumnii r atI Imllmqnii "MISM ( allioiin h n hem Htuih-1UK all tht_ vneiituui m-Itiuiin-iniil—mil iu>tn linn until two oi three « 11 Ks after tinopt inn.; of si At ol anil JIiss Mijilain hasbet u tit a sumnii r art si hool inni will rtturn full of enthusiasm for lit r tif partmt nt

Of the nt w leaehcr*, I'nifituor n IIlustli who will takt tin dijiiitment ot(•nek h is nttindi d a finnih it union at hisliouit in Aleiuulilii, Ohio. JU JS of a turnih oftLiuhors Ouo brother is tbf Profi sor of (ireck ut Uut knell I nnrrs i l j , anilis Dm of 1'ioftssor Pi.rrini s must intunnkTru'iftib ni tht FiicuTtj Hi ^piaks' vei\hi' 1)1% of this JIIIIIISI r hrolht r whom I'ldtin IiiMiiiute lia-i set ui(d Viiolhti brotheris a piofi sior itOUiiua I n n u i t j .hansi i i

i l l s banborne tin ilot iitiun tei i thu,mis ht't u v-mi-ttrt^-rt-ftn'nieiMISH Purrj , iinii will come' mosti n ommemlid for her work She is also

"Tnr^iicetiiiipllBhed musli'limMIBB lieehee, the new teat her of piano

In Miss Vvi rj's plat c, is the third one nowin ttir lHAnrtnipnt who is a graduate ofthe >iew J,upland Lonservutoi i A joun^lid) lit tin I onqirvntor) lust ) i«r writesof her as follows "Miss 13i t In t gave tlm

md-jiumJinllliinl, jfrudn.itin^

25,39 and 49c.2,000 yind.s best Ameiiean

f-a teens, glossy, hue good.s, beau-tiful neat detenu, and worth, aii(well woith 15c.

To-day 8c. I'A cube of fie ChalliB to-d.i^ .it

2c ay.nd Lridieb' 25c. LialeHose (black) at 15c.

jou want Iiou8cI»old_oJLperi!onaI

.We belieVe you cannot.

Try it and nee if you do not conic to

be ui" the Hume uiind with the hun-

dreds who arc now trading tnero and

getting their money'B worth and full

Miitittfuctiou' in every particijlar.

Clonk'*, Slioce,

Urocerica, wo undoubtedly excel.


NEW FALL GOODS| are continually arriving


No choicer collection of desirable

goods will be exhibited in this vicinity.

bed Lisle Thread Vests at 29c.

\nnie Stupli s of Koudout, N Yhas been spending a few days with friendsIn town.

Miss Sydtiie Powelson, of New Bruiis.w uk, is visiting Miss Pmlie A Ikeknian,of Highlstown,

Manager Wide, of Wallaebs' factory, took-a day olT fishing on Monday, lie reports amost satisfactory catch.

Misp Mnmie Hujrho has been seriouslyill for the pnst WILTV J M Sinilli is hiij)-plying her place at the post-ofllee during

- j iCords nre out for tho marriage i

Tai/ji WoooVrow, daugbtir of Mr lJames W. Day is, of M SiJ 11 Hk

Sinai J

MissI Mrs.


"William Butcher, who is living at7JNc-w-ark, IB said to be tlie onl> one now/livingof the charter members of Wmdso/Lodge,Ho 50, a[ thU place The Lodgo was m

Richard Morris, who was graduatedfrom Pcdrtlo Institute last June, is now-tcitthuig=sehooL_at -North- Brauth. MissFldra L. Wallace, linother graWiaTB fromthe sanm cluss,^. teaching at Windsor.

R. R. Forman, Jr., of this place, lias" • ot. the Me

thfis at Peddle Institute,

f hformerly studentsHisfi Lowdcn.havinir been, a member of the

UIBBB ol '*BH, and Mr,

Business and. socinl meeting of the Ninth

and~S;had^jittlieldifjposal. of the

ttretr" itM.cn Kfad"uatcd the foHowniir year

to 0 A. M., an. • < • '

py^ lie.will enter" upon his new duties in a fewdaytf, but will continxio to make his homein Hightstown, for the present, nt least.

•Miss, Delia M; Lowden, of. HonesdaJe,Pa., nnd ^YebBtcr 8. Davis, <k Navesink,were united in matt-fafec, on Wednesday,AufiUBt 20th. Tho ceremony w p nerform-at Honeadale by Rev. I.. O . Grcnclle.


A purclupc ft"clm\e jint madeof fi.no White Kmbroidcred IndiaLinen and~N.iinsook KkirLmgB atabout two-thirds regular prtco.They're ready for. yon to-dily.

A case of French Satin Plaid-ed Muslinp, beauties, 19e. Wehave never known them less than'Ao iind"30cT

A case of st.ind.ud 8o. Aj>rot.Gingham'H at 5o.

remind people tlmt tlieyauiust have new

. —We huve refitted^ our

store rooms—secon*rfloor8 over ffios.

4 1 and 43—and now have one of the

bcstnnndc~rnwH?hcnne8l linew of'~—£

of tun at the Conservatory this Je'ar 'Imil th> plvufciiie ot-uUt-mUnfi HjUidl uevernw sueli eunniBhigni orfSraeh ira ocra^ionin Iilakc Hall bin- is a pupil of Otto Bendi\, whieh is a fortunate tiling for any itud nt in Amenta, and he is delighted withIK.I, which is the best thing that -<u>uld bemud for her She IH a lady, is talented andthorough, aud I »m delighted that Peddlehas secuied her "

The school opens next Wednesday andall pupils should be present on that dayOut more thing ought to be mud and thatis, the campus is looking cc< eediuuly line,and Or Titus dcHcrves a great deal of thecredit for it, aa IHS—horBe- ib -ftjrjMBlmd"gratis" to do all tho mowing, and that

-uot itingilvT-but Iie-lusiaU-on ha.vij)g_,iudone as often as it shown tho slightest needHe deserves this public testimonial, for tlieX'tAl(lte~"CflnrpTiB \a an oruainc-nt to the townand ought to be the pride of alltlieciti7cnso g o be the pride oTho Doctor is also very much pleasod withthe building In its new colors and trim-ming.


You want a pair for vacation,of'oourse. You can secure a pair

The Last of the Season.'flic Prcah Air season for this Bummer is

about-ended; moat of ihe-vititorB have re-turned to their city homes for school orwork, and except a few small parlies ofolder people no further arrivals aro^oipect-

"eft tfrbj^tftdnth." Thu season- hftii"~Jbeeti- »UHj'ccid

j p p Q Q ^ c j i n m aaccident, and the little peonTc

c i i lh

JIiave, e peon e

back much improved in health and spirits.Tho number of those that have found board1A this vicinity through Agent Norton thinsummer has been over two thousand, eachindividual staying for two weeks at least.As may be, imagined, the money broughtinto the community by this enterprise is no

s TAo lowest price JMIU fur

to day aa low or lower than y onever Knew them

Ladies' Rubber Sole Tenniw,59c.

Ladies' Russet Oxford Ties,75e Have better one at $1.25.

Ladies' Patent Leather OxfordTies, ljufieet tops, $1.49.—Ladies' line Dongola—O-xfordTies, 9.8c

Ladies' fine Dongola Oxfordft-eormnon' Bense-and—i«i-

tent leather tips, $1.25 to $2.Children's Russet Button and

Lace Shoes', $1—Men'.B Canvas-Tennis, 50c.

Men'a Cm vaa Lace Shtjea, $1.QIL'H RttspeLCalf Lace Shoes,

$3 ™ - .___L


board Is S3 per week, and sevoral farmorshave received from $200 to *800for thhtgum*Jaorjilonu^- It_ia estimated thnt the entireflirn)iiut_of -money paid, by Agent Mortonlo farmers in thls-vicinity for tlita seaBqn.will be conBl4ontbly'Over tern thousand


Men's, Youths', Boys & Children's


Kver nhown in Trenton. White und Figured Duck Vests, both

Our Clinton) Department in utiexcelled lor Btylieh gooda and beau-

tif til fit and finish, _ _


39 East State Street,-Trenton.

Page 4: Breafl, Gale anfl GonfBCtMery mmmmm · JTol/xlvi, No, 23, Hightstown, N. J

oi* To*"Tehgnm tl t>t b

lad»*ndB the

\ lil -was surprised to flnd a colony of beestop of ft tall tenement in east Harlem, near.

g!a_all_Q2firJlio houUBJt their will. They»ru the petB ot an intelligent Italian factorymmir-wliOBaW<lr«nsliitwL1!l?'IiBllBl')-~'1

' ^ am very fond of lie'cs, «ina hfcve kept~uevui'iil miiitiin~uf thcnusv^—tvHioo-1-eiH'i*4

' J i c r t ~fl»cy nre"the mOhTJiUMllijunt peta lover had-'

"" 'JUit doVE tbry stm^'." asked tin- rtpurler, UB ft quart of tlio tnsec U pnjpiirtd 1"ttettlo about his head

' " O h , n o , they love us nil, uml willnever etinR unless compelled to Jo MO, in

—(teH-defeneer-wlii'imu-ftoculciiUilly ait onthem. Their worntlmbit U htcallnt; Theywatch their climitc to get into the imnlryand fltetil flugur and—TiTCtitments OnEevcral oce fissions the augur bov.1 linn b e mlift uncovered, and loni^ cuoii|;li for thebees to curry of it content* '

" 'Do thoy muke much hum J V•"Yen, indeed, tln-y do Tin' Invi is

nenrly full (ill tlio time We f i n it n wideberth, us -ive only keep Un, hoes for pc U,tliuo tlmiT confidence* tn iii f tmui in tinshaken and thej love us und (irow luiiieYou can't fool u h o m ^ ' b i e It understands it business iiHH-h hit t irt lnin mostmen, and -will lnviMi^iti till wroiiif doneto its household with utiirlj as imuh loj;iias this avtr.uge_lliiYi er_ll^Ci jn i i trnmnji lcase. Wln'ii it pi(.«(iiti its htlli bill buckaccounts i m soon sUtlul Tin > swuimevery Muinincr, but tnl'i-enn-t» K lv l "H "slittle tumble us posjibk T I K J iilwm-)h|;lit on the bed or bun uu (never on tinhtiive) uuil whnt-Hwy ' u»lu HI u bum-li—L


Hightstown Gazelle







1 huY.e_juwv_in_8tock Parlor Suite in Mohair Plush, Silk Plush,

Crusheel Plush, Kmbusscd Plush and Hair Cloth.-—

Walnut, Mahogany, Oak, Ash and Maple Chamber Suits.

Marble, Plush, Cherry, and Wood Top Centre Tables.Patent Rockers, i'nncy Chairs and Cane Seat Chairs, of all


1 bara hiuid., into an-uu w(. lwVc inori lui s than

', I givo tKem awuy, 1 formerl}TVeTTTli wow Jerie.yr^nieTrl ki pt 40 or 50swarms. Thej are jjreut t m v i k r s , m i lkoinetiiius K° '"unv miles for honej Thurpriunpul routi i nn to tin i ilj purks toSttitf n Islnnd und to the bin knhc.il tlililof Iion=; Islinul mid KLVV JtrRey.'

" One of i h c b o ^ i o f flu lniiitehoJcl,-nliohux, no doubt, (urtfiill> m u lii;iikd tinbcc«, nftid tlic'IHVP VMIH OM illovviii'" withhoncj

" The Kalian's be i s are loved b\ tverjit ,«f~^.lie furuily t\ce)>t u big, oldho oliLif jntrtidtd upon tho iniOLts

with"disastrous results Snici1 UHMI the"cut "jjlves lliem ii~ividi btrtli mid wcurs n

hour fuee nlien tin J ".niiim "

There bus bei n vonir difficulty c.\peneneod in obtimiin^ !i-Jiir>, uud_tli(. < onit

— — wiiTKeniiT^'nffTI oTtTTinTu i pret vi i lmm




Bolicilor, for tlie hundredth tlnioThe clerk called out the name, and an

old ma.u,with nn honeat face and a , su i t ofbbj^fJiJitiAi'lthefj I;6M HfllijliiM i>Iu< ••, ftncltho Solicitor Hiked the follow ing i ustoinnrjqunfltlonw *

"Have jon , from Imvliij; «een tho ciiinicommitted, or huvtu'j;:heard any of tho evidonee delivered under outli, formed or r\-prcped un opinion us to the Riidt ur mno-leufe ot tlio pruuuir nt the V)'M J"

"No, Hlr.""la there any bias or prejudice resllng on

your mind for or a^uiunt the j>i isoiier utthe bar?"


Mattresses and Feathers.Alf<o, new &tock of lattest patterns in Carpets, Smyrna Rags,

Wall Paper stud Window Shades.

Ik'ing the most complete line of Iloute Furnit-hing Goods in thisat pricesjwhich will meet your approval.

TV. S. V O O R H E E S ,


illain Street, Hightstown, New Jersey.






Wm. D. WEAR,

Main Street, Hightstown.

wishes to thank his friends for their past favors and~hope*» for—

a continuance of the same." I have

Full Line of Dry Goods,ASWELli'AS



No. 43








Trenton, N. J.I make a Rpecialty of MOURNING GOODS, and lmye the choicest and

complete uf-hortnrient in the ,city. "PIUESTI-Y'S" BLACK SILK

WAM- IIENRILITA, are the tnost TiioROUonLV reliable floods in thenmrkot. J have them nt ?l.()0, 1-lfi, 1.20, 1.S5, 1.50, LOS, 1.75,l.bO, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50, and in 5-1 width at $3 00. CAMEL HAIRS at81.00, 1.25, l.:J9. WOOL TIIIBETH, 44 inch §1.00. 1.10, 1.15,] 20 and L25. SATIN LUXOHB, 45 inch, 81 25, 1.S5 and 1.45.BLACK WOOL ^EKGER, 3UC, 50C, 75C, $1.00 and 1.25.

Black Aimnief, Foulutt, Eotueties, Alinap, Diagonals, Heprrettas*and Cashmere, Black go( ds in Sntin, Stripr-h, Blocks, Figures and

.Ijrt.ciideh. elegant nnd dnntble Black Dress fcilka in Gros-Ornina,



"Is jour mind pcrfirllv lnipiirtml lj(.tneen tliu StutL iinil tin- uc i osi d'"

All tlie questions hud been nnswrrcd, multh« court, was <-ongriitulatini5 itstlf on hivv-mK nnotlier juror, tyid the sulii nor in

, Vml. npiiii tin1 pnt.nni'r~-prisoner,look upon the juror."

Tlio old wuu adjusted his jncttnf Its, midp e t t l j g ^ |j.arcV Ht-the jnv-nni'f for ,fulllink u-miniiti-,' when hi: turned his cyea to-^ u r d t h c c o m t nnd piinu ,tlj MHII

"Jiid{;(, I'll hu mmli niiiLd if 1 don 1 he.

•It is iiKcluns to ndil tliut- tlio court WIIMc auoidunibl} CMisperatcil at hiuln^ Instiljuror, but the fuore hiiinoruusl^ niUH'i11) ^ foo'i| ^lyu^li1 c'lit of the old '

ArnmrcH, Faille, iJticlioffc, Khadaniie7l'o'd'K)i, Satin Tncot, Luxorsand Knralib, Trimining Silks, Satins, Velvets aiid flushes, Crapes,Nuns Veilings, "-ingle and doulile Thibet thawls, full assortmentcolored'DresB'. Good* in Plain, I'laids; and Fancy, Table Linens,Towels, JNapkin% Tidies, Sheetings, Crashes, B'anketB Comforta-

, CounterpancH, Tickings, FlannelBrCurtain Laces, &c. _^_ .


Formerly a resident of llights-

town, has removed hip place ol

business from Broad street, op-

posite the Court House, to the

corner of State & Warren Sts.

All Country Produce talten in ai market price~87~~in~7trH

Come one, come all, and try rny goods and priceB.

JAS. H. TEAECE,Corner Morrison andMercer Streets,Hightstown.


D. A. CLAEK, Watchmaker,

at his old'stand, corner of State

TO call at our W A R E ROOMS and see the

larg.est and finest line of Oak Bedroom Furni ture

ever shown An this place. • _ _

The latest thing in fine shades at very attractive prices—







A Horlm judge; the other day, \vl>c iuddn SMIII; a lm ksiniUi who itiyp&ired a*witness,spDkrrtliiir "-I-chmilil hirvc tlnra^htyou would <liB»u'u(li) your'workin'en fromjtoin^ to liLW-ttn--mHJi-iwtrillii." WHiiHoi




Underwcnr, Hosiery, tcloAros, Ttuchings, lUbliotiH, Skirts, Gossa-, and a fine asROrtment of fancy and toilet articles. Yon will

find goodn aa leprebented, and will receive polite and care-Tnl attention. ~

and Warren St

At SnecIeWsiVlasicrStore;

No. 0 N. Wiim n Rl.-, Miis'iiilcT-



' Thiit'i whut 1 did1 I smil, '( hildrm,'m'icl I , 't in1 (lerk at tin l i 'Ajir's Avllltalicjour coiit, und the lim^Lr will s tnp oltyour Nhirl, and, jiy for the jnd[;(,

t.ilked.'t v/n<i

Fio"usf ~'

jo i^ i j lhe f icni 1CT, I tLo'tlij'JIjiilTg.'jlUii that, but ,il

Umrtt .ivusvn whi'n-Rrtben^, witlt-n ^mjie hUoke

of his brush, turncil u lau^hinif child in apiunting to one < rj 1114, mfif" OUJC inotlif ty=,AMtliout buii!; (.Ttul imiujcrs?. fiave oftenbrought lib, in like iiiiiiiiii'rI"frAvn joy fogrief bj a sin^h'-troke

Tieulon, K, J

Tlio Mason & IlaniFin, SoFincr,

James & Holinstrom, and Nilson

Pianos, Mason k, Jlnmliu, Mill-

er, and Waterloo Organs.

All firtft-class iiistrumontiJ, and

warranted, for less money than in

New York and l'luladulphui.






s and unscrupulous





IB it not worthjho (iinnll_prico_of-73 centa toyery (\ydiptoni (if~iln'6i; dia-

lainu, if you Ihink so call nt ourl t l f B h l l h : V i t Un B 9 Ua(!r

Every bottle hao n printedguanijitee on rt, imc(iccofdingly. and if It docs you no goo<lit willCost you nothing. Sold ,by Cunnlngliimi.





We have a Hpccay and positive! Cure forCaVWtti.1 jDlpbUierui, Canfcor Mouth. mid

" ft ewKlOftf' hr HWloTOCntnwh -RtTnedy A nflaaal InlcctOT free -witli each bottlo Ihu ItIf you dstfru liealtb {ind ,BWei.t breath TriceDO rents, at Cunningham's

AN8VVEU THIS J QUESTION.„ „ Why <lo BO many people we oeu around ua

•*- Bcoin to py fct* to gu&Miiind-bc mfl '* Tnjfl rAhly

Bcoin to pyby Indigestion, Constipation Di7ilnefls.ot Appetite, Coming Up of the Food. YellowBfctn, • wlicij-fo1 ' B cents wo will sell themShiloh't Sjutem Vltaliicr. guaranteed to euro





OH, WHAT A COUGH..heed thii -warning The Bignnl

4 K

stuit QbllphB Core willt h l a c i -




Call und exam i iw, or

atsilogues mid prices.





Harrows,Bonlh Di:nd, Winrd, ijymciipc, mu! ollivr one.

uiul twii-hoisu L'lnw's.

Mill Gearing, HowerB & Reapers,

Meat Choppbrs, Cider Screws, Pump- r inil n,ll *(mJo »f — - f - —

Machinery Furnished & RepairedAdKNTp FQlt TUB

TJavirig been informed thatagents arc claiming toSTi.CK & CU.'S Piano Fortes iu llightotown .and_j=iu>.,rounding country, we hereby"inform the public that Mis»

T. .NORTON, •cf Itightptown, N. J., has the exclusivei\ght of hale for the "Steck" Piano Forte in Mercer, Mon-

x, Burliagtoiy-CJlceaT].. and parts of Som-




-tAfiGEST— O P -

and Hunteidon Counties', of the State of New Jersey,and that the "Eteck" Piano Forte cannot be sold in saidterritory hy any ether agent without Miss NORTON'S con-sent.

GEO. STECK & CO., New York.

~ M I S S " ELLA"T:~TTOKTOW; wia itg«i»t -for-Geo. Ptecli & Co.'s Piano Foites, and tne Loring & Blake


Instruments of other makes f urnielied if desired.

For further information call upon or address

_SouthJVIain_£ireet. Hightstown, N. J.

apr 2'2-lyr




r to K. R. Uolc 4 Soil.)




Repairing andKEfilDE^OE OVER STORE,

netwffnn Bnptlit anil UnivoriallilOliorohoi,

ottwt>g vma trAHIIAKTU' iNDa.VIlH WARRANT,



Trenton's Famous

The question is often askedrmw ,H. M. PERRINE can ira flood article of harness at feo tow

""Ser^He buys di-ft d

a price. . S S g w e r H e buys drect fromth*e. manufacturers and

If you want good'clothing, correct styles, and a^perfect fiJT,

"aria1 at prices that are way- «nder-P-hiIadolphia prices,



PHIUI KL-PHISteamer Fltircnuo l«avcB (rdentown


M, rnreaa. ^ Kuujnrtvti tlfilKU Wotao.nnuotborrrelrulut lowmici.

pays cash for the same and g ^them at rock-bottom prices' andmake^^it easj; for customers tobuy and'pay foi! them. Noauc-tion goods, and no long -credit]but a.lfirst-class article f ^ t h epricev • Call'l andp t o q k k

.-* *Sf-rr . . V ^ — . -(jo to DONNlfiLLT'S, Trenton.

We leadin-'ttlHhe requirements of the trade.

1 Ou^.fflrniBhing department %> the largest m the'Btete. ! [\'^

- - S * -

flopiery «»F.or Evei:y)aod^"ii.~ \ wear, ,at prices -that s>will

' - Working ShirtB.. ,,,,'.;'•,....

a. -n. ri:uiuNC,

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